VUOM i'lM KMlY S roEMM. The Novt!i '.nu riiMii Ifovicw s.iys, (in spcuk- ir.j; of tlu' iii};- liiu>) It' he who ri'ucls it ts A loNcr :.Itvail\, it will make him love the liK.iv, .'iml if he i.s not, lie will determine to be come one forthwith. There ts a ilevotion ami delicucy ahout it, an ardent and at the same time re»|n ftfiil and spiritiuj passion hre;itlu'il out in it, which niUbt insure ibr it a ready atl- fniration.” A IfEAI.TM. 1 fill this Clip t(' one made tip onuvchlli SS A woman, of Ik r g-i ntle sex 'I'iie 91 ein'ni;- p..r:igon ; To uhom tlu- lutti relement#: And kindly •'tuvs h:iv(; A form so I’a.r, tl>:it, like the air, ’lis kss oi'eUvi.h tliuii heaven. Ikr every tone is music’s own, l.ike tlui-ic Oi'moi-nmg binls. And soni. lliiiijf niore tlmii melody Dwells ev-. 1- in her v. i)rds ; The eciiia.^re oi her luart ;ne they. And from her lips e.ieh ‘iows. As one may see the Inirliitned bcc l'ui ;a issue iVoiu tlie rose. An'ections arc, as Ihouf^hts to her '1 he measures of her iiours ; Her feeling's liuve the fra^-i;iiu y, The I'reshness ofyoiunj llo-.\ers; Andlo\ely jjassions chunijiinj-ott. So iili lier, she app> ars The imat;'e of tlu-mselx es by turns, —The idol of past ye;.rs! Of her brijfht face one {fiance will tiaco A picture cn the brain, And of lur voice in e' hoiiig’ hearts A soiimi must long remain : But mi.m(iry sueh as mine of hef So very iiiuch endears, When death is ni}fh, my hiiestsigh V ill not be life but hur’s. 1 fiil’d tliis oup to one made up* Of loveliness nlone, A woman, of her g'entlc scs. The seeming'- parai^on— Her health ! and would on earth there stood Some more of sucli a frame, That life might be all pcetr)’. And weariness a name. Ilic lutlcv, ami appcr.r to Ciiioy nr. ^'.\*cc>s (,t’ p;oo(l licallh. Some of Itic h.^lior c’asscs arc sjihI l>t; jx-ilrot liut this is a delicato siiliject, and pL'r- linps iity t)|)iiiion has alrcaily bocn c\’ pivsscd tot) freely- 1 " chaiii^c the topic lor one of a -ruvcr cliaractcr. Nearly two out of otir ton dr.ys in J^otuioii’have hccii j)r.ssec! in V> Cidmin- s'.cr Abbey, and as many more miirht be devoleil to its^niimertnis nionumcMls \vilbe(;\iul pleasure. Uisintlced a ino>t l')scinalin; pb’.ce to one wl'.o I’.as read and admired tiie poets, orator-, pbiloso- pbeis, jurists, and ili\incs (d J.U'iliind ; wI’iO IS familiar witli tberivil, nulitai}, and naval history of tiio country ; oi who is fond of wi'tnessih^ an exhibition (if tl.e ai ts, orcoted fjr tiie noble purpose of pcri.ettuitin:>- the rcniembraoce ol -/(■nius,'l.‘arnin'i, taste. The buildint; it self is admirrdjly lilted lor a repository of the dislinj^uished dead. No one (M.iild api)roach the venerable pile, with its j^rev l^othifi tiinets, without feelinp;s (jf reverencc aiul solemnity, even ii it were divesli'd ol those a;sooialions, which t iir rc.:ullc‘Clion (d de[,iarlotl f^reat- nei.H av.’au' iis. AN liether it he niei fancy, or ou ins; to some jieculiarity iu itie architecture, or the son.bre c»inij)lex- ion of the material, the Abbey even at ;i distaneci wears ;in as|,ect ol sober •■•randeur, and anaircomniandinj;venera- Tion., wliii li no other edifice I have ever srcn pos.'ses-ses ; and the eye ot the spcc- , as ils.irvejs the weather-beaten siructine, its lotty jiortals, and C*othic wiiidoHs, sends a tiu'ill to the heart. Tlie0nly t!itranee at prt\^ef is throiipjh the soutlicrn transept, .lenominated “the i’oet’s Corner, a;ul who could wish lor a more iuter'>lini; ])assage ? In this f>ies of oni.micut avid elegance. T.or«l J.iverpouPs, the Duke of Norlhmnber- land’sandtho residences generally ol the nobility exhibit little taste. As for the Duke^f Devonshire, his dweliiiip; is so encased by hi:;h brick walls, that no one has an opportunity oi viewing it. St. .lames’ Palace, and in fact all the roval editiees about Ijoiulon, an^ mo>t un|)rinccly lookinu; j)laces, disjilaying neither ele;rance nor splendor. The hamlsome'st j)a:t of tho town is about I’lepient's Park and Portland Plae-. He;^ent street and Waterloo Place are aho fine. 'I’he hon>es arc of brick, tuii- form in their construction, and covered with a thick stucco, 'jjivinti; ibcm an aj>- pearance of bcin;; buiil et winli marhk*. In this part of the city, the streets ari' spacious and air;,-. 'I’ll'- ii:r(.;!t avenues throujj::)! London run parallel to the 'I'huine'^, from V\ esl- minster to the easteMi end. 'I'liere are two (,d then). Dillerent sectioii> ol the one lu'aiest tin* river, and ;.:r!!eially witiiin Idly n'ds of its h'f!. ban!., go by llie scveial iianies ol Piccadilly, the Strand, l''iort slieel, Ln.Igiie, ami some othcn-s, leadint;- to tne Tu'.vrr. ‘i'iu; ol.he!- gi’eat thorou'^iifai'e rims ])ai'ii'le! to at till' distance of haif a mile to 11 if' tiOi lh, and leads tlii-oiigli llo! jor;i. ('hea’isidc, and (’or.’ihill. Thesr sin^ is are gcnei- all\' wide, but arc C{msla:itly thronged, fi')m moMiing till mi inigld, witli ear- riagts, Citrl.s, ;iiid vi'iucl' S oi every de scription, a.s well as wilii loot passen gers. S > _';rtMt is the i))'L'ini'‘enous mul titude, ;md liie tlillicnlly'-'i iMSSisig, tliat it oecuj/ies a muci> long(*r time lo ride than to waik the sanw.- ilislaace. No person can witiit'ss these coa.suless tides of ])opuh'.:ion, ebb'ing and liuwirig like the restless oi-ean, and relltct that in a . --- ... -. . . , short time tiie whole will sink into oh- s. ction of the Cliuich, tlie visitant limls iiseir at once surrouiuied by rimnu- rr of Sirls.v.o N\wlon, nUhou-h grnnd iu design and elegant in execution, is ■ • . . - He IS sui- liable lo the same oojecuon roundeil by women, and ha.s not a scu*n- tine or literary associate in the neig i- l;orhood, Addison has fallen into a more ai>proj)Jcircle, nionn- .no-.lconsistsuf aiulllcngthstatue, whicn is said to be a good likeness, stanuing i:]'on an elevated pedestal, and looking I'wards the Poct’.s, >vhere he ioved to linger while living. Oold- .miilfs head, in relief, is over oiie oi the doors, ami is remarkable toi little else, than the classical and complimen tary epitaph by Dr. Juhnson. While in some of these monuments grate taste is displayed, in others, the designs and ornaments are fantastic and almost ludicrous. On a little slab in the pavement, not more than eighteen in- sfpiarc, is the inscription—“0rare Sir William Davennant^’—and nothing more. No one can road it witnoul a smile. As a diseriminaling mark ol merit, u moiuiment in the .Vl)i>ey is a most fallacious test, and its pi inciivd ob- di'ieat- what iTre woild of hltft. Cool: fe, men who commenced business with » snudl Slock of money, a reputation fairly ac(iiiired ft»r punctuality, iiitegrhy, w)iq have employed and' set np hundreds profiUblc^ business—uho have been tht very foundation of their town’s prosper], ty ; and who, by sonic wild speculationg of the over ^jreedy, have at once lost all. Their characters, their services, thcip wants, die situation-s of their families, the oblii'ations of their former friends-,1 all but their poverty, is foigotten. That is remeniI>ereJ’, and the Tnean and biuep taunt of the broken spendthrift, whose dissipation has broiit^ht him to the poor house, is, .‘once you worked in a store, or stood all day behind a countcr, and warned me lo be industrious and tempe rate, lest I should come lo wantjnow, how nmch better i^re you, and iu how much higher csiimation does the world regard you ? 1 ask no man for assistance, lor \ shall surely be denied ; you go to your friends, and ieel a pang that never rnucii- cd me, in hcarin?^ that they arcsori7 they ci'.nnol ussibl you, but so it is.’ All this is true rand so loni; as people will jud^re uf charactcr by present wealth, where, on earth, is the motive of being honest, joct is in a great nieasure _ dcieai- crcdil~of being a good ed. Wealth, power, Irirnusliip, 1 except, that you may be a rich, vourilism, has foisted into the e(.-nu‘ien, he that steals from me niy livion, giving place to a new genei-alioiu. without havii.g his mind lorcibly im pressed with the vanity of life. Few of the busy, j;ay, and lasl.ionable throiig are known bi'vonii '.heir narrow spluires, or will be rt.i'iunibercd alter tlie curtain drops, liut this is not the jjuice for mtjralizing. n.eiits to tlm memory of Ben Johnson, Duller, Milton, Griiy, Mason, Prior, (ircnvilie Sharp, Shaksj.eare, Tliomp- son, Rowe, Dr. .fohnson, liarrick, (.lay, (loldsrnith, Addison, Handel, Hales, Dr. iiurrow, Camden, Chaucer, Drydcn, Cowloy, Philips, Drayton, and many One of the loading features iu the-to- other.s less kr;own to the w orld. 1 itiding l)ographv of Lonilon is the great number I himseli in the midst ol such a grotij), of Dublie ^itiuares and iiai ks. 'I’hrse are i with so many allvactions on all sides, every thing to a city thus crouded and one scarcely ki'ows to w hom lirst to turn coid'med, aciding ('([ually to itsheallii ami and pay the tribute of respect, liavtng The followinpf was wriiton hy an I'lig-ilsliman Several of the largest are o- the day betori* me, 1 began w ith “ Kaie on the hcifrhtsotnrooklyn, (tune, .Moore's Meet.! ,,^.0, and airortf delightful ik'u Johnson/’ whose monument is near in;,'' of tl\e ’Waters,) aiu! sun-,-' by Oencral Swift, pcon^enndeWe have rambled through nftcr the dinner at Sykes's Nework Coflce-j them. 'The jiriiicipa! ones are )louso, at t’.ic recent celebration ol the comple-; Jjimos' and Hyde Park, at the west lion of the Grand Canal; | end of the town. Doth of them arc spa- There is iiot in the wide w orld a Land so com- j cioUS,bealinil i V a(iorned u ith trees, g) av - el widks, and artiiicial waiers, whicJi ])letc, As tliis land in whose bosom the bright waters meet; Oh ' the lii-st rays of feeling .'ind life must de part, /• Ire tliis day of pnmd triumidi shall f;uk from ni} heart. Vet it is not thatTNature lias shod o’er the scene Her purest of Chr) ital, and brightest of green ; It is not the sweet magic of streamlet or rill,— Oh no! it is'g nitjre erquhite ’’l is that Liberty chose this bkst spot for her own, NVhere -Vrts, Lnken and Jlivcrs, unite now in , one ; And uhiM’e Frtivotn, and ('oninterce. acid Lidun- ti l/ pi()\ e I’hat tlK- t.oda are prolecliiig the land of their Love. CIj’A PlJlNTKH’si APOI.OOV, Tie ft.'/ /? «• Am suliu i il'Ci n to j'l i/ Jcr tin: pcptr. “ Out of wood, and c’othmg'scant; Dry Ooodsdue for; hats in want; rhiklren fretful; vile con:plaimPg; Credit dlfiie\ilr sustaining; Notes ton,.u\;ige, discounts rare ; 1). :>t enough ; ( an’t live on air ; 'I'hough I would by i.o means thuf ye; Think ye, do I not MO.MA riUiM TIIK NEW YOUK ST'.Ti'.SMAM. M:TTKUS I'UOM Et l{(»VK.—NO XXIII. J.0M)0>, 13th ArGi sT, —In the streets and buildings of Liondon, ptibiic and private, with liie exception of St J^iul’s, Westminster Abbey and a few others, I have been egregiously disap jiointed. There • is nothing impressive or prepossessing in its aspect. Mostol the houses and shojis arc of dark brick two and three sti)iies high, and niueh crowded, situated upon irregular, nar row and dirty streets. Drury Lane and (’ovent-Oanien, w hich sound so well on paper, resemble the region about the Collect in New ^ ork. Kven the west end fd' tlu- town has by no means an- Kvvercd my exi)eetatioi's. Its buiidings will not be n- a comi ai ison witii the up- jicr parts of Dio.n w.^y, or tlie better ■•larts of Doston, l^hii;Kiei])hia, and Bal timore. The Chaiic* llui of the hxche- |uer has a neat liousc ; but Loid W el- Jingion's, near the eiitrance ol Hyde J’;irl:, is a large, square, jdnin building, smokv brick, clestiUUe ol every spe- cool the air and vary the pro^pecl. 1 could almost forgive the mock-battle upon the Serpentine, in which the Hag of our country wr.s struck b}* order ot his majc'dy, to gratify the potentates of Knrop'e, for the grateful breeze it allbrd- ed me, while w.tlkingon a warm after noon, upon its green and shady bank.. Our visit to Hyde Parke was at the most fashionable hour, for the pnrpose of witnessing the style of the “nobility and "entry.” This i*ark contains about 100 ariW. At the entrance is a colos sal statue of A( liilles,. standing upon a lofty pedestal, and armed w ith his sword and"^ shield. It was ca:>t from cannon taken at the h;dtles of Salamanca, Vit- toiia, 'rouluiise ami Waterloo, and is in- scribeil by the ladies t.» “Wellington and his brave companions in arms " Around the Park '.Iiere is a carriagi- path, resembling a raci-conrse, where all who are able to ride, and some who probably are not, parade in full dress and ecjuij.'age. l>ords and l.idies roll on in their coaches, w hich, by the b\ e, are g(‘nerally heavy ami inelc'gant: while a Iroop of ilaiuliV'S, wiih siipiloaf hats, w hisk'-rs meeting at the chin, and mns- ta-hios coviiiiig the upper lij/, gallop afler. 'I'he l;tst mei.lioiied orr.nuit'nl is all the rage here at present, being worn by some of the nobiiiLy. Of all’tl.e vjiims and fuliies in dress, this is the most ov.traii'-ons, indecent and disgust ing. One would ihink that every pol- islunl society wo'ild cry out ag.viiist it ; yet the fashionables are seen walking the streets arm-in-arm with th.e lalies, wearing a tuft of dirty liair upon the lip. Our walk was extended (|uile round the Park : and to Kensiugton flardens. 'riie w’hole of these spacious grounds wereiilleil with ertiwdsof peojde, high and’ low,(dd and young, male anil fviuale. Sueli a general n-nde/.vous all’orded ns a Jirelly fair oj.|.ortuitiiy of seeing the population of l.ondon in tl.eir best at lire, and \’.ith smilin" ' the entrance, and proceeded deii!u rate- Iv around the walls of the Abl.'ey, a- galnst which these memento'; of the dead are placetl. Faligue ollen coin- jK'lled me to brash tiie liust from the ()C(k.>sl;d of one tmnb, and set r.i> self uj)on its corner, to read a long inscrij)- and commemoraled I)V lofiy pyramids ol marble hundreds of persons who might as well huvc slept elsewhere. On the olnei’ li.n:d, many illustrious nunus arc not lu ie to l)e fouiid. 1 lookeil in vain tor Locke, Bacon, C’.owpcr, *mk1 even Pope, whose luste conlrii)uted so hugely to liie end)eliishmenl ol the sculptured marble, 'i'hrre does imi appear to have been much poinl in Nelson’s celebiMied motto “ Victory or Wesin.inslcr Abl)ey.” It is, however, retkonc.l a high honor to obtain a nich.e in this ;,iu ieiu and ven erable repository ; and the piomiiicnce upon the walls, which some of its inmales have actinircd by lh«- ttnuided eilbrls ol llu'ir own gv-nius" and ir.lcnts, is a cirdil- ubie commeMtury on tlie ciiai'actcr and in- stilulions (jI I'.nglatid. Slr-;k 'pe:;ia’, John- 'ion, tiarricl;, aiul luind-'retis ol oiIum’n, whose niemorics are clien dif’.J and rever ed, rose lo eminence from 'he hundiK-sl urigin. Nor arc tiiese luiiois in ail^ ca ses merely poslhiimous. Several ol the most pron:inent characters now i:i p«>\\cr are self-crcated men. The Prime .Minis ter, is the son ol an aciress; Lord Liver pool's Lahcr was a coliler : and Lord El don, Ihe C'haneellor of the Lxchequer, was once a servant !)ou, whose business was to sweej) the ofiice of an aliorney.— i iiis is a iioMe feature in the Ltiglish r,nstitution, and m some degree atones fur theopposiie defects, with which it is associaicd. Our happy republic carries the j)rinciple to a still greater extent lion and to examine the sculptured mar ble of the m xt in order. Full noks were taken of the designs, the epitaphs, and other cireumsiances, even in soxiie case!^ to the color ot iht stone. There are obvious deh'cts in grouping the monuments of tiie .\bbey. 11,ul the idea of “ the Poet's Corner” been strict ly adopted, it would have bee.i a great improvement. It is graldyi;;g to see those sleej)ing siile by side, wiio in lile were united by the tiesot Iriendship, or assimilated by kindred [;'arsuits. There From the Connecticut Mirror. ■Monky.—Lvciy body in ihis coujitry lo\cs money, for it seems lo be the bail dy means of gi aiifying all wishes. This is true lo i'iS uimosi extent, let a man’s wishes be vv ii;ii they will. If he be a man with a broken repUlaticn. that has be«'n sj>lit by facts and proofs finer than old tr*es siiivered by lightning, give him money, and it will be set np and hooped round, ar.d i)ecome as tight as a cask of dollars. If he is a dowm ight drunkard, give him money, and he will dress weil. drink his Madeira with his fiends, get tipsy at home r>n the ‘Acs/ oj liquors,' and his next are several beautii'ul illustrations of this j uppearanccmay be as a prominent mem- principlc in the Abbi y. The moiiu- 1 her of some society for the suppression inoiit of Gray is iiiimedlately under that of vice. Is a man dishonest—wiih mo- of -Milton, and connccted with it. On | ney enough, he can be honest enough j a the former, tiie lyric iSIuse, in alto-re lievo, is in tlie attitude of holding a medallion of Gray, and at the same time pointing her finger to the bust of jNiil- ton above, with the following inscrip tion : ’ “ No more the (irocian Muse ur.rlv.'klled reigns. 'I'o r.ritaiii let the n-tio.'.s lioii; p;iy ; S!ie felt a Homer’s ii.-e in MiUon’s strain--, A Pindar’s ra])tureiu thclvre of t.ruy.-’ Another of this kind was oIt- servod, still more striking and beautiful. 'I'he remains d Johnson and Garrick re post; side by side beticath tlie ))avcmei'.{, at tiie feet of Shaksjicare. Here is a triph'as.M‘)ci!itionof the inosl iritere^liiig character. The moralist and iragodiati were iillii^iate friends iii life, sustaining the rehilion cf preceptor ahd puj)il, and the still nearer one of having encouider- cd pennrv and neglect together ; they sleej) at the feet of the great dramatic master, v.'hose genius Iht^y bolli illtistra- Icd, in ilie closet and upon the stage. Shakspeare’s is beautiful in design and execution, worthy of the poet w lioni it commemorates, and of the taste of Pope, who v.-as a member of the committee tlial suj!crinte:uled its ei'(;ction. In amither part of the chnrcli, the re lics (d'the two great orators, William The lalics verv gem ally have pretty fa- Pitt and Charles .lames Fox, rest by the ' * ■ 1-e . 1 ;^id(; of each other. Dut the \ iolatioii of this principle of grouping the monu- countennnce? ees- Some *d' tlicm are extremely hand some. P i^ in fact an uncommon lldng to see a woman w ith an ugly set ol fea tures, except in tlse lowest clases. Dut in their forms, and the whole eontourof their pel son';, except their laces, the\ do not surpass in delicaey and beauty the hulies of our ov. n country. 'PIk' immts is so fre(|tient, that the fore going ir.sfances seem lather accidnital than premeditated. Dr. Watts’ slab is interpos('d betwec n mililar}’ and naval heroes, knights and noblemen, whose jiursuits AV(;re entirely fortign to his foriner arc j^enerally much gro>ser than own. 'Ihe superb niojiuuie: t in ii^enio- bank bill w ill plaister over many a sore. If he has the character of neglecting his faith, his family, his religion, his bl!)lc and his God, and finds that the moral and conscientious part of Ihe public place no conlidence in him, a well timed donation shall coat as w'ith quicksilver his brassy pretensions, and he will shine. Lel us not be misunderstood. \>ry many of the best men in lliis comitry are i ieh men. They sh-w tin ir gooiliiess by iheir so briety, liberality, and utudrected |>iely. In erecting Morks of oritanu'iil and s clo!-, they pali (n’.i;:e the ]',oor, ai« a jiiui- ciously give awi>.y employmeu'., we’d as rhi'.casji for i'. Ii is the ^.uhiie, cum- posed of all sorts of folks, that are lo blume, I'or they judge td' men by their wc'ahli. All '.opesol Vetiing along in life point to iliat one dt sidi-rulum, "for no mailer how it is d ,twined, if there be cash, there is power, respei:lid)ility, security. A sensible, hones;, indusiirious nuui fiiuls out trial \wthoul beiiig rich, his pros|)ects in this world are hanlly vvorlii lookin';^' at j and a dashing, braxen faceu scou’.idrel fuids otil ilie sume thing, 'li e aliomiuable arisioeracy of birlh is a knowledged on all hands to b>j bad e- nongh, but the reason why that ap])cars lo the eyes of men in its naked and unso- phislicaied absurdity is, that a man can not choose his own parents ; he cannot, wiih all hi., enterprise, speculate upon the moral capital of ids ancestors. But one man may riui the same (dianoe of btdng ricli as another, and tlu; jjreposlerotis claims of the arisioiriicy of weulih, ten thousand times'worse any where, and more particularly bad in a republican counu-y, where tliere is no cheek to stand iu its way as a rival, a sweep that encircles ev ry thini^. ,\ poor, illiteraie, uni)iincipled puppy, comes somtdiow in to the possession of vi;:>t Mcalth. 55cc niy good name, steals trash; but he ihul steals my purse, leaves me poor indeed. From thcTharlcston (Courier. > The FuH of ihe Lttnf.—It is well for man that he is so often reminded of the iincci- lainty of niortnl life, and that every thinij borne upon the stream of Time, soon pas- seih awav, and is seen no more on earth forever. Landscape scenery, at one and the same view, noi unfrcfpiently exhihits the mellow foliage of'Autuinn, the luxu- riancy of Summer, and the garniUireof Spring : like the family group, possessing u iihin its favored circle the va.rious sia- !';es of youth, manhood, and ago, it pre sents to a contemplative mind, no un meaning or uninstructive picture. Kvcn the Chi)-alis and the IJuitcrfly, epheme- fal as liiey arc, impart a moral lesson; nor, jjaiticularly at this season of ihc year, is the fallen Leaf in the mute elo- I ipicncc of its brief history, swiftly swept away, as it i.s, by the passing winds, a le>s impressive monitor. It tells us, ilut oil earthy there is no perennian Sprinj^, that Autumn has come, the Summer is | past, und that Winter is hastening on a- pace,— “ Dreary Winter that slmts the scetic ♦'— Music is the language of love, the vehicle of amorous conversation. ,V crolchet has caught many a heart, nnd a semicjuuver cracked more than oiio lU’ain. It is dangerous to listen to the music, of pretty lips ; there is something CMiching.about it. I never sec a younj Miss at her piano, playing one of those melting languishing airs, without beinij reminded of the bird that islau^d\tto sing sweetly in its cap^ to decoy others in to the trap. A Piano is a perfect man-irap. Pciccr of Music.—There arc many in stances recorded of the efTects of Music on animals. Asingular occurrencc hap* pened in Troy, N. Y. a few days since. A fellow was performing on a hand origan on the corner of State and River streets, and had collected a considerable number of hearers, when a Uat of large size crept from his (piarters under a stoop cm t!ie opposite corner, and travelled Icisurclf dircctlj towards the crowd,'more tlian half across the street, occasionally Mop ping as if lo listen to the sound of the organ. The ])oor animal, however, v\2S soon saluted with the shouts of the bojs and was for safely compelled to make u haslv retreat. , KorHicrn CJii:;lions in risili.n" tiik rooms.—Xt’vc'.' venture into a sick r«om in a violent;!^'* sj);ruli(j5', (if circumstances ic(iirm; co'iUi'.uianre there for any time,' lor th*-’ ti’oim'nt the boily becomes rohl, it is ''j a slate likely to absorb the iidectio:i, an>> rcveivo tho disease. Xor \isil a ^sick pei'.son, (especially if the complaintJ'col ucoiitagious iialiirc) with an ni'i.ti/slnnh a'j/:, as this di-^poscs the systetn nioi’i' realily t(j receive the infection. tending a sick person, sland w here the a'l'lp passes froih the door r)v wiiiilow to ji"! bed of ihe diseased, not helw ixt thy clis* ^ eased jicrsoti anil any fire tha,l is in room, as the heut ol' llie fne will ^ the infectious vapour in that direcliop,. and rmu h danger would arise ironi breath* ( ing in it. Lar^t' KhIuIc.—Lnrrl IJreadalbanc sf** tale, w ideh s;i|)porl:; a jiopulation ol .ue j7 persons, commence.'i two mdcs east*’ Tay Dridge, in the county of Perth, anu extends w estward ninety-nine miles amU half to Lsdule, in Argyleshirc, varying m breadth from ihicc to Iv.’clve and hlh'*’’’ miles, and intcrrup'.ed only by the ])ro])' i'' ty of three or four proprietors, "ho sess one side of a valley or a i;lcii. " I’**'' Lord lii'eadalbane has tho other, so t!ia« varviug his direction a little to the I'lj; or left, he can tra\cl tieaily 1()0 niil>-’ from east Kj west on his own property Ihston SUdesnm. 'I'he inlia!jitan*s of thi, city of''^'''^ Vork, according to the r'vturtis alreati) made under the law authorijing a I'i-' jcensu*-:, have incrcu,5ed to