CILIRLOTTE, X. V. TVEsnjU', JULY 25, 1826. [NO. 91. PURI.lSHCn VTKEKTY By LEM tEL RIMilf VM, THUEK DOLLARH A* TKAIl, TAID IX ADVANCE. No papet will be -lisconunv’ed, unless at tlie discrstion of the editov, until all aiTtiarajjes an* paid. AnvEnTiSKinENrs will be inseilod at the usuiil rates. Persons sending, in advi-ni^emfiits, arc requested to note on the maiyin the nuniher of insertions, or they will be continued until Ibrbi'!, nnd eharg’ed acrording^ly. . onmiNAZ, rOH THt CATAWHA J0» Mr. liiNGHAM :—'I'he Comrrisiten of tho Codj;rcg;alion request the insertion of tiie acconj])anyi;i£»; address, delivered in Hopewell Church, N. C. on the 4th of July, by Dr. iM. Winsi.ow Alfxan- D£B. COMMi'l'iilK. rKIKNDS AND TkLLOW Cm ZENS : As lon^as the love of freedom spreads its aiiitnaiuij; and liilusive lires in the American busoni, l/ua da^' will be hail ed with tlelight and exultation, by eve ry friend to his country, and be viewe.:, under t/ieauspiccs of a j)rojjitious piovj- detice, as thatejjoch vvhicii has placed us beyond the n-ach of oppression, S.nd granted us in perpetuity, a stand on the rock ol iniicjjendence. When iookinji back thro’the vista of time, while the patriot delight.sto dwell on these griorious results,—the sympa thising feelings of every nobip heart, survey with melancholy retrospection, tiiorse individual calamities, necessaiily consequent on the storms cf war, rapinJ, and carnage. Military glory is i)eautMul at a dis tance, and the w.irrior’s browj surrcanu- eri hy the daz/.ling; halo ot larne, is un- blnrichcd in prospective, by the a'Al'j! ciesolalion that follows his treaJ : but on a nearer approach, and more n-iuute ex amination, we see the laurt.’s vi the conqueror dyed in blood, aii-1 we hear the «:ro:ujs of the widow, et.d hmt-uta- lion 01 ilu' or]ihan, iningied wiin tiie son^s of viot(^ry. \\ hen we behold the Icng tiied pat riot reuirnin^ to the bosom of bis coun try, receiviti” tho i£rateful ajqu-obaf.o:-: ol his tell.iw-eitizens, who te aier t ) hiin the ctiMerl'ul tribute of merited ap" pl'uise—risiuo; equally from .ihe wosl . ^] l(!udi(l mansion and ure-'t cotta>i;e •—we realiZf :itniiniph., vvhiv'ii uh'’ L'^’i-Ht- est coiKjiioroi’ iic\cr t-ij.t-. w** see presei'it’d a civii ',V!C.'’h, ojort; gt'.itil’\- in" t^aii conqiit .t, ujO>-e digmfj iut; tlmn t mpire. liut let us draw a veil over the many scenes ol misfortufie and (’.darnitv, is liiefi mark the vicissiimles of oufievciulion- ary war—Ut u- pass over in iu; , those patriots who sealed w/.ii then blood the achi ivenu-nt of our b'ncrties— shiviudfd in i!(-alli's sable m^ii'le, liu y liHAv resit in their Micni lombs, iiu n,r!re to animate witii tiie Hame ofpatnotistn, their desponding’ companions, nor to partici[)ate with us,, the cultn sceiu^s of national re|»ose, Their conduct liv*s to our patriotism, their chirre t-.:' to o'!; animation and to our £f! )•>, ; '.■ hi!.; sacred gemus of libedy siwdi .r-i ij, ■ found restin'4 on the vc‘ 1 over their silent abodt', ■ i Our revolutionary 5.t'ul’.'.’;''' r'>de.i — cur 1 iidependerK’C achei- ‘ d —tho s " i "i t liher/i/ apjMars and diN.iiiiJd.-■ thcsfj eiinids whioti had Ion" tivt r stiado 'fii, our coutili'} --ibr ni;Iit of mli-li*r-1 tune is p'l'-t-sui'ceedrd by mm;!;.''.‘.nv’ j of prosp(;rit\—;i!id |)r"e.^ . ,i' ;j were from heave!i, tu t land. b’ro?n this I'liTii'u u;! * ’.ijion her care '-r, .i*. a ’'n 'uln i- t.iic great famil), o! nid( jienoent 'i'-. *\s li ft’ilc'i'di i rv itiiui.i, we were loiterinu; on Ibe I'l'ink ol (iissiiiiilioii, lVi)ni t;u‘ im becility ul onr then s'. sliMn of (’oiit‘«ni(>r- ntioii—a sysh-ni t'oinui incompeienl to the "•'.(•at oiij*'cls f(,r wl.icli M. '.vas lii'li- tuted — the nbii ,d under it became api'arently dcspn-nic, aiid na tional atV.tus \v('re impeib'd rapidly !o a crisis, oil wiiirdi depciidf'd our o\i'> as .1 natiiin. iNo al'erna'.ivc remainetl, but ihai ol' I'l.roiiDg a penDRiieiit coh''li- tu(iiii‘il ii/i/'on, a,id conferring- on a gei.t'r.d !^overmiicir^ powers c(*inj)etent to its i/N'ii pifser\'.ilu)i!, and to the ful- fibiie;it ol all its eniraurments I'ri,):n ihi«> daii^rroiis precipice we ! e arrf'strd, by the bond uf mutual ro/iC!.siiun, ai’d piu'':ca in i,!:t aii: vi e’u political safety and prosperity, by estab lishing our present national constitution —by, in it, identifying the individual with the national interest, thereby es tablishing the power and energy of the governnicnt on the all'ections and inter- e.sts of the citizens—by establishiiis; tVee sufTrage, the only p-dijMiur.i of nJinia- nent and correct repoolieao go\enu. i uf —by securing an \inrjiitro'ilea llb(.« .N of conscii.rif'e md iln; piess, i;i'uia- teil alone by inlcHip-n.-e and \iiruf, \yithout \\bici: n;ioi[j., supc/>!iiiun, liberty is ii. euti.;ii,n(ss. irntler liris confedera'.ion. cur nation stands tlio sole ai bUiess ^-f iu.r o'.\ u it ,- tiny, and sits tjr;nly !''“isc!; on hero n resomoc-. I p.l.u,.; ..u! , „ ■ inlailins Kl. iy, :n I,-.’ a.i.i un-Hit-;.. lVo;ii It..- i.ii.ivt.u-l.l Cl usvirpation is the hat ofa glitteringdia- dem, or the grasp ol an elected func tionary. Progressing, as to time, we nught trace the conflicting view's of policy in our relations with' foreign na tions. A total aberration from moral feeling, and moral [)rinci|»les, in our in- dr, idual intercourse, puoducing faction, trea«(!i, ai o ir^ii'K/idiDatioo ; from vviticb r‘su]t(r,l j).ission. indecismii, and CijUiv.e:;! ]>oiioy, onding in tiu'orrtic ni regulations, a;, ii. judicious, as iiinp|!uc..b:f t.. .;ur and geog/ : (] Mtnai on. 1 .‘:e .'.ai'- i>i l.’iirj,,!,^ thi,- t:rT!e, « \ /liijiJi d a s( of arl:>tlil^•, v'.ar, and '■■'rna.vo, 'in:.rr.-(-d(;n‘. d In the annals of !!.'■ worid. 'i'fi te, tiie wnat of intclli Party faction «as now lost in patriotism; principles and not men, t)ecame the rc- }uisiles to promotion; sectional prejudice absorbed, by a ijt-ncral and unbiassed call on the talents and inteijrity of tlic nation That knowledge is power, in a nation, a! jioint of view, is a maxim nu loss prac tically than philosophically correct. Whatever may be the physical force of a nation ; however vast its resources a cx- nounreil S: (oily destroyeil-onr coabi pro tected ai every assailable point-—t)ur rev- ’ eriue hnshui.ued, and comniensnrale to al! our wanls—inieriial improvement ad din;' c(>niii,n, CMnvrntcnce and wealtli f'» the intctior—x)iir itaer;'oui se v. ith for- eij^n puwero, impartial, digiidicd, and decisive. C)ur na’. y, which, political em]>ii ic.s hail >iiiiaujuj,^^,ii.iy , ;n TP.e, i,,ea.f y a,ui iiu-; jfiifed the;r- from th.-* ci.-viu ‘Ul v, which, pohtirai emi«iMr.s had nation ul l.Uui‘- r...,rch is I oft-.t-cM v ivil or reH'nr’-s i-i'-.ii j ‘‘d a danK‘-f"'Js and onsiKhtly i. hau been bartered at civic strength is l!ie ptueTfSsive IIV !,• i* I >'be slia'no!es,or (vysirr.ated by dry docks, un.beny.-i,cr »,,il.u,rrir;:;';, f;::;: I J! V-! j.'-'V"! .cm,-«u„uso. irs li K S|.ttt3.:lc of 1l„; rr.i.,1 a'-i:i. r,',. i I rV.. ' .. ' ' ''' r * wcic ,funl„.ats. li.r !iin - sul.icr fiitr,.of llic cli[;- g speetaolf of ‘he rr.i-d ae var:C r,,t f ihi ot niar.kind, in »'V., ry acijairement i “- which renders life di;;,ii.*ii'.l ,,r i'...sira- ble—and her happincs.s the '.,j,. ir»‘ntoflht lii:nian laculf.e^ tiabe.-icbj.. it pu)-p0ses ff.V v,!;i(.i) tbfV H. ic giv: !i by hcaveti—tivu. ..d in/.;i\;t i.-iu,-tiu.- ( i,nd,- iioii ot riii h:i ;,jn l , ( civii a'ul ulimf u's Id oitv. ,» -w,.. V t nr :ii' I *• UI inccilfj- ’■ of contending p>a8sit»ns, I nihed i elirenuMit ot indiviiiuai timidity— v\ayes were waves of blood, and u'i„',.>e plains are yet wbitei.e tl waU the bunes ol Hiurtlered Uiilhoti.s. From Hit « ;fe( ts id iliis ^^o!’nt of fa n itie.siTi, wbici’ was desciati! the ijir /si j.'Oiiioii.s (.1 Eurc|)e, it v\'as uij^ ^ hie lor u?> e.Mireiy to tscaje. AOpi trying evejy etlort :.t riegociViion. ar.d 1 h.. is In. ;no.u> viaor, ue held, this! drink:,,- to tiu dreg-: ti.e last i d hu- the iJ.-h .■•eval.on^ v... att .und.rjn.ii,.in.., ni. asu rtai:.ed the the bappv, ;:jo ar.i::uu- , l-'r, ,io.b jrbb; v, ai.-d lui British pirate* ol ou AS,.I>.T?'.V. At tue cl .sr ..I; wMe i.,>,.uiihie a. av:.i iciouv E.J’. nhicb, he ..!l,pd to t:ie , is' equal in.digri.t^ , j.h.ii.g his niost val'i'::b: i I urtirt// to insult, iei't us lU rcjvi t Lut ti.aC of wllicb, ^I,r ptdilic ;1 syg.U'l! \ , I .,is. .sa'l'iH'.-d V, iril I itljjl pVr-Sc?U j'.l iiul /'(; wi'i;irclymen- eoe' eor recti proi.uc i tHt kcci : it proni' t> • e I.-a I Iti t very re at 1 'Hal \ -'SSt- li, ir' t'l acts of g..r.n!>iess. e^ j . (■dliu*‘.s and ' t ' ''ns. w itluii v.t.; j i; > I, g!'.vry; a- M W ill I. ;v»?ce..d.ih» when • declare to to. m, •. ?;;• tiie lu.'i.d,,lord'd nio'bie n-.ned to l'i> I ,f’*’ ' ' ■ , , . . , , , Ia'i. r, A vvar ol i.;,>iei . OH ri.ury, .s mooMer.Hl iido i se;?' d. ft.,, e. ih-.i oel am.* iM.ot.iyol ni. IS avpt;.i .anet^t. vv^s de^Lml a our atl.a'ihioent lo bis vn t.ics ; liis -un-^ ij; iin on iIu- l -tn .I n> . r':; dui t Stands to'j fjobiy eb.-\ al( d fer de-j Aldtc, u' h ,stri|i!iiui, li.s too c!!'.'.o!icd i iur fiitogy nni, ■" 1 !(S ’.insfiTH't uiip!-pj ared. exp ,■!,(.(! ji. Y ;-•■I,.• ■ ( Vi. ».-.I ji. , jioj!)t—-not I ;.r-. !n:ro, patriot, sag”, raised and | even prov)ut d Wiin ;iir n-.-rsi u-v .• .-a/ions op’i' bl by the special hand of iicavt-n, , of detencf.^e v ,th( ruofin'v 1-. r our tiajq-.iiitss and that ol' unboi ii' tv'Ctics, ju .d •j.scipiuwd a! ndu ::ed !'?iil;,.ui, n.jw in stdeinu sd''nci' s.^:! lOM banks ot 'lie Poloj!.''*", in lis' ■ " ■ • ''->1“ ■ i.n\ .. I 'uvt: r- . n . ’ . ” —’ " “ l-,..aceful ;o,rd>.--Ao~such v m :ue. nev-1 n.-.,-,: e.-..e(i upon flu* v- ho!. v ^ i ‘f' Ci !;ves--ind muNt ‘Ins O'^v rr. ' i*'-''"'' touid lesult in I picasw ; hut lie-.miy alone can never cap- ^ P - 1 T • • r shvit pf .iKn, | otln r’s Ichc.ty ; rx-javate the heart. The lily will droop, ' 1 . V e i rose wiiher, and heaui> decay ; hut owL-npa;. • ^eieii c.\i, aed re.igious oKvs-.. ^i vu-fious and i^.irilcc: ual . ind moral endouments, the injrs.-iiv hasaM-endea lo ina:.Mou:, oi iv-uhoed hber •i.npai c;lhled in jr, of the mi.i^, ^uv imperishable : ‘ It rnai !ifo jetasa- tge w . . id' ' w :u-of' ' !'i.ey i.;o(>ni in youth llourish in perpetu- >' I'.b' u’ jti\ fi\ed p.’an-: uu'.’a o!hi'i.: ■ ed td -ort^-aiuLi d !;;i(,cr tni\' >!'l.- '-i; sys';, ii;, in.,!: c;.vc(i tipon I'I'e \' hoii' lutci'.'i tvjuid lesidt uMvj III I 11. J wi iiic iiaiiv/ii y iii,;\yt'>Lr vaai ii:» ic^uuicc^^ rji- to oflites ol diljnity and responsibility. In | tended its empire, or infinite its popular otirfmanciai concernssordcr wasbro’tout I tion ; if nnenlijjhtcned by the beams of ol conlusion, and system snhstituied for | knowledge, its institutions arc inopcra- derangement—national bankruptcy, suc-jtive, its elTorts weak and incff'cient., ceeded by national confidence and sound j Hut oureoinitry is peculiarly situated; r-dit, based on the establishment of that) our civil institutions are perfectly seclu- naticinal Hank, Mhich j),u \y had de-'ded Irom tiie dictatorial inlluence of pri- nounrei! lnil\ Hrsirnv‘ vilcged orders, anti froiri that bigotry and licentiousness connected with an es tablishment of a religious order in society. Heir, every citizen is possessed of equa*. politica power. Ou!- extrication from tliose artificial distinctions in society, which are so intimatelv l)lended with the policy and literature of foreign countries, creates hrn the necessity of more diffu sive inlelligence ; *nd where every per son participates in ihe same advantaijes, it w ill open a wider range forihe genius ot' man, and devclope at an earlier period, and wiih greater energy, the untrammel led faculiies of every citizen. The na ture of our j^overnment, the exigencies of civil lile here, demand a hij^her amount ol talent, a more o|)crative fund of mor als, than in any other country. 'I’he surplus capital of all the nations ol Kueope, and all countries possessing a dense population, is in laljour—commer cial or charierad fundi; but the surplus capital ol the dniied Stales is, and will continue for one hundred years to be, in Lands. .\^ricullure will therefore bo .r-, jjviiv.i, uiiiicr our national uvocaiit.'u ; in this a large t]:r- liiatruaon iiolc!iiniy pledj.^ed i-* I proportion of our cili/.ens w ill be immetl- li'. > o. ti:» ,,i uueCi-s-ji,.!, .iiid \vhich,; iutely interested, and from this derive jU: , hi.,;je pdjini'^es resuhi j d! »heir rcsource« : on this class of soci- fd' Oi ai.h to’;.\'.')f,,d 1-iicity. Atjtlythen will rest the su|)puri, or from them must finally lesuli ilu* destruction ol our social order. Ilow indispensably necessary, ihen is an intelligeni e as dirt’u- Sive as their jjovver. I5ut under every government, and in evcrv staiiiKi in life, v.’hat is man as an u;wi\idual, without iniilli^eiice and vir- : ifnt:,; 'bt* pa:.'tisat ; tue ? .Mere external and adventitious r> . -.varincst Iriiinl lu of a' • oTrqdishments and possessions, may uitfieui). I'jr I'>nci: enable him to f^'^litter in the r laud 11'.r ri'riSart, unii• : t o; Toiiy, and dance in th«^ atmosphere til.* I r.M .'er.i V, i;pru;h:-ji tasiii- u: he may nutter over the j^ilded of the pix-it :.;. ctiiii.'-e ,d‘j ^i'cja e i f existence ; may ('risk in the il;e i;,o’!»es, tiir I'jditifs, j iWi r .- parterre of j)leasiire, or bask on IIU pi;r; :o'i!>Hi of tl.i pi'esent nw .:'-iU‘es, j t*:o (!.tr y ( oileh ol voluptuousness : but (I. i:! I.y Milisr.iuei.t « ■- Ii>i i abi' ! • ocv often is this splendid dream of j > •'a a ju v. i'h sctuiini;irr , i h i|'p!?M‘ss blasted ljy the stroke of if.di- (he I'A'f ; y lo: piodiued. I iv e, or annihilated by the storms ofad- '"''e Ik re tb i iinperle' t hislr;ri- v;;;siiy, and its votaries forever isolated ca'i sVii *!i of tv. 1 ..s r;o'\ lo./k ; from tiie endearments, 'lie sympathies, ioi!'^- Uu- e . f tiiiic—.in' ; ip-ite di." fu-1 and the hoj)es of society, lure—fo)i!eiT;pijt- i.-ijr euunuy, tiliod j I'rrsonal attractions may for a time riiniions of liirehigent, \iilut/iisj fayr ,nate and dazile ihe eye ; beauty may under t pi»l .iv's, ^md | . |,,j( he.uiiy alone can never can-' •’u ( I • i f I- • ,.V_ ■ .1 . r,., t . , ... ■. ' thi.'i navy, Vi liich in opposiL» >n to every elKji t ed’V i^iojinrv polu y an.5 p.ejudice, bus rude iriuinphaiil ovti ihe u.nes of , pa;iy, ac'l ho:u»-vi-r Mar sj,ari)dtd han- ' l.rr \iL'o! ious ,.jver t!ie Ilriiisli Lion— l',.'S not only been reiitst.’.o d u. its for- nu r s\.ii)di:!;'-, ijut c.».y'iiu ntvd l. luaide- )ree i.ontai'ond* .it tu out p/oiti. tion ^iid stM.11'.y. ♦ haV'? hOY- a'.':oi:i[)aiii**'l ’be pro- e i .ps', o( tune f',>r Iiaif a 11 niuiy I’ at {(>• prese.-.t penod, under KfCSj. and a; i-. ne \y :tii- ei ^'j tftv ai-! v>Ut •'."iJiOJ: '^1 roi. •irdf.'-i 1 nion Cv ur te . V , : U!.Mia) 1 ; ba.i iCT) ; — l.j; ■n A-i lit rrsil's', a . ;al d’- j , !,M. L.:. in- ■St la; a var Le; r ,. it he j • - lime b Vt I'.tpi > ' »1 ncns u'd VI ( . Uf P'O/ivV. Allow , i.ilisr.!. „ Wj.cuf; ,11 ... I I I 1 ■ " ■ a.-r-.: .:0k he 'mid^tjoy*; ‘o es iniNnr^v ! e\ •t.i’!/;.!;u',ioli, ’/'hL fon .ed the li .t'.on : ‘y**' •iCii-c, . f' mad'. ; v; . tb maturer 'D c:r 'r i;„, L-,i.ssi-K'^ •die . VM bicss-'.;. j , , pio.-.-v S’aiiu ; e.Vv iu d ;i'v. a )l.or-1'V ‘‘^’'d (.har.-n-an'l f. ip;iv.'j ; even to t' . U;. „.vnb - tuat bn^l.t, n , j . J r.clnie .s.! al and ph y iic-J, Curr. s;v. u- ,.• 11,, a w. ' . . . ", t ' ty'fs..-, .. I, ’ *0'!.c iijrhl ci iul..dij>-f;uce and ti.t, . ii.'SL,:-^ i fi-iM.jt-j ,---iin;t('M,d risl. .! ...i a. g.o v ot T f-,;''' . ( 1 I'.al r>io; ;'bty i-nj religio 11 t II ■ ' j to ^ \ ; \ IiI'.11't. ; c!c \ e 1 u![>ed M>e nt-ree V cI 1 ^ * , , . , . I ; i coi. ’.c ( 11‘^! ^ 11 t be f je* 1*'. .V iijjpy con! 1 Ji! ic cic.'t; Oi*r I 1 ^ iI)re.>ervi: ard to huid n\\n u^mu- , ' „ . ■ , I >ret t.mi, unci kd n Mcu-rv .'uidnauo.ial I i. , , ‘ .4 , i u , m ,i,.. p,, a'ldit ss, aii'i I.!"iw Vi.;i i)ver ttie Miltse• I , patr.. ; :o iufure jr.-es, our . iv;! A!nirf 'i-| , it-.*' I 'I ii.'ltnni/' ur>i .n; ini ivir prt'ser't v ilderness to die I'.icibc, ! ^* tnaib. 1 youth ; ilourish in perj)etn- tb ■.'•iKli maturer life ' they I the conlinCM addit ss, aii'i la-tw vi .i i)ver ttie* queiit p'V, oooi V(:-;cs ef to:r.y ' e.T.-. I5ut In-ri' tlu. b;: rju, ■ vvl'i.TC inuas i.;;)ipoi '.Uiiid-T-. riiptcil biii.s—Ml wij-il (.'ot. s )elii.i-| ty I. b.^.'bi wnboul a hi: -.t. ’I’r.vs is tli'; ;’,'V of .A .'oari | a'.;d i’'diM>ei'i'.!. > i.'" ■ tli!.- 'li'.' “0 I-; li.ij ‘jin.-Mu r .'■iiiOfi ji 'i!ii .ond,"; !'. i" .'bao aot \'t', i!.a\>-JIt bI he nri-v and ar-^v r ^Iddtr'd a noble ! ,>nn^.p!.-, is uur _ •. , . ' , s . itjz. jis. \\ UK. . llOll .-.[lU J.,11 i I ,>(' I , sni, I'l [', ( t.fii', Haui jr;.'je.'' r»' vV.r. i! ill, M'l;ono'!»;h, !' ;iyu!i I’or'.t r- —Il ' utiu.r ■M'i. '..'lib, ' ■ :;u vi)’j.'.j'»s J.'..cA.^on, ilf isui ,«iu'.y, as itjz. !i'!. Wroive it (.1 oijr- i.ur I'.ncf.-itors, to preserv igiot> arc also best interests firmest basi.'s u.’lintv/'. ,vi »r‘il as individual happi- re‘.s--c;tid .bat tiu-y form tlie slrongest: •bori'J I rn -' union—arc axioms no less tiiictiiaii experimental. In proportion ' - ill 'id j t iW.’-.; ii V. fua.! , Stjil 1%:.. i \‘.t ;{ ■ V •f leljui I. ■ , V * ‘ ‘d .o i.ur ancestors, to nreservo . ‘ a.^ ,,o lesa f:;'-' ItII sa' ir ! r.fd.V ;n.t libe-tie‘ experimcntab In proportion Ivono'upi, 1 eny | v hav,-d.hvcn-d to, urcaic: we I?'’ approMmates the popu- r, 1 -Ke, vr:,, ,, ^ ^ I I-'’ x^-rn-in that degree in which the :-.Uvi)v,j-.s J...:A..on,l ,*1,,j,) P')sm:ss the sovereignty, and by .vi- rr I'lS , I , »d' cur '! a per- ■ Clif .he;] ou II')' or.' Nie'i . i . -UIKMCS ' 'u ior, '• . ■ I. isoi ;.'„ ij . ■ V 'U\C •;i . b.t ii .lily r -.; r; t!,. OUJ and ’■ .J • c fe^i’ . a r ■ • ol -.I ifia> •! ._ \nn 1 K an ci‘ /I./', 'intrff'ltr :. *vlu.' 'a.lir.ii ibe il^tne ol di i'-foi r! 'viurb., ti c itro Vt;'(..>■. i,\ :atr)'), •.•.II f ;a!fia: C •• ' :r'' 1’ ; L'orv :!■> :,o 'M ;j ■■d .;iii) ’ e I' I lb 1 • AiM"'. l.'v pr'.’j ti,\ i ;•! '■eid b'l'jp’s oi :ri:f.;.: ... .•* W il,'!) ‘iif ii rv.-'ir ot l.n.'.fio'i 1 cd . win 0 • b '.r vo» ■ ;• i'" . i._e tboii u;j.i ;■ ■, ' 10 gratify p*'. sm '' r servt,' a natieii^d v prejiidiee of ?^e.'i^!'! . p *; > '' ,tini tl.c niorbid cc..t» b-i... •. i 't' M'lvcs way to ihe ii>ini''f- ')i r.: -•. iuM! love of co.Uitry js the i;ii| and JiiOral |)niicii)!o the bland; r 1 ' social in'er-juor-e,—^o;-n( I’utere tiaa will do i:i;.lice ’o tiiis jaM :od history, to '.vhieb '.vu liave arnveti award *o Ihe acroi' heir pi op.-r n -, jirai^e oi- reprobation. Duiiiig liiis pcf’o.!, party f.nd. .i' '• legticd l.broiigb l!nj nalior, uitti .iih tbeij' i'alefol iidiueiicc. Here no plr.,- suiatile i,?n.sat,’on .'oiuc.'s tlu* linp.!!i' d ^ • iiHid ; here we Irea ! a vv/v/e bacreii o ji.uriotisin, of ci.od(inr, oi uons.sieMir> , (d inoral grandeur •, i'.ere v,e lunl e\ i. i \ thihg vergiiii; ecei'iii:'!'’, li’inu li.e I iri, w.i'li address of tin- t'afcliCi id his eoiiidiy. The' aiieo and se.ditioii Im'A s irc’Dina’r I by p.issioii to snb.^ir-,'.' p:;rly, mark 'i'o , lir>t unhallowed inipi i s^iun on the gi eal j n;, pidu'..[■!( s .■ biiU\aris of our lib'rtics. l,,\i'iy as-i ,ro’n auoptct!, itu! ii:*, ;a, •sutii (jtiini of undidegated jio'.ver is tytan- aiPli'c^s Vfued as liie poliir s-iO’ i> i^'iide ny; uio d;fleiot>cc. i> I'Uia/.'lev'C. wbe'it f ou"'.'oii’:v; .i.o e- i-- ,bj i»i-‘ u I .u ( s’ i :li . idres: j 'o point Oil! ti; -sf. r;'.;] I u'" i^Rat‘ *'iO ,f- •'.u.s;, j III'. ; ■ .'II ii.‘ '.O) ' aU'y jlro) ( J I i :o!t r'l;’, Mu I., ical {.-rineijd. s, a.iti :• V, I.;i il vvlii A ..d lo '.U--J-' ^ i«-.;sin'' i.a- ; ,U . ‘.I . 1, • I'.*. .'•'Uin wii'i , , ei>;' ■ lU - • pi ! '. . i hopi),'f" , •hi •.! f-pei ii), is '■ I lei aied ob;, , ,, ,,i.:*'ii. U) ..all tl e ii';;‘. '1 (ll . ijt rvi > . f • '•} ;^'-'nri ai i .^ai authuri- or f’l .1* ( 1 pb>si. a! d ' nlaretl v. C.i lly tiU.:.e j ;r( '>; il Ijrc-a'li j in;, ; 1- H.i. I ;o'>i I iDlllljUl’d I'. elVi.'.tS Ultllia!,!; lastsi innnorality v.iiit( ? j lf;llu:d in the l;!;ine> ' slari’;,'.'.'l '.vjth c;.'T!.al i!)' ;-' r.U,. ■ r'.' '■ !>e?,! \vbi(di '■v.i'.i,'- 1 liafTsa’' iiuiuii', ' ver) lansf i i .qjiroj)riate riltui ; niid t,!ic ■ind moi al ineaiis are always 'bin the en.b: acti of man's a- o ailain and [jcrpt bj ite our lif'iu.I I'uppirie//; :.nd pro'.pei- ••vi lopnuni of I\\o ivcts is .!)|'i al diiru-;on ol' know Irdgc. ..iC': impri.'is ' 1' c'i!rc.:t n,or luy, l!'i-y i!'o'j!d '.'.cr hf licM i..p a Iciiiio.i '.d d;s' 1.. d ...nd l,*ea'-' ni ’.o l! e -' c-.i-iot. of i \eiv ti'ue ii'i',-;;'! ;.o In': auf! vi"tuo are the \V now iijMi ■' t‘’ IiUfi, !ii>. ;.-r t”ue li;e ernine; peop'i- pr)s a ss the sovi reignty, and by b gation are tln ir own legislators—so >"t|;;' necessity ol a general diUqsion of ft li.;ious principles, and the appieeia- I.on a’ld practice of correct morals. • >n what could the [)aternal tie of hu- t'ia"', associations hi- foaiidrd, if no moral p*’inij)les vvei c to be develojx d in the heart !hmc is our security for pnjpr-rty, for repiitatifin, for lii'e, if a sense of reliL;ioi:'i obligation flestrt the oaths which ‘arc d; insti I'liidits /i' investigation in om roui't . ofjuitKC.^ Hut when the Iieart; an ’ yudei s'nL Miir i.nUc in iuijio"m;;; an. o'digation, we have a pled^,^e of pruinp'. an(' \vi!l'iii» ob'*dienne t,o ti;*- laws, aiif\ an a'lM.rance of v.abildy and prC'Sperity J 'b nation. i ae dcstinif.s oi ou!-r.oun'ry ba'.e «;ver beeri peeubai ly a'-soeuVefl with religion. It was under i;:, anspiri -, that il vvas first settb'd; it v., s ‘ • pe.- peta."te religious fr. cdom, tl.i- ,a'_ . (I btrald of civil liber ty, tha' ' be pi';;, ipis (If ,ci ted theirnutivi land, anc' ''ti-.j irileri'tl a stormy sea, a saM>e;» ulld■■!^te^s and a fearfnl destirr. )UT; ' Hi !- ' 1,;- u-^oa ot dt-.' '.vasU, id': in no o,'..rral .bniii' .'n s ‘'oijiid; i , stiiMin of hnii!.i'i ii.licji , .. i adi.i"!.';’UMtuxi id j ■' P‘du \ iTu! ii:‘. ; (iin .at inodli;p'lu,c ^ uesuir, p’l:ol the leinplf (d‘bl)'-tiy, and j II n .i-. n: .ipb s of .-•ehgious iil.'eny fbaf s . » to!i!ida’.ioii ol ri piddii:an i;ov-; anifna'i d . tid prrfrclert our lo'.eof civil ,{■; 1 vr, oe!;i. adnuue !. ’iheie! ii .-i : epiudd lu tlirou;;!; oai- j^ioon.v Uiiisl bi.' a de,.p'-j(‘(d !-,'.el!ee’.ua! elevalion I mi ai dn'ni , strugidc fo- oxie.H-mJe.iC lo capiicii.jte a peopl-. l'..)r liliiMly—tl.fie j b; !• poh'.ng wii!i cotdidente /.•die justice list be a ssa.i'v c(jnni.':li'.)ii beiwinM): oi o'sr an:.*!, on llie suf)t«'H'(; r d*'i of thi; • • tY, t » I . I V »» fl W» !•» t,.. t I I. 1. ; _ « 1* •nr! f!',is V, bi(dl ibej mental iiTiD! ovemenl at'd .pe;i:y. )'ii' de''’e mu tr.e r. v.tion. I prO': ■ ay •- I AIsi i r,Klic:d di'ie' • oi the intellccturd nie'ii' '.! t';f;S', w >!o >io no'. b‘e! Ui.'’. Ii-ir- niony '.b.i ii ( ....sls oelween ibe iia'. .‘>d' llotig', .'.rid that Tiioi'alit) IVoni r^li'eli . I , ii. iii; In' .O'ial diKif.s of man itaivi r^e, ami .-,ov*'rpiijr; ,v’ !jile> .d’ualions -lid ihii'i laid tlie foiinflaii.iii ol' our pi-^, >;v:it national pi e-emi.icnre, where we are liailed as h.'pe f.nd model of ibe world—’.he iy:ani'^ dix.-ad, and the pair ol's l-.oast. CC.T.cla.j;.! .vn f'..ur»h page J

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