SIX' \%. “I do roiitV-'^ tliM'.i’r; siii'Kitli ''.nd 1‘iir, Aii'I I h.ivc i;nnc iicui-ti» tlu T!;i.l 1 not tonml ?.t pr;u cv I'liat ll|)si (nililspc;ik,hu(l rnvvcrtu ih'IvcIIk i‘; Hut I can li t thea now iiloriJ, ■'vs wortliy to be loved by sioiie. I do confess thou’rt su yet. flrf' ’rbcc such un uiitlirit't oi lliy s\vci-t>’, Tliy {'iivours arc but Iiko tlic v. liid 'rliat every thing- ii ni..-ets.' Aitd Kincc- tliou cansf v.illt inorcr tliuii one, ■J'liou’rl \sortby to be kiss’d by none. Tho iTiovnini^ rosi', that iintoncliM stu'u.s, Ann’’! with fier briers, bow sweetly siiiclls, Hut pluck’ll and strain’d ti'iroiij^h r hands, Her sweet no lon^'ir with ln-r dwells ; I’.at scciit and beauty both aj-e R’onc, And leaves i'..ll i'runi her, one hy one. , fcuch fate, ere h>nir, will tlu-'- betid^', Wjicntlioii basi. bandied beenawliili' I.ike strc llov, (to !)c thrown a^^ide, And I slial! si.s'b wbilc some will smile, To see thv lov'- for more than one llath bront;;lit (lu e to be lovtil by none.” 4L%irCttt». P:,- ^ : 'l. i’rir..^o: ■ Kilward.-, Kv|. [I'ronitlK- nni of I'oi- li^'it l.itcrat'.ire and Scieiu ' ] I look iil i'.n;>;l3!il no^v, f onu'thini!; with tlio evf, though not ntnll with the j In art, oi’;i {'oii-i^iier—did it iu:\cr blrikc tiatiii"-, (.1 cn:rs(‘, t!ic oi nation al viiTi,'j;Ili wliich tini'ortuiiatfly \-.oiiM j a(v-()!ii;j.!:iy such a chan^co, tl.;it th‘ )x;o- ph' here WiotiM n;; luippif-r ii’' i.rc’. \> u;f'n t*/:: r.ri. i. .IS I ^;l\v a Siii'.d;iy j lacM:' i tlie Cdidenfs ul‘ j!a|>* r tiio r.ut Ih.' rrnl f-ni'j>ity is adv^.'^■tis(;lmMll^'- >11 'c; (VjlCT -liiC nut quilc as l!)oy ai ajid .still uioR- sn, if wi'rc u';l ff.'iti-j to so many niaii\’ ot lhc:a 1 VN luit say yon i^ood nnian‘i;.!;iin; |>!air>i'’ i’-'i-'iiii—s;u: that tn atc'ii ()i‘ ill liio Vfi itablc and ir.oth oaten tdine vnn li::vc sent n\r 111 iiia&tC'i this fui-ni-hL" to the- stati; of Ijiudiuui— (jf Kurujjc-—alinust ol llx- \vor!u. ^ 'rho unaf'(H)initiil)Iv; variety oi caliini;^ and -speciihtlions that appcar—soint* so i»:rcat ; son.c S() nnpar-'iitly contfnipti- hie ; ond j I't all oiiciiin!]; mines riches Oik; cohimii announces the irr, : ir-.a-.ey yo..;- i;a to do s*;* 1>J1' ,f c'.'t’aiiun ; aiid iVoin ShciVicl-, i uiu.'’u s!.'..;-i'rap, ...■ a « ;cy 'ViUC.i I “ l\l«-; . VnditiL'witli, ‘••riu-utnio: l Kuroiu' ” (all the boards stuck up m : . i'. ' >-eii’. il' V'-u hui-i j' i liour, really loid o! 1 liiiil soir.e ‘Muirclw jrcinati, and of the Law am 1 whi rh (hi me favo’.ii' to sav .so much, \vi!h inv prcifound ri'.specls, to iyoiir huK', sliail ho i-etui'iied, I tianslah'il in iIh; !)(:-1 way 1 can make il j ont—a pi ti£uc (it purpose, a!ni win -h a- I'i avc-di'j;i:'jr suix'j;es;s it. tt> a preparation (-'fa hundred shij»s, all reai.y h ;!s| to sail instantly, almost fur as many dil- ferent ports in dili’erent quarters ut the lit. 'I'i)e next olier.s-“Steam-packels Richnalnd,’’ “every Sunday moru- at nine,’*—liell'l'.s!UIU.‘nt.^ c»n hoarii. Mixin]' ti){!;'ethcr profit and dc’ij^'lit. s OUSrUVATlONS OX ITAI.V. Mr. Kell’s obsorvatio s oii Kome me inspired by all the choicest ussotiations of cla^sieid an- tiqaitv. I'he pompous ceremoniesof tiic Holy "^W-ek .seem to have kindled his imai^'lnatlon to fcnthusiasm. The chantin/; of the “ .Miserere” on that occasion has lonp bc. n ci lebrated, and a thousand times described l)v tourists, 'rhi; follow uk" uiaj,ncal representation of the scene is trorth the whole of them put toijetber. “The‘'.ervice opens by u portion ol 4he Lamentations of Jeremiah siinj; by the choristers, after which the l^jpe rc- citcs tlie I’atfrnostcrs in a low voicc ; then bcini; seated on the throne, and trovvned with the mitre, the theme is coniinucd, snng Joud and sweet by the lir-t s''|>raiio, in a tone so lon;^ sustained, ao t.ii^h, so pure, s'o silvery and melliflu ous. :-s to pi oduce the most exquisite el- feci, r contrast with the deep choruses, answerui^j in rich harmcny at the r.onclu- flion of every strophe; and -then ajj^ain the lamentinj^ voice is heard, tender and j)ath( tic, repeating one sweet prolont^ed tone, soundintj clear and hi^Mi in the dis tance, till brou[>ht down aijain l)y tlu* chorus. The exquisite notes of il.e soprano almost charmed away criticism; ^bui >et v.e rouUlnot help heingconscious fjfihe (rdricuUies attending a composi tion *d’this nature, even in tlie hands of £,') gieat a master as vMle^’ i, whose niu- slc it was; nor of prrceivin^ tliat, after a lime, the continued strain and measured tiTiswerin^ chorus become njonotojions, and the n>ind insensibly sinks into lan guor. Ye’ the whole is very line ; it is us if a beini^; of another world were heaKl lamenting; over a ruined city, with tin respo ^ • f a dejected people, and fornis a grand ^nd ntourufur preparation foi’ the Miserere. ‘•The last iit;;!it being extinguished,the chorus in hurried sounds, pi oclaims that cur Saviour is betrayed ; then, for a mo ment, as a symbol of tlic daii.noss in which the moral world is left, the tieep- tst o**sciirity prevails ; when at the wiuds “Chnstus est mortuus,” the l‘ope, the -whole body of clergy and tlie peojjle, knelt, (iti former times, they fell down (mi the (’til,) and all was silent, when the so- jetPi u.-e was broken by the co'mmenc- iti.g c f t'.c Miserere, in low, rich, excjui- aite sti-^ins, rising softly on the ear, and ?^eiit:. s ■ elling into powerftd sounds of sera|) 1C harmony. “ \ !ie etVect produced by this music is r.nei- ! ud greater tlian that of any admir ed ai- ; no pairi'ing, statue, or jjoem, no imac I'lation of man can ecjual its w onder ful pov«er on tiie miiul. 'I’he silent so lemnity of the scene, the toucliing ini- DOi't ol ttie w ords, *•'I'ake pity on me, () ( iod,’ jiasses t it rough to the inusost soil), •»ith a t.hrill of'lie deepest sensation,uu- ■ on'irious'.y n.i.-is'cning the e\e, atid pa!- ..iU’- tin; ( h' I i.. 'I'lie music is con'pose;' f four \oiccs; the si l‘'letoh(‘r s .should (akv* 1liciv cianslirst, (hat ti;.rc ni left for money ? Loudon f"ra :;-ej.';iuo straii^-r, the work of hall' .i lib'! would h.odly be sulVieienl lor him to examine ii. 'i'he mere new innttcr Wiiif h has ari.v^u siuei' I was here l isi—in eix ye.irs — is sueli a r.urvcy to f:o throuixh, that 1 must die verv sli;rht!y iiih)ruied as to threL;- fourths of il. “ Iniprovenient"’—or, at le.ast, ino:\;:!so of (’Aieiil, wiil in;.ke it a post-staj^e from one (Mid of li.e town to the other, very shortly. 'I'iii.s is a!’'>o- eoniiut': in iVotu .\\hridL7‘, i na 1 ic> and jiiiys!-' ton thousand ;i'.t h(j no lie! the lute tiio p!aee a full mile west td wlie''‘ I kll it—a mile oii the road bi'twocii 'I’yIiUi ii turnpike nnd IViyswaler. \Vorks il;:d, hut \ rsf'’rd.iA', vcrc (Ik.' 'rlobt. ''I'ije next olier.s-“Steam-pacKels I to •>>n —and “’fwo n!ni ijxpeuee e.neh pas seu”;or.” A thirvl sets out tiie word i\ec.'j;v.!iU)da(ion i s.iiin I—“from two hundred pout'ds to ready to advaueo lor the eonvenienre cl I'.ohlenieu at a mo- mer.t’s notire.” Anti at t!!*"* toj) of the loiirtl), under the same title--—“ Aeconi- niodntion^’—you l*:id tlut “Ladies, v\iu)sy situations reijijiri- a lemporary ri-lir jriient,” may Lear of “An airy>it- I nation,'’ and “the stncti'sl seerc”.',” by applyiii'.; at *• No. S I, r.exl do t!ie t;'rofer*>, in .iani'’s '.street, Cxr. InnJiaiK?.” “ I'diK-jaiun ’ tempts ' in (‘Very shape; littni—“’i orksiiire, j at “‘SixJef;!! n'uiut'as a year, ’ •^'here there? are “ t;.) cKti.ts or vai'ations,” and “ l'’ari‘ Ia’ th(^ \v:i;on,” on'v .C 1, iL’s., “ 1)V. D'.liltle’s same pait.ter}—your i ival, or more than island st em to have l)een written by the sanie i)ai jour nvui, in empue VOU THE e.VTAV' aA JlieilXAI.. Mr. Di.\ciii.\.M : In pc>ru.s:tig, the other day, the senlinients cl a triend much ai»T mii'ed, I was amused and pleased with his ideas on Marrhi^:e. li being a pleas ing t-ubject to gentlemen and young la dies, iiow-a-days, one deeply allccting iheir interests, 1 extract the following, uhich you are at liberty to insert in your useful paper. It seems an nnconlestcd principle a- mongmany, that Marria>;e is generally unhappy. Tliis is an oj)inic:i lounded in error. Those who complain ol i,onnu!)ial miseries, ha\e us iiuicli satisKiCtion as their nature cotdd have admitted, or their conduct procured'in any other con- ilition. Is. indeed happen;, t’nat bolli se.v- '.'S sonu'tiines iepu;e al the change; are s i after recnrrin;; to tlie happiness ot tiieir i earlier year.s l.'lauiing the folly atid rash- ] ess of iheir choice : and warning olh(:rs, )Uiin;' upon tlie stage, against precipi- i -t •liid iiifatualion. Let u be remem- I l;e;el, I'.KU l!;o“.e da) s which they %>ish^ ! to Ct li l);,ck, w( re the days not > oi 1 celibacy batofyouih, of novelty and im- n as trahsai.leo should nu'‘Le public.—Iju.vdy. ‘To come in pudding time’— by dinner time, or time to bcgui diii' ei' pudding being the first dish' tii^j served up.— ‘A Welsh Rabbit’—liread atid toasted ; that is, ‘ a Welsh rate bit’^ lillADV. Pettifogger—a ljule dirty aiiorr.ey, It is derived iVoin the i j'ci.r.i, Petit vogur*, u small crcdit, o;- li putative.—IJhadv. " . 7 Scotch U'an)ii/i!' pnn—That i u wc tich This sayiu),^ arose from liic v.eil l;i>o,vr story of a gentleman tiavellinjr 'land, who, desiring to have lii., warmed, the servant maid iiTinu'.!i;,.,.|.. undressed herself and laid down m awhile. Bradr,' I never knew l)ut one person, s.tic} Su rne, who intcrfcMed between lUati uncj wile either with safely or succcss. Lj;u,^ a domestic/yro and con once betWLCii'a,,! j)arties, th.u was using even to bluUj, Iriend of mme, who bapiieneti lu uc av lut the htis!)and a stsoke u ui, ij,^ u .:,) hand, crying, *• J5e (jjuel, )ou bruit'-’' and struck tiie woman al liu .-^ann. with liisiell, ba\;i...^, “Jloui jwur u,i you vixei;.’’ adinonilioNS eslal.dishm' .-il’’ — “ (lros\-cn'jr I’lace — Di'ovetiieul, of 'ardour and, of hope, of and “ (1 raduale of ('auihrid.'e, ■ at "two luMuIrt''.!.Aui'. it yoi turn to tlie business of years lo tiiink ol', are pr(»-j'H:>:t pa^re, and have ouiy tiie l.appiness jeetcd imw' and eomplel.-d, almost be- 1^' be insane, you u'lll .see 1 hat “jeii- Iweeu to-(iav and to-morrow. - ilcro is a | dorest aittuitiou ’ is paid t t . jle.uiii- hridi^e built'that has eost halfa million ! j n:uIans,*’at‘Straight \Vaist>'o . L'-d.oe,' much, I in.derstaud, j Soincrslowi’ a:!.'. t;K- Diist- K ren- > j)er.S('iis Payinj; about as may keoj) it in repair. And yel no body seeiTi."^ to stdler ; and aiiotlier, a wilder s])ceulation than tiie tirst, at l!te east end of the town, is tmdei takin^j;. Luxury makes laiidr.ble pro:>,Toss too —not amons; tlie jjeoplo of rank—per haps it cotthl not well get much farther than it has got with them—and jiresent eireumstaiiees seem likely rather to a- bate it—but the second elass in the me tropolis, the (Icfucld traders, an* j)res- sing harder than ever upon the rieh, and driving then) fast into projects of exclu sion and barricade. (Merks now keep actresses ; liiien-drapers speak Italian ; and taiKnskeep hunting horses, and go to the I'rench |)Iay. "I'his it is that pulls down the collee-iiouses, into which all may w’alk, and sets tijj the ciuhs, into which even he who would eat a Ivventy- shillingsupper cannot enter. And, for the lov.’er ranks, as regards external ap pearance, literally now, you ean’t evtui guess at the condition of any female in London by licr dress,—there is not a woman servant in this liouse where I am living, who docs not go abroad, on her lioliday, in velvet and leathers ; i'ud in such attiro altogether as (he wdle of a maiud’ moflerale iner)me, very often, could hardly liope to eonijmss. So, indeed, lor (he genth.-men ; in style and (lre^.^ no man ever looked lil'e what liu is ; until al last, venture to seem any thing hut a ehmney-sweejier, iiiul (in a strange neighi.'ourhood) yoti run good chance to be sfd down tor an imjiostor. As for “ C'aptain.s,” the 1"!- antl is peopled with them. I can liiid no dignilaries (except no\'^and then a “ Maior”) else, l^iblic e.xhibitors are getting into iinj)oilance too ; I saw a jierson that keejisa show-hox somewhere in the Sfrand, so extreme the othei’day, in hoots and mustachoes, that 1 learned I'.is quality, by asking (in adniii:ntion) to what corps uf JJungarians he belong ed ! Here is a booT maker, last week, marri‘(| a v.ard in chancery ! some ex tailor's I'.nly joy, with fd'ty ihou^and pounds—has been in pi Ison—“ cimseii- I ted to m:ik(j s''lllemcnts"—and now i hacks boxers—drives tandem—and is a Another ,, "(iue I aeii rei eu.ihg his i;d lric'ni.,y ijuilets, .vnn ••Peace, \ou monster—Have- tiuiu tcvmagaJit—Ilaiuis (jfij \uucowaiu- tire, J ol* \ 11 -~-u ill ol biiaiiii. lau[ihmg sei-ded them bulb ut uie time at sucli exli aordinary aiul j an iimpirism; they sho-k hands inin.cfiV uiely, and became good friends for il'v rest of their lives. \(JU dii4. sCiiii: ne-ith and vigour of body, and of i;v.iot} and ligbiiiess (il heart. They ofum ceii sure I. omselves for tii(? indiscreiion their choice; this does not prove that they have chosen ill. Converse with al- any man who has grov»ii old in he. profession, and you will find iwrn regrei- al!!::lll. IkUU: : K rc n- li^.g ll.dl l.c dm',.ul embark in . -1. ness, in w hich wealth and honour are ces ol the liist lespeclaudilv • t > i)ei-.sriis ‘ . V; • . , i. V : more easily attaineu. we see nim u couiu- wh() hav!- L'een raving; •■1 ^ite t.i\iu-^ incon\eniei’,ces of his own sia lies aeeommouaK d witn ^ “ keepers | of any other lc:.s, upon reasonable terms, ‘*uy the day, I he has not fell them. Thus the week, month, or year. ’ ' *■ ! married piaisc tlio ease and .freedom (»f And :dl these lierc(? comjietitors for ' vi„gie stiae, and the single ily to mar- prefcrcnce, in their thousautl and one liugi, iVoin the wcarmess ofbolitude. peculiar occupations ami capacities—the j „iatter of ustoi.ishment, projector upon India government, and ^ i us many nappy marriages as 1 the improver upon India panics in Bridge Street MOtl'ilng but assuring life, , . , dertaken? in Fleet ^L^rket, who tlirivc companioni! without any impiiry, y ^.^ave bun no (jnarler. rc^htcnnh'.c iitvUitiicncc.—U is tlicopi;;. n-j ion ol the eo.ior (;i u,c Neu-Vork Lvc. of nin;; Post, that it is proper, in a visitin - card to or fi om two or more sisters, to ust the phrase J/m ILida' conijiiunents t>a. tncr than that of the Misnca Jidd’s, Sec. The following ancedotc is told of Dr. Parr- ‘•lle.-, aid, Ur. Jehiison an admiiiible sclioU and that he wouUl lia\c had a liijjh reputation tiir me: . Laniiiig, if his reputation for nitelkc! ana ehi([uenee had not ovi rsh.idowed it; tj ii eiiis-ical sehoKir was l.irgotte:. m ilie |. :'cu( i" in:d eor.trilnitor to tlie literature of liis cotuial, One of the oi. l)aiiy icmuuleu bun ot lub vi. v. \\itli l)v- .lolinson, as relateil by .\«r.,,-. ton in I’.osw ell’s Kccount of h s life. Aitirthc iiiterv lew was over, Dr. Johnson s.iid, ‘I do nit know w beu 1 Ir.n e had an occasion of sucii lui contro vcrav ; it is rciiiai kable how mucli oi » ia soy—tiui com-' do—(I don’t know of an> unhappy ones,} i hie may pass without ineeting waluuy :t, .who think of uhen 1 relleci upon tin; manner in whicu j open discuss on.’ , , . . Ill . 1 I I o tins remark Dr I'arr repheii, w it » ltc 7 lile, and tiie un- it is contracted ; when 1 see some taking | vchemcnte, ‘ /remember the int^nicw tli only upon its extinction—tlie draper, who found? himself e.itlrely upon “Ten thousand pair of warm Wiiney blan kets,” and tlie perfumer, whose hojie on this side Of the gi'ave is only to en- sur(; “I'liiversaj ease ,and co;nf(U't in shaving”—the patent pen-niakcr, and the j)in-maker—Jlic mangle-mak'’r, nnd mg courtship, to pi event themseUes from the spangle-maker—the dealers in , ix-iug known, and lo disguise liieir na- spring-guns, imd in pojj-gnns—perigprd , lur.d temper and desires, in hypocritical pies, and artilieial ey(‘s—sell yoti a, ini.tuiion, stucaed ccnipUance, and con- mango, dance you a fandango—huge : tnuied ailoctalion; it is not ai all wonder- Twelfth cakes, nobody but i'.u’r;mee ' ^‘d, thai a coiiiract, tiius begun wiihyya'/t/, niakcj—Paris stay.s—i-aise Uk; | siiouid , end in ways. 'I’hese, millions are but (ht^ iV'W ' u ho court popularity, :it a |>eciiliar c\ iCW wi'li I be bubjeet ;f CiS alter farms ano money; some uniting ! tbspuio was the liberty of tlic prctj. Dr. JoL 4.iicms' i>es to pM-rsoirs whom tb.ey ha\e j son was very great ; whilst he was arguiH';,! a feu iu:i( . sl'CIi im a ball room; some tiiat j ')l>»er\ed tbat he stamped. Dr. Johnson s^:., r„c> l .elikocllKT Iblss, a.,U sunu-| ' "'■> V" ‘'’I'''"' mkf .hey arc tired , „ , , .'«'i die advantajic even ;./u selves. W hen 1 rcilccL loo, upon the , i;,, .,iv.-a,nint.’ U is uupo^.siole to do jus:,.' maiiiier in whicn the parties act; the j to his vehemenci.'; the cbaiaetcrihtic po'iupub.- lonstant eiulea\our ol both [)arties dur- i ’y whiJi it was aeceiiip.inied, uia\ tiuiiv ' ■ ’ I 1' - ' ii.iagineil by tb(>.>e'w bo knew him, hut car* not i)e adeiiuately rejfreicnted to thUiC v.U d«' not.” Oisappuin.ineni. Can matches under tl.ebe Luciims'.arices be fouiuh il Oil iovc r Sucii i -. t'lo faslnon of and througii one partictilar me- pensc diuni ; Tl'.ey arc not the s;‘mc a", l)Uto\cr and above, the decoraiers of tlie deue walls oi’ the town, posts, oljelisl-.s, empty houses, and scal.ohlini's : w lio addross t'.ieiviselves to the n!ori‘ busy Ci'ow 1 v, ho have not lime to read new .'^jjapers. and v. ho can oidy j)ti;-sue their researches, in jje.rsning llieir daily pei'arnbu hit ions.—“ Matrimo nial joys”—‘‘Sui'ts i'or litlh; boys”— ‘‘Teach t!;e. deaf anci duni!>’'—“(ireat revi'.u'ti'ins in l>randy and rum”—‘‘Tooth );tdied /Ut In Mr. 'I’ugweli, wiihoutfecl- iii,''”— Portable as”—Wild ass”-^ “Poison 1 als”-—“ I’.edieavered hats”— “ (:ieri;yman’s w idow in threat distress” — “New cj'apes and poplins, for summer dress.” There is no sjioi (;ii earth, 1 be-j • licve, certainly none tiiat ever I have vis- * ited, w here a nu.n can get all hi; wants, and with so little loss of time or asking lor, t'.s 111 Lcjiidon. nnvli'i ti linu s ; ...rd v. ell n.ight l exclaim —’ Pi'; :ili-a*tiei . ’lis pahsin;;' ;/.raii!;e !— How din'ereid ii oi;. ciisiom an.i style of the good ohl tiiiics. lii''..y ) Lars a;;o. * — We then hoard of none r;. pining at tiie change, no ouli ailings al the rashness and indiiicretioii of incir choice, no le- curreiice lo early yt\.i s, as.'the days (d' pleasantness and jjcace. It wa.. entered into withoui inquiiiea afur farnis aiid money; not because il WaS tasl'.icuiable ; not because they were tiied ofliieiiiselves; but upon sound and serious leili'c- tion: always keeping in \iev., as the f'futid ohjcct, a inife ur a kuHjmul. arri asre I certainly should o( h IS the strictest tie ol ship. Ti-.ere can be no fri'.-v.dsl.ii) with out confidence : no coi.lith i.ce w ithout no happiness withonl maiii- mony. And they :iur>t cxpect to !>e mis- eralde, w ho pay to beauiy (>r riche-, that rej-;ard whicii only \irtuc and piety can chdm. .A U. -ontrac’.ed i.und Jtdc. perp.elual friend- “ eiiaracltr “upon lov.ii. ! Prom the Land’s I'lnd to John o’(ircjats, every inch of i,^round that it man wallis ar al liiii )ncUe lo’.i ol are : Vi rse, tl.e set oiid cho- ii't. t!i(,‘ Opera, i j'us ioiii-, :ui i iluMi by de;; ve( I he \t;ices]ho is a hli'ekh fade and die aw.,y. The soli and almost j ham't'd, I date imj)erceptii>l>' accinmdatioii of sound, swelling in ni'iuridul tones of rich h.i!’- monv. into pov.erfid etb-ct, ar.d then re ceding, as if ill the di^Uuit sky, like i1m.* tunu.'Hling so'.i;’’ot aiupds and spirli', con- M\s, !>eyoi.d all concejitii^n to tho >e v. !io of ivN o I !>oi unI tour \oi:es; rtie s‘.i\'Hi | l;n;his 1..-.V L-.:J s,,U-n,n. riMn;; s:r , ^ ^ ^ ^ 1„ Ki,:.|..nil, l.i-loni; to ^ r d ■ 1^^ col,t,.,_l„ol,.l.e- 11,ai( ni ai.i aiom . at iiu , » I poa( her has ten times more true enjoy- 1 ment d' the chase than the lord can have: j I’or what can \oti kill but tiuit v.hich is . i\oiir o-.\n idii'iidy, or that wiiich your stiek-boy aootit. M. [ ,,i.i,rbb(,(ip has reared, and paivl for us I i'ully as he does his turkeys .' It is a poor of ever\' .lame-’s ! resS( (1 like :i Pa.ndoui- ! ; loisooth, and will be say—to the emulation idlier stiek-boy about Si. leave heal'd it, tin' idea ol (huknt desolation, and of the (ireary soliuideid •he tomb. A solemn silence ensui • We judged of tlicir qualities not from tlu ir refinement of m.unu rs, siia\ity i,f tastv and el- e.i-aiice of languaj-'c: but froiii tii. ir intimate ae(iiiaintancc witii (wli,.t’s c.dl’d) a U'ttCi.!, Luii.‘ii, and Ai-' i/.V. The Andcrsonian Society of C;as;»rr,f has purcbased from M. l>i.;!and est solar microsrur,e liiat oi'liciu’.i lu: ever construc'et!. 'i'lu i'./st tii.d d'lh!. superb in.-.lriii.ient tiivoiose.l some ijv,.- deri’et phenomena. llundri (ii of iiibeu) were discou-ied dc'.ouritig t!ic I)mc;\ oU and scoifs had livccj luxu.iouslj !'or several months on the leg of a w.’^Z- 'l'iu'animalcules w ere magniiled so a to ap[iear nine inchcj long, tl.eir c.cud si'.:e being somewhat less than the fuii.- icon, hnnd.edtii part of an incli. ’f!.t mineral .wiigdoin aiVordctl another iliS' ph’.ytd jrdliunt objecis: their crystaliiii lion, and the s'ph-ndour uf their coIjuv i:'ig, exceed any thing tl:e most livL'." iiVi..g;nati(./ii Ciiii possiI)iy conceivc. I’rofessor Olmsted lias conrn-med, by; s(‘ries of cxneriments in the laboraioryi V.ile (College, the ili'.'sovcry that a atVording a det^ia-e of ilhiini’iation eii.. to t'.ie oil gas, {^of w hieli it is indeed only variety.) and superior to most varii’tiesi the bituminous coaN, may l)C oljtaiiu. from cotton seei’. 'I'he gas thus piudiif^'t was inferior lo tl-.e. jnire olcilaiit t'as,- are the iidlamniaiile leases o’otaiiu'd In-i- haos e\ery substi.nee exceot •pt decoiiiposetl by sulphuric acid. l l‘ And it dition am cord, whi ago, won! ■ill ihe hi>tori('s together that \\(> h::\i .s a cnriou.'-: [licture of (he e h.ihit*; (d tlio count!‘y—a rc- '!., kept live litmdi-ed yt.Tirs 1 be mure valuable r.ovv tiian : fop fc-M .I.ui-t, 'l.reed' l.ln-as. " f»l t!.«i to diwl l! ..n-: ,,l»s. M. ; .„i mai'ke.l like ! ,.»le. 1 nel of llie hickorv-nut conies t!i^' • t( Jlhe (d; lianl and' is but litlle inferi quantity of ih.e gas is considei'ubly ec''■ id !y Using l!ie entire ?iut—tlu‘ Onsrln of Phyrnc^.— To I’nie tlie ^'''^'eiing of w.:ieh aTjrds a g.o ’•'•In Poast,^’—is lo govern, manage,, or pre-- P^der Hame. It wasfo:: side over; .bdmson (jl>sei\es, that it was I tU'ie ago calculated liiat the surjilus (pi • originally written Hoist, w hich si;-nif:ed | ‘^f‘ J‘'^'d produced in the L at a eost of iive !>niiicas a-p;ece : and then ! ‘ To bear the li(dr--is to surpass o I'-et a pa.M,, on i.ti appoiiited da\, to sit ' ihers, or to be’ the hrst in n.erit : aliudiiu in arm-i iiai'.s r.nd slaui^liter lliem a hun- ! died upon an ai re 1 There i-, no true i liunling now in I'ngland. but the iuiiiling er cents, und of mi n. 'Pht ie is no '-pot w here ymi may go and w.iiider—'I can t;i,(U': st.iiid, if not defend, tlie (.'.oi'fMicror’s nmL'n-^ a loresl in Hanips'.iire —wander for da\>. and not a bre.ih heard, while t’nc inaudi-' >'i prin(—t!.c common newspaper which i^ ' coiiiin-' 'omes into the \\ (jrlil (.‘Vcry morning at ! \ . }j1c pray er of the I'.ni eliii.g Pi'pi ucs. 'N'iK'ti he iis»'s, slight .sor ast ds are *‘ iV o'eioek, and lies up(m our break iicard, by dfj^ices bi'eakitig on the siil!-! table—and ;dwa\ s full too, that’s the liess, which iius a ideasitig cfl'ect. restor-j s‘jangfst. ])roh!eni, icgulaily by nilie. ing, usitWeie, tlie r..jjt mind to the c\-‘ " isteiice and teclin^s, (d' the ])rcsent life. 'The ell'ei.t (»!’those s'ow, prolong(!d. \a- rie('', and truly heu\cnly Miain, will i.'ot easily pass iVoni tiie intMaory.” SfiNisn Pit.ivniii. T'liiai a b'.d ::cvvr w -\ v.i'-'j '••.■'I' '.'iiar.P'-E Lis Hanips'.iire —wander for day a!ni(jst w ei ks, upon !.' rot.nd w hiob is, prac- ticallv, {'(jimnun lo .11 : vshu h i!;erc are Tiic whole world, take away alom Aim riea, pi-i. esses nothing Mkc an aji- proaeli tolli-same (locummit. A lo- not ])eeple enoui h in the cor.i reigncr t.n(b. it dinicult to eompi( liciid i (• ,su and whidi I'.o person ihinks i- v .irth Ihe daily amotnit of ih.e aotm+l d(;riostie j i,is ubilo lo cnf.uce a title to. Which oecurreirce—lht‘ rapes, inurd(»rs, lori;(;- i way wiil you ti.-. n le- gt t oe.t (d' tlie !ich\ “a!id all Othor itit^J'Cil’tig ;!I> ' —Ci'. c!' .’s,i..,.- y! be'!, u: ■■ t ami 1' I- ■ U.1 bell on iii:., co! lo tl;e wether, v. ho w t i'ollowed by tlie !!oc!'. ; horse ol a drove, v, ho I lar.—Hu vnv. ‘ I'ii.ini.- ! would fun; i.liiiiiinating .ga^, little iiil’eriur tu produced dii\'cliy from oil. 'I'h'’ lyf seed is sup|)0'.eii to have lui’M n''* a.ugmciited, pe.L.ij,-; d.ediled, (hiriu;,''■ last \i'ar, !r. the :i;; i'. a-;evi cu'tiii'f ' col-on. ■ A:/, I eiliii s'(d. rooms desi.p. .. ■ r- !••: ’■r Xd'ih.i.—'i’he total p.');"i!..'- '.’..ition ii!' Indians is sla'td siio.viiig r.nincrease sm-r ■ take.i by' Colonel Meij^s ia I' 1. In T( kf onin;;' t'te increase I'J j ever, the (.'mij^ra'.ion of .'ib:)ut siX tli' • j)rivattd\ j ‘ and. of tleir couiifrymen lo .i A' ! ci 'j V as, it is said, sa-j I i\;>r is i.ot t;d.en into t!ie calcid..'- '.I e (jod id Sir. nee,, Agi ienltui'e, man'd‘..Lii,! i an.l il'*-’ ' t.'K-.'M y j,laced on !hi j t i.(;;jic :.rtOu.\e inv-reasei! in still !'■ Ijing i:ci — 1 ni^ e:;pi-e‘-sio!. i;; tak- (“11 from the ctik'.om of ii ii,ik( r’s i)lov. i; his pipe or I'.oir: in \ ida;,cs lo l.-t tiiepc pie know his bread w„.s, a? consety.o-.uly ‘hi.l’ and li^'iii. liji vi'V. I ‘Under 'il.c Pose’-J ' n-j (;r sccrelly. 'i';,a i C; " i; i.^ e>i,i cred lo liarpoc.i and leeredore tin u. ni'v i i .•> ?ii. i (d'thl- ^ 1 •> b •• I I eeiism of !;' d f .r ll.c r.r-,'iv- j , rat ..'icatiun aiso rc;:e

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