_:tiu uto n;\ yoriij; mcii anc 5uul, maru i Von wlli laK.0 a p>"-.iiiiij; yon tall nnd uariu;;; wan ior, iu; is not nl i tend !t to liio i i“t cxlioniit}, l;.e llecl-fuat tiii)L*, i;t; halli an Indian’s| (.’oloncl rcccivcd this appointment to a wisdom, and his warriors fight as '.v( do, him^'cU is alo;.e exposed. Q'licU let your aim Ije certain, and lie dies. Our rides ucro h'vellcd, riiles which, hut for him, knew not how to mi*:;s— ’Twas all in vain ; a power, nii^hliijr far than we, shielded him Ironi harm, lie cannot dio in hatth;. I am oltl, i'.nd soon siiall he pthered to the t:;i-eat council fli’c of my lathers, in the land ol shades, l>ut ere 1 j;;o, there is a some- thins; bids Pio .sjjcak, in the voice ol propiiecy—Listen ! The Gratf Spiril prufects that man^ and "ii'uks his di's- tinies'—J/c vvU hccoiuv the dticf oj )iafionSy and a pcuple yet. vnhoru., hail him as fhr r'aioufcv of a 'mighty Kmphr ! ! I’iie savage ceascd, his nracle d(‘liver- ed, his proi)helic mission lultilicd, he retired to muse in silence upon that wonder working; spirit, which his dark, “ llntutoi'cil iniiitl Saw oft in clouds, iiiuriicard him in the wind.” the children of the Mixlnj; tuijfthcr pruiil :ind de light. Tlih INDIAX I'UOi'lllXV. id de- Thc i:xtracl fr ;m the “ Uccollcctions of AV;t',hinp^- ton,” anew work, by (itoif^c V>. 1’ (Jiistis. It was in 177‘.J, thatCul. W.r-hin^ton, accom|janied by Dr. James ^'raik, and a (ionsiderahle party of hunters, woods men, and others, prooepcled to the Ken- hawa with a vie\v to ♦=‘!ipIoie the euuntry, and make surveys ot extensive and val uable bodies oi lands. At th:;t time oi day, the Kenhawa was several hundred miles- remote Ironi tluj Irontier settle ments, and only accessible by Indian paths, whicji wound tfirough the passes of the mountains. In those wild and unfrequented regions, The party formed a camp on the harik of the river, consisting ot rudely coiistruo- ted wijrwams or slielters, from which the^' issued to explore and survey those alluvial tracts, now forming the most fertile and best inhabited parts of the west of Virginia. This ronjantic camj), thounjh far re moved from the homo of civilization, possessed very many advantages. The great abundance of various kinds of ^ame, in its vicinity, allbrded a sumptu ous larder, while a few luxuries offoreisi;n ‘growth, which had been brnui^ht on the baggai:;e horses, made the adveMlurers as comfortable as they could reasonably desire. One day, when resting; in camp from the futigjues attendant on so arduous an enlerpn:'o, a jjjrty of Indians led by a trader, were tliscovered. No recourse v^as had to r\ruis, for peace in c;reat meas ure reiLVitJil the f'ontiers , the bonier warfare which so lone: i>ad l-.ariasseii the unhappy settlers, had principnlly subsid ed; tiie >b'.n’ap‘driven f:>rth(?r and frirther back, as the settlements advanced, had suflieiently felt the power of the wlutcs, to view them with tear, as wcl! as hate; again, the aj)proaoh of this p:i?'ty was a- ry tiling but liostde, and Utr appearance vf the trader, a being half savage, hail civilized, made it ciTiain tiiat tiie mis. sion was rather of peaoi than war. They haltcl at a shcit diatance, atul the inierpreter aJvancinsj, tleclartd that he was condncti:)?: a party, which con sisted of a Grand Sacliem, ant! some at tendant warriors ; tl.at the Chief was a very great man among the Northwes tern tribes, and the same Avho coininand- ed the Indians on the fall of Hraddock, sixteen years before ; that hearir’.si of the visit of Col. Washington to the \\'cstern country', this Chief had set otit on a missitui, the ofjjcct of w!i:oh, I'.imscll would, make known. Tlie Colonel received the Ambassa dor with courtesy, and having put mat ters in camp iu the best possible order for the reception of such di.^tinguished visitors, which so short a notice would allow, the strangers were introduced.— Among the Colonists were some line, tall and manly figures, but so soon as the Sachem a[)proached, he in a moment pointed out the Hero of the Mononira- hela, from amid the gj^jupe, althougli sixteen years had elapsed since he h.id seen him, and then onl> in the tumuit and fury of battle. 'The Indian was of a lofty stature, and of a dignitiml and imposing appearance. The usual salutations wore going round, when it was observed, that the Cirand Chief, although portVctly familiar with every other one present, prescrvoil toward Col. Washington the ninxt rev erential deference ; it was in vain that the Colonel extended his hand ; the In dian flrev/ tjack, with the most irnpres sivc u.nrks of awe and respect. A last tHbrt was made to induce an intercourse, by resorting to the, deity of the savages, ardcMit spirit, which the Colonel bas ing tasted, oll'ered to his guest ; the Imiian Ijowed ills iieatl in sub!uis>ion, but wet ted nf)t his lips. Tobacco, fot t!ic usc of wldch Wusliington aivv;iys iuul the ulrnost :djho»rence, vvas next triet’, the Colonel taking a single ptdl, to the gv.at :iniioyance of his feelings, and then cif- fering ib.e calumf t to the cliii'l. l.n touched nottlu! syndiol ot' savage friend ship. I'lie banfjiK.'t no»v rr:ii'y. . forlorn hope, with a smile of exultation, , I bowing, 1 eplied—“ Your Kxcellency lof*s me too much honor ; your orders shall be obeyed to tho letter Jtnd I'c- jjaired to his j)ost. 1 v;ill not be positive as to the loca tion of this anecdote, having heard it from the old people of the Revolution, many years ago, but think it occurred on the H«:ld of Alonmouth—but ol this I am not ccrtain. hat 1 have an bundled limes seen Colonel Hartley received in the halls of the Great President, where so manv Revolutionary worthies were made welcome ; that to none, was the hand of honored and friendly recollec tion more feelingly offered ; on none, did the mcrit-discKrni*ngeyeof the Chiel appear to beam with more pleasure, than Hartley of ViM’k.” Night coming on forest spread their Idankets, and were soon buried ia sleep. At early d;.wn they bid adieu to llic camp, and were seen slowdy winding their wny toward the distant haunts of fheir tiibp. The ei’ects which this mysterious and romantic adventure had ujioh the Prov incials, wore as various as the variety id character whi‘h composed the ]>arty. All eyes w'ere turiiel on him, to whom the oracle had been addressed, but from his ever sc'reiu' and tlionghtful countcn- ance, nothing coidil be all tliis >vas strange, 1-roni the I'nitli 'I'elltr. ADVICK TO SrUDKNTS. Near seventy y(^ars ot my ]>ilgrim- age are gone, and, like my lorefathers, I am but a sfdourner in tliis land ol sor rows. 'The remnant ol days I devote to the risiiig generation. The inexper ience and rashness of youth call loudly for the guidance ol age. Perilous is the voyage of life. Many prccious car goes arc lost in the tempestuous j)as- sage—several individuals have I br- lield, even in my lime, em!)arking with tlie flattering prospect of gaining the tlesired haven. Hut alas ! the surly winds aro.se—the nnmer‘iful tempest howled—1 >10 fare of heaven grev. blacli lisoovercd ; still j and lowerin-j:—and I ho devouring waves “'twas j)assing 1 >u-alliiwed their little vessel—it sunk, strang('. *’—On tlie mind of Dr. James •and, ah ! it rose no more ! In most ca- Craik, a most deep anti la>tii'g impres-j j,es the \vant of an intelligent and exper- si(ui was made, and in the war of the I ic-nced pilot occasions the dreadfiil catas- llf'vohition it became a lavoi ite tlicme j tri^idie. 'I'lie trickling tear, and the with him, j)ar!ictd,Il ly a.'tcr any perilous ; ii,>aving si;l;, i. c;dl not past eircnm- Li't hi'[)e, the elevator of the human life, inuif! to vigorous exertions. Fur liave you not, ere I write this, been coni'ncted to that “hill s:i!e,” well de scribed to be “ stccj) at best ascent,*’ also so smooth, so green, >i»olu!l ofgood- Iv prospects and meh)dious sounds on liovc the toil of the ciuvci; nor U- an- I "leans shun the eoninai.y »f-^ooci to,/ I pered and virtuous females ; ovtr”‘|^, I students’ minds, their manreis cast' I felicitating inlluercc ; the elf^'im f'/ I dearments of female friendship softep I the heart, meliorate the disposition a" nihilate eccentricities and produce r- the whole of life he most amiable m feels. Nor can it excite woinlcr, (or * is congenial to the heart of man to be o[. fecled by female excellence. TI'Mrj.K OF DIANA. The temple of Diana at Kjihcsu; '• ter having risen with ihcrea>ing spie,. dour from seven repealed niisfuituncr was finally burnt by the Ootlisin ihci- Ihird naval invasion. The arts Greece, and the wealth of Asia, haj I conspired to erect that sacred and m?-. nificent structure. It wa= supported an hundred and twenty-seven columns of the Ionic oriier. Tliev v.or • the gifts of devout monarclis, and cac'i was sixty' feel high. The altar wj,- ndonied with the masterly sculptures ot’ Praxiteles, who had, perhaps, selected from the favorite legends of the plai'i. the birth of the divine children of Lnio- na, the concealment of Apollo after the slaughter of the Cyclops, atid the rlcrr,. ency of Bacchus to the vanquished A- mazons. Yet the length of the tcmn!'’: of Kphesus was only four bund.'-ed and twenty-five feet, about two-thirds of th,j measure of the church of St. i’eter's at liome. In the other dimensions, i* was still more inferior to that suhlmic production of architecture. 1'hc spread ing arms of a Christian cross require a much greater breadth than the oblw temples of t!ie Pagans; and the bol'lKt artists of anticiuity would have iKtn action, in which his I'riend and com-j stance mander hail been peculiary exposeil, as ib.e battle of Princeton, is^e.—'I'he night previ(ui3 to the battle of Monmouth, several o(Ticer> had assembled, and were joiiicil by the ptiysieian general of tlie army. The discourse turned unon the probable issue cd' the succeeding day. j i\ i'rv Mile, that the Harf) of Orpheus It v.as agreed on all sides that it wouhi i u;ts not more charming ? Should the; be a day of Mood, 'i’lie enetny, fhish» j obviousness of these lines requiit; an a- eil with tlu; victories of the September i poloicv, you have it in this ancient ad- ind October prccf'ding, and protectin': .ige^wbat is not sufficiently attended to I vast amoun'. of bagga-^e : the Amer-1 eannot be too frequently repealed, icuns, proud (d' tiu* tall of Piin^oyne, j i. Avoid nisht studien—they arc thr and desirous of sheu ing tlicir new aiiu's, ) hiine of health, and grodually ruin ll.e the French, that tiiey weie deserving j piost robu-'t constitution. Soon enter of their alliance, all conspired.to make j your bed al night, and k'ave it soon in it certain, tliatthe battle would be brave- the morning. 'I'he faculty extol early ly contested, and the issue very doubt-1 rising as a powerful s[teclfic against dis- fui. Tiie g^jneral ollicers agrec.'tl (ui the | ease.' In the morning the air is most propriety of a remonstrance being made salubrious ; the mind best fitted for in to the Comir.ander-in-chief, praying ' struction ; and the spirits cheered, be- that he would not e'' jjosc his jierson ; a i holding the sun starting from the east, lifei^o honored and so dear to the strug gling libtMtiosof his couirtry, became a matter of \vajni solicitude to evei'v IV. In your studies there should he an intermixture. orks ot reasoning and imagination, of judgment and of fan cy associate together. Like the sea sons of the year, they aflord agreeable variety. Severe and continued appl-i- calion tries tho most gigantic intellect. I'he faculties of the mind, however, should not be sufiered to remain dor mant, for they gain vigour and maturi ty bv exercise. Prejudice of every kind throw aside, they grievously wrap the understanding, and sorely blast the judgment. Proteus-like, error assumes multifarious forms ; ami it is the scho lar’s province tosti ip away its disguise. Bacon terms intjuiry after truth, the w'ooing of the kuow’ledg(‘ of truth, the liresenee of it and the^ influential belief of truth, the cnjoymefit of it. Creduli ty is a yawning gulph which swallows every thing throw'n into it. V^ Let a judicious friend recommenil the books you reail. The sages oi an tiquity deemed a great book—a great evil. The numerous volumes that meet us in the walks of theology, poetry, criticism, and moral philosophy, alhird ?ni])le scope to the guidance of an able and enlightened friend. I’egard the quality rather than the quantity of what you peruse; it has been ingeniously ob served, were quantity alone the esti mate of impro\ement, subci ibesrs to a circulating library should be as wise as Socrates, and as accomplished as Julius Ciesar. VI. Perrevere in a regular plan of study once carefully laid (lown. Break not in u})on its sacreil confines, pursue it with becoming energy, anil your stores of knowledge will insensibly in crease. Perseverance is the parent of wonrlers. Such is its itilluence, that it 1 l,ns h^’,1 sail, he wl.o walks with vipur ^ lire. Iwursa day n, seven trav- I TcmpkifUiM, e„aspce e|Mnl o the ccKumfcrcnce ho«eve,-, n.lmircd as one oft', of the globe. \V ithout labour, nothing ' excellent is given to the children of Ad- member of the arniy.- I know I'.im too well and gilding every opening prosfiect.— 'reniperance anil exercise are the best physicians. The ancients observed, the -Craik observe^., immediate agency d' heaven inflicted to believe that acute diseiuses, but those of the chronic wiHild lor a j kind were of our formalion, nor are tiie moment prevent him from the exposure 1 nioderns less explieit on the subject.— ol his person, slioukl the day go against j Aihlison, when he belield a f;^shionable us; biitjgentjenieii, recollect what I have table in all its niagniliccnce, fancied he often told you, of the old Indian’s Pro phecy. ^ es, I do believe, a “(ireat. Spirit protects that man"—and that one dav or other, hoporetl and litdoved. he will l.ie tiie Chief of our Nation, as he i> now our general, our lather and our friend. Never mind the enemy, they cannot kill him, and wliile lie lives, our cause vvill lu ver die. On the ever memorable day of Mon mouth, the Commander-in-ehi»-*', having given his or(iers to iMajor (ieneral the Marquis de la Fayette, was person;dIy engaged in forming the line of the main body, near the eourt-h' ii e. ^Vlll!e speaking It) a f’avoiite olVu'ei-, 1 thinl. the hrav;' and \ aim'd Co!. lIartlev,ot the r Iva line cannon ball struck jiisi ;,t Ills hoi. v’s f.-et, tlirowing the dirt in his t.ire, and ovt i lii.s clothes; the General ennt iiiiied giving his orders, without nc^ticing the deraiigeniefit rd his toilrtle. 'i'he ('lliei rs jut sciit, sev- era! of whom ’.vere of the ))arty ‘.lie prf- c'-ding evening, l;u)!vt il at caeh ollirv witli ;'r..\if't \. T!i(‘ Ciiief of the iriel;- cal sta'i’, pleaded with the proof of his pr(;diclion, .uid in reniinis'je.'iee of what liad j)ass( (! the pjglit pointed to ward heaven, v.’liicli n ;i> iiolired !tv liu* others, wi'li a gratif;, ing smile of ae- knowledgii.ent. Of the hr;'.veand vahu il Crd. If;trlh'\', the (’olonel tlid tiie honours of tiie least, I’lid placing liie great man at his side, helpf'd him plentifully, but the Indian fed not at the board. Ann/emer.L now possessed the company, and an intense anxiety became apparent as to the is sue of so ex'iraordinary an adventure. 'I'he Clouncil f'ire w-as kiiulled, when the Grand Sactiem addressed our Wash ington to the lollov.’ing efi’ect; I am a chief, and the Ruler over ma nv tribes ; my iidlu(>nce extends to the wall rs of the (Ireat Lakes, and to the far bine mountains. I have ttavclled a long and w'-ary path, t!iat I might sec the Young \V:^rriur ot the Gr»-al Battle, j legirnent of G rmans from ^ ork and It was on the d.iy, that ilie AN bite Man s | Lancaster counties. 1 I know \ou well, blood mixed witii the streams of our j and have tlierelore selected you, to p(;i'- foresl, that X first btiiitld this Cliief j 11 forni this iniportajjl and ifciiuus duty.’ it is sail!, that flu; ronviiader-in-ehiel s(Mit for him in the h(;at of an eni^agement, and addressed him as j'olious:—“1 have sent for yon, Coioni l, to employ you on a sf-rious jjiec** *'f service.—'I’iic slate of our allairs rentiers it necessary that a j)arl o( this nt iny should be S'arri- ju'cd, I’or tlie welfart' of the whole. You command an efl'eeti\ e coi jis, (a line saw gouts and dropsi(;s, fevers and leth argies, with other innumerable distem- jier.s, lying in ambuscade among the dishes. And Sir ^Villiam Temple us ed to say, the first glass for mysell', tiie second for my friends, the third for good humour, and the fourth for mine (MieiTiies. our meat and drink, your company, ainl your amtisenients, shoubl be answerable to tlie calls of nature", aiul subservient to the welfare of the animal economv. II. T inie must ho projterly occnpicil. 'I'o some particular employment appro- priat(‘ every hour. Never appear ;is if you knew not how’ to dispose of your- si'lt’. Ofthe utmost importance is a jti- i!;ci(>ns distribution of tlie day. Anar- c!iy accom;)ani(;s the want (d’ arrange ment. 'I'he fine arts, n.iliiral history, and many oilier u^c'tul studies, may em ploy spare hours. \Vaste not even the particles of tine, lor, like jiarticles of gold, tliey possess theU' sejcMate Value. The. learncfl !'!rasmus, u Ium on horso liael:. tra\-e!Ii;ig into Italy, wrote tin; celebrated treatise entitled 'ihv Praise f'J I'ltllii, III. 1 laving o'etfnr.ed knowiedge of t'.ic; sciences, and can fully C(uisulted your gMiius, apply to that branch of literatiij'e, lor which you experience the greatest picdilection. Some art; lond of the languages and Helles Let ters: others of matiienndieal and as tronomical spec'ulations : sonr.' of natur al atul others of moral j)h;!s;u phy. !’x- amim^ the bent of your niin.'. If is of momentto ascer'ain the intidlec'ual cur rent. Prosfcnte with ardo.ir vvjiat vou P'ursuc, and be j-our speculations sn!)- servient to the practical purpo^es td' lile. They who in>a‘-t of a;i universal genius, are soini.-times siipcrlicial, never arrive at much eminence, and di. lifdt.* good lo li;c con.'n.r.ni! V- at am. An inordinate love of novelty, and a desultoriness of genius, are inimical to sound improvement. 'I'he jioels, or ators, and historians of former ages, were enamoured of a close study, and inured to profound investigations.— Homer and 'Vhucydides, Pluto and A- ristotle, Livy and Cicero, iNlilton, Locke, and Nev/ton, the four pillars which are said to support the monument of British genius, were all severely studious, and adhered with increased steadiness to the pursuit of knowledge. When the Romans took Syracuse, Ar chimedes was so deeply engaged solv ing a problem, that he was ignorant of the enemy being in possession of the town'; and a soldier, not knowing who he was, killed him, because he refused to follow him. An emperor once asked an ancient philosopher, to instill into his mind the princij)les of astronomy, without his undergoing tlie fatigue of study ; the philosopher honestly replieil, there was no iiriperial way to astrono my. \TI. Cultivate a cheerfulness of dis position. Discontent and ill nature are enemies to the muses. Be willing lo please, and easy to be jileased. Avoid dwelling long on the tlark side of hu man life.’ To jieruse writers who de-! light in exhibiting such a representa- ' lion, enfeebles the .s]»ir!ts, sours the! tempiu', :inil beclouds the soul. 'I'o the vicesof mankind, o])pose their virtues; and with the calamities to whicii we ai'c exposed, contrast the ;Kaiiy blessings we enjoy. A writer who puurlrays tm- ly Ihedarl; siile of human life has, witli great propriety, been conijiared lo a painter who collccls in his piece ob jects of a black hue only ; who ))resents on with a black man, a bl'ick hor'e, a black dog, vvc. icc., and lelils you that this is a picture of nature, and' that na ture is black. It is true, you would re ply, the ()hjects you exhibit do exist in nature, hut they for.m a very small pait of hf r works. You say that nature is black, ami to prove it, you ha\-e collect- on your canvass all the animals of this hue that exist ; but you liave hu'gol to paint the green earth, the blue sky, the whiter man, ^-c. Perj'etual study evap- orate.s the animal s[)irits, ami oppresses the nerves. I\,xcessive apjdication giv’es birth to .strange eoi'sequeiices. One learned man supposes the Divine being had deprived him cf his rational sotii, when at tin; same time he wrote a mas- t! rly tri*atise against infiidelity, and ex- jiressed this whim in his iledication lo the (;^iieen ol Great Britain. Another learned gentleman imagined thr earth uasa living anirna!, the flux and reflux ol flu; sea, the eil’ects ot his respiration : men, and, other creaturcs, insects, whicli led tijion il—bushes and trees, the bristles on his back, and the water, or seas, ;;nd rivers, a lifjuid which cir culated in his veins, 'i'o prevent these ellects, and others equally rumanlic, torm to yoMiselt a conversive circle of irienils, who, miiigling together in- a'.d iin'-'isoiticn*. 1>appilv j-c- wonders of the world. Sucressivo rir.- pires, the Persian, the Macodoni.,r., and the Roman, had revered its sanctity,-ini enriched its splendour. Inventions.—A new thrnshing and Inu'n* ing machine hr.s been invented by Me -, 5. Hulbeit, Etlirid.^i', and .M’Comhs ofl;,- tie Falls, Ili rkinier c^unty, N. Y. The muciiinc is propelled by horse pow'., \ maci ineofone liorse power, (the cxptrce of which will not exceed fifty dollars.,, tended by two men, will thrash fr(;nis,i to ten bushels of any grain in an liuurptr- fectly clean and ready for f’antiin.i;-. fanninjj-mill may be turned at tU sur:e time by the same power. One ilioiisuiid pounds of flax or hemp may l)t w( ii „-o- keti in one day, without waste.—Spjnis', hides or leather of any kind, may be b;> ken in the same machine v.iih great h- cllity. Family Every rr.an his own miller.’—Under this head tiie Gardiiir Chronicle has a description uf a fljr mill invented by Mr. David i la;;.', ac companied with a plate—cost 3j ilull*rs. It is turned with.a ciauk, liy a man cr !)oy, and will grind two !;tishels of in an hour; it is about tlie size of a d.s- ing table. I. might almost be cuUf’d « pocket grist mill.” llerearter, perhap;. instead of people going to mill, the r>!i;i will come to th'-m. Ii may he \ery liscf.l tin places distant from water power, i’.i , neW countries, and'in times of drougl’. when streams are low. K.i']jc)isirr honor.—.• Geo. Tiampfyi 'c declined a few weeks since t!ie lioiior ol re|)iesenting I'.xeter in the ParlKum'ii',of (ireat Bri'.ain, wliich was proiVcrrJ hrn, witli an inlimutinn which spoke ’ olunics —that the distinction « as a Hide tu-> pensive, as it had cost his fitnn- a')ovc yo,000 pounds. i'-’.'fj,- p'^po'. Dr. Priestley, in his Lectures on Ilis'.c- ry, enumerating the excelleiuics o ojr federal constitution, observes—1 he power of the whoh’ romnuinity mav I; easily united in '.vor:-:s of arknowU'c'^-' public utility, as roads and l)rici.L,f-f- naviguljle canals, and, also, in pruM'./ig’ the means of edtiCavion, (d’ v. liicli - - citizens may take advantjre.” The Roman Si'nate, in I'ne tir.v: of C - cero,employed means td’ si’.enciii;.' lai, ■ lunate sj-.eakers, much like those lo'.w.;': the liritish House c)f (’omiuotis course, and which, thou(;h a li’t'" derh, are •Salutary in the ' i'he historian slates tlulwheii rose in the l»omun Seuatc, en a pai tt .- occasion, for th,; purpose of .-iije.d.a'' gainst time, ‘'ihc assemhly, al '. !• cuntinued harati,?;ning ^for ih:’-'' ! successively, gr.'w so inip itie'f a;iu siK h IX iunst; and. /;/tl;;.t i;c v.' ced to give o \ er.” A certain bnl,! woma'.i carne ( ~ tian,the }'.ni|)cror,an(i widn.,U( iiewi'ii ■ complained 'o him of iier hus!).itid. ■ whom the I'.mpf’ror mildly s.iu!, | what are tiiese ihiuf's to m' ! ^ she ; tor hr* hath also spi;!u n in.e.y against ti'v Majesty. 'i'u v.bi»:!i then said, N't’uma”, and wh.iL is t.is'; . the? ' I