ASSKMiiLV. . M'.NATI',. FKinw. NOV. 13.—L. li. i\U'xandcr, tlie ScMialui- iVoiii (. u^arnis couiiU-j.appr^trocl and \v;is (jiiuliafil. ^ Mr. Love pii’Nciitt'd a bill to inrorpo- rutc tlif Nui’ili ('aformu (luld ('oiDpaiiy ; v!iic!\ was llit* fii sl and sih oiid tiim Mr. DavIJbot;. cf Mixklei.Lurg, from j lA;gisli.tiu e to rf-peal tlu' net Sv s- io (MAnniitu-f ui‘ I’l opo^iiioiib aiul (It ic'V- i sioii, aut liorisiiiij Jesse II jw M il tj n t j i resolution, direc ting pay aunnally to Mat- ll .HUM’S, rcporU'd llic 'rrt-asiiror to i!h\v Milk-!-, ol' Mrckk'nl)!!!’!,^ contiiy, sfvi'iUv five dol! u >, diirifi;.:^ tlu* lilo ot tin* said -Millor, as a pensioner of the stale : wjiic ii was reaa tl>e first time and passed. Mr. l)a\idson of Mec klenbuf;, iVoin the same committee, lo wliom was rt ler- and n ferred to liie Judic.iarv ( ommiltei-. , p illion of vSilas ShariKS prajiiiK Tue fulluuing pentlemen were a|>- |o,- the vn,ancij)ati^ii of u sia\e ilierelii named, lejjorted a IjiII favorable lo llio pra\t r of the petilioi.ei'; which was read pointed Iiy ihe Speaker, on the se\ei al ?ieit i t oni!«iltees, ordi-red ou the Mes-' of l!u‘ (lovernor ; On t!ic Ju.'lidftr;/—Messrs I’ickett, Gil christ, l)a\ tds(/n of .Mei klenbni^, Alexan- ler and Hojraii. (hi Inlerii'il fr/i/n-oiemcni.—Messrs. I’or- ney, Bt'thiine, Lo\e, Li grand and ilson of l'.d;;ec'oni')f. O/i K'ih’r'’Hon nnd P/imnry iSc/iools.'— ^I«'ssrs. llill(jf I'lutiklin, Sneed, Davison of Ired- 11, Jones (;r\\'ilkes and Hawkins. 0:i /,'ir (’cs.'inii of Ttn ilorif to the Vnitid —Messrs. \\’hillield, l)a\is, liakei, Joiner and (’iibl)s. (Jn Htc i>7ic/ikiii/it lo ll>e Cotisfiltifh}if;f thf Vnih fl Sfnlc'}projjflSK/ hy i)ltioind Jcr- —Messrs. (likhrisl, I’lckelt, .S|)ei^ht, Davidson of Meckleid)nand \'anht)ok. Messrs. Sjui).;-!!!. \\'illiams, liarrell, M Dowell ol' Burke and Jones of liowan, were ajipoiiited tiie coinniitlec on the Mi litia Laws and Public .\rnis. Mr. M'Dcwi 11, of Dui ke, j)rcKCnlcd a bill lo ri'peal I’le act of I^IH, iixing the sum hereafter to he paid lo il.e Stale, for vacant lanvl ; whicli passed its first read- ini', and was rel'eried to the coinmitlee of Finance. s\ri.imAv, NOV. !:6.—Mr. Davidson, of MecKlrnt)Ui 1,% presented a !)ill conceriiiiit^ the Catawba Xavi.^ation C'omi)any: whieii passed its fust readii;;.j, and, an motion of Mr. \\’iiittTielc!, v. .is referreil to the commiUee on Internal Impiovvments. Mr. Davidson also presented the ])eti- tion of Mallhe'.v Miiler, jirayinj' a pen sion. Uefern d lo the coniiiiillce of Pro positions ancl (IrievaiKcs. Mr. Ihnidson, (jf Iredell, pi-esentcd the petition of Silas Sharpe, prayini^ the e- liiancipation oi’ a certain slave therein nientioiied. Ut?leired lo ihe last men tioned commiltce. Mr. Jone-;, of Wilkes, p.rcsentfd ihe petition oi‘ I'Jizalx'lii Witherspoon, pray- iner that the uionerlv »vhich s'.ie mav that the jjioperly hei'eafter accpiire, Ije secured lo iier. Keferred to ihc commillee of Divorce and Alimony, MOND.w, NOV. 2H.—Mr. Speight pre sented the following rciioluiion, which vas adopietl : \Vhercas it appears that many deficien cies exist in our pieseiil Judiciary system, and to such an ( xteiii as almost to anujunl to a denial of justice, and more jjartitu- larly in'lhe Ciuuicery (iep.srtment ; and vhtM’casit is ihe opinion of this (ieneral ^ssemblv tirtt uj)c;n a well regulated Ju diciary sVs.eni •failhfuily and impartial ly dispensing ji. uice lo individuals) de pend the livi’s, rights and iiberlies ol our fellow citizens JiesoJreJ therefore, Thai the committee on the Judiciary be iiislrui led to iiupiire jnlo the ]iropr:eiy >f so aiueiuling our Ju- tliciary system as lo holil Courts ol Chan- cerv separate anddiAiisM iVom Courts of Law, one in each Juult i d C ircuit, and lo be holden by the present Supr('me Court Jud;es; and that ll'.ey report by bill or otherwise. Ti-Ksn.\Y, NOV. 2‘J.—Mr. Montgomery presented a bill concerning ihc election of sheriri'-, : whic h jiast iis lirsl reading, and, on n>oiion of Mr. Speight, was com mitted to a commi lee of tiie hole House, and niade the order of the day ior Tuesday next. Mr. Pickett, from the commilteoof tlu Judiciarv, r» i)oried a bill lo aiivance the administi’ation of justice in Courts of Ecjuity, and to eslAblisb a ccjui'l loi that purpose ; vvliich juissed its firsl reading, and, on moniion td ^lr. L.iO'e, was com mitted to a coinmittrc ol the hole House, and matle the oriler ol the lay for Friday next. 'I'he I'uilo.viiig resolution, from the H. of Cjiii>TiMus, \N as read and adopU'cl ; Ifc.wlrtd, that tlie i mnmitiee (jf Finance be instructed to nKiuiri- into the cNpcdieti- cy of reducing the ta\oii pedlar-by land, aiul on I lie ikiv iga!)le streams in tins slate. 1 ,;e tuliowing engrossed bill, IVjm the -ol! t'r ilousr. was it ad the hi>t and se cond time aiul passed, viz. A bill lo keep ojien French liroad Hiver, in liuncond)e couniy. Mr. Davidsc)n, of Mecklenburg, frtjm the conimiliee ot I’rcjjjosiuons and (irie- %ames. to whom was lel'iiii'd the peti- liun of Haldv^iiu pr..\ing let be di- •\(jr( rd IVom v\ il'c Aini li.i, returned llie Same, and moved thai ii be ii lcircd to the cr.mmittee of Di'. (Ji ce and Aliii'o- iiY : 'nil li v\ as agreei! '.o. wri)Msii\v. NOV, >. — Kicl'aid 1). S])aighl. ihe Se-iator IVojn C ra\en toiin- tv, aj>pea!ed. Was (jualillcd, and tjok his fceat, 'i'he followin-i; bills were presented, and j^assed ln ir ii'ailing. 'iz. by .Mr. Jones, of Will.' a biil to ametid the several ai ts (d‘ ,\ • i ni'jly pa'-sed lo extend and improv e l!ie St.ite iioad lealing li'om ''\\ likesboruugh to tin- bjol ol the Lauiel Hill, by the way ol II.dmanN Ford : l>y Mr. M’Dowell, of iJurke. a !)ill to n-’pe.d ill part the act of l.Sli. mtitlecl ‘‘.Vn act I’.ji tiie belter regulation of I'oi.fU in the toutaies of iJuncombc; Ih.jwood. iiuri;e, Villicb and Ablic. ihe lirsl lime and passed, A message from the House of Com mons, j)t()posing to ballot this da\ lor a Public Printer foi- the nsuing year, and stating that Dell St Law ience and (iales Son Wit.Te in nomination for ihi,' appoinl- nwnt. ^V'hich proposiiion lo ballol was not agreed-to. MrSi)cight, of (ireone, presented the following resolution : Jksolred, that it be referred lo a select joint coiumillee of both Houses of this '(ieneral /vsseinbly to imjuirc whether ai:y, and w hat contract was made w iih Josei>h (ialcs k Son, Slvle Printers, al the last session of the (ieneral Assemljlv : and that they also iii'juire for what price ihe public printing can be ohluined. Mr. Fo:ney infAed to amend the n-so* lution, by striking out all the woi dslVom the word " iiu/iiire,” in llie 4ih line, lo the word '\for,” in the 8th line ; which was not agreed lo. The question then i i'curreil on the adoi)lion of the resolution, which was determined in ihe aliirmalive, and Messrs. Speig!u of (ireejie, Seavvel), Fornev, Love, and Joiiesof Wilkes, were appoin.ed the said commillee on ihe part of the Seriate. Mr, Forney presented ‘the petition of sundry iid.abilanls of Lincoln couniy, jiraving the passage ot a law lor the in- co. |)oraiion of the town of Lincoltil m, accompanied with a bill lo carry the prayer of ihe petitioners into ellect. lie- ferri'd lo the committee on the Jiidi‘:iary. I'he follow ing resolution, from the House of Commotis, was read and adop ted : Uenolrcd That the committee of Fi- naiic.e be insti ucted to intpiirc into the expediency of providingby law, that li censes to retailers shall be sigiird by the Compfruller, and issued and accounted for, l>y the SherilTs of the several counties in ihis stale, in the same manner that l)etilars’ licenses are now signed, issued, and accounted for. IIOUSK or COMMON'S, THI USDAV, NOV. 2 1. Oil lliotion of Ml\ Williamson, so much of the (iovernor’s message, as relates lo Internal Improve ments w as refi rred lo ihe standing com mittee on that sul)ji“ct. • On motion of Mr, Polk, that part of the Cjiovenx r’s messagi', wliich relates to the ameiidmeius proposed lo be made in the (.'onstltuiion of the United States, touching the mode of electing the I'resi- denl of the L’niled Slates, w as referred to a select commitli-e. consisting of IMcssrs. Poik, I re dell, Shej)[)erd} iSiiller, anfl Scott. On motion of Mr. Cox, so mucii of the message, as relates to F.ilucation, w as re ferred lo the standing coinmiilee on that suliject. Mr. Cooper submitted a resolution thal the Public Priiiter sludl pul)lish for three weeks successively, the resignalio’i oi’ }lamiIlon Fulton, as Civil I'.iigineer of the State ; which was negatived, , mii)A\. NOV. lb.—>ir. Carson prescn- ed the petition of Charles Lewis, of Kulherford county, stating his grievances rt'suliingfi om the passageof a j)nl)iic road through his latul and praying for relief ; which was referred to the commillee of Pr(;positions and (n ievaiices. Oil motion of Mr. .Martin, a message was sent to tfie Senate, projjosing to raise a select joint c(jmiiiiiti'e, to revise the fees of Clirks, SherilVs, Coroners, Con stables and Couniy Solicitors ; ajid en- (juire into tlu“ ex])ediency of cf)mpelling Clerks of C'ouris to make out their hilU (;t' cost and to issui; all tickets in dollars and cent'- : and that the committee report by bill or otherwise. On the part of this House, Messi s. ^Llrlin, Scott, Miller and L. II. Simmons were named for the com mit lee. 'Mr. Swain, in jiursuance to a jictition, pre-.eiiU d a biil to ai.iiex part ol Htlher- I'oid and lUirke to I’lunconihe county ; which bill was lu ad the ^irsl tim«‘, and, with the petition, referred to the com- inittee ;f Propf)siiioi>.s and Oricvancrs. On Tiiotion of Mr. 3/.)ve, so much of th(' (io\('rnor’s message as relates to the C'herokce lands, was referred lo a select comniitiee, coii-^isliug of Messrs. Love. W. Jones, Swain, I’oor and Lewis. Mr. Love ]jresented llie following reso lution : Jlv.sofriil, 'i’liat the select committee on Cl.erokee laiidir., be in^trucled lo enijuire wlietlier any, and if any. what allowance vlu)uld be made on tiie score of iiiterest, on t'le bonds remaining unpaid, of those iiuliv iduals who have pjii'chased lands re served to C her(d;ee Indians,aiid who have but recently come to the possession of them. s\n KDvv. NOV, Cfi.—On motion oi'.Mr, Car-'On, .Messrs. ('arsuii, W. A. Hliint, llain. li.iteman and IJaiford, were a|)- j)oinled .i commillee on Military Allairs. .Mr. Moore, of Surry, presented the petition of Hardin P. Franklin and othei Citizens of Surry Couiity. prayini; the a mill dam across Ararat River in sai county; which petition was relerred to the commillee to Propositions and Griev ances, MONDAY, NOV. 2R.-—Mr. Caldwell, ibe Member from the town of Salisbury, ap peared, was (jualilied, atul took his seat. Mr. Swain presented a bill lo kee|i open the French iii’oad Hiver, iti liun- combe county j which passed its liiai- reading. Mr. Swain presented the p?tition of James Kerkendale and others, on the sub ject of a turnpike road Irom Jiig .Mud Croek^ at S.iiiiuel Murray’s, jr. to the Soulh-Carolina line. Ivelerred to the .Memb«“is of this House represVnticg the counties in the old Judicial- Circuil ol Morganlon. ■On motion of Mr- Marlin, ' Jicsoli'ed, that the commilee of I'inaiice be iiislructed lo iiKiuire into the expedien cy of reducing the lax on land pedLrs. And, on motion of Mr. Picott, Jusoicu/, '1 hat the commillee of Fi nance be instructed lo inquire into the expediency of reducing the taX on ped lars on the navigable streams ot this state. • The hill to keep open the French Broa River, in Luncoml)e county, was read the second and lhii:d limes, and ordered lo be engi'o.ssed. Mr. Alartiii gave notice that on 'Fhurs- day next he siiould move for ieave to iii- iroduce a bill to eslal)lisii a State liank. TLLsnAV, NOV. 'Ji/'.—Ml'. Poik, Irom ilv coinimuee of Piopositions and Oriev- atices, to wluiiu was reft rred the jH-titio;. of Sherwood Fort, of Ciir.iberland conn.v, reporletl that it is itiexiiedietil lo grain the prayer ihereof, and recommended the passage of u resolution, accompanying the repoi-l, recommending its rejeclion. V.V hich resolution was adopted. Mr. Ldmonslon presentei the petition bf W. P. Poindexter, of Haywood county, praying for the eslaldishmenl ofalurn- j)ike road. Ueferretl lo the committe ot Internal Improvement. On motion of Mr. Hain, ordered that a message be setil to the Senate, projjos- iiigto ballol, lo-mori’o\v at 1-o’clock, loi- a Public Printer for llie ensuing \ ear, and iTiforming thal Ik-ll and Lawrence aiul Ciales and Son are in nomination. wi-.DNKsnAv, NOV. oO.—Mr.. Skinner prt senicd the meUKjrial of the Manumis sion Society of the State, wiiich was read, and, on motion of Mr. Moore, jiostponed indelinit* iy. Mr. I’lcott, from the committee on that part of the CIi)\ernor’s message V' hich relates lo the ccsmoii of kinds lo the United' Slater-, al the liogue Hanks and at O.ik Island, for t!ie i)ui pose (jf erecting fortillcaiions, reporteil two bills (jii the for. as rop(.rted by tbc* last General As- .emblv, being added, w/., one hundred and thirty-seven thousand and iori>-onc dollars, .six and a half cents, an aggro- rate amount of two hundred and lorly- nine thousand, two hundred and seventy dollars, sixty-lliree cents and one thirU id'acenl, is formed (S-l^o-T’O 63 From this sum total, Disbursemtnts have been made, wilhhi the time first a- bo.e iiieiiliotn-d, including the detaced and worn Treasury Notes burnt by the last Assembly, lo amount of one hundrctl ail'd Ihirty-livc thousand, tlu-ee hundreti and eighty-six dollars and thirty-five and beven-lwelfthsof acent r-12j, the vouchers for which had been handed over to the Coniplroiler, and pas sed upon bv lhal officer. This Expenditure being deducted Irom the aggregate amount above mentioned will be found to leave a balance of one hundred and thirteen thousand, eight hundred and eighty-four dollars and twenty-seven cenis and three loartlis ,oi cent, lemaining in ihe Freasury ol this. Siaie, on the lirsl day of November in stant—say on the firsi day ol November, 18J3, and hereafter lo be accounted lor 13,a84- '27 J-4). For the seveiai Items forming the re- I ejjtion anil expenditure above meiiiioue*.!, .lie Public 1 rcasurer asks leave lespeci- full) lo refer lo the printed Siateuierit pre- paiid and furnished by the Comptroller, lor the use of ihc'Members oi picsciu (ienei al Assembly. '1 he Slate liank declared Dividends in the munUis ol Decendjer and June last, UL liie K.le of 4 i)er eiit. which, on the snares neld in it by i\orlh-Carotiiu, u- mounted to twent\-nc tliousaiid lour huiiciied and twelve dollars, winch were passed to ilie credit ol tiie Slate by that i>aiiK, aiul are, ol come, includeil in the aiuouiu of the Keceipls al the Tublic iieasury first above-meiitionetl :—llie Jjtam/jtr Div uleiul, however, was sai)jecl- etl lo a rcilitciioii of three ihousatid, tinec hundred and lilty six dollars uiul tueiity- lour eenls, being the amount oi liic inier- est w!‘iich had aAwued and was payable out of it lo Ihe iiaiik according lo law, on account of the unpaid forslK.iesol ihc Slock held iheiciti tiy Norili-Cai olina, al the tune of the declaration oi llu‘ said divuienil. The voucher for w hii h le- diiction from the dividend and paymeiU to liie iiank is included in me gi'iieral uc- couiit of ex[»enditure or disbursement tor the Lite fiscal >ear and will be touiul in tiU'tiles, handed over lo the Comptroller, as .d)ove*mentioned. 'i he IJaiiks of New hern and Cape Fear, likewise declared half yearly dividends in tiie months abtjve mentioned ; the liank of Nevvbern. at iht, rate of fotir jier cent, and the U.jdi (d C,ap,e Fear, at the rate (;1 ihree per I’ent. ihe pi oeeecisot wluoli subject ; one to cede to the United Stau s , u jiarl of tiie Fund set apart for a certain tract of land,_ called , luiei iial Imjn ovements. I'he Hank of Paid;s ; the other, to cede to the I. tut., il | additionally, „n tfic Slock then lately iiuiciiased by the State as luliov,s, V iz. In Deceiiitji'i’, lo am)unt of ei;;,i.ei n d'i'.I.ii.', and in June last, to ! auiouiu of ih; • e huiiiired and three dol lars, wl.!t,i) went of course into the com- iiion I fi asi!-: y. '1 lie Cape Fear Navigation Company (!» dared hke\ii^e a dividetid of four per cent, for tlie vcar which on the S.>j>,k hrid i’.i it by Norll.-Carolina, and on lise p-ayni'M’ts ii'.acie l)v lu r, in |iart of hi r laSl-^ubscriplion, up to llie lirsl of Noveml'er, loJl, amoiiuted to four hun dred and two (iolluis and twenty-seven cents ; which sum lik'-wise formed an i- tem of receipt at ihe 'I'reasury of the State. (>f the sum of one hiimired and ihir- tei II thousand eight hiindmi and eighty- four dollars and twenty seven cents and ihree-fuurllis of a cent, above-mentioned, a-> being the balanct due and payalde from lliO Public ’Freasurer to the State of Xorth-Caro’iina, on the tirsl day of l!ie present month, viz : on tl.‘ lirsl day (jf Novendjer, forty-live thousand four hundred .nul forty ilollurs and thirty-six ( eiits, are deposited and stand al my ci ed- ii, as Public Treasurer, in the Stale liank al Ualeijjh. I ifty-six thousand, oiu' hundred and tour dollars anti sixty-niiie cents, are de posited and stand at niy credit, in like manner, in the liaiik orNewL'crn, in Ra leigh : And eighteen thotisand, ihroo hundred and forty-four dollars, and twenty-three i:ents, are deposited, in manner ami staiifl at my r redit as Public, 'rreasurer, in the liank of Cape-l'('ar, al Faveltev i!!e, TIh' remaincji-r consists of w orn and n‘- deemed 'rreasnry Notes, countrd in files and made ready for burning, aiiiountin:', to titirieen thr)usand, nine hundred and eighty-hve dollars, and ei;hly-hve cents (d warrants and tjlher claims on the States an isU.nd at the mouth of Cai'i. Fear river. Whicli bills j)assed ihciri tirst reading, Mr. Spiirgin presented a bill to locate the poor house of Davidson county ; and Mr. Andrews, a bid compeliing the Re gister of Row an county to keep his ollice in the Court house (d'saul cjuiity whicii bills were read the first lime and j)assefl. Mr. Holland presented the petition of sundry citizens of Lincoln couniy, rela tive to the a[)pointmi'nt of patn.>!;5. ise- ferrod lo the committee of !*roposi'.ioiij and Grievances. Mr. Underwood presented a bijl to re peal the act of 1819, en'illed .An act to create a fund for Internal Improvements, and to establish a Board lor ihe manage ment of the same.” 'Fhe said bill passed its lirsl readiii}*;, and was ordered lo lie on the table, A message from ll;e Senate, stating their di.:>agreemcnt to the jjropiisition to ballol this day lor a Public Pi inter. Tlie resolution, passed by the Sen:ite to da»', ajipiiinling a select, joint couunittee to make iiupiiry relative lo the public nritiling, w as adopU'd, and Messrs. Scott, liain, lilount, Cowan and Martin were appointed the committee on the part of this House, To the IhtnoraliU' the (irnend .\s.^^.'iiiblv of iNdrth-Ciiroliiw. (knlkmcn—Li making lo you the annu al Ri j)orl refpjired of the Public. Treasu rer by law, I have the honour respectfully l(j siiijmil the following, tfj-wit : 'i'he Recei|)ts al the 'I'reasury of Xorth- Carolina for the year commencing w ith the lirsl day of N’o\ember, IHJ I. and end ing wilhthe last day of October, ISJ.>, including suiKlry ])ayments of Arreara|';es, and the I’ublic Taxes of every other de scription, which became due and were pai'l at the 'Fi’easury of this Stale that period, trigether w ith the Div idends declared by our three several lianLs, and which were not apjiropriated ; the pur- cluise-money or ])ioceeds of the vacant Lands latterly entered, and paid for i'l (ourseof the time above-mentioned ; and the collection made from thr lionds giv en by i)urchasers of the Public Lands near Raleigh, which were sohl in 18JO, a- mouiiting to one hundred and twelve thousand, two hiiiulrtd and twenty-nine dtdlars. fifty-six (cnts and live-sixths of a cent (S^l 1 J, .sf) To this sum, the balance remaining in the Treasury on the first day of Novini- ber. lijJI, and iliereuflcr ly be accouuicd five hundred and sixty ^our dollars, an.i ninety-six cents, yet to be accounted fo,. (17,561 ^6)—a copy or abstract ofwhir^ Account ot* Straement accompanies ihis and is marked with the letter A. * I'he Treasurer has the honour likewise to submit to the lieneral Assembly, ^ Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements^ or Statement of Account, shewing ccndition' of the Agricultural Fund of Norlh-Carolina on the lirsl day of Uicprg sent month, which will be found lo Ic-me a balance of seven thousand, six hundred and ninety-three dollars, and seven cents ill favor of and lo the credit of the suiii Fund (7,693-07)—which Statement i% marked with the letter R. The Public Treasurer has continiicrf to progress in issuing the Treasury ordered by the Assembly of 1823, IVom lime lo lime and as he could make sale of them j that however remains still unfin- ished, owing lo the want of a sufricient number of purchasers*: in course of the current year, and before the next meeting of the Legislature, it is hoped and helinJ ed, the business will be completed ani! taiisfaclorily closed. W'i'ih respect lo the Slock purchased and to be purchased with Ihe proceodsof the Treasury Notes issued and to be issu- ed, the Treasurer has hitherto been cua. bled to procure nine shares only of State liank Stock—and sixteen shares only uf the Slock of the liank of Nevvbern; for cach id‘ which purchases he gave par, op one hundred dollars per share ; He huj boughi of the Stock of the liank ofCapt. Fear, two hundred and thirty-live (235) shares at nineiy-live dolUu s per slurt* and has agreed 10 purchase, at the s.tnie rale, the Stock ol thal liank which isa ])i’scnl held by t!ie Cape-Fear Navijj,,, I .ion Company, on the ground princij)al. | ly, of the interest w hich the Slate liolJs or has in that Company:—Others have oli'ered of the like kind of stock, but it ap peared lo hi:u besT to decline purchasing HO h.rgeljjin the Stock of one and the satue liank, for the present and uniil ihcvvibhes of the Legislatuie should he known:— He is persuaded the liank of Cape-l c;ir is linqneslionably solvent, and that iij Stock is safe and valuabh*, and !)elicves withal, that the pre.sent reductnl markei price of it, is lo bo accounted for, priiici pally, and perhaps solely, from the cir. cumsiance of her Dividends having Im. tel ly been declared at the rale of 3 per cent. onl\, whils^i those of our oihcr Banks were declared al 4 per cent. In obedience to the Resolution of the last General Assembly in regard la Wrecks, S:c. S^c. the 'Freasurer has in. \iled the attention of the Solicitois fjr the State, for the ridings bordering; on our .sea-coast, to that business : and doubts not they will enable him, al some fiiture and early day, lo report salisfacioi iiy on the ■'.ubject. The I'xposes or Statements of Cape- Fear and Newbern, in December atil June last, are iierew ith transmillfd ’Pilose required of the State Bank w:t not yet prepared, but will be made ti;>’.*> the present time, early in the next wnk; w hen they shall likewise be forwarded, without further delay. Much and respectfully, Gentlemen, Your obd’L. serv’t. John Haywood, Pub. Tnas. nalelgh, Nov. 1825. The Delegation from the Creek Nation, mentioned in our last, wi^s received ycs-f terday by the Secretary of War, at li:'’ ollice. b-poth le-Yoholo, the head chief, expressed, in the name of the other chicls their satisfaction with the reception the;’ had met with; and retjuesled, particular ly, that they might be permitted lo liwr their f.ither, the President, speak, unJ lake him by the hand. They w ill visi: the President to-day. We understand it is >hoir intention not lo enter upon th.: business d' their mission until the u* maituler of the chiefs arrive, who wiH> probalily, be .here in a day or two. H'C follovving are the names of those al prrioiit in t'.ie city :— O ])Oth-le-Yolu)lo (head chit f\ Wolf, Yoholo-Micco, Lmahla-^ ol'ulot Meiiawee, or l\.e-li'>-he-ne-haw, ( Tiislenugge, Nah-elluc llojjie, tMiaik: Cornels—Oc-chi-di\icf», Ledagi, .Mi'’'-';' pi. John Riilge and David \'ann—( kees—as Secretaries. yd. Ju’irnn!. In the \'i'-ginia Legisialnre, vvhidi v.i!i. meet at Rii hmond, on Monday, ihi'f’i'' much important busin'‘ss to be ti Jti''-iY* ed. ’Phis is what is called the “ sci'.itc ing year,” when tw omemln-rs ol the ecutive Council must be displaced, am tiie vacancies tilled. A G'eriior an I lilted Slates’ Senator are lo be ap])')ii'|‘^» have to be til!eu> - - and other ollicvs will 1 reasury paid oil and taken up since the ’I'he propriety of calling a Conve:iti'>”» ^ '!os(' (d tlu*, late liscal \ ear-—and of rash | amend the Slate C-onstitutioti, w ill iind'-'' Ue|)t in olVice tor the piiri)ose of meeting 1 go disc nssion. ll is ihoughl that i‘'® the tiematids or 'Xpenditures of the day. The Pui)lic 'Preasurer ha.i. rendered lo the Pn'sideiit of ihe Boai(f'of Internal improvement an at count of his Receipts and F.xpendilures from ihe lirsl of No vember 1.S21, to the tirst of November 1 J.), comprehending the payments made at lilt; 'I'reasury by the. |)iirchasers of piiris of the t herokeo Lands, togelluir wiih all other mtjiiies leceived by him and whi h are subject lo the drafts or disposal of thal Board ; which shows anti leaves in his hands an unexpended awm '.ir ’valance of seventeen thousand, inisiness will not be carried throng!''^ as to allow an adjournment, until iiio gintuiig of .March. i7y. In the introduction of printing this country, Massaehusells claini'> I’**' cedenc.e over all the other States. established at ('ambridge l)y (d (he Rev. Jesse (ilover, for the of Harvard College, atul was lit-'’1- diicetl into Boston, in lf'7.). 1 newspaper was is&ucd in Boston, m ' ^ under the title of the Boston Xewii 1-'- ter.