CIURLOTTE, ^'. C. TVLSIKll, JULY 18, 1826. [NO. 90. rUHI.ISIIED WEEKLT Bv LEMUEL BINGHAM, AT TUUKE UOLLAH9 A TEAR, PAID IN AUTAKCE. .f. No paper will be discontinued, unless aftlie fliscrat'on of the editor, until all arrearag’cs are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending' in advertisements, art- requested to note on tlie marg'in the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. ^tate of X OYt\\-i3aroA\na, Mecklenburg County. William Ikcilns Joseph Ulackwood, U’et>tion to review the re- Cha.s. T. Alexander, [ ^he Clerk. •James Means. J I I' appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, .lames Means is not an inhabitant of this Stite : It is therefore ordered, that publi- cation be made six weeks in the Catawba Jour nal, that the said .Tames Means ajjj)ear at our next Cotirt, to be held for tlie rounty uf Meek- lenlmrg, at the Court-House in Cliarlotte, on the 4th Monday in next, then and there to liicad or demur to tlie petition, or judgment pr» coiifesso will be entered against him. Test; ISAAC AI.EXANUKK, c. m. c., 6t9.3—pr. adv. J2, Mtchlaibvrg County—May Scs&ions, 1826. John Patterson j »vv. f Original Attachment, IVm. Smith and v.ife, levied on a negro man Klizalietii Smith. ) named Pat. IT is ordered by Court that advertisement be mude six wetks iii the (hitawba Journal, for llie defendants to appi ar at the Augu.'Jt term, 18.?6, and tliere to rejjlevy, otherwise judgment >yill be enteri tl against them. ISAAC ALLXANDEH, c. w. c. _Ct91 Altcklenhurp' Coutity—May .pensions, 1826. James Clar!.'. 1 rs. C Original Altachtticnt, levied Samuel Smith, j on a negro man named Israil. IT is ordered by Court that publication be made .six weeks in tjie Catawba Jdiirnal, for the defi nihint to apiu-ar and pl' iul, or judgment V'ill be liad against him at tlie August term, 1826. IbAAC Af.KXANDKU, e. m. r. State ot is*ovtt\-Cai-tAlu»vT Mtcklenbnir^ County—Mai/ S'esiiunn, 182(‘>. John Springs ^ Oiiginal Attaehment, levied vs. C on a m gro boy named Planter, S.imuel bniith.j H j cars old. IT ifi ordered by Court that publication be made six weeks in the Catuwba Journal, for tlie defendant to appear at the next August term, 1826, and there to replevy, ollicrwise ludgment will be entered against iiiin. ' ISAAC AT.P:XAX1)I'.W, r. w. r. V)V ♦Xi)l*W\-('A\Vh\\uU, Jlh’c.f>hn!/ttrg Cotmit;—Ma>) Sfsslon-'^, 182(). P. Piirritiger i Attachment levied in the ■vs. V hands of Lli Springs, ai’.d him Saml.'F. Love. J siinnngned as garnishee. ]T is ord.’red by «'oiirt that puldication be . made six weeks in the Catawija Journal, for the dcfendiint to appear at the next August term, 1826, to be iield tor this t ounty, and there to replevy, otherwise judgment will be entered against iiim. ' 1S.\AC Al.KXAKnKR, r. m. c. oi* .VivvVU-i'aviAina, Mecklrtiburg County—'May Sest~}(>us, 1826. Jumes Co^van > Atlaehnn. iit le\ied in the vs. Chands of hli Springs, and him Sami. F. I.ove. j summoned as garnisliee. I T is ordered ijy (;nirt that i)u!)rication be madi- six wi eks in the Cataw ba Journal, for the defi-iul.iiit to appear at the next August term, 1826, and thi re to r»:p'evy, otherwise judgment will be entered against him. ISAAC ALK\AM)I,I{, r. c. i>V A\u*VV\-v •avoVVwa, Lincoln County. Fiuperior Coufl oj Lu\r, Jfjid Tam, 182G. Samuel Ueaty and Ins wife Saliy,'^ and l.ucy l!oyd, Nancy is, Re becca, U iHiam &. John I. za- way, minors by their (iu.irdian, Petition for /(7f, S.imuel 15eal) , ^-I'artition ot' r.v. ^ iaiiils. John Davenport, ^\ Daven port & Wesl_\ Davenpiirt, luirs at law of \\ .n. Davenport, dec. J r r appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Davenport, one of the defendants in this case, is not an inhaliilaiit of tins htute • It is, therelorc, ordered i'.\ (joiirl, publica tion be made in the Cataw ha .luurnal tliree times ■H'lthin six w eeks, giving notice t(» thf s;iid John Davenport tlu.l he appear hi tore tlie .judge of our Superior (loiirl of Law, at the next court ^o be luld for J.iiicoln county, at the Court- House in Lincolntt'U, on the -Uh Miiiiday id'ter the 4th Moiul:i\ of Septeuit)er next, tlu n and there to sliow cause, if an_\ he lias, li_\ parti tion shouhl not bo tnadi- according to law, of two tracts of land lyingiii Lineoln county, one of 240 acres ami the otiier of .?U3 acres, ol w inch the said W illiani Dave nportdieil lease d and ]ios- flessed, otherwise tlie said p tition w ill be tak'/n pro eont’es-c', and a(ijiidgi--d accurilmgl_\. itmss, Lav.son I luult r.-oit, (Jkrk of the Said Court at Lincolntoii, the illi Mond;._\ aft r the'kb .Miii,da\ uf March, A.l). IHJti, aiuiintlie •^'Jth J of tile Ind'.pi iid' Hee of thi! Ciirlt ii States. LW'SnN IILNDKU.SdN. .lust INiljli'-licd, \M) for sale at tins (Jtliee, in a p:iii\plil( t 'urm, '* Strictures on a pu re wntii-n b_\ Mr, i),ivid 1 It iikt 1, intitled liea\enl\ I lood ol PiegfiKratiiMi, or, I're.itise on llidv Ha|)lisiii." .Moouj , r IK M TubVic ^pUK subscriber informs his friends and the ■X public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi ed by Dr. Menflerson, and is now prej)arcd to entertain travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions will lie siiared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- grecable. His table will be furnished with’ev- ery variety which the country aflbrds; his bar With the best of liquors; and his stables with plenty of provender, and careful servants will be in constant attendance. HOBKHT 1. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. *80 OCj lhe Camden Journal will insert the above three weeks, and forward his account for pav ment. ND St.age House, .at the sign of the Kagle, L in Charlotte, North-f;aroliiia, i)y lal36 UOHLUT W ATSON. •VoWct. RY virtue of a decree from the Court of E- (piity, held on the 19th day of Mav ultimo, at the Court-House in Cliarlotte, I shall sell at public auction, on the 12th day of July next, at the Court-House door, and 'on a credit of twelve months, the. ^-"HOUSES & LOTS where John Boyd, ‘ec’d. formerly resided, and now- occupied by Wash ington .Morrison, Ksj.; together with two small tracts of land adjoining the tow n. Honds and appr ved security v, ill be refiuirt d. 1 urlluT |)uiticulars made known on the da\ of sale, if required. 'I'HOS. BOYD, Gaardiun ot S. C. Hoiii, Charlotte, June 1, 1826. 86* \iam\lL*ov The subscriber ofl'ers for sale a valuable tract of I.and, on accom- modating tcrrtis, w liieh.^aZ5!»-. lies in the lower part of livdell county, on tlie head w aters of Uoc1 y Hiver, adjoining the lands of G. S. Houston, Kenjamin Urevard and others, and containing r>?2 acres. The said land is of good quality anl w ell w atered, both as to springs and branches. Of the land now in crop, amount ing to 40 or 50 acres, the most of it is well ma nured and will produce corn, cotton or wheat, in snfficient (piantity' to abundaiitlx eoiiipensate the husbaiulmati for his labor. Expcriiiieiit lias proven that it is peeuliuviy adapted to receive great and pi.rmaiient benefit from maiiine.— There is on it a large portion of low' gr unds, of excellent fpudily, l ither for meadow or |#:is ture, 10 or 12 acres of wlilcli are in good ovder and have been mow'd,f(jr a numi>t r of yiars, Tlie princijial dwelling-Jrouse is large and’ com modious, which, with a little additional exjifJise, might be made comfoitable andv oin enlent ev^n for a large family. The situation on wl.ieliit stands is [irobably equal to any in 'Uis »>r tho atl- jacent countios- Tin. re is a well of good w a ter coiiveirn'iit to the >iou>e, and a large, fertile garden. 'There nre two improviintiiis on this tract, which will be sold tt>geih' r or separ.itely, to suit purchasers. It Woulei be ,i desiialde place of resiiii nci’ fora n.emijf-r ot the protVs- sion of Law or a rh\s.e-in, being in a rjspi ct- aide anil populous lu ighlxuhood, ami at nearly an ecpial d’stanci fi'(,n, fm. surniuiidin;; xiiiaji'-s. It is uniRCessary to jive a lurtiier desi.'ii)tl(.ii of tliis land, as those, ao doubt, w ishing to piir- cliase, will vii'W the piendses. Tor terms, aji- ply to tiu subseriber, Tn iiig .5 miles lioriii ot Concord, Cabarrus ,ouiity. A. C. M’HT.K, N. li. Approveil ca'-'h notes, iii'groes, or notes negotialjK- iiid pa\.ihk .‘it tlie Charlollv IJaiil;, will be receiveil in jiavinent. A. .M. 82tf ■ • - . JHtoccUr;nfou!5, From tlie N. Y. Atnerican. J ie.w of Europe.—The recent arrivals ironi Kuionc leave us still in doubt as to llic result of the ptMuliri;^ controversy bc- twec’i Kussia and the I*oric. Our private letters represent it as hardly possi'jli' that M'ar should not ensue between these two powers. Russia had received an evasive reply to her uUiniatum even before the fall of Missolonghi, and that event will not lend to dirnini^ih the insolcnce of the OttoYnans. No certain result of the Duke of \V e!lini;ton’s mission to St. Pe- lorsburgli had transpired j but it seems to be pretty plainly indicated, thai if his purj)oses were to interpose belwoen Rus sia and TiN'key, he did not succeed. It is, tiowever, thq o|)inion of some, that such was not liis object ; but, on the con trary, that his journey was coiniected with a policy which would make Eng land and Russia to be acting in concert for the liberation of Greece. We can rather desire, than believe, with our pres ent information, that such is tiie fact. In England, order was almost restored. The large subscrij)liofis which had been tnade and were still making for the relief of the distressed nianufacturer.s, the cer tain j)assage of the laws adinitting ware- iioused and ioieign corn, (all the fornier tiow in bond, and to the extent, il minis- U rs think fit, of 4,000,OOU bushels more from abroad) and above all, the gi-eat military force cenceutrated in .uid arouml the disturbed districts, had tended (o itanquilize and over-ane the workii.j^ classes, ainou!; whom the bell\. and not the head, was the .seat of the distiller. Parliament would be dissolved, ];rob.j- bly, about the 1st June, (ireai aeiaitv rnOM THE E.VCTCtOrEDtA. NATIONAL WOHK. A National work is in progress respec ting the North American Indians,— “ p'I’icipally,” the lion. Albert Gallatin, the first projector of the work says, “as relates to their languages, with a view, to a betlM- understanding of their afiini- ties and their various dialect.?, their res pective grammars, and the structure of their language generally.” Mr. tJallatin’s recent appointment induced him to give up his work into the hands ofCiovernment; and the Secretary of War, with the ap probation of the 1^’csident, has taken measuies to accomplish this literary en terprise. “'I'o preserve the Indian Lan guages,’* says Mr. Ci. “is a duty, lo pub lish the information, is a kind of debt, due by the United Stales to the scieniiilc world ; anti which has long been expect ed of them.” The Secretai-y of War says, that this National Work will have res pect to “the Etymology, or the vocabu lary of the several languages or dialects, atid their (Grammars, or structure.” ’1 he subscrilier, having been refjuested by Mr Ciallatiu, and recently by the Sc- cietary of War, to subserve this objeei, as it respects the (.’atauba Indians, wouhl not w ish to shrink from an undertaking so laudable. Yet he would n adily trans fer the business into other hands, if his vacant hours will not be btiflieient to ex ecute it well. He has not yet asc-rtaiiied, how long a lime would be allowed him ^'Igriculf iiral Spirit and Hospitality. HAUTFORD, (CON.V. ) IL NK 20. Sheep Shearing Festival.—On Wednes day last Henry Watson, Esq. of Kast Witidsor, fiiiished shearing his fl.r k, consisting of upwards of 900 sheej). On this occasion Mr. ^Vatson invited a par ty of about sixty gentlemen to dine vvitli him, fifty of vvhotn attended. They con sisted of the President and most of the •jfTicer.s of the ILu tford County AgricuU lural Society, respei table manufaciurers and agriculturists from difl'erent parts of the Slate, and from Massachusetts, and others friendly to the cause of Inter nal Improvements. This being the first festival of the kind ever celebrated in Conuixticut, it was the occasion of great interest :unl the lughest enjoyment to the party. Some of the guests had never beJ fore vvrtnessed the operation of Jkccing a sheep, and indeed, knew litth* ol the dif- f‘rence !)etween the .SVu'oJi.v, Mvriim, Soul/6 Dou'ns, and Cross reals; hei e, sucn had an opjiortunity of learning how the best judges decided beiween the qualiiies of (iifl' rent fleeces, and for what reasons one Heece would be pn-ferred by the manufacturer to another, and why it is not fineness only which constitutes the !)est wool, &CC. Mr. Watson’s flock, con sisting of the above named varieties, does not, iiowever, by any means coiisiilute. his whole stork of imported impiovcd ar.imals, /o,vj(7, an imported Bull, of the Durham sliorl hoi ii breed, uiul pro* jicieni task. h is probable that something may al ready have l)e*’M done by some of our in canvassing the difierent boio,a.hs and Ih-.-i by some of our counties, had already been ' Mr. brougham, who was a naiive j * 1'^-* apprised of \yestmoreland, was to run for t liai coun-1 '’* . j "V ty, m opposilon to the great and hilherlo ^l>'\‘'Uty, whi-h lie owes to his A- •-! irre.sistlble Lou-ther inllaenee. paramount to any other in the >1 Tho K,n.!:r is reme.sentcd as In better iKoralure, it is moie ihun proba- "-I , Tho King is repre.sentcd as in bettorl «' is nioie ihun proba- i health thu.i lie had b, en for sev'ral vcars 1 , ’ , l';Hi:dcr (, this bu:.iness must ■, while the Duke oi Vork, uho is : ''''>^'^1;’•'' '‘■‘‘yc, respce.t- ■lul.y invite any gentleman ol comp,eieni en, or is vvilling to communicaie Should ravoute-wuuhl have the elJecl of giving ' ‘o engagu to exeruo great confidence at the then anpioachuu-' " proposed, any small ‘ ^’ ( con'.ubutions to tlv. ’primary object will be accfpidble, as also any particulars re, while the Duke oi Vork, who is : rc ! heir apparent to the throne, is said to be i i*"y UOnlleman ol com I gradually declining under the efiecl ol a i 'V? ^ I mortal diVcase. Tne lu. or-htsc facts,', ' ' '7'toco.nmi I and perhaps bbih-l„r iho Duke is nr., a ! , l>y letter. 'favo.ite-wuuhl have the elVect of Lnvinf. ‘0 engagu to e France appears rich, prosperous, and la.ive to the Cataw has themselves as a ti-amjuil ; sullering little, comparatively, I , , , , .from the commcrnal hurricane which j 1"^^ fcknowledg- I men Jsh:i I u» l’3S pi'oiluccd, and i» n't ;,i.„l,K,imr,siicli ‘ "'"I' .ilisa.lers clsovlu ir;' „kI accu-' '"'7'“"' “ t>. pvv pii-il, (when wc s;,y Fral,.;.', I'a- I l'""' " ' 1 .is,) ..n on. sidu, i„ HV„n, ... builJ up .he : !''■ a ha,io.i,hk-t.)lhcaii.n.ii.s. tration, to the persons concerned, and to ,Alistresscs ; and, (»m the e>il’.e seek- VUv\\U^^•A^i I^WO.M -tb.‘ stibsciih'.r, on tlu* 24lti li'stant, a negro jjirl named CIILOK. Sbe i.s 18 or ly years of age, /> fu t 7 (U’ H inehes li,gli, and )f r:.- ibcr a velly .v couiplexion.— .\lso. a boy named I’ll,I ., a i;oil .lb or 17, but (pnTe rmall of bis a.,.-, ^ald negroes are sujjposed to be lurlmg alxmt Cliar- lotle. A liberal reward will be glvi n 1.i an\ pC'r.son who will secure tluni in jail, ordciuer them to me. I! (> \'l I> •’Vviv\U-i>avt)V’uu\, ,*oui;ty. ^'oiirl of r/tas (hill Quar'ii Sisyio/i!^^ dry Tv I I/I, in 2ft. John Stewarl Selre Tacias to -be',v w. I cai!''!- w b) tlic rr:d c.,»;.te 'i'll.! heirs at law of ^-of the- di ci'asrd sIhmiM not ing to perpetuate and etjuliiin the lights I ,• r At' d i acquired by t!ie revolul,^.n, and above all J subscriber, to keep down the Jesuits atul ,‘ n-iauve to ihe exec .icionipaniments of !,y-gonc lays. The niaSN ol ihe jjeoplc. however, tahe litile , part ni such quesiioiis ; and are eonleiit j u ith being exeiiijiUil irom liie conees, the gaheiies, and the liumberless other gnevuns exactions to which the peas- anti ) ol 1 ranee wei'e form‘i ly stdqect. Spain, once so pi'ouil and so mighU’, ain'.osi blotted out of the m;q) (if I'u- rope—externally, vwthout loice or inilu-, ence—internally, a prey to the inost wild | and bloody fanatici.sin, she drags on an j o!;sctire and iniseiable ixisteiue, a.midst j a succession oi aiiortive coiisjjii aeies, aiici | terocious executioiis. 1 tI... fbUoning- descriotion ni tli«- i('IniU'of Ol lllllv a.i.l (.r,„Kmy !ho,.,, is 111,I,. l„ I -Is , I I.C 5M,I. Ih.- i, a,„, ,l,e Is „l' M.i, He , Ca,,.. i- >Vi!Ham Stewart, I be sold to sati'-f} the j'i.iin- (leci.ascd. J till 's judgmeiit. a'T appearing to the satHt'action of the (-onrt, tliat .laines Stewart, Tbomas Leeeli and bi.s wife, aiul Moscs Stewarl, luir.s, dt fcnihints In Ibis suit, are not inba!)itants of this Stale: It tlierefiTe orderi-il, that ixililication be made lor three inonth,-, in the CalavJja .loorMal, that tin- atoresaid defendants a’ljuar at the m-Nl eoitrt to be hidd tin.- eoiinty of liedell, .u llie CiiUi't-llouse in Statesv?lh-, on the .Id Moi, !, y in .\hiy ne.\t, by S'>n c alloriiey (,f said e u; t, i..' in puv.on, iiiid hl'j tlu ir answ er, d.e plainti'l will be heard e\ parte and have ju'ig- iT.eiit, as to them, p'.’o ciiidesso. ie,te. It. SI.MON'TO.N, C/k. ,>m9I—price adv. ^ 1. I held in check by .‘yisli iun bavonets, and i seems content '.vilii ii., fatt , or c: h-isl veiy patient ii'ider it. 'Ti.e latter ii. as ( ev( r, a laborious, Irtigal, intellijjciit conn- vvitiia iiopnlation oiderlyatid (d.i- iia'.ed, and tlKJiigh ca,’jai)ie ol eiahusias- j tic mov I nients,'not ily cy.e itet!. 1 I'roiu this hasty glaiu e at i;,nro[ie, wo ire\ei'. to our haj)ijy l'..!id. o\erlh)wii!g ' with ])lenty ; and, ihoiigh net unassailecj i,or unin jured by tlu lude tempesl vvi.ich has ptissi.'d, ;,ti!l, as a tuiid vvliere man can in a iireute'r ileJ-.ree, h-ss iia/.ard. J W wffVU' V 1V i‘* \ \VV . ( ST I'l liLISllI'.i>, and f(,r sale ; ])o!'gy for tlu !!i,ok (/f I'.s.diisi, by \]eMasler.’ 'i o v\ hich roa adilej, U a IiooIn, [I)V Ale.NuiHk i; (>ordoii I i I'.titii d',sli;ii aiul oi' the Hook e-t l’-ai:i,‘ 11 i;miv Jivri M il, A. M. Ujjli ;'.n A] !)\ .l.iiLi M. lU J:vk I'b;','.!..:'b enjoy, in a greute-r ilegree. h-ss atul with more nli;e cei !u-r-t v than \v!ie)e, every pnvi!c;^;e oi’ a at.'! poiisible being. An exj)criment wa'-; ! :''lv t;’.?.', '.r. Mic Arnioiiiy (jf the ol' !,(;!iUoii. in which the mosl inten'.e li"-lil e\ ei' vel p. o- diiced by art was exliiljited. It w:e ( x- cited r,'V direrting a jjt (jf r.r the i\.me,i'a spirit K-.inp, v of iitne, ;:y liiv actjon d a sireani o! i-:.\r;eti iho li!;I'.t thus pr(jr!‘ic'd i', ' aicu- 1 itcd as l)ci:;:>; Ci,,!.ty tiinrs ffi.jrc t l.aii an et|uai area of lig lit emit u d !iy tie t on'!iii.-.;i(yn oi an .\rgand 'atiip.—;\r,(ith- cr ih vv scam en^'ini' has been pi- -'e( :cd, iij which spirit d' win'',; or >iilier h sub- • Iini'.e-d lor uat'T. 'I'hc necessity c^f a bdilei- is sujuT:c'(ied, the !i(|ii'»r being ciiiraiiied in tl’.e cylinder, and od itiio v: j,'I.'-ft I uH Ari>-a':id rt miie would ue aiiovveci nim i nui u Wiccu, uim pru» to lun'iish his i|uota for this National' Work. If it will be tiemanded sjjetdily, j *'> 'bis country, did not fail to attract the tfie subscriber would he obliged bj hav-i*''^t attention among the animals, flis ing a jdedge h oiii an) gentleman of com-i which was ascertained m the lieieni ahilides, that ho wil! a.ssunie tin ! presence of the party, is 1780 lbs. JJut our kind host did not aim to grat ify the sif;ht only ; and among such a numlier, it must not excite wonder if wwii.iiviii ail, niwiiiiis uiis o;jjeci. tbere were some, the gratific&lion of 'i'ln- subscriber Vr ishes lo he apprised of whose taste was also to form a share of * ■' ' the eiijoymtn'-. These, and it is believ ed on the whole, most of the party were of the number, were not disajipointcd, vrlien they sat down to the rich and ele gant entertainment Mr. Watson had pro- videil for the occasion. A number of pithy and aj)j)ropriaJe toasts were volun- teeicd l)y difVereiu members of the party, and great good humor and conviviality prevailed at the table. At five o’clock the company retired, highly gratified witli th( ir host, with themselves, and uuhonc another. W'e cannot but adI, that Mr. ^Vat.soll is conferring great binerits on his coun- ti y, by his well directed zi al in iiiij>rovin^7 the diHerent brandies of agi iculture, and |)articularly m procuring the best breeds of neat cattle and shee[). Merciiri/, Origin of Con!.—(icologists have given great scope to their inventive faculties in endeavouring to. determine the'sources and origin of coal: liut every thing tends to show its vegetable origin, and speci mens of a regular succession of wood lit tle changed, and ending witii coal, in v.'hich all organic li iccsare lost, have occurred And even in the most per fect coal some relic is often found, somn trace of veg^etablc texture, some/Ibrous remain that clearly annonncrs Us ligne ous origin, {n the leaves that apiieai in bovey coal, for instance, resin and ex tractive matter have I.icen found, and also a sul)starif;e ntiiling the properties of re sin and binnr.en ; and the same snbst.iiicc lias been foiind i,-i th»‘ principal coal-field .l Stall'ordsliire. Perhaps, therefore, an 'ediluvian timber an' peat bog tmy have uei II Ihe patents of our coal strata: but; then 11 wiII be asked ; how lias this migli- ty cI'.ange been eHi cted Is it inerely’b)^ I iifjiieous agency,— a kind of decay and rottinii^ (h)wn of wood ; or has^fire been I c.alh'd into action, torrifying the vegeta- jble ir.atter,and ll.e jiressure'inder wiiich it hasoperutid, iireveiniug the escafi • wf \o!a’,ile matter, catiserl th«^ fermenta’icn of bitumen. ,\tu! are those reservoirs oi' compri sscd ( Triiuretted hydrogen, »v!;.( I, A/o/.v, i resiilt, to be as’ci ibed to sucIi a itiodc ol iormation. l^nnordimc Mlict llany. the country.” 'I'he letters of Mr. (ialla- have been lorvvardi d printed Iiistruc- ii'»ns and Direciories, to racilituto the undertaking. CorrespiiTidents will please to direct ti.elr letters to Kbem zer Academy Post onice, S. (!. I,;dit(jrs, fVieiidly to this ob;ect. will- olilige the subscriber, and se: ve tiie iiileiest of liu-ralure, by giving piddici'y to ihisiiotiie, in the coitimnsoi' ilieii' respcclive pi.jicrs. M.I.\/AK IIAIilMS. ,'i '• Vrad(-n.\, S. i^ .1 ily . , 18Jt>; ■ S ton, i\c. in the interior (d'Afi'ira. 'I be poition ')} the country tl.rongli w liicli ibe tr.nelh rs wer^ passing, a? lb(“ time i-.,-fi m-d to in tin 'fol low ,i,g parM|;r:.pb, v\,is'!u tr.'icl l\Itig b t %\ ecn bonka.the t apital of l?ut iiuii, t ) ra, tjic cap .Ud of Mand:>.a- “I iiief-, if! tb s (if ,\fr;r,.T, arc acf'Mri-, p,imid!)\ a-, i!iu,_\ ,, rsonal followers they!' tii'.nk propi r to maintain, i olb,as borsi- and Ibol- na-n. Some o* tin tii form the b.and, If I iiiav sol all it. I’arc.i t«(-na bad l;ve inoiintid, wli i' l;eit elos- b( bli.d biir., three ol wbo.Ti e ariied I a sort of drum, ubi. h hill';-lound tlu ir n. cl;,, ! 7’ unri'ftain ]f hintnho hhnrldd •■lid beat th.m while liuy :;ang rM.mporc Am'.—1.very bodv knows the injurv ; one currivd a m,.uII ,„,.e mud.-, fu rcf.d; | ,vhich is done to linen by bleaching i\ witii lime. 11 is e,;sv to d(-;, ct lineni' and tli(- other bb .e, on a buil.ilo’s horn., hju . .'•id dec p-tou'-d Idas!;-, a ; we mov d tliron}'-|i the v.(-od. I’ml li_v far the in t cnti rt.iining aiiil 11,send ut ve the ri'riiiing t'o()tin-n, v. ho c ded tie- l ashelb, iml :.i t. 1 as pif iii efs , they were tui I' e in nun.lji r, and ea.'i-i. (1 long forked pole w h u’.iii 'i thi y 'vitli gi-iMi dcxti-rltv Kepi (i:.: 1; l|;r l/rai.'l.' ^, a.-. tlii \ m>j\i cl (jl| at ;i qU'ek .,,11 Uu.'ly l-. e|,n,;.- ^ pm],^ S. I,; I! V. 0111,1 w.’iiont lii in r' all_\ have h'■ sea. e«. h j stanli', ( r or til 'vhicii have Leei\ so hh achcd, in the fol lowing maiinci' -Cul oil' a piece of tiic new lini-rj w hich you wj‘Ji it, exai,ii!ie. pul it into a glass, ar.d pour on it sevu a! spoons!# of good vinegar. If the iincn cuntatn lime, the aci(! will excite cotisid e- ah!e cirervesf ence, accomjianicd with a s!.;.,hl ncjise. C)tiier\vise no ell'ect IS pro - dneed. ' ddi j 111 iiI!,-T1 111, w( re I'on- ( ry;iig al .';d boinething alx/ut the road, t Nji'-dit.ej!, a, th.-y W ..1 r,i. Tor m-.i,i- ! le : al:-: ea:a of the lud.-s !_uvoid the br;.ii- ( c!m-s’—IK :\- is the roan lake-ear oi th fiib ' loll!—ll-. bi.iii'. lies ' Tor V bom '—liana . e,. U bo in l,,tlii- i,-. like rolliii- of inumh r- i ivai,ii. ov.'}o,-,\l ind;ira! — now for iIn Iver-j de.s'—!l(^^ lor Ihe batth- ofs;)c ar:,! W bo i J present if it'ncar Uie Kr.'ibrcc that he our h .,(i' r ^ In.rc I l,;in,i. JT re !■. the '"i‘d\, i i i,,.,,,, ••Vo rii-”u--ic ti i but no V.-r-»,o.l|,c ptaiscd ' In !. .trie v\ lio j ‘ Has the rc^ A gentieman, who wa:; relating In a I collee-house an accident he had me!: I with froTii a fall, was asked l)v a turgeon r.icre 1.1 i. DC iifaisc'i: In ti-.ttie vMio d. t. ri-H- arou'vl bun, like a bull.iio in liis ply, “it wus near the Oliscrvatorv. ” j;-'‘-a (;aiv> •* J ^’'>Ui:ruirnef

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