VOL. II.] CILIRLOTTK, JN’. C. TUESlKiV, JILT H, 1826. [NO. ,S9. PUB I.ISIiril WKKKLT By LK.Ml I:L P>l>fr»lTAM, AT THIIEK DOLLiUS A VKAH, PAHl IN AnVANCE. \*** No p;ipep will i>e (bscontinucd, unless at the ^iscralion of tiie cdilur, until all uirearag'es are paid. ADVEnrisEMSN'Ts will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sen-ling' in ;Klvei-ti.semcnts, an requested to note on the niurg'in the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and chari,'-ed accordingly. •Vtt\ All persons indebted to me by book ac- coiiiils. will i)lease cull and settU- llieirae- cou:);s by cMsh or noto. F would prefer thi- cash ; but a note will do, provided I have sonne security of receiving- payment in a reasonable time. 1 have t;iken into vii w the jiressure ot the times, and a.ii ilisposed to g-ive every indul- jfence I can, consistent wilh my situirtion. I hope this notice will be attended to, as it is dissajjreeable for me to be couipclicd to nuike collection forcibly. SAML. M’COMIl. Charlotte, Mai/ IT, 1826, 6t8y. Yvv\Ave ViUtevXaxwmewV. THK subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that will know i> t stablibhinent, lately ow ned and occupi ed .i\ lir. Hendt rson, and is now [trepand to entert > ' travelKrs and others, who inav please to call ' hnii ; ;Hid no ext riions wdl be spared to rt luK • 'hem coiiiforta;)le, and tin ir stay a- g'reeanlt. Ills tiijjle w dl lie furnished with ev ery variety which the country all'ords; bis bar with the best of liquors; and’ his stables ivb ph iity of proveiuler, and careful s rvaiils wjii Le in constant attendance. IJOHKHI' I. f)l\Kl\S. Charlotte, .April 20, 1KJ6 *rfu 'I’lie faniden .lournal will insiil the above three weeks, and forward lus account for iiay ment. TO\V.\ AnUU*VAVV\ Foil SALK. XtiUce. O Y virtue of a decree from the Court of K- J f cfiiity, held on the 19th day of >hiv ultimo, at die I ourt-House in Charlotte, 1 sludl sell at pubhr auction on the 12th day of July next, at the C ourt-House door, and on a credit of aA twelve months, the n||irousKs ^ I.OTS where .lolin Boyd, dec’d. formerly resided, and now occupied by W'ash- nif^ton Morrison, Esq.; toj-ethir with two small t-HCts of land adjoiniii}-the town. IJonds and a[»pr ved security will l;c requireiL Further paiticulars made known on the d;.v of sale, if required. TllOS. BOVl>, dmrdian , , , of S. K. BoVI) fharlotte, .Tune 1, 1825. «6* Vlouse ut* V'iuitivUvVuiw^ini, A NI) Stage House, at the sign of the Eairlc, I\. in Charlotte, North-Carolina, bv JUS1' fice. _ W A !S()N. ^ VUiffuer’s vkVwvt s. I‘l HLitsUED, aiid-for sale at this of- “ Strictures on a hook, entitled, ‘ .\ii ..pology for the Book of Psalms, by l,;ili, rt MeMaster.’ 'I'o which are added, Hemark- on a book, [by Ale.xander Cordon] entilkd ‘ i'lie design and use of th- IJook of P.salms.’” fh likNHv HcFKXKn, A. Al. With an Appciulix% by .loii.v j\L W iLso.v, jiastor of Uocky Kivev ami Philadelphia. ORifairfAa. lOU TUE CATAWm McckUnhurg > ounty~Muy Stsmui,, IbJG, John Patterson r Original Attaclmient, ^ It vifd on a lU jjru man ) m; W'm. Smitii and wifV Kli/aOeiii Smith. } named Pat r is ordereil by Court tiiat ad% ei-tlaemont be niadt hi.\ wc-.ks in ihi.- t ba Jcui *ial, for ['pia;- al the \1114ubt ti. nn, the (li femlant 18-.#'. to MKCKLP'.NBtJUd INDEPENDENCE. Mr. Hi.NGHAM : It i,s but lately I have been apprised, tliat in certain sections e- ven of ihis slate, an entire confidence is not reposed in the propriety of Of/r cele brating- the 20jh of May, 1775, as the an niversary of MocKlenbur|r Indejjendence. They admit the eclat and transcendant importance cf the fact, if exist in}? as re presented—they grant that the most im portant revolutions in jjovernments have ori';inated from circumscribed and ap parently trivial occurence.s—and under om presumption of Me.ve/of/.9, concede to •is the meed of orij.;inating the Indepen dence of the United States, :—but pre tend tiot tu conceive why u pi oceedure so dann.qly dii>nified, so highly worthy the p! ide iiiid buaht ol the c itizens, siiouhl |iave lain so lonjr nr^»-lectt d and apparent- ly forgotten, as never to iuive bee» hand ed !.o the world, tinder un> ionn of [ti.bhc celebration, until ilie 5th of Jule. u*. liopevw'll Church, us iiubii_-,iie.i in your Journal on ti«e l.Sih ol October tollowin^ir. 'i'hf sUU'ineyii and nan- n.t'nts biuug-ht forward Ml tliar udd.es.s, ilicy admit u. be names without reality—principles wit'i out discrimination—-the direful strata gems of characters sunk in proflis;acy, tired of the dull pursuits of civil life, bijj with complicated intentions, Irelore which common immorality whitens info virtue —whoiic/tenrls evideucv what the subtlest understanding cannot disguise, intentions of which the demoralization of our citi zens is the mildest feature. Never, then, permit the man, polluted with the llame of party, to rest in the sanctuary of jour confidence—allow him no influence over your principles, tho’ in other respects the darling of your choice—from this he may become your country’s deadliest foe “Let us, my fellow-cltizens, stand unii- ed as Americans rt/owe, in supporting our lil)erty and independence—let us guard with sacred attention our constitution, the repository of American hajjpiness— and lei us evidence our love of country, (.»ur patriotism, by promoting her inier- est; by veneratiiig her laws atid by hcnor- i//"’htr admitiistration. •‘a\ii('. iinv the gathering storm which noA blackens (>ui liorizon, be disjielled— ; iid may th- dissipating cloud neither soil li e honor no'- tarnish the sac red wreaiii ol .Ni’itrica.'i Independence.” I h^pe will .tc'cde to a general in- vilaiioo t(j yt»u.:ri 'i>>!\ of every staienuMit w liu a ii'jv iu(:i(lute our claim, or aild to -Mecklenburg on that subject. io do aw ay, in some degre*', i!;e im proper impressions iolended lo Ise pro duced by such k.sinuatKjiis, 1 hope you wiii ir.sei t the coiKlusiuti of t!ie valedic- lory address dehveied at tlie Uo». Sani- IH-#'., aii.l tl.eie to ivpl, \y, ol Iil rw im judu nicin’! academy, on t)ie I si of Will be enti ivd ai'anisi t,u ni. j lSl'9, a \eiy ostrii'ible and U» j)lace ihe sul»jcct in a pleasure aliiutile, , l>ut i.s not explicative of tlit' ap-'by p;-e-j'>»» this subject. Perhaps •‘ously evidmeed by the eiii/.eiis ,,f j *^'ay have been made, with jjarllcular lefeience to this ifansac.tion. MKNitoX. ISAAC AJ.E.\A.M)K1{, c. 1U1LL SELl., (ni ae- (Dmmodating terms, llQf dl n,\ Mouses and l.ots |in the town of Cliarlott», North :;i'«,lina, twenty-two in nuniber,’bnirof them comfortably improved, together w itb ni\ two .story dwilling-house and taiiy;.rd, all in gooii repair. Also, a gocd niiiiiII farm, eoim. n- ient to town. Persons who art lesirous of'pur chasing, woul 1 do well to call and gi * good bargains, as 1 wish to remove to the W est in tlie fall. \VILI.L\M UUDISll.L. Charlotte, C. March 24, 1826. jmt89 . TDK subscriber ofirrs for sale a valuable (tract of I.ainl, on accom- |iiiodsiting terms, v.’bich lies in tht. lowir p.irt of Ivedell county, on the head waters of |{(tcl- y Uiver, adjoining the lar.ds of li. S. Houston, Uenjamin Brevard and otiu rs, and containing .372 acres. The said land is i.f g’ood quality and well watered, both as to springs and branches. Of the land now in crop, anioulit- ing to 4U or 50 acres, the most of it is well ma nured and will produce corn, cotton or wheat, in sufficient quantity to abundantly compensate the husbandman for his labo’-. Experiment lias proven that it is peculiarly adapted to receive great and permanent benefit from manure.— 'i'here is on it a large portion of low gr und,s, of excellent quality, either for rnea(h)W or pas ture, 10 or 12 acres of which are in good order and have been mowed fur a number of years. 'J'hc principal dwelling-house is large and com modious, which, w ith a httk additional expense, might be made comfortable and conv enient even for a large familj’. The silu.ition on which it stands is probably e(iiial to any in this or the ..d- jacent countit s- riiere is a w ell of good wa ter convenient to the house, .nnd a large, fertile garden. I'here are two imprnveimnts on this tract, which w ill be sold togetin r or srparately, to suit jiurchasers. It would be a desnaide place of residence for a member of tlie profes sion of Law or :« I*li\siciaii, being in a.res])ect- able ami populous lu i;'’hboriiood, ami at nearly an ecpial distance from live suvronndin;^- villages. It is unnccessarv to give a furliier ilescription of this land, as liiose, no dou!)t, w ishing to pur chase, will \ iew the pi'fioist s. For ti rins, aj)- ply to the subscrilu r, li\ini'' ^ niiUh north of Concord, Cabarrus rount \. ('. M’lU'.K. N. B. .Xpjirovetfcash notes, negroes, or notes negotiable and paytibli; at tlie ciiarlotli.' Bank, will be reeeivecl in pa\nient. A. C. .NL 8Jtf Iredell (’uiinly. ^iourl of Pleas nntl Quarfi r Sta.-iioiis, J'chni- ari/ y'e//,/, Ks2('i. John .Stewart Scire Facias to slu w I'.v. I ^an^'' \'!iy tlu- rtul istate The heirs at law of ^-fif the cle’ asLil sboiili! not AVilliam Stuwart, | he sold to satisfy tlic iiLiin- deceaseil. J till’s judgini nt. IT appearing to the .sati-i'.iction of Alic (’onrt, . that .(aiiK - St'wart, Tliomas Li tch and lus ^’ife, ami Moses Stewart, heirs, (kft ndaiits in ttiis soil, arc not iiil'abitants of this State: It is tlierefore ord red, that publication be matle tor ^hr^e months in tin.- Cataw!)a .louinal, Ibat tlu aioresaiil dei’entlants ap]>ear at tlie lu \t court ^o !>(. b !d for the eoiinly of livtkll, at the f>)iirt llou^e in Statesville, on the fxl .Monday May ni'.xt, by so’in- atlorr.ey of said ei.urt, or in and file Uieir answer, otln rwisi- tlu ylaintilf will be heard c.\ 'parte and lia\c judg- r,i9i ^V*ate vV\“Vu\*oV\ua, Mi'eklenljHri' I'nuiitij— Muti 1826. Janit , Clark ^ Samuel Smith. I is Ofdcretl by tOuiL that and jiubUshed in tiie KyJvigh Aunerva of the lOth of Augubl, 1609 j where it can be referred to. Althougli the closing sentiments of li'.at athliess do nort extluiively a|>plv to yel l hope jo'j v.ilf v a > Original AttachiTient,-lt;vic(! altogether il leleeant lo ihe . )on u m gro tiian naniid Israil. j polilical pioceeduie. . i' • .1 - pubhealior, be | “ V leilow-citizen.s, to‘-('nipress I made 8i.\ we-ks in the I itaw ba .louinal, for ! our \ie« 1ft n li.i.lt- . , I the defendani to anpear.nd plead, ..v jmlKH,. nt I n>(-o.spect !u , will beiiadaKaiiistbiinat *lie Angn-iterm, bounds ol .jur owr. ( ounM v. If, with i l> VAC Ai.K\.\.\|'>t.K, ( M r. ; b.is been designated ' ,vt ,N>Hu-ruv«vu.a71 .loan ^ Ongnul Altach.ne.n levied , a,^J ib,, foKJi o/’C',V0'/0''/-„iis,‘Vvei w'i,b r.i. !)oy i.aiiicd I'iaiuer, i ' o um i v e i. w 11 h Sanmel Smith. 3 14 vfars old. j p n t mint .il uu i . i >ie p ,!t,i ..f nuik- 1 T i.s ordered by t’ourt that publication be '!^''* _v\ i i-st inj. Jl HiaJi six weehs in the Catawl.a Jtmrnal, for ^ t.)e luui-.a eroun her fai'ts’ dia- lilt* ti luiuiit VO i*;']/car ut the next now shvir^ wnh vcsi'iend- term, 18J6, and ti ',;re ty repU \y, otlurwise !‘-'f t lusli ein the sari i-d w reuii. wiiicb eti-i judgment will b- viu. ia-1 iigj'mst him. jiwiiies the i)ruv. id t'le of Ai.-.m- —- u^n ind-pendence. «1‘ .V0vl\v-I'avuviiw\, I ,d’Mi.y, irr5, a days,., jMecfiliulivrg Cuimii/—.S'*.v.>a>n5, Ib^G. j exulting to « ver\ ; klerlUn g ' • P. Darringer J Auachment levied in the twu deiegaies, dij|\ d| ts. han.ls t,f Kh s.pringi,, and iom each milflia v i)mp;.nv'ir; thi com/ S^nii. 1', L.o\c.3 :ts t'AruisiKcs • - . . IT is ordered by ijourt Ibat p.,ibhc ■itMlIl t made six wi eks in thi ' ' the defendant t-> app ty, met in Charhjiti—ijju ;• actjol iind de liberate iitvesiij-atiofi Mi'caii.!,t s anri term, 1826, to be beK' f to 1’v.plevy, otherw ise jinigmcnt w,li be entci against him, ISA AC Af rX ANDKi^ he rui:uvb,.t,,„ri.;t), fov , i.xtent of our ciiiVrrences ivi,b Circa* J?ii- U.eprobab>e I’l! I't, as to them, pro eontesso. I'ste. |{. SIMONTOX, .3m9l—price adv. fl. C//;. DclivtM’v Btwids, For Sale, at tlic Olti.e of t!ic Jciriirtl. Ai(:cl>k,,/jiirii i OiinlM(I>! Srsni'iii^, 1 James Cow .til All:ii!iinenl l(\:jd in Ibc r.v. ^b^.ndsof I'.b sjirii.:rv;^ ;,nd him Sam). P. Lovf. 3as gaii.i'^h'-v. term judgment will be entt ivd l. ui ISAAC .VLKv'vNiiJ I.’. it iulis t/i^'i)’(ili in the siip>?iji:i of thrii ngii:s and bherties tju-v -.oLun)- !v entered iniu artd ,>uhbsi.ia a full .uid determincfl ikdarnlU.n of tiukiji nfkwr, re nouncing fur ever all allegiaiice, ,1,.,kii- (l( nee on or connection wi!h ieat iJi,- lian «lis-solved all judicial atoi nulitary establishnu nts eniuMating from the liilt- 1r is ordered Ijy ( onrt that iniblnaiinn be |er«/wn—atifl e.st;djli->hed otiu'is on nuuh‘ six Weeks in Hic I a'awba .lournal, fori pi'Hi''ipie.s coi 1 c sjiondent with iht^y dtrl.i the deftrndant to appear V the iic.M Ang..,t j n hic!i went ilHO immed iute a-. 18.6, :,nd tlure to lapK .s othuw.se ^ tu.n ,• all h.r,h-vve..: li unsmiitod'to Cion-| ; gi ess by express, and proi)ublv xpedited ' j Ihe general tlet laiatioii ul Itnb p o(h ik ; M.iy \\ e t \ er ai.t u urilr. id fetute dV uvv.iluiv, Lincoln ('om,i \. 1 ecie Superior Court of Lair, Jij- il '/'um, 1 Sanniel Beaty and his \nfc > illv.'i and l.uey Boyd, .\':iiu:y Js. beeea, \\ ilhani S. ,b lin L way, minors, liy their . ':.ri.« /iL.K/iutt lilr, >.iihuii I’lLiH), “Hu! when :!.ire jfo‘-per I; I’ltl'i'iii ] 1’. llillO!l laiiii^. I' II !,;• fi,. U I.-’n *I1’.0 gb/fj!n : — i.SI Old, l.a\t inajiola’-'Al xi'jled—(jii f !n;, er 'I'he following in^- i iption for the mon ument of 1 lie JIdi. .foltfi Gaillard, says a cotre.s|)ondenl ;f the N'ew llaiopshire Siatesinht* and Uee.isut, is 1 aiP. sjp- posed to bft t-roui tii mcu of \ icc i‘;rii dent Ctih'jtin ' - nils MONUMENT I.'’ ( rcetnlby the United Stated 1’f til I'.iemory ol .loii.s (itii.LAuo, A Sf-iiittor from the State of South rHrolii/.i, W ho ai.t't-i it \Vashingttiii, Feb. 20, ISJo, In the diatWarge ot his public duties, lie w as a man Of m.inners plain, but engaging— ()f an understamling vig»irous and Cui ret t-— itl of iiitegrity the most inflexibl.-. M'* K'llowcd the wishes ol'bis own .11 vl-‘ W !i^ I ibi V w'tre the wishes if his coiiiitiy ; .\nd lie r.juncctid liiinself vith /'o/y j''- .7 I'/i i/isirtu/if >it of’uiiidi'i'i’t." “ Kilt •! bviii^ di pository 'i pri'it ijdo.” \il It s were jm'dii- 1 tiiis. And ;di the ai ts by bieh he >oiijiH 10 oljtain tin III - \\ . rc manly arts. /A Jisrr/ if no friends when they wtr — he viiitrd hini.sclf U'i/Ii noenmiirn For the sake of hicrmnin': his own inncer. lie couM siippoft a governnii nt \\ b 1 li V ,i> not itdnnnisteriil bj his Iriciuls— Anti lit. f.Dtii/l oppose miMSurcs w liich he deLined Wrong, with firmness, iihool coarseiii’ss and rancour, Amiilst i.ho n ost violent cmitliels (if piirties. And in ilu- u.--i u--.ifni of nionentous questions, |[-' n M fora moment, J od t i.c (. ii .rat ter of a gt nt leinan. During tUe inri. l'i,..t lie pn sided o\ei‘ the Si nate, ♦rcau il its incmbt rs A*; f ilit \ v\cri' (itl ins friends — At'.i’, 1 ' s,H 1, conduct, he mail, tlu in so. Ill a!i ajii.tiiiiV.n-Ills, which it was bis tltiiy to make, lit s(iiight to gratify his ow n judgment, And not the fcjclin,i;s, passions, or wishes, Of biinsi If. or of oilier',. Ami by his rigid adheri nif to ilu- rules I rained with so m u h wisdom 1 (1 die govi'Miini nt of die Senate, lie pfi ser\td that good order, T!'if!iniif u'iiieh pnltlir Iniitinrsx /,v rtliirddl 7'//- Jh luifrs J t/,f niniilj, r.s r.rcif(,! „nd liisullf il-u. .liH> t.ie ilifriiily of he !odi/ lu.st. May his siieressors, In l!ic high ofli(;e of |)i esidi;ig o\( ;• the Seiiate- 'I hat gr. at .iSMinldy oftlii Slatc.i— I!K1T.K( T '1 ii il (hi inontiii;ent will lie their reproac )i, ll'tbey lu'j^k it Ul ri'oiemlnr ' And iti,s>,Miii I. him. ;'piril—ei\il ti V ’epublu; ibal ever or.k the dreadful shijiwreck has e\ .lolin lJaV( iijiort, \\ iih;im l);iv« i, port i'i Wis|\ D.tst/niiort, lie 11 at law of N\ ni. Divt iqiort, dei J 11 ap]jearlng to the satisfaction of tin- ( luirt, that .lohii D ivenport, one ol liie i t.li.ni;anl ' III ilus east., is not an inli.dnlant of this Mate : It i.s, tbir. tore, ordeiid' \ t tniri, tli,.t piibiu a- tiimbe iiKnic in llu Cataw b.i .louriiii j three tones wiUuii ji\ weeks, giving notice totiicsmd .lohn IXuLiipol't that he apin.ir uifore the ,!uil);e of our S'lpu'ior ('(nirt ot Law, at tljc next ourl to be held for J .incoln count), at tiie Court- House in I.incointon, on tiie -ilii .Moiu.as ;itii i the Uh Mi.iuLiy oi ^cpte’.uner iieM, then and llare to show eau.'^e, if :in\ iiu h. s, wli\ paiti- tion should not l;e iii:uie acco’.’tling to law, i.i two tracts of land I', mg in l.imoin counU, oi,e ol aert. s and the otheV of acres, 01 w lia n the -ui.l \' illiani Davi iij'ori died kased ai.d jn s- st sseu, otherw ise the said pi i;tn.'ii w lil be taken pro (oidesso, an I luljmlgeil aeconlingh . Witto-is, l.awbon Ik luleiioi’, kik of the saitl Ci'urt al Lineoinloii, the itli .\!uiuLt\ after the '.lli Moiitkiy ol .M iivii, A. 1). j and 111 the ■lOih } t.ar I.f the lni|e|n;i;..eiie.' of t!ie I mte.l Mil". LAWSON II I.NDh-K^ON. rSvvv\\v>\\ y^\\ \Uc •Wijvkvwvv i.l. jl .•) I publ.slied, and for .sale at this oHit e, ])ri' i IJ.J ri nt.s, *• A inion on tJn .\tont mt!:'.," i'*v .‘•.i.'iii:!. C. Ciutw >, LL, A. M. in II compleied—and '.wecked on /hi i it- i hnc, will cur independence go to the bot- loin, to rise no more. I lax history, I I iuillt nge the universe to.prodiiee llieiles- I iriieiHHi of a repuldie, when liiis v\ as not la primary cause—slainped. ihee, wilh et riuil ititaiM) nt* the man, who blows v.iih the de.'iigning breaih of laction the 1 Haiiie of distord. “I)ut, iiiy counlry, u lien will liie cessa tion of party spii it, of illiberal cetisure, of base invective, ri.'tider thy existence M lire, thy govenrmeiileiiergelic,aud tliy .'elieiLies perniaiieut I A \ iolent par;i'/...n IS a !be lo his country—Is not the i'liend id'nun. When p-ai ty spirit u'^urps ilie 'hi'i.iu of the mind and assm.us t!ie do ii.iiiion (d reason—when j)i'ejudice o!>laiiis a suiifiulcr cl'I lie latiilties—wl.al ab- surdiues :iie not believed, what e\ident trntiiS (!i i.ieti, v. hat viohttions (f t>:!i/ and (d' /irutri/)/n eoinmilted. Dome on tlie uingsof pas.ion and paMy, he is pi eciplt.Jcd iiil.’j of action, into of decisinn. J^ei rtV.,/;,'-//, eiider tills i^ai b oibe exeeraled by ev ery Anieiiean hoboin. 'I'lic tnn’ federal ist. Ihe tri'c republi'-an, are r(jualiy pat- j\c t';-— a.Ty >v(II) i-IIS (r/‘,^ifiinr, rii' n'tVv — 1 h Hoard of V isiters ayi>oiiited lo at- t^"ic 'h^ annual exaniinatiou of the (Jadets 'd tue .\lililai v Academy at Vv est T.jint .issembled on .M(>nday, the .5th iili. when (len. Samuel llr>u,s;(ju, a Kepreficntafive 111 Congress frijrii 'I’ennefisif, was ..ma- nimously clecled Pi t.sideiit of i!;e Mourd, and i^(.h-ssor'I'icknor, orilai vaid L'ni- 'ei'bily, Secretai). In anuounein'j- this infornKMion, the New-^'urk 'i iiiies, to which we are indel)ted for it, adds,('ul. While of riorida, one of tl,e visiters, was in this city on Saturday, and ‘poke in ll.e highest terms jf the iionrishing nn,di lion of Ihe Institution, t!ie Ptd’icc, and good management of the ()lll. ers, and ihe nncoiiiioon proiicieiicy ;in 1 iiii|.«r;>\c- iiuni td the Cadets.” X(U. JunrnaL l"rom the T’pland I ni(m. Lnportant l)i.scin'erf/. — ^Mr. Aarou nanntim, a respeetnblc eitizm of this county, has (liseovcfv! ,( sovereif^n remedy for the rxpiilsit n if VV^»nris iro:ii chiKlrcii—the remedy is .Minpie and one that can be obtained at all seasons of the year. The following!; are a few of the particulars as related to iis, Jle says, while sev(!ral ol his children were ^o- in; to their snidmoiher's in Ajiril last, on a visit, they tor amusemeMt, took from the limbs or twip^s of the Cedar trees, what is generally called the Ce dar Apple or Knot. One of them who had been always very much alllieted with Win ins, since the aoe of two years old (now between six and seven) and every tiling liad been ilone for her in the pow er ol a skillnl physician tor their ex)iui- sion, but all to no ellect, and was in 3 very deleeate state of hoaltli, ate sever al ol the Aj)plcs—the con.secjiienct; was, that several Worms were expeilcd from lier—the remedy ua.s aji;ain administer ed, and in twelve hours three hiouirrd (tnd vpuuir(ta came from her. Mr. H. to ho satislied as to its ellieacy ^ave tho Apples to five of his children,'who were all in good health—it had tin* sami- eflcct as upon the first—he also ate several of the Apples himself, and the efleet was tiKi same. 'I'hus tlirongh the ineiliuin of more chance, perhaps one of the best remedies, and the most simple has been disco^ed. Mr. H. makes ihe ahovo piiWiff^ith a view to benelit his I'ellow i eitiz'ns, an act in our opiuioii truly ; [iraiseworthy.-ll«^ reeoniinends to those ho feel disposed to trj the experiment, ihat the Apple.s should iur (‘aten nine iiioriiinj's ill sneeession, lastinjj;—ifdr}'^ lo be [louiided fine, and taken in Mo- !-,sses—or eat them just ‘ a.s they come I j'i om rdf tho tree. A t this sciason of tho I y • .T. Jjip Apple or Knot is to bo found i'l;: i'>-at|pil!undance on tlie Cedar trees. I'n prr>'vnt iiifvrlion from f/tc h/phi/.i fever. —- riu: ^•nm of jc.%o()(i is said lo have been vo'.^d ill- pariiamenl it) Dr. .1. C. Smith, i''i' Ihe ptiblicution ol the hdluwing re-* eipc .Six. drachms of powdered saltpc- ir« , six. drachms of oil of vitrol—mix :licm in a teacu|), by adding one drachtn ol the oil at a lime : the cup to be plac ed, during piej)uraiion, on a hot heartli or plate ol iron, and the mixture to be siirred iviih a tobacco |)ipe : the cup to be placcd in dillerent parts of the sick r»»om. ^ I'Loiiiiu.—C^ol. Dumim tf has informed the Lditor of the Last Plorida Herald, that be ha.s planted about GU iicres u> Sugar Cane, and is v'-'-y oonfitk lit of success. He is said to be an e\pt>rieliced planler, whose juilgiiient is much relied on. A letter fr«’ni Tallahassee of the date of the 27Ui ot April, says the countrv is all which it has been dchcribe,! to be. 1 hi: soil is produc tive, and its produce is of the most 'alu.dde de scription. It is he dtl y, iiiry, and well w atere{, and |)reseiils every advant.lge to the agtieultur- isl Her-.- In in;t\ s. ule wilh the as^nranee of enioyiiig e\cry luxury, and of oiitainmg w e:dtii as raj)idly as he e aild desire, alt r p;issing thrinigh a ye .r of privation while his crops aro eoi.'iing ti. iii iliiiily. Provisions are at pre- nt\er\ scii/ i . Tioiir is at Jit 1 p, r b:irrel; '>»«n at fj/n p(; !;,ishel, m-i\’J a 'f,lj per bar- Itl. I!v the I.11.,(IDS of the tiovernor and the A- glut (,oi. Humphreys,; the Indians have .sur.. render'd man) of the rnitawuy slaves who fieri iiilotlKir nntion, ami v. lien lh»! tiovi rnor kft tlie iigeney the Clii, is were t:.\iKcted in f, vv da_\s, with ;dl the absconding slaves helojij^ing lo onr (iti/ens, who u I reniiiined in tin ii.iiion, .Sever.il Inuuii i (I v. Iik Ii are ‘:iipposed In be now ill the naiion, ii is asci rl.iineii, j):i,scd over to the Britisli Isl.m.ls on thv t.iilp's, ;,bonf l!.e time the c >niiti) w ;is ileli\;,red ni) to tb : I io!' il Slates. Imiiana — \ spi ( j. s oi'wonn, cornTnolv calf, ed tiie iirnii, norm, li;,s in;ide its appiar.iiiee in the nt'i^iiborhooii ol i\« w..\lbany, in miiIi f,,r. iiiidaldf nninlurs a, t) d Iv every cHo,f i.f (|,,j fiirnier to ( l.. ( k their jiri.gre.ss, eating do ^ whole fn ids, -and k-slro-, ing eveiy \ ( s',! of whe-.'it and tiniiitiiy. 'lhoy(ning torn lia.s O.t, ’ ul-.o eiin II iniiired. Itl .Inly last, the Pollux Dnlrli sloop o! war, captain I'e;;-, rlii-'i uven rl .i new and, well peopled island I'l the Puedir, lo which the name ot \eili ;i;uidi' o Island was given. Its la.i’utic and longiiude Uid down at 7 de;-. 1'; min. S. atid 177 deg. niii). ; i, see. P',. fi om (, i iie nati\ es v, eif ailile'.io and ilcrce »reen\vicii. J K' ll'/iitrClny—lui (;e bed ofpt-re Whilf C:iay has been discovered on the farm o! i Cajjt. i.iiee, al Mai'liia’.s \ inevuid, SurlJ u material w a , long sought lor in this'l' rouniry, uii'iout success. It has been ' ^ consideicd tlie principal or only thin/ e tlMe\es, am! from '•lnnvin,pio sympium:; of fiar wiu ii miiskct.s were discha: ;'cd. necessary to enable us to mal-.r; ware as line as fhai (d’ Kurope and China. Jt is hoped that our chemists, glass inantii'ac- turei s and potters w ill make umnediale expel inu ills on this material, and ascer tain i'.s Mualities and to what us(s it is 'I'ho iitc-Tobn M'Lean, c^r, . I/!'; i i''-*(j'.ved np.on ih'* ,'.i, ;ncr;.i lluspit d i ' i'.ed, 'usifb's S.-’’).'"');! ino--. j.et !h; puvaijle on tlie de^ ( 1 lie 1 rii'i'.ces con’tiiei.ioc; d' li!)*.! aliiv Iiy ■ e.I'-i-rin ’-ul iur 'lit.- Insane. a! (.1 is a part ol :.ne Mavsat luisctf', C^e ilospilal establishrtn nr. llietiar>ie t el’ 15r^s|.r),,^ b'l^eiIs af.T»{;y '‘'•bieii wili c.‘ lli5 idov. -■ instaiir ^ liie iJo .;,;. l i' iown, w hi,.h

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