Sfiitti cf ittc. StKcrson. 1‘rom tho Jvichnioml Kiiquirvr of July .1 Great Man hnsfallm in l^/ricl' Thom\s Ji FH UsoN is no'nior*' I I iVicud of l.il)f rty, ihe AiiUior ol the Dec laration of Intlenendtntr, Orna ment of Human Suum- iistlC” (as hcj once said of Bonj. I'laJiklin,} Ihc first m ;n It'fl his couiiiry, and one of the first] in his age of i^rcat men, is (gathered tc the tomb of hi>> falhrrs. 'I'he state, the] iiation, ti)e vholc world itself, has sus taincd a loss of which no hiigua:;c caii| j^ive an ;i(!('juatt‘ dcscrij)tion. Libert) Vfcps cv;m- her fvi\( rite child ; and age yet to ccine Tvill bo.w with reverential ip-atitiide h( fore tlie lofty monument Asliich his lal)0!-s liave erected. Hi i'ame belongs to History; and if talef.t the most rare, virtues the most ronspicu uus, services the most useful, cun entith uny man to glory, the reputation of Tho7n an Jvjfcrsm will be among the bi iijhtesi '.vluth she will have to record, lint we Jeave it tu others to commemorate hisj virtues : In a few days tlie Orator willi dw’cll witli enthusiasm, and the Poetwil pour fori.h his mcltinjj strains upon the ijreat services of this public benefactor We have time only at present to stati the event of his deatli, and to sketch a few o! the transactions o4’his remarkable life. On Saturday last, for the lirsttime, we had lK‘ard that he was ill, and that his physicians cntntai’U'd serious fears ol his life. Messengers had been sent to call in his distant relations. But we litill trusted to the strength of his constitution, thou^^h we awaited tlie event vvitii tr-mb- ]ing solicitude. On the n’.orning of the Anniversary, more alariiuiig atcouriis reach us ; tiiat his complaint (the Sum jner Disease) had left hini, yet that hi'- physician (Dr. Dunt(lesoii) was afraid he had not slrength enough to vaily tV(mi the att.ick : A subseijuent letter, lio'.vevei was read in the course of the dav fiom a near relation, stating that his comj)laint %vas not oidy abated, but his strength vas increasing. But on the evening of the TM'Xt day the stage brought to us the .♦'atal tidings ol liis dissolution. The pas- sengers stated, that when they left Cluir-I iotiesville, the bells of the town and the University were tolhng for the illustrious! dead ^ and the niail brought letters, ol which the follov\ ing at e extracts : Cliariotte.svl/lr, Juli/ •!, 3 o'clock. “ ThoTTias .U /lerson ditd to-day, ten minutes! btfort.- one o’clock. I’ M.” £.rtract oj another Icfio, ftime phicc and rlaj/ “ The latest jii count from Monticcllo (up to tv.(Ivc- o’clock to (l^y) brink's tiu- unwilronic! ♦\dinjrs that Mr. .Uttcrion is lin^i r'luj; upon the' \thres!>old ot ttcr.iity. ] . /S'. 'J'u'u o'c!i)ck.— ^\r. .It flVrsnn is no jdc-h fic died ;it Ju iniinjtes Ijcfi re 1 o'cic.ck ; tlic I iii'> -..'th year, he v.'.-*.'a dis'iit. B uishi.d mcJi.ber ol Ui*i v'irginiu Legis-* .laJt;re. anJ an active pait i;i all the -measures which they adopted in opposi tion to the usurpations of Great Britain. In 17.7.T, he is said to have Ijeen the an ihor of the j)rotest against the proposi tions of Loid North.—He, was subse t-iucntly transferred lo the (General Oon-j gress at Philadelphia, where he di'jtin- guished himself by the fnmnessol hisj sentiments, and the eitergy of Ins com-j positions. — Of tli(-se cjualilications no otlier cvidence could be reijuired than tlu imj>erishab!e Docun'ent which dechircd free,' sovereign, and independent Slates.” I'l om 1777 to ’79 (for certain portions of those years) he was occupied will ‘Vythc and Pendleton iti revising tin Law s of \'ii ginia. In 177‘J, he succeed ed Patrick Henry as Cio\ertior of tlu State. In 1781 he composed his “Notes on Virginia than which no vvoikol |equal (liniensions has tver attained to greater reputation. In tho summer ol 1782, he was in Congress al tiu- moment when the Virginia Legislature weie Irain- ing a State Constitution. '1 he draught of the instrunu lit, w hich he transmitted on that occasion, was not received till tlu day wlirn the coiiimittec were to report jthe result of their labors, 'l iiey vvtre so much jdeased with his Pteauible, thm they adopted it as a part of their Keport: so iliat it is now well understood, oui Bill of Bights and the constituiioti v en from the pen of (ieorge Mason ; tht Preamble was ’1'. JelVtrsoTi’s. In 1781, he left the United States, being associat ed in a pletiijiotentiary commission with I'ranklin and Atlanis, addressed to th(- several powers of I’urope, for the j)Ui- pose of concluding treaties of conmiei ct. In October, 17a‘j, he obtained leave to return hciine j and on his arrival wut made the Secretary of State under Cien erai W asl.ington. His torri spondence with the 1 tench and Liiglish Ministers i ' ©tatft of 3oH« Sllantsi. From the Natic'iial Journul. a-*id whiih \TiucIe a pr.rt Uevised Code. [ ‘The attack on the establishnirnt of dominant religion, was iirst maile by my- S‘ lf. It could be carried at first, only b)j a stt.'prtision of salaries lor ot.e year, andr so from year to year, until the publicj mind was lipened ioi tlie bill tor estab lishing lelii'ious freedom, which 1 hadj j)repared for the Bevised Code also.l This was at length established perma-l nently, ai.d by the tfi’orts chieOy cf IVlr.j Madiion, being mystlf in Lurope at thej jjtime that v\oik v. as brought iorvvard. •'1 think I might add the esiablishment| of our Ur.iversity. I\iy residence in tho! vicinitv threw of course on me the chiell but deii cf the enterprise, as well of theito the tomb, covered with years, Ibniidings, as cl the general rrga:iizatioii|bowecl down by honors. Iwo ot those -ai.d care of the whole. 'I’he eliect of ihislsages who signed the Declaration have jerty, will, in thcir ('iffitial ct.pucity, „ Il’unci'id oLsccjuics of the lute lion. John Adij. ion I riday next, at 3 o’clock, P. M. *’ It seems to liave been written, in t.ie decrees of Providence, that the Fiftietl Anniversary of our National I'reedom should be distinguished by extraoidina- ry events, which wili make it for evei conspicuotis among the cekbrated lesti- vals of time. Scarcely had we determin ed on the funeraJ honors to be paid to Thomas Jefierson, when the news has reached us of the oocease of his co-patri ot and co-laborer in the cause ol Ireedoni John Adams. He also has descended iii- and !'institution oti the future lame, lortuneJ ^and prosperity of our country, can as yet] iibc seeii but al a distance. But an hun-, '*ur( d well educated youths, which it will turn out utiiiually, aiid ere long, will lilt i'all its ollices wiili men t,f superior qua ffuations, and lai'C it Irom its hurnbled ^slale on an • .uinence among its associ ates, which it has never vet known, no, hiot 111 its brightest days. '1 hose now on 'the theatte ol allairs, will enjoy the in- •elVable l.ippiness of seeing themselve r: ucceeded by sons of a grade ot scienci i be) oTid tiieir own ken. Our sister states ;will ulso be repairing to the saliic toun- ?taiiis of instruction, will bring hither Mheir genius t(j be kindled at our tire, an*, will cairy back the fraternal aiiections, •which, nourished by the same Alma Ma- ^ ter, will knit us to them by the indissolu ble bonils of early personal friendships, The good Old Dominion, the blessed mo ther of us all, w ill then raise her head vvitl Ji'piide among the nations, will present to '4 them that sph ndour of genius, w hich sht hias ever possessed, but hastooloiig suf thus consummated their mortal destiny,i at the moment when the glorious issueotj their labours was announced, for Ihi fiftieth time, by the acclamations of grate-1 fui millions. Two suns have set on this [day of our Jubilee. The particulars o this melancholy event—for although the Idcath of the patriot at so advanced an age should scarcely be mourned—yet it is i bereavement to his country and his fam ily—» iii be found in the following ex tracts; From the Koston Gazette. John Adams is no more—He departed this life on Tuesday afternoon. The an gel of death stems to have been w alking] with him for some months, but was not permitted by Omnipotence to call hin away, until the Jubilee of American lih erty had fully come, and not then, untilj his soul had been chctred with the loud acclamations of a joyous people tor tin. blessings of the day. The trumpet had sounded through the land—the morning honors had been paid—the noontide wa> past, and with the descending sun tlu _fered to l est uncultivated and unknow n, ^ patriarch departed on his joui- if and will become a centre ol ralliance to thi enjov the everlasting rest prepai I stales, w ho'^e youths she has instructed, - ' [a proud n.cnument of his genius ; he ^and, as it were, adopted 'aileiiiaiely itbuk«d the cold cunning ol^^ ‘1 claim irome sliare inthem.eiit ol Li:'.on and the rash at dor of Cienet. His |Rc[)oi ts on mcriev, and weights anti measures ; on the f.sltcries, aiul ofi the jrestrictions of commerce, art* amj>le at- itestations of the enlarged views of the Philosopher and the financit r. In \ 7i>7, he was elected \'ice President; [and 4 years after. President of the U. States. For eight years he conducted the governnient .w it.'i a strength of talent, a |)urity ot purj;ose, a lespect to Con- 'slitulional Principles, which might servt [as a'model to his successors, liis acqui sition of Louisiana aii.iie now calls down the loudest j>raises from every tongue. But what is deficit tit in the pu cedini; narrative must be made up from a curious and autluMitic Memoir, now lying In tore 1 for those who use their talents to tl acteptaiice of their Master, i ifly year: ago, John Adams spoke freely and con fidently within thif walls ot Congies;s U]-| on the independence of the country aiitl such was his boldness, eloquence, and argument, that the wavering were tixed, the timid encourageti, and all were re solved to support it on the pledge ol fheir , . , , , , , , (vrtuiies and barred honor. In this houi |htm. Little could we dream, that theB^, i,,ror and distress and darkness, his this great woik of regeneration. Mv whole labours, now for many vears, have Inen tievoted lo it, and I stand pledged .to follow It up, througli the venmaiit ot -life lemaniitiiig tome.’* Little was his country aware, that so small “a remnant of lite” remained to t]ay and hour too. on wliii h the l)icli.ration ct'Jus in the hand w riling of Mr. J li rsoij. Tie wascalleti on by a ])articular occasion i to state some of the circumstances and ser- liKlependence vsasre.id.” I hat a wonderful coincidence I Fiftjj years from the Declaration of Intiepen-j ilence; on the very day, and it is said the very hour on which it was read to the Congi ess t^J the U. States, this great man, the authoi- ot the Declaraiioii, has bifath- ed his last I No other Lutliaiiasia tould have been wished to hrm ! He has de parted oti the very day winch he lias made so glorious. The day of his fame wa ‘ the day of his death. The aj)plati!t' and giaiilude of a whole Republic were ut that monnent rehearsing his work, and repealing his praises. Could he havt stlectetl the moment of his iltpaiture vices of his life, and froi'.i this curious document, ami for which we are iiidebted 'o the kindness rd‘ a iViend, we lay the following extract before our readers : It lurnishes some information, in that touch dissolution of the l-’utrici and the sage fwas so soon to plunge this nation into ^ime t^eneral mourning, 'i'o testify oui gratitude foi-the services of one of itie l atherB of the liepublic, h ofico/tfic dnlici which IS now left to us to periotni. i Jie 'Mayor ot our city has addressed the fol lowing luttice to the people. Ihe lixe cutive Council has adopted the Hesolu tions, which we lay before our readers. A general grief pervades all claf*ses of citizens. As we write, the half minute toils are heard from the State-House Bellj the Evenitig to be closed with minute guns. This mourning should be general thro’ the land ; tor we have lost h man jvvho has served the world, f “ The citizens of Kichmond .ire rpquested to . , , . . , , !j canvt ne in the lta;ll ot the House ot J)tK uates mg style lor which the author was so re-|^ u, Uc-m.c maikable, w hicli, now that the gfeatV naas>urtrs us may siein to tlicm best cui-j man l.as tlescended to his tomb, it ma\ culated to manifest tlieir respcct Ibr the memo I'rom the Nutional Gazette. The dissolution of two of the three survivors of the mangnanimous men v\ho raised the perpetual standard of Anier'’- can sovereignty, within the same day being that which closed the fiftieth veap 'since their glorious deed, makes a coin, cidence so striking that it has imniedi- ately aflPected every person, and in a for- mer age would have been deemed oinin- [ous, or at least u special dispensation of '* Divine PiovideDce. The decay of Mr. Adams’ bodily facui. ties proceeded, for several months ante cedent to his disease, so as nearly to ex^ tinguish all hope of the protraction of his life beyond the present summer. _it IS said that he rose on the 4th, without |any particular increase of his debility^ but became quite ill about noon, and then gradually worse. Those who had visit, [ed him* within the year, are unanimous in stating that he continued to be om- of the most interesting objects, that could be formed by a human being, for the ven- eration of his species. His old a^i,e though feeble, was still manly and spir. ited—he conversed »vith apparent sijtib, faction, with intelligence, and with a co pious memory of events and agents-—he had not lost his patriotic fire, nor evtn the characteristic earnestness and nnn- uteness of his concern in the afl’airs of his country. The general etfeci ol las presence was powerful indeed, atul alnu>!,t unique, when to the impressions piotiu- [ced by those circumsiances, was added the recollection of the eminent, perilous, intense part which he had borne in j ro- posing and achieving the National lude- pendence ; of the various exalted and ar duous public stations which ha had tided} of hi;> extensive leai'iiirig, his sound moi- als, his siuipic personal habits, his warm atl'ections, his thorough, inflexible A- mericanism, and his ultimate felicity la the elevation of his son to the Chief Mat gistracy of the Republic. While we rejoice in the signal happi ness which individuated the stage ol his career, it is impossible to rHVain fiom recurring to the diflerent final situation of his partner in death, and repeating tl.e expression of a regret, however vain, for the bitterness which mingled with the ebb of nature in the Southern aposile of liberty. Both, certainly, had conso lations for whatever physical or domes- genius penetrated the gloom, and rajj/ into future times, he foretold the coming glories of his countr*, and—rare ieli':itv tic ills could have befallen them,—in the —he was suflered to witness, at the ex tent of half an hundred years, the ven- lication of his prophecy. It has fallen to the lot of t)ut few men, in any age of thi work!, to witness so many happv changes as he has. Pie has seen the p ople ot ihis coiin'try pass through tour wars* ano and muliipiy from two millions to twelve “seen wiiat were Jicntierfi once madt midiMids and numerous cities bios- 'som in tl'.e wilderness around him, and throw a surplus population into the ranks of civilization on its march to the wesi. He has lived, twenty years beyoiul the bounds of human life. He was born the 19th of Octobei’, 1735, graduated 1753, commenced the practice of the law 1759, anti continued setlulously engaged in hisJ no! be iinnroner to lav beiore'the pub-| rv of their late fellow countryman, ■IhoniasBprofession until 1774, when his repuia- ‘ ^ Jctiersoii. u^sKPii r VI r ” b.:. .. r r>,. lie : ‘1 came of age in 1761, anti was Soon 5[)Ut into the Jiomination of Justices of the Icounty ill which 1 livt, aiul at the first' lelection followinj^, 1 became tttie of its JObKFH 1 A l i:, Mayor. ExLCLIIVK DlCrAKT.MK.N I, P 26. S this would have been tliC very one w hiciij|rtpi'e.sentaliveb in the legislature iie himseil «ouid have choseii. Hisdeatl. has added a new intert st to a da\, whichi liis lile had rendered so illustrious. The pai ticulars of his tlealli have noi yet reaclu'tl us: but if ue may judgtj from the whole tenor of his tcndui], tht wl.oii tone of conversation for tin few last months, we are satisnetl that he tlieol v.’iih all the cqiihtiimity of a “Ac quiescence (said he ten davs ago) ia duty, under ciicumstances iiot jjlaced a- mong thost we are i mitted to conn ol. ‘lie w as in the habit of sa\ mg to his inti-j mate frieijds, that though l-e liid not wis' to die, yet he did noi fear to t ie. But Jew da\s ago he declared, that il i. could leave his Family uiieniban as'^ed. and if he could see llie Linversiiy f:i'.i I;, tiwder av, he u as-ready to t!epai t. litr/ii!!nrj, Jjorninv, was Ins ^a\orite quoi.i tion. Vv ■ !ia\e no doubt that ius ‘rtil i»ig passion s\ as strong in tlea’.h.’ Il Wa ccaicely teti days v. hdi he hieatln i the most leivtiit v.iihes for tl.e o his country, and for the snc«.ess of thi- polltKal piii’cij lcs to which I,e v..*,s su t'^T". ( tiily cttached.—it iss.ud, I'lat in liit c()M se of last week he calinly.gave tiirec ’ tions about his cyfiin and iiiit'i inciit ; ,,iu • hat on Monday, fntitiirin;; w i h soin'j so Ti'it't.'d- u!iat ua« tlie day d‘ the moalli,] ar.il 'uing told tiie .Id of July, he ex j(f('i->'-d a'ie'ireto live till tlu.- next day thai he mi;'hi breathe the air ol' the An iiv'-rsaiy. A fi \v f.pon tl'.e life of this dis- tlngiii'-heii iiian.ind we h.-.vc tloiie. 11 \vas liorn on ihe Id d .April 17-1 in tlu county of Alb'-iTMuru'. at Shadwe;!, : oill!M'V seat uhtt h lu^w belongs to hi i;i. nd' on, w ithin a shurt distance id' .Mon- ..nd within iiuU' a i; ile of lu^ mills, t le Was of cceai se in the }• : i\i“a”of his i(ge. Ho ietei\fd the higr.esi h(j',t,'rs ?t the College of W’in. CT '.l Mary : and studied tlie l^w Luder t!ie ecli'!.i a’ed (George ’'!\'\th.', l ile C'!;at).'dlu;-of Vr ^inia. Belbrc he !iad ‘I was then sent ihe Oltl Congress ’I'hcn emploudtwo veaiswiih Mr {Pendleton anti W )ihe, on the revisal and •eiluction to a single Cotie, of the whoit [boilv of the IJruish sta tiles, liie acts ol Lur Assembly, ami certain jiarlsi of tlu Icommon law. ‘ Then electctl fiovrrnor.''' ‘ Next to the Legisl..tu!e, and to Cci;- Jgress again. Sent to r.iiiTpe as Minister Plenipo- [tentiar). Ap()ointed Secretary of State to tht jNevv Cit)\eriuiu nt. ‘Llectetl \’ice President anti Pie;-ideni ‘And lastly a ^'isilor and ilvCtor oi the Uni\I'l'siiy. • In tht be tlilVerent ofHircs, wiili scarce ly any iiii,erval l.u-iween tlicn!, I.liave been Ml ti.r puldic ‘oervi''e now 61 veais; aid ouiii:g the grealerj iul ol the tiiiu', in ioiei;;ii countries, or in tiiher States.’ •11 legislative ser\ if are v\oi th men litn.in;', ami the stamp of liln'ralny am tialil\, whi h was necessai y to be im-| |jt essed on our la'vs, in the lii st ( risis ofi iiun- ijirih as a nalicn, v. as of any value, liiev will liful th.it manv d' the leadim; Jxkhmond, \ a. hth Juhj^ 1«26 Present ihc (loveriior and Membci the Council ot Slatt it IS n>ade kntjwn \\ llLKl-.AS xecutive Uepartment that 1 homas Jel ^lerson, the disiinguished beneiactor ol tins Country, departed this lile on lh 4th iiistarit, aiifl this Lepariment being imijrcssed with the tkep sense ot the gieai loss Virginia, the Union and the World Ht large have ■ ustained iii the death ol this i hilosoj)iier, Statesman, Patriot and IMiilantlnopisi; And whei^.as, sen St jf what '.ve owe to tin present and I util re generations, anti not merely a r» 2giird lu (itir own letdmgs, w hich of them selves v.ouhl prompt us lo the measure. requires al ihc iiaiuls ol lins I)ei)artmeiu I niatntestalion b\ all meatis 111 Its powei ol respect lor ihe memory el oin W ilOSI whole 111 has beeii passid in unceasing tlevolion to the atl\aficemetil ot humai happiness, and tl'.e es’aijlishmeiit of liu- ei IV on a su: e a!ui last;ii i(jur,(Uaion liisj/ired !)V these st miini'nts, and pt esstd w il!i tlu egre' w inc. a uk ticca- siuii is so w ell Ci.h ulated to in odu( the (itjvei nor ami Count il ol \ inia, dtj IS lollow i eso vt Hall ol tlu- IhMise oflt C'h:illl!)i.l »,\c riiU\ I her, Ijc hiiii.r ith th in iboiii'ii I'liit 1 ii.aiii iiitr..iiCLS into tl II the tiuard House hi (mIhI thn-uulicut I. '1 liat mil u be firi-d frf)nt f)iie houi (i! tiic sun till ia\ , Uht.l llie lIuw n oi till. bUIllt- 4th. 'I'hat VC w r baclgi s rit niournin lur one ni;r.ili :l.(l t! \vi' reoinnu ltd tlu .-saiiie to all oH (/KVfi iiiiiLnt. riial w 1 i-liei rtull\ iniiti. u ith out ■ llu\\ Clll iili c \ ci v otlier im usi pcct ami VLii-.ratioii fur the uiein •aTinu' uiy ot the di.c / Co/// Itit.il Alil)S(j\, Clk. Council of StM'- d impoit.mt Kr>'s of t!ial dav, v epari tl l)\ ir.ysell, and carrietl (.hieU\ my ell'orts ; su;ipf!i t.'ti intleed l)v aidt and laithful i oadjutors, ‘ The iirohil;ition of the rtirlliL’r impf)r lion ol' slaves was the first of ilicst liiea .ure^> in riii;e. ‘'t'his w.iS followed by the abolition ol ! iit:.ils, v\ lii't h l.tfijki; up the heret!itar\ and hi::li-liaii(led aristocracy, whith, !)j a(.cumu!alipg immense masst s i f j)ro|ier-' '.y ill single lines of family, bad dividetl (Hir I oiin't r itit j \;vu tlisliiict oiilersoj noble", and plebelaiis. ‘ Bui, iuriher to comjilete the etniality amone; oui' citircns, so essential lo tiie maiiitt'iiaiice of republican gov'rnment. lu'tes^ui v to al.olisli the printiph' priutogeniiui e : i drew tl.e law ol de-g|;.,„i lasting, nre, v.rtc.f, purity ut niJninirs, an.Je't sc'.'nts} giving eijual inheritance to sonsBcirxa'cd seul, and pi.rktt iut^'j^nty oi hcui-t lion fur talents, imlt'pendence, and Ku-| man energy, caused the public to de mand his services; «nd since that periodl his history has been blended with ihatolj ins country, and is known in some meas ure to all. li would be, at this moment, impossi ble to give even a scanty chronicle of[ his services. This must be left to hi'- biographer, who will have an ample fu h,| tor his labors—the materials for u mon ument more durable than brass, lie all t;t| iiatid for the workman. '1 he patriot.I Statesman, anti Christian, is gone. 'ihen[ is no u ar to tie shed at his exit; for ti.e ,l atitude to heaven for j^rei-ei vmg hin.| .o long, ami thut he died at such a mo- nu:nt, has drank il ere it fell. Had tin] horses and the chai iot of fire descendeol lo take up the patriarch, it mijjht luuel been more wondctI'til, but nut mui'e‘glo-[ rious. fO.MMONW i:\rTH OF MASSAf.Ht5I.TTS. JIa:d (Ji.’(ir:>.rs, Jnhj 5ih, 1S2G. (■j.N On III.Its.— Jlis il \ il:e (Jiwii niandi r-iii fhid' ha\ii,j,^ iiiloniied -tlrit |.l»tii.v Aii.v'ii, oik: t.l tin- sii^ncrsot the Declara tion ot AiiiitIi an Ini'i. peiidLiH'c, and a fornuT 1 rcbiilent of the United ^tates, departed 'tliir lile yesterday ,.tu rnoon, wlrk- his tcllow-citi zens were eunmieinorating the Jiihih/e ofth.i' gloriou.'. c\ent, and(^> tpl\ impi'i;. d v\ illitlii oidi.t;ations v. lii' li the long and distingiii^hcii erviee.sof the (!( '■.'asc! J,.,.,. iThjxjseil on all jiosti-nty lu honor his nuiiiury, iinulitr hlJ I)ai.not;siii and uiiitan-. his virtues—(,r(ler:i tluit luiiH.te guiib he lired in tiont ot f!io state Ilousc.l wonderful triumph of the insiitutn;ni which they so largely contributed to found j the matchless growth, prosperity and prospects of the Union over which they had presided ; and the common ho mage paid to their services and otherde- serts, notwithstanding the conflict cf party interests and opinions. These po litical rivals did justice to each other, too ; at least, in the period ot their re-, tirement. We remember to have heard Me. JctVerson, in 1816, cmphaiicall)r mention that his Federal predecessor was the very life of the Congrt ss of 177G— ’.hat he urgetl the assertion ol Indepen* dence, privately and oflicially, wilh in- ci edible zeal and eloquence ; and that no man could love his country more, servt her w ith keener perseverance, or act witli more general rectitude, than John Adama. HBMMbaMMMaMBMMaaniUMB Sinc'ular Circumstance.—We learn from [Gloucester, that all the black martins !antl a great number of swallows, have |died at that jilace wiihin a few days. 1 he marlins were found in soriie instati- Ices huddled together in their houses'- they have also been found dead in the Streets and yards. Whether this rxtra- pMtliiiary mortality among the feathered irace is attributed to a scarcity of food, [or some deatlly epitlemic disease, inus: Ibe left for natur;dilsts to determine. iSatm Jkg. A Schoolm.aster was lately prosecuted, in Onedia county, New-\ork, tor the in- lliction of excessive punislunent on oneol hts pupils, aJcntalc, aged 1.> vears. U was proven that the child was ob-ilin.ur, iiid refused to submit to the matuiaii.' ol he master, who continued to beat her until he had given her one hur.dicd and .'uciili/ four hloti's, and wore out sevtral li'ct ot birch rods on her bat k and uims* Vet the C'ourt intimated the maste.'' v.iS ulpable only in discontinuing ih(' jjutii'’''*' inent before he had compelled the caild to submit, and the jiiry actually lo'itn! a \erdicl for the tlefemlant. 'I'heie ui>J=f lunebten some circumstances not ths- cloaetl in the report cf the trial, to ate such savage coiuhict—else the cliarije of the Court and the veidict vvotiM in fi'oin twelve to cinc o’i;ijck this(iay;9iunrc become a CoutiCil of Oiu'ltla h*" and, at ti^niic}. on I fiday afternoon, diiri.-ig thc&ip.i.s than a t:iv- pci'torUiaiiee i^t the fencral obbe(juu' his !-;.\celleiirv’s eoinn.and. >V M. II. SL M.NLK, Adj. (.cncral. Co,';i/noHiV£uU/i nj iilassacliHsdts. Jn i'(iunt.il, July 5, Ills K.xccllcncy the tiovenior'having an- nouiiced tu tile Couiifil that ho lias this niorn-l ing rLCcived the melancholy iutdligenee ofj |the Viiierahle Joiiw Adams, loriTKT Frcsidenti ot the t lilted .^t.aci, and one ,i the thrie last[ f ‘‘' I''"'' ^ H,^tunl ty after. . has leit o. luhd hmi a pretty consultr-gnooi.. at 5 o’cloek, at his residence in liuincy- .. . I hul the Supreme Kx^-eiitive of; wSfthe Commonwealth, in testimony of the deep lit wa • \S i*hui;l iricndsliii rfffrMriWiw i min—i iin' m ^ hie has no rharin. 'J'he litiii.'., than a civilized tribunal in On'''-'* • County. Sul- Prnmpi Pay.—There is one genil'-'i^‘?j’^ in this city, a merchant, who regul'*'*/ asks for his bill a lew days before the ex piration of each quarter of the y *i'’i is regularly |>ays it. What a difu it would make in ihe income of aiu‘«>P^' per, if its subscribers and pAi’on^i 'vcre all as j>unclual as ^his gentleman, very man might be as punciual, U'uidd. The prinler would then save tiu or tilteen per cent, in t barges for'cohcc* tion, and the interest offlve or six thous* CalT7 ov.ly things v lneh t un rcmler triend',1 it) siue’|lic tuhass loid p'l'lvate \\()ith",rmrdoceMS-^‘^“‘^ dollars which he is obliged to hot rn„! r.f,-. v.-tn,. dutingu.shed p.driots otj'ow at the Banks to eiia!)le hi"' ||ttie rvv''lLiti'.'n; a:iU foundcu cf AiutrivHu liL»-|ton his Uilily business.—iiusto!