T'l.i-y rnan t:.l^cs u livoly itilci -'M n tiif iii\I'litivi' (il his (•(Uintr}'- n, to wliiMu liii. situation ill tin: locus ,i!s‘cli;uii>. >, his ac([n;\int:!iif.- with .m, a:,(l ahovi' all, his own t.vpcric-uoc, I'nahlc him to aOoi'd s^rcat ri>'^i!'taj!Cf'. ■'Ic sjKiko in vciy frt'C and f.ivorahlc of t!:c invt'ritioii i>r (;oii\eitiii*;' i’llo sU“:’l by a* simple process, cri- ii'rlaining no doi’ljt of its succ.ess, noi that tho pat'MiiCt- will realize an ini- tiK HSC loitone. 'I'ho rclchratcd hanker (’■ohKrlmiitit has pui'chascd one (|iiart?,M cl'the pak'iit. I'lr anti s.iys he would not [Til t with it for t(jn limes that .nnonnl. if niy infornialion is correct, the real iriventur has heen defrauded ol tii(' rewajd ol’his ii;;.^ei,ui)y, and anoth er pers!>n is likely to re;.j) tlic jjroiits. An anecdote was related to us of a I'hiladelphian in J^ondon, w ho has a»i invention I'or exlractirip; calculi. 1 have examined the ini^cnious in>,trum(?nl, and witnessed the method ol'i’sinii; it. Ifit shall succeed, it will supersctle the hor rible operation of litholoiny. JJke ma ny men of "oniiis, the inveiitor has- tlie niisl’ortiuic' :i(jt to he in abluent circum- st.iiices, and on that account met will) some dillicidiics in securing the hcncf.ts of his skill a:id iiulii>try. One of the iriost di^liu2;uished jdiysicians in Lon- (h)n, alter i,Nairiini!''j; the a|);»aratn.>. and satist'' himself of its merits, sat dou n and wrote a check for handii\ir it ti) our counlryiiian, and sayini; tiial il’ the invention should form a s'lurce (d prijlit, the money nii2;ht be reftmded : hut if not, lie woidd j)lease consi(.ler it as a j;iatu!ty.'* X \i‘oi.i,'iA.—'I'he roilov iri(^ particulars of iliis c:;'’-aorditiary man are 5'ivcn in a very intcrcsiitip; \vorl; rtccjitly pidilislied^ cullcd “ Kccollcclioiis of a Pedcstriuti 'I’oidon lias bccomc famaus in histo ry, (orhaviiij^ been the spot iipon which a rcrt.on LiontcnaiU of Anillery first niafle himself known, durin.q^ its occupu- ! tioi) i)) tiu* ]'.np;!is!i. His I)chuviour dur ing; iliut period ufterAviirds rccommcnded him to more pai iicular notice, us a man well {|uali(icd to exccuic bloody and un- relciiung; projects. I hal determined upon makiny^ some infjuiries respcctlni^ the c- \ents that liud occurl’cd during thesiego; and havini' a letter to deliver to a gentle man to wliom J had been reconjmcndcd, i 1 proceeded to his houne, which stood Mr. Cauteu, the.seuior Editor of the ' not far from the Cours.*. lie was at home, VT Ar • c. 1 -I - rn.K ; received mo w iili much i)oliteness, and url. SlaU-sma.., n, 1>K 69ll. lelln, | .h,,',, „ i„, in rela'iii::; his interview with our coun- I did so and met two or three per- trvmaii, Perkins, says: sons. AJiter dituiei’, our con\ersation turned on the death of lionaparte. which lie with us two or three hours, lakcn phice not a very joufj time b-- cnd vva- > kind as fo shotv us all thejioic. An old man, who was one the Icti'ji' V ’ idi had passed between him, | (ompuny, said, “Well, I knew the dcfunci the i) ike Ilf \Vellina;ton, Mr. ('anning, j Kin.i*- of I'l ancc.’ ‘Did you know itim an(i L.r.' l^iverpool, resj)ectin}i; liis in- iniiniate!\ r’ Tasked. ‘ Xo, sir, no: it rcnT'-r VHi 'I A i ( VI.ll.il I. t f tNSi hl.\,” JI'^T n in.isii:;i).) \\ OM AN. O ^\’onlnn ' M’ori.an ' liow ]))iirtruy tliy ri'.'tfurt > Tlu)u 1 'vcly iTiiachicl’?—(it-ntlchi of (lOir.-. c;v - turcs, And worst of furies ; flowt-r cf l’;u;uli'-o, Aiul rank, iovil weed, w i(!i di iidlicst poison IViiught ; Top of nil virtue, CNtr.ifi of all vice ; Above all vuhic/yct so clu-n])]y l.o\ifrht; Soxivcc of iill mul fountain of all e vil ; Man’sheavi ii and hell, liis anjfcl and ids ilcvil ; (lod’s fnvorit'', and (lod’s ahomination ; Onr curse and hlessiiig', saviour and danmation ; The loik on vliich num’s shipwrecked ltoi)i;s uro lost. Til liavi-n where his hark in peace reposes, Thi- ^ea of troul)lcs wiicve his sm! is to>s'd, Tiie sjjirit that o’er his life a rahn difVtises ; Karlh's dei.-])cst slain, creation’s hrig'htt st spot, Tcdl what, art ihon, and what art thou not ? 1: f^-ricvfs me, ladies, to the heart to say Thini^s liar.sa as these, l)Ut ’tis a covert way 'l o '.l .lter ) ou, for stdl the Muses deal In ncton, so I pray you take tlie g'ood— (Which 1^ all tnie) and cast away the ill, As noiiser.st , slander, hy mere malice hrew’d;— iulse as ti'.e despot’s oaths, the devil’s uiles, Tli.e btatcsne.ia’s statenicni, and liie courtier’s snulcs. IMLI.AO. Thy w.'iy along htVs bvlgiit path lies, "W 'icve flowers spring up before thcc, And t’.uihi'ul he..;-ts ami loving eyes Assemble to adore thee ,— The gre.at and wise bend at thy shrine, Thi- fair and young pursue thee ; I'anu-’s c!ia])lets round thy temples twine, And pleasure smiles to woo tlicc/i Ye*, ’mid each Idcssing time can bring, Thy !)n.ast is still repining ; ■'l ij cold as Aininoi’.’s icy spring, O’t r whicli nosiui is shining; And iriendship’s presence boasts no ch.'inn, And i)euuty’s smih s are slighted; !Norjoy nor fame tlie lu art can warm, Tliat early love has blighted ' a’arCfta. Mixing together profit and delight. venti .'1 n steam sjuns. 'I'hey pay a hi^li e..ii:;d:nfnt to his injieijiiily, and, at'i-r visitui^ ; is mafudactory, express wa.s diilkuit to do that. He was always coid and reserved, and there was some thing in his eye that nuuie one feel un- ,1 • • , ,1 * 1 I easv in his conipanv. Besides, ho ai)- lavorablc onimoii a>) to the praclieabd- ' i , i ' ,i • • , . . ^ ^ .V , neared to i)c constant v ruminaimy on A ivouibujiu u ;iiuun iin iiiV/ i »i t n. n »./i i - » . » * • • \ r , neared to i)c constantly luminatint' on Uy ol tins imn'.c ol un,fa,c. I ho D.ll.o , „;|| ll.al when the news of the aj)proach of ot;c of ^^'c^ill^ton remarked, that he saw no reason whv it shoidd not |>rodit'f i new era. in ndlitarv science ; and lri| tliou^i'it r.o troops cotdd he hroui^ht up to face a p 'k of ar iilery discharj;inj; a shower o' -'lOt with sueh rapidity. Tliis . ijs, hi^M iiithorily, in which the two ministers Ovtnenr. 'I’lu.' invention '.vill be equallv rllectivehy lanil amlsea.t‘'''^^‘''y cummencint^” He was II- . I . ■ I • brave iollow : but not lo>_ A public exj.i n ent was to be tried iietjent’s I’ark (>i the (ith of Deccinber, at which the s!;d(‘of the army, and the gvo:’.t meii (d lh’' nietn:[»olis, were to he present. Xo douht was entertained as to the r('sull, i'Of liiat steipii will at no distant {.'(M'io'i ’. u;,er5ede the Use of ajun- powder. • Invited by the comforts of tlie hearth, !Mf. J^erkit‘S entered M>mewli:it at Ien2;th into phiiosophieal and medical specula- tioii', g;ivinjc the resint of his ( \|K,'ii- zn'"ts in hvdiaullcs, to pi‘o\e the eom- p, -ii)ilit\ of^valei’. 11 is iriVC'tijiations ied him to a lull eoiiviction, tliat tiv at the de|>t!l oflivr humircd miles from its siirf.iee, c('i:^es to he ii- ([uid, hi eo’ni!:^ iVom nieri* prc'sn!''' a solid, der^e, ma jPil the Ceidl.d pollKMi^ (/f He ri'iated an arm:-iie.';- upee.’ eor;- nected wifli this , r'.jp.t. ,S..( u ni'ler )i:s arriva! in l>ondon. he \\» , t oup ven)!'.;^; i.) ''‘■tei, to the i!i>titi( ;,U(S ol a ]'rof( s'Oi of j-'hiif’sopliy. 'l'h( s;ii>,,'ct ■ ') the leit’ire h.'ippeiided to he hxmau- li' -, ill which the iiicoj'ipres-,i!..|.;| V ■^v.'.’.er v- as i nci; leatcd ; fiui- A merieaii phil- cjsopti'i' eiit»r( d ih'o ;i (!;si u."i(jii of the point with the j>:' ifv'> >r, and so fully .sati-ll' d li tii of th I'al-ity oj^the axioiu, 111,"! on th*' lullo'.'. 11:11 e\erjini!; hf' had the c'Hidor to I'etrnct Ms doctrines, and -IV eo- army hud arrived, at the time that '1 ou- lon was occupied hy the En.ijlish, h( seemed to become every day more rest less. And -when ‘die army came, and Sal- iceiligothim appointed Chief de lirij^'adc, and wlicn he put on his unil'orm, I saw him smile, and lieurd him mutter, “My I V si'. !)rave fellow ; but not too mt^rciful : for u hcii ho entered Toulon, the day the Kn- i,dish troops e\acuatetl it, he had the siri cts swept witii cannoii, and down he marched fiis brigade, fii-st to the quay ; and when I f;-oi there with my men, a ierril)li‘ sit;ht il was ; for tlierc were ships bla/.ini^-, and women and ciiildren screain- m,c;‘ and imploi ine; mercy, and to be taken on board tlie bouis ; and then two powder ships, which e.ad been set on fu'c, bleu up with a tn'mendous roar, atid the har bor looketl hke jiurijatory, with the poor devils stru!Vj;lii>L;- upon the water, and tlie trunij ets and drums soundin.:^, and the liouses on fire, and the cries of tenor and rat;e v. iiich \\e heaid all round i Ma foi 1 I ilioiujht, too, that tlie young C'iiiefde liri-ade looked «s if he was just iti his ■ l. nu'iit : i’(U' hi* 'A as just as cool and d U'atler, eoi.slUi;!-1 caln’ atnonf:*' it all, as if he had l)ceti ul a s’.irmi'-h in the C(diet;e ol' llrienne. W'hen the (luvernment cha’ivcet!. he v. as a I’estid at Xice 'whither he had retired as a 'I’en irorist hut he w as sotjii releas ed : and 1 never heard of, or saw him a- [i^ain, till he was the i^hmu ral of tlie Italia*' army. J was a little confoundeti when I lounil myself afterwards takiui.j the oaih of fidelity to him. Mais, ina I'oi ! I had l ather he wlierc 1 am, w ith a j;ood 'jiuss of wine, than liave been lltnpeior of rraiiee,ai;d now lyini^ in. my ;.^rave.” 'I’he reilcction, if not one which di(l creilit to my iniormant as an amijitious eiiter;>i i-.in;,, ni.in, at least jiroved his phi- losO|d'v ; and had the subject of it he n as indiilcrcnt t(^ fame and powei' as lii-> ancient ar(j'iaintancc, J'urope niigh;, perhaps, hi,VC Let n i.ow at jieace v. iili t!ic IN-putdic of France : the Duke of Wd- lington, plain Sir Arthur Wcllesly ; Wa terloo, a nameless \ill.ii^e: \'enice, a fiee state : hnd the ridei- (jii the wliirlwin.!— the director (d'the stoi in himself, an cl- ^ach is I — sui I. i; -' la.. ' d“ oni,‘ mi;.,hiy slee;,Ii>s s,)i:i . wi'Ki' feCiS its oun'^ Like the ji,L.;d \es‘ci when, cou'.jM’'’d to the vast : iid yaw nini; abyss arouiul her, is as a sjHck, an at'.:i:.: \el, !)v the slall of those w ithin her,makcs ihe wind and waves subservient to her c(jurse. ” J'H.Il.ISM IX AI KICA. llavinp; heard a ^reat deal of tho box ers of ilapasn, 1 was anxious to wltne.sa their perfiu aiance. Aeeo)clins;ly i .-a nt one (d’ my s(‘rvantsto oiler twothouband whydah for :i jiii^ilistic exhibition. As tlie death of one the eotnbalants is al most certain befoiea hattli-is over, I ex pressly prohibiled all lijrhlini; in earnest. 'I'he boxers ariived, attcMuled by two ilrunis, and the wiiole body of !n;t.chers. who here cojiipose “the Fancy.’’ A rinsj;'was soon Ibrtned, hy the master oi the cert'monies throwing' dust on the spectator', to make* them t>ta!id back^ 'I’ht; drummers eiitei-ed the lini-;, and h('i;an toilrum lustily. One; of the box ers followed quite.naked, except a skin rounil the midtlle. He placed iiimstdf ill an attitude as it' to ojipo.st: an anta«i;o- nist, and wroU‘;ht his muscles into ac tion seemin;ly to find out that every sii.ew was in full force foe tlie apjiroach- in^ combat ; then coiuinij;. from time to time, to the side of the rini^, and jiie- sentini; his rl_uht arm to the liyslanders, he said, “ I am a hyena, 1 am a lion, J am able to kill all that oi-'pose me. ’’ 'I'he 'iK'ctatoi s to whom he {.'resented himseil' laid their hands on his shoiildei’ re])eat- ino-—“'1’Ik* ble.ssii'.j; of Ood be upon i’lee ••'I’hou art a h\cna “'riiou ait a lion." Jle then abandoned the ritijj; to another, who shewed otl'in the same manner. 'I'he ri»;ht hand and arms of the pugilists Were iu)\v bound wito narrow country cloin, b(;i','iuninj>; with a fold round the mi(i('le linji;er, wlien, the iiand heiiiu: clencheil with tiietluimi) between tlie fore and miildle lingers, the olotii was prissfd in many turns round tl;e list, tlie wrist, and the fore arm. After about twenty liad separately y;one throuu;h their attitudes of defiance, and a[)pcals to the spectators, they were next broui^ht forw.»rd by pairs. Jf tlicy happened to he friends, they laid their left breasts tof^ether twice and exclaim ed, “We arc lions, “ We are friemls. One then left the rinjj, and another was hrouj^ht forward. If the two did not recognise one another as iViemls, the set-to immeiliately commenced. On taking their stations, the two pui^iiist.s first stood at some distance, parryini^ \vith the left hand oj)en, anil when evei- op].oriun;ty offered, strikin”' with the ri»;i)t. They ^eneially aimed at the pit of tiie stomach, and umier the rilxs. Whenever they closed, one seized the nfher'.s head uiuler his arm, and beat it, with his fist, at the same time stiikin*; with his knee between t!ie an!a«;-unisL's thin;hs. In this position, wdth his head //i c/iinccri/, th(iy are said sometimes to attempt to "ouje or scooj> out one of the eyes. \'’hefi they hivnk loose, they never fail to »;ive a swinujinu; IjIow witn the heel under the ribs, ur sometinns under the left ear. It is these bh)_ws which are so often fatal. The combat ants were repeatedly scparat('d hy mv orders, as tliey were hei^imiiiij; fo i(j>e their tempc;r. When this spectaelc was heard of, i^iris left their pitidiejs at t!ie ^yel's, the market jicoiilc threw down their haskef.s, and all ran to seij the lii'iit. 'i’he who!.'; sfpi,ir!j h(furt; m\ house was crowded 1j ex(!e.ss. After SIX pi’ir had "ooe thioiii;li .several rounds, I orderctl them, to their j:if!.it snti.'faction, the promised * reward, and the niukittnle (piietly dlsp- —('tap- j/crtdu's Disrovi'iii^ i:i .if,urn. — i'he Id ini'. .(jther l('c!ii"(j til 1 [•ssihility ol' wate- VI iis a de!'"! (f I, uete siircc-'fu*, !. ■ permanei.t \ i- lie .seems to pi ly w ith the ele- Iiieiil- ; :i;id ahi'Ve ail. has heeii tho lii\1, to h 1 into coniph te sui.p etion llie f;ery iiilrat’.’ljle pov/er ui btearn. el'iis on the Air. Pei kins ■ e.xperinients, «'r eonvertino; 'hfpiid. In dcrly, cunltti’''d ccilce drit.kiiig iiAvdid. f % n.fiii'i/i.’ v follow in:; aci '-iiiii ni' ,i {;,>■ is lioni Major ihiihu'ti s X ii ;»tivr, jus, pulilishcd ; —in liic-e S(»’jiher:i chine;, alhbusiness as well as pleasure ir. ri aiis- actcd bctore the }.;cnera!ity (d people in l^n^jland ha\e finished ihcir niL;!.r’s res:, and this mornint; I rude out by davli^ht to see the cercmony ofa Dornou vvedding. f lic lady was Irom Angoi’tiou, and the Oridci'-roi/iii’s friends, to tlie nnm!;er ol : w eiity or tliirt), all mouiitCii in tiiei r best clothe' , went to i^ne her welcome : she was mounted on a inilluj-;, wliose buck v»as covcred witli blue and while lurk- (h'.decs, and foliowed hy i'uur female slaves, laden with nraw buskcls, wooih n !jov,1s, and eartlivn p(/ts.; w liile tw'o(jiher ljullocks carnet! tiic rested' the dowry, w hich consisted (d‘a ciTtani num!>er of lurkdadces and rcdifs. Slie w’as at tended by her mother, and five oi- six yuuiiL;- la dies, who aeled us li ides-maii!s. We i.'^allopcd up tij tlic.n repiateciiy, wiiif h is ihe mode of saluiuliwu. '1 i\e w uman i u- \ er their laces, k •iere.ini tia ir tlutni.s, the men, however, w heel tiicir uorsi.'s (juic!;- iy, and return \viih tlicir « ye.s cast to the •^M'ound, it bcin;;; c(,n‘.idcrt'(l as cxtreim ly I ndclicate lor tlnrni to lotdv n puti the bride. Tiu* lady, after this, proceeds to tiio bi ide- (^^•uom’.s house, uiiii her mother, and there lemains shi.: up uniil th.c* t vi'tnti^r, W’h'v'Ti si,C i'5 lr.’.l;d“d r.\cr '.o b.fi- i |T»1v ;v,tiint Icid : f'-.r the whcdc day !ic is o..- ii'-.ed to parat'e the striel with a crowd f'fp him, or to sii on a raised si'at, (i lit in Ids I'lousc, dn'sscd in all the ilncrv he can either b(*riuw or buy, wliile '.lie people crowtl in uj-oii iiim, nlowin^ horns, Leaiing drum-, and crying “iwj- ^mihoron (liyah .llld KabviDiliu! Aiht ht~ tint '” ‘‘May you live lor ever 1 (.«oci piospcr vou ! (Ircy hairs to you I to ail w hich he makes no answer ; but looks more foolish tiian ;ne i ould suppose it ;jossible for any man in so enviable a sit uation as th;:.t of a brideyr'.om to do. Sicar.t—.'! Minu'k.—Ww IJalph ^^■ood- ford told us that when the steamer was first started, (in Trinidad,)he and a laisve party, as a mode of patronizing the un- dci'taking. took a trip uf pleasure in her, ihro’sc.nic of the liocas of the main ocean. Almost evei y one got sick outsiilc, and s they leturncd throupjh the Hcjca {Irande, there was Tio one o>i deck bui tiie man at the lieln; and hiniscll. W hei they Were in the n uUHe of the passage, u small pri\atccr, such as commotdy infes ted tlie Gulf (! ■• mg the troubles in t^)- l'imhiD,\was sei ti Tiiakiiig all sai' for the oast cf 'J iitdilad. Her course seemed un:’.ccuu;Ua*)le; but w hat was tin.' surpris* , w iion they obser\ed that, on nearing the ' oast, tlie pii’.atcer ne\er tacl:eil, - iid iinalls that she ran herself directl\ on sliore, ll'.ecicw at t!ie same time Uapiiii, user the i)ows and sides ol the ^ ^'^se^,a^d campeied olF. us if they were n.-u, some u|) the nn'iintains, and others m u tin- ..dckets. 'I'liis was so stran.gf a .•-igii', r..it Sir Ralph V> uodford oidered in* iiidmsnian to stei'r for the private'r. that lie might discrv er.t be cause of rt.—^^'l•.el ill)- ( ati'C close, tiiC \ essel appeared de- \ej ; Sir I!a!pli weni un hu-aid of iicr, 1 !jf'e> sci'.rchip.,' •- oarts w rihoul fitidin;.; .O'.' lU .it .e.'g'h opetied a 1' l!i- m;.- i>'.n. unc. a t!i.»n lying on t iden'^v wiih some hioken iind). . lie man made an ell'ort to pul himseif in .1 posture of -^'i,)plica!ion : he was pale r'. ashes, his n i :li chaitei ed, and his hair "iood on an end. — “ .Mi'cricordia ! Mis- c'icoidia! Ave Maria I” faliererl forlb the Coloml/taii Sir Kal])h asked the man w hat was ti'.e cause of the sti ange conduct of the crew—“ Misericordia !” w as the only reply. “Sulx'is (piien soy r” [Du you kno'VT w ho I am ? J “I'l—1—0 Senor! misericordiul Ave Al.ina I” aii.ivvercd the smuggler. It was a considerable lime before the feiluw could he hrougiit bai k to his sc'- ses, w hv-n he gave this account of the mallei' :—that they s iw'a vessel apparent- 1\ follow iiig- il’cm, with ordy tw o persons on board, and steering, without a single sail, fiirecily in the teetn of me wind, cur- ren ai.d tide : Agidiisl tlie lirioze, agaiiist the tide, Mie steadied witii upright keel. i' That iht y kiicw no ship could move in '.uch a coui.^e by human means; that ti;ey hei.rd a t.oep roaring noise, and saw .in nnusu.d .igiiation of water, which liieir fea-'i m’igi ilied ; finally, that they concliidi d it iO ot a supernatural apj)ear- aiTc e. at C(ji du..L;i\ urpve tht'ir own vessel asiiore in ati agony of terror, and escaped as ihe\ I iiio ; that he himself was not able to nv f, and that \vhen he heard Sir Walph’s lou.sit[)S, he verily and indeed bl- ti(\fd tiiai ne was fallen into the hands of Ilie 1:'.-. u Sjirit. Colendsc's Jf'csl Indies. .^j'/.srrab/r, inf iripa! inns.-\]\ a W’ork jusi ' idd.M.ed, by the iniienious .Mr. (r. I''. ri0.i, d’ the Asylum Life Assu rance (.'omp'any, 70. Cornhiil, whiidi Contain illustrations of tlie progtess of Mania, Mehmelndia, Cr.i;:iness, and Dcmoiiinania, wo liud the following passage’ ; — “ I'’ro:M observations wtM'thy of con fidence, it would seem that persons of dark comp-lexion and black hail an' more ^erieially the subjects of tr.iuiia than those ol l:iir *ki!i, with li^'it, brown, or red hair, m the |)rojio7'tion oj' 1to liO; and it has been iLuiujiit that the mania ol the Ini iiii r IS cliaiaetei isel hy \ io- leiiee, wiide thf 1 itlei sinks inttj gloom and incurable fatoily. A man has some I’eason, then, to thank iiis stars for the ad\aii!,.i2;e of hav- ini;' recc'ived fiom nainrea lair face; Old there is no unmixed i;'ood in this worid. i; reuKMjiber, a year or two •'lio, Ihe keeper ol the piincipal j^aol in ( lu .'hire, com.nuni('at( d. ns the result of his lei.et hened ohservatifius, that he had observed, miirdereis were; always iier- sons with lair hair and blue e\cs. The anxious pareid who, struck with the ohservatloiis of the (lovenior of the ( hesliire g.iol, Kujktul oti the raven locks atid dinjry hue (d'hi« (dlspi in^- with the satisfactory aniicipation, that, at all e- vewts, he had many chances of (.'seapiii”' hr iiitr iiiucderer, has now his satisfac tion damped, by the melaiicindy fact disclosed. ti» him by Mr. Fan'oli—that j if he IS not likcdy to cut his le.di^hbor's I thioat, he is more liktdy to (>ut his uwn. j A London paper say n.ithing more I fully proves th.d I'oi tune is blind, than her giving /.^0,000 it> I'ri/.cs to two Mem- !)eis of i*ariium.e'jt v. '>^ v(''(d a'''tliis^ I . ‘ ■ Lo'-tci'v. — — 0 rr-mcniber i cadmg in A,^.^ ij;e!ival Ma^:^aziuc many years a^o 1 , ailveitisemenl, which tVom false"'i,u,],!' ttialie.p, read thi:s Wanted a cuac) man to look ai'ler a pair of horses »f i elii;ions turii of mind. '’ But we not remember ever to have seen a nio^-f! ijeautifiil mixture of spiritual and teiiin/^ ral seriously before the public, ti,ai/i|'\ folloninsi;, which appeared in the o// Tivu's of Saturda}, the 1st “ Wanted a confidential man as jircsici and mensvrcr in a woollen warehouse in th(‘neii;liborliood of Jiasino-hall street’ A man of cvanirrliculwoida be preferred ; and none need nnn| - w liofie thnmh /.y not I wo atchvs ir.d'f A[ip'ly, if by letter, postpaid, aiic.os.u.,1 Isaac Jones, Guildhall Coliee-liou Guildhall.” ' ^f(/n1//ac/u}r of Pfn'liumcntnry — A countryman was I,oast, ing a f( w day s since that he had siu:n(;(l no less than four petitions iu one day ‘•twa to the House o'Lords, and tvva to the House of Commons.” “Anti what were they about Thomas?” - iHM2;iibour asked, “ 0*i ! for the emati- cijiation of slaves and the snia’ notes.” “And what ken ye about either slave- r\ orsma’ notes, 'I'homas “f)eel,"-iu tlie truth were keiit, John, unco little; hut 1 ilid the ane to jilease the ininisler and the tither to jdea.se the Laird.*’ Vcrih Courier. Jin I/tJerence.—A servant, who lived many years with a clergyman, his muster look (jccasion to say—“John, yon have hi en u long lime in my service : I dare say you w ill be able to preach a sernioi; as well as I.”—‘“Oh, no Sii-,”said John, “ !)Ut many an inlerence I lunc drawn from yours.”—‘*,Well,” saiil the cleigv- man, 1 w ill give you a text out of Job- let i!ie hear what you infer from it—\n(l the asses snnffed up the East wind.”— “ ^Vell,” replied John,* the only inference 1 can draw from this is, that it would be a lung time befji-e they would gi'ow fa: upon it.’ (From the New Arabian Nights’ Kr.ttrt.iin- nicnls.) THE AXGF.L 01' J)KA i li AM) TIIE KING. A King, who luul accumulated inmuii'c treasures, built a magnificent jialace, filled it with oflicers, (Chamberlains,ard slaves. One day, w hen he lr.»d assenii.'lcfl his whole court at a si)lendid fesii\ai. and saw himself .Tt ihc very summit of prosperity, and every where arounrl hiii the utmost profusion, he said to himstll ' “ (> iny soul ! lichold, thou art in po' session of all the bounties of the ear’!i \\’hat is there left that thou canst wis!! for, but long life and the contintiancc ut' thy good fortune At this instant there approachcd a man, clothed in rags, ar.d with every appearance of a bt i(gar. lls knocked at the gat« so violently that the whole palace shook v ith it. ••Hal" cried the porter, “what matir.ctsurc these :—wait till the king has dined, and he will then give thee what thou aske‘. of him.”—'I'eil your master,” said tiie stranger, “to come out immeiliatciv, for I have an all’air to settle with him, whicli must not be delayed,”—“ Wretch !" re plied the |)ortei, *‘who art thou that I'iti dare to aiiiiuunce thyself in this wa\.”— “-\nnounee jut> to the king, and that will be enough,” answered the stranger. The- king forbade tnem to admit him j and the stranger knocked again, yet louder ibaa befiire. 'I'he slaves hastened out vvitii clubs in their hands to fall upon him. •‘Stay,” cried he to them, in a drc.idful voice, “I am the Angel of Death!” 'I'litu were ihcir hearts like ice ; ami they stood motionless with horror. “ Take whom thou wilt inste;\d of me,” said the kiuf;- '—'1 hat is not iny errand,” rt plied tli'- angel. “To thee am I come ; to snatch tlu'C from amid tlie treasiiies thnu ha.''* heaped together.” “ ,\ccurseu he tho?f; riclijs,” said the king, “since thry iuV.J prevented my serving (iod I 1 fancicJ they woulrl be ju-oiitahle unto me, ar..' now ll'.at 1 am comjielled to (juit them, v.'ith ciTip'y hands, there remains to nio iKJthing tjicreof hut the vaii'. desire.’ this moment (lod miracnlous'y p''’ specch to the ti asu'‘cs of the kin", ati i they Said : “Why dost thou curse us •' curse ratlier thine own soul, (iod cic.i- ed us like thyself, ( f earth, and gs'C into thy hands, to assist the ])oor r.ir- needy, to build jnos(jnes, bridges, car-' vanceras, and hospitals, and so ubtuii! thy leward, both in this world ai:d tlii-’ next. liiit thou hast locked us iijb hast made use of us to fjratily thiiu' desires, and art now nngreatful ' thou lea'.est us with regret, and ulb'i'*-”’- imjiiecations agaiiit ir-;, as thine cri.Mi''-i‘^'- in what have we injured thee r” The king was about to reply, h’>‘ •\tigtd (d‘ Death allowed him not lie snatched u'vvay his soul, ere he coulu u’ter :i Word. A buy, ten yc.us old, w ho had b''C» completely d(‘af from infancy, has bu'' cui'cd by Dr. Deleau, of I’aris, hy.simjd} injecting air throngli the eustachiati tu.:"* w liieh leads from the throat into th« vity of tlie tym;i:inntn or drum ol '•‘' car.

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