VO!.. II.] viuuwTTE. X c. rimiuiY, M.n ib, isse. [NV 83. I’UBI.ISIIEII WKKKLT liv l.E.Ml EL r.IXdllAM, iT TI1U£E IIOLLAIIK A TI'.AU, PAIU IN AIIVANC£. * No paper will be (liscontinucd, unless at the discrfction of tlic editor, until nil un'carag’es are paid. AdvehTiKEMENTs will be inserte'd .ut the usual 'rate.s. Persons sendiHjc in advertisements, are requested to note on tiie niu;-gin the minilier of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and cliarged accordinifly. TONV.V FOU SAI.K. IWII.l. on ac- eomniodatiny tirnis, ill n;\ Houses and Lots in the to\s n of Charlotte, ;Norin .;i.i.lma, twenty-two in number, tour ol' iniprov 1.(1, toj^etlier witli my two story ilwelling'-liouse and taiijaril, all in jjrfod ivpair. ANo, a ijood tiiaiil/ f.u ni, conven ient to town. I’crsoiis w ho ari-desirous of i)ur- clui'iiiig', wouM do Weil ti) call and gel g-ood burj;Mins, as 1 wish tii remove to the \Nest in the fall. WII.LIV.M Ul. DlSlJ.L. Cliarlotte, N. C. March J i, lb«6. oiiilH'J Of the S/a/e of Sorth-Varolhut. ACOIi’HKC {' Map of the State in which lu . resides must be a dt hirable oi)jecl to ever\ indiVidu.il. halever may be a man’s occupa tion lu lite, ll fiv|uently becomes importaiil to liliii, as a matter ot pecuniary inti rest, to possess u c r. ct knowledge of the relative situation of ih’ ;lierent seetions ef eountrv. In the pres ent nli.;;lUeiieil stale o)' society, tlu' subscriber is ci.ir\.nred that, apart I'roiii ail considerations of i;H' rest or con\enience, theri' are very lew of (' .!■ eiiizcns who do not tcel it an alfair of.per- bon:il pride that they and tiieir children should he a )le to sjieak with familiarit}' ()f those |)arts of the .State lyin}^ at u distance from them, as Well as those in thei;' immediate vicinity. 'I'he hubscriber therefore Hatlers hiinsel* that the fol- lowin}? proposals will l>e received with pkasure by a lar^fe portion of the inhabitants of his na tive Stale. Me proposes to puhlisli u correct Mtp of the SxArf. ot N’linth-Cahiilina, meastiiiiig’ G feet 9 inches in lenjjth by 3 feet 6 inches in w idth, laid out ujum a scale of six miles to (he inch. 'I'ht' materials will be of the best kind, ami the en- gravin;;’ evecutcil in su[)crior st \ le. 15ut correctness of delineation beinp the most important circumstance, has claimed the sub- acrilier’s chief attention ; to the attainment of whicii important o ject, the .Map of each coun ty has been separately executetl ny U. il. H. ItiiA/iEn, Hsq. with tlie assistance of j^entle- nicn of science residiiij^ in ditl'cr*. nl parts of the State, and from the pul)lic surveys, and have been likevvise revisetl aiul corrected b_v the se veral county survevors, or some other compe tent person, in each count} . 'I’riiMs—I'or Maps, varni'^lu d, colored, and mounted on rollers, or put uj) in portable tbrm, is eaL-h. .lOII.N MACKAi:. Fa\etle\ille, N. C. Dec. 1, 18:23. 41(34 Subscriplions for the a!)ove Map will be received at this oilice. VVV.\ eu\ i)YWuT , A Sl'AV IN VKM ION. "IW/"!': hereby jjive notice to the citizens of ** Meek lenbur}*-count} , tiiat we have piir- ciiased the rij^-ht tor nianuVacturinj^' a .Machine, called the I'A'I KN T C'OK.N SliKI.l.KIf, and will soon have them on hand tor sale. ' or the simplicity of its construi tion and its utilitv to corn jdanters, it is uneipialled t\\ an} other in vention. l’eriia])s we iii;iy be thouijlit to exag’- gerate, when we say it will sjiell a busliel of corn in Iftrre ntinutctt, and liy a little exertion in two minutes, liut we invite all to couic and examine it, witness its operation, anil satisiy ♦ hfinselves as to itsj^reat utility. can be seeii at the subsciibers’ sho]), o|)posite tlie jail. 'riiF.o. Mr.i{‘uii.i,s, W M. i:olA\Vl.l,L. K. H. The jjrice of the t’atciit I'arti Slulhr \vitl be Jll delivered at the sliop, or f IJ deliv- cre«l at the Jiouse of the purchaser. All persons are cautione-d aivaiiisl niukini;’, tisin^- or vending the a!>ove niachine in this count}, undi r ptmill} ot the law in th.il c;o !nade and pioviiled. (Charlotte, .lap. JO, IHJ('). o7U' Oil Little Ml, VaVi\i\VHVX, V>-ri’Li;ioi: .1 aci:, as a ficd gi-'tter, will stand the eiiMiii;;;' heaimi (eiiuing t!ie ,lifht of Aii,u'u-.t,) at m\ st.ilde I 'ri ' k, ei;..;-lit mil. soutli-w est of (Miarlolle, and will l)e lei to mures ;.l f.\ e dol lars tile season, and ti n doliar-. to liisiire a ii .U'e HI toal ; tile raolK V coh^,ldl red il'.le the hl'sl ot November next. All jl0-.^.ib!e care wiU ije t.i- ken lo prevent accidents or f.ea|)C'!. but I will iioi be lia!)h for eitlier. Aii} j)» r^oii lKl^ ing pin mares to I'allifox the I..si season, and l.iiKd to Ret lliules., t.!iall be elitilhd to a hap tile ];le- tnt Feason gratis. IJ'.W IS lilXKLNJi. NLirch 7, i(.'iS ) tfnst 4 M) forsale at this Oliice, in a ]):iniidil( t form, “Strictures on a piece written b} ^Ir. D.ivid Muikel, e:'.ith-d Heaven'} i lood (.1 llegencration, or, I realise on Holy !';iptisin.” lly .liisKni Mixiim., /'. li- I/. S’rice, 25 cents. i)\\ W\s^ J' S r pllh!i^ln•d, ;ind for sale at this ollicv', price 12 cents, “ A Seniion on tli- Atom - «^mt.” li} S*AMi Ki, (’. Cai.i;vm,i.i., a. M. ^Vlb\eS’ \VIWWXuV;^, i’oi' sTah', ut UJllcti. i«n(tavL> aoUfi-j> SOUTH-CAROaa^A. riHs f ( >,ass. To bo drutrn in the Lily of Vharhtton, on the 24th ol‘ .May, ISL’fi, . And finished in a few minutes. J. 15. YA I KS & A. MclN'rVHK, 12 156 780 7,800 Prize of ? 10,000 2,300 • i\l/UO 1,500 1,310 600 100 i?0 6 3 ? 10,000 2,300 2,000 3,000 1,310 3,600 1,200 3,120 4,680 23,400 S54,810 DESWXTCKY. 8,760 Prizes. ^ 21,360 15,600 Blanks. S 'I'ickets. V 'I’o determine the prizes in this I.otterv, the 30 numbers will be severally jdaced in a'wheci on the day of drawing, and four of them he drawn out, and that ticket having on it the 1st, 2d and 3d drawn numbers, in the order in which drawn, will he entitled to the prize of >10,000. .\iid those five (,ther tickets wliich shall have on them the same numbers in tin following or- tlers, shall be entitled to the prizes atlixtd to th( tr. resptclivelv, viz •. The 1st, ;',il anil 2d, i'2,:,00. The 2d, 1st and 3d, to s‘2,m>. •l lic J.u J1 and 1st, to f 1,300. The 3d, 1st and 2d, to 1,300. '1 he 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,310. i'he six tickets which shall have on them three of the dri'wn numbers, and those three the 2d, 3d and 4lh, in some one of their sever al orders, will each be entitlei.1 to a prize of ^600. .\ll others, with i.ny three of the draw n num bers on them, (being 12) will eaUi be entitled to a prize of >100. The 13() tickets which sliall have t\vo_of the drawn numiiers on them, and those two the 3d and 4th, w ill each be eiililled to j JO. All others (being 780) with an} two of the drawn numbirs on them, will eacli be enlitled to a prize of ;r(i. And all those 7,800 tickets, ha\ing hut one of the drawn luimbers on them, will each be entitleti to a prize of *.>. No ticket which shall have draw n a ])rize of a sujxrior denominatiun can be entitled to an inferior prize. 1‘rizes p.iyablc forty days after the lrawing, and buljjcct lo the u.Hial deduction of 13 pi r cent, PKM( K OF Tl( KI'TS. Packages of 10 Tickits, embracing tlie ."0 numbir.s of the I.olUr}, which n ll^t draw at least >10 20, nitt, (hlia.es in piMpoHion) with so mail} chances ler capitals, nui} be h;.d at the following rules : \\ hole Packages *^0—Shares in jiroportion. H hole Ticki'tn I Quartei'n 75 Halves ^1,50 j (O'(>>’‘’*ers for Tickets in the above Lottery received at the tMlice ot ibe ('iilun ha Joinuu'l, ar.d prom])tl} attended to. Va\lt^v\u\u\ut\\l. ra^IlK subscriber having purchased that valu- .1. able stand known as the house 1' rnierlv oc cupied by rdwani .M. Hronson, is prep.iring to open it as a house of Public Ent. rtamnicnt, on the lirst da}' of Alay next, in a st} le of conven ience and comfort which shall be satisfactory to those who Ikvor him with their custom. The house has ^’eccntly undergone a thorough re pair, the beds, on the 1st of May, will be all new ; the bed-rooms in neat order, and every convenience will be jirovided either for tran.sient customers or con.stanl boarders, ll is intended that the house, from its ample aecomni.alations and the ..tteiition of its proprietor, sliall merit, as it is ho|)ed il ma} receive, a due %iiare of pub lic patronage. I he bar will be wi ll supplied witli the best of liquors, the stables t)C wi.ll furnished with provender, and attended In care ful hoatlir.s; and charges will be so ngulated, that those who call at the i sl.ibhshmeiit will be induced, from a rega.rd to ecoiUiUi} ami comfoi t, to n peat till ir visits i w liile constant bi^arders will be'kejit in such good hujnor as will, it is ho],'ed, iiKiiice that punctuality w hicii w ili ailord the subscriber liie eiicouragemeiil and support he will endeavor lo ile.'-.Lr\e. uoitKirr si.o \N. ( hariotte, N. (’. Ajjril 1 1, 1:2(. rvH fe\vUe (X #VuvW\-iJvv.‘v)‘kVi\u, lixtlcil ('otiiily. Court oj r/cn'i i.iul (ciiaiicr>'^i snian.u l\h:u- Cfi/ l\rh!^ .lohn Stew.iri Scir- l .eias to slii w rv. * j • ;iu>e. wli} liiC !■(...1 estate I !ic heii s at l.iw of v, ( i|,,. nercased sli.iiiln IH.I \UiIiaiii Ste'.\..it, j be :n ld to sali.sh the ](l..iii- dete..'.ed. J lili 's J’.ulgmeiit. k r ajipe;:riii!,'' to tile satisl'.u turn ct the Court, tli.d ,ia:iies Mew art, 1 nomas Lei eh and iiis uil'v, ..nd MijSi s Mew ..rt, iie;rs, diiViulanls in this suit, are not inlia'ntai.ls ol lliis Male: ll is tliei'eldre urdired, tli;d puljhcation in.ulv lor tlii ee iiK.allis in ihe t'at.iv. l..i .loiiii .d, tlu.t ti.e au.resaid lU ler.dai.ts appear at the lu \l cduU to !)c hi id lur iliu l oiint}’ m lieiU II, a‘. tiii Court lliniM' ill Mati \.ile, on llie .>d .\loii..,-} ill .\i.i} next, |j} S0!l .itt.illii} O! Slid lOUl'i, i.l' in person, and tile tlu ir aiisw ei', rwi ine pj.ii’itil!'w lil be laal'ii e,\ pal'ie and haM juiljj - men’, ;.■> lo them, pro coi.i«.ssu. I'Kte. IL ''I.MoNTUN, ('I/:. .'m'.U — price mIv. >•,. ruoM THE NATIONAL 0A7.ETTE, The l‘'ebruaiy nuinbcr ol‘ liu: London New Muiithly Miu'uzinc, contains tlu* antifxcd poi truit of u lonncr Member ul the Dublin bar. Our Conijress coniains a politician, i6 vvhont it bears a slrontj ivsemijlanre in some points. “ Mr. Jeremiah Kcllcr was universally know n t)y the more familiar a|.pellation of Jerry Keller m the Courts, 'the attorneys could deprive him of his t rii fs, but could not rob him of his w it. Me was a man, ■ ‘replete with mocks, I'ull of comparisons and w 'mnding flouts.' Tlic loss of business served to wlict Ills satire and «;ivo more poi>;nancy to lus biting mirth. He used to attend the Halls of the Courts with jitiiictiiaiity, and was jjenerally siiriotiiidi.i! by a eii- cle of lau^hors, whom the love of mali cious [)leasantrv attracfed ahoiiL him. His ijgiire and demeanour w(;rc icmark- ahle. He never pul on his wi«- and mTC2.3:.XGI^KCE. l.A'I’K PROM KUI!()1*K. nM.rtMouK, Ai’iui. 2(1.— I he ship fJen- er;d I’lilnam, C'ap>. M’Alunus, urrncd last nijjhi ulier a jiassaye ot 28 days from I.i vrrpool. 'I'he London ('ourii r of the 22il savs :— “ 'i'he accounls from WindMjr ihis morn- j ing, iesi)fctiit)> the Kinj^'s hcallh, con-1 linue to be most favoi'able ; his pruy;icss j towaids convalescence was exlremt Iv I salisfatlory.” ll wasdeenied iiinicces,ui \ lo issue any more biillelins on tlu'bubjeci of i)is healib. Accordiiit^ lo a |)aragraph in llu' last Liverpool i)apei-, tiimiiiercial ailatrs were aysnining a more favorable asjirct. , . 'I'lie accounts from Ciolteiiburi:;' werci**^^' very alarming. Seven or cii^hl bouses j Iiad stopped payment—among- ibein, j I’rvtz I’roiTi the Quotidienne of March lo. Our corr« spotiilcnt ai Madrid, in a let ter of the i)th of March, says that an im portant piece of news, the repoi i of which was spread in that ca|)ital, was a gciu'ral sul)jcct of co(i versalion. 'I’be political CJovet rnnent of V'alencia, it is said, has sent a rej)oi t to liie crn- meiit, accotdinj.j lo Nvhicli, the two .iro- ibers, lla/.an, who latideil on the c -ast I of Mala(.;;i, and whose death has been an* nounced, desireil, at the lasl momcni, to I make disclosures. On this appiie.aiion, I l!u ir exeCLilion was susjit-iuled, after ihe leiiarUire of liie roiiriei who borugbt the news of it. 'I'he result of iheir dis- closutes is, tlial tiiey lia\e mmouneed the (‘xi.steiu e of revolulioiiary forces at Na- al I’aris, and at l^ondon, where jilots a;>uii.sl iMonari hical Coverniuenlr. arc C(::k;iuuiI1; funned, j 'i'he Duke derinfaulado has immed- I lately desjjatched olVicial iioies on ilie sub- is vaid lo have failed for U)U,()i;U rix dollars. , v, . A p»|..T of Hr-22,1 nil. notinces, on what it terms l;oik1 auibori ly, that, “lej^ard beinjr hud to the ver> 2;ow!), as he scorned the all'cetalion of i dVlirate circumstance's in which eni|jloynient, but a|)peared in an olil iVize great coat of rusty ri!cl, which reached to his heels, and onvelopetl the wlioh' (if his i^aunl and moa'^re j.crson. A small and poititcd hat stood uj on his hi;ul, with a narrow'’ aiul short curled brim. His arms were "cnt'raiiy iin iist into the sleeves of liis coat, wliicli ;;a\ e the Kingdom and Royal i'aniily »d roi ttujal are plai ed by ihe lemise of the Crown, and l^ondon. 1 he l.ondon Pnsses, such is the vora^ cious curiosity of ilieir readers afler tnatJ let s of iluil kind, teem, it is well knovvu^ are plat cil i)v me iemise ol theCroun, 6; ■ . . ion,|,l. x imun.'.l.rnnits „f 1)„„ I'.,!,,,, I "crnncs am| oil,-,,, , , of U». cK.Mi.iK H, m y ,S I,,- tunlinv.c',1 ' ''■' y “">1 s|,ccu;s, wluci, ol cui se r„r s„,u'c„.,sHlc,„lii.. UMU'. and |,J'''"'■i l;'''l'''''ly >niti sucli a .un.ia- siipporled l)v the inlliience of the lirilish and I'rench (lovernmeiils. ” lure of the W'orhl. Amonj; those recently puLlisheil, TIu- sa.iK- assn ., iliui,;,, „.lrr!‘"B .isiumshing nisiance * I imposture and credulity. A |)ool» ' sewing girl appli-d to a woman skilleit in lo overawe, if ieipiisite, ilu-Quccii’s fac- .lini a pteuliaiitv ol altitude. Loouiti^ , a strong ‘.(jnadron of I'ntjlisii I li at hitn Irom a .hstance, you woidd have | ,,,•,,,,, ,.,^,Uualiv collcctimr in I laken him lor some malevolent Iitiiraid ii,,. 'P;, ;radualiy wiicre a now tinij .u. uiaic^oivoL i.. I,;;,., u ^ i [u- Lagus, whciett HOW re lu a i n s aii(l 7' T fromtlio euunlry, ti|ipn whoso passions I vM.eir it ca.mot !;..il to inspire llie neces- H* ' a bus!,and-the other prom- a :roiip ol mockers were emlcavotii iiit:;, sarv t otdidt nee in ilie IJn-rnt and her ‘ ' . . . I . • •' I 111* iiiwii- >• I-.... t .1.... .....,i il.y^ to hare her planet ruledy by wiiieh it was understood that she de*» to play : !)til uj)on a more attentive pe-{ rusal of his countenance, you pc rceivcd j a habit of lhoii:i;ht of a su]»erior oider, ! and the exprt'ssion of no ordinary mind. ! 11 is features weri' sh.nrp. and pointed loj the fiiiesl ediro. 'I'bi'i'e was lii.it acute- j ness oi’Ihe nose wliicli tlenotes the lover | of a His eyes were piercinu;, I \»o//tnnnn. ihe poor creature paid the On the i ‘i‘'h.i;rbl. 'i'he day af- might be got—but, that "one nnnistei s against all ojipoiu nts. )\rlluii^li’n\i i/ti\.'tit)n to li!i/Siiia. - -,r,, i 20lh till. .Icspatches uere received from ! 1';!.’ V'a Si. I'eUT-.burg. '1 he Lon Kn i'lmcs, . i i . ^ru..'j.M. a,,,,u,„„r 'i'® 1 lu“ deceived girl gave thaf .\ not her and a tiiii-d sovereij^u thi- ol.ij , .1 (• u !• ‘’"'•‘“r'ign .j'-i \ es > he Iw.lou ing aci'ounl ol ,, n I . • ,, itoofcniiui s ol the IJiike s mission lo l\us- elear. and brassy ; tiioy were lilled witii | a deadly irony, whici! m v( r K it ibnn. A lla>-h of i^alijcnaiil exuItallDn p!a_\ ed | i f ,,,!r in'.eHii-.eiif ! o! lus t ii- I I.ONPOV, MAUfn — W’e have imirh satislactj.Mi III staling, iliat ti'.e mission the Duke id W'ellington bus uti.lri' l.uoiabbj ai.sjdces.— l)c nt.l incorrect, the over liis fealiiios wiien he s.iw Innv , interview of liisCIrace wiih lus Im- deeply the shaft had str'ick', ;ind i'h p''i i^i ■Majc'-ty bore ihe aspect, not mere what tenacity it stuck to its viet.iui. —, ly ol a •.;ra! ions leelint;; tovv.irds ilu-Am- 'I'he (.ui\ er of !iis liji, in iii':; lilt*. rar.ce i bassadwi, bi.f, ol an nncfjui v oc.d eonciir- to sotue moital Miccr, was pccnii:'r!\ coiiiica!: lie se(-n'e(l as if be wei'o e.iirw- inti; the poison before lif.‘ soat il 1 iiis teetli ;avi? a short chatter of ri'iicii!(,; voii heaid a d.'-.v !aus:h, a cdvhiiuO'S also. were successively demanded, and raised wiib dinicnltyby Ihe credtih»us expeclunt; ol iiobi'i'.y. .Still the nobleman came not. 'I'be sorceress, finding she liad no inoie monev, took her clolhes as ibc final (loitrcfir, atul it was not until she was lil- eraliy stripped, and losl ail her aspirifig' hopes, tliat Ihe abusul creature irifonneti lur mistress, who com|)lained to ihe aj'istrutes, and the seif-slvled “ h'ultrof HUS sen I to the 'J'lead Mill, Chas. Conritr, J'lu.idi bassadwi, lii.t, ol fence in ibe great (djjecl oj' liis em!)assv, viz. t he preserv ation of iinbi uian Iran is ifj'iiliilS tliroU!;'houl I'utope. It r; undcrstuod, as \vc irid(!cd announc 'd ihe lad lo Ijc at tiie period of ihe ... '''Duke’s deparuire from this country, liiat which wri'i.vled all Ins' iiatures, and, cimrged will) what might be after a sardonic chmdJe, he darted forth 1 u-rmed credentials, from Trance and the fatal jest, an.Milst those plaudits for .Austria, and Prussia, as well as fnoin its bitterness which had become his on-1 (.Jreat Hrilain, all calculated to imoress ' „• r ' , ■ ’ . I. 1 . I ,1 .1. „ .1.:... . .cw:. II . I an ollicer ol rank in the s-rvice of the iliiarii I heobahl VVolfo Tone, has published, at, Washington, the Life of iiis lather, ThcnhdlU Hol/c 'J'one^ who was the founder ol the Uniled Irish b;..tiely, and after the miscairiage of his luOours lor the emancipa'ion of Ireland, bee me Iv consolation. Jerry Keller, as ihe ,'he cabinet of Si. I’elersbiirg with the i v, n. , • n ... senior, |)res:ded at the'nif:ss(d’the .Mim- , ^^^"'iction that the above great powersj- . * V.. ^''^s. 1 he publi- ster bar, ami ruled in all li e autocracy j uiianimons in their purpose— of unrivalled wit. If was asj;rced upon! ’’ i>rotectinij liie tireeks against all hands that Jerrv should have , , // L •■.! ■ >1 . 2. oroti'ctintr the latter :i'>-uinst an huinche with everv man’s characU r, ' ,, ■ ’ au . I r 1 •' 1 attack trom Knssia. i i .i and that none ol his .sarcasms, howevcrl p),,. WelluKrton is siidtol career of iht . : ...I .1 . .. ; enthusiastic Irish patriot. His Mctiujirs cation ol the i,on toiisisis of ivvo Iur[;e and hamlsoim* octavo volumes, in wiiiihaie. comprised the Diaries and political I \V ritiiK^s as well as the biography of his ' father. I'.very reader must be intereijtcd lc)imidablc, should provoke risentment. ’ h^ve received the most proni[)l assurati- . ,'S ol- Ih,. suli^lac.im, will, \vl.icl, lt„. I 'vH' the l,iMO- 1;,.i;h,u, Xitholas il„. 1,,-si ,>l'i^j-|“ , ' i ai,l ihe diary t!)e two objects explained to him, and of) j bis entile aciiiiiesceiice in tne second. This was a neccssary slipul.itiiwi ; for when he had been loiised by those pot.T- tions, in which, aecordin«: to a ciisfom which he did not cimsider “as hoiiotir* (al by the breach,’Mie lib(fally indul'.r( (l, ; thei'tJ was a *Mal;t:rro\\ tier savau-'-nt ss in his s.ircasm which made even lhe| n.ost callous shiinli. He who latiujhed i loudest at tin* thrust vvliicli his iieiu,h- hour had leciived, was tiie to f(‘el tiic weapons (d’this immitiu;al-Ie salii ist. 'I’o I liter into a stniir.ij^. with him, was. a temp'tine; of (Itid's providence. ^ were sun-to he pierced in an this accomi.'lished liladiatoj-, who could I'nssia, and contenijil.itini; its Mjccessful K'cai pi oinise iH ver he taki'ii «dl his i;nard. Jerry ' result, have ollered liu; constitutiona!, |^]uitied iiim-.eit in liad h('Cn a Catholic, and still retaiiii;d a ibrfjiie ol their country lo (ach,in .sue-' ' * ' cesi.ioi:, of three foreign 1' 'I'he five most jiovverful States of Christendom are now, it is added, to u* nite ill a (ommoji and peremjitory decla ration to the (Irand Seigiior that (ireecc ' siudl tio long( I be occupied or invaded by bis at lines ; ihat he must give npall prc- t lersioMs lo the sovereignly of that I’eo pie, and cease in any manner I hem. ,.j of bis negotiations to procure the aid of rench and ihitaviaii repuljlics I’or the liberation ol his coiintrj, abfjuncK with curiouspolitic.il portraits and anec dotes. 'i’he i)oliti ians of Cireal Jlriluif ami Ireland will find much revelation it^ this work, which ihey will receive as a- bnndantly inijjortant.. Iislieds new anc! full light on transactions and designs, in ' oil On tlieir part, it is ar.'.rmed, that the! ,■ the son, , 1 instant by (lieeks, aware of the ne.Mdi.aion wiihi V’ s-rviceoli who could llnssia, and conleniplating its Miccessful ' 'T lo moles'i of which they are deeply con ■ ‘ I cenied. • .Mr. \V illlam ,i otic, the son, is, we br- ofiiie i;. S gest spirit of lilial alleciion anrl I re.crence, and al'ogcrher well, excepu I pel hap'', that In* lias niu expunged'fi i ir the men.on s and diaries, -.ome ua: 'J;- hirkii 'X reverence for a lien iii;; upon Cioo.l Fridav. A j;ent!emaii ol no or-i^^"^**’ Sussex, Leopold of Sa'.e t.o (linaiv I ♦eteiisimi, “h.ser\ iii'i; t hat Jen-y ' ^i ex lusion of w h i( b w ouUi -s i'- - J,.,,.,nea,v..-! r-;,;-^.;i| tnied to obs! r\e, “1 tliMik, .lerrv, \'ou ' ■ ,,* . , , , . ‘ - I .I, I,, ,, I I I , y, • • I Ik'V. ev er, w id be lelt to the choice (il its .have stii! a damned deal id tiie J o/;c in I i ; *• .. .■ •• .i /• Stii. (i , II ., I,- I I • I '"I own chiel, and ol the form jf |;ovcrii your belly. ' —11 i have. ’ said J'ltyJnieni ul.ich ” \iui have a damned deal of the Prc-' 'I’l'.e King of I'oi tiiijal is r’cad, and his s\!( ( essid’ to the irow n is ilic pn seiit r.iii !>ei'.;r (d I’ji azil—the iiuh-pendi m e of bv VvvviV\\«‘v\s r^\v\e\vn i‘». E 1S T Pt 1 fice, “S I’LtSill |;i)| ;uid lor sale at this id'- Strictures on a bi oL. >.i]tithd, * An . pd.i'i'} for ihe iJii'ik ot i 1} Ijih.i Ml .M.is'i-1'I'oubii'li ;i!i addio, If iii.rk->(.;. .1 bii'ik, Ji} .'\k\ip.i.ir tii.iMoiij clilitli (I • 1 tie (jc sign ;;iul nsc of t;,e liook (t l'r>ai:i.s. ’’’ I’.} l!i>i.\ KiiiNiii, Willi .111 .\ jipi-ii'ii\, bv Jims ,'d. \\ ILSUN, Jf a'jlur ut JkOCkv Mil i’.ulad’v-'piKil. nieni ul.ich best may suit its genius, vv aiits, or prejudices. ’c/i(fc‘/' in vour hi;ad. ’ \\ ni, n.sjiecl to IJnssin, she will feel the iiece:,:.ily of abstaitiin;; Ironi any positive ait; or even IVoin denionsira- litjtis and menaces of aggression upon 'l iirli.’V. '1 iicre is little donbt that Nicb- whicli power has been retognirul bv ! oias has triiubies \o C'jiitei. l with at I'liiliigal i'.sell. J bis jii t stnis a i ut h.onie, v. hii li vvoiil.l only be aggravated, |)oiiii for s:aii'smeii to seille. '/.le , !>\ tl.e irn iiii tits and casualities of for- l n. pcior (d Jh\.zil 11 tMJunre l!ial I h.ii ae-1 ei'jn waii’aie. A rciluction, then fore, !er and lie (ot^ti nl wiih ihe scepire d i of the liiiiiiai y niulcotitrnt power id'Hus- ;*oiiu';al : vvidiie aiilu'ie ti. liis emperor-' siu may be naf.iiaiiy anlicipaled Iiv sur- sliip ill .i;-il and abandon t Iiat .;!'K in,, ul. round in;; S:;.’C'.. L''t. tlieii, tin; DuIk- of Por'vUgal; or hnallv , vull he cotiilonc Imj'.Ii j \\ ellitigion come liack to I’ng’.aiid, after charai lei s i'.ilo one. and reigii ihe sing d ' I'oiMiigal and llie eiiijiei'or (l’ !)i\..'il.'. In tiiat t ase. if Po: Uigal ;;ait st l)ra/il, or \ ice \ ( i id' llie (pies'ion \vonId tins 1 lu! cilizens ol Xew-Orleaii ; wcift lioii.icd on ihe 1st uli. with a notice iti llie pajjers that a ti iai of speed would take place that morning beiwecn sleam ijouts Hf iculi s and Post lh;y, for a stake ol Ci «-at tdimbers tnitied out eaily in llie morning, .ii-fj remained ; (jn the levee ti!! late in ihe afternoon, bc- ' fore they would be convinced that ihev V, ere “ A pi il Pools. ” A La.ie I ICC, planted about seven v'cars since, i. staled to have been in full bhjotn, at \( vv-Orleans, on the 1st ins!, am] ihc general ci.llivaliou of it is hij^lily recotn lai-iulcd. I or, as 11.0 I'a' ,.,]l(...;,.f .jr-v •clai •■'1 w ar a- I. V. hit h sii.e .iiig or niipc- m.iv be. take "i ‘ n' Ji an liapjjily concl'.id'iiig a negnli.iiion, on t!ie Mutess ol vvi.o ii Ik'.s dt]iend d ihe [jeace ' — '♦ ol I'.arope, the (Jbly c.'ianceid iireatli ^ A n essa} ist ri'inai ks tliat the advantap-e !ng lime lo; this (.veiburlhein'd atirj c\- (d‘ lying, in a jourtia!, on Satutdav, is, haiisted. (oeii'.r-., a;:d v.e shail hail the} tliat the lie lives till .M.Mu!av,and has two ''Xettilioii (d sui ll a task a.s anioni’' '!ic ■abdc‘ d; u;o- 'o: d' hi'i liiev'.'tne!:’'; ooe days, at least, the blai'L_, lo work over llui country