CHARliOTT23: I’UKSUAY, .lU^ 18, 1826. The Convention Conimittee for Mecklen burg', are requested to meet at tlie Court- lloiise, on the sccond Wednesday in August next, to consult on business which will then be laid before them. The members, it is hoped, will be punctual in their attendance. It is stated in a northern paper, thal in three recent, unequivocal cases of murder^ juries have avoided the verdict thal re quires sentetjce of ikaih. This is attribu ted to the repugnance which is felt at cap ital punishment; utul is urged as an ad ditional consideration in favor of legisla tive suppression of that punishment. If juries will not regard the laws for the punishment of murder, they may as well ' be repealed—i)ut it would he well for them to inquire, if they are not,—wc nill not say pt'ijuring themselves, I)ut,—tamper- jjig with iheir oaths, hy avoiding a ver dict according to the evidence. W’e con sider juries as bound l)y their onthst to render a verdict according to the evi dence, be ihe consequence what it may ; and wheri they fail to do so, from whatev er motive, iliey act contrary, in our opin ion, to the solemn obligations resting on them. The 4ih was celebrated in Raleigh by two parties; one composed of the citizens, at which (lov. Burton presided, assisted by Col, \Vni. Polk; ihe other, of the ■Raleigh Blues and the Morgan Whites, at which Cai>t. Lawrence presicled, by two subalterns. At the first, the toasts were such as they should be, on the Jubi lee of Freedom ; at the second, they were very approj)riate. 'I he Hon. John Branch •was a guest at the latter, and gave a toast and made a speech, w hich niay be found in the Star. The exliilarating eloquence of Mr. Branch was not addressed to mar ble hearts ; at least one of the conijiany felt its power; for immediately after, the suI)joi''ed toast was irivfii :— Certain oditori,—wlioj:'., as John Han-j dolph says, it does not become us to nan)c, to answer their own purposes, make pompous professions of their im- imrtiahty—of the freedom of their pres ses, devoted to no party, controlled by no faction; hut from the practical defini tion which they give of the impai’iality they pretend to, it would seem to belong to that perversity of vision, which can see nothing right on one side, nor nothing xcrong on fhe other. Theymr/ow of their presses, consequently, is very much like their impartiality—n is all a sham ; yei they continue to boast, as though they thought their readers stupid enough to believe a word of what they say. FOR THE CATAWUA JOt'UKAL. “pro BONO PUULICO.” Committee of Grievaiice lieport Xo. 2. No sooner had our little band met in conclave the other evening, than one of our number, who was foremost last week in the pliilippic apainst tobacco Users, came in with a bunch t>f scj^ars sticking- out of his porket, and was in fact ac tually ditected m attempting to light one at the very fountain ht ad of tiie luminarv wbicii had shed its light upon our exertions to put down tlie practice. Tills was an open and flagrant violation of onr rules; and the committee, in taking order upon it, thought proper to sus pend the aforesaid number, as one wlio wouhl wickedly, deliberately, and of malice afore- thought, blunt Uhprrccplion, (loglculh termed) to the great injury of the public. After this disagreeable l)U>iness was gotten through with, and before we hail proceeded to matters of a more important nature, a member of our «f>m* mittee suggested the propriety of widening the field of useluliiess, so as to report all grievan ces which niight eonir to o\ir know ledge witiiin the bounds of tlie L'lulat Statm. lUil the pro- posit.on Was nrg;itiv(‘(l—one dissenting voici.' only was he;»rd, ami the n.emijer froin whom tliat isMied, in order furtiier to vi-nt his spleen and palm off upon us some of his back-eountry wit, Ventured L>oldl_\ to prescribe a “ //;///( siij/icit” of genuine ijoriiT plalstc-r for Mr. **** of S. C. and a political vnmifngc for Mr. **•'* of Koanoke ; our ehairman, howcvc r, to his credit be it mentioned, tinestioned tlie [)ioj;rie- t\ of our recording or radier fathering this little offspring of prejudice : but upon tlie s(.cn l:ir\’s suggesting, with a signilicant sliake of his liead, that these words had mniuiug in tlii-m, and that a sagacious public would no doubt easily di cy pher it, he consented, ibougli with evidi nt mor tification'at till- ri tleetion cast u|)on his own a- euteiiess. 'Ibis being lione, we took, up our present week’s list of grievances, and found marked No. 4, “ V'/u- Lmingcror, according to \\ alker, for w e have ni t Johnson at bami, an “ Utter.” 'I'hese are tiuy \yho, at this season of I the y ear, are wont to sit about the front doors of i shops, anil who are mcu’eove'r prone to icitlk in “By ('apt. Henry Clay and fUnedict I and elevate themselves upon the eounter, in Arnold—Ameriv a preserved, or plots discover-' pr. fVrenee to any oth rseatwhicli ina> present ed.” j itself I hey dso like marvellousls well to hear This, no doubt, is also verv eloquent, j thoir own voice; for be it known, , , 111- -i' , the in.ibility to locomoticnir. stsonlv in the iiiubs and has a world oi meaning, il one could , of such person:,; their tongues are always, nay, discover it. Mr. Clay w ill duu'it ess l)e I ">, “free as ;.ir.” Wo , rr . 1 I (' . II' I M-" spitper or handbill which now vei y sensibly affected by Capt. II latt a o- j comes within tlie.rlvacii; and pitied be tl.e man pinion,of h‘m, whalever it muv !)'■. j who has ears to luar, but not putieme to endure the cohi-bloodcil murder of the English lan- T, Now we make nobonesatputtiiigthese Ihe Ipotip pa|)eisin C.eoigiu are fill-I tVilows down as gr.evancc., in the strictest sense ed with accounts of meetings in differ-("wrd. They are grievances, not only ... . . .. . because they waste their ow n, but because they cm I)urts oi the state, lor the purpose of en. roach upon the precious time of others—and encouraging the (iovernor lo aljide by the old treaty, and commence the survey of the Indian coutitry in September next. These meetings' are cl'.aract.erized by a gii’at deal of violence, and their resolu tions threaten terribly ; but it is gener- klK supposed, by those acquainted with politics, that they will end, as Ihev liegun, in gasconade. It is presum ed, that September will come and go, without witnessing the legions of Cieor- gia arrayed against the government of the Unioti, the President displaced frcm his oflice, and the country prostrate at the footstool of (Jov. I'roup. Some papers having spoken in rather strong terms of the \’icc-l.’residi'nt’» coui se, the opi)osition editoi-s have all at once become very sensitive on t he sui)jrct of slander anil intenlional misrepresenta tion, are wondn fully aslule in their j)cr- ceptions of right and wrong, and can hardly find word;? lo express the disgust vv’hieh they ft el on account (f these at tacks on Mr. Calhoun. But the iV5,i/tV// may be loaded with the foulest epitliets, yei the nice sensibility of ihesc editors is noi toticheil—he may lie tlie subject of the vilest blackguardism in the Senate ofthe L'mted States, ar.d no disgust is fell—the dignity ofthe country may be grossly in sulted in the person of its Chief Magis trate, and not a word, not a r.uirmur of «iisapprohation is iieard :—this' is all well, because the object of this calumny, of this vulgar al)iise, is the J'rcsiilrnt. We are as little disposed as any onr, to justify slanderous attacks on the I'ice-Pie^iith'nt; but we cannot but feel contempt lor thai one-sidef' morality, which will pretend lo feel the glow of virtuous indignation, at a5:persions on his fame, and at the same time view with heart-felt complacency, the unpuralk h'd calumny and abuse heap ed on the Ptvjiiii''n*- that they w.iste their own, we have proof; for some mechanics have even been known to shut up their sboj) doors at noou-da\, in onler lo en- jo\ a lounge. Now, we s.iy, these loungers en croach upon the j)recious time of others, par ticularly when they get about the stores in w et weather ; for then it keeps one clerk tmpUned to watch them—another to answer tlieir frivo lous questions : while a third holds open his lit tle gill-pot of a moutli to catch the “scandal of the day.” So here are three clerks emjiloycJ, much against the w'ill ofthe industrious jirinci- pal, who may be seen, ull this time, grinning'o- vcr bis eounting-ro(m desk, in all the agony of |)rotracted impatience. Iii the meanwhile, the lounger places himself horizontally and at full length along the counter, and witji his dirty shoes right upon it, comineiices, ever anil anon, reading aloud some card or haiul-bill attached to the opposite wall. Hut perhaps w e have a remedy for the griev ance. I'o a man w ho can hnd little to do lhes>- dull iiiiie.t, and who wnuld prefer, if he eould get it, a ncdcittury occupation, w e would respect fully recommend as follow s,—either go and ])ur • chase oUUU cambric neei!le.s, ami alter sc;itter- ing them over the circumference of Ju feet of a saiuled iloor, full of liule people, sit down laud ably and (hllgently to keep the children out of hari.i’f way, and pick up tlie oUoiJ cambric nee dles again. Itr else, as it would reipilre less motiun, go and pro ure a fi w do/.eii gi.od eggs,—geese tj- gs, of course, we would reei;;ii- nieiid as appropriate, btcaiisi- llie product would be godings,— ami after ei|u.ppln,^ \ ourself v. Itli a hut)i'anli;d set down to the .tudy of J. (J. .^ynunes’ tbeery (/I the earth, in a snug corner ot tbc Ijesl loui.i in your house, upon a reasonable ipiantlt) of straw,,el C(-ter;', and, as the irieri.hants *.rni it, b'.i r.dly “ CON er your eai)ltal.” I lus coursc w 111 at least ki t p ) oil ^ul of mischitj ; ami the only incon- vei’.i' nee uiuwlllcxi eiieiice at tlic oulset, w ill be the diiliculty of inuring vour-eH'to sianh utill. However, just im.igiiie \oiir Ijusi- ness to be iiiiinitcly uiori- iinportant than that ot all the tailors in the n.itii n, and tlie (lililcuhv vanishes. Society eould lose nolb:ng li_\- ihe result. Jiartieularlx as tree sehool.-, bir t!ie e lii- cation ot poor chi!ure:i, are not _\et estaiilislietl. Hut it you are (lUinunnd nut to take our ailvii e, in aii\ sli.ipe wiiaU ver, aiul have made uji sour n.indslo keej) on lounguig, morniiig, iioi n. and nit^bt, aii'l thus v.aiitoiil} disturi) and ):iie\i tin- best trieiiiU of ou! public, We re* oniii.i ikI wIi'Miever you are lii&covt r-'d appro.a.i.ii,.;-your louiigii g stat.oiis, th.iltlie iiii!i,it> s lUiincdiaU ly pick up t!ie counter I'ru.ihes and iirooin-hiicks, and ciiuM,ent( such a war with ilie dust, goods, wareJ, ani mereiiaiidi :i., as w ill .iliow }uu no peace w hile yT)u ar^ ur.liin the walls. 1.). II \ . (.'itair/iian U. H. Z. >Stcrcla/y. In W’llliatnspurl, Penn, a wagotier has been fined ’•'iM’uliy iii)[ic'f;:i!’-a MwiJ Stage A LlTF.nAUY NOTlCn On 'Vednesday, thcLMsl nit. we Jiud the pleasure of (>artakiiig of a literary iVast prepated by the students of r.beurzer A- cademy. This Institution is situated a- i)otil 1.0 miles to the east of Vorkville, in the-midst of a luxuriant and healthy re gion of tfountry, blessed v. ith pure'air, and wholesome water. It is under the management of an enlightened and efli- cient Board ofTrustee.s, composed ol’clcr- gynien, attorneys, |)hvbicians, and plan ters. We are honored with a jiersonal acquaintance with these gentlemen ; and wouhJ convict ourselves of a dereliction ot duty, and at the same lime do violence lo our own feelinjjs, were wc to let the present opj)uriuiiiiy pass without ex pressing our senlimtnls of high respect and esteem for their steiling integrity, literary, and moral worth ; and of boldly saying to an enlightened public, you may place unbounded confidence in these gen tlemen. ' 'Phe Academy is under the immediate superinlchdance of the Rev. E. Harris, principal,and two other gentlemen, teach ers. We do noi now iiiiend fully to a- dopt the prevalent custom, which has be come indiscriminate and pitiful, of prop ping up an Academy with a pompous pa- I ade oi iulsortie stuff in commendation of Gentlemen who have the honor to pre side over Institutions of learning ; nor in deed is it necessary in the present case, as the eminent qualifications of the pkia- ciP.\L ot this Institution have been repeal edly published. W'e only add, that the principal and leachers.ofEbenezer .Acad emy know their duty and are disposed to peifonn it. The principal has taken up a permanent i-esidcnce at the Insiituiion. The Academic building is vei y com modious. It consists of a cenlre-pxrt and two wings of about 3U feet in length. A fine toned, harmonious bell, which may be heard at the distance of five miles, is suspended iti the cupola above the centre ot tlie building. It would be unpardona ble in us. not to mention that a large, commodious Church situated on the same lull, about one hundred yards from the Academy, will bt* completed in a few days : so thal al Kbenezcr lileralure and religion, which cun ne\er be separaied without doing violence to each, are brought most happily lo bear upon the intelkclual aiul moral powers of youth. On the Academic list there are tiow en rolled niore than eigluy students, from ! he slates of Xorlh-Carolina, South-('aro- lioa, and Cieorgia. These young genlle- m.iii prepared a literary feast, of wliich a generous public lurgely partook, to their no htile satisfaction. 'I'he “Ordei cout*s'’, nrtiiiiig w ill be left undone or untried to bring Di l.iware on the side ot the administra tion. AVe cannot surmise what the i-' suit will be, not hu\ing sutiicienf local information.” Ihe above pairagraph is from Jhe New-^ork National Advocate, a j)api'r edited b\ Mr. M. .M. Noali, who was one of the firmest supporters of Mr. Craw ford duting the late Pnsid*'nt iitl elect ion. Por the information of Mr. Noah, w t-re mark, that no elVorts are necessary ‘‘to bring Delaware on the side* of the Ad- ministiMUon.” She is already on that side, and will gi\e her utmost su|)port to ihe present cabiiict and its nicasures.— The most inlluenHal of those of her citi zens who opposed Mr. Adams, ha\e l)een convinced, by the nieasures he bus pursued sincc his election to the Presi dency, that their opposition to him was founded in erroneous opinions of his character, which,,since his elevation to hisi)resent exalted rank, has shed addi tional lustre on his country, and comju-ll- ed his ojiponents to acknowledge thal they cannot find any thing against him We have stiHicient ground to test upon, when we assert, that if Mr. Adams should be a candidate for a re-election, be will receive the firm atid undivided su])- port of “ihis little State.” SELKCTKl) rOA.S i S. .^t Fnydtn iitc. 7'le Prtsiflait cj'tlir Stalr.s : He lias ob tained the golden apple, from the Hesperian garden, although w atehed bv many dragons. Thepressevt iidinininlrution : Justice bids us echo the patriotic sentiment of a distinguisbeil Statesuian, “ it bejud-etl f y its measures.” Thmnm Jijjtrson, J/din Jidu/iis, and Chnrlis Cur rott: 'I'he three survi\i:.g signers ofthe chart of American freedom. W be.n gatlieied lo theiv fathers, tlieir memories will be em- blanied, with tiu' gratitude of itnllions unborn. 'J'hc fivri'i fiiii' tnrui's oj ihe J( v(ili>t,oit: \\ v ari- t)anqu*liivg on the fruits ofthe tree of liber ty, planted in their blood, and reari d i ) their toil. I,et the war-worn vctirois receive tin pittance, which their country ju.itly owes, ajul whieli tt'iy h:irdly earned. The!>inutrof 'lhel'. Stutcn: 'I he (ieniiis of Liberty drops a tear os er tlu' falh n dign.ty ot this august body once the most dignuii d as semblage ofthe world. The ('i/n.^tHufinii of the U. J.lkc the Decalogue, it needs no anieodiueiit. Exhibition” whicli had Inen n‘ally piint- ed at Vorkville. discovered that fifteen orations oforiginaj composition would be pronounced, two'I’rdf-edics, and Com edies acted. That so niaj'^^ji'igiri'jl (.(ra tions should be prtq)ared coutiuy A- cademy. is a circumstance wortliy of no- lic'j and high commendation. Seven of these orations were pronounced by young gentlemen_ who received Certificates of regular and honorable dismission from the Institution. The vigor of iniel lectual manhood would not have been dishonored, on being recognised as the author of some of these orations. We have only to direct the attention of the public to the composition, elocution, and pel I'ormance, of that day, as to unvarnish ed facts evincing the qualifications, atten tions, and care, of the BoaiM and 'Peach- ers of Ebenezer Acadcmj, to the youth committed to their tutorage. When e:L- pressiiH; our delight at the improvement of}outhal this institution, in terms so unequivocal, we are happv lo add that our opinion is corroborated by the deci sion of a very respectable number of lite rary characters from York, Chester, Ker shaw, Lancaslt'r, and Sj)artanburg Dis tricts, Soiith-Carolina; and from Lnicoln, and Mecklenburg counties, North-Caro- lina, w ho had assembled on the Academic gree n. _ Encydupedia. From the l.exington \N hige. Charncti'T oj Ihe oj/jjohttio)!.—it has I)een ascertained thal tiic opjjosition in Con gress do not oppose the Admiiii.stralioii .because its nieasnres are wrong, iiiit a- i;reea!)ly to an uiulersiani'ing tliat it " iiiiiat he put doirn." That Mr. Adams must not be re-elected ; but loom must 1)1“ inuile for a fa\edil('; who is to dis;ri- Ijutr the loaves aiitl fi dies ainor.g bis lul- lowers. A noted .Senator IVoni Uk; \\’e ,i, in corncrsing vvitii an edilor in Wa diin;-;- lon City, urged Liin to ( orue out and ;•)- pose the Adtnliiislratiun. 'i’he editoi said lie saw n...:hirig to op])ose ; thal he lliouglit all the measures thus lar were right. 'I'be Senator rejoiiK'd. that“/,^/y j hcprf d tu %i^ if the .)diiiini:drnh HI // 'vc I as ij’ire i>s tht^. lui'il.i at the ri^ht handi'j (Jod, j//,;y fill ht jiut doTc.'i,” ’i ln-, j tKdi ai lually took jdace, and can ije sul)- I staiitKilcd. It eorrespotifls very inucii with tiu.“ coui .ie puiMied in the Senate ii\ ilie op[)Ositioi:, ill coiisequence of w hi'h, he i.uidi; !)U jtness sidlei eii so inueii ; liie Ijaiikrupt l i'.v, jiiiliiiaiy 1 w, and niaiiv other higiily important bi!l>, !)jl.ii of a jitibiic and piivalc eliaiMclei, were h^st. W b.U ii:niiin->e nii‘'^Iiief a little (aCUoii can inllul on a gr« al nation. .'// ( (diindj/it S. C. The ^iifiinat Julnlft.— The ii.dion has this day attained its manliood—the i. xpi riineiit is finished—the period of proba4ion is past. Our minority has ecu unsullied bj’ crime, and our future IS full of glorious j.romisi . The Mmnnj ij' ti'a.shingimi, the. Fiittur of his CuHiitry—What greaU r name adorns the aii- n.ils of the liumaii racf*. 'J'he ('(m.'ttitii/iim of thi U. iS.—Formed by the wi.s’doni, and i ngrafted (»n the habits of our jieo- j pie : Tbirty-elgbt year8 of happy experience td i have ruidi red it permanent in their afl'ections I'rom the i)e tlc.t. u rn-f aw .re W nss lltM )')l!ani ed to in.i\ a vi r;. r,: politic;'.] abou' to i ;,i!i iie lifiji, l)el;ivai'e b:..-. t'.vo - upon tile f lio’ijc ot liMiii-U*. i t' >t de 1- art ;ii t! rod \ ot y.v. u; the The (ji'mrut .7id State (torirriii'i lar system of Freedom, harmonious only when each body revoh esin its orbit. liy Mr. ('harks Htch. '1 he Union of United .States.— .May the hand be palsied that is e\er raised to aid in their dismemberment. By Mr. Tumhina uf lld^p/iiht. John U. Ad ams. The brilliant S'.hdar—the giant in poli tics—may an eight years’ adminibtr.iticm reward his integrity and repul>licaii virtue. liy !\1r. J. 11. Iln/umuiid. 'I be (’oiistitution ot the U St lies—glorious in its successful ope rations , in its “failure,” like the good man’.s virtue, it shines with increased lustre. M ChiTUir, .V. ('. The Prcs.dvnI of the L'nitid Stutrs—As Chief Magistrate ofourci untry, we resjject him; his measuies will decide w lietiier or not, we res pect his adiniiiistr.ition. The /’. J^rtiiidcnt of the L'. iV.-As Carolinian.s, we ow e him our p.ii'tiahties—as Aii.ericaiis, we will judgi of Ills claims to higher honors. 'J'tie iitliin ily uf thin t'nion— us doubt kin inti grit_\^\ bo w oiihl_di-.turb it. Wt w\ ‘aV iA VC e,. fllliK cbmmissioiu d Officers (Line, Field, and i Slail,^ ot the 68tb ti’eginieiit Ilf N. (^arohny ■Militia, together with the first and second Sir geants of each conijjany attached thereto, are tiercby onlered to pa:ade at the Court-House 111 Cliarlotti , on .Momlay, I'ln.-sil.iy Wed nesday, being the Jlst July, and 1st and !Jd ot .\ugust, at -I- o’vlociv, 1*. M. ecjuipped for liie purpose ot drill. 15} order of John H. D.winsnv, (Job Com’dt. QHiU iteg’l. ,N. C. M. John- !i. ,\, July L), IriJG. ri'^lir, .MccIn leid.iirg An( u Itiiral Society will Jl. nice! at the f Ul t i lou'-e ill (,'nai;J(,t1e, oi. tiic last .S.itiirday ol till,', in'iii'li. i i,e ineinin r.-. are mp.Hsled to aUeiid pre( i.,e!y at 11 o’elo. k, A. .M. .1. .'s.'iHlll, ,\c'n/. Jills 10, Iu V»\eVfit'lM'rt \vV>. l\s .\() I ! 1-'., aim p.irtn ul.ii ly the iin that jL has fbai’ij': ()t tli( 1 (J id on tbil Sidi- et M.i- soii tiTrv; 11, it u!iIt sH !ie ji ks (b i’el\ on tiie bill on tins side ol lb" ru> r. I -.b.dl j’)Osi- tiv( ly ri-liirii Iniii to eiir n- \l (Duntv t'oi.rt, lor tbe r. :il It so Ij.kI, it .dii.ost jii.,,os,.b!e ii,r a eariage to pass wllboid o\( rsi ttoi . DA.Ml.L (. \I.1,.\N r. July ] w. i'Ut \\V U\V ^aU‘. f I! I, SI. si'i'ii i( r uib I > tor b tbr pi.l.', . bu 'i be IKi’.v live-., on I'.i la I k, iiii!( s l, (.:ii ( b. lo I 1 '• [d.uif.ition coni,1.o a I l\ W'M,(Hand, 1^ well w.di i. d, n I-. 0.1 ,1 .(m,,,,,, dw eibni;-n"0 . , .i ni w I ai- , mid i,t],, |- n, sirs out s. I b rr is aUo j-ood S;iw . Mill on it; Wll.t'i, b(»l, tbe gle.d .ui \ a 11' e'es 11 po.>-,e-.:n-M, to ' lllibi r ;i II.I eii .loln, , , S i )y s .i.- IIMbb As til si I )S'.ri:ii :• i . d .siiinis ot iiios i,,j.^ to the V\ I'^t II >.l t.iD.tli'i'i Wisli' ,g t(i pureli is’ n cpi sie.l '■/ c i!i '' i;ii, a., ,i j;re..l :iar.;.i,n W id b> gis. II. He w ill sell liK w b.ili, tO " 11'.er, r dis i ..' if 'osu.t tbe pun ha.I r, uliere i* run oe .bine ( iiir. e.iu i.t.y. w JM.iAM A. r;i:;!i; July ij, isj;:.— '.toj. ij 0 r.:' V vv\)\ s ’’ \V wv V v\ vvl .s, rcr^alo, al‘dils Oi!i';e, OF the Cliurhitte Si/riday Schorl svi'i be ci-lebr.ited in tlu I’resbv terian (Jburih, in this pl.iee, ini Sunday, tbc f^.id instant, .at hieh time ;t sernmn, a. propr;ate to the occa sion, will be preached by the Kev. Samuel W lihamson, the report of the }$oard of Alana g( IS read, and a collection in aul of the fund:! taken up. It is also exp. cted that several lav gentlemi'n, w ill address tlu- nu eting. And a>! it is ill contemplation, at the. same time, to F.n- ter into an .iiu iiiory i n win, tlu bepcficial re sults of w hi b W ill I xteiiil to tin- remotest neigh borhoods and congregations, witbinthe county, .t is l arnestls hoped that all those most intei- esti d will be jiresent. I'liosi- friendly to the cause of n ligion, to tlift mor.ds of' I be rising- gi neration, and to the cliarl- ties of the j)rcsent flay, :d‘e sjiectfully insiied to .dteiiil—their mites w ill bi' tliHiikfully receiv ed. Notice of tlie hour of meeting w ill be gis ell bv tlu ringing oftlu- bell. -’t'.Ji) J. 11. MtUMK.NT, ^.Inlv H, 1826. HiKint of M(ntnt(t'rs. V'uYm U\Y Svi\e. ri^ll F- subscribi r oilers for sale, the plantation 1. ofi vvbich he now iis ( s, containing 136acres, of gool (piality, wt'il wooibd, and well watered, and snita!de for till- eulti\.itinn of corn, cotton, icc. There is an excellent meadosv on it, a ibrift} a|)ple orcliard, a spring eipial to any, ii good barn, dssi ihng iiuuse, and out-houses. Icriiis wid t>e made known, on a|)plication to the sulisciibcr. JA.NiI.S IIVUA.M, jun. July 7, ISJO— P!V‘\lNlNti in tlie Post-oflice at Lincolatoiu E/ m C. Lst Jills, ISJti. A W illi.'im .1. \bt rnatliy. Alfred Hridj^cs, W ni. IS'otbifton, I.uw'- rence Mringle, Kbsha Itndgi.s, Si.nice A. Hogs, Jonus IJradshaw, .Mathias il.iringtr, Dasiil Hook- out, (J) C leptbah (,'l. rk, .John (^atluy, .bdin (dor- ing. n, F.ilwaril (;ook, .toliii Cook, Henry Cluie, jr. David Coslner, Fiiibp Causb r, Jr. tdiristiau Clodfetter, Jaim s l.olber, Deiirs Collier, John Carpenti r, ( ') .li remiali Clauton. H .-.KIishii l)\er, John I!. Dasis. 1.....(^Iii ist .|)iier Kaker. F....Christopher I lowi rs, .. oh Finirer, Jas. Falls. I .lohn (loodson, W'ilbam (iilchrist, Ni Ison tiullirie. Mason (iillnre. H....'I honias Hill, lti harl Harmon, Miss I'anny Iloj b . William Hunsu>kir. K.... I boin.ks Keiidt rick, Mrs. Sopbiu Keller. L.... I boms I.owe, liaiieis L..unaii. M lohn Mull, Koliert M’( -asliii, (icorgc Moose, .lohn March, John M’.Mii , Jacob M’Caity, Miss Llizabeth .Mauny, t.eorge Mauny, Alc.\an- der Morrison, W m. Milligan. N.... Kobeit Neal. ) iijaniiii Ormaiul, Richard O’Neal, Hob . I. rt Orr, F....Asa i'arker. • |{....Heiiiy liudibil, Ifobert Kamsy, Jas. K’am- sy, Faul A. U ace. 5....VV dsiiii e .^bipp, \Vm. .Singleton, Ih iiry Site/, Su.sannah Sitez, Lnos Sherrel, W dliam Senter. r....Willi;im Tucker, David Thornburg, (2) John Torraiii e, Conrade I'lpps, John Turner. V lohn X’ic.kers. W—Isaac Wills, John Warlach, Thos. Will iams, (,reen Wallace, I homas Weer. 7b—Jl91p I). IfKIMiAIM) I', P.M. \iViiV Ml* r) FiM.\INI.N(, in the Fost-»>Hice at Charlotte, 1/ N.C. on the 1st of Julv, 18^6. A. Capt, W. n. Alexander, Zeiias C. Alexander, Fphraim Alexander, David Alexander, Marga ret Atchison. n. W alki r Urow n, VVm. IJelot, 'Fhos. I*. Ikrry- hill, l.orei: Hates, U. Harnett, Hichard A..I$ovle, Itohert Moicl, Wtn. Haldsvin, Mancy Heard, Al len Haldwin, Catharine Hrown, .lamis Hiow^n, Matthew Hain, Moses Heaty, Jonathan Hunley- son, James \V. lUker. C. John Coston, (J) Solomon tjro'ucr, Labella |{. Cheeks, Thomas S. Cochran, John S. Cheeks, David Culbarsoii, Win. (JornwclJ, DanieK ook. 1) Lewis Dinkins, James Dinkins, James Dear- mont. F. F.vans &. Uunyoii. 1'. W m. 1 linn, (2) James N. Flanikcn, Uobert Faires, Sainu* 1 1 arr. ( I. 'f'homas (.: i( r, Kicii:ird (ollespie, Sami. Gor- (fOii, Hrittain (.arrard. (dive tjrav, l lios (.illes- pie, W in. M. (.il. s, Kev; U ui. (jause, Wdliam (jriflitb, Hugh liallwas I! Samuel Houston, Samuel Holding, IJobert Howie, Josepli I,. Hoou, ( J) W riliain Hendrix, li'ev. II. Hunter, Mil^s Hill, Henj. Hargrove, l!( nj. Hii\, H( Illy Hoov; r, I'di/.abi tb i >. Hdl, Silas Hiintei, (.lO, A . Hiigli-.toii, J.,bn Hughs- l(m, John Ho'sil, D.a idson Meiidersoii. ^ J hdiii .lonis, Wiibatii .biniison. • b. 'I'lioiiias Kendrick, .lobn Kc rr, D..vid Karr, .bylin W. King, Marcu-- K(iined). L. ;eoriv L( mon^. ,b,bn I. tib , (.}) ’I bos Luis, obert l.indsas, . bos, l.oaing, \N in, i,uckev M .b-'c’pb M (.immIs. John .M’Coj, | b( odore;, H.u i i t .'.oe \b.oi '-, ( J) Jos'epb M’Wiim, Mr. M.ison. ,loln, \lilb r^ J ts. M.ntin, Idun h \l ison, (.r.,rg. M’l.iiiii, I). M’Donalil, W a-lim,,: ■ ton \l(M'rison, Flam MiUire, |{i v. M.ileo'ni , M’l’iii r-io'i, (j Vnna N!’l ,iii e, .lobii M’JXm.dd, i Iboi.ut l{. Moon, Will. I .Moiiison, ■''' JesSe iSi.el). (J I.’.illi s J . OlT. I' lb i.|aniin I’l rs'in, b \und';• 1‘orti r, D.ivid I’nrviiliee, John C, I’li ilT, Kbb i I'elT}, Josepli I’rdeb.ird, i i;. C.ii'iK s II 1! ilji.-;'ni, Hi.v.b l«V.g( i-';, J^ickson Ibidileii. Aiii' b:t li'nis, W in Ki id, Jost ph I’oi;-^ ei'b, Jos J II b'-iil, I*' O'V Ki.ilj b, J(,naa Itiuiis;!!. S. .foli'i ^! S l:iui;iiter. ,lo!ni Sio in, Ijinln 'i >bores, ,1' !in “'iinn.;, Sliinn, .Ma;s ^ . Sjirait, i; is\ In r I .Miiions, I'lidip St( i-i,., .N.iili.iii ■Mil!,M, ' -1 J( bn Miiidi, W iUiam Sb: p!i liii ^ii lini r, W 111. 1. Saih . oil' , Ju'in .‘slii, Kl.j.di :i. >1. lt/,eC, I) niel V illi’ll. - n. I’. I Tiyloi, Will, I i J,iini 1 1 o A le, .1 oiepb S . .. noi.) \ ,irn r I IkjUi.' 'I boMi-oi: Tod-, W .Matibla dliamson, lli i •..ii..n (.'■.f, Jonnbiti dll iiinoii, \\ II . .1 \\ 1.II,, ,lobii I. \\ ;,lki !•, \^ m, ,t, W et/. •, ( e Ol’f, W .1' lille, ( ,'ds 111 S. \\ i , IJev, .loliii .M. Wil. on, I raiif i-> W ilsoii, Tb W ilbain on, Joliii AS ilbs. I W M, SMI I II, i> M

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