THK ED'KII'I.A.N .M A«i a/.I N E. 1 cvrw- t!«>c In thy cloudless d;iy, I$'u -lared not breathe ni;. love to thee ; It wore niv ynuthf'ii! form :iwav AmcI -IIUM jny hfiirt \vli!i m’lscrv. Tl'.at love was liopt less, and 1 soujjlit ’I'o liiilo t'votn all tiiy .sotil's di spuir, Aiidtlic c(>iif iited \mI!i the thon^cht Thit i h:t(I p^a'cd on aii;;lit so fair! A g-loom was spri'ad o’er me and m!no, l>)r tiiee was nauj-;hl hut snnny weather, thnl mail tv.'is Ollt oi my ciiailibrr. And wlien I s.iw thy fortune shine, [ ulinO'l L\'.7.z ti:c rurront ff um^o.I I ill til*! vc.Miis of the lislLMicrs ticluw. “Fotiicr,” said the olilsfl c.liiK!, “ IS it This went to iIk* liofii l of iho woi[]\y man, lie ft-lt ttiat lie V7U.S/ he* o;;!ir. rnd collected, liut Ins re ply showed tliat lie was any ihlr);:^ else. “-My child, iti;ionly jfii* wind lattlini:; tlu: door (if \»uir chandler.-’ “//?;’ cliam!;(;r !’’ said the mollier, nnd took flie oiiild in lier arms, and tirew iier chair close to the side of lier luishand. “'I'here is no wind, father, and 1 wish 1 would not link our i'ates together. ■When I have seen thee, giy at heart, Tliro’li;;lited halls with others rove, Tvc stood in some deserted part. And g'azed on thee with speecldess love. And when I saw’ thy lovers press lU)und thee, a fickle watch to keep ; I ft it nty utter loneliness A d turn'd from them and thee to weep— 'lo weep, alas! o’er lost repose, in an[;uisii and unyielding' sorrow. To weej) o’er wounds that woulil not close, And hopes for which tlicro seem'd no moirow. ^ut tempests cante across the skie, That shone on thee 9oi)nj:ht l)el'ore, And then I Imsh’d my own vain sigli.s, And lov’d thee in thy misery more J stoic to t!i •' when others Heii, And minjjled wo brought n'ingled hahn ; •ur tears were in communion shed. And p-ri f was mute and sorrow calm, hen joy has bound two hearth foryeir=-, A sudden storm those hearts niay sever, But, oh ! the love that sprinj^-sin tears. Through change and tiino endures for ever. Fora n)onient it was silent ;'.bovo nnd er|ually silent helow. 'i'l en the heavy Ircad was renewed, the jarriii'j; of the uDor rccomniencced, and tiie same incx- plicai)le, sobbing sound or j;roan was a- f;aiii lieani. “^^llat must we do?” said the trr- rified mother and wife to hei‘ hitshanil. 'I’he niaiel grazed in stunid silence on hci’ master, while she si'eini'd to sceks:ifety hy pressing closer to bosom the se cond child, whose l'e;ir had driven her to take refno;o in the ai'ins ol p£i’a‘.Ien that a (r. vout, man fOuIJ make, aiid; slowly ascended the stairs, -t ih‘ head of whicli stood tiie djor v. hcrc he wai to cnctjiuiltM- such an enemy as he had never encutintered before. ’1 he noise from tlie chafu!)er fell on his ear like tlie kricllofa depurted sjiirit : his step would Mot hii\e cruslicfl a lly : he i^i’a^jied his cane firmlv in one hand, aiui laid the oth er to tiie lalch of the door ; tlie cioor only separated him froni i!ie deadliesl «-nemy of mail ; lur could smell his \t'ry breath ; he fell idready his witheriti):: grasp. 'I’hc family stood with h.eads thnist tiiroui^h a door at the side of the fijot of tlie stairs, riic moon cast a d(jii!)tfiil liijhr. 'I'he chumijer door ilew open with \ iijlence— • j'c iuljuio ];vr'—aiid down ihc stairs came Air. 'I’oijias Sjiooks like lic^htniu'j, hack firs!, lioriie(dV by a ft.ur-ic^i'ed fitnd ill the shape of a hoy, wliile lie muttered forth uc’juratioiis and •uiathemab in La tin, with an enerij;y and precision uliich did threat credit to his learning and classi cal taste. 1 have bet little mcc to tell iviv rea ders. 'i’he fai nier had (iurini;- the after noon of tins eventful day, been carriyinjf one who! ‘'1* ‘Chamber, |>ri,l,-.Mion i„ l>ya!;K!.!n- I.. ' ! the evenni'j: the lamiiv had Itk l^ie of lids iir.d it secT.s as dlJicuU to perceive how any human ai^ency is aj>- piicd to effect them. We can only s.iy tiiat such tilings are, and are most stranjre. iV. V. jl/jnrican. had often alfonled liei iw.K I ( i' I I j the evenni;,^ tiic tamiiv had it U the outer r!.mi;er^ l;e!ter luidersluod anil morr* d;>- , i i i • .1 I . , udor open, and as the hoiir.e was ijerlcct- linite, tlioii^-h not ha 1 so ai)i),i in>-. ,-n i i i . n i ,, , , . ‘ ri''I iv sidl, the hoj^ had, naturally enoiiL'-h', • J.iJcy, said the hi-silatin-iiiant.) the f^|i,,,,ed .he scattered kernels of com in- Hi.uc,, jjju and c;iil !u i:;*hhi)r ( Iktvci’ :; — no tLi* r.iu'u’s i; Z*avicUh Mixing together profit and lelight. ¥HOM I’Ht It'KIIMOMi eoMPlLtn, A NKW-r.\GI.ANl) TALF.. I {im a native of \ew-Kiii;l:rui ; and this ci;eumstaiice will *xpiain to vour readers why my commnnications ad'v(‘rt so olten to its history, to its people, and to its scenes. It is a hind that 1 'lovo above all other lands beside. I love ils laws, its manners, and its cus toms, its sciencc, and its arts. I even love it for its cjhosts, its witches, ami iN diablerie. I love its r^l^pJe(i mountains, and its valleys, its hard soil, ami its wii.lIy tempests. Ai. i i.-i til ■ child, when staring-rounds molest, Cl i ."s close .mu closer to its mother’s breast ; So tlie wild turn lit, and the whirlwind’s roar. Hut blind him to his nutl\ e mountains more.” In a retired villa2;c (d' New-England, where rog,nesand thieves were imknown, and where locks and bolls to the doors W' • ' ijnused, the lollowin^ occurrence to.-'.',dace, about the time that the good town t(f Salem was honoured with the spe'' d visitation of a race of being'', ■which totd\ up their residence any w’here tlse blit in the Iwsoms of those iiiifortii- .nalo men and women who were offeied Up Iviet;ri:s to the rcij|;ninij; snj)ersf itinn and ii.laiiuuion of the times. A ulifiic latTiily, with the exce|>tiou of tw-> .-'•.1112; chi'divr), lefi at home ;^)d nslei i' i.'oder tl)e care of a hired girl, Had been on fin eveninu:’s visit to a lu'i^hbor of ’I I vi!l!ip;e, anil returned about ten o’clocl , i ite hour for those times of primitive simplicity. On ihcir return tiiey fotindlhr servaiit ;^irl had, for the "I’caler security dotdjfless of her lender ehar!i;e, taken her positi^ui close to the side (d'thcivi, and was sleei'iins as sound ly as the bi>t of watchmi'n in th.e.hesl reji;uliteil c!in>. If was a clear,* nioon- lip;lit, frosty Ociolx'r evenin';;. After wakino their maid, they kindled up the fii> , which li4d lieeii s!ini‘ixti fo hum out, and fornud a semi''irc!e round the hearth. Out of do(us all wassilcnf. and the df'cp lorest> and brukni irci'in- tain«, I'.alfrevealed by the moonli;;l:f ]n-- ato the cham- itcr. \','hile ncjsiii.; tiboiit for tlu; cuni, lie had sluii the ( iiutnljer door ; ami his incieaiiii!;' UiK'asines.'i had ])rcjctuccd all those iKjises wliicli so much unnoycd the ;,njod fainily, and coi.lliuH'il Mr. Tobias Snooks it! an oj)inion of w liicii he could hardly rid iiimself the v, hole ni.^lit, ii was nothin.^ less tliun tl.c foul liend’’ himscli’. d liiin to come as soon as possible.” “I — I don'i know the w:iy — I mean he an t at home—’i:s a dreadfu! cold nit^ht —he nuist be last asleej»—and () ! that terrible dojr of theirs—1 d;'ii' not "o near the limtse.” “ 1 mu>t thcr. «:o mv- seitV’ “ Jiark !’’ j::i ! t!.e \si;V, ••dul you not he:.r that uuive ?”—^^■h.■'.l noise?” “ W'hy sometiiinu; like tr.e hilling of a" -Here a longer groan than tliey had yet heard silenceil them all again. '1 he chatlering of the maid's teeth was plainly percej)tible, and the chihj in h( r lap burst out into a loud wailing. 'J'he maid was eniirel',* over come, and sighed and moaned (!( ply ; but the hiid’s mother seemed to l>e ni- spirecl with new couraf^e and fortiuiue. She took her dauf^hter from the maid,and placed bodi the children in the arms of their tuther. “1 will ivo,” said she, “ lo Deacon Cheever’s, aiul call thejjood man to advise and aid us; and, Lucy, you must go with me.” Lucy bcinniung to feel that she should be as safe out of the liouse as in, consented. As tlicy ap proached the door, the imprisoned sj>irit above, (or it could t)e nothiny; else, secm- rt\ strivini; for enlargement. 'I’Jie tread uas niore (piick, the door shook dread- Itdly, and the indesr.ribable g'roaniii”' was louder than ever. They shrunk back in e.n iris(,.ini, but they 1 ushed foi waiil again; and in a few moments they sIo(k1 hv the bed-side of Deacon Chce\cr. No Dea- 1 • i , cu„ ChecuT .he:-., I.i. affriKht.« A novel a!id curious exiiibltioTi has just l)een opened in Xew-Vork, whifli is iIhj . deseribeil in tiie (.'omniercial AtLcrlise! . i’he Chess-I'iayer is the same U liich has astonished and baiilc l the nio?>t skilful players of that game in Luropc. Jjnfoni(i!tm ChefiS-Player.—Mh* first ex- h’.bitioa ol i\Ic. Maelzel’s ^^'()ndel■ of the ^Vorld took |)hice last eveniiii,% in the spacious hall attached to tlie National Hotel, and was witnessed by from two to three hundred si)ectalors, .who depart ed equally astonished and delighted. W’e have not room this evening for a full ac count of the exhibition ; but must des patch it briefly. The wondeiful figure, whose movenit iits, or rather tiie cause of whose movements, has liatlled the inquir ies ol the learncil and curious of Euroj)e for many years, sits by a table in an c- rect attitude, witli g: eat gra\ ity and com posure. Jle is in 'J’lii’iisii fosiume, vith a long heavy black Ij.'ard, and large grey ^ be talde Mauds upon castor-., and was rcjieatedlv luoveu iJiout, s!iow- ll'idorj of Cojj'ee in Europe.—Hitherto, coifee-houses ere confined to the east, cind it is not easy to determine, exactly, w hen its use was introduced into Europe. Pietro de la Valle, writing from Constan tinople in 1615, says, that when he re turns to Italy, he will bring some cofi’ee with liim ; whether he did or not, cannot be ascertained; but in 1544, it was cer tainly introduced i:ito Marseilles; in 16GU, a considerable quantity was inijjort- ed from Hgypt into that city ; and in IGTl, a coiree-iiouse w as o'pened in it. In 1-657, I’hevenot brought a small quanti ty to Pai'is? its use, however, was con fined to those persons w lio had been in the Levant and their fi ieiuls. Its {general introduction and firm es tablishment in I'lance, v.ere brought a- bout ill a manner truly characteristic of the inhibitants (if that country. In 1C69, an and)assador IVom the I’orte, ar rived at Paris, who rendered himself very fashionable, as well as a great 1‘avoui ite ijy his j)olitcness, gallantry, and \^ ;t ; f)ersons of rank, especially ladies, visited ium ; to them he gave coit'ee ; and thus a bitter and black beverage, w hich, ])re- scribed by a rreiu liman, would have been rejected with disgus!, became a favourite and fasluoiiabie simply from the circumstance tl,at u was prcM'nted by a Turk of uit and gallantry. Tlie rage for coli'ee ha\ing^ been thu- spread, an Ar menian of the name of I’uscal, tO(dv ad vantage (d’it, and in 1G7J, opetieti cof- h e-house in ls ; but in consecpience o.‘ tlie very inftrior manner in \sijicii il vwisfuu'd iij), and tl.e low company ad- :’!ed, bis scheme did not succeed. I’ro- cupius, a I'loieiitinc, pertciving llie er- lur, lit ted uj) a fine apartment, and hav ing a!ri\uly-a(jcui:ed a i-eputntion among t'u-epiciti es by the introduction of ices into I’.ii'is, hi-, e(iiTee-housc i^ict v.ilh great encouragement. One very beneficial ronsequl'iice result ed frotn the general and fashional)lc use of cofVce in Paris : in the seventeenth cen tury, fiubits ol ill topical ion prevailed, e\en among the higl'.est classjes, who were notasliamed to frequent the ca'mnis in parlies,fwi-the purpose of this degrading debaiK.ii. Louis XIV. in vain had exert ed his inlliience, directed his indignation, and apjjeulcd to the lo ve and respect of his subjects for their grand monarch, to put down this practice: whut he cndcl not do, Piocopiiis and the other coifee- house keepers accomjjlislicd. of tint fact. •Ills an.ill wind il.-* • • good lortune to nobody.’ In iij,. .^ry misfortunes of Sir'Wiuter i'l literary world will sympaUdze m .lanutous as they are indivit!.|„iiv have decisively answered .■ (h,| J.. general interest. Ouuila Music of the i.’wA-A—-’i'here is a ,• . South-America, on tlie banks oj- er Oroonoko, called Piedr. deCaiiV'' Vieja, near which, lIuad;ulUi .s^v \ ellers have heard from time iJ’J' '''' bout sunrise, subterraneous su;ji„i.!‘': ‘ ilar to those of the organ, llu.i’i*‘'‘' was not himself fortunate ei’ioui;!, tir this mysterious »iusic, but tiin i '1 lieves in its lealiiy, and asc7jU'3‘r^ sounds to ihe diflcience of*-^‘ in ihe sublet raiieous and the exiu,,'!*''" which at sunrise is most the liighest degree of iaat on ilu.', ingday. The cui rent of air, sues throngn the cre\ices of ilii. produces, in his opinion, those which are heard by appl)ing tin; -.tone in a lying i)o..ilio'n. the not ■uppose (Humboldt adds) of L, ths anciint iiilialjitanis 01|)t, , iheir frer/ient navigations uu ihe Nile, may havi nude the valion aljoui a rock of The'jais i.,'^ this “Music of the J^ocks^’ lat fraud oi‘ the priests wuh die s the Memnon? When llu ..tlu' ‘ “'■‘^sy.hng,.,v,j rora made her son, the gloious sound,” ic was nothing bui ihe \ok> a man concealed under the •i.^e statue, iiut ti:e observ;uu>n of' i,. natives ol Oroonoko sieius lo i,.''-!' > a natural way, uhal gave hn-.i,Ztu'r gyptian faith m a stone tlu sounds at sunrise. In the House of •Commor;s,'v.i, M ’ member aticmj.ts to speu!; once ill the same ilisciis^iun, tliecrv' generally 1 aised Charles Wynn, who I,as a Mpn voice, having risen to address the lio^.; a second ume, tlie cry of iry,to/,r, sijuo'. was raised simultaneously Iron; cvi, A member objected'lo liie;,iun king Mr. Wynn Sjmi'n'cr, on the that every one wiiu addressed tiic’clii, would be tempted lo say, S,^uu;hi-: side m If the following anecdote, from an T; lish paper, be true,Counsellor O’Conm must have much regretted his knou!..,; of Latin ; .1 Kernj ]Vitiics:^.—A few years si-i at the iialee Assizes, a hedge t( .0; nuiMer mounted tiie lable as a wile sjiraiig up in the bed, and uttered ness of an men as llu v stood i.'clore. ^ uita any otiu:i one scream before .she recognized her ''lacu.iii is 1 neighi)ors. Out of breath, they half told tbeir stoi’, lied back, and left t';c gocid woman in any tiung but an t a-:y slJie of aund. “liusbatul, wliat shail v.e dor what is h) become of these dear little children r” said the lerilied woman, as siie again eniered the house, “is tli; deac(;ncomii.g r ’ He is not at home.” “ lake care of these children,” saiil her liublKiiid : “1 will g(j for Mr. Snooks, ti'.e schoolmaster. He is a good m^n, and will help us.” “ No i Ikj o:- claimed both the women, and lied IVom tlie house, and in a short time ve:e iti Mr. Snook’s sludy ; for he was vet up. Mr. Snooks was never kn(j\vn, before or after, to rise from his chair so quick. \Vhen he stood erect, he was good six feel four inches, and he stood erect now. With eyes and ears open, butwiiii com pressed hiouth, he listened to their bro ken story. JNIr. Toljias Snooks uUereii not a word ; sati'-.fied no doubt that more could be learned in fi\e minutes by recon- mjilering the enemy tlum by an h.ur\s descnptU)!!. He l;as;ily clruw nj) his blue stockings over his buckskin breecii- es, tied on with a while garter, shij)p(d his bat, urong side loiemost, on the' top d a led iiight-caj), and look a large cane, he thoiigbl not u Iiv. i’he ra/.i/ I /c/j were deserletl hy men of rank and ol j He lould not speak English I letters ; ihe coHee-houSvS ijeeame the j Latin were the only languages v, iili \V; . places of their resort .md at t!ds period, j he w as ac(iuamled. 'i he hiw \ ei ', \ } Saurin, La Mothe, Daiu liet, Jjoindin. [ 0! whom were ig?;orant of ilie one, J. 13. Rousseau, Sec. met Uiere, and j)!aii-i isad foigoiu'n the other, hi^fated ned 01 . . . I . apartment, but ii'ect in ilself. wo accmi[)li.s!u‘d ciic^s-playei ^ plaved IV Prrparo/ious pnviuu.s to Bury- ,,icattas . U hen hech.erkuiuted them,;/.;-After washin- li.e boclv ..e articulated “r.w-,” wiilMhe )>romi)t- i with wafer, the first step 1.^’ lo pcur a rude iv.i'ieui v into the ‘^H;omp,is:ied player, and when large (•uantity of ci !l.dse moves were made tty his antagonists, mmilh. If meicur he ra[)pcd npun ilie ta!).e wiih his 1 i-vhl hand, and shook l;i.-> bead in dis;>leasure, Willie with hi', le!t he rejdaced lliea liess- sontiMi a smie ul awliil grandeur am! 5ubliii'ity, uhiehcnii l;c realised i>nl\ hy those ’.viio lin\c wilncssiul and felt il. i;iit one eireum'tnrve was wnnliug to eon plcte fl.c 11.1 st i:i.i.rr's>ii)r vfT'ncrv that the country ev( r cxliildts ; and tliat i dn was I maiilh* id's’.iw. . | The little limily within ’veio cliaf- Icriiig over the events id' the pvt uiiigj when sU(hh i,ly every voicft w;!s husiifd, j j ^ :md the same stillne.-s rrdgncd w.'thin as ' Mi’. Snonks set about arranging in I»is mind a form (d exorcism,,and be*sekci- ed the L^ili-ii hr.igna.^e, having no tloulil but his eiichiv utudu understand iibcltei liiaii any other, as it was wcdl known in :liose days tiiai the Popes had been fa milial Iv talking it v^iih him several huii- 1 lie di^tu'ssed family felt sfjrne re!i,.l when ti.('y f.uind so good a’nd leai ned a m.,n as Mi. Si!o(;ks under ti.eii rouf ; and U)doth(ir caleidaling prudence |!isti( e. I must s iy, that they liad a vague‘kind .,i' . , iujpression, that tlieir \ j 'VU..I,I Ur sali.i;,.,! „ ..J, • uudibh' bn ath'ngol the tv.-o sleeping j ,-.s Tv-’r. Tobias Snooks woidd be tin- intioc.': Is, and Ihe sounds whndi had d'tlu ir i oi.temphileci attack on bin), arn sted their atlonlion am! almost their i sait! Mr. ;.-nooIs woidd be il He looks a- roand upon the auditnce occa'sion.dly, l)Ui inlentiy ujion eve.iy movemen. in the giime, his ejes imrv uig will; the (juic!;- ness ol life. I^ijt, v'oiiderful as this part >d‘the exliibiton is, it i.-, not the wiiole of It. i iu'ie il the auloiuaton trumpeter. atije!-gant ligiin-in the military cusiu'm • d he Ireiich lancers, a\ ho blows llu' I reneh and (ierman Ordinance in the grealt'Sl jiei lection, willi the accompani- niei;i.o!i tlie jtiaiia f j1 te. W : had foigoiU'U the coni])osed ihcir most celcbrateu [ the mode of examination. At left''' Cotmsellor O’Connell, ever wi!l;-,:^ distinguish himseif, stepped fur\i.iKUi:ii!| expressed lus rejiilineus lo inleriij"j.iij wiines-. “ Ojtis es tu P” said iht: Co'.^l selh>r, looking bigger than ever. ‘I: -sum quod crat niun tuns pitupcr mei cury caniioi be pi-ociircd, I* f'i'cl(H'u-', nkus^ dirn i.lud'i',',' honey is used, but not so beneiieiadv.— j '^t^hoolmaster.—You iik.\;» i lie body is placed in a kneeling posiiion, '■I'-’" "*” saiu O’Ccjimeil, in Ii ibii lo „ , and _t!»c hands hion,,ni ,, before ibus proved to the ci;'d the face in un aiti’ude of devotion. Tiie ^he Court bis !iody i;nd e:aiviuiiies are tlum hound I .' tikdidv with narrow stripes of cloth, in i SUJ' i>rder to press out the moisture. In this posture the corpse is next placed in an air-tig!'.t vessel ol wood, brass, silver, or gold, according to the rank of the deceas ed. A tul)e ol hollow bamboo inserted into the month of the deceased, passes through tl.e upper p;j t of the box, and IS (omliicted iliiougfi the )-oof of the , I . ,, I house to a conjiih'i'able hciehl \ siini or heard a living and breathing trn!n.;e-1 jar ter who could comj>aio with him.—’I'llen we have anolhei'wonder in the automa-. ton rope ilaucers. Hunter, great as he j is, isiichnnsy leliou in comparison w'th these liltie fellows Ujion tlie sl.u i-ojie : and were it not that, \v iih the chess-plaj er, thought must in some way be made to counteract thoug-ht, we slioiihl put the . 1 ers duv. n as the gTe.ilest won- di'rs.^ 'i hr;. exe :ute the most surpi is-I iiig leals wi'ditije jpcalesi agihly, and ' withoul any apparent mechaiHbm. * b iinboo is j)laced in t'.^e bottom, and j terminates in a vessel placed under it to I receive the ilrain'.in,-o!i from ihe body.— 1 tiie deceased is ofilie rank of a lirincc he sonles iluis collected is conveve tyandsta'e in a roval the sorm-s thus collected ,s conveved with gi-eji lormuhty and sta'e barge, higjdy-oniainented, lo i)e de-x-M' ed at a particular the citv. part ol 1 iie river l>elow i hatcodecied from t!ie !>ody ol tiie Iving is j)ut into a ThcTolloving is "nr.wor f the w'- *' to Mr. O’C’s (jwcslion " ll'/:o ,.,r i/.,u r " am ivhut your unculur a j„ ^,r itnj ymturt ivliut my uiur.tur iivs, a rlchtc'il lo fidelity.—Sheridan, in one dl.:- anwers to JJurke on tiie s-uhieil ol !■ 1‘1'ench Jievolution, ad\erting to ti, charge ot Deism and Atheism l)ro’:r;;.: against tlie rej)ublicanK, snys: “It'.j: till opinion lie hail never cliangc.i 1,; concealed, that, although no j!i;m c..' comiiiaiul his conviction, he J:nd e.i consiilered a deliberate flijJo^l!ion make proselytes in iidiiltlitv as an 1- accoiintalde depi'avity. Whoevd' i: dertook lo jiluck the belief, crt!:rjr judice on this subiecf, sl\ l.' il '.'h: ’Ac "''‘'I -‘i' )iV separates‘ whl.'r' bovoni. ofoiic careluily collected, and with this thev, ouceriam occasions, anoii.i the sim-ular 7 i , ,, t'uage, cailid Sema, nuiallv ulaced in .'^utii.>u.'/o,I. Muel'/el, the pro- | the temple alter his (ieatii. ’TI e body is 1 C.Jii-. vcsli'l'd.iy, in ( (;li- ^ se(;u.'nee (d- an ar;ui-'in t!,e New-York Mr. Carter, amon'^s. V .sational Advo.ate, Mating tiiul tl.e fig-| objects of euriosa/ar ]:dh,ln'r!'TiViU'■ ••i't'-l-iM. ^laef I-.Jenny De:^.•sho.M^’^’ , . 'bat I “Heai I of Mi,l-Lolhi;Mi at II e , r lie loui .leo sj.rings by wliuh its moves | Saiisburv Cr- -• Mi- (' . ^ s,y ,Ik.i m,cI,^icalhx r'.l,! V„!v. v lioTs7i l li.e k.u, and Ul (,ider lo prove il, he I sent tenant of the lu,us e ,.11 would not am.K.arb ii,,. ,1.| , . , ‘ oiiilucled tliem o the seuial never inwved c. was ( .oSL- lo il, i the I,Mine, except t(, “‘'jthe antagonist oj’ i meath at the same fme. The‘o pio- ccedeil from the chamlier iliiw fly o\fr Iheir liradv—ilic chamber where the two oldest ehi’drc !i of the family were .lecu^toim'd lo sh'en, juid wl.ilher lhe\ were on the point lil reliriui' ‘o bed. 'i’bi- sounds were inhuman. uneailhl\. A !•> v« , irri giilar tread, as of iicn h'ct, a i:tn ir of ihe c!iam()cr ('(lO)- ; hriil.en, lahf.i.ied, hollow, sobbii ir sounds (d' voice, if voice il. ccuT'd be called*; res', of them. And so il pnned for th( to !;e. Alier the arrival of the sounds ovorhearfl w palling. The trampling was incessant ; the door c; iuiei nussion ; *hc groans lujjted J but iiMKlcr and (piickcr groans tii.ui ever, ’i lie learnetl man turned hastly ; but a j^ale man may have courage. He 1 e-aiian!.yed in his mind ’''' hbeii with his left hand ■ scape goat j while he jdaced the v.l liie utoni: ;iit. I He accorciin'dv did so —-ind ' Vir'i,''" P-’i'ons, lliat Sir our pedagogue.jwas piay. d wu'h'lhe iisu’l snrr.-vs of t!u> 1 th- ihm 11 '^ ‘'Tl ' '■I'c drcadUdly ap- ii; wiihoul Mr. Mae!^e^s being near ^ ma^'c its 'M’^-.r iT o li-.e ircm leei tl.e table, tlius c..nciusn elv overihri.wlng | iu;-‘ s c-onver..ed with jr dioo.i w ithout theciude suggestions of'ilie .Vdv-.cate I anv other d pcr.son.” If IS were suh inter- writer. The inn:, i >et to be removed a|)ai'tm^nts, not I'or- the one whence the heroine is it is dcscriiied us a .,inall one h.idding, Mill, jjiCLes \-.ilh his I rooms, and lai ,-e !‘i moves oi' j gettiiM ton, and j laken. bihi'id him, are n>;itio!i informed the patrons. .iitujue mean places, 'i'he ag-ed the I'urm of txe: made ud the p;e- riter. 1 he iriitii is, this lor. i;i the grcaiesi ])ii?z,e has been so these si.My years. It seeivis luij'.ossiole tl tion of mechanic; id Automa- I as i ! to the aulhorsldp of the W-ve-lv \i> iontamed very pf,siii\, 1 ;i'iy combma- , intereM of Sir Wal'er P!'0'h;:e, in these work,s, th-' ' die le-uhs \> I. i.e'-setl m 'h'.; p'': Ii..rman’;c ' VrOuld fliriu;,h evidei.ce of the f‘>cjtt, as- aiitlior, iurideiit alludi'd to {'■' ' "t’ip'L'(• n:-;ol' woman or child, coiiin.itled a . lage, the jnolive for v\iiiih he ha.!..'- beeii able to frace or conreive.” I (j'Jole these woi'ds as!:il'!'’ ihe ft.ulirig and good set, ;e i.f Ni,- y. hati.-ver may be ihought (d'pai:.\'. laitiis and sect-^, a l)elie!’in , a .’jcy. this u oi Id, is the only tiling !h;d pi^'f ihroijgli Ihe walls oi o;;r j»ii'>ui. ii’’-'' and lets boj)c .shine in upon a " • that would be otherwise rn'wi.Miiv' ' tlesidate. 'J'lie prj.-:ei} ti>:.i oi’l'.c -V ■ ist i, indeed, a dismal missioti. 1'' believers, wlio liavi* ('ach tiie s:’■ venin prospeet, sliouid inviie U'' them ;n Iheir lesjieciive v\..\ at least a beiievoleiit odicicii ic-. ’ lliat he who has no je.-.iij-a c! oi'ii himself, should seek cemp;u!iiHi-''ii:i his roadti) amiihilaticn, e;ui oidy l i'• [darned by that fendencv in Ii’’" creatures to eoimf upfui c.icli eli’ tlicir despair as \vell jis ihi ir hoj)i'. J\Ii,drv's' Life nf S!i. I ‘ Lord Kenyon oiice to’d a v.i'Mt’''- grdy, lie would commit him. " r jilease, my lord,” lie rejihed. “ c;.'* • cnref' ! ;>■ ' 'x> Ci;- iinii