VOL. II ] ciLiiiLOTTK, X. c. riiisiKir, imn.Mr,i:i{ e, 1855. PUni.lSHF.D WKKKLr JIy LEM! KL Ut tllBKE IIOLLAUS A TKAU, PAIII IN AllVAXCE. No ])apcr will bo discontiimeil, unless at the fcscr«tion of tlic editor, until all arrcanijfes arc paid. AitvKRTisKMKNTS will bc inscftcd .It the usual latcs. Persons sMidi»jp in ad\ ?i’tiscments, are e(iuosted to note on the niarf^-in the ntnnl)er of |hsi rtions, or they will be continued until forbid, Lnd charg’cd accordinf>ly. PROPOSALS, |t)n I'UHLlSHISfJ, WE1.KI.T, IN TIIK TOWS OF FAT- >.TTKV1I.LK, llKLK'.Jors P.1PER, ru 11 >. lALLKn Tilt ^ ovU\-t' ft V {)\\WA 'V tOM)l ITK.Il IIY P in:v. KOBEKT. II. MOKinsON, M. rllF, imi)ort:ince f |)t riodical publicutions luis l)cen Ti It and arknowledi^ed. lly hi 111 inU lli;,''! nee is dill'used, error correcti cl, )iviuiliee relieved, \ire restrained, and \irtne ;lieri.''hed, to an i xteiit worlhv ofrejj^ard. As nen fi el a deeji inten sf in uhatt vi r relates to heir political rii^hts and teinporal jjrosperity, chicle s of worldly news li:i\e, in all ci\ili/,td iouiilric s, lieen sou;>'bt with eagerness and sup- Cjortcd with hberality. E J’liit ao tlie ehiinis of ,li;ho\ ah, the interests of Jht Soul, and t!ie ;.oli n\nilit > of r.lernlly, I’ar lui'pass in niafriiitudc all other thin^cs, it is rca- t;r.a:)le to expeet th;>t rdii^lous publications 1\ St 3uA\u 11A V-srn>;KT, ]•'A TrttE Vn i.k, jmt rcceircd— ly r Hbls. Muscovado SI’(;A1{, / 125 bag-s f.’oht e, 20 hluls. 1st cjiiality Molasses, 150U bush’Is Liverp^j’ol Salt, 20 bbls. l.oaf and Lump Supar, 20 bug's J*i.])per, 20 do Spice, 15 do IJacf (iinj^er, 10 (jr. casi^s Sunt Malag-a Wine, 20 bids. N. K. I.’uni, 10 do Nc.rtiierii (liii, 10 do 'i'anm r’s Oil, 20 tons Swedes Iron, 1 lo Share Moulds, 2 do Sheet Iron, 2000 lbs. nlisteri'd .Steely 10'/O do (tcrntaii do .500 do (’ast Steel, 175 keg^s wrought cut \ails, & T.rads, .30 boxes MOol and t'ottoii ( ards, 50 do 8-10 ami lU-li (Jass, 100 bags Shot, 75 keg's I"I F and I'V I'owdcr, 100 reaihs rappiiig: Paper, 50 do M ritiiij'- I’apev, tons l.og'wooti, 3 hluis. l’opj)eras, SOO lbs. Hengal liulig'o, 2(j0 do Spanish Indiyo, 1500 lo Madder, 2500 do A him, 1500 do Salt Metre, 25 coils Uah- Hope, 50 pieces Cotton liapg’iiijf. M ith an assortment o! I'atent MFDIf’INES, land PAINTS, ilis arid in oil. I Also, a eoni])!. ie assortment of onld rise up, g-ainiii}^ ])atr.!nag-e among-ii.en; fl'., I ir f • /* 1 ind ex( rting-a beiielieial ihHiience in forniing-| ff 001 •MUClllUP LdVUS^ ■heir cliaracters. Happily, the jiresent a^^e is' al\\‘.iys on hiOid. leginninij to answer this e\i)ectation ijy a a- ' l.ir, 1 S.?5.—3inir)5 rrowing’ aii\iel\ f\>r n lig'ious know ledg'e, and Ihneh d.isplay of benevolent entcr])riM . Wei Bjve at a time wlu n plans I’or ])ubrn- g-ood are %olilh eonci ived and fi arh s.sl) e xecuted. 'I'o ' bless’ othrrs is bccoining: the and>ition "f the | ..^^liest an 1 itic recompense of the low est. 'I'o ^ Itop t!;v g-r.iw tli of human misery b_\ o.j)pos;nj,-' |hc march of hunian i'orru])tion. is now atten.])t 1 in almost »-\( vy lai'd. 'I'o carry, “laras tht fciu’se is foum!, XoWre. TIIF, subscribers, acting- Kxeciitors of Doct. liarU'S Harris, di c« ast d, desire :dl persons indrjjtetl to said lUveasi !, to conie (*)rw ;rd and ni:>kt payment sis .spei-dily as pos>,il)lc ; and all pi rso! s h;‘vii!g' (k ii.am's ajfaiiist said di ceasi d, are re(.>ii stid to jjresent theni ^\ithin the tin.e pn scril)! (1 b\ law. All persons h.iving- books borrowed from said deee.ised. are reiiuestid to r« ti rn the in to the Kxecutors. I.YDIA H.MfKiS, SAM. S. IIAI.'IMS, 4tr>2 1(015T. McKI N/IK. CCj I he F.ihtor of the 'W'l steni Carolinian will ph ase j^i\ c this four insertions in his j>aj)er, anil forward his aceo'int for p:iyni( nt. nr. subscriber, n t.di.' cr 5 miles south of Cliariot*c, w ill d,s];ose of 150 bushi Is of C()l{\, on reasonable tirms, for cush, or notes payable by the 1st of ,lanuar\, 18J6, bearing- inti rest from the d:ite. JOS. P. SMITH. \ovcnibLr 15, 1R25.—."1.61 I nn»!s. lloi scy. be sold to the jj J I f ? li gh.'st biddir, .. * I* H lionsv' ()1 tlic siil)s( I',- __r«'.i»»;brr, on 'I hui-sdav, the Decm.bir next, tlu' pla’ntiition w i;c-ri on I at present live, containing- 710 acres; Negroes, Horsts, and .ill in\ I.m- stock, of ( vi’ry le^er;p- tion ; two Wagon's, a Carl am Oxi^i; set of IJIacksiiiitli tools, Hons( holil and Kitchen Fiu-n- itnre ; a (|n: nt;ty of Pork ; the whole of mv crop of Corn, I'odder, kc. . ’1 ernss made known on the d.T\ of sale. 1{|C/1’1)‘. Sl’UIM.S. otr .\VV\'V*'V^. Co-])ar^lu■r^hip of the sul;scribn-s, here- ’ 1 tol'ore carried im in tin.- name of /I'lHiihii/, is this day dissfih ed. All pervoiis in debted to tiie siiiii coneerii, will iUHkr i;a_\ment | to I ither of the snl)>>eribers ; anil it is i-x p>c1 i.d ' . tbat payment will l>e niaiit- w ith the /'roi /.-/ rnp, , •the tidin-s ol peace and the ' is^.ecessary to eiose Dm- ailair> o! the con- ' neans of puritx. unites tin- s'u-. u.i^th of a thou-1 H.ould th. r. oe anN lan.l hands, and enpiges the i.rav. rs of ten ' I.anrjister HlMrict, S. C. J ^iv. L\-KS25. S Vnv j JX Satn:-day, Ihi-d of^^ 'i -'/J5 l>eci nilier next, that • i.’'S '•‘'’■■dde tract of I,A\I) ' 1 ;.Vheret 11 widow Sarah sle.m !i-. td, on ll;e gi'eat road leading- from Il;.aruv’s J'ord to (Joncori!, containiiig- wi;!i aeon fovtalde ilwell'ng'-house, a good bum, and all other necessary out-biiilding-s. 'I'lie sell 7/,r Si-lHuiKiita in —Some oToui- ])til)lic jiiiiits lui\ e?iprt‘S'-e(hij)}ji flu nsiuns tlial our Soutli('i-ii uiu! tstei-tt populu- U(jn Avill |)i> drained by the laticl .sp»-i nlu- tor.s tvhft havj- obtained jjermissioii iVoni tiif Mcxkati (!o\cr»ii)U'ni to make - nicnts in tlio province of tlx' ’I’exas.— I hose leais, nveaie inclined totiiink, aj-e ill a f^-ieut dei,'-ree j;roiiii(lleks. 1.. luiich easier to sjjeak oi‘piaiilii.i^r ciduiiy, lui'.vever sniuil. lluai aclii;.!!) lonuikeone ;^n-ow ati(i nourish. 'Wlial is mkiii]^-place in Mexico, is picrisely w i.-at en^-uc-it ai Tlir. snbsrribcr. n . dieff 5 miles smith of l-‘‘ Aine:ic;,n Kes cluliciia- Chariotn', will disj;ose of 150 busli.'ls of .c,M-ants oi laiid were ihen 'ou.uiit lor IVoin tlu; Co\ertimeiii cl' the United States, by jirojectors, ho lU;;t tl'.ey ini;-;lil sell out in .small pnire!s i.> lliose who W'(.ul(i '-■iile tijjon it and i’n- pi-ove it. Hut V. hat has liecomc ofi,!; these line sciu nies r I'ew or none oft''e'ii lia\e p,ro\ed sureessfni. Jndiviciic ls du not like to i-iiibark llicii- lainiiies and U,- bonr in the oee.uj)aiu y of latiJs held h\ a liile w hich depends on euntin,!^aMu'!e\. Su|;pose tlial Geiiei-ai ilhiiisot!, -"'J:. Aiistin, oti any ollu-T hr djold>; r in\as, should not be i.lle to fulli! (be coiuImI' i.s oti uhich tbe lands are .'-...id to iiave beei, £»raiited, those who ;ire v ea!; (?iou;.;h to repiove thitb(-r upon i re ussiiraiu t •> i>;i ven, will forleil their tetiinoK, atid l-/e llirowt, out liy a new- set (a* >j.eenluto!-:;. I'o],!: hilioii never look root in the Westei i. country until the (io\t-j nnii-nt orilu L nil- ed Slates look the sn!)j(-cl iinnn-diaiel) ir, hand, etiacled laws and n-;;i:la‘.ionb, anti (>:ave 1)021( 01 us.siii-un(e of clear atid iii- lir,putable titles lo tlie lands ; and this. we hi.ve no doulji, will be the ease with i-e!^ard to 'I'exas, anrl Mexico rally. V\ e lia\e no le:.isus lo consetjuences. Lund, .l’.oue\c r ;-j'-h, (and it ccrtuiiily II I 1 - .i’ u i' 1‘S not i in Texas thrj. in many Darts .swell aduijtr (1 to the culture ot corn, ei'tton c.i,;,. ^ . i • ■ * ol this Lnion,) IS nut, alone, a sulhcK-ni Piousand le. arts These eiforts are not w '.ihout success. The ause of truth prosjii i-3. The king-dom of righ- pousness ad\aiice>. The works of darkness tive wav, ami unnuniben d triumjibs of the Jospcl |)roniise the approach of better t:ines. lut the work is (>nl\ beg-un. Millions of the luinan fanriy are yet covered with darkr.ess, ruilt, and p’ollutiiln. 'I'housainls in our own f«)untr\ know nothing- oi the w ,i_\ of life. To Cbrist'ans the cr\ for help must be rais- kd. 'I'bi-y arc the honored instruments by reiUested to be rcndi ied w itlu iit ililu\. pKN.iAMi'. ir\MMl/r, JOHN KOlJLNbOX. Chark ston, Oct. 1. »V^v\\cv'. The subscriber Inning- t;d;eii the P.rick Storo lately occupied by -Mr. \. Wice, next door to Mr. Cb.irli.s ti'iNcalc, in iviiig-striet, intends continuing- the same hue oi' hiisine.ss as hereto- i'ore, and hopes for a continuaiice ;f his ibiiner i-ustomers, as they ina\ n !\ on llu strietL.'t .it- iltoir Imslness. I'or and wh(-at. Any ])erson wishing toxiew the prmiises before the day .ol' s;Uc, may have an opportunity by aiiplviny to the subscriber or Tlicniiis (Jashon 'i'eiins will !)c n.;:ue kiu)wn on tlio dav of s:de. jA>;i-.s DoiiKin v, November .I, i;525.—;]t60 ^ViXIJKOR CUMU MlKhyU. k-’.a-b Cdirist w ill set up his kingdom in the. i tentioii ami piim-timii ^-orld. His stamlard tliey arc prnileged ancl | purpose of wii.diiig’ up tbe eonei rn (d‘ Mr. ^ ' ;- bis busiiK ss die 1 irni of fcqniped to follow, and to lU) so without dis-i j{oi)ii,jo„ mid hanscIf, and kci jiing hi: n:iy, and fight under it w ithinit defeat, they ! he will ciirry it on umler tin pnst act ht rouari. To secure this they must' JIuinintt iJ i'o. altracliijn to iiuluco men toemii^rate, un less il 1)^ those unroriunatc heiiij;!;, the victims of tyi-anny in .Kiiro];e, to whom any asylum wotdd he acc( iilahle. The citizens ol the Uiiiled States, however, hu\ e many n>oii ves for remainiiij:j al home, independeii!i\ ol the lacilily ol jji ocuring I lands. Tli( y liave moral insruiilions, civil associations, and ]>c,li.ic'.il cstablisli- ments, that a; e dear to them. They i h;;ve usages, customs and manners, a p .w »N«. .oii.nu 1.,. the i.!)t')ve bnsiiie.ss in .sameness of lant(iiriq;e and sentiments, t.it- t-,)wn ol ( n..wi tte, resp. etfelly sojiciis, Uui. ure common' to''more tliun ten mill- • - T piiliiic ] ..tronagi-. (iis work will be M !l,I.IA-'l ( I ! \ r SP. OltillU' I dispo,(U of on acc,r.ii..(,datii.L- lein,.,. i ccnstilute iheir llFA'.lAAilX HAMMKT. {imw their relative strength and niovi ments. well-organi/cd army there are w:.teliii.en > fonk out for dangiT, and messengers to rc- (X^In withdrawing my coi.mxion ofbusiniss' rirt the acts of cacli di\ision, and the success' ^^itli Mr. ilanmict, i ci.nnot, eonsisti nt w llii my ■ Vvi i'}' attempt; so, in tbe host of thc^ l.'rd fei-bngs, but i xjjress in_\ i-ntii-c satisfaction w .t'h pere must lie lieralds to bear tiaings ot what ),jj, conduct. Mr. H. has Inei. w .tli e a> L'kik I doing, and sent'-nels to gu:ird against hostile , Co-pui-tner for ujiwarils »>f ; Ac .t ,,t /,•. ,• in pvasions. 'I’he arnw of ( brist is not drawji up thp wlude time i h.i\ e exerfoim him atti nti\e, . one field of baufe. It is scattered over tbe • of the strietesl inte grity, in.d ri tnmniend a thole earth. Ho-nce the nceessity and u.sefid- continuance of the ])ublic support he has liitii- ■css of r^ Ivgiouii papers, by which ('bristians in , ^rto received. Ivcry country may know what is etiectcd, wbal j .TOHX IJOUINSOX. mains to be done, and how to eo-opi. rate with : Charleston, S. C. Oct. 8.—4itb0 cli oiher in o.oing it. lime is no^ olln r w.i} ^ Vorkvilh- Pioneer, Catawba Journal, w inelito make known the ''| k-ctio!-. of tlu- '..liurcb, and t(» insuie conccn la-. tlieir Lulls Jrd and vigorous exertions among the friends n-ivinent |f '/ion. Accordingh, in all parts f the — .. -I Jlnnri!, and unioiigalli’.cnominatioiis ofChiis.[ LeVlUWM*, llviYUVSS, KC. iiars, such 1 nl.dici.tioiis arc rapidly n.ultiplying i,„bscriber having locatcd himself at the |nd I iieiftidly supported. ^ Tan-Vard formerh owned by (Jaleb M. Xer- North-Carolina, containiag a population «f,woo(i, has on hand, an’d will continue to keep, a horc than six l-.i;ndred thousand, and n'.any u.,bortnient of l.cathci-, wagon llarii.; ss, (oiirishing Churches, has not one. aiic/i .imi cuj-hage Harm ss, hne and Cdarse ShoLS, IVhy this lamentiible .klicicncy? No state in the bcbt I.incoln made wagon llames, wliich Bu; union,. «.f eipial in.portance and respetta.; ^vill be sold low for ca^b, or exchanged for Jilily, but supports one or more. .‘-addles, and huj ness repaired en mod- Tlic c>:i)cnmcnt is now to be made, w hether j er.ite terms, IP peopla nfoiir stati- arc willing to patroni/e u-li a publication. 'I'hr.t they are richly able lone w ill pretend to deny. ^ 'I'bo editor of tJie 'l i.f k.oiiai.mi w ill use cvi^ry j I'M rtion to maki it a faiilif'.i! joiirnal-(-f i-i ligi-1 pus intelligence, and an iiiijKii-tial ad\oi ate ‘d’j Xhrislian duclrinc and \ Hal [liels. Ilrwillliave ^ ■)efore him a ehoice seh etion ol the best ]ia-j ^ ^l,^. jigbt lor n...:.i’.;a(-ti'r.i.g a elm. Iiers and niaga/.iues in tliis rouiitry, ami some i ,l,e i-A'i'K.N T ( OK.N SI 1 K1 .l.KU, ami. Ilf the ablest foreign Jounuds, from which he j ^^,i| M,un ha\e them on l.aial lor s.dv . or llie Sj Trr.’ s ai,;i- hit: m. ( di r, ca.! !)e b:.il on short no ( hiirlotle, I II). 5, 1i'J5. counlr\. And is it to lie imatriiied that -iiAiits, niaiie to or-! • , 111, . ,P. , j.any C||)S4iteraI)le bodv ol ii!divi{iual.s ol ' " mi( 1 Vt?." trict, S«'i!tli Cm-t Iln.., on the Cataw ba and coi.tainii ir aboiit .lAMP.S r. ASr.L HY. ( harlotte, NobV. 7, 1«J5.—2t5y I'uW 1\V UY U-;" \\V.‘WtY > A xr.v, IX \ i,x 1 u;x. 1', licreh\ give m.tice 'lO the citizens ol Me(-klenbiirg eouiit_\, tiiat we ha\ e ]-iii- ¥ ■lope.. at all time-, to bi- :d le to prese nt an iii- len sting abstniet of usiful n.forinatiim. He Ivill also be aidi d by original (-ommunie.itions l>v s(,me of tile mosi distingiii.-ihed gi iitkmen lliis stati. siii:|ilitit;, of its -o:istnu t:on and its utility to corn jilanti i'S, it is iim ipiailed b> any ollu r iii- \i n'iiiii. Prrliap>> we may be tiu.ngbi to 1 .\ag- Viiali, whvii we > i\ it will sheila bii'liel -l (oi-n 111 /iirtf: iiiiiwhs, and Ij\’;i liitle > x. i-t^i.n in thisilWon Would lea .e ali these blcst>iiii',s, _ J I' I tested l.v expei ienci. and travel inio llic iivsv TC.\i‘. Vuvwi I'uY su\e , ;wildenu ss ot' 'i'l xas, to seek iheir I'or- flTin-: sid.scr-ber oflcrs for 1 tuiie. w hei, ioi-lnii.v at any late compe- ' i'A *'.' A .sah tli:d ir;.ct of land, [ tencc; is tv itliin their reach ill these Slates.' C‘-onm-mdy c: l'. d tbe Lee- j'I’here n.;-,y—ind( c(l ti ev always \\ ill be, i'^’’ ct."' ivir.g ;n \ ork dis-^ig^.-,^- j ^ jici-sotis ready ior ;!ny cliaiiL;-e, even I from hc-Jtej- for -worse: bui men of this ; f. i description a:e ol’ \ (-)-v .itili! use to an; Jhonsar.a a,,(f 6hr(i/-SiX ^'Jars. | couniry ; umcI, as tbe U'lion can lose tioih- 'I'he (j'.'.alily and local situation ;fthis land war-i int^, .so I\iexi;'o -ir i exas Can i.;a!H lioLii* rai.t tl.e st.I'.Miibir in receinmendii'g it to tin-' iny- by tlicir I'iUii.;ration. 'i In n- M r\ ify- c.tton plai.t.r: and he re(,iu-ts all the-: who:/;,,'; ^v'iii lie pioofoi tlu li-ii.tk oi it.dn-'ii v j wi.h t,. vest hinds in iliat kind of pro]>M'.>, ti. ,-^Y jj-^„p, Uu's exMmiiu- It. A fi rt’’( r descnutK n is ib ined , . 1 r ^. umur,ss:u-y. 'I'un.- may be known, on .ppli- C.atl.oulain enough of it in )hio, x»i issoun, catifHi to the stibsiriber, lin ing- near eeiitre !and (-!s(.’wliei (-,(jliite nileting-hoii.se, IrKkll couni\-. ' j as ,t,ood as t!!e_\ can lind !n 'i't;vu.s, and al A. J. AVOKKF. Aeg-iist 23, 1—.'n.fiU a very mocu rate ]ji ic ( foi (lie lee simple, within the piotee.tioii oi'law, jjfood (ji uer, Uln.-rtv ol'c(jns;:ence, and the leyularad- miiiisliatiuii of jusiic.’. Imd wiiliin visit- iiii’distance ol rclaMves, old IVteii'Js, ..nd aci^iiuiiitaiK ( s. We v.iusl b' eel lo lliiiik liuit (l«.n- ei-al iikii.soii, .Mi-. Austin, anil o:hei;s, ( 1 i(ais res- I .I' lii ation b( made fi,r j ponsibiiit). w in 11 they lioki out a land oi' ( uriiliiiiiia :md| promise ill 'I’exi-.s to ra)iiili(-,s, iiici'idiii|^ lion for (li\orcc. ,\s learning and religion adorn and p!‘'>Jnole | nisiie nil to con.i- ;.nd ,i^ t.u-h other, and cannot be sr|);irati d ''I'bont i , witn' ss its opi i-ation, and ;.atisl_\ '/^■imtilating botli, t'.ie cobimns of tbi- i i b grajdi | ivi ,s its to its gri al u’.iht;,. II can hi si eii h'.ill i)c filled in pi.rl with seket l.terary piece> ^ lii-'igm.-il to increj'^i- tbe knov. kdgf ui,u grali-j jy liVe taste of .d.l ils read. r;. .'knd as ( bris- owe man_\ of vht ir ikarest inl\drges to I’he ad.n.il-alile eons.ituiion of >.ir w is aiul h;.p- Ipy go\ ernment, ami are deeply iiit'-resti d in jits pri)S])erii\. a faithful liitnil of political |o\ents, iloineslic mid foreign, will at all t.niis |be given. Api)i-opriatc remarks on Agricultural Im- |])r(iveiiients and Donii-'stie l-.cononi) wiiloi-ca- |si()ii;ill\ Ik" iiiserlil. .\iid'‘-last,imt not h'ast,” tiie improvi inent, Jdig-'iit\ and usefuhii’oi tin l unale Se.x \sill |f;n'l a willing and siifere aihoe.ite. ■fhe -paper will be l irgf, nc;.ti\- iirinti d, am! |v-'.t!i t,!ie best Upe. No adverlisenieiUs will be I Ulllllll ti'd. Tin- f.rst number w ill be i.ssued as so«m as a iliicicnt number of suhsfribers is obtalm d. Price, thri ll dollars a iar, or two ilol- |lai-s ;ind ilt'i\ ei nt', if p.ud in advar.ce. .Ini:/ 1, *,* Subscriptieirs rcceivcj lit this oflicc, ! tlie ribel a’ siiop, opjiosite tiie ■llll.O. Ml.KlilM.? MM. COliXV. r.LL. Charh-tte, Oct. 29, 1.SJ5.—57ff ’V\> tiY i SM,\l,l. tr;;ct ol'I.and, IjingTiear .1 ^ B Steel t;ri «-k mi l ting-house, with ■nt_\-li\e ii'-n-s'ot good tilaldi l;md, ^_l..:ini! a good meadow . For furlhi r par- i.u>, .ipidv to .lo.vAS c. prnisii.i, 12, lf-25.—G.iaJ (let. .'list A NI) fur sde :ii this Odiie, in a pninphht f("-!n, “ Strieturi s f>n a pii-ce w iitti ii b_\ Mr. ^)a^’.! Henkel, eiitithd liiaseni} I lood f !k g( m rat. iii, u-, 1 reatiie 011 1 lol_\ n;ip>ti:iin.’‘ i;v .liisi.i'ii Mim.iik, I'. J). M. I'rii e, 25 Ci iits. V.' (jUntviYAlts’ W ‘AYYUVUS, i'or kale, ;'.t tl;ir tHhcc and it will bi; heard i x parte. .IAS. t.. SPKAli.'^, Chfh. 59—.Im—pr. adi. -'•1. alK' K\ \ .XUYW\-V \\\uWuvi, MV( KM.MU Uf. COt.-N I V.' \Vm. .1. Alexander p Original Attarbmi nt, vs. J Icvii'O 111 till b.uidsof.las. l).i\id Martin, j Kirk and 11:. I .m K_v. J 'F is orde red by C(,urt, that advi rti;;( nit nl bi- I mad.i- for thn e months in the ('..taw ba .Jonr- n:,l. for the (Ufi nd.mt to af)p( a;-at the N(Aini- ber Tinii of this Ci.urt, in l!iJ5, and there to r> pkv\ and pit ;.d to issue, (jtberw isi judg-mi-nt w ill be e-ntirid :iguiiist him. Test, ISAA(, AI.IAANDKK, Clerk. .hi.tGO-Prici adv.^. r I'A’IWUW l\\e AtOUl WvVViV. ;t ST pnliiislu d, and for sale .at this ( fbee, pril l IJ} (-l ilts, “yV'Si-rmon on tin- Atone mi nt ” ll\ S wi ►.!. C. Cai.iwi;i,i., A. M. k)K. Cahan iis Stqicrior C'oin t. Catharine lioodmaiO 1-.V. . J.pitit; Call b Ooodmiui. j ■J'1' :ip))e:iring to tbe •■;;tisfacf'r.n ( f tbe court, ‘ ‘ *y ■ • 8 tbJlhedehnd::) ! i. not ..n iiibabitM.t of tl.is 'I ■^v-nise,ves a State : (Jnkra/, th:,t three iiu.i.tbs in tin- Ciiliivhti Jijt.r/ta.', m t t;,.ng said d«fi iid.mt, tbat i u(UiM-n atid liildreii. ’^I'lie land:, oi I’t'ias nid--ss be-; i)pi;.r atVbe nest Sup. nor Comt , s,i.,l|v exploi '-d and l.au to 1-e 111 III foi- tbe i oiinti (.1 ( aliarni-;, :it 1 . , >i-, • - ' i 1 . , ,r ,1 V- (-xamined. J be pniicinal vp. r nlatoi s tbe ( ()iirt-I(ciise in ( oneoni, on thr ()lli .vion-1 • • , • , ilay after the -Itli .\5oi,(’;,> in Maith'next, ;,nd 1 ‘■•aiedx an\ tlnufj-aboill )diad, aioW i i-or ill. n.ur to s.iid pelition, jndg-j it', fjuaiilie'-, except, in a b 'ivspo'scd no i,t j)io conl'i sso vill be taken against him, 1 j^'ieal e\Iill!. J.el tliose j;o V'lio may : they will in; stiie to rinri t!;c jiiovinec of 'l'(-xus, i;i ];:>iiit of .soil, like most other disliieS el e(pial e;:lent, witli a j.^rcal deal ol' l)a.'!, as v.ell as of j;')od laiid w’tli- in its iiiniis. liiit, even sn[iposinj;- that 'i’e\as s!io;,ld be settled j.'i itu ij)ally liy iiii'cns of tbe Lniled States, litu-.' v\(/iild iliat i-.iju’.-i-our country' i,uh! il i,ot, in fad, beau i-xpaiisi(>!i oi'-ot;r Pvepti!)lii an empire.'— And, under any ii i unis aIlce^■, v\iiiii ii(A he hetler tliut l! e j.ui t o!' llu; Me\i- cati t'.-riitory whieli lioic’i-rs 0:1 ihe Lnil ed States shdiilil in- ih.m tiuil il should be P W e p: esi;;.;e tliat this uill be tb.e optnioji (f e\ei y reileetin;; uiit! ii;telii;^ent pi 1 son. L jjon tbir. sup position, w e mi» ’.i!(1 alwavs liave in 'i\ xus a moi-a! force in onr f..\or ; the territory, tliough T:(;mi:ialiy Mixiean, would, in I'act, lie vii tuallv Amcricai;.—nal. ' r Mr s. F.h.v.dii th Moori, (it Ki-rtor hiti I', d^’- .-( asi d, ])n \ l,ii il in her w ill !or tbe nauieipation ot ail 1h r sl.iM s. rd)out 4'.iin minilirj .,'diilt i jO.U'/iJ t„ ti;e (,'ulb-ge ut ]j.tn\iiic. Drlivory Bonds, For s;d(-. at the Ofhi-e of the .lournal. iln'irv Tjikpfs’ Fur ia! -. ‘.it, liii.;; OtH'-V 60. I'roiii the Nation. I ..T.g..', Small hntmva riu>u i lie j)! actice which i arme iu.\e uiiad . i- scdly fallen inio oi'k.;e, in inuid ujo large houses, besides iinpove isiui’;.» tu-m, is ai variuiuc v\n. c ^nect. u.sie. lo hit iluwn uiid Count i;a ci».sl oi e.wn- struciion is enjoined b_\ ^vi ipiurc iinci Hit '•■elate ol prudence, i.uie is i.uUi.i.g- .'Mii'ectrc; with a I’urm, c- nsujen u ea.ier u.s object ol tasie 01 ecMiuinji, Uo,i. is • pifi-.sin); or fle!ig»iil'iu inuo a .-.i.,.,ii iuaise. W o v.ould not L»c undei oot, i>y i.iis ihut it siijuld be coiiirac;e(i m i.s dimensions. 1 he pi.u lice now isioei^c!. biiiiilin^s ol uii exlenimueb beyoiK. . it tl'.e slender means they j>ossc,j:i wni , i],. A lie Vi'isli to I e ili(jiiylii .oi 1.c imiKirlanco limn we reaiiv aie, aiio mo iHilioii iliul this impoMance wm be esti mated h'om tlu.‘ spacious nK.iisiou iti uiiicli we may'reside, is loo ])re\uieiii a- I'lioiij'j evei y class of soi lety ; btu lu 110 one is tin* conscfpiencc more jiiejiiuaia/, 01 Us iiifiuente moie dee|)i) k u, ihan ill liie agnculuiral con.munuy. ’Iheie arc kw ilwelhn^ houses in tiie country iwo • ories Ml lieigiit v^hicii do not coiiaun at I. asi two rooms, lhal seldtjin, if e.e;, .re vippropi-ia.od to any other use tiiui. ;!ie "■c •emni'.ralioii ol a man age or ihe o:;se- cjuiesol the licad. 1 ne e.Xju use iijcin ; (;d .1 :he consiiuetionol ihi.s u.s«'i'cs.s apj.eud- siDseipii’tii iii(.lease in jj-o- v:-.;ii,i^- lu: iiiiure ur; c(jiisk!ci ations w meh seem U) in- improperiy wei^luU. So cial* s o'.i'.e oDserved on bemg iouu.. 111 a. ouihliii^ (f Uie dimciisioiis uli.ci' wc weMo .etommend, llu.l w illi [.nun. li -i n is» Ins tl.uiice lor eiijoyiiit .ii and hiipp.e s3 was greater uocifj-'such i uc uu! 1 » es liiaii r. an_» wise toUol I),; wui.i lu ilua u. a !'.ot.,-», liouever Juig-i and sp.K .w'.s; mum. tinj,^ Uii reijy tiul uie s»n.ih • Apeiisc lie h-ad jucui-red in pio\ioing- oini ,t ,si,el- ier,.ilie heller enabitd lum lo ceu w;iU .icceptable liospitaUi), a numerou.s and mlercstingcircle orinsirucuvc ana demot ed companions. Could Ihe v ise example of bocralcs have been lollowed by many w ho havt^ hiiilt too larfjC, iiiste«d- ol now hiKiing them in dwil.uigs so dispi oj)orliinai.e lo thenumlier of Iheir I’amii), us wtli us iiic amouiil of their property, withou. paint, williotil shudc-lrees, wiih the wim.ow.s broken, and hats and rags, ihose unfail- ini-signals of misery and wreichedi.ess, m their place, we should have .seen ihcnt encirckd by many sincere li iends, wiiU a compe eiicy of ihis world’s goods to ma'ue uie coinronaule, impariiny-and conieiil lo a VH tuoiis ai.fi hapj)y lamily, A friend inlorr.ii u u.s of a pranl> of a boy during the lii in.^ on ii,e i'ieron Wed- nesikiy la.sl, wliien tle.scrves a transient, l ecoi-il. \\ jiile liie guuner of one of live cai ronades was siiiiiii^ on his g;uri wilh kis face towards the bietch, .i \oung l id was observed among the crowd stealinjj up to the muzzle and iiiseriiug Ihercaia jjoodly sized sloue, such a.; a rurkish en gineer M ould jiroiKjiuice a toitrfio'c ctiunoit tnUl. A few persoTis, who saw the op eration, and alao the urchin moving olK aiiU jdai iiig him.'ieii under covi-r of one ot‘ li.e large pcjsis llial serve as ice feiirlers lor ll e i a 1 s, took also cart to iiolic.etlni din c,lion of liie j.it-ee, and fmduig it did noi p'oiut ai any j>arii.cular objeci or to- waiiis any liuinaii habiialioii, looked oil and said noiliUig. In y /e.v mmiite.s ihc ])iece as (liseiiarged, and iiisUinily,* 011 tbe olbei-snle of liie liver, says our in- li>iioiii,., loe limbs ol the Ueos on iho isuiuu ui.d oeyond, i^eg-..'i 10 crack and fail^ whiie (lie gunner siooci confot,i»c!cd, and .the crowd etpially so, the. prat lical youirj;- joker, v\ ho had witnesscil witli great satisfaction, the efle* is of his ex ploit, came up to the piece and lo(d;iii,^ ihe ai lillery man full in the face, exclaini- ed, in the Tom-and-Jcrry style, “ y'/w/’.s" ///! IhiicofdHi/, luy Jlomr' riien, burs- Vinginto a lond kiujjh, Die* hopeful youtli made olV, to enjoy, among hts adnuiinij com])ai!ioir;, tbe praise due to i,o singnbV- an exploit. .'llhuntj Vnlriot. Prcrinus Hilorccnu.—'I'hc follow ing is a literal copy of a notice, lately cirruiated in \ irginia, by a physician, wlio wished to olVer his services lo the public, in a ^i iifecl u iii/: Dodd- docs concentraie his will ing zeal in a train ol ijhysi( al apiilicabili- ty, and so with cstatie impulse, he gives his compliments to the public, v\ hen in- forming the [latronage of this vicinitv, his intenlion of punctilio fr(m amjiirt skill to all calls. He will announce his idioloi;-y on I’bysic, and so let plasiic i (implim'-niai y zeal to the public, ami lliis vi( inii). lie concordant witli a fond V,isli friim deemed am[)lo professional pir.icilbo to all cails. J'.' rop'nn liiiiik'irs.—M. M. nothschild, of l.ondoti, the i;-reat Loan Coniractor wK'.i the I'.uropeati and Ht-aziliaii (;overn- iiieiits, and his four broheis, ai-e said to 1)(- worth more than-t o Met-lin^>, '•'p;al 'iV ne.'.i’ly y'/^’ viu^iv.'.a cf dolku^:

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