VOL. U ] CUARLOTTE, .V C. TlllSJUY, DECluMJiEll 27, 1855. [NO. 63. PlTHI.ISilEI) WKKK1.Y RyLE.MI KL l5I\(;irAM, TllUUIi DOLLAIIS A TKAU, PAH) IN AIIVANCE. •I* iS’o paper will be discontinued, unless at tlie isci’tflion of the editor, until all urre;ir;ig-es arc aid. AitvEUTisEMKNTB will be inserted at the usual tes. Persons sending’ in adveilisenicnts, arc (juested to note on the margin tlie number of scrtions, or they will be continued until forbid, nd charged accordinj,Hy. 3tA\u IIK sul)scriber lui>iiiij obtained I-i tters ot Administration U|)on thi. estate of John ovd, deci used, takes tl>is inctthod of in!‘orniing hose w ho arc iiulebtod by iu>te or book ac- ount, that payment must be made on or boiore lie l'cl)ruarv court of MecUlenl)uri^ county;— *\()se w ho l.tii to attfiid to tliis notice, will Juivt o se ttle with cost. Those wlio have any demands against siiid cciased, are rciurstc-d to make them known ■itliin the time prescribed by law, or this no- ’ce will l>e plea;l in l)ar of nco\cry. Tiie Administralor further iiotilies those who re indebted to said !i ci :ise(l, that during- Ills CIIARLOT'rj': THK 'I’rustoes of the Charlotte Female Acad emy have the pleasure of announcin,!^ to the public, that the txtrcisesof this Institution will commence on the fii"st Monday in Jyuuary next, under the superintendence ot'the Kc v. 'riiomas (Cottrell and l.adj'. A large and convinunt brick building, located in one of tlie most iKalthy situations in this village', has been erected, which will be occupied by the IJev. T. Cottrell and family. Ample funds for the s\ipport of this Institution, have been placed in the lian.ls oi tin I rustees by the liberal donations of the citizei s ot ( barlotte and its imuiediatc vicinit\', who stand pledged, as well as the 'I rustees, for its r sj)ectability. 'I he 'I rustees feel assured, from the high recomniendatioiis of Mr, and Mrs. Cot trell, with which tiiey have been furnished fron. the most uncpiestionable sources, andfrcm t!u long experience in the management of Institu tions of this kiiul, that those who feel a lively interest in the success of this Acaciemy \>iJl not be (iis:i])pointed. 'I'he vurious brandies of Fe- mule Kducation, both literary ;ind ornamental, will be taught; and the most unremitting i.tten- tion is pledged to the manners and morul.s of the pupils. Boys, not exceeding ten } ears old, \vd be admitted. The first session will closc on tlu lifteenth ol ,?une, and the next session eoni- niv-nce on the next day and close on the latii ,i l)sence iVom (duiiioUe, i!ie notis and boobs of | November. Hoarding can be had in respectai)le no. lioyd, lieeeasrii, will at ;ni\ time be I'ound ; iamilics in town, at forty «lollars per sc.'-siun.— \ the iianis of \Vn>. Smith, of Ciiarlotte, v lio j Terms of tiiition, in the lit( rary * ranehes, per fuilv authorised to make settlements anl session, 5f>10 UO. 'I'hc ornamc-nt;.l branches will rant receipts. I’ACI. nAUlUNf.KIt, Nov. 26, —.ir.itrJ WJNIvSOli AM) T.iATF cjuin M.iiaxa, Wll.I.IAM Cl I.VKRIiOUSK JAVIM; comn:enc( d the abo\ t business in t!ie t')w n of Charlotte, respictfull} solicits ■ li.u'e of public ]).itronage. iiis w ork will be ■ •;itlv jMid durablj eoiistnirlcd, ^muI will be) hposed of on aeceiiuiiodatnig terms. be taught upon the tollow i.ig terii's, \ Muslin Work and Marking, pr. Session, j Kmbroidery, - . . ,;o xy Drawing and Tainting, on paju r, do lu d() do on velvet, do I'J Music on the Fiant), - . do 20 F.ach payable in ad\anc»*. ovV\\-i'ftYo\\ua ^re\ogva\>\\. Til'll ir. F.ditor of the \ortb-C'ai e!ii a 'I'elegraph ^ f;ives information to ;.ll conct rned, that he exjjiels the jjublication of his p:.])er to com- nu lue the first week in '.lanuary next. 'I'lufrie pt rsons holding sul.'scri])tien papers are request- i (i to n.:ike ret\irns f si.bscrilu rs’ !!ann s, at the lartliest, by ’be 1 jth (t’ Dect nd)cr. l’a|)ers di rected totlie Fcsf ('fl'n in I': yetteviih , I)', pri vate conveyance or by n ail, will be duh attei»- del to. '1 he F.ditor W('uld !o in justice to his own feel ing's not to e?.pnss lu'- warniest giat'tude, ibr the bberal eiKr i,rag ini nt he has alreadv re- eeivel. If any 'iii. g were waniing to C(jnfi’-m his ton\iction c* ti;e necessity and impovtance t)t such a pubhcat'on, the jjatronage he has re ceived from ail classes cf society fV(,iu ev ery pail ot ibe State would certainly do it. It In ho[)cd that all w In. w ish to posse, s the pa])er ti om its con:ine!;eemci'.t w ill in u.i diate ly seiid in tip ir namts, either b} giving t!,em to till se who have pr(;posab, or by leavii'g them rn -i-.y Fost-.\j;isti r w ho w dl forwan! ttiein.— 1 lie I'resent expt ctat!(M'i is, to puolisii in i>au.j)b- •et !onii, ccntain.ui;- I'j a week, niaking .i>o;uineor csoJ]) gos a j.ar; so that tht.se • lo take tile trom its cin".'.iit licence nt, i!.a\ file away lor h.tnre usefulut ss a greater iiiass ot reiigioo’-, poi’iueal, and literan iritv.lli- j iine than eiit , p.rlii.p->, be ((-i'.ected in any otb r w; y, so little expi iise. N. lusteisot tju (»i-si,'el '1 t taighoiit tlie Slat are re({uest d t(.- nai' ( known to their congre gations the antic pati d comment ement of this p pt r, aiiu to eiitt-i.rage all who wish to sub- ser.lie !o it without lii h'-y. li is believeti tliijt if those who have idready tuk n a deep u ti i v.st n. this ol ject W ere respec tively to exert their infiucnee a little further, that a sul.tcrij.tion sufi'ciently larg-e would be oljtiiiiU'd to ensure the cent ■ luiaiiee of a .lour- N. I.. few piip.bs ran be accommodated r.;.| so n ach n.,;eded. Upon tnis inHueiice the w ith board :.t the Acad n»v. l>AVtl) |{. ijt’M.Al*, ^ JdiiX iliW IN’, yCuntmittcc. UM. J. ai,kxam)i:h, 3 h\64 (Ij'Tl.c editors of the Camden Mironicle and ; V e.stern Caridinu.n. will give tiu; alx;ve adver- Skttkks and 'Wihtim; (.’iimks, made to or-^ tisc.iient Jinr iiisi rtions in tiu ir rt sjieetivc pa- T, can be li:id on slii'rt notice. ■ pers, and forw ard their accounts for pio inent. Charlotte, Ft 1). 5, IH.’J. lyt?." 1 j.ditoi eonh'l; i.t!y caliulaUs, and |.ron.is(s his best I xcrtit ir. tn r..et i Uie j.'iddic cxj)ectation. I'aj etli. \ ilie, ',ov. 2J. ' V vv\ V* ut C u-S\\eWti*, A NKW INVKNTION. Of the Sidle of Nar!h-C(trolina. \CObl'F,C'l' ’>;ip of lh(.' ‘ tafe in \ hieli lie resides must be a de-.ii;.i.'e ob;.-. \ ' everv VI \TV‘-> hcreliv g've notice to the citizens of | i>i-'>taut. A general attendance is reijiiestt il. f Mecklenburg countv, that w e have pur-j V' % J. V. K IIav-svm r.t FAir.TTt.\ 11.1.K, -1 ii'.eeuii;., (/I uie. i rustees oi tne //«/•- ■ indniilual. V hatevi r n.:i\ l:f a n i.i. .. .;eciir:i I loltt .jraiitmy w ill hc held at the Court liouse in ■ tion in life, it fr. pu i.tly l.’. ct '.i.e^ .ir,poitant t this ])ia( e on S:.t rday, the olsi ot December him, as a niatti r ol iKcuiMuy luteresl, to jnissrs Meckknbuvg county, that we have pur. :iscd the riu'!it ibr n. .uuf'acturing’ a .>>acliine, lied the FA t'F.N T COKN SI i KI J.KK, and soon ha\e tiiem on ir'i'ul tor sale. orthe| . i*. ; . , > iplicitv of its construct.on and its i:tihl_\ to | VCCtlVCll—^ l-.lanters. it is unetpialled by any other in-' - ,51,1^ Mus.'ovado SUGAK, lition. l'erha])s we may be thoiiglit lo ex;.;:- ^ ^ ^25 ba'‘s Cofiee, rate, wdun we say it will shell a Inisliel of _ . . * rn in llirrc iiiul by u httle xertioii in •o minutes. l{«it we iinite :di to come and amine it, wiine.ss its operation, ami satisfy emselvcs as to its great utility. It can be seen the sub.jCl uers’ shop, opjiosite the jail. , I UFO. MKUKII.LS, W.M. COUNW F.LL. f:harlotte, Oct. 29, 1S125.—o7ff (Xly A meeting (/f the. ’1 ru.stees of the i fiur- ' indi\iilual. iiatevi r n.:i\ i:t- a n i i. n'ciipa- to to jnissrss a correct know ledge o‘ the r lative siti..ition of thediflerent secti')us of ecunlry. In the pres ent e nlightened stute of socii ty, the su!;scri!)er is con\iiiced that, apart liom all considerations ; of ir.rt rist or convi nieiice, tiiere are verv few tif . nr e.ic-eiis w lif df> not ti' 1 it an affi-ir of per son. 1 |Mio th.ttbi ) ;ind ti;oii ehildn n sliould be a!)le to -• oV •XuvU\-Cv\voVvu‘a, IJuthorlonl (/ouiity. /prrior Oiui t cf Lax'y Octokr Term, 1825. Voovly Ihirge ) I Petition for Divorce. i/.ab(tb Murge.j '1’ a]i])eai iiig to tlie sati.sHietion ef the court, tiiat til- defen.!: iit, Fh.’.ahetb Uurgc, is not iiiitabit int oftli.s State ; it is tlierefore orcler- the court, tliat publication be mad'.' three niibs 111 tin" l{.alei;;’h h’egi>itt. r hiu! the t iitaw ba ui'iutl, giv'iig iii.tice to t lie d'. fc ii:laiit tliiit slie andappun i.ttlie next Superior Court ofl.aw, be belli fni Wiitlierfoiii county, at the ( oiirt- ouse III Ui.tlu ri'ovdtoii, on the ^d Mond;i_\ ;if- r tiie 4tii Mondiyin March next, then aiul ore to ;.nswA.r, pb ad, or di mur to saiil petition, herwise it wiM bt“ taken pro confu'S';, and dginent accordingly. W itnes.s, .lames Morris, Clerk of saiil Court, oll'ce, the .'nl M' lid iv after the Ith .Monday Si ptember, IKJj, :nid lntlui6Ut!i \ ear of tlie depeiulence of the Cniti'd States. .IA>iFS Mt)UlllS, elk. ."m?-!—price :ulv. V I: t A* uV\ \l-VI ‘AYoWua, Ml ckler.ldiri; Coyiily. (lurt of 1‘kas uml Qndrhr ,SiMiuu>, Niiveinher 7V/- ,, ISJj. )avid Stanis, ) \tta’t. levied on land; ami .!■ SI pii ami in. \ i.rboro enr\ ^ arboro. j siimuKdU'd as g'liarnisliees. \ tir.'. ca-e, it appi aring-to toe c(.uri, that tile dei't iKt in'. iS not an iiiiiabitant of this Ak- : It I/, - .nl. i ', that till proet edings in tins ise be sta\ et. and that ad\ertiseiiient be made ir tlirei li.ontlis tri the Cat.iwb.i .louriial, that hbds. 1st (jualiiy Molasses, 15UU busiris l.lverpool Salt, 2U l)bls. l.oaf and Lump Sug^ar, 2U bags I‘e|)])er, 20 do S|)ice, 15 do l»';u-e (linger, 10 [r. casks Swea Malaga "Wine, 20 bids. N. E. limn, 10 do Northern (.in, 10 do- Tanner’s (!:I, 20 tons Swedes Iron, 1 do Share Moulds, 2 do Sheet Iron, 2000 lbs. n'lstered Steel, . lOuO do liermaii do 500 do Cast Steel, 175 kegs wr(,ught Jc cut Nails, Ec Brads, 30 boxes A\’ool and Cotton Cards, 50 tlo 8-10 and lU-U (dass, 100 bags Siiot,- 75 kegs FI- F and FF J’owder, 100 reams \\’rapj)ing I’.ipcr, 50 do Writing Paper, o tons Logwooil, bhds. Cop])cras, 200 lbs. llengal Indigo, 2(.'0 do Siianish Indigo, 1500 do Maihler, 2500 do Alum, 1500 do Salt I’etro, 25 coils U.de Uope, » 50 pieces Cotton 4Jagging. M ith an assortment of Patent MKDICINKS, and FAINTS, dr\ ;unl in oil. ; Also, a coniplete assortment of fl'ool ^Machine Curds, always on hand. Ikiuhcr, 1S25,—2nit65 ■•k with fan.iliarity of th(se pai-ts ot the .‘'tate 1) ing ;it a dijt'.'.'ice from tlicm, as Well as those in their imii’ed'ate vicinity. 'I'lie subsci ;i,(.rti!erefore flatter., liimselfthat ihe fol- l:iv. iiig ; IV .s will be r..ci 1 ved w itfi ])!easure by a iaif,. portion of the ii,jaldtaiits of his na tive Stale. he prc)jK)scs to a cejvrect Mai> of thi; STATf 01 Xoi!-rn (jAiiOi.i> A ni’ asurlng () feet y inciies ill leng'J.i by .1 feet (: inch s in w'iiUIi, laid out iipen a .-ieale of five miles to the inch. '1 he niatena's will I;.- i,i ti.e best kind, and the en- grw\ .ii!; x>euti diii siiperi(;r s,t_\!e. Hut eorrcctm. ss i! deliiu ation being the most in,};ortant eir'-.im.staiice, has c'aimed the sub scriber’s ch.vf alteiition i lo the at’alnment of which inij.f rtaiit o;j' ^ tlie Mup of eavh coun ty has been se]i;vi^^ely executed ’•>' li'. If. P,. liuA7.ii.it, J'.st). with the a-s'.stance oi'gentle men oi’scicnec r..aiding' in dliteri. nt parts t,i'the Slate, and ln.,:n tin jn.'dic siirve_\s, and iiave been likew;-,- re\ i.sc(l ai d c,i reeti.d by the se veral eouiity Siir'it'vt.rs, (,i’ seune otiier compv- tent perstm, in er.rh eo inty. T>.u"‘ — F;r \;aps, xarnisbcd. cobjrcil. and mounted on rollers, or ])ul up in jH>rt..ble torm, each. .lOIIN MACI.*\K. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 1, 1825. 4t(;i G:;}’Subscriptions fur the above ^lap will be received at tliis (a'lice. EEstrjixcRr-. A I lUM’ liATK FAKM. rS'^K!', subscrlbe-r will sell, I’AYKi r;:\ ii.LE. 1'olx‘rt JniiVay b] Co. AA’!' received their Fall Importation of DKV (lOOD''; •which they (ili'er to re sponsible country deale rs, t n as hlieral terms of credit as are given b\ anv lunise in the l.'nited Stiitts, Tiieir assortment comjirises almost every ar ticle. of foreign or ih inestie nianidactiire, that is recjinred in a (\ ni 'ry .Me.re in Norlb-Carulina. NiiMirbt r 1, I11J5.—.)t(v> T/'O A il' I'nblie Sale, 011 olstoi De ce-iiiber iiistai oil tin- aiit, at • the store of .1. 11. Houston, Ireelell count), N. C. that Ojt* Vdlf up ifoui* Accouiils. \FJ. jiersons w ho are imlebti d to the firm of Keiidrii k iv Abi riK.th), or lo (ireeii Ue 11- : tira k iiiuiv idually, are n tpiestt d to 11 ake iin- nietliate ]>a\nieiit, cither in •.••//, oyCa/ton.— riiose .vho h.i\e purchaseil guods frnni I I . ...V ..t ill,'11. Vt cmiri of I'l. MS mi\ l | .v|,o ii.,\c purcbaseil guods frnni us Uiii\r;ir‘-es, uns for the coiintx e,f Meek-1 ’‘'y. '• "'J? tlie last twelve niontb.,. ha^e got tiien. at iii.iiU on the fourth Mond,i> of Feliruarv, Di- net South-( ar.dina, on the Catawba ^ c:ish p. n . s, and generally te, be p.u.l for in a JC> a.’id n oievv and plead, otlierwi.se jaelg- er, and eont.i.inng about Ui rv sl.ort tm.e ; w hicli w e hope will imiuce •' I ri-sj-uetive .leeoui.ts. We will either take cof- iibiir fi . . , . . lit bv detaiiit will be hail ag'aiiisl him. Test.' I'.A \C ALIA.VNDKK, C/tr/r. .bn7.’>—jir. ailv. feVixVvi uf XuyVU-V AYvA'm’vi, (';>l);irnis .Sii|icfiur C oui l. Catharine (ii'odmaii ) vx. i 1*1 titioii for elivorce. Caleb tiotidinaii. j T appearing to the ■^■itisfactlou of the coti’-t, th.it tb.' d> I' lid.int is not an Inhabitant of this t.ite : Oiifrmf, that publication be made f->r nn.nt'is in the M'ltittrn (\irij/,iijni ami iitau'l),/.,liiiirn:il, in)tlf\ing said ilefeiidaiit, that iiless he apjiear at the next Siij) riort'ourt >1 aw to be held for the (tninty of Ca!)arriis, at Cmirt-llousi- 111 Concortl, on the ()tli .Mtm- after the 'Uh .Monda\ in .March next, and . Kaii, Hn-w er or demur to said pe tition, judg- ‘lit pro c'lidesso Will lie taken agaiiut him, d it will !)e hear.l . \ jjaite. .I \S. (.. SFKAHS, Clirk. 59—,1m—])r. atlv. s4. Deeds ior Sale at tliis Ollicc, ini id The (piality and local situalitin ot'tliis laml war- j t(,u at a fair i)rlce here, or at the ( b.irleston rant the subscribiT in recommending it to the | price, deibietiiig {night and rbargis; conse- cotton j)lanti.r; ami he retjin sts all those who j tpiently all w ho \vi-.ii to pav, can elo so without wish to Mst funds in that kiml of jiropi r',_\, to any loss to tlie nisi Ives. i xainiiu- it. A furtln.r eh scnjjtion isdi iiiicd umiecess.ii'y. ■|■erIll.^ will be made known on the da) if s.de, or im application to tlu snbseri- ber, living near centre met tiiig-hoiise, iredell county. ' A. .1. WOliKF. December 1, 1"825.—-Itfio ' The « ditor of the I'iuinir, York\illc, will publish the above three- weiks; and the editor t)f the' l! i'lirviniiaii will make the alti-ra- tion as aboe i-, in the adve rtisement in his jiaper, anei etmli.iue it till day ef s de j and J^^-u'anl tiieir respietive accoiii.ts to the Fost-master at Mt. Mouriie, for |)ayment. .{list i*nl»!ivlic(!, VNI) for s de at this OHice, in a |);imiililet form, “ Mri tu’-i s i>n a puce wrltitn b\ Mr. l)a\ id Henkel, inlitled flea\enl) Mood of Ui gi. Ill r.ition, or, I'reatii.e on Jhil) liaptisio.” Hy Jostru MuuJiti i', D. M- I'lice, 25 toils. Dec. \ KI.NDUICK y AliKKNATHV. 1825. 3i(m 1OST, on J'riihi) nig-ht, the 2tl instant, at a i meeting-house in Ireilell countv, «,n the im-ni.tain ro.'.el betwee n ( hai-lotte and State ,- ville, a Kell 'lorocco Pi.ekt t liot.k with six poeki ts, containing one note ol >58 .I,i*,- with three dollars and si.me- few ei nts, credited i n the bat-k, against i.eeigi liakei-; anotbirnotc of a dollar and some e-ents, whii h I had lifted, having the names still to it ; llki w ise, tlin-e re- eeii;i> lor t::\es, two printed and one wiitf. n. .\lsii, fiiiir tioliai-s in mtniey, bciii;.'; a 1; K l/ui- di)t!;.r bill. A lew aid i,f three lioilai^ uill lie gi\ ell to anv one w ho iiiae (ind, and will ili llv i r said Pocke t Mook, with its ton'i i.t-., to nie ; and all pi I'Oiis are forewarned Iruin tiailiin.'’ lur the abtAe notes. Li’HKAl.M MU ClH.I.l.. Dcc. 8, 182.5. oiG.. IIKNHV CLAY. The follow ii)[^ precious morceau, wo !)c- Hevc, \rill not only cxritc ihc adniiriuiun of the fi-icjuls of Mr. Sccrcliiry Clav, but i will al.so present a bcautilul specimen, of j the most (listinguishiuf^ characicristic ol‘ ili;s great man. A tew years since, -lioMiy i.fier tin* af^ilation of the faiiious ('^I'.ijjeiisution hill in ('oniiTcss, I\lr. Clay, v.-Jjo voted ill fnvor oi' tiiis hiil, upon I'c- iiiriiint>- home lo I'.is cotisliluetils, I'uiinel a lui iniclahle opposition an-ayed aj^aiiist bis re-election. .After adcliessliit;; ilio prtjple iVom llie Ihislint^s, previous lo ihc 6peniii}>- of tiu- |j()il, lu* stepped i!e>wn it;;o Ihe crejwel, w here he iiu-t an cjld and inlliiential !Vi( nd ol'his nanieii vScotl, one of ihe fii St seniors oi“ ILetilue k’y, atid^ of course, in liis yoim|:;er (i.i\s, a jjreut hunls- 1111.11. I his j^entleinan, sa jjping uj). ad- (iressed Mr. Clay as follows; “Well, well, liarry, I’\e been with you in six .roubles : 1 am s)rry I must now desei i \ou in llie sevenili ; you have voleil for that mistTabie coiiqimwliaii hill ^ 1 must now lurn my bacl^ uj)on you.” *‘Is ii so, I'l lena Scoii } Is ihis ihc only objeciion ’ Il is.” “We riiusi get over il ihc best ay we can.—Yoti are an old huntsman r” “Yes.” “You have killed m ,n\ a fat I'ear and buck:” “Yes.” “I fieiieve you liave a very good riilc r” “Yes, as ijood a one as ever cracked.-” “Well, flid you ever have a fine ial buck before von, when your gun snapped?” “Ihe like of that has happened.” “ Well now, Iriend Scott, did you take that faithful i ilie and break il all to pieces on the ve ry nex.1 locr you came to—or did ; ou j)ick ll’.e flir.t and try il again?” 'i'he tear stc.od in t!ie old man’s eyes. 'I'ho chord was touched. “No, Harry, I picked the flint and tried her again—and I’ll try you again—give ns your hand.” We need scarccly say iiuitthe welkin rung wilh the huzzaing plaudits of the bystanders. Clay was born oiV ihe hustings and re-electcd. Can (tnrj good ininff come out of Nazt P In the mieist of llie dry, dull, dogmatiz ing I’olilical Disquisition No. 11,” of •Mr. Kitcl'.ir’s everh-.sling corresponendt, \vc find the follow iiig pretiiiy turned con»- plinient lo the President’s farewell ad dress lo the Nation’s (Juest. Il i.s like a dii'.TTio!iel tin a dunghill—a sudden coi iis- (.ti’.ori siiowijig more hideous the sur- ! oiui'liiig (iaj-kness. We wonder if Mr. iiiuliit read “Dis(]uisitions No. 1-1,” bel-jre it wer.t' to his comjiosilors ! If he did, I'.iore are soiuO hopes of him. Speak ing of Mr. An.^ftfs’s fare-»\eli to L.xk.vy- i.ri K, the corre* poiuleni of the l'',iu|uirer calls it a “ b auuful,.sentimentjl larewell addiess : An address highly liontjui able 10 l‘iesiilcnt A. and to his co.intry : An ufielie.ss, so iVatit;ht wilh the sensibilities of the heart and liie wi^doiu of llie head, with incjfleiits s(. ha|.j,ily e liosen, and se^ beaiilil’uiiy jioi trayeil, thal e\(M v disap proving .\mericat! pauiol, oti othei-oc- l asioii.s, wc.i:i(l upon lli.‘ instani, ar.d uj)- on the oee asioii, becuiue dis.trnuel ol' every lur,li!c reeling, and own hims.ell' proiul t!ius to be rcpresenlefl by the Na tion’s I’residtnl. ” ^'al.jounutl. 'I'Im' fii!l(jwing artie h-. from the i^'lila- cielphia I'reeiiuin's Journal, of the 21th, (lise.ioses a slaieof lliiugs uhie'li lias been mueli apprelieiuleel, and, we may add, has been ai tiially pruduced, by loo muck ajj- preliensi(jii. “ i'oinuicrcial Dlsfress.—I’iio disfrcss wliie.'.i^exiiiis in the money market in New- Vt;rk, e-xc.eeeis all that has l)een known I’ur iiiatiy y ears pasi. WiUiiii a few days, no less iIk'H .srrcn iailures have; (ncuired in flial rily, which are of suflie.ienl iniiior- lutice lo hamper and injure, il'not to pros trate several commercial houses, liillier- lo i-iijoyi'ig great ccnildene c atul cicdit. \\ e la!;e no jdeasiire in stating the-si' facts, but the ti-;iili is known, aiid»il is folly and iiiipropriety 10 eoiu eal il. I'ailures iuive takcTi place in New York, during ihe week, ioi- imtiuMise amou'.its. 'I’he scar city of KKjni y has been iticieas‘fl by the liniilalion d iht; cii'ciiiating tnedimn, caused by the refusal of the iiatiks of t!;at cily lo recei\e the not(;s f)f g(>od cotuilr\ lianks, so that heavy discounls have been suiVereel. Nor are we v. itlioul our f..il- ures in IMiiludelphta, allhougli, ( (Jinpat e'd wilh llie l(.»re[;oing, they are not so manv in number, iieir are they lor such liea y amounts. Jiul a s('a.son of diflie ulty and pressure has visiti-d u-„ Our banks, t;en- ( rally tlisliru;ulsiie(l for their prudence and camion, ihjw refuse discounls, whei e they lormeily iieslowed their i’avors, if such they maybe called, wiihoul the least hesil alion or appiehension. As an in cident to this subject, il may be mentitjti- ed, that goods are. sent IVom New York to tlie I’hiladelphia auctions, in oider U> raise cash, v. hie h sell iVuiii I ;■> lo 20 pei cent, less t!i;.n the usual auction casji pri( e‘, > e .lU e our dealers are uriaijle to ntsr.uArr.ri’i..—We h-arn IVotn the Philai^'lphia (iazette of Monday that‘‘‘a transac(ion as dist’vaceful to tiie ] erpe- (rators, as it w..s disastrents lo the suller- cr.s, occurred on Sunday evenitii^ al ihc African Church, on Sixth street, above Lombard.—Just as the preacher for ihti evening'was concluding his discourse, se\eral young, well elrt.'ssed, white men, presemed themselves at the door, with segars in their mouths, atid demanded admission. This \\ as refused till they tliew away their segars, when they enter ed swearing “vengeance against the ne groes,” and proceeding te» the Ien\er siovc oji ihe men’s side of (lie 'u use, tliiev, in a quantity of salt mixed wili. ('ayenne ( ep- per. They theti retired, liinnc'diateiy afterwards ;• dis;.i^i !\’al)le smi il wasper- cei\(*f| a iiieh WaS c;niekU foli .aed by a dilVuuihyori'K'a'luiiK* M'iu most viuient sneezing and cenighitii;- was lu .irl 'n • ve ry part of I lie !.em-e, and ifie di e ail of ■Stratigulation became ge-iiei al. I lie cry of fire was raise-cl, .Uid iin assendjhil mul titude, amotintiiis; in -all il is sa'.d to more than two ihousiiud, rushed lowaiels tho din’ei ent doors and w indt>w s, ovei turiiinjj i'’.e benches, and tiumpling inuler fe-eC those persons who wei-e so unforuiiiaie as to fall. The seeiie is nion- easily cmi- ceiveil than desciii)ed. Ihe coiifuiioa Lsled for many mmutes, anel the ageju- izing screams of the sutl’erers dre*v ihe peopU' together from a dislatiec ofse\er- al squares. One-aoman, Caitiurbu- ft'il- Hama^ w as taken from uiuler a pile of bo- (iies, and died immedialelv afl‘r\»ards. Another, we are infoi med, died tlii» morning. Several others we.-e sexe.e ly wounded; and many slightly inju.ed. The nature of the composilioii useei by the young men, was discovei:ed from a paper containing a pai'cel of ii which ono of them elropped on the lloor. I’lu- poor coloured people think tlial if the wuulows aiid doors hael not been opened ini medi ately, the v\hole congregation wendd havo been strangled.” Jialtirnorc I'ulriuL il)!;.in 11,lid 1 till (.11 t;-h the bank* may upon bpeculaticyu.’’ lliUl llil'V JldcenturPs of nnote.—On the Ifilh in stant a certain hou -e in this cily, then in i good circiimslatucs, called at the Man- I I'.ullan liank, lo take up liu'ir note, which, j according to their meuioi aiidum book, I fell due that day, for Sl2,ji)0, but on a[)- 'l)licaiion at the bank, they were assured : by the clerk that no sueh note Mas there' ; I they then applied to ibe entlorser to le..rii I what bank It was hulged in, and were iri- ' formed the Manhattan iiatik. Mack tln‘y I went to the Matihatten, and ri ceiviiig the i same answer as before-, they desi.sied IVom ' ativ fiirtht'r se'arch. J5ut (Jti 1 iie 2 1st inst. 'Miey leceivt et a notice, tlril llie* note had become due, ;trid was st. on the loth, but tlw.t it hael be-en e'tUered !iy tlie mistake of 'the' clerk as arriving at manirity ou 'the 2 1st. liut iilas 1 in the meniitini'-ifie I house hi*d become liatiki it.i;', u\\ iiu, n i.ie imiiforluiM^ /f a disiaiil lirui. Uueie. I'l'lit; endorse r iiaviiii^ In e II . by this acci dent exonerated, who bcins ihe loss r • A'. y.Vo.d. 11 is saiel that t he art ioti bi t w eeii Jt)na^ than i^us^ell ami !-'(-i!\ llun’ i' no! iil .-, \ 10 he irieii at all. l i e Nt 'vv I iar.ijislm e Sen tinel --.laltvs il.at .Mr. liuss' ii’s (.(;nt;s''i liiel not like the ret urned (-omirilssn.i) fi oin I' l ance, especially !i:e tesiiinony ol a ]jar- ticular witness, Mr. Beaseiy. I’y a report made to the Cbirporutloti of liostwn, il i.ppears lhat the dally i on- sumpiion (d‘water in lhat city is 1,0;.'), ijallons. It is i)!-oposed to, sujipiy iho t ity irom S]j(ji I'onel, in Slone ham, >. Iiii h, etinlains 22n acres, and is 8 mile-s distant. Ihe expense of ..omlocting ii. Jii nngfi iron pi'pes, including ieser\eji;s, . is estimated at aliotit exclusive ol* the purchase of the jx/nd. The Uichmond Whig aTinouros, wiili much satisfaeiiou, that ili.Nav I.i k. 1's;. (s(^n ol the late (ieiieiTil II. l.ri ,, is • 11- i;aged in pirparing a Ilistoi ) of ine ( „ni- paif^fti j| K; 1 1, uii the Niagara IVoimei-, With wliich vie-w he; has -already coileried, !rom till! highest sources, a body of im- poi lant atul authr-ntic materials. lUiediii:' III Hit' — It IS stated (sav«» the N. ^ ijrk 1'.’.filing j\jst) wilh unshak en eonlidenee, ami as the icmjIi of actual and lepeaied experii-nfe, :hat l.alfa tom- Mer ol i;in sling, well e.ovei-ed wiih pow- eiered milii'e:', pi-u\es a speedy and e-flica- cious St \ jit ie 111 that daiigei oils ;md alarm ing cijtiipliiiii!. a bleeding (»f the lungs. It v.as tiie (!isf()\cry of accident, Imt lias tiever bci II krif>w 11 to fail, tliou' h titiu r means have lieen resortt i[ to in vain. Nl.\^■Il)^ ('.WNON, lormeily a meinbpr 0! Congress, from Tennessee, and W'li.- i.iK 11101 ' I, have addresM tl leiiers to tIu: 1,ditor ol the N;ish\ille Whig, announc ing lliemsolves as cantiidales lur uie td’- Hic.e ejl (iovt rnor cf lhat s'ut'e, al the next election, which takes iilacc in Ui»j suiiimcr t/f 1

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