CHARLOTTE, JV. C. TUESDAI', XOVEMItEH d, 1825. PUnr.lSlIF.U WKF.KLV t?vL?:mui:l niN;iiAM, IT THIIEE DULLAHS A YEAU, PAH> IN AUVAXCE. No paper will be disrontinuc*!, unless at tin. liscr«tioii of the ^ditor, until all arrearages an j)uitl. Auvr.iiTisEMj;xTS will be inserted fit the usual rates. Persons in advertisements, an- rccpiestcd to note on the margin the number of insertions, or tiiey will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. PROPOSALS, fon rUBLISHIKG, WEhKLT, IN THE TOWS OF TAY- ETTKVII.LK, J nELIGlOi S PJPER, TU BJ! CALl.El) TMK Xovl\\-i^ Te\cgi*a\A\, CO MU’CTI II 11 y IJKV. UORKUT. ir. MOUniSON, A.M. NOR1'ir-CAT?OLINA m a (For the benefit of the Oxford Academy.) SKCONl) CLASS, lo be drawn positively in Nfjvcmbor next, and completed in a few minutes. B. ■\A1'ES a A. MMNTYlil', Managers. 1 1 o 2 18 18 18 186 186 1488 l;>950 S( i[r:3iE. I’rize of S20,(;00 10,000 5.000 •1,990 1.000 500 100 50 25 10 15,870 Pri/es, 26,9-0 Hlanks, 20,000 10,000 10,000 .n,9H0 18,(;oo 9,300 1,800 9,>i00 4,650 14,880 (■9,750 ?171,o60 import;’.rcc ».t' porlndicul publications X has long iieeii iVlt ;:nd .'^k. Icnowledgeit. J{y thi. ni ■iite!l'f.;i'noe is (ijiltisctl, i-vr(>i c«>, preji'Cif:*'i'i iiio\ I (1, MCI rr-;tv. i!u il, aiul virtue cluVi'hi'i, to .'ill '.M.iit \ ..t regard. As nu n tf i a ep iiiti vi',t iii r relates to tli'. 'r rjolit'iC;’’ ;ii.d U poral pi osiK rit}, M hill's (it' winl:ly r.ews j;a\L, Inal) civilized lirawnNos. r . s he. n with i agerncss and sup- entitled in ihe prizi (,f t':?0,000, anil tlHjsc'ii'\ e po; - Iil'i M'eraiiij,. I I llier l.eki ts v hieh biiali iiave on them tl:e same ! Ill ih chiinis ho^ah, the inter, sta '' ;-. in \iu iolh.w iiig (irder>, sliall he entitled lo t! . .'.nil, ai..l lii>' •-..l» ;iMt,es ()! Lit 11,.', iai', the pri/.es allixed to them, resi)eetivel_\, \ ii; e .r in a!' other ♦liiujjN, it 42,840 Tickets fI71,,'r.O 1 his is a Lottery formed bv the ternarv com bination and permutation of 36 numbers, 'l o ileleimine the prizes therein, the 36 mnnbei’s will be severally ]jlacel in a %\ heel onthed.iv of the drawing, and five of them be drawn out"; and that ticket having on it tlie 1st, 2d and 3d M ii, tin. ovder in which (irawn, w ill be A'O’nrp,. TIIL f,o-partnership of the sultscribers, here tofore carried on in the name of Jkiijanihi //I'mnirf, is this day dissolvetl. All persons in- lebted to the said concern, will make jiaynient to either of the subscribers; and it is expected that pa\ ment w ill be made w ith the presint crop, as it is necessary to close tlu affairs of the con cern as earl) as possible. Should there be any unsettled aeeounts the concern, they are lequLated to be rendered without delav. lU'.N.IAMIN IIAMMET, JOHN IJODINSON. Charleston, Oct. 1. TIIF, subscriber having taken the Brick Store lately occui)i. d by Mr. A. ){ice, next door to Mr. rharles ()’Nia!e, in King-stn et, intends contimiiiig tiu. -sanie 1 m ol business as l(er to- forc, and hopes for a continuance of his former customers, as tiuy may rel\ on the strictest at- tention and punctualit\ to their business, l-'or the purpose of winding up the loncern of Mr Ikobinson and If, ;uul keeping his busines.-, distinct, be will carry it on under the Linn of Ii. J/uiiuiu'l Cjf Co. 151 :x.l A .M11\ 11A M M LT. ^J'ln withdr.i\\ln,i,^ jny connexion of business wltli Mr. llanwiiet, i cannot, consistent with mv fi eliiigs, but express n.\ entire satisfaction witii his conduct. Mr. 11', ha.-, li\ e! w llli me as Clerk and Co-partner for u’pwarils ..f ,/trai ymrs ,■ in the whole time I h.;ve e\er found him atlcntive, ami o! the strictest integrity, and recon.mend :i continuance of the public sunnort lu- ii:is hiih. 'ie to >j ee.t lehi: lus |n ' iiCi.tin. s v,";!.! rise nj), gani'hf’ patviUKigt iii'fi'g n ■ Afitirig a ucm lieiai lut'.uv i.ei in (>.ni.-iiig •t'.i 1. Ci.iiraelcr*. J iappil) , the ])'n sent age is i I ,i.g 10 an.'Wer th.s expecjatii.n l>) a g:'A, mg anxiety fi r religious know lecl}(e, and a h)\ displ:.) of bene\oleiit entirpris . We live at a time when plans for public good are boldly conceived and fearlessly executed. To Mess'otiicrs is becoming the ambition of the Mghcst and tin- recidnpensc of the "I o | rd in almost every land. I o c:.i r\, " lar as the curse is tbuncf,” the tidings of pt ace and the means of purity, iimtes th.' strength of a thou sand hands, arid engages the prayers of^tcn thousand hearts. Thesi; ellorts arc not without success. The of truth prospers, 'i'hc Ivingdom of rigii teousness advances, 'I'lie winks i.f darkness {rive wa\, .ind umnim!)(.red triun plis ot' tiie gospel iironiise the approach ot' Ix tter times. But the work is only liegiin. Millions of the iniman family are yi^t coxeri-d wilii darkness, guilt, and ])ollution. Thousands in our own country know ui'thing of tlie wa_\ of life. 'l o Christians the cry for hel[) must be rais ed. 'I'hey are the honored instruments by vl'.irh Christ will set up his kingdom in tlie vorld. Ilis staiidard tiiey arc |'.ri\IK ged and required, to follow, and 'o do so w llhout dis may, and light under it w ithout defeat, they must act in conccrt. To st cure this ihe_\ must know their relative stri n'^th and mov^ lucnts. In a well-orgainzi d army there art watciiiiien to look 'out for danger, and messengers to re port the acts of each division, and tlu sviccess of every attempt; so, in tlie bust of tiie J.ord there must be heralds to liear tidings of what is doing,’and sent.m is to guard hostile invasions. The army of Christ is not ilrawii up in one field of battle. It is .scattered over vhe whole earth. Hence the necessity and nseful- ncss of religious papi rs, by wliieh Christians in every country may know what isefi’ected, what remains to be done, and how to co-operate w ith f.ach other in doing it. There is no other Vay in which to make know n the wants of^er_\ ction of till' Church, and to insure concentra ted and vigorous exertions among the friends of Zion. Accordingly, in all parts of the f'hufcli, and among all denominations of Chris- tians, such publications are rapi.iily multi])!\lng and cheerfully supporti d. NorUi-Carolina, containing n population of more than six hun-.lred tiiou^an.!, and many ^flourishing Churches, has iiat ime /xijny. >Vhy tills lamentable ih ln'ii nc_\ i* No state In tlic union, of cfjiial in jun t inee and respecta bility, but supports one or n.ore. ■|1ie experiment is now to be niade, whetlier the peo]df ol our slate w illing to patroni/.e such a puijlicatjon. Tiiat they are richly able none will preti mi to deny. 'I’he eilitor ti! t)ie 'I’r.i.i.Mi mm( will use every exertion to make it a faitiiful journal ot' ri ligi- o'!s Intel!!,^fuce, and an impartial ad\oi ate of rhris^ian doetrine anti % ital pii’ty. lie willhaM- before him a elioiee si leetion of the bi st jia-. p: rs and maj^a/.iiu s in this country, and some fit' till-ablest foreign journals, from which he hojK-s at all tunes to be ah!.- to firesent an in- *t:resting abstract of useful inf'ormatimi. lie ■■'.ill also I"' a’lled by (uigiiial communie.itions i'V sr)ine of the most distiiignislicil giiitleinen ill this state. As learning anil religion adorn and promote each other, and caiYiiol lie sep:,i-«tid witlioiit »iiHtllatlng both, the c()luniii.> of the 'I'l legraph will be filled in jiart with select l.terary pieces, k^;g;led to increase the knowledge and ;.;-iali- i\ tlie ti.^.tc of all it r.'aiicrs. .\iid ;is('!iris- t‘:ins o\ve many of their dearest pri\ilegi's to 'il ■ a(lniiiai)le, consiitution of onr wise and imp- py .government, ami are dee]ily interestid in •t-. jH'ospfritv, a falthl'ul detail ot' jolilicul events, domestic and foreign, will at all times be pu n. •\ppropriate remarks on Agrinulfural Im- pi'oectieiitri and Domestic Kconom\ will occa sionally lie Inserted. And ‘‘,!)!!! noi least,” the iinprovertlent, ■3'>''nity and usefulness of the I'eniale Sex will ;i uiiliiig anil sincere adv'oeale. 'I'lie paper will be L'.r^'e, neatly printed, and ■'■''I'h 'he besl tvpe. No advertisements w ill j>e J-!.tiitli-d. 'I ll ' lirst number w ill be Isstied as soon as a ‘■■'I'lieient number of* suliseriln rs is obtaiiii d. V j ■ I’fici', three dollars a yrar, or t« o ih,l- and lii'tv cent.;, if paid in tidvance. J'xi/'thaih, .lull/ 1, 18-’.). fi'ibserii'ttonsrctei^eU vWcc-j 'Ihe 1st, .Jd .md 2d to ^10,000 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,000 2it, Sd and 1st to 5,000 3d, 1st and 2d to 1,990 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,990 The 18 other tickets wlmh shall have on them thrii of the drawn ntiii.btrs, and those three the 2d, 3d and oili, the 2il, ^Jth am. jth, or the .')il, 4th aiid 5th in son.e i,iu of their sev eral orders of combination or in-rmutation, w ill each be entitled to a prize of J;1,00'J. Those 18 other tickets which shall have on - , and those tl.ree, t!ie 1st, 2d and 4tli, the 1st, 2d and 5tli, the public support he has hith erto received. , , .TO!IX TJOniNSON. Cbarle.ston, S. P. Oct. 8.—4lt60 (O '* he .Vorkvillo I’ioneer, Catawba .lournal, and W estern Carohnian, will insert the alio\e weekly for mie month, and send on thek bills for ]iayment. LAl'AVK’l'rK IIOTJSJ- [From the Boston Ccntinel.] Ingenious Mcchanism.—A liiglily finish C(1 jjioct* of inp,t'nuity is now exhibiting at Conccrt Hall, wi‘11 wortliy the attention ol the curious uiul scientilic. It consists of .six (lalieries. [the intention of Mi Kienier,] containin^^ one hundred aiu twenty-eight figures, all of wliicli niu\ be set in motion at the same time, describes a threat variety ofactive oljjects —such as the parade of l.ij;ht Infaniry and Cavalry corj)s ; pronienadinf^ parties’, reprtseniinij l'.iiroi)ean Motiarchs witli tlieif Queens, all in full eostnine ;—Dan cers, surrotinded by applatiding specta tors ; Labourers and Mechanics, employ ed in tlieir \arioiis occupations, siu h as blacksmiths, coopers, wood-outters, wo men spinning. ic. Beautiful (Jardens, itt \\bieh are represented cbildren walk- in.t; and p!a>ing:—and din ing llie exhi bition, a iine toned instrunu'iil execult s a variety of beautiful airs and w ah/es, lo u liicb tlie movenient of the figures are vei y accurately adapted.—\\'e bad nearly l«;rgotten tlu* two sliilful and amnsini^ little liojie Dai.eeis, who so exjiertly jier- lorin on the tight rope, and keep lime with thenui.sic. Caul ril'd lire.—A younti^ man, a I aimer, in Scotland, of tiie name ol' Dtincan Maclaren, some ago had fils hand amputated in consecjuence of its l)eing dicaillully lacerated Irom the burst ing of a gun. rinding the loss of bis tiatid, us may be sujiposed, (juile incon venient, he set about nianufuctuiing a new one, and has succeeiled so well, that he is now not only able to take his wonted station at the plough, but to e? all the oidinavy business of the farn'). 'i he contrivance is txtrenicly sinii'de and in " i m^S:' to U- uppen^ailofthc '^otlie!ta„„i,es. iJoanhiV, will' or""witLnt7o\V^ing^ if" "‘"‘'‘I"'" ^o and 4th, m dthei- order, wdl each be cntitled-to i''are^Maii'eir'''''’'*' ' ‘' ■" Ik cont’dentiy ho])es to receive a ; dy (lesci ibed. public patronaj^e. CLLMI.NT 'I HACY, Sei)teniber 28, 1825.—IwtoZ \Vith this instrument he cun use the spade fui luling- hi.s carts, and can drive u heelj^an ow, lork hay, and perform FAYE1 I'EVJLl.E, C. erd'i'r It’ "^if c'm ,s-V- ! T 'l)en on tl^e^SocTd^^^^^^^ | slump oV the 'ampUUlled' eachVe\mtith-d to'a']m/e^ ^l■a:on of tiie I'ublic. Hesides a large number j 0*^^ right one) i esis \cry loosely in 'I'hosf 18 other tiekits w liich shall have on I .’>‘;‘-i'‘''nis, so n.uch de- a leather socket, to whuliure altaclsed them three of the drawn numbers, will each be contains | straps, that are brought over tiie shoul- nlitled to a prize of .vKyO. s. v.i, 'I'liose 166 tickots w liicli shall have two of the drawn numbcrs^n iheiii, and those two the prize ot li-'i tlie pro[irie-1 to \wistpartoi it is attaciied a screw, ■f 186 tickets which .shall h.ave two of' in thf most ^cn-; whieh lastens lo the leather suekel alrca- the drawn luiniberson them, and those two, the ' share^nfV. 3d and 4th, in cither order, will luth be eiiti- : ' tied to a pri;;e of >25. ' j All otliers, being 1488, having two of the'' fhaw n mimijcrs on thmi, will each be entitled I to a prize of >10. | And all those 13,950 ticki ts, hav ing but one ' of the drawn nnmbers on them, will each be j entilled to a prize of >^5. I No tickit which shall ha\ i. drawn a prize of a superior denomination, can be entitled to an '•“-‘nhin;, ajiply to inferior prize. j •TONAS C. TJI’DISILL I’rizes pa_v able oO days afti'r the draw ing, and ; • ^ct. 12, 1825.—6it60 subject to till' Usual iieihiction of 15 per cent. \\ IkjIc 1 ickets, • . - . . Half do. 2 50 Quarter do. ..... 1 I'j Packages of 12 tickets. em:)racing the 36 numKers of the Lottery, which rnust of neces- ; sity draw at least ;-2r25 lu tt,’ w ith so inanv chances tor capitals; or.-)iares of [lackages mav be had at tlic sain. iate.,\i^ : ' I’ack.iges of w - - -{■60 Of halves, Of Quarters, 15 (T^’ (Jrders for IlCKI/'l received at this of fice. To St‘\\ MY j other woi ks of tiie same kind, seemiiigl) A M I tract of r,.mil. K ing near "‘tl'oui the smailesl incoincnience. The t“l Creek nieeting-hoiise, with **'‘at-her .straps attached to ' tlie left arm, twcnty.five acres of good tibble land^i'^l^'*-* brace the w ooden hai^’*al Forfiirtherpi^ pleasure, so as lo i-esist its being inro J.., ... ^ 7.?=s, and a good meadow. lor ihe benefit and encouragement of AiK( IIAMS31 in the \\ estern ])art of NorUi-Carolina. piliEMVu 1.'>.)(» 'I’lcxETs, at i^‘2., A7;/ /u'o Ii‘/t/'nf:s !u a Prize. 1 I’ri/e (.f >.iOO (!':ia;loii and Colton Sawj »•'!') - - - - is 500 is .300 do do do do do do do ilo do do do ito .do do do do do ?80 {(;ig and Sociable) >20 (r.edsti ails) 431 do >.',•^0 (r.imi!) (Joai h) f250 (i.ig) - . is 2.'i(i 5^1 SO (do.) . . i.s If a J'l.'^O (do.) - . Is i,;u ^lO'J (Siv!e Hoard 'ott(m ^>a\\ (•in) (i low ‘10 M (a Set of Ta!>]> >12 (Windsor Chairs") i.s 24- flO (two 1 a(iirs’ \\ oik 'I'ables ar.d one I’emljroki ) . is 30 8 (IL llows top ( iMilb'.) is 8 6 (6 rionghs, b’.reit I,amp;;, and 2 I .ifd Can.-.) - is 6u v5 (Hats) - . is .■io > 1- (Camil'.stand) • y 4 .3 (do) . . is 3 f5 (do) . . f,) >2 (25 steel Axes, and 27.> pair Shoes! - . is oCO ' fl (Tin Ware, Jewcliy, Shoi ^ic. Sec.) . : -■ is 431 .')72 y] nnil' Tick. ts can be had In Cl.ri;-!, tte of Mi signed Commissioners, b_\ Liu r, po-t.igi- puiii, inclosing the mmiey ; or'b-ori llu’ir nts li, Sal sbtiry, States^ illr, Coneoid, ! ine.ilnlDii. Norkvir.r in'I.ancaster; who pledgi tl.i n -.. Im- to [Kiy t!ie jirizes as .srt ibrih in' thf ;-; !k ii.. thii'tv d.i\s alter the drawing, or relnn l ti... money to pnrebasi rs of licki t.s, jjrovided th. sciuinc shall not be drawn. SAM’L. Itr.N'Dl’.USON, (.lil’KV KI,\J)hM( K, .INO. l!l\n. N. IL r.xpbinntory Jland l!i||, can be luid of il.e Ct'i;iii.isjjoue:s, l’-5* WlXb.SOK AM) KLXCV CJI.tin .M.1KLXG. IV1I.I.I.\M CLI.VlClilKlCSi; HAVlNt. coniiiiinced the abo\ business in the town of Charlotte, respectfnilv solicits a sliare of public patronage. His work will be neatly and diirablv constructcd, and will be disposed of on accom'modatmg terms. pleasure, so as lo resist its being l^^rown aside, and by means of the screw il is (jUViKiy luriied round by the left hand to .catch an object in any direction. He ki.-eps il covered with a glove, and, wliilst driving the plough,oi- engaged in his oi-- tlinary ork,a casual observ t'i' would suj)- ! pose there was liiile the matter, excej)t I that he was incaj)able of coinjjlelcl) opeii- inj; or shuiiing his bund. A. J. Stalcsmun. Si;ttk.i;s anl AS kitim; Cimits, made to or der, can be had on-short notice. Charlotte, J'l I). 5, i;-:25. 1vl73 Pierring nf hot Iron Inj Sulphur.—i\A. h\asin, i>iiectoi-of the Arsenal at Meiz in a letter to (la) Laussac, slated the fol lowing cxperiinenis ‘1 ])lace.d a bar of f\ I' 4' ^ ;wioughl Iron, aboui sixiliteiilhs ofaii ✓ vait rUYlU luv Sttlli.'incb in thickness, imo a coiniiion forge, f,- rpiiK subscriber ofl'ers f>r..^;;^> I led by fossil coal, and when it was weld- sale that 'nict of lan.l, | ing hot, 1 d»iew it out, and applied to ihe k't- »,?>-“ ‘»'l*»r r,uU,.„|-un tr.. -, Sonth-Canlina; on the C.'ilaw t^^r, I ourteen seconds and I'ontaining about 1 ■ ^’•‘phui had pierced a hole through / • '1 1*''^’ perleeily circular. Another (JtK Jhovsand andSiJ ,/7nr.s. '■ bar of iron, two thick, was pierced Th..- (juality and local siHiallon ofihis land war- ill lil'leen seconds. 'i he holes had the raut the subserili.r in ree.nnn,ending it to tiie ; cxael form of the stick of suhdiur em- ' tton planlir; be reiiu'st.-, all tl.os- w ho 1 . 1 ' ,1 11 ■‘'"I”*'*' eiii u^htyvest ftimls ill that kind ot pn 1,1 r'v ,,, ‘ V,']>' I I - .lie. I hey were, however, more re!-ular : pn p '!'i;)tion is li mi;d examine it. A fiiitbir dis v, unneci sstiry. Terms ma\ be Lnow n, on appli-j tiie side at which liie siiljdier i ame c.iliou lo the selis- i'ber, living mar centre ; 0111, than on that lo which it ap;di- hii.iic's Mfiijazi/ic. mec.ting-iiouse, Iredell connt\. A. .1. ■\V()l{Ki:. Angu -t 182.).—.■'mCiO oi* uYoWnvx, Mi.eia.r.xnt i;o eoi ,x i y. W'm. .1. Alexander^ On^^iiial Attachment, J''’. [ h\ied in the hands of.las. David .Martin. and W ni. Luckv. g r is ordu'ed b_\ Coiirf. that advertiseiiK nt be S madr lor tbri e months in tiie Cataw ba .lour- nal, I'or the ('"ti ndant to appear at the .No\eiii- lier 'iirtii (.1 t! 's oiirl, in ]h2.V, and there to ri pit \ ; n.l |j1( ail t o is«iie, othel'W i-,r judginent '.\ i!l 1 ■■ e!.U :a d aga'n.>l him, 'I' I" ^ U' ALLXANDr.K, ( lerk. —!'i 'cv adv. > )■ SiYUViiii iiU U\e J C J'r jnilih'-ln il, and for sale at this i.fl'ce, prii '• 12' Cl (its, “ A Sermon on t!ir Atone lll' lll " lt\ > l V 1 I I. C. ( I l.l: Wl.LF., A. .M. Puljiisiicd. VNIJ l"r .-a!'' at tlTs Oilice, in a pamphh t f'.rm, “?trl tnre. on a piice written b\ ^lr. |)a\id HeliNei, entith d lliaM ld} flood of ^’l m ration, or. Treatise on IIol\ ]la])tism.’’ l'._\ .jcisf i'M Mikht, /’. J). M. I’lice, 25 cents. I)(‘!iv(*i*v i5oii(ls, I'Ui' tale, id thw Uilice of t!ic Journal^ I'ram the Vermont (.azettc, Oct. II. On W ednesdas, a sun of .Mr. Oli ver Hebee «d \\ iniiall, ugeil 9 \ears, u i*nl to the wcjods not Lir Irom his f:ither’s resideiK ai ronijKit ^ d 01.!\ !.>y a small dog, \\i,ere be (liseoNcird a yoting- Cn//, wliu 11, by the assistance of his dog, was soon driv( n on to a tree. The boy im- merliately asi ended tin.; tree, and when ai iivi'd near th'.' olijCf., n( Lis pursuit, a scene prevji.ted al \i!iich a stouter iieail niigtli Iia\e fa'tletl. 'I he (dd ile,,r made hi-r appearancc’ft the fool of Uie tree, at '.vl.Ich l!>'> letrealed, but as the Hear aU( I'lijded trj ^iseend ihe tree, llie dog re- t'.iined, renewed his cotiragi'. seized her !iy the posterii^i s and Iji'oughl her back upon the gruuiid ; the iJtar turned and made sevci al iiiisui ces^ ful allempLs lo get her langs njn.n the dog. i he inUt pul lilllc (Ireen M/iiiii'ain m- chin uasiiot to be frightefied from his pnrstiil Iji/ t.'icsifjl/t aj a t'Car," bul u hilsl she was di\erl(d b\ jj(e exertions of his lailhlul littie animal, he seized the Cu!), dcs-ended the Inc, and made a safe i\y treat with his prize in his arms. Tfu; bciir mailo u ciu^o pii:-.uil a 4Jii- tance into the open fields j but being coH4 stantly annoyed by theTaiil.ful dog, she shired off for the woods, and the little Hero came in to reccive the congratula tions of the neighborhood, and lakes niuch delight in exhibiting the trophy of his youthful intrepidity. From the Western Carolinian. Mr. Editor:—I see fre(jueni mention made of new inventions ; if the following deserves a place, you arc at liberty to iu* sert it: iMr. T. Prestwood, of Butke counfj', has invented a Alnlliemntient Instrtimerits by whicli he cati take inaccessiblc distan ces I !!The instrument is so contrived, that yon have nothing to do bnt to obser\(a the object with one pair of sighis, and liring it in i-jght line; then look thro’ an other pair ol sighis (one of which is mo\eable) and bring the object in a right line w ith them also ; yon then huveascalo shewing the distanc(? without any other* nuasurement whatever. IIoii\rF. Cahtkh, indicted capitally fo» violence to the person of a female, ha# been convicted before the Supreme t'ourt at Worcester. It apj)eared on the frial tluii Carter, late at niglit, knocked at the door ol u house in J)rf)okfield, occuj)ied l)y several ol the poor of that town ; that In'ing rehised admittance he broke open the door, went into a roqni where threo :iged females were in bed, on one of whom, ol s(‘i'en/i/-eighf i/^(trs of age, he committed the violence charg(‘d. A more gross of- ' fence was never pehaps charged upon a humati being. The jury rettirned a vcr- id (Aif^iilty after an absence of an houi*> from ilie Court room.—Boston Vatriot. A female about'35 years of age, of.« slender lorm and j>ilgrim appearance, is now' travelling on f .ot through the state of 'Illinois, as a preacher, and excile* much attention. She only cat ries witli her suflicieni cloihing lo snpj)ly her im mediate wants. She is desct ibed as a woman of strong intellect, clear in hef ideas, concise in her arguments, of a hap- l>y and delivery, and graceful in hefr gesiicu^ions. The Trend Mills.—An Knglish pappf^ slates ihat at i.ewis, each prisoner walks •it tl^e rate of 6,6(iu feet in ascent per day; :it Ipswich, 7,450; at Si. Albans, 8,000; at liiirry, »,y50 ; at Cambridge^ 10,1755 at Durham, 12,000: at 13rixton, (Jnil. ford, and Heading, the summer rate ex ceeds 13,MOO, while at Warwick the sum«. nuT rate will be 17,000 feet in ihc work ing hours. In the war of 1693, botw’cen France and Holland, when ihe of Orange and Marshall Luxembourg contended a- gainst each other, the Prince said of Lux embourg, who was deformed, “shall I never beat that hunchback f” “How does he know 1 am so,” said Luxem« bourg, “he never saw my back.” Lnf(i}jrlte^—\\. is slated by the editors of the National Intelligencer that (Jen. Lafayette received upwards uK four tli,H- sand leltei.s, from din'erent plaoes, durinf* his stay in the Uniled Slates, desiring his assistatice ior procuring pensions foi* some of the soldiers of the Kevolution. Ji fair OfJrr. — 'Sl.xkv a full estimate of all you owe, and r>f all that is owing to you, reduce the same to note. As fast as you collect, pay over those you owe ; if _\ou can’t collect, renew your notes ever}' year, and gel the best security you can. ' io to business diligently, and be indus- ti ions—lose no lime; waste no idle nio- iiH’tits—be \ery pi uch’nl aiid e(onomical in all things—discard all |)i ide but the |)i ide of r.ding justly and well—b^• faith ful in your (iod, by regular and hearty prayer,morning and nigbi—attend hiirch and meeting regularly every Sun day, and ‘do unto all men as you would llu y should do unto you.* If you are too needy in your own circumslanrcs to(»-i\e the po(jr, do what«-\er else you have in \oiir pdwcr lo do for. ihem cherrlrtll/L but il wju can, always help the worthy pool- atid unfoi liiiutie. Pursue this course diligenlly and sincerely for seven vears ; if \ou are not liapi);j,conifoi'ta!)le and in- (lepet.derit in your ^:umsuinces, come lo me and I will paj^oiir del)is. DU. FH.V.NKLI.V. An Irishman was lirought up before the Magistrate for marrying six wives. Tiu* magisii ate askeil him l.ow he could be so hardened a\illain.^ ‘ li4ease your wor ship,’ says Pa«dy, ‘I wiis'trying 10 gel ti good one.” IIow Inortified one ought to feel at be- ;;; told a tale of scandal ; bei ause it ^proves that the relator bclicAes one able f enjoying il,** and certainly it is an en joyment of it very diabolical uuturN

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