'vmmpw? VOL. II.] CHARLOTTE, .X. C, TUESmV, J.IXIJAUF 1826. [^(). 64. I’( HI ISMKII WKJ.'CHf r.v m:>ji !CL iu\(juam, XT VKAll, I'AU) IN AllVA.NCK. Xo pii]KT win '*c ’iiscotilinue(l, unK-ss al tlif il.-icr^tid!! of llic cilitor, until all anvarag'c's urc pui,!. \ii\ r.iiTisr.Mi.NTs will-be inserted at the usual niti'S. I’cr-.oMs seinlinff in ailvcrtisfniciits, are ri-(itusUil toiiotr on the niarn'ia the uifnilier of iiiii itailis, ortliev '\ill l>f contuiucd until forbid, an.! c'.i.ii'h'-acfordini,"ly. .\iAvw YiSlaVc. rniir. siil)M'ill)t r having' obtained Letters ot I Administration upon the estate of John CIIARLOTI’E . FSBIAX,S: ACAS1»>ZV. fllHF. Trustees of the Ciiarlotte Female Acad- m eniy have the pleasure of announcin)^ to tlie ])iil)lic, that the iM-reises of this Institution v\ill coinnu nce on the first Monday in .lanuar\' next, under the sui)trlntendence of the Kev. Thomas (.(jttrell and l.july. A larg'e and convci\itnt briekbuilditiff, located in one of the most lu ahliv situations in tliis village, has been erected, which uili .be occupied by the Hev. T. Cottrell and lainily. Ample funds for the su])port of this Institution, have been placed in the hands of the 'I rustccs by the lil)eral donations of the eitizi ns of Charlotte and its immediate vicinitx, who I stand pledg'ed, as well as the ’I'rustees, for its respectability. The ’I’rustees feel assured, from t1»e iiigli recommeiulations of Mr. and Mrs. Cot trell, w itli which thev have been furnished from I'.ovil, (U ceascd, lakes tiiis method of informing , the most unciuestionable sources, and from their iIiom'wild are indi l)teil by note or book ac-1 long evpcrit nee in the manaj-'cnKUt of Institu- .•oiiiit, tli.it ]);i\nu nt nui.st be maiU- bn or before ; tlons of tliis kind, that tliosc w!io feel a li\ely the Fibruur\ court of Mecklenburj' county;- those \'lio l.iil attend to this notice, will liave to sctUc w ilh cust. rliose vlio have any demands again.st said interest in the success of this Academy will not be disappointed. The various bi-anchi sof Fe male Kducation, both literary and ornanu-nl'al, w ill be taught; and tiu' most unremitting atten drrci'.setl, are reciuc'^led to make them know n 1 tion .s ])K dged to the manners and morals of the time |)rescrihed by law, or this no-! " ‘ ‘ ' ' within tlu ;irc will be pU ad in bar of recovery. nic Adtniiiistrator further notifies those who | ive iiulebled to saiil deceased, that ihiring his absence from ( harlotte, the notes and hooks of H()\il, lieei-ased, will at anytime be fouiul tlic li’inds of NN'm. Smith, of Charlotte, who i, fiillv aulliorlsed to make settlements and -■::int I'oceiiils. i'ACI. IlAKKINt.KH, .?(///V. Niu . 20, 1823,—.ImtrJ W 1 NJi HOii A\n fJXrT ClUin MJKIXG. 'VVn.I.lAM Cl’L\ KHUOUSK n \\ IN(i commenced the above liusincss ui ihc t'i« n of Charlotte, resi'eetfully solicits ii of pul)lic patronage. l!is w ork w ill be n iitly a\ul durably constructed, and will be Jisjuoi.ll of on accommodating terms. Skttk.>.s and Wuitink Chatus, made to or- J(.r, can be had on short notice. Cliariotte, I'lb. 5, 1825. Iyt7;> V t uV il 01* u-^\\eWer, A i\EW INVKNTIOX. hereby give notice to the citizens of T T Mecklenburg county, that we have pur- cIki'I d t!ie rigiit for manufacturing a Machine, called the FA'J KN T COHN SllKI.LEli, and will -non have them on hand for sale. ! or the sjnplicity of its construction and its utility to torn planters, it is unecpialled by any olhcr in- Vtiition. l’erbai)S we may be thought to e\ag- prate, when we say it will shell a bushel of turii in thru iiiitntfcK, and by a little exi rtion in Uo minutes. Hut wc invite all to come and tMunine it, witness its operation, and satisfy tiieinselves as to its great utility. It can be seen aitUe subsetibers* shop, opposite the jail. TIIKO. MFKUll.I.S, U.M. COHNWKLL. Charlotte, Oct. 29, 1825.—57ff ^\‘c\\e JVuvU\-Cavi>V\ua, Rullierl'ord County, Superior Coui t of Law, October Term, 1825. Uoody Fiurgc ^ 'r.s. ^Petition for Divorce. V.liza'ietb lUirge.j I 1' appi aring to the .satisfaction of the court, 1 liiat the defendant, Fli/abeth liurge, is not an liiliabitant of this State ; It is theretore order ed by the court, that ])ublication be made three month', ii\ the Haleigh Register and the Cataw ba .Idurnal, gl\ing notice to the defendant that she be andappcaratthe next Superior (. ourt ot Law, to be held for Kuthcrl'ord county, at the Court- Jfouse in Uiitherfordton, on the .>d Monday al ter the 4lh Monday in March next, then and tlu re to answ er, plead, or demur to s.dil petition, otherwise it will be taken j)ro confcsso, and jiidgTueiit accordingly; V\itness, J.uUes .Morris, Clerk of said Court, at ofiice, the .)d .Monday after the ‘ith Monday St i)tember, 1825, and in tlu 5Uth v ear of the iiuKpendcnce of the United States. JAMKS MOUiUS, Clk. ')inr4—price adv. $4. TUT.su TMK subscribers have just received and are opening, an elegant assortment of DKV ('.ooDs, i;j?()CEinr:s, \c. whii h they , w ill dispose of u|)on reasonable terms for cash. They solicit those who feel (lisposed to favor them w ith their custom, to call and examine for themselves. • J. i). BOYD & CO. ALSO, A fresn supply ot the rnost genuine IHrrjCcCttffij aiiti recently rvci Ived, w hich were purchased in the ’ities of Nev.-Y«irk, I’biladelphia and Charlos- ton, and w hich they oiler at reasonable terms, to I’hysiciaus or an) who may wish to purchast- artielcs of this kind. 'I’iic fuUiru'liij' is a Ihf nf flic HftJirincs; U()\ s, not exci'edmg ten jiars old, w ili be adniitted. The fu'st session will close on the lifteenth of .luiu-, and the iieNt scssicn com- uu^nce on the next day and el().^l• on tiie l.ith of Novendicr. IJo.irding c;in b- bad in re^p( etable families in tow n, at fortv dollars ]n r s'. '-'iion.— Terms of tuition, in the literary brauclus, per session, Jf'lU 00. The ornamental branches will be taug’ht u])on the following terms, \,z; Muslin >Vork and Marking,, pr. S s>:on, ?5 F.mbroiili r\, ... do lu Draw ing anti I’ainting, cn ])aper, do 10 do do on\elM.t, do 10 Music on the Piano, - - do 20 Fach ])ayable in advance. N. H. A few pu])ils can be accominodatcd with board at the Acadeniv. DAMD H. DLWLAIVO JOHN iinviN, icommkke. AVM. J. ALEXANDFR, > 4i64 Ofj’Thc editors of the Camden Chronicle and \\ estern Carolinian, will give the above adver- ti.senient fovr insertions in their respective pa pers, and forward their accounts for payment. (t;^i'’A meeting of the Trustees of the C/iar- lutfe Jcadany w ill be held at the Court-House in this place on Saturda), the 31st of December Instant. A general attendance is requested. November I Mfoklcnljiir^ County. (if J'kas and t^mtrhr Ses{>iouK, r>n„, 1825, itaviil Starns, 1 Org’l. Atta’t. levied on land ; r.s., C anl .loseph and m. Yarboro Iknry Yarboro. jsummonuil as guarnisbees. IN \lus CISC, it aijpeanng to the court, that the det'endiiit is not an inhabitant ot this ^';itv.': It is ordered, that the procet dings in this '..se l)i.' stayed, and that ;ulvertiscmciit be maile itlirre iiioiiiii.', in the Cataw ba Journal, that 'lie ill triid.uit .ijipe.irat the next court of I’leas :iiul Uu.u ti r Sessions for the county of Meck- on i)ie fourth Mond:i_v of Februar}, and replevv and ]ilead, otherwise judg- "'int lij default will be iiad against him. iSAAt; AI-FXANDKU, Clcr/i. .',ni7.)—pr. adv. H. ut Xm*t\\-CvvvvAVuvv, ('.ibari'UN Supci'ior Court. ^■‘Hiarini- li(K)diiian ) J. Y. & 3v>\\u li’i\>YvU, HaT-STHKET FAVtTTKVILLt, Offer for sale, just received— K Hbls. Muscovado SL GAR, / O 125 bags Coffee, 20 hhds. 1st (quality Molasses, 1500 bush’ls Liverpool Salt, 20 bbls. Loaf and l..untp Sugar, 20 bags Pep])er, L’O do Spice, 15 do Race tlingcr, 10 (jr. casks-Sweet Malaga Wine, 20 bbls. N. K; Rum, - - 10 do Northern (iin, 10 do 'Fanner’s Oil, 20 tons Sw eiles Iron, 1 do Share Moulds, 2 do Sheet Iron, 2000 lbs. R'istc red Steel, 1000 do (icruian do 600 do Ca.st-Steel, 175 kegs w rou^bt & cut Nails, f: Brads, 30 boxes WOol and (,'olton (.lards, 50 do 8-lU and 10-12 Ola.ss, 100 bags Shot, 75 k( gs FFF and FF Powder, 100 reams \Vraj)j)ing P.tper, 50 do W riting Paper, 3 tons Logwood, , 3 hhds. C.oj)ptTas, 200 lbs. lU-ngal Indigo, 200 do Spanish Indigo,, .* 1500 do Madder, 2500 do Alum, 1500 tlo Salt I’etre, 25 coils Bale Rope, 50 pieces (;ott(»n Ragging. M ith an assortment ot Patent MEDICINES, and P.YIN'I S, dry and in oil. Also, a complete assortnu nt of Wool Machine Cards, alwavs on han.l. (Jc'tuber,-iH23.—'2m\C>5 Alcohol .\({uaf'ortis. Arrow Root, Arsenic, Aloes, Arb Lva Trsi, AiuUrson’s Pills, .'.ntiinonv Puh. ■\nti(iue Oil, Acetate I’otasb, Hatemau’s Drops, Italsam llnney, 15ah,am Coi)i\a, U.irk Peruv. Red, do. Yellow, Park Cinnamon, liorax, Mine Stone, P.ritish Oil, Canella All)a, Carbonate Ammonia, Cort. (’a^carilla, Cube’.is Pep. Cheltaiiham Salts, Cantharides, Ca.stor t>il, in vials, do. i pis. do. pts, do. rjniirts. Cream 'I'avtar, Cloves, Columlx) Root, Caustic Lunar, Caraway Seetl, Calomel, Ess. Hergamot, ilo Lemon, do Peppermint, do (Jinnaniun, Epsom Salt.s, I dauber do Fol. Senn.T, Fowler’s Solution, Flor. Sulphur, Flie Stone, tium Ammoniac, “ Opium, “ Arabic, “ Kino, “ Scanmiony, FAmXS, tiC. Lee’s Pills, Liipiorice Rail, Laudanum, Manna Flake, Magnesia J.ump, ilo Calcined, Madder, Muriated 'Find Iron, Muriatic Acid, Oil Peppermint, “ ( lo\es, “ Ciiiiiamoii, “ Junif)er, “ Vitriol, Oxide Ri.smuth, ((podeldoc. Prussic .\cid. Paregoric, Pearl Ash, Pulv. .lal'ip, do Rhubarb, Pix I>urg\inda, Pulv. Antluu)nialis, do Ipecacuanha, Pill PuXes, Pearl Harley, Quick S:\ilvtr, Rel Sanders, Rosin Yellow, ilo White, Spts. Luveiuk r compd. Spts. Nitre, bottles; do in vials, Soila Pow ders, Spts. Vol. Aromatic, Stoughton’s JJltters, in vials, do, in {rt. hottles, Spts. Hartshorn, Siiuills - . Extract Flaterium, Durable Ink, - Salt Petre, Si 1.1M1ATK UriMVE, Siriiiiii'i' 1‘nnaciv, Sid. F.ratus, Tapioca, Tart. Emetic, Tart. Salts, DR. J. S. BOVI> I NFORMS his friemls, thatlie lias re moved his Medicines to the Count ing-room of the Store house, formerly occupied by John Uoyd, but uow oc cupied by .1. D. Boyd & Co. The Doctor still contimies the practice of Ph\sic, and will attend to all applications with as i\iuch pr('mptiliule as possible. ( harlotte, Doc. 6, 1825. 61if V W\-i' avivA’iua ri’^IlE Editor of the North-Carolina 'rdegraph 1 g'ives information to :dl concerned, tiiat he expects the publication of his paper to com mence the first week in January next. '1 hose pi rsons hoKllngsubscription pajji rs art rc(]ue!>t- ed to make returns of subscribers’ 'lamvs, at the farthest, by the 15th of Deci ndjcr. Papers di- reetetl totiie Post-Oflice in Fayette\ille, by pri vate conveyance or by mail, w ill be dtdy atten ded to. The F.ditor would do in justice to his own feel- ing.>i not to express his warmest gralitvide, for the liberal encouragement he has already re ceived. If any thing were wanting to confirm his conviction of the necessity ami importance of such a publication, the patronage lie has re ceived fr»)m all classes of society and from ev ery part of the State wo\dd certainly do it. It is hopeil th.it all who wish to possess the paper from its commencement will immediately soiul in their names, either by giving them to those w ho liave proposals, or by leaving them with any Post-Master who will forward them.— The j)resent e xpectation is, to j)ub]isb in |)amph- Ict form, containing 16 pages a w eek, making a volume of 832 pages a y ar; so that those who take the work from its commencement, may file away for future uscfulm ss a greater mass of religious, political, and literary intelii- gence than can, p,.rhaps, be collected in any other w ay, with so little expen.se. Mini.stcrs of the (Jospcl throughout the State arc rt qu« sted to make known to their congre gations the anticipated commencement of this p.ipci’, and io cncoiir.'ige all who wish to sub- scrl!)e to it w ithout delay. It is helltvedthat if thoffe who have already taken a dee]) interest in tliis object were respec tively to exert their influence a little farther, that a subscription suillcicntlj' large would be obtained to ensure the continuance of a Jour nal so much needed. I'pon this influence the Editor coi.fidently calculates, and promises his best exertions to meet the public cxpccUition. Fayetteville, Nov. 2J. Gum Copel, do Shellac, do Tt rra de Scienna, Prussltiii Rhie, Vtrdif^ris, do distilled. Stone Ochre, (due, I'mber 'I’urk, Droj) I ake, (^opel \ arnisb, ' Yellow Ochre, ' Re.l I.ead, Litharge, \ eruiillion, Annatto, Spanish Whiting, Sugar I.eail, j)i c I iiibi r fi. White N itriol. Spani.''h Brow n, \\ bite Leail, Crom. Yellow, Patent Yellow, .(lolil l.eaf, Silvir do Rom Pink, Rotten Stone, C. li. I'eiiells, I’aiiit l!iu,slics, Sponge, line, V. J. rs, ■Nutn.eifs, .'lei tell ;iud M.iecoboy SnufT, Lain]) Hlack, Court 1’Ulster. DZ^SSULTORV. To Brides and Brid»‘c;rooms.—V7r ;.Mb- lish ih« following fi'f-m the Sjj)inr/ii'ld liepitlilican,'' in idfi’to .sr.cw tbui • .re not alone in iuyin^ a tax for ii»s> rtion of nianiagcs, althoug;:i we liuve never gone so far as to inchicle a “bottle.of wint-,” yet we will state it would not bo refused, provided it was of the very best kind. Harfford Times. A“s a number of our readers liave been lately married, and have neglected to send us the stipulated fee lor tl.c insertion of their marriages, wc do again gi\e notice that wc shall i)iil)lish no marriage unless the writing is acconipani»-d b\ a piece of the w edding cake, and n little v ine, if con venient—but we arc not pailicvkir as to that. In justice to one or two polite couple, wc ack’4o\^ledge the receipt of their cake and wine, and should have iiiserted their names in respectable CAPri'ALS, had it not Ijeen objected to by the parties concerned. We may in deed (Mr. Buckingham says) copy or publish marriages in a plain manner by w’ay of new's to the puldic ; but when (he cake is forgotten, shall leave out the Es quire, Captain, Major, 8;c. The New York editors chargc twenty-five cents for ihe in sertion of a marriage, but we will accom modate so far as to take that amount in cake and wine.” [We think a slice of the cake with a A-jMor|twol(si/5:or kiss, of course) from the bride, and a glass of punch from the bridegroom, little enough for an editor’s telling all the world liow happy you are.] Singrilar Discovery.—A cavern has late ly been discovered in Ciraiiby, (Conn.) a- bout a mile from the meeting house. A ti ee had been turned up, which had tow large perpendicular roots, on one of which wus seen a hinge, where a dooi i>ci nyd for merly to have hung; inside, were' ow hu man statues cut either in wood or eaiilu 1750 engraved in one or two places, and several articles apparently having re mained in the same situation many years. From the New-Vork American. Longevity.—1; is believed thei e are few instances of family longevity so extraord inary as that of the family of Peters of ne Journal des Bchntes says, “ in less | jyiedfield,- in Massachusetts, of w hich the than filly yrars, the Lnited States have | fallowing is an accurate account. Hw. rendered ali America, with the exception ^ /v/ez-j, Ihc father, died about the vear of Hrazil, repubhcnn ; they created m , 736 or’7, at the age of 85 years. Hannah, hurope, during some years, the 1- rench jied i„ 179G, aged i»3. republic and her progeny. How many Their children were, Joseph Peters, died February, 1800, aged 71 Eve, .'rai)hunis, Andrew, Nathan, I’hinehas, July, May, March, Dec. Nov. Feb. Feb. Dec. 1804, 18L5, 1813, 1823, 1817, 1822, F824, 1822, 6 Ilf ^ ll' '■) (lOf) Petition for divorce. I I iriiig to the siitisfaction of the court, '^1 >' til'- (U t' I I'hiiit is not an inhabitant of this ri,', that luibllcation be made fur “'I'tlis I II the ll't.sltnt Curoli/iittn and ' ■I’liinii notitxiiig said defendant, tiiat ii|it I ■ at thi' next Su])' rior Court of ill Id -11(111 i " iii.ti il 1 Iji III I'm- tlic omity of (^ibnrnis, at • 111 (Joiicord, on the ()tii .Mon- h \Ir)iiil;i\ ill Mareb next, anti d( iiiiir to said petition, judg- >1 Will be t.iken against hliil^ rd(\p;irte. JAS, SPEARS, (!il{. Iv. .1 faiv JVaniiiiL::. rilllOSE iniK,bted to the firm of (iraham h X Wilkinson, aiul to the subscriber jirevious to the existence of said I'irni, are respectfully reijuested to call and make settlements betw een now and the first Satuniay in .lanuary next,— Those w ho fail toeonijjly with ibis moderate re- (juest, will confirm a i)elief that they want the indulgence that the law allow stheui; they will then fore have it indiscriniinattly, by a tap on the shoulder. A. (.RAHAM. Dec. 17, 1825. olfil lit ^rtn*\\\-Cavo\\i\a, Mecklenhiirjr County. Noi'cinbir SessioH'% 1825. Middleton Lawing i Original Attacimient, le- r.v. V vied on a tract of land join- Ro!)i rt Eaw ing. 3 >ng A. Dunn and others. 1r is ordered, by Court, that adverti.sement be made for three months in the Catawba Journal, for the defendant to appear at the Fe bruary teriii, lh2(), and there to replevy and plead'to i^sue, otherwise judgment will be en tered against him. Test. ISAAC ALEXANDER, c. ,m. c. t72—price adv. hinlc tit this Ollici*. Just ru!)li>lic(l, VND for sale at this Oflice, in u prmqddet form, “Strictures on a piece written by Mr. Daval Henkel, entitled Heavenly 1 l00d‘0( UegL nerutlon, or, 'I'reutUe f;ii Holy Raptlsm.*’ I!y Josim Mooiu, /'./A }/. J'liti', 2 j cv nts. Of_f/ie S/ti/f of ydrlii-Carornui. VCOi;RE( r .Map of tile state in whiib he n sides must bi- a di slia ile object to i \ ery intbrjdiial. W bati \ i r n ay lie a man’s occu'pa- tion in life, it fre()iii ntl_\ beconu '; lmpntant to him, as a malti r ol peeunlar\ Interest, to posses-, a corn ct knowledgi- of tin n l.itivi- s.tuation of the ililli rent sections of country. In tin pi'es- ent enllghti lu il s1„te of soeiel\, the siilis(‘.ril)i r is coiuinci'd that, aparl from all eonsldi rations of interest or coii\t nleiice, then- aie \ir\ few of our citl/ens who do not t( . 1 it an iillulrof per sonal jiride that tbe\ and 11n I’.- lilKlii n slitnild be able to spi ak with f'aniiliariiy of those parts of the Slate 1_\Ing at a dist;ince irom tin ..1, as w ell as those in tbi ir imiiiediate \iijiiily. Tiie subscriber tlierefon Matters bimseli that the fol lowing ))ro])osals w ill be ri-eeived with pleaMirc bj a large portion of the inhabitai.ts of hi> na tive State. He ])ro]>osf's to jnibllsh a eonvct Mai’ nr riit Statt. of Nn iitii-( ' Mill! I n I, measuring > t'ei t inches ill length by ,> feet (> inclu s in w ultb, laid out upon a scale of fi\e mdi s to the ineli. The materials will In of the be^t kind, and tlu; en- gravin.g e\ecuti-d in suj)enjr st \ le. Rut corre' tness of ik llneatlon lieing the most important cireiini.'>tanee, has chiinieit the sub scriber’s chief altention ; to the attaliiirient of which im’portant o ji ct, the Mkp of i ;vch coiin- tv has been sepi^r.itely exc'cuted by R. II. It. i'Jha/.ii ii, I'-sij. with the a.^sistance of gentle men of seic nee residing In ilifliri iit partsot the State, and from the public survi \ s, andiia'c been likewini' ri \ ised and corri t ii il b\ the se veral connt\ sur\e_\ois, or some other compe tent person, in laih county. T»:ums—I'or .Maps, \.'irnishi 1, colored, and mounted on rollers, or put up in port;ible (ni ni, each, JOIi.N MAt.R \E. Fityettcville, N. C. Dee. 1, 1H25. itol- Q,'j' Subscriptions for the above Map will be received at this ot^ice. years will it require for republican Anier ica to act upon Europe, shaken by our' Benj;amin, revolulio!)—upon Europe, w here the ideas | Mary, that supported the old governments arc ; Adam, so astonishingly weakened ? All resolves ' itself into a simple rule of proportion.! The ministerialists have but one hope, i founded in the adversity of mankind ; it j is, that disturbances and divisions will 1 ai'isc in America; that the new rej)ublics will fall a |)rey to anarchy, or recei\e the yoke of some anibitious military chiefs. —Hut, if they ac.ipuic consistency and n)ui ish, in t\\enly-ilve years hence Mon- urrhicn! Europe w ill e> pei ience the ellecis ul’ the bliiul sysK in pui w luit are t\\ enty-ii\c 'I’he French Heptiblic lasted (iulv icn , , .1 • II- I ■ I 1 eU'is vears: the empire \ aTiislied in about llie! , ,■ •, ., 11'. I • (lie lauiUy. who on the day he t(jmi)lct- ‘ rd Ills SOlh year, travelled on foot the ilistance of 13 miles. Jethro, still living, born June, 17iU, now is 80 ‘J55 By which it appears, that the a'ei . ge ages of the ten children of Wid. and Hannah Peters, rathei- t-xeeeds 77 years and 8 nionllis J and the average H' the in'sulVl'7icVe.’ ^''^'-i'cnts included, is exactly . V , . . , ^7‘J years and t months. These facts vcneraide Jethro the bniv suivi\in>.: member of SvYlUOW U\\ W\e Jl ST pnl>llsbed, and for side at this oliice, price 12i cents, “ .V Siriiion eii tlie Atone ment.” Mv SA Ml Kl. C u.l: W Kl.!,, -M. Kiitry Takers’ Wnrrauts, I'or side, at this same nninber (d yeai.s tiuit !ia\e e,;. ^iI e liie hajipy restoration of the iioiir- boiis. How many things ha\e not the adults (d‘ I'raiiie seen—and how many things iiKix ibe\ not see in the last stages id' old at*,I : ’ * The dist:o\ery of the I't'presi'iilaii\c Kejjublican system con tains llu' .i^erm of tlie destruction of 111011- arcliies—])iit yourselves in the rear ol'Uie a.ge, and y«ti will arrive at Iiepublican- isin—place yotii sehes in 1'; out, lake the lead, and \ou w ill enter tiie port of con- slitutioiud monarchy. These are jiracii- cal truths.” Darien IJtinh'.—.\ committee of the (leor^ia LeL,ib!attire. bavin;,'- investigated the afl'airs of this bank, report, that it I'.as susU(in('(l a loss, in bills and notes sup- j)osed of no \alui-, atid inieal estate, ol S t.'7,(irri':v). Hesides the above actual lo.ss, thei e is I^'8 -i." (Iuu!)irul. 'I'his los.s is |)artly provided for by a sur|)lus fund ul' Sl71,l'.U) .'11, uhii'li will leave a balance of actual and supposed loss of S''60,d l8 ,17. 'I’lie coniiiilliee attribnled the los ses to a want of eummeice, and false ho])CS (d' the fiilui e pi uspei'ity of the ])la- ces of its bi'ai!( lies’ location, whieii fre- (juently leil to extensive accommodations on light secuiiiy, to the dejjieciation of nrojieity, kc. 'I’hey, howe\er, afVect to i)elie\e that the credit of the bank ma\ Im- restored I)y liie judicious means vet left. In repairing an old building lately in Newton, Conn. a leather !)ag containiti;; several hundreil dollars in silver, was I'ound secreted in the chimney, h is supposed the money was placed there b' tlie former ouner and occuinint, an ohl bachelvrj isomc lime siycc deceased. tnoM Tur. iiAirntonK imtiiiot. SKnueiioK.—^Al'out two n.unJis since we gave our readers son.e : cr(;ii!i;. ^d' ^ young lady’s havin.i^ dieil in Lislxut, N. II. who for reasons then conjecuii cd, gaVC no'account of her ])areiiia,u;e >r reside n> e. It was then stated that a ui;mi nannd Ja- co!) Bartlett camc with the vuung lady to Lisbon, w here he took Iijm., for liPi* with an acciuaintaiice of lus; that she there .gave birth to a child, and su!)sc- |uently died. It is now stated that a let ter has been received from the parentsof tiie young lady lesiding in Wiimin^-ton, N. V; by which it ap|)ears she h it .iieni to go to a boarding si.hool, and was se- dueeil by the brother ol’thenKiu to whose care she was enlrusted. The Hi si intel ligence of thennhajipy faie of their daugh ter w as communicated to the bereaved jiarents, by the publication of her deceasn iti the ne\\ s|)apers. — W'iirn v\ e recoided the death of this young lad\ and the at tendant eiretinistances. ue inni;;n;.i!tlv ir- inarked that “were th‘ seducer niadc to answer to his (diintry for the crime f)f murder, justice would !ui\e her due.” ,\ poet has invoked a speedier punishinent on the seducer'— tin at (lodi I cried, and must it be ' Shall this sweet Howerbe left to lan.^-uish ! And will 10 bolt be cast bv lbe«'l To blast till' w retell who caused the anguish? Lelters are received fioni India, via I':ig!aiid. staling tliai the Hev. .Mr. Ji n- sov, ami tb.e otl’cr .Missiona.iies vveic rc- ieiised I'oin tiieir iii.priMiiiinent air.ung the natives, lu \pi il or May last, and tluit Mr. J. v. as eii;j)lo\ell i)_\ ii"’ uurpi..:se to intercede with the British for upeacc.