a * trtii/i f.'if Hi t'tiv ’I'lOiihuJ'jiti'.i. . 1 111- Ir. winti r cliisc I i.i;’.- I \ t'liin;; on a suinim r il:,\ ; | lie knows, Its rusi lic;ir', , Its in )uviifui niomrnts and its 'I Mi'i 'Hild I ilwtll witli pli ;*■'!.i;-;' tlion-’I.t , r;ii,n iny '•.priiiij of vi^Mtlil'ul jn'uli- , Vit, liki.-the fotivi- ii;inft 1', i;l;id ’l'(» rosl ia pc;.ci' at i \(.•iil.ik-. 'I'li'? fr'i iiie rAv !s proi lamiM wv fat', I u’it;;'hn U'tic !iM, '.ny "v«. n li u' •. .s li 11, 11" ''i.‘ ' sMiili', and call ni" mil; i'l'i ii.n: , ; ti..:', n..ia'- as w > 11. •;)n 1m..’\(v, i hss (k pi iHls net ; iN;-n M t;\ I (n.MTi l wltli old'I'iiiu.' ' ill mar. !'• '■• on :—Ik'V.' \ ain Ms jxjv. ' r \Vif!i r,!u u!,.)'•.• /ifiirt is in it", ja'iinc ' I'iioni. !i tiov. [(('liiajjs u lltth old, let";;!!! I itli yontli to !>id'’ ; \'or ip-ii-vc I if till- t^a_\ coquettes Sr lUCi' llio fTallun's iVoni my >idi'. 1 jn\ t' ') (tliiiui^li till' iill*' cri u .\’i)c k '.rllii V. liat at IIi V l n},'?’K it'd tail,) I'o s!-f lio'A lays of anciciit ln\t s Tlii' !'.sf!_ nin},'' round ivj^ule. i j.i y r.iMcy tinii.' fof t!iL//i 'taiids stil!, Ai'd //( ri'V liairs of jTay, A:;d sTiiili; \o In ;ir liow once tin lr To TiK- I onld kncclinf^ iKJinriicc |'a\ \nd 1 too, Sind'-, to g'a/.f np ii 'I licsc Imtti'riiii s in \onth elate, >0 lir(.dies';, spurtin;,'' l oini 1 fli(- Ik.inc NVhcre thmi'and suili lia\>.- nn t tlii:ir fate ” HKK.U M'lIK AL. or.'- ■d up. ir 1'.) bci: ( ijir[);iny. i 1h‘ -i 'l.f r-, ..’1.! \vii>;, ii was bcl;c vctl, ^ itS-u-k of .i >' i',;. > ’ '■ ' ' t(l ;lic. Indiniis to :—tli'j. I [»lanf;iti(in nl ;i';ik:vv, ;i ji .v i di'tiiclunciit t'Hil; tlif.-iti ;d wlfil was then | i'oi’c the lo ('!i :i !'>!! (•;ill(;'l tiio './vt rliill towns (mi 11iw;is-; iuf-int i v s ■ ';t ' river. Slujrtly al’lor UM’ir mttii n j and firod cn ) from tin; caiiijjaiirii, aiiot,li.'r 1 tlie in!;i!;!iv muI. »»1 ai 111y was rai“;eil l(» ^1) tiM' Scot(‘!i ’ Inu’arils tin: lii ili- li • w. iiss Cicck, who were ral'-iii'? Mifii jlmrhtiod of v. lil'h wcte met hy the mv-i ijijj,. ,;c|l, (ki;izli-s tin* ryes of the bais, lor lo’iiain. (leori^c (‘■iMhaiii \va ; (;ii i ah v arid di fralcd. ! whicii ofl'Jii kill the oi these -.a'- acHjir. Ulll*’ hiid lasloiis a liil cl d.i; . , 1 ■ to’ilie to'j of the iifsi, and ti.fu up . y llr'd 1 .lu-d.-.ellhHv, -.vhich consi^!s d uno ruonis.-Someli.nes there ure tlure or ♦Mtn;.,. in Inc neit-'n- ' .u^i tiieir hh.ze of ln,-ht in 1 this t(jfir. W’iieii t hc\'an I Vfd at i'.') - jcHcvilh', and heard thf /ifws ot thf; lit.’- j ! 'al ol the Scctidt at 3!ooie*s-c.r‘-ek !hiiilu:e hv ( I/!. Casw(dl, and fl at, thf ON CO.NNUlilM. HAITINKS; l-ajll J'liL lAI'.VWii.l JOlllAAl.. V skftoli of {••(■ n'o^'rapliv of the late (U-iicral (U’.oia.i: IjUAHAM ; who diwd on the JHth ultiniu. (*en«.M’al riF;o;v;K (Iuaiiam was Ijorn ;n the jnontli ol DccenilnT, 17')7, in rhcster coniitv, I’entisylvania. Ilisfa- Uier, Jatiie'* (iiaiiam, at th(‘ a;e of IS, cartie fri^m the, iiorih of Carlin”'foi(! hay, in thi; eoiiiity of Down, Irehnid, ahoiit tho \-enr l^y a tradition in the I’aniily, James was a tlt^seendant of a kinsman aud follower of the hjrtiines iind disnsU’r.s of Ihe ceh'hrated Montro>^e, who made surh a 'oiisjnonou.s li^rm-e in the civil wars in Scotlaml in llie r(-ij>;n »'f r.'hai l(‘s 1. and wlicn i.iid F/na;Iish ar my !»i‘(‘vaih.'d in Seotlaiid, Montrose /led to Holland, and his adherents, a- mon^ wiiuiii was a rlanufthe (Irahams, jiassrd over into the north of Ireland, v,’h('re many of their (h’scendanls yet reside. ,lam('s ('.r-iliam dyin;; when his cliildren wore yotini:;, his widow inovtMl to Meckh‘ii!)tirii' coirnt.y, C. vvlien lieorc^i! H'as i)ul 10 years old. ili.s ed- uoatio.'i wris sncli as v,’;;s (;onimon •vouth of tliat i)(-riod, v.liicli was lories were dispttP'ed, the troo])'^ rel’irn- e'j. I'-y I'uler of the .Meeki;nl)tirj,;- Cominin.ce, 1:'' v\:is af'c’r this tw iei-snit a.s one (d a j>iii1v into 'I'l ’ oii ‘oiin!\ . lii ordi-r to suj)[)ress oi overawe t(>rv is;;), wliieh ajtpear.'d likely to giiii: ^ujui;ti it; that (jiiarter. In th‘ l)Ci>;innin2; of thi; \ear he served a ea!n|Kii-ii as l.icutci,anl tni- j l^‘>vle, who eommandcd a forarrin.uijjar I \Vlio|i tin- I'.ritish . h-tte, on the •..’‘'ill ol' Septendjcr. 17‘ •>. , ( ipt. .fame'. 1 homson, (leo::!;'' (Irahain : and ot I)marched it !i (len. lJavi(I.-'i>n I . . i>i -I- • 1 (• r „ A WIMsTU TO .Nl.'VLV-MAl(iUl 1) ' and toe arnn' to s, wiU’M lindin.':^ awi.i^.i.i t „ m ; ,1 , , 't I'lrhaps (Jii some onasion 01 otiu 1, in I u, ,lr,y .r lu„ t!.:, t nr, not i„ ,!»■ i^n.l |,r„!,.ilily wi.ul.l .-witijaK- to annoy juii.your husi.'aiid mav lov, uiid hui!,di, uiid llirl ill ihat, |)lace fi.i some timi', hy pe'mis- ‘ -ion (;f (leii. Dav.dson they returned, atxl hf inii; well :n rniaiiiled with ihe eoiui- ; iry, ecdlei’ted a ;,ai»ty of 1 I in mimher, ' :ii;d (ill the .;d oi' Oetolu-r i derthe late Alap.r.I.dm Shaijje, of'I’en- j of upwards of o.'K), at McIntyre’s on m'See, who wa^. his cai/tain. 'I'liev as-] *l>eattie s Ion! road—the details ol sisled id makintr tho ii.lK'nehmeiits and ^ whitdi have heen heretofore published, plaein^^ Ihe ahhatis ht for. (.harlestoii, be- | While i.ord Cornwallis lay in CharloUe, lore that town w a'. tR'ii jred, and iiHunt-I c’ontiniK.'d in the thicdicts about 111'.;- -;uard ami p i lo! inin,i;- other dtitie> | wall' Ihe re-iilai' soMirrs'; uiid bv tiii-' ‘■'‘’''I' : proetired «iih.si>t- me.tn.s they heeai;ie well aeqiiainlcd witii j •'‘"1 I’V women wlio resided o the military taeties i:i u.^e .at t.hal tune. roads lea-Iiii'j; to tiie north and west, 'I'heir t*-rm of v(;i \ iee expired and th. y |Charlotte, ai ru!it;-(Mnen(s wer« made were n lieved !)V another ilelaciunent of :»'>>’ detaehnuMits militia, only two days !,ed,ii*; tlie town • l!*'''!- " o’lid pass out ; hut tin.* enemy ne- w as rlus(dy'inv( sled’ 'j'fi** pai iy x\ ii., i' «■>'sent out any in that direction after r(dievcd them was cajit'.ue.l when tiic !*!■*''‘'ll'**!’s. town- was taki.'ii. i .M'ter 'I'aJ-k-lon’s (hfcut, ndien Lord , A ‘ ' ' Coniwallis \va^ ntirs-iiii^ (Jen. Morgan \vh(Mi .AieeK- ' • ‘ ’ Alt( I liuloid s d( It iit, A>JMM I i juined onr oavali-v us a hmhur-eonnty he,;ain..‘ thelronlH-raMi:,^,j,,„^,>,,,^ ,,t of Fel»ri.ury, the men were. aiiiio>t eor.timially uiuler j ^vas in l!ic at Co.van’s ford, arms, Lient. C.raham was iiivsent atev- ; u !u-re (ieii. Davidson svas killcil. ery i all ot his s>ij)ei’iors—was w ith tlie I In the sprite; of tiral year he was aji- ai'my under (len. iftitherlord, which ' poitilcd .Ydjutaiii, of one cd’the re,L’inH‘irv;i mare,h(.'(i to iiamsoiir's, aud arri^'ed theie j al!e;l stale troops, raisei! l>y Sonth-Car- ahout two h:)'irs after the hatlle at tint' for t'.ie t^-i-nj of ten munlhs and place. On the till) of August. 17.-0, h,. i "MumaTi(L-d i.-y rSump'er. 'In. this was lieutenant (/f a comjjany uiidf r com mand of ( apt. James Ivno>;, at tlie hiittlt of lJani;iii_!;-roi k, where, with .se\-(>ral o- thers out injury. A hull passeil tliroujili his ■tkK •-erviee he while in company, with some pretiy e.n'l present. This ^jeiierally makes a v> de i-juk fnoli.sii ; and it v. uuhl be us well, nay feated Maj. | much heller, if he did not do so. 15ul let ' not a shade of ill humour cross your bi-ov.-, nor oven l)y a !;lance give hir.i,oi any one jjresetit, reason to think his behaviour annoys you. Join in ?he lavu^li and chat, and be not oiitdone in cheerluhiess atid l^ood humour by any of the pai iy. J5ul remember, ifetule lady, tiieje must be no (tcliiig in til is ail’air : the en’orl m>:sl ex tend to yonv mind as well as yunr inaninr: and a niotncni’s rcasoiiinj^on the subject will at once I’estoi'e the banislied sunsliinc, 'I’he incomparable Leij^hton says, “I’he liunian heart is like a reservoir clear water, at itie bollom of whicli lies a por- iio,n of muiK atir the mud, and the water t^ets all sullied. In like manner, does some strong passion or peevish feelint^- riiif; in ihe heart, and stain and darken it as the mud dees the water.” liul should there be a prospect of your Inisljand olien meetiiui; with this laily in (p.teslion, en deavour at once to lii-eak oil' the intimacy by brin|;itii; forward some preiexl con sistent wilh truth, (for to IriiHt every tliini; must be sac!-ii!ced,J such as, You do'noi like her ; the iijtimacy is not what you woulfl wish, Uc. See. Xevrr, hov.ever, a- was III .■,everid skirmishes witli | vou- the mil reason ; it will only produce bot'h ilntish and lories; was at llie tak-1 tliscord, and make your hnsbatid ihtnk in;v of ();an|.d,ur;; : was vilh the stale j you pt'onc to jealousy—a suspicion a wo- , ■'i.i i troops and Wa.sh'i!;-toirs cavalry when i nian cannot loo carefully fjuard ay-ainst s, he had a iiair-breadth useauo with- , 1 t . i i . .. i . ,i ' ' ••' = - = ^ .. I liicy were detaciicd lu atuMul to the move- luiurv. A hull pa.sseil thr()u£li Ills ^r coat ou the top of the left shouUici’, and anotiier between the band and ramrod of hi:> rille, near the lliimblt* next the lock. Two incident.s occuirod in this fn!i;:i;i;omciit with the Mecklciibiirg men, not notieed by historians. As has been .stated, they were^ lhroii"h tiic error of their ,guides, leil /Irst on Col. Bryant, who eommanded the torics, and were cncamped a (juarter of a mile from tlie British. The iiritish attempted to re inforce 15\) ant, but were too late ; for Jiryant's men ran about the .sceoiui fire, to^ t”he ^I'lii'.sMer.s met the iSritish, with a about ^ I’isinj; ;,5rmnid ; ■ II • i\ ' ' the action was renewed,, and the iMcidv- the time the eol!ei'-e in Charlotte was'. , , , , If- 1^,.. . I “-‘tibufi^er.-* kept up a tire under rover 0 iti Its ^,enith. A!thoii^-ji he wa-s luA ed-1 . , ' t , j the lull, until several disciiarj^-cs of the artillery j)assed over their heail.s without ucated in that institution, yet it created a kinil of lit'erai'y 'itmosphrre, and hv mixing; with the t;1tid(‘nts, heaeipiireda ta'te for readinj^, wdiereby his mind he- eaiiie improved beyond some of those, whoso o|)]v)rtunilies were sujUM'ior. 'I'hc first j)ublic meetings in ('harlotle, fit the bejrinnintr of the r,'Voliitionary .war, he atloinhMl ; and !illhou,:^h too yoii’iu: to.be in their eoiiiiei!#!, he re;ji! with solieiltnh the public |,-rints, ami many manuseripts of their pro('Oedinis, nirK,!!, it is to he ix\i;rctted* aie lost at the jii'cseiit day. He attended th; me- ;ri(Trahle nieetiii”; of th(> Committee in Charlotte. t!ie ‘^Hith I\Iay, 1 77.1, wMio deelarei! ii (i*pendenee, an ollieial cojiv it' which was sent to Coii:;i'ss ;as lieier lofore pubiished,) hy (’apt. J.unes ,laek. 'AS’hi'jii (’ajAain J.trk, on his wav, halted in S.d's’lnirv for relVesh’r.ent, and his bii‘iii(;ss w: s I'tiade known, a .Mr. Kiu'tli .T.id John inin'i, law\ci's, the lirst of' riote and both well ri.Mneiiib'-rcd, threat- ci.e I to have t\ken up l(>r treason, W(:re aetnally tr\iii^(o iiilliieiife ;le‘ aiilhorilies there lo h;.\e him aria-d- e: ,Ca'.!. .lack drew ii s pit(ds and thii ito d to kiil the li.'sl m;..i who .hir ed to • riMpt liim, ar.d pas't d o,; to Coiiu:.'-*^, 'I'h.' news of this pjdcei'd- in;r soot. 1 .Meidvlctihifj;. an,! the ( omm.;'"!’ ('o:i\;iied ( i'di'ixd 1,' horse- iMiui to >;d:''i'n\', to b!•.;,'^■ j’ooth aiid iJunn hej .r,' i' .'mi to aii'-wer lor tln .r eoi'iiliiet—( •f'or'io Cir.iha!ii was (die of ■♦ho MUiiiher wl.om thcv m l(’cte I. 'I'iir 1 or'emen broii'j'lit the !a.v\ crs riUTre.dib,- to I ti’iif metils of Lord Hawdon when on his marcli to relieve Xinetv-Six;—ilirre or four days before he arrived at that placc, and when Gen. Creene retired, he covereil Jii.i retreat. Some time after this, ouinr; to \iid there is often in men an obstinacy which refuses to l)0 conquered, of all be- inijs in the woi Id, Ay u V’ifc. — A jealous wife (such is llie erroneous opinion of ihe ill judgiti',' world) is rjenerally considered a proper suhje^ l for ridiculc : and a wo- hard service atid a warm climate, he v. as I man oii.rhl absidtiously lo coneeallruni her husbatid, more than from any body else, any feelin;j of the kind, llesides, after all, i'cnlle lady, your suspicions be totally ijroundless ; and you may possibly attacked v.dth (ever, ohtained leave of al) sence, and wi’h diflicuity reached home. His life was for some time despaired of. At len.tjth, however, lie reroverefl, but was so debilitated, as not to be ai/.e to join his retain-..lit until t\»') muntiis before "f ima.;,dir.iry evils. As you value your ihfir tt;"!)i cf service expired. | peace ihen, keep Irom you, if possible, Cic or;-fe (jralnm -a a.> man ied in the hd! such vexatious apj)rehensions, and re veal' I 1. to 1 atir.y C;;-he}'. dau.^htcr of j t.ieinher, a man can very ill bear the idea (ieori^e Cutiicy, .soil. il‘- ii id two sons j of bein;;- suspected of inconstancy even and three daiii;liLer:,; oi,e of his sons die'i 'vl’.e’i ; l)ut when innoa'nty it is in- when youii!', the o'.lier ki.t( ly ; his dau;,,;h- tolerat.de lo him lers are yet livi:.;> ai.d mat! i«.!. j iis wife died about liic vear 17.i.' ; and he 'jfier- I never v.ould recommend a wife to have on a visit with her an atlructive girl, widow d' Novelty and conslunt"'opportunity are so atul ihe votuiL^ ladv, full of ^Villiam I’elts (nf i-’rovideiice.') by vvhoni ; i,’ovverful he had no i>sue. SIk; was an aini-.ible la- j vanity, and wholly divested of care, I'orms dy, and an excelleut mu:K!;;er of his do- | lierhap;, a very a[;i’e?a!jle conlrasi to ihe inesiic alVairs, wlien liis public duties call- j mut'y aiiX!;.‘lies and annoyances \v!iiih ed him abi’oad, udiicii v.as often. Liul i may at tunes cloud '.ho I'row of ilje hest j the wiiys of Providetice are inscrutable. I icn>pered wife in the wuild. Do not ni- ' ’ it can to ia- tnarned Mrs. Po: ilamaj^e. ()nler;s w eie then n;iven to load their ;?uns, atul o!i the next di-> (diarge of tlie cannon, to rush up and take it. 'The orders \V('re pjallantlv e» eeulei.l—v\ hen they came vvitliin I'ortv stejis, the\ i;icd and the ;>!'tillery lied ; 1 ^^he was sei-:ed wilh an afdirtioii the most i tani^le yourst lf wilh the if they then^ to(d-; ])ass('.',»ion ot the ‘run. j 1,^ deplored of any tliat eun bei’.d! tin- j he avoided ; and ) uu will iiol have and turned it ; but their adv(-rs:iry had | liuman i'amily, the loss of iier reai;on, aud | ment iu carried oil the linsttie!\, and tione of became uticons.ions of them kiK'w ho-.v to nuinn^i^t! the p-ieee. \\ bile their titlention was taken up in makint^ iui'lleetu.d attempts to use th' u;tiii, thf; enemy, tivailinj;- themselves of this (hday, lallieil, eharuced them with loaiied pieces and lixed haVonet.s, and e;eised them lo retreat in turn undei-l cover of the hill. rial, hilt you Uu i.ot, \.iiho » expel icnce, l;now the "'ide-spr,:adinj,iroo,'. It may produce, the wide-spre;uhii:r jn'* it may prevent. Many a_njalrimonia! dispute occurs no* so much iVoiu an unwillinj^icsb to ^iv* (ip the contested point, as from a dixuH of bein;^- coiif|uered. liewarc cf 1),^ slightest ai)i)roach to coniradiclior,, £ri!i' be assured every little dispute bct\\V^• man and wife, t.*ven in itself of ihe tiios* trivial nature, is dangerous. It force good-luimonr out of iis channel, uiKlt,. mines alVection, a.id insidiously, tl.ouir! peihaps insensibly, wears out and aij^i' entirely destroys that cordiality vldth'^j. the life and soul of mail imonial fcliciu ' Without i;iiend;n;j’ it, I f.m| j prolonged niy remarks on this suhkc- LO a:i extraordinary length. I will iir, therefore endeavour in a few words t' sutn up the whole matter. Do you gentle lady, to make your husb’atul //////, tt tidi r, avui(h!v; in short, all ih^u iii'.' should Ia' ." Lei me vlu^prr to vou v.Tf.-- ! I'ndeavour bypra\tr and tvci-- eilbrl to make him a n: man, uti, the worl; is accomplished. — Ai d »iow )(;• 'me for a moment ituiulge in the bipsstd suppositio!! tiiat you are both in tl;-.>fol^ of ('hrist, uiid heirs loijether of the gr.;cc of life. Then, in truth, hujjpy was ih.. dav you were horn, and happy iht; djy vviiich united you I And Oil ! th-'re blessed will be tlic hour when the evi>i- lasting g.ucs i;ha!l be lifted up, and yo'. shall l)0lh be presented faultless bel'oi" the throne ol Clod’i glory with exceeding joy ! {^Juilc J4-.) [Kissni;; evi’nt... j !!ii! let lacl'or a moment siipj)o;ie a cir- About three V ears ago lie V. as taUen v\ ilh ! cumstaiu'e or.jurs in which votir hus- Ihat disease wiTK !i lermina'.cd his lifi*. ! band’s is entan;;!ed, or that there Al times he was cctivalescMit ; I)uliti liie [appears a latiger id' his iij/'ccfifi.is ijeing last year, in aclditiun to hi> oll'ier sulfer-! (li’awii IVora you. 'i’lii';, in trui!i, is tne ings, (and he sidreicd niiK.h i lo have-iiis i biitc t wound a ^v'om•ill’s heai r evf re companion daily iu'fore his eyes .so great i ceivt- 1, atul none but (iod can direct her an (jbjeet of j)i:y, lirodeced a stale «d ! aright. To him, ihiTefote, (if she he , . miiul that but iV\v could be.ti I hey .su,,lain.:d .ome «huna;;x; by the iire tht'y reeeiV(;.l ill i-('-, 1^..,io,; i,, di-jieii! aiious oi an ' every thought of her h',‘..rt. 'i’l; treat ;-7they then ohinjued to the leli (;vei ruh:ig I’ruvidcnce. | fort she implores she certainly w ill ic- round the hill, and the enemy reefjdcd lie v. as chosen Sheriif of ?vleck!enbiirg ! ceive ; the t;uidiJice shi' tolicits willas- vvitli tlie aflrllery to the main bodv . a:id nolh- | tuider the inntiene.e of religion,) she aill i.'tu e ill and i at once go, and at his footscool pour I'ortli eom- ‘(rmpanv encouiili-i'.'d ])art\ of 1^'itish "who ll-.n'j aiu! 1.1 nr JO dll: vv oM-xj.-itle till !i ( icikjii, aiid ir orders, and tin- C'.eiiiiuiti t 1 ]?.iolh lo rt ': le st)ii’,e ti;. f ,, rt ;;ii)\ iiio- luni IfOi;; the s;,ln ri , iiill'iciiec ; vv hih‘ ()ii;in v\ as >„ r^ i t i K turn, hv Ji.akin:;' I I secui’ily for hi> (»r(ir^;e (ir.iiiar.i ilev iute, but cuni tioi; to 'he di'jieii! (;vei ruliag I’rovidcnce. He V. as chosen Sheri if of ?vleck!enbiir_ county in ilie yr-r atid was conlin- suretlly be j;ianted. *• The wife iursaken U'-tl in liiut (di'ice unul i!ie year \:j !. He and grievcrt in S])irit,” is o!)j(.-(.! (d'-)e- was i:exi ) ear ele' ted Senator to repre- culiar rare to Omnijiou iite ; anrl her ol them took bhelti-r in a eabin v.'ith a | ‘'"'ni'y‘d' .Mei. !dciii>iir,; in ihe j si.^lis and tt'urs .',l:all not lie ii;.no: iv.ed. (daphoaid door, and lje;;aii llriiif;-l!iroua,h j ' as .'.n nialiy re-j Cn thia imp(;r;unt‘oubjecl, all I shall say the era(dvs. Kno\ o'-dered lus uieii to ! h'ad, and lusli tiji an.l take tlie r.ddii :\l'H wlien tliey pd r.vuly they set tdf at a' " ‘ h;'isk run, ( apt. !v'!o.\ and hait'tin com jfaiiy to the Iront d.itir, ;ind Lieut. Cla- ham with ll.e oliyr halt’ to ro'uid to | 'i., ilie miht irv d-partnunt, rot long , Lho (jt her do,.;-. Wiu'ii k'nox eaiii''v. it h-' ;,f-ci- the rev o! nti(ii!,o’v wai, he v as I III ■ ’ sleps o{ ihc! (i.ior, lu" mendod lus |'(,'iiitcd iVlaior d the iir ,! re:'!iiii nt oj par.' ;;nd ran with alt his tureo wy Ih In.' ' Mv ( 1.h niiui and a! ar.ls ros*' t hr*j’ I h !1 '-hoiddei' a;r;ii!ist it. ;!iid hoiti^Va .stmii ihe dill'-'i ent ;;radi^ (d'ol’io'; lu that id' .M'a- , a.tlih-t.e ii'aii, hr.dve throii'/li it iKi.j t!i" ,i"i‘(iein-r.d ol i.ie I'h divi-don of N'orth- j middlr (d llie hoiiso ; h:it tlie encn;^‘^bouL Mieeoiiiiii;; app’idled, had I’oil out a^ to.',’ I (dher door, vv hieli, whou (lrahai,rs o ir-1 ! t V ffiseovo r.duii •, - , ■■ ■■ .>l>'^“'.r( , . >' 'I-hoi ’i;e .V!|.U! ior .1v. !i;cho- - ' ■ ■- ii'e, he heiil until h!>t. i-onsefpietjro of ueidiiai, ar. dih,' he r !!ed, 1 vv hieli, w al. as t!;- heeoiiiiii'j; app’a'led, had I’oil out a^ , : fn \ ears paM. It ! ..ilw v .I,,..,' M 1.1,.!> ’ (;i-;diai,rs I. ir- i puhli-' ‘da'ion pa'Sf'd roiuid the I V'. !ueh he lidv a'ld soinc (d' them id' Jii.t' iS' •• ai I’onduet witii t!i lieu. 'I his V tn;rforn'.',i hv lull!! I', tofd Hooih to C IS iii(,‘ ilr.st m.lilary tom-' •iiv ol the JMi'ckh uhuiL;'I iiiilili.t 111 ti.f I I'V o!ul lonarv war. Th.e li'"t \ ( II'. ill the suininer and .Mituniriol J77d, ( n:i r'_e (Iraham served in the cani]')ai;:;n at^drist th-- ( herokc'e Iiiuiaiis. tiuih i’ ('(/iiimaiiti ^■.i (Iin. |?u- therford. ^N'hen in tho n::t!o , w is o!i(- ol’ a I ar'v sfd.'r"ed to [I’lr-ia; Scull I lio’i'e. ^i;,i'.T toeiii a j of l(.> or *(» |;ace'. ; oral id ihfiii. ,\ n lotiixht in i his Kh'tiiiur:.'', ai.xl .'p'. 1 tavid 1 uid 7 olln ts \' .re at; w!,o ! Ml (d ,nd ili' ks tv.(j Utiliili trad at tho diM. ■h(d down I’ll- ih'd : thou; loriau^ U'lve alii of S,io!i|.( I "'anee tint a Ci'.n eon; inander. (ii;ol :M‘ (i 1 .ih.'i part of a dri leh MMMia-i-'d Cm! it r- aali’ulted ii',- di i harged his (liilifs \'.'ith fi(!'Illy : nd :hr undinnnislii (.1 cotdideiue (d'hi. f.'llovvciiii-i'ii., nniil bv u.,inrdy o. Ihe men uiseaso and a-e I.e m .is nden d iin'ap;- , arlion >verr f rom | I,;.,-d'm rv in; ; hrm ln„ ; v,:;uh is ihe th. y s'lilei-. d Ihr , !)(>sl evidi'iic--of the hi,;'ii opin;.,r\ miei - dt'i'd ,(d Su-i/l (■r^ld^ laiiii’d ol' hi'. in’i- ,r/\ and p.driolism, killed ai.il 1 ■» woiui-^ and oi tlie greul es. i rm in v. liii h hewa^ Is, 11 1 ( irciiiiistaiici good fcen .e be voiTr direc lion. Hut, as y o u V idii e \ o u r jie ace, a j \ (>ii hope i f,» win in ; your hiisi). nd back again, avoid ,.n an- e-I ii'i'v utd)ate. (.M.-ntle and v. i^e remon- jsirance m..y tnoM j)i'o!)aldy tual.e him aii i you wish. L'phrjid him. and ni.ike his I hoiiic uaconifoi table and a hundred to i on’ he i.s lijsi. to yoi; fori'\er. j *-!f hudMiid aild v.iui I.,-,.;, uithin their I protu-r department, if thry c.MiHne tl.em- j selves lo the-sphere allo-.e.li.) eai h hv IVovideiice and nature, ihv;e need !>e ni) (lisputes about j)ouer at.d supericji ii v, .and tisere will be noiie. Tiiev have no • po,si:e,no Sf'parate inten m.,. and there- iii“e I lore the; e llamsay aud the olhi'r his- ^ held. 1: I ill' er.’dit to tli ' loih'i la , I r- 'Mia, ! 1 oiii I r,; e'l;ii ■ ■'.nei al li ^ in tlial s'at j v\ a' i pOMtlrjil (d' j Let me j lion, gnitli j —N\’hene\. iiH's, takes [ hiishatu!, r : I'our i]n* v r lid for op 'III' a I, enr!i!ii n 1 of /p> In 'h'.irt f.J ! 1, ” says I );■. Hui hanan in Ii'iend. •• ih;.' I v. rile iM , oi'a rd'.y moiiiita.in ealird (.', ■,V Iiose iajeh’. liea I sei-ta-; i',\ ,'i ha'-i'. 1 hr ',:; d', w ;rK.h ht.ild li dalvUS' J.. ,U; iMini..-; )C C i eii or to a .eioiin, .e p"n..''i- t lien Mrril ati be no iust er( r-euluet.”'' n'leat your ’lartii ul.ir a.tten- lady, to the loo'ohik ad v ii e. r any olile oi ,:’oi d or eohl- ji.at';; lii'Uvccn vivaand your ':;ie!ii'.'(.-r ' hat run, iuji is u.ii:' thati ati.l iii'i'ti'('hS'- idl on have etidra.'oiir- to cijtain a lecoii iliati-.,,,. 'i'ril him U'.'dlllion you l..i\e I'ornicd ; and '■‘1 may gooddiumoi'ediy add, thal V' ( Jid Hot fn.d \ oil so \ erv l.c '■■•g. bi'.t leady w.iu should dread • lie; thiong'li let r.i" rnlr you; at V i.'.'lerminati'.’n. 'U to adopt thi'' IM'ALLir.ILnv. Extract from Dr. C lialincr’s sermon on “*}.«■ iJoclriiii.' of ('hriit'..ui (.,'harity ajiplicd to ease of religious Diircrenceb. ” “ li 15 sai I ol I’ajiists that they ascribe an infallibility to ihi.- I’ope,-so that if he were to say one.thing and the Bible ano ther, his authority would carry it ove.- the authority of Ciod. And, think you. my bretheren, that there is no such P, pery among you } Is there no taking oi your religion upon trust from anoihi;.'-, v¥hon you should draw it fresh and unsul lied from the fountain-head of inspiva- lion r You all have, or you ought to have, I’ibles ; and h.ovv often is it reptji- ed there, Hearken diligently unto me;'' Now, do you obey t,'iis requirement. b» making the reading of your Bibles a di:- tinctand earnest execise r Do you evi:- dare to bring your favorite miiiister;.' the tribunal of the word, or vi ould yu. tremble at the presumi)tion of such „i. attempt, so that the hearing of the wo:tl carries a greater authority, over you.- mind than the reading of the v.-oi J ■' Now tliis v.'aut of daring, this tren'.b;’.i;; at the very idea of a dissent from voi;.- minister, this itulolent acquiescenrc i'l his docttdne, is just calling another tr..'. iiuister ; it is the authori'V' of r;.,.’. over the authority of Ciod : ii i,; li.i' e"- ing yourself into a prostrate attituii- the footstoo! of huniam infallibility:.. is not just kissing' llie toe, of revereti',., but it is the proi'outid degradation oft!,, mind and of all its faculiies : a;ul vviilioii: tlie name of I’ojiery,—that n„me v.liic; liglils uj) so leady an aiitipathy in yo.: liosonis, your sou! may be infected wi;:i the su!)stantial poison, and your co:;- science be weiglied down !iy the ojjpi'Ct- sive shackles of I’o'iery. And all thi^ i:; the nooii-day ell'ulgence of a Piotes'arr. country, wli('re tlu- ])i:)!e,in your mothc," longue, circulates among all your iatui lies, — where it may be met with on u.'- most every sludf, and is ever solicitin’ you to look to ihe, wisdom lhat ia etiscrd.- ed upon its pages. We ti-'em'de to read (jf the fulmitia’.io":' thal have isst;ed in (jtlier days fruai ;i e.oncluve of cardiu.ds. Have we no cc:: •dave*,, and no f.diiiinatiuns, and no ders of iiKpiisiiifMi, in our country.- 1* there iKj pi id'es'.ing- brothi’i h jod, crr.'i profe .sitig sisier-hoi, i, to ilaal tlK-ircC!. stJidotis invei. lives arijtind thci;'i, U])0iit!i^ tviemhet s (d an e\e,ommunicated worl;i. 1 here is such a thing as a relii'ioiis pu lie. is a liule I’ock,”on tlienii'.* liant!. and a ‘‘woriti l\ii;g in wicl.edaci-. on the other. I’lUt iiave u care, y- thiid. y(Miiselves (d’the fivoied f> 'V, I.o'-’ you I'.ever transgress the mildn-^^- charity ;jid uiujstentatious virlut s oi di );ospi'!, ksl yot; hoid out a disturte,! j- ture ol clii is’.ianily in yo'ur neigl.’/a: and impose that as n ligion on ihc of till* crediilous, which stand.', al as vvie. a dista’iee ;'i ont tlie reli.';ion fd' tht. N'-' 1 est.uTii-'it, asdot'ie sci viees o! an*' l>loreil supersiitii,;., ( [• tlie iminimcrir;. > an r.Dliipiated ritual.”

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