MfouvnaU CHASULOTTS: TUKSDAV, APUIL 25, 1826. We liuvc received, from an esteemed friend, «abkt.tcli of the biograpliy of the late lien, firuhum i” but its lengtli prechides an insertion in tins week’s paper. It shall be g^lven in our flCit. The Panama Mission is going' through a se cond ordeal, in the House ; but no doubt seems to be cjitertained of a successful issue, and tliat the appropriation to carrv it into efl'cct will be iwted b)' a decisive majority. It will be scPi, by an article on our first page, that the close of the cliicusslon on Jlr. iJ/cDufiie’s resolutions, was attended viih great excitement, and gross, dis graceful personalities. 3/r.iJ/cDuffie was waiiilestly the aggressor; and those mem bers who were the objects of his person al attacks, must have been less than men «r more than men, not to have repelled them with indignation and scorn. The manner in which Mr. Vance spoke of bimself, of his humble origin, was honor able to him ; and Mr, il/cDuffie is the last man in the House who should speak of it ■^rith contempt. On this ground, he is on a level with Mv. V'^ance, however much be may fancy himself his superior in oth er respects. Mr. Otles has at length published his last No. of Political Disquisitions^ and con eludes it wiih nominating, as a candidate for the PiTsidency against Mr. Adams, De \\ lit Clinton, of Nevv-York. Mr. Giltb supported Clinton in opposition to air. Madison in 1812 ; an act in Mr. Clin ton’s life, which is yet rernembi-red to his prejudice, and perhaps deservedly so, as it was strongly indicative of an ambiiion ■which would accomplish its abject re gardless of the means. The Liverpool Commercial Chronicle (says the Charleston Courier) recommends lo the British government the immediate issue cf an Order in Council, requiring all ve.',- eels from Charleston, or atiy other poi, in SoUih-Carolina, to discharge their car goes into lighters, at the distance of i50 yards from the shore, in retaliation fur the law of Souih-Carolina, which require all veisels having on board any colored person, to conform to such a regulation. The Courier adds—the operation of this ?aw has already diverted much of ou; trade to Savannah ; and if an Order in Council should be issued, as here recom- znendcd, it would be likely fo put an end ,10 OUT trade with the British ports. Hr. Branch has at last delivered himself of a ^jpeecA in the Senate of the U. States. It it> all in '^iecro^kjng'style, and is equal tothe rtput;ition •fthe author; which is as much as can be said in it* favor. The honorable Senator surmises • great nmny things, and deals plentifully in as- ^rtioiis, one of which is, that Mr. Adams came 4nto ofiice in o p')sition to tlirce-fuurllis of the jAmeric;.i> people. Mr. Uraiich dou!;tlcss spoke according to the best of his knowledg-e ; but c.annot hel|) thinking, that in addressing so ^lijfhtened a body as the .Senate, he ought to l.ivi taken soine pains tp inform himself; espe cially, when the information needed could have l>et n obtained from al ost any one of the “«/»- ^formedpoptilmc,” as he c»lls the people jna- ftoliier part of his speech. , ron THE Catawua jouhkai. Mu. luDiioK : 1 iioiiti’ some editorial ti^^tnarks in ihc last jycstern Carolinian^ on ’>lic recciu appointment o! a I’ostmaster it N’ashville, Te.; an appoinUneni which | as given rise lo a gootl deal of clamor in a eertain fjuarici, the oijject of which, toiuiihstanding the profes-'iiuns oj'clisin- *ertstedness that are made, is too plain lo mistaken by any one. 1 have .seen no ttalcment yet, which dt iiii's that the per- st'ti appointed, (.Mr. Erwin,') is well tjual- ificd, conijjeteni lo the duties of the of fice, and of honorable sUindin^-; but ihe ^^Jt'ction is, that another nuluidual, a- Vowtdly hostile to the udiniiiislration, was prvjtrreil by ihc President! Hut llie ol' this is not lo j.jivc a siaieineni of case, or to clei'etid llic appoinUnetit; is merely lo point oui an intoiisibiency in the remarks above alluded to. ihe editor of the Carolinian states in iluit Mr. Cufiey, ihe unsuc- applicant, was I'fcoinmended by t'Ool citizens of Nashville, and by all lenuessee delegalion in Congress, 'l^' une; and adds, ‘‘how generally Mi-, wus 1 ecoiuiueiided, u'c donot tmm.” ‘Jt towards lii? clo^c of the piece, w here iclitor IS j)uzzling iiiniseir lo discover • very tUiukr Kcoumendot.dns 'i ho nvs- lery is, how ihe editor should know noth ing ot the recommendation of Mr, l^rwin and at the same linie know all about it 1 Consistency should be maintained, either in open or disguised opposition ; thoug-h a want ot it is not so uncommon now.a- days, as to excite much wonder. It is stated in the same article, that the remonstrance of the Tennessee Senate: •, addressed to th« President, was “couched in energetic, but language;” and this respectful language, as quoted bv the editor, consists in telling the Chief Mair- istrate of the United State.s, “ Uiat he had departed from every thing of usage, of practice, and of rightand that his conduct I.** no reasonable way to be accounted tor . Verily, the editor of the Caroli nian must have a strange idea of what is respectlul.” It is such respectful lan guage as the Georgia delegation were in the habit of addressing to Mr. .1/onroe ; and I think Mr. Adams answered very properly, when he replied, that a paper, comaining such language, “ was not prop er tor him to receive.” COXSISTKNCY. The following ad vertit;ement appeared in the National Intelligencer of the 3d inst. Mr. Randolph, it would seem, is in the habit of “backing out,” in more respects than one. “ Re-sale of Furniture, at the house of the Russian Minister, [who is about to leave the country.] The terms of ^ale not having been complied with, I shall re sell This Day, (Monday,) the 3d April, ai the risk and expense of ihe Honorable Jon\ Randolph : 1 mahogany Secretaryj l rose wood, and one mahogany Table j l time piece ; 2 Alabaster Ornaments ; 2 Sofas; 2 Mirrors; 1 Toast Rack; 2 Table Cloths; 5 doz. Servixiites; 5 Window Curtains. Terms, cash. P. Mavuo, Every dispassionate citizen must rejoice to learn that there is an t lul, for the |)re- sent at least, to the sei”es ot^ harangues about ihe constitution, which have been continued throughout the term of five oi six weeks, iu Congress. Mr. M’Diifiie’s proposition of amendment was ineaiii chielly as an occasion tor railmg at the last election of President, and the subse quent administration of atlairs. On Fri day, he consumed, four hours in tiie pro secution ot his design, spii'tmg grosk in vective in a way wliich migiu liave been attendee! wiih a disaster, like iliui told as iollovvs i!i a lale London j).ipej-: Emphatic Unitor.a late nieet- I ; ;.eid in -lsH liumpton, near E!les- i.i ie Slu oijsliii e, a txjted orator ot iiie .urmer place, in delivering one oi his -.peeches, struck the table wiih such vio lence I hat lie broke his arm.” An orator niuy break his reputation al so, by taeiious violence and crude de- > lamation. ;Va/. Gaz, MoiiUccTio, therefore, \vltli tli'*, tra-„t of land on which it stands, has been neres- sarily throwt^ as one of tho prizes in ihe lottery; possession to be surrendered within -a decent time after liis death, "ben his only child, the cherishcd companion ot his life and the devoteil nurso of his old age,- must yield to the stranger the 6re-side of her father, aad the scene of her fondest recollections. i he question, then, comes home to usj will his country see the abode of ihe pa triarch of the Revolution ; that roof of whose ho.spitality thousands have tested, the lavorite seat of liberal taste and free l)rinc'ples, alienated while he yet lives ? And thi-s catastrophe too, principaify the result of sixty years of public service ; the result ot a long life, diligently and disinterestedly devoted to the'service of his country, with a noble disregard to his personal comfort, and of his private for tunes. hc3^ ho rnust act single handei) in this H important enterprise, and in that’case ambition might not stop when humanity was saiisf{ecl,-rAr -hnerican. ‘ The ^erv-lork Canal.—According to the annual Report of the Canal Commis sioner, the tolls collected in 1825 exceed ed those of 1«24 by a sum of g221,464 and the Commissioners estimate ihat a similar increase will occur this year, over the receipts ®f the last, so as to swell the amount collected from tolls, to 8750,000. lo this are to be added the duly on salt and sales at auction, equal to g350,000. so that the revenue of the Canals for the current year, will, it is su|)posed‘ reach Si. 1^,000 j while the disbursements for repairs, salaries, and interest of the debt, w ill notexceed 8565,000, leaving a balance ol 8575,000 to be applied lo the extin guishment of the debt. — • The Christian Observer for January, 1826, contains a decree of Prince Abbas Mirza, of Persia, authorising Mr. Wolf, the Jewish Missionary^ to establish a College in the royal residence of Tabriz, where English professors may fix iheir residence, in order to instruct aad give lessons to children. From the Boston Palladiupi. Britain and Canada.—The difference l)ei\veen Britain and Canada, on the ligiii of ai)ijiopriating the Provincial revenue, came under consideration in the Parliament of Lower Canada, bv special assignment, and under a call of the House, oil the 21st ult. The session continued to 10 o’clock in the morning of the fol lowing day, when the House decided a- gainsi the claims of the 13ritish ministry, 37 to 4. The H(juse, when all are present, consists of 50 members. One seat is va- Counterfeit Not^ of the Bank of Virginia ot the denqniination of. Twenty Dollars are in circulation. They are of the let ter B. and dated the 25lh pf March, 1822. Payable in Richmond to H. Wilcox.— The engraving inferior to the'genuine ones, antj the figures badly made. Petersburg Inlclligenccr. Mr. Jefferson complains of the low prich ot land in V'^irginia, and attributes it, by mistake, to other, causes than the right one, which is the Slaye Population If the State had been inhabited by whites, why should not it have been as populous as New England, and its lands as valua ' Boston Balladium. Public Improvement.—A meeting was held in Salem (Mass.) on the 2yth uli. when the Hon. John Pjckering, from a confimiitee on the subject, reported a plan of the Mill Dams contemplated to be erected in that town for the establishment ot manufactures on a large scale; with documents, and a survey made under the direction of Laommi Baldwin, Esq. by Mr. George R. Baldwin. The cost of thisnoble eii erprize is estimated al 8500,- 000 (the slock to be divided into shares of 8100 each) j and a company will speed ily be organized to carry it into cfTicient operation. Isaac Hill, the editor of the New- Hampshire Patriot, has, at the recent election, been chosen a representative in the Legislature of that state. More trouble in Savannah—A duel was fought on the 25th inst. by Doctor Troup, the brother of the Governor, and a gen tleman by the name of Masters. The former was wounded in the thigh and the latter escaped whole. National Advocate. Creek Treaty.—We understand that the Supplemental Article of this Treaty, late ly submitted to the Senate, is calculated to remove every difi’iculty. It relinquish es to the State of Georgia, the remaining portion of Territory which had been re served by the Creeks, for an additional douceur. Richmond Enquirer. Literary.—A highly interesting work is in the press at Madrid j the voyage of Cam ; 3 members are absent from Cana- Christopher Columbus, compiled chiefly ‘ motive ol the President in advising ^ppoiiilnient ol Mr. Lrwin, he all at coiitounds us will! the inl’uriiiation, th;%t ^'critlcuun “ was subtaingd by Mr. Jefferson.—The Richmond Enquir- ier of 1 ucsduv turiiishes the following information respecuug this venerable pa triot. Circumstances have come to our know l- edge, which we deem it our duly to lay Irankly !>efore the public. They appeal powerlully to the best sympathies of a graicful people. A correspondent from W'aishington of the R. I. American states that the Bed- lord tract,” will be thrown into the Loi- ery ; and he also states that it is Mr. Jefferson’s wish to preserve Monticello, ‘viih iis furniture, library, apparatus, . .luiiiel, See. But this loo will be dispos- •li of, sliould the other properly, upon v .iiuaiion. be found inadequate to pay his dv bts; subjcct, however, to his life, es tate.” With such statements aOoat; and a- mid a variety of erroneous impressions under which the public mind labors, we think' it right to state the following facis, which we have gleaned from an authen tic source. 1 he Bedford estate of Nir. jejrerson was derived from his w ife : he had only a life estate in it, with power by deed or will lo convey ii in such porlions.among her descendants us he nught choose. One lourth is in the possession of las grandson Francis Eppes. Three fourths were conveyed to another grandson, 1 homas J. Randolph, in w hose name ii now’, siaiids, and by wliom it has been )ledged for the debt of Mr. Jellersin : lias been for sale at a fair price for their paymenl: It is ready lo be aold al any moiiiei't that such a pricc could be oijiaineil, and indeed woukl have been SHcrificed al any moment sooner than lhai Mr. J’s nauie should have been stain ed l)y the imputation of bad faith by any 'ailure lo discharge any just debt. Could enough have been saved inclu- i\e ol the lii'clloitl estate, to have en sured the coniluri of Mr. J. (juring the remnatiL c;l'his venerable life, his dwel ling, hislavdiiie Monticello, would nol have heei) otl'ered for sale in any form whatbofver. Jiui ilie ^election was iiie- \iiabl'.‘. It \vas lilt least of evils, llis comfort was Uie great ohjecl; and thib plan alone tould preserve niin iVoin ac tual want. To luise thrown ihe apjjraisefiieni en- lirel) upon prouutiive jnoperly (includ ing that ul hii children) would have so ( oiiij)leteiy it, as lo ha\e lef' iiiiu tlie du el Km.') and impovt rislied leu- an* cinptj’ T^'aJl^, 'j'lif' rcver^'-jn of da, and one is sick. The galleries, ward- ! papers, which have been dis- i-obe room and passages were full to o- verflowing a part of the time. The At- torne> CJeneral spoke three hours on the side of the minority. An was voted lo the king. Thus Canada takes a stand. Some oiher Colonies complain that Britian fixes the salaries of the Cus tom House OfTicers, and requires the Provinces to pay them. Many menacing rumours were spread of the dangers which would result from this persevering in asserting their right to control over the 14th George 3d--all these menaces were despised and justly by the House. Russia.—Intelligence from St. Peters burg to the 2d February, represents that capital to i)e perfectly quiet. Investiga tion into the late conspiracy was still pur sued, principally by the Emperor. “One curious fact may be reljed upon. Three days previous to the Emperor’s death, he was informed of a conspiracy against his life, which apj)eared lo have a serious effect upon his health and spirits.” The Paris Constitutioncl states as a rumour, which was gaining ground in vvell inform ed circles, that the Empei-or Nicholas had sent an autograph letter to the King of England, declaring, that the stale of things in Russia comjiels him no longer lo delay the passage of the Pruth, but to proceed at once to' settle the affairs of the East; that he was determined to do every thing in his j)ower not to disturi» the general peace and harmony which had subsisted for ten years amongst the princi])al European Slates ; and that he wibhed to come lo an understanding with the Cabinet of Sainl James and the other great powers, wiih respect lo the inode of carrying.into elfecl those projects of which he could no longer defer liic exe cution. A copy of this letter is said to have been communiculed to the I’rench governinenl, who delayed answering dur ing 43 liouis, although the rep!v was lo be taken by thi; Duke of W'eliinglon. Il arrivetl, how^’ver, just before lus (Jrare (luitted London for St. Petersburg-, iiii l ils nature is descril;{*d as ratlier e\asive. 'I'he Duke of Wellinglon, says a morn ing ])aper, set out on his nnssion to Pe tersburg on Wednesday, the Kth inst.— We can state, on aulhoruy on whiili we ourselws place the greatest reliance, that urgent jjolilical nei;;oiialion, aiid nol Court etiqueile, is the chief object ol Ins (li'ace’s journey. '1 lie strong feeling ol liie Russian a.’ iny iii favor of tluT c?j-re- ligionists, which was restrained by the laic Empercir, eannot so easily be re pressed l>y his s»c essot ; and Nic holas, ascribing ibe late m'l'niy at.d bioodslied al Petersburg lo ihis feeling, has dec lar- ed lo his allies, that the otdy means ol'es- caping dan.i^ei lo his person and govern ment, IS 0 interfere in favorof the (.ire ks. l-'ulestj Jjo can net p concert wuh his al covered within a few years, and compos ed in part of extracts from his Journal. 1 his work has beer] prepared for publi cation by the famous Bishop Las Casas. A translation from -Spanish into English, is making by Washington Irving, who is at present at Madrid. It will probably be published in this country early in the ensuing summer. Al K Ev. Post. From a French paper.—Count of Glenthorn, the most wealthy proprietor in Silesia, has built, in the forest of Rume- perest, a colossal organ, the smallest pipes of which are three feet and a half in diame ter. It is played by steam, and the va rious airs may be heard five leagues in every direction. During the last week, one of our citi zens, by way of replenishing his pocket with a little ready rhino, carried a load of scallops tothe maijufacturing village of Pawtucket, and ottered them for sale. W’hen the factory bell relieved the workmen from their daily labours, they eagerly pressed round the wagon to take ayiewof ihese tenants of cur bay. One Hibernian mule spinner perceiving a scal lop with his shell opened in order to lasie the evening breeze, and thinking his vis it to the salt water might riot have been recent, clapjjed his organ of scent within the shell of the fish, who not relishing the intrusion, hastily closed his doors upon Uie odoriferous visitor; while the Hiber- ian called out lustily to the by-standers, to “^murlher the baste.” IVarrtn Star. THE MAUKF/r. a ^vrought, 18 a 20 ; Oats, 40 a 50 , S'uirar. common to prime, 9 a 11 ; Salt, Liverpool, 70 7U a 75 ; steel. American, 8 aS; 1 obacco, leaf, 5 a 6; Wheat, 100 a 125 i Whiskey, 40 a 42 j, - Chcrau Iron, 5, a 6; Lcavl, 10; Mohisses. 40a42. Nails’ cut y a 10-; Powder, Dupont’s,' (keg) a y ; Hum, Jamaica, 80 a *1; Shot, 2 75 a 3 ; Sugar, Muscovado, prime, 12 a I4—common, 9 a 11 — Loaf, 2(Ja 2.^ ; Salt, Liverpool, 90 a 95—'I'urk’s Island, 75 a 85; Steel, American, 8 a 0; Tallow, 8 a 10; W heat, 100 a 1 25 ; Whiskey, 40 a 4J. Caindfn, .Upril 15.—Cotton, 8 a 9 j corn, 117 j bacon, 11 a 12 ; w Uiskey, 43 a 45; brandy, peach, 50 a 55; ap|)K- do. 15 a 50; sugar, lirown, 11 a l4-loat, 22 a 24 ; cofl'ec, 20 a 24; molasses, 55 a 60; iron, Swedish, 6^ a 7—iij)por country, a 6; salt, 81 a 88 ; bagging, 42 inch, 25; Hour, 6 25 a 1^. Charlenl'jn, Jlpril 10.—Cottqn, 9j a 11; corn, 92 a 92i ; bacon, 7 a 8; apple brandy, 38 a 40{ whiskey, 31 a 32 ; beeswa.x, 30 a 31 ; iron, H a 0 ; coHee, prime green, 18^ a 19, int. to good, 14 a 18; sugar, brown, 9J a 10, muscovado; 9 a 11^, loaf do. 19 a 22; salt, I.iverpool, coarse, 47, Turk’s Island, 50; molasses, 30 u BOARD. The subscriber is prepared to take six jr eight young ladies, as boarders. April 19, 1826. SAMUEL HENDEhSON. 3t82 EnieTtaiumc i\t. rilHE subscriber having piirclnised that valu- X able stand known a>* the house formerly oc cupied by Edward M. Hronson, is preparing to open^ it as a house of Public Entert.iinmcnt, on the first day ot May next, in a style of conven ience and comfort w Inch shall be satisfiictory to those who favor him with their custom. Tlio house has recently undergone a thorough re-, pair, the beds, on the 1st of May, will be all new ; the bed-rooms in neat onler, and every convenience will he provided either fur transient customers or fjiistant boarders. It is intended that the house, from its ample accommudations and the attention of its proprietor, shall merit, as it is hoped it m.iy receive, a due share of j>ub- lic patronage. The bar will be well supplied with the best of liquors, the stables be welj furnished with provender, and attendeil by care ful hostlers; and charges will be so regulated, that those who call at the establishment will bo induced, from a rcganl to economy and comfort, to repeat their visits; while constant boarders will be kept in such good huinoif-’as w ill, it iit hoped, induce that punctuality which will all'orj the bubscril)er the encouragement and sui)port he will endeavor to deserve. UOBEUT SI.OAX Charlotte, N. C. April 14, 1826. 79tf asrantr mmtaru Hottrr^ OF SOUTU-CAROLZBTiL FIRST CLASS. n/Ej), In Sfritesville, on the 12th inst, lioniuT Simon- Ti>\, Es(j. Clerk, of the County Court ot Ire dell. VubWc Yii\tfer\a\UA\ent. I^IIK sul)s';riber mfbrnis his friends and llie piil)hc, I hat he bus pnrchasul that well known est.ihlisliiiicnt, lately owin-d and occupi ed l)v Dr. Hei:l( rsoii, and' is now jirepared to entertain Ir.ivellcrs and others, who m:i}' pifasc to call on hiMi ; and no exurlioim will he spared to ri iilfi-tiieni conifortalde, and tin ir stay a- greealde. Ili; t.iljlc will In- funilslit l witli 'v- ery variety wliicli tlie country atibrjH; his lj;ir w’ith the bc!,t ol' lifpiors; and' hi't stables with (denty of pnivcncl'.r, and careful servants will be in constant attendance. li'Jin.UT I. DINKINS, (.iiarlotte, April 2(J, 18'Jo. ’ tij or;'I'he ( aniden Journal v.ill insert the above tliric Weeks, and forward h.s actouiil for J)ay- ■- ' nt. VluSuevr’s MvieUivCfe. L’ST IH III.ISIIKIJ, and for sale at th.s of fice, “ Strictiiri s on a book, entitled. ‘An / j'ohjj^^y for the Hiiuk. ot i’salins. by (jillx rt Ml. Nhister.’ 'I'cj winch .ire added. Ucinarks on a book, i^by Ak xi’iih r tjordon] entitled ‘ 1 In. design ami um- ol D.c Hook of rsalins.JU llb.MiV liin M.ll, .V M. i-K'ttlsj r»r sale at tl)is Uflice, o ie drawn in the City of Charleston^ on tfti 17th of May, 182(i, And finished in a few minutes. J. ». YA l ES ic A. MclN'l YKE, Manager^, #10.000 2,500 •2,000 3,(i00 1,310 3,6fX> 1,200 3,120 4,6H(J 23,4UO ^cficme 1 Prize of #10,000 1 - 2,500 1 . . 2,000 2 - 1,.‘)00 1 1,310 6 600 12 . 100 156 . 20 780 6 7,800 . 3 8,760 Prizes. 5 54,360 C 15,600 Blanks. 5 Tickets. ? ^54,810 To determine the prizes ui this [.ottery, fh^ 30 nundiers will be severally pl.iced in a wheel on the day of drawing, and four of them be drawn out, and that ticket having on it the 1st 2d and 3d drawn numbers, in the order in which drawn, will be entitled lo the nrize ol *10,000. ‘ And those five .other tickets which shall have on them the same numbers in the following or ilers, shall be. entitled to the prizes aflived tc them res[)cctively, \i/. r 'I he 1st, 3d an'd 2d, *.1,500. '! lu- Jd, 1st and 3cl, to ^.2,000. '1-he 2d, .',d and 1st. to f l.'.iOO. The 3d, 1st and 2d, to lrl..5U0. 'i lie Jd. 2d and ist to 1,310, Ihe six tickets wliich shall have on tin m tlii ee of the draw n niiinbcrs, and those thre. the 2(1, 3d and 4th, in ‘.onie one of their tii vei al ordi rs, will eat !i be t nt.lleil to a ix i/.c o; All (itiieis, w it!) an\ tlirec of the draw n nuni l)crs on them, (!x ing 12) will cach be cntltlcii l;j a pri.;-- of f 100. The 1 jG tickets which shall have two rf ih,. drawn nuinlx rs on them, and those two the 3cf and 4lh, will each be eiUitled lo *20, All (jtliers (l)eing 78U) with any two of the drawn numbers on tliem, wdl eac'h be entitled to a pri^e of fti. /\tul all those 7,800 tickets, having but onft ol the drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to a prize of f3. No ticket which sliall have drawn a prize of Ii superior denoininaliun ( an be entitled to an inferior jirize. I’rizes payable f'ortv days after the drawing, and subject to tin; usual deduction of 15 pel cent. ^ IMncr- OF TICKETS. Packages of 1') Ticktt-,, t nibracing the 30 numbers of th( I.otltry, which n.usi draw at • east JlO'.’0, nett, (shares in proportion) witL so ui?.ii\ cli.incesfor capitals, max be had at tbt‘ following' rates • Whole I'arkagts f.lO—Shares in proporti(»r. \\ hnlv 'i'trkcts JS.} I (Quarters Halve a J'ljoO j Oi'jf'Orders fur Tickets in tiio abi^\o Lotturt' received at the Oflice ('1 tlij VuiWvL'Z JiJUrtKi^f promptly a*tended V/, 1

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