1 (Ml Tin; l Ai^n iM .tihiisal. “ J'KJ IKiNO I'fin.ICO. ’’ Crnwitilli'c nf lii-'ucance—Report Xu. I. Xc’vci- have men acted from tht- c( more laudable, p.aiscvvoittiy and dis- iiitert'sU’d nvjlives, than thou* v luc!i nu\^ acniaie iis ; and torturiii;; us it is lu inn, modesty, to eulogize our |)rt sent undet- takini;, yel candour, and a proper rt'spec t for the opinion ol’ otliers, com pel us to dcclarc our object as expressed in tli. niotto above. We act in the cai)acity of a committer : otir aim is the public good ; and to tlie public we liold oiiiselves amenable, in tht Siunic manni‘1' that a parliatiientai y ^i t.ont^ressioiial committee would be heUl }jy the aiilliority v hich constituted it.— The m(/ friends of the public {uron'cil ( n- t inies ll never hat!) will therefore pardon iis, when they find, in thecourscof busi ness, that wc roiujhly handle a pntrnded one, in order to bnn" him wiih his deeds to the lit^ht. However, wc shall never interfere with individual interest, uidess the pnl)lic i^ood actually requires it; and even then, our interference shall be char acterized bv tlie utmost official compas sion. Although we act under the hi,Lj!i- cst atithority, and from which there is nu — namely, the public, yet we would rather be distini^uished for kindness tlian cruelly, for beuuty than deformity ; and wc prefer convincing by persuasion, not by force. We ha\i as much regard fjr the public good as Mr. Handolph or Mr. M’Duftie ; and although our inlluence is more circun;scri!)efl, and our ciiaracters less elevated, yel we have as good a right to make a noise in the world as they have. Suffer us then, \\ith all the authority \vhich. in our official capacity, \ve are al- Iow'hI to claiii), to present us the first grievances upon our list. The hviin-bodiea irho ira/k nhmt tovn ; The mrtfcrnte che.u ers of fohacco ; and Ti.c txcesiive hard drinkers. The fust named persons co^lve to Iterp up a little /i/ci as they term it, in the village, let matters go as they will. Nev er was a—Wasl)ington City Editor pos- sesstil of more original, inventive genius, than iliose characters can truly claim ; in fact, iheir ingenuity and address in pry ing into other j)eoph'’s business is so f^reat, that we hazard nothing in saying, if folks only have ears, they can be infal libly set together by them. J'crbytu aapi- fnti. ^ The second named jicrsons are in a (^reat measure harndess olVenders—they tlonot wiv.i to injure \.Uv pul>lic, but mere ly to enjoy an innocent gratifuation, ■which they derive from the constant mas tication of a narcotic weed, vulgarly call ed io!)acco. Litth- do they imagine ihat the pul>lic loses by this, in several re- bpects—in the first place, their talents arc str.otherctl, svJ/hrnL-d, w ith the stench of I'i'r.rco; their lasie is blunted, and the ruii-s of j)oiiioness violated. U is no fioiibt for this reason that our literary geti’lemen, instead of pursuing some con genial employment, and at times enrich ing tne columns of the Culnwba Journal With the productions of genius and taste, are conteiil, after having acquired learn- ini.:, to let their fine ideas evajiorate in the fumes of a segar, .and to chew and smoke away the balance of their lives. So that in place of opening their ixouths in favor of iheir country and its insliiu- tioTiS, they literally shut up and slop tliem ■with tul)acco. Viewing matters in ihis ligi... ue feel jusvified in enlering down all tobacco chewers as public grievances ;— but were we to take into account ihe loss of I'.val.h, the miseries of indigestion, VrC should call them suicides. N jw >vhat shall we say about the third jiamed persons } How we shall reporl those fiery nosed, bloated cheeked di'^ci- ples of liacchus, who dajly peramliulate cur streets? If the telling of u lie and the chewing of tobacco be lerined a griev ance, w hat ougiit this to be termed, wliich j>rodiHCS both these, and ten times as iiiuch.' IJon’t l)e frightened, got^d fi leiids, we seek vour reformation ; it is on thal ac- tlial \ou aie nuuiberi d amcng oui- grievaiices; and it is in ihis wa\ onlv ihat \oi» tnuid inerii our attention. JJo assured, we shall not reler you' to Pi-esi- 'lent N'fjU or Dutt, P»ush ; we find refer ences ntaifr home. Sufuir us to point out, for one moment, ih.;i empty j)ocket M'!;ich w e dii;:overdar'ii'iiiig al>ou11hrough :i ragged hole iii \our ciia'—suBli' us to cotiirusi the cnorniit\ ol'y>ur rrime wiili tne crimson colors ol y«iur nose, and to serd you home to your broken-heai ted vives and starving ch.lldicn, where, if you yet have a conscience, )ou will :e- .eiM‘ a more eloquent appeal than v,e could pobsitily make, 'lake this lesson befori.-Ijteakfast—ami then go to woik, to labor, and to prayer. Leave olV sett ing )OUi>,tlves on lire, t'or you are not as incombustible as vou imagine. And in- Eteacl of grievaricfs, vcju will soon become useful meml>‘’isot' the community; in stead of being found among those who represent liedlam liroke loose, you will f.iid coiiletitnient anti hapniness at home, in the bosom ol your lainil\. 'l iie little v.hange which the “hard times” had left with you, will now be pruiientiy txprnded jor llie necessaries ol lile ; atid instead cf Ivuig .ill nij^lit t)efui-e shop dooil.kc i,n old stump, for boys to squirt dirty wa ter iip'-:i> you \Vill rite uj) eaily, v.’iiii .e dt!i I’.r J ‘ Mbern in \ our coui b nat.C' . ,i:i(l without being afraid to look any •,\ liii'’ num in the faee—“ plurk'd as a 'ira’ il fiom the burning,'’, your awlul es- f])e will incite you to greater diligence in sTving your day and generation than would otherwise have have teen expected. All which is respectfully snlmiiilt d. IJ. il. Cnainuan. U. 15. Z. Sfcn'tdfi/. Wc hnve read the of sevcr- 'il of tli; mem hers of L'onji;itss. 'I’iie}' generally broatlie a palrioti(t and eii- eourttiiini; spirit. \\ c havo been p;ir- ticuiariy struck witli thal ol Mr. Kkki>, the newly elected Senator from the Stale of Mississi|)pi. Seiialors have hoi gen erally been in the, habit ol addressing circtiliirs to their coiistituenN ; Inil tlie reil^o^. whieh indueed i\lr. Keed, in this instance, to deviate from their usual si- lencc, iippetn s vt i y proper ami sullicient —tfuit is, the denlh of Mr. Ka.nkin, the only Jiepresentalivi* i'roin tlie Stati-, liy which the I’cople were (i' pnved ol tlieir accustomed means ol inlormation. Mr. Reed discusses the PaiiiMiia qiu'slion wit it mtieli ability, and eletirly shows that the iiitcresis u( the Sourthen Stales, more than any oilier, i-e([iiired that the Luiited St;i(es ahonld he rejircsented :il the Consi;ress. Althou':;h he iieknuvvl- edi^es that he had prejudices ai^aint Mr. Alams, “when 1 perceived,'’ says he, “that lie was piii'suiiisj; an enlarged and liheial couse of policy, favorable to re- piihlictin princij)les at homo, and to lib erty in the Amerieiin iieinisidiere, I did not feel myself called ujjon by ihc wish es of my constituents, or my own eU^vo- tion to the cause of the country, to t)]>- [)oso his measures, right or wrijiip;.it is impossible to peruse Mr. iieed’s cir cular without beini!: persuaded that in selectin;i; him as one of her Senators, Mississippi has confided her interests to faithful, able, and iiulepemient hamls ; and that by sending; such men to the •general coiineils she cannot fail to in crease her weight in the Union. Aut. Jvurna!. The declaration, that the {Vieiids of Mr. Adams believe that his administration will not continue longer than the present term, is certainly far from the fact. His friends were never more united, never more sanguine of his re-election, and never more disposed to accord liim eve ry proper support, than at jiresent. They have not a doubt of his success at a se cond trial, and they have no fear whatev er, that the election will come before Congress ; as they are firm in the convic tion that the people will dccide it in his favour. The great ado, therelore, that is making to convince the people of the i'ears of his friends in his behalf, is only a crafty device, to build up ihe forlorn hope of o[)posiion. Stratagem in war, often achieves more than strength, and our political adversaries have practically u^ddopted the maxim. [ Trenton True Jlmtr. The editor of the Vmr Rceordcr^ a paper which advocated the inlerests of Air, Crawford in the late Presidential E- lection, speaking of the present stale of parlies and the crusade getting up against the administration, says:— “We frankly avow, thal if ours had been “a voice potential,” in the contro- vlrsy for the Fresiaency, lliat controver sy would have hail a liiflVrciit issue. We are not, however, the enemies of the ad ministration. We are disposed to “judge it by its measures.” Wc will endeavor to keep ourselves free from ihe trammels of parly j and to judge a in a spirit of fairness and candour. We »vili, al all times, give our teslimotiy in favor of such measures, as we may conceive lo be legal and proper. AI the same lime, we tiolo (jurstlves at liberty lo reprobate its poli cy, when thal policy appears to be incom patible with the interests of our couniry. Wc will a!>plii.ud w ilh pleasure; we will censure with reluctance; we will not lend our voice to swell the clauior, which is raised ;u;ainst the admuiisti aiion ; we will not yickl our-elves lo assisl any jiarty in i inbai rassing its operations Ip liie in jury (d'the lountry ; we wid not aid tiie attcmpl ol parly lo “destroy the admin- isU alioii, by any means,yf?6' aul lujas 'I’hc (Carlisle (^Penusylvuiiia) (iazelte asserts thal the Lie inictiiifj in I'hilailel- ])hia was iiot called i)y the Iricnds of Cien, .lackson, nor inieiidi'd to promote Ium ud- vanrement ; l)Ut thal the name of ilu: (ieiieral was merely use(!, or abuse L to cover the designs of the IViends ol .Mr. Calhoun, which point to no other end than tlie furtlier elevation of the \"ice- i’lesivleir. 'i'lie C’arlisle paper, in whicli tiiese a'scrlions are made, is a Jackson I pa[;er to the I;ack bone, and seems to ilis- iike tikin-iuiji impressions. 'I’he iiiintsville (Alabama) Advocate say.s—“ W e hoj)0 tiie people will in sea son liiirik lor liicmselves, and learn to pul a tlui* eslimate U|)on liie veracity and sincerity t^f those who m.ikc it their du ty to oppo-e every act of ihe adminislra- lior*, whether right or wrotig. Such men would find laultuith the administratioi! of any human b''iiig, or even of an Angel IVoni Hcuvtti. ” M.V\-\OKK, JC.NK 3l. The packct ship Silas JUe/ianl-% Cap'. Iloldredge, arrived yes irday morning, iVom Liverpool, having sailed thence cn liie 24th of May, and brought regular advices lo that date. We are sorrv to have to state that Mis- soloiighi w as taken !>y the 'Turks on the 'J2d of April ; but the cause ofihe (ireeks does not apjiear to have been hopidess, as it was now believed thal the Christian I'ovvers were about to interfere in her bcluilf. Business in Liverpool, S:c. was im proving, and the sales of cotton had in- rI eased, at small advance. i.oM)0\, M.w 14.—Despatches were received on Monday morning at the Co lonial Oflice. from Major tieneral the Hon. Trcderick PonsonI)y, the Lord High Commissioner, pro temi)ore, iti the Ioni an Islands, announcing thal the late ol the long disp.ited fortress ol Missolonghi was finally decided on ihe nigiil ol the 2id aiul '2Jd ultimo. ’ It appears thal the garrison having be come desp.eru’,e from the total want ol provisions, und tne lailure (d the Cireek lleei under adu.iral Miauli>, lo throw su()plies into tlie town,' deiermined to re- lire (Vom the plate. A sorlie was accor dingly made by LJi'O men, utulcr iwu Chieftains, w iih ti.e hope to gain one o‘> the batteries upon the sea .->huie, \vhi-i. was defended i)\ a large boily ol Arabs ; and the town was part'ally set fire to the same time, with the view of diverting the attention of the besiegers. It was hoped, that hy this aitark, away would be opened for the remainder of the garrison ; but this plan had been foreM-e;i by the Turks, and tiu-ir posts so strotigiy reinforced, thai, after atiemi)ting in vain to force a passage, by carrying the bat tery, the body, led by the two Chieftains, disperscii, and endeavoured to save them selves by gaiiung ilic mountains. They then poured into ihe town, and [)ut to the sword, or made prisoneis, all who opposed ihiMii. 'i'he loss siistained by the Turks on this occasion, is not rejiorted : bui;the obsti nacy of the conllict may be estimated by the fact, that aliliough between 2 and .')000 CIreeks perished in that town and al the fool of the mountain, only 130 aie re pot led to have been taken alive. Of the women and children, a considerable num ber are said to have destroyed themselves, or lo have been drowned ; but above 3000 have been returned as prisoners. 'I'he alarm created by their disjiersion was quickly communicated lo those who were lo follow on this hazardous enter- prize, who now abatiTOiied their jiosts, and sought shelter in sriiall tiundjcrs, in the most leiiable places in tlie neighbor hood of the town.—In the, niiilsi of the confusion, the Turkish troops rushed on from the »ea and the land side, and took possession of the fortifications to which, as a signal of victory, they set fire. FKOM THK LOXnON TIME‘S, MAY 17. We perceive inal the IaU of Missolon ghi has exciu'd some uneasiness among the friends of Greece, for the ultimate condition of that long sufferirig, and in teresting couniry. In making known the above unfortunate event on Monday last, we ihotight it right to add, that the iinal issue of the war was not likely, in our judgment, to depetid on any relative superiority attainable ihro’ military buc- cesses, by ihe'Furkish Government over the Greek nation : and such is gur convic tion still. 'I'hc .readers of ihe Times may rely up on the information conveyed to them, and repented, in former numbers of lliis Jour nal, on the uulhorily of our ftjreign cor respondents, as lo ihe nature atul politic al results of his Grace the Duke of Wel lington’s embassy lo the Court of St. Pe tersburg. On that subject, weclisiinciiy staled, that the Duke omy failed where failure was inevitable, in tlie etl’orls which he was compelled to make, for prevent ing, if such a ihing were pvjssible, a con test ijetwcen the Uusdan empire and the I'orlc, on points nol iminediaiely connec ted w ith the war now r;iging between the (ireeks and the lalter power. Kespecling (ireece, however, the Duke succeeded in a manner the mosi absolule and complete. The independence of Circ'ece was secured by his represciua- tions to the Russian Cabi*iet. Her re lease fiom Turkiy was not left contin gent on the precarious iisue of her own military iti.sources und exertions. Her lortresses might he captured and her t;i ave men slaughtered, and legions ol •\raljs miglv. overitui toe 111 Ids of the Morea : but the lesoltilion was aruKninc- ed by Lnglaiid. and P.tissia concurreil in it, uticipaivocally, that (jrc.’cce should no longer exist as ,i s!a\e to the 'I'lirks. Let, therefore, the fiiemis (jf geneial Ijlieriy dismiss their feats for Uv. resiik of this sanguinary conllict—(ireece \»ill, ere long, be free : and, iiisteacl of tiie fuliin being rendered more doubtful by lli:- I'all of the ftjriress rerently capiured—an e- venl calamitous only for i!ie itinocf ul blood which it has cost—v\ e ure inclined lo think that the moment ol'li!)eralion lu the Ciieeks will be liastened by it ralhcr than retarded. Turkey w illiieeomc moie itisolenl and un5.par;ng: l .ijgland, there fore, must, lor till-sake id' honor and hu- munity. be^niure prompt in tie c' . vi lop i>',-i ■ of her ] f;i;(y, a:.d mere at'd peremiitory ill its enforcements. II, indeed, we have allowed that the point of ihf late negotiation which miscarrie 1 v. as one vv l.ich tio address or talent could then have secured, so we are bound in express cJur regret that the object which has been attained with Russia, by nego tiation, has not been more energetically followed up and rcalired in favor ol (ireece, by our diplomatic agents al Con stantinople. Though the end w ill be the same, a frightful mass of intermediate sufi'eringhas already llovvcd from tlu'vain attempt lo apply the instrument ol rea soning, where cannon halls only were likely to obtain a hearing. IIvr.nrooi., may 24. The Murhcf.—Our rottim iiuirktt, for sonic days, hits assumed a more sjiirited appearaiice tliun at any time prevlotisly this year, and au ailvance of itl per pound has been olitained on the priei softhe IStli in^tant. 'I'he sales troiii that d;iv to the U'tli, iiichis’.ve, amount to 13,- 2U) tiaj^s of all si.rtx, which 12,6uu were Aiuerican, viz. 7,970 liplamU to Fj—aver- a)ce,6 ll-H')d; J,01U Drlcuns.G a-.S to ; 1,6U0 Al..n:inias, 6 to 7i: aiul 12o Sru Islands. Ol tlu sales, the speeiihitors took about o,UUU bags; Init spimicrs were tiu* hirgrsl purchasers. On .S:itiirilay, Monduy, and yi sU-rday, there was a sicadv rl\:iii;iinl t'ruin the trade at the ahove pri ces ; spi-fulators lu.ve also taki n a few, and thf -les arc estimated at 6,UoO bags. From a ParrKimeniary Document it is proved, that the laboring classes of Eng- iatid have for some years, exhibited a gradual decline towurds a stale of utter poverty and htimilialing dependence ! While the |)opulation, since 1776, lias incri-ased as only one to three, pauperism has increased as more than 12 to.", that is, from 1.1 to 61. An augmenting pro portion of human misery every year is a frightful picture. Hnijti.—Since our last, says the Maine Intelligencer, we h'tve seen other letters from Hayti, which lesson, in no degree, till* dark colo'ed picture, we ihcnclrew. of Haytioti alfairs. 'I'hcse loners state, thal nothii l)ut Ihi! personal iidluenceof (ieneral Magny, who commands in tlie North, Iras prcM'nted the bhuks from l>reaking out, in open ,iel.'ellio?;, tigainst the (iovernmeni. and seixing the ])i oper- ly, if nol sacrificing ihe lives of the whiles and mulatloes.. This patriutic chief, himself a black, is lirave, generous, and humane—a lover of peace aiid order— and zealous for maintaining the Clovern- ment, as it now stantls ; but, should his army, in a momen,. of stroni; excitement, and forgelful of his paternity towards them, cut him ofl’, a slate of things might arise, as destructive as the wildest scenes that were exhibited during tiie insurrec tionary war bclween C'hristojdie and Po tion. In such an event, the property of strangers, on both sides, vvjould be sacri ficed. W'e have in our hands the official Ga zelle of Lisbon down to the I Ilh ult. in clusive. It mentions no domestic changc of any monient. 'I'hc number of ihe 2d of May announces that the Portuguese na tion is giving to the world, the beautiful example of constant internal tran(]uiliiy and respect for legitimate goveri'ment; and that tlie baleful spirit of party, i*’ it do exist at all in Portugal, is kept down by public opinion. The Ga zette is chiefly occupied by quotations from Paris and London papers not la ter in date, of course, than those which [ have been received in this country. Ii contains the comments of the London Courier on the President’s Panama mes sage, and an account of some of Mr. Ran dolph’s philippics. On ihe 29ih .Ajiril, a Portuguese line of battle ship sailed frimi'llie 'I’agus for Bi a- zil, having on board a de|)U’aiion of Por tuguese noblemen, whose errand was to persuade the Emperor Don Pedro lo re- lurn, to his European dominions. Nat. Gaz. 'I'hc following article istal.en fiom the London Morning Chronicle. 'I'he extract made by the Chriiriicle, is an iiccount of the altercalion in tiie House of lleprosen- tatives between Mr. M’Dulfie and Mr. I’rimble. We recrived last night, through the Nortli and S->uih American (-oirec-house, .\merican papers t(j ihe Ijih Ajiril. ••The following is stated, in the Dernn- rriilir Press, fu haveijcen liie cause of the duel between Mr. Clay an 1 Mr. ILuidoiph. “ ‘In tlu- Senate of ihe Uiiiteil Stales, Mr. Raiidoljdi had I)een pernulle.l by the presiding officer, Mr. CaH’.oun, on more oeca'-ions tluin one, to call Mr. Clay a f:anit)Lr an,I u hhickle^. Mr. Clay gave Mr. llandoljih (/pporiuuity to cxjjlain, hv (ailing upon him in writing, to kno-.v vvhelher he inteiidcd to call him a politi cal ijamhler, or lo altacii the infamy of such epithets to his'private Iih'Mr. Kandolph lieelined any explanation.’ •‘It would seem Iruiii the above, that though Mr. Ciay strove hard fur the dis- stinction so convenient to our I.egislators, lietween jjima.ui/ and yW/7/r,7/character, it was reji ctfvl by his adversary. If he idlo\M (l ihat I.e nii'ciit '^umljlo- anti blarl:- h'tra jjii,itir.nl/1/^ and not /tersomi,'!!/, all would h.ive been well. 1 ii-*s(.‘ distincliotis are yet loo subtle lor the Am'ricans. “’I'l otn tlie lolluv\ ingextraf t it appears that u good fouada'.ion is laid for furthi-r duels. Wc wish the AnuM'icaii oralors , wo'il'j rto'. borruw so nn'. h fd'their or;i- ‘Or) fio'.'ii iL'' ciiij Ii cC'.vr'’'; i f uur . va Pecs':. 'Po i>e a great mati in m, nierican Senate, one must be able to fia^h with the eyes and move the eye-brows a terrific rate.” ’ New Orleans papers lo the 29ih ult. received by ye:sterday’s mail, siato thal the Mississippi had'risen six inches, ami and another swell was aiilicipaled. Mr. Lacosle’s plantation,- two leagues below the town, the Levee had given wu" and the \vaters rushed through in a l enlotie hundred feet wide, llands were, engaged in repairing the breach, by w h'oni it was expected to be re-estalilished in a very short period. Another breach was made by ihe waters about four miles be low, but the damage was repaired 11111^,,. or four hours. Charleston Courier. W'e learn from the Arkansas Gazeue of May 23d, that of .-a parly of ten or twelve, thal were engaged in catcliii,[^ w ild horses, on the Foe-Wasliita, a branch of the Red llivcr, five wore killed by a party of Indians, believed to be Pawnees. Some difticuliies have arisen iieivvecu the Clierokees and Osages in Arkansas. council lias been held at Cantonment Gibson, where the Cherokees demanded of the Osages saiisfuciion for the murder of some of liieir people, and restiuuion for several hvJises which had been sioleu by iJic latter nation. The council broke up without an accommodation of tljeir differences. '1 he Osage.i objected to trealing, in conseciuei.ee of ti'c recent death of their Agent, Col. M Xair, and positively refused lo make the satisfaction required l>y ihe other party, until ano- her Agent should be appointed. 'I he conseijuence of their refusal was an im- mediate declara lou of war against ihetn by the Cherokees—but, through the in tercession of Col. Arbiickle, ihey nave consented lo suspend hos'tilities for the s[)ace of three months, for the |;urpose of giving the Os.iges farther time to delib- era e upon .he matter, and for the appoint ment of an Agent, and receipt of instruc tions from this t. iiv, which, it is liojied, may have a It ndency to prevent an effu sion of blood between Ihe parties. jS'ul. Juuimil. .■9ttc7Ppt (n liob.- We learn that, at It o’clock, .\. ,M. on '1 hursday the I5lh ult. alicoi 10 ii.ile- south oflLdifax C. H. Va. a young gentieman by iln name 61 Peuirk, of Cumberland county, in the same Slate, was attacked i>y a rubber, who prisented a pistol as he passed him, and dt.'maiulid his money. Mr. P. lold iiim that lie could not get at his money without ,ulig!iiir.j from his horse. lie was then ordercvi to dismount; and while getting out his p.ocket hook, the villain let his pistol down, when Mr. P. struck him with his fist, which sttinned liim so as to enable him loirij) him, anu, vvith the assistance ol a pine limb lhai was near, succeeded in conquering him. In the course of half an hour, a gentleman, who called him* self Major liurks, caine up and took pos session of him, and promised to h^nd him over to the oflicers of justice. Mr. P. then proceeded on his journey, and learnt, on the way, thal the robber had stolen 2 horses, a brace of pistols, and a watch, in the same m ighburhood, a few days Ijefore ; and that the owners of the horses were iu pursuit of him. The 10b- ber appeared to be about 30 years of age. he is alow stout built fellow, very broafl across tlie shoulders, has a frownin;; countcnance, and said he was from tiio I'orxcd De>er, in West 'Pennessee, He w as on foot, and had on a small kna^isack, ihade of osnaburgs. It was supposed by the neighbors, that he had some accom plices, concealed in Ihe woods, who had ihc stolen horses in charge. Jialeigh Slay. The Editors of the New York Ameri can have been fined gl tOO, by the CotU’C of Delaware county, Ncw-Yoik, lor a li bel on (icn. Root, lale Lieutenant (iov-cr- iior of that State, in charging him with being intoxicated in the cliairol the Se nate on the 5ih of August, b I'.diiors gave the truth in evidetice, but Jie charge of the Judge prevented ll.cir dt- riving all the bcnetit of such proof, timi iliey have appe^vled lo llie Supreiiu' Court. In tiie course of this trittl, nmiy wi' n-sses were examined, and it is ri'tiuui- alile thal thfv fially contrailicted e:ici: otiic'!’. one pirty swearing positiveiv tiii' Gen. lioot w as drunk and was an intt'tn- 'peratc ii;.an, and the' other swoariii'; as po'-itivcly thal he was not drunk nor uiu" ally in'.emperate. M. M. Noah, ('J'" ••nior, Jiidgt', I’.ditor, kc. See. havlnjjti'S' tificd that the (ien. was sober, M:- erts. Editor of the old Advocate, called onto prove Mr. N’s charaLtor? swore that he would not believe hitn n'‘ his oalh ill a case Mr. N. was iiitereslf-l f'ntjellcoille Obsci'V/'i' Mr. Nilcs says, in his la.'tt Kcgi^i''' tinder the head of Georgia—“ .Mcctin?' are g^etting up in the several coutr.i*-'^ this State, to gather the sense oi the p'-’ ]de as to the old and new treaty with tl Creeks. AI some of them, llu' I'or making the new- treaty, is severely Jf notiiiced ; but the S nate, for almost u- naniniously approving it. is not cciis'.i.' cd."