Ctl.UUMTTE, X. C. TVKSim\ VKCl.MltllK 1.% 1825. [M«). ruiir.iniiKD wkkkt.t LE.MUEL HIXrillAM, It TlinKK llOLLAHS A YEAH, PAin IJf ADVANCE. No paper will be liscontlnue(l, unless at the fcscrKtioii of the eilitor, until all arrcarujjes arc |ul(l. Adveiitislmkxts will be inserted .-it the iisual ttcs. Persons sending in advcrtisenienis, are E(liiestcd to note on the niuri’-in tlie number of tscrtioiis, or they will be continued until forbid, L)d clurg’cd uccordinjjiy. oUee. iriE snl)scribevs, actinff Kxccutors of Doct. Charles Harris, deceased, dcsirt all persons lidebted to said deceased, to come forward and hake ])aynient as speedily a.s possible ; and all ersons havin.q- d«mands ag-ainst said deceased, ' requested to present them within the time Jresrribed by law. All persons having- books borrowed from said •censed, are vef|ucsted to n t\n-n them to the xccutors. lADIA JIAIMJIS, SAM. S. llAilUIS, 4tG3 kOMT. McKKN'Zli:. O^ 'l'he Editor of the \\ estern Carolinian will llease lyive this four insertions in his papi r, and prward his account for pa;, inent. VovuVov ^Vc\\e. IHK subscrilier, residiiif>’ .5 n>i!es south of (’iiarlotte, will dispose (.f l.VJ buslicls of HOUV, on reasomil)b terms, f»)r cash, or notes byable by the 1st of Jannaiy , bearing' Interest from tiie date. .lOS. 1’. SMITH. 1 November 1j, 1SJ5.—lltOl AM) VAXCY (ILUn .M.UilXa. Wll.I.IAM cri.VKI.’nol SK eonmienced the aboM buiiiM't-s in . the t ,\vn of Charlotte, rt^’u etn ity Milieits Isliare of public ])utionafje. ills v.ork will be \atly and durably eonstructid, ;,nd will l>e ■spo.ied of on acconmiodatmy terms. |SKn;;i.s and \Vurn?i(: (^iiuiis, made to or- Ir, can bo had on short notice. |[(,;harlotte, I'eb. 5, 1825. lvl7o r u\ eu\ I' uvV, A IS.KW I.W r.M'toX. I hereby }?i\e noliee to the citizcns of I •)' » .MeelilOiiburi;- count;, that we have pur sed the rijfht for manniac1uriii|^ a Maeliine, flle.l the I’AI T.N T C01{\ hllLl.l.KU, and II soon liave them on liar.tl for sale. or tli.- [iplielty of its coi'.struction and its ulibty to rn [)laiiters, it is uuKjuallid I y an\ oiiicr in- jition. IVrhajjs \vi may l)i;tbont>-h( to e\a}^- Iprate, wiien we sa\ itwill sheila Iui-.Ik I of rn ui three niinnli ti, and i)\ a llttb' . xertion in to minutes. J5nt we iinl'te all to e(»me and _ liiiii.ie it, w itness its o[u-rallon, and satisfy \ river, and eont pmselves as to its i^reat utii t\. II can Ix seei; j 3. ¥. & JuA\u lAvpUt, • llAT-STnr.KT, r.v.. 'Tl.% 11.1.K, ycci ircil— i^r nbls. Mnseovado .SUCAh’, 4 •/ 125 ba^rs Cotree, 20 hhds. 1st (juality Mol."..sses, ,1500 busli’Is Liverpccl Salt, 2(J bbls. I,oaf and Lump Su{jar, 20 bag-s I’epper, 20 do Spii'e, 15 do. l{;'.ce •liiv.jj’cr, 10 (p\ casks Swut Mal.tg'a Wine, 20 b;-ls. N. F.. Kum, 10 do Nortlarn ;in, 10 do 'Tanner’s (>il, 20 Ions’ Swedes lr(.n, 1 do Sliare Moulds, 2 df) Sheet fron, 2000 lbs. 151istered Steel, lOJO do ;erinan do 500 do Ca.,t-Sfecl, 175 kojrs wronj^ht cut Xails, Si T’.rads, oO boxes U’ool a.nd Coltou Cartls, 50 do 8-10 and 10-12 1.lass, 100 baj^-s Shot, 7.) ke.n’s I'i'F and I'l’ Powder, 100 reams ^^'rapJ';ilJi• Paper, 5(J do \\'riliii,u‘ Paper, , tons I,ot>'wnod, 3 libds. Copperas, COO lbs. lU nj^al lndii,^o, 200 do S]iani>.h liid.tjo, l.TiOO do Madder, 2500 do Alum, 1500 do Salt Pctro, 25 roils I5:ile Kojic, 5‘J pii-C( s Cott(ui Hag’j^inpf, ith an ;iSM;rtment of i’- Unt MF-DTCINKH, and I’AIN'I'S, dr\ and in ('il. Al»o, a complete as>;'it!i i ut of ^Vdoj ,Mnr}(iu(’ ('ar(l,% alw ."tys on hand. Ocliilnr, 1S25.— 2n.tri5 If ^he subscribers' sliop, opptisile the iail. '11! P.O. MIJi{ILLS, V>M. Cn:\\\ P.I.l,. Dharlotte, Oct. 29, 1S25.—5rff sVaU'. uf X)vU\-V'i\v;Aimv, Mccklcnl)ui-o; County. T • three iuonlhs in the (.'atawba .lourual, that Ic- drfeiulant apj)ear at the next coiirl of I’ieas Id Qu.irttr Sessions ftn' t!ie eo'.int_\ ol’ Mrek- nbnr},'', on the fourth .Moiiduy of I'ebruary, and rt plevy and plead, ollierwise jmlj^- bnt bv ilefanit will be had ajj^aiiist him. I'l’.e StIS A A (; A L1: X A M) 1li, ( krh. Jni73—pr. ail\. >1. plvvtv. of «VuyV\\“V!*ayoVi\u\, Cabari’iis Siij)crior Cuuil. jC'atharinc (ioodnian ^ r.f. ^ Petition for di\orce. Calc!) (.(iodin.in. 3 I'l' appearing!; 1m tiie siri.sfiction of llic renrt, I tiiat th'' d'. t'i nd;i!it i.'^ not an inliubitaut nf tiiis ■ate: IJiiiinu', tliit j.ubiieatiou bi' ma'le f.i' ire' months in tb'.* /(/,///■/'//.,' ar.d mi/itii'liu .lininial, ra.tii';. inj;’ s.iid def- ndaiit, tliul 1 |; liless b! aj)pi ar at the nc\t Superior ('ou'. t ' t ' |iw to i)e held for tlie ounty »;t' Cal-arvus, al C(.urt-H(Mi-> ' in ( i>neurd, oti the (itii Mon- after t’.e Itii Monday in M.ireb Uv \t, and I ad, ans\v er or dunur to said |u tiiinn, nil |)ro eoi'.fi sso Will bi' ta!;en a}("nnsl him, id it w ill be heard ev j>arte, .IAS. c. spr.Aits, r/(;■/•■. l5i)—,1m—pr. adv. ^1. |^AaVi‘ Ml JVuvWv-V.wvvWwA, .'IICKl.tMU 11(1 cot N I V. Alexander^ Original Attarbna n1, vs, VII I 1 iII t!le IKiIII1" oi .las. l)a\id >!artin. j l'.irk and \V m. i.ueky. f r i'i (U'diTed b\’ Court, th:it adv rtisi meiit i)e niaile for three months in tiie t '; ta\\ iia .loiir- d, for the di'femliut to appi ar al tin- .\o\eiii- I' I t rm of this ( ourt, in IfiJj, and there to |)!e' _\ and plead to issu^', otberw ise judg'iiK nt |dl be (.'iiteri il a.L^'ainst him. I'lest, ISAAC Al.KXAN'DMK, Clvrk. "nKV.I—Pr. ;i;lv. ft. B. OSIliXR & €0. Wjiolfsulv &' Jiclail Slnrc. ri'^lIP, suVscriber having' connectel himself B- with Ai'rCaiiky ZJ ('ochran, (N>mmission Merchants of Philadelphia, undir the firm of n. Oi’iirr C"’ ('o. in this ])l;.ce, for the purpose of carrying' on extensivi ly the Mercantile Husi- neg.s, and to that end has ])nrclu,st il on the best terms, in Nework and Pbiladel])hia, a lurg'e and g-eneral assortment of DiiV (iOODS, (iUOCKRIES, Kc. which are oflVred.'cither at wholesale or ntail, for cash or country proihice, at the market pl'Cl'. I bey then fore inxite tTie pn!)lic in general, and eountiy mercliaiits in pr.rticnlar, to call at Iiuir store, a f(. v> ab(ne the I,afa\ette l.'otrl, oil llay-strei t, and i xamine their stock ol Cioods, i)t forrllit\ pureliasi elsewhere. IS. Oj.lA Fd{. I'/'cir Goa,h corns'!t-t, io pai-l, rf /I,c foi/aic!ng c.r- iic/t s : 2DESUL:£'©ll'Sr. S(; KNK 1N N \\\V-()KI.F,ANS. From the Ncw-Orlcans Mercantile Advertiser,, of Oct. 11. Yoslci'day u story was relatc(l to us, which for singularity lias not had an *■- (|ual lately. 'I’hus it riiiis: Aboiit mid night on Sunday, a lour-whtol ciin lagi' Mopped in one oi’our |)i'itu.ipal slrcets, l)e- I’orc the door of a niidwilV, or as her ciis* tonuTS generally cull her, uinc- U'onKf/i!" 'J'wo men, well dressed, masked, lel’l the cui-riage, and enleied the house. 'I'he mistress was st;’ii ar.d spoii- en to fora cast of lieroHice. 'I'liey shew ed iicr gold, and she w as j)ersuadcdnol on ly to eiiter the carria;;;o, but to sullVr hei eyes to he Ijlindlbldt'd. A drive oi'aleu minutes then took place, when the horses stopped ; the purtii's gelling down uent into a dwelling of some conseqnencc, in one of the rooms of which tlie woman's (•oinm.M^ fine and. NtrasupeninelJroad Cloths was removed. 'J hits resli.rcd and asiiiKi-es, fnttts, r , ,• ■ , i i i P',.' . i'.: v‘ d, strlpe.i :u,d san.uxl fine bluL Sati! ‘‘1" P.iiiit, l>u!!i! .ii-d p.i.uiU ts, \oiir.g and elegant ieir.ale, lying on a ( o:U'Si' V. iiolleii (,!( 1’, !• hcgi'o clothing', Uc.l, gricii, yellow unu j.iinted scarlet Flannels ai.il ia''.:.-, Caroline, ( irea-i.san and md 'I'; rtan Piaid.s, (ici-.-.Icnui.’s ti.uiliicl and Plaid Clo.iks, readv n,..d(. Pi;.id do. ;,i'n i,, e. .m>.f;ii, ]iurp’iC, blue and rreneh new and fash- ! .aiiie: i > ! t (■ i;d i;o!iiba/.ett ■ patterns. K w;'? t’KvirM’.. ]»o1h I ( V p-lV; 5i;. (’(). WF r«-eii^d tl eir Pali Importal’on ef I'KY (iOOl)^; wiiicb tln \ diicr to re- sfii.nsi!)!e country dealers, on :>s bhi ,:d luvinsoi' credit as are given b) any lion.se in t!ie I'nited Stall's. I heir assorti: nt cofuprises idmost every •'■.r- t'cle, (jf fi.'Ti- ig!! (U'(lon e'tie niaiiii!..ctiii'i-, that is reipiireil in a Coun1r_\ ^tt're in North-Caroliiia. November 1, lh2j.— .Mfi! VV A I HATK r.MiJI. fP'^IIF, subseriix r w ill sell, \ J; " I at Pubiie Sale, on the olst o!' December instant, at tlu- store of' .1. it. Ilfjnslon,,^;^^^^, Irediii county, N. C. that cr (connnonly c;.l!cc! the l.e> p«, r tract,) lying in York District, Soaili-Car Im.., on tiie C.»t.n'. b.i ningai)Oi;l (hir I'housund khu Sij'li/-stx ,lcn s. 'I'he (inalit_\ and local situation ol'tliis lam’ w;.r- rant thi' subscriliiT in reei n n (.ndii it ti t ie Cotton |)laiiter; nid he reonests ftll tno'-e wlio w isii to ^^ st fumls in that i-ini ot propu'l;, to examine it. A fuvllur d', 'eiijition is ikiii.cel unneeiss.;r_\. 'I'erins will b.; ii;aiie ki.ownon . ^ , ,, , t. • " A- I 'tin ila\ of sale, oron-.',; ’)’ic;itioii to the sul)S'ri- rt of rtiim uiiil (^uuyln- Sit.-ivnr ^oniiiLer. , : , t- i i . ' n •' ,,, ' b'lng near ecu.re ,.retin'^-iiuuse, l"e;lell 11 rm, . I ,^,,1 1., i • 1 c.X 'I ■ .1 •• 1 • 1 1 I counlx. A. .1. ANOIiM.. ; lav.dStarns, ^ ()rg 1. ..t ta t. evied on l.md; | December 1, 1825.—ltr,.] v,i. V anil .lost p!i and W m. \ arl)c>ro I i nry Varlioro. j summoned is guarnisliees. | (tj ’I'he eililor oi' tiie Pioincr, York\ Ille, will ' "tins ease, it a|5])earing to the coni't, that l)ui)l's|i tlu; abo\c tbr(;e w eeks; and tb i-diiur the defeiulaiit is mit an iidiai)Ilanl of this ! of the ll istirn will makethe alter.i-■ te : It is ordered, that the i,roceed.ijigs in this lion a.; abo\ e, in the aih. rnsement in bis |>;! pci, I le li* st;:_\ed, and that udvirtis..n,( 111 be made and con‘.;.ne il till da\ of suli ; aiul l«,iu..ril tlii'ir respective aecounis to the I’oat-niaster al Ml. ,\ioiiMie, for paynn.nl. .\ii\vu V»v»\d\s ViS\v\iv.',. ■^IIF. siu)serd)i r iia\ iiig obtaiiu d I.;tli r:> e,! Adinimstration vijuni tb'- est.itr i' .Idbn Ko) li, di '.'eased, takes tlii . nu tlieci ol inr')riii;i.g Iho ' wlioaie Indelyled lie r.(te or hoc!; ae- eount, that pa; nient nni-l i>i' inad>- on »n' b line the Pi l)ruar\ cou. lof Nii e!%.!i n'ni!':.;-eounl i ,— those w iio'ill! to attend to till.-, not.ee, w ill iia\e ■to ^ I itle w ilii eo;.i. ’1 hose u bo lia\ e an_\ ib ii..uuis I’g.'.'.iis* s lid dee. ased, ;.rr ri ([iK>td to iw..k tla.iv. i. wi'iiiiii til'.' tiiiie i>:- .enlnd I'V i:iw, or liil^ - | tii'i- will be plea.I .n !):.:• i;l' i, e iv, r;. 'I lie Aibninl 4ralo:' liiribe.' i.oi’.iu s '.bo',.'.' w I :;re In.! Mi il to sml i\i . ised, i •o:ii ( li.irieUi , l!i.- IK -1 a'.i. ^ •, I, !eci .. . d, w ',,i ;.t ; lili,;. ...i i in tiie li-.ids of W n. -n.ilb, nl' ( liarb.tiv, \. l is iiill) authoiiscd lu ina.ke scttli minis ai grMiil I'l-eripls. PA Cl, P. vuiiiNiii .b’, Nos. 2c', 1 iS2j.—.inUf J ' Fi;vuiitl i-'iiai) C..;'di;ro_\ s aiid P>aii;^'up ('ords, Pil\. :.iKi L( i.lv,ri.d . u rlo'.) and Merino Shaw Is j j--’'''*' 11M I \; i I i -, Car.l.':;, \'ank:,i :i;:d .V'...nd:'ri!’ Ci'apes and ifo’)es, III . g:'i eii and straw enl- r. d Italian « r.pi s, 1 .'lilt .,ui.ig, j.i Naiiti ^. , iv t, p..',-ia!i. Flor- I nee ai!(i itaban ^ I'.s, • (iiiu reiit c.dors, ini', a.:. 1 -!!:u>ed (tU. .\.ij..!i.s Silk, a new and ib-,'..;,t;M'tie!.-, l.’if I; : g'.ii'. (1 bll.. {.n, di- T... do. i:!. e:. .oidwli.ti- S.i.loi and ^i.I^iling, Caelu iiieri-, liai'age, I iji.iiiask, Mandarin, ell,lit/, fan _\, ix.i ii aiUiolh. r likl's. l!anil.'.iih:i, siix, i ii.ldren, (du;pi)j, I'.iij^bsh and lieriii.in tla;; Ilkls. lUark, rii', L,:-i^n, cotton and silk Vel\its, Suai; .KyWii, >;ar.siliii s, patriOlie, Ka;^!e, ash- r.'.gion ardrc.d I.muIoo V.>luigs, ! i t neb, (ii ■ e:,ui, i'.., .dn-w , j.ov. i k.,in, sup'r, lui .il stripe i'i ii.ts, . w eii. j>'aiii ;,nu ii^-iin.d Vv i.ss '.ii.--iliis, f.i ( an o; ie .\juslins, bed, n|i(>aiso ■w ore a mask. A glance .i- ronnd l!io I'oum di -eovered that al! tl.e a'-sisi ’ps u;'"e td'O masked, .\midst this slnr.iiai' ap|)a'. el lor such an occus- ioii. tlu“ iii;dwi!'e went to woik, ami aline ba!)c as soon ushei’ed alive into this bnstiiiig wo: Id. Slior',:_\ al'ler". /V.r- conrhcufii' relumed hume, uiiderguing the s;.me ])rcrantioii''i i’or cciic.ealmen*. as wben she canu'. Tliis ist ei uiiniy a siu- U!:d l'ee!it;g l.rails will no dcinijt In' anxious for ibe lUteoi’il.e inr-anl. ^^’e bope no i rm l liatid iius i ut ils IVeine thread of lile. ^ fane;,, liiikr) red, ■ 'I anil.M.'un d. loom, mull, .! l i.ni.; a' ■ I'lam, iiguri d, i)ot;k Cot.fui, V. or,.led and \\'.iist, lustr I,,;-, 1 ('(Igi. i iiil rieb .''ij,!. Mo " and .laeiMii ( \'.i The Pi'csidvnt and on Irii/nnnn.-^-On Saltiu!ii\ luiU :.a}s ’.lie l)eniocralie I’ress, tl'iC ie'>;dei;i ol ii^- I iii!ed Stales arrived al Pl!’iiideij)hi:i, on iiis way lo \\‘ashing- lon. lie canie in ;he Steam Boat IVi.m I renlon. hile on board the I)oal a well I dressed, ruddy con^plexioned man ad- jdrosi>edhim in these words—‘I am an ; Irisiiman, Sir ;—1 undt'rslaiid you are the I i'n':.id( nl oi'llu' Uiiiled Slate;., and 1 de- ...11 e to haAe ihe honor l» shake iiands '\:V.h voti.’ ‘ With great pleasure. Sir,’ I said .Mr. Adams, exien(iing Ins band and I shakiii:^ lhal of the persoti who had ad- : dres'.c'l him. ‘31av ! ask, Sii',’ said the '.Ik li(.sti_\, ,11.a, !-'.i;,.jieii, feathereil. 1‘i ( si.icnt, Hio\v\ou like llils coiinlrv.’— . ,'*lDdetd, Sir,’ said the Jrisliman, l’like r;e!: ' .;i .•, ■ iv•■>oii.iiei am \ery nitich. 1 like il so much thal 1 I.or.g i'..^,. .1,..d ;,;il :n.;',.il’.on C.ui.biie, ] iuleild SOOU f>ec0l/ic NAIIVk! 1’ 'i'lu' Cni l.,, i.. a. orr...i;ii i.is, w ri atIils ar.u ;,rtdiciar l^*’'‘‘^ident smiled and wilh a gentle incli- tlo V, li s, ...... PI...11, J..];];;.; ur.il apn.n fun.ifure Checks, » *«. LIIIV4 »» tLIt Ci y.\ lltn_ I nation (•!’the head,said we siiall !>e iiai)|)y. Sir, lo have sneh tel!ow cili/.ens.’ lli're :i iiutoii, .iaeksiin. ;i ,(! lliiii\ai Nir wcs. .i i i i . ,, I... . I , f. tiie parlies were separated bv the crow (1, I'W.; 11 ai.(. sivani loom .-iliiilini^ , , i . ’-i ..... P.i.itiiana (.in. .O. , w i.uh piessed round l.ie rresident. ili.s P.iii. .Uid iu-.)wii l.uilan 1, i;.i( iViuiiiand Pao.iing, and good Irish liull. It is .Men’s DeaMi, Inn k, uoj,-sKiii aim V, oousioek noi tinwoiihy of a jdace ill INliss Edge- Vvorlb’s colkclion. allies kid, i>ia\ir, and Yiii'k tan (•l;\es 111k. and w iili.- Silk do. I (n t(..,s., ii: long and side Ci;r.,b .M(ic!vtnek. ui g a'l.' s.de do. Don'esi.e I’!../.,, and ».ins.,b.nn'.s, l.lin n and (int, i. k'ng, pl.iss cuttoi’, I).Ill lit an.l nuii', '! iiveail, lirov» II, i.li ;Kii. (l and t,^;i ^bli■lln Sliecung, Sl;au and I .e.^'uii'r. i’j'..iii t -M. n's eon n.on and ".i ., ;• !i.;t ,, do. ';ili' ai.d • !. .'k >, . 1, a.id \'. !. ill Mi n's I. s.. w as. e.iii i.ilu n.oi'c \ :1, il..l!'( • aii : 1 . ^,i,, I- l W I ( 1 !h’-o and CO, ],riincda, eordovan and ('.iil'i'e and ii ; : lul in j'. ii .1 I i\ Mjii r. .•'I . ( ( ott... l’> I.; ,• \i;n !■ . n ,u'd "v V, ' : . : !n'I'l’- h , 'f 'nn sntm .'list l*u!)!islKMl, |L Nl) for sale at this O'Hee, in a ])ami)Idet I* form, “Strieluns on a piece wrlHeii b\ Ha\id Ileiiki 1, i ntilb d Heavenly ! lood i.f ;■'ni I'alion, or, I I'eatise ni llol_\ P.a])li^in.'’ .li'-'t.rii .Moitiii., r. i). .*/. Pi'iee, 25 cents. V)us\s’ Wuvvuu\ 6, For ■«ale, at this Olli''e, "^I!! iti'v.H >: • Vul’.e'.la;,..!! .4 bis iVe;.s’.> ;.ml I nij.i..} I r ., till- 1- ii:is :,gl'ri'il t', 1 eontlniK' tli. iisiiul eonr-).' d b.s ae.t..Irnii''.i' in- striii lions ;it PiD'i i)iriane>. la.ir .ie“,\ II , li'i di II I oiinl_\, N. . liiiiiiii, the I a, nl.ig ;, I ..V. 'Ibe ti. rn.s are a‘. I’ollov.,-.: l..ti'_\ viiuiig in.iii will ill' n i|ulreil 1.> jjrialuee s.iti.sfaeli v;. 1. >'i- nioni:ils I'l' his so r^i t_\ and ti n.pi lai. ■,•. \ oiing Ilian w ill be- :,dli.;tli d, w I.', li.is b. ; ,i ex pelled or ■■.nspeiided I'roni an\ ..iind.ir Institiitiiin. No slu.u nt will !;»> labiilt II d |. r ;i t ii ;n b b n two SI ssions ; tlie Hist to I'ianmenei on tb.i .1 ol .lani!ar\ and i nd on the 7 tb if.Inin-; t',.c sieond to ((/ii.iiii iKi.' on the .Stii oi'.liini' ano end on till- Kilb ot .\o\. 'I'lu- pr'.. " ortuitii ii Will !)e 1 0 ju r Siss'.on, to be j'aiil ;t'lc eb.s' of laeli session. 'I'lie jn-.e. fit bo-.iiili.,,. i.i. bi ll im;'w asb I iig', iii'i'wood and I Lindli s, w;li b ^7 per monlb, lo be j)aid al tbe nd of i .,eli si >io,i. JOII.N Ml .-.li \'l'. o V. 1 18 C5.—.'>t () 1 !• p —'.'i' jiiiMIsbed, and tor sale ;.t tb'^ oll'.c , tjl ])ra e 1 _ ; I'rnls, “ A Sv I iiiii.i (ill t III .\1oim Micnt.” P>v (.'.lU.M i l.:, A. .'*1. /ra t?. ■ Il .'.dilir, ill / . ' Til ■ pilbl.sb tll ,1. i ..'int I«1 I.I 1 Tl;e reliciloiis terms of Mi\ Lowndks’ rej)ly to his iVieiul,-. who nam;'d him for ibe Preidenc} of the Union—liial “it was ii(jt an oi'Vice lo i)e souglu nor (!eclijied,. ! have cau:,ed lliem to be ideip.itu’d with liii' Miemoi y 'd' tiial \ irliioii s ana lament ed man. 'I’hey were e.Mreuiely .!j)propri- ale in Iiis mouth, not so much so \.ith scnr.e wlio have u:ed them since, li is ob\ious llial if tlie mere noniinai.ion ol ,\. loi- ofiice by bis liiend ]}. is lo re.siiil in t.!ie pi (d‘ana!io!i id' this celebrated i e- p!y, ilial l!i(.‘ wiinie i«alioii ma\ be( onie e'atuii'kii.i s Cor any ;.^i'.en o iice ; ibr liiere IS no man in liie L. I-)Utles, \. bu has not i.u'.pewdir ; .^i.e f. iei.d v. I'.o v. ouid .‘■ei \e him thus far. ' l,el I andiiiale', iheii, in 1\ Uire, answer ibr ;ii,; ni.seiV('s, and not call lo Air. Lown- liLs’ shade toat^swer f.)r lin'm. W'hal .*11 III) knew him iiave atti i!)Uled to his niodesl;.—some w b.o know others might a-'Ci iiie lo liieir eonndi net, i\n i;le;i analogous .o thal oi’.Mr. L. is to i'e iunnd in tbe .)l!i ixiok of Iloole’s Uuii.lation (;!' 'lasso, page 111, in the ‘ jM i'i !i of irni. Ido— “ i'.ir ratliir woiddj eboose (in.’ tliiis replies,) 'I'o UK rii lioniirs, tlnin to honors risi'. 1.1 t \irtuoiis aetions dignily my name; I I n\y not llie. gr.-at, nor serptn s claim. \ i i, d tiiiai ibiiik'sl so hir iiij mi'i'Ils weigli, 1 sball not till nil jell till- proll'i I'ed swav ; P.nt ])i i/c, w il b gratitude and pleasure mo\ ed, So fair a tiiki li of i;i\ worth iipjiroved. 1 .silt) mil nor I'lJ tii(. l/ii' I'l'iiJ cudi niinii/, J,.!'.'’ ( ( oni'id'. e .Mi'llIds; . I'l 1 ^,t I 1; 111. j IO M I b r ; d I.- ;.d; , .11. Il ; ,. s rin iMit of ii an !. of .\;.o\- ! I Alal)..ri’., 'I in ' V, IK r tn. r;;ad I [ Mil.) I.\amlne:’ v. ill ‘I k .. and toiAK ard tin e'\ |.i. i t. \ VUN Vl\ boU'e III' A n.b'i w \1 r'-: I»1 in.t. i; ,nio. 1 w.j w !io V. ill or to .\nn 1 no ihi'i w M'( on- I..MUD II. llAhKlS. AN t wv ::i.(oMi: uk i An indl\ii;ual i.ilely rei.uned to I'.tig- laiid alter iiii absem i' in India of more than t V. enty liiie . and I'oiiiid lliat his laad. d properly had been dispcised ol' hv hi'-; hei;* al ntw , \vl:o ha'l sobi it to tii.- par- i'.i!, and ii[)on iii( Ii lainl art* el ected niiinero'.is dwelling lupuses atid a baiiel. 'i'he indi\ idiial, of couse, claims iiis land, ami al'.o the ediiiees erected tbereoii. [From the Boston Daily Advertiser.] Loim U'oolkd S'lecj).—Messrs. and A. Lawrence, have imported by the brig Congress, which arrived here yesterday from London, sixteen Lincolnshire and Soni.h Down slu'cp, viz: ten bucks and ewes of the former breed, and six of the alter. We understand tln'V were care- full\ selected from the hest ilock in Lin- I'obisliire and Surry, for the purpose of introducing into this country the very best cjuality of wools of these descrip tions. We heiicve they are tiie first sheep of these kinds which have been im ported into this state. We uiideisi.ind they are intended to be sold, and w e have no louI)l the opj>ortunity will he ('mbrac- cd l)y Some of our farmers, to introduce these discriptions of wool Iiy p>ropagat- ing'the breeds now improted, and cross ing them with our native sheep. 'I’ho long wool is piiii‘ important, and even necessary for the success of certain bl an ches of manufacture which w ill undoubt edly be among us, as soon as a sufl’icient sti))ply of the proper wool can be obtain ed. A jn(I[;ni( lit has been ol>tuiii('d in Low- ei' Canada, against llie lli.n. .!ohn Cald- \ve!l, I'de riieiver g( nei al ol' lliat ])to'.- iiice, foi' lb.' stini of '.MO;)/. I ein;; liie a- niouut ol ii>e '.!cli(,il in ihut oiiicer’s cbcsi. An oxtrnsivc sale of wool took placc at Boston on the 9th inst. at which Sax ony wool brought .i.5 cents to 190; and Merino, from .'iiO lo 11 I cents. The ib'c*cs iVotn the Hock ofl’oger CUiit, Ksq. cd’ I'laiiiiield, C’onii. felched the highest price; and ihose from the flock'j of S. aud L. 1 iiirllx'rt aiul \\ illiain Kenne, I''.sij, of Col.m e t iciit; and of Professor Ticknoi* ■-iiid J. 'I no: :idli;e, jnn. Lsrp of lioston, brought iVuU) 6 1 lo 7t.i iints per lb. [Aiil. Journal (\dlon In .‘Ir/uifisff.s'.—'I’be ctdlivation of cotton ii greatly (xtending in this terri tory, isnd the crop of the prc.sent year [)r(Jinises an ahundaiit yield. The “(ia- 7.elle” n’.enti(ns that one acre, taken iii- discrinjinately fiom a fudd d‘ 3.) acres, bad gi\'’ii upwards of IrtO ilbs. of seed cotton, atid 2 or ;U)ulbs. more were ex pected to he gathered from the same gK.'und ; and adds', thal one stalk of c.It= ton,wl'.ich had spinng ii|) sjioiitancously in :> garden, had on it *12 5 bolls !—'I'he probable averai^c ]n'odurt of 1‘iulips coun ty, whicb last \ear did not send on(! pountl to ir.arl’.et, 200 bales are expected in tbo p,res( n:. U is adiled, that tlie in crease in other counties will be in the same ratio. Dnrarc of Covnlo fiHs and Co’in/crJ'dlcrs. Notes oi' ihe Planters and Alechanics* !Umk of Sonth-(’aiolina, sidlicienlly well ('M'c.uti'd to impose upon those unac- (piainted wiiii the genuine notes, are in ein ulation iii this neighbourhood ; !he follow ing arc tbe mai ks of three of inciti pas‘-ed olf last vveek between Lexinglo;i and (ieorgctown, by two strangers, in payment for a pair of hoi ses, >iz ; RlOO—I-ltci- l)._Sr|)t. 4. 182.1 T. r»lackvvood» I’res’t.—Daniel Kavenel, . Casb’r. S -XJ—Sanu' bank, same letter and date. S.)—Sumo bank and letter—dal(, Sept. 1, IH2'I. 'I'be l’i'1'siflcnt'’s name ( r. Blackwood,) is not in ti riiiiiK, but a fac simile engrav ing', in eaf h of the notes. 'J liese notes, it is believed, arc of a new issue, and it is highly probable tl;at a large amount has l»eeii pul in ciir.ulai.ion. W’e ha>e heard ol'one «lro\or u bo icceiv- edSloOoof this counterfeit money for bor.ses, a few days ago. ' Lv.rini'Jon (Ken.) Rcpnrtn-. ei\ri.\N,\Ti, OHIO, \!)v, 7.-—On I rid;;y evening, Jajnes Robinson was stablnnl by William Allen, and died in about, luenty niir.utes.. 'I’lie knife pa-.sed tlit'ough tlie li\er, and sejiaratrd in its course all the lariM' veins eonrierled witli lhal (ii’gaii. We leain, that .Mien and bis wife had !)een iiuari-i'llin;; tiie wl;o!n evening, atid alarmed the rn'igld»o! s by their screams 'of murder. A mimiier of persons coilei led to separate tiiem ; a- mong the res', the unr«'i'tiiii;.le ir.an wlio s killed. 1 le atteiripted, it seeo)s, U} sc • euie .Mien, who first cut hi. wrist seMTO- l\', and ba\ing loosed hiiiiseir f,i ;u binson’s grasp, thrust a large bii'e.iujr kniie inio liis side. .\s tbe criminal has not been taken. A reu ird has been (dl'ered by thi! ^Llyor, for bis api)rehon- sion.—Cl isl'i. Another tnuider has br'cn commilted in the intei ioi' of our Siatt.', makijig the third wllluii a lew weeks—at'id'i^To!' the, e.pprelii nsio’.i (pf th(' niui'di'rei', his !.:;..I- Ieu'’V tl'.e (.o'. eriiOi' has found it Ueressa- rv to o(V', r a. tew aril. \\ ii.i iw: 1!. rv, (d' I'.dgeliel l Dis'ii'’t, was murdered i,n tin* 2,’;d 111:, by S\Mi I Mmui.x. ofili" sanie, di'-triet. ?*Iarlin i:> (II-;.lilted as aboui. _.i \ eai s of age, fresii I (jriij)!f\ion. dark hair, and laree dark bbie eye^ : about u ''I'l I high, Mid Vvi'l! pi'opo! Ii.nied. The reu at'd (ilVei ed for his appi ebension, i , rhreo 1 lu’i'l: ed I )oilai (.'(I'/n'i’i, I

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