VOL. II.] CIIAKIOTTE, X. c. TUESD ir, AvarsT i, isse. [NO. 92. PCBLISHF.D \ITEEKtT By LEMUEL BIXOHAM, tr THREB UU1.LARS A TEAR, PAID IS ADVASrE. No paper will be discontinued, unless at tiic discrtttiou of the editor, until all arreai’ag-es arc paid. Autertisemeicts will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending' in advertisements, arc- requested to note on tlie margin t!u* number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and cha’’gcd accordingly. llovAse of Entevtainimiit, ND Statue House, at tho sign of tlie Eagle, L in Cliarlottc, North-Caioilua, by l!il36 KOIJKHT WATSON- JS*otivc Is hereby given, that by virtue of a Decrce from the Court of Ecfuity, dated the 20th of May last, I sliull sell, at the Court Mouse in Ciiarlotte, on SuUirday, the 5lh of August next, a certain tract of land belonging to the heirs at law of Isaac lleaty, deceased, lying in Meck lenburg county, on the waters of Sugar creek, adjoining the lands of James llyrani, >Villiani Lees, and the lands of Jolm Wilson, deceasctl, containing about 40 acres. 12 months credit will be given, by the purchaser giving bond and approved security. D. H. DUNLAP, c. m. e. June 21, 1826. 5t92 •VoUcfc. By virtue cf a Deci-ee from the Court of Equity, bt-ariug date the 2Uth of May last, J shall sell, at the Court House in Charlotte, on Saturday, the 5th day of August next, a certain tract of land, belonging to the heirs of Jolin M’fAire, deceased, lying in the cminty of Meck- lcnbu*’g, adjoining the lands of Robert Harnett, Kichard Robinson and HoI)crt Kobinson; and also a tract of land usually called the Howies’ old place, containing, by estimation, one hun dred and twelve acres. Twelve months credit, tlie purchaser giving bond and approved secu rity. D. It DUNLAl*, r. m. e. June 21, 1826. 5t92. Mecklenburg County. lA'ilHam Means .lOKph B’rack» o(Kl. [fctitio"'" rc';'*’ !'"= Cl,„. T. Ale.v»,uU;, f 0* James Means. J I I’ appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Janu s Means is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered, that publi cation be made six w eeks in the Catawba Joiu’- Tial, that the said .lames Means appear at our next ('ourt, to be held for the cotinty of Meck lenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in August next, then and tliere to plead or demur to the petition, or judgment pro confesso will be entered against him. Test: ISAAC AI.EXANDEW, t. Ji. c. 6t93—pr. adv. ?2. State ^*i)vt\\-CaYvA\nv\, Mrckloiburg Counfy—Sesshus, 1826. John Patterson ^ j-.v. f Original Attachment, Wm. Smith and wife, ^ levied on a negro,nian Elizabetii Smith. j named Pat. IT is. ordered by Court that advertisement be made six weeks in the Catawba Journal, for the defemlants to appear at the August term, 1826, and there to reph-vy, otlierwise judgment V’ill be entered against them. ISAAC ALEXANDER, c. m. c. 6t91 T v\\)\lc Tliitert a\w i\\i‘ ut. The subscri!)cr nifbrms his friends and the public, that he lias purchased tiiat well know n establishment, lately owned and occupi ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now ])repared to enteitain travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions will he spared to render them comfortable, and tlu ir stay u- greeable. His table will be furnished with'ev- ery variety which the country aIV)rds; his bar with the best of liciuors; and' his staides with plenty of provender, and careful servants will be in constant attendance. HOHl.KT I. DINKLNS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826, ‘80 (Cj’The Camden Journal will insert the abo^c three weeks, and forward his account ft>r pav ment. \jaui\ IwY Sale. The subscriber otters^ for sale a vahiahli- tract of Land, on accoqi- modnting terms, v. hicli-,, , , , lies in the lower part of Iredell county, on the head waters of IJocl- \ River, acljoining the lands of t;. S. Housto^i, Heniainin Hrevanl and otlitrs, and containing 372 acres. 'I'he saiil land is uf gooil quality and well watered, both as to springs and brunches. Ofthe land nOw in crop, amount ing to 40 or 50 acres, the most of it is well ma nured and Mill produce corn, cotton or wheat, in sufficient «|uantitv to abundantly compcri-.ate the husbandman for his labor. Experiment lias proven that it is peculiarly adaj)ted to receive great and permanent benefit from ntaiiurc.— There is on it a large portion of low gr umbi, of excellent quality, eilhir for meadow or pas ture, 10 or 12 acres of which arc in good order and have been mowed for a number of years. The principal dwelbng-lunise is large ami com- 7»:r: 3VTax;r,E. From the National Journal. Alter the public ceremonies of the day MCM-e closed at the Cupitoi, a party of gentlenion, having first, in comn>on with their feikiw-cilizens, paid ihoir rcspcct.s to the Chief Magisiri.tc of the nation al liis niaiisron, repaired to the Kouili bank of the Potomac, for the purpose of din ing together, and spending the afternoon in convivial enjoyment. The iiind anti hospitable pioprietor of the grounds on v\hichthey assembled, with his accus- tonu>d urbanity and polit«’ness, had pre- |)ared a sheher for the ijarly, worthy of the day, and well calculated to inspire in every bosom the feelings that should be long to such an occasion—it was the Tent of Wasiii\c;to.\—“the Pretoriuni ol'the Revolution”—the same which had “sheltered \VASiir\iTON iifty years ago on the heights of Dorchester.” The pillars that supported this venerated cativass were beautifully cncircled with alter- nale wreaths of the laurel andthe vine; at its head hung an original portrait of the “Pfl/er Patriae,” by Sharpless, which has generally been csieenuf! the best likeness e\er taken of him: o])posite to the portrait wa, a medallion, inscribed “ Washington, Paler Pdtriar;" and on each side, around the walls of the lent were six oilier medallions, all encir cled with wreaths of evergreen, and bear- modious, which, with a little additional expense, "S Ol evergreen might be made comfortable and convenient even ^ lollowing inscrijitions : for a large family. The situation on which it! stands is probably e(jual to any in this or lliu al-1 jaccnt counties- 'I'lurc is a well of good wa ter convenient to the house, and a large, lertile garden. There are two imprv)vements on this tract, which w ill be sold togetlu r or separately, to suit purchasers. It would be a desirable place of residence for a member of the profes sion of I^aw or a Pliysician, being in a respect- aole and populous neiphborhoodj and at nearly an equal distance from five surrounding villages. It is unnecessary to give a further descrijUion of this land, as tliose, no doubt, w ishing to pur chase, will view the premises. For terms, .ip- ply to the subscriber, living 5 miles north of Concord, Cabarrus county. A. C. M’REE. N. B. Approved cash notes, negroes, or notes ! negotiable and payable at the Charlotte Hank, ‘ w ill be received in payment. A. C. M. 82tf lAist ol* li»*tteYS REMAlNlNti in the I’ost-Oflice at Charlotte, N.C. on the 1st of July, 1826. A. Capt. W. R. Alexander, Zenas C. Alexander, Ephraim Alexander, David Alexander, Marga ret Atciiison. B. atid, the Doctor thought so he listenened with evident impatience, and said, “Do not imagine for a moment that I feel the smallest solic itude a-, to the result.” On giving directions for his funeral, forbid- dinguli pomp and parade, he was answer ed by a hope that it would be lon«; ere the occasion would recjuire their observance. He asked with a smile, “ Do you think I f‘ar to die r” Expressing himself pleas ed witii tlip course and attentions of his physician, gratified by the aftectionalc solicitude ol his family and servants, he ) ihoi itiiy Death stole not upon him in thedai k. Ile came not uin xpocied. He lieheld his appi'oaches an'd smiled on his terror. Thus tlied '1’hom.\s .1 kkki-hson ! Enqn'utr. Vroni the Salem Register. John .Ji/ta/iK,—Si-\etai intimutions are inrerna, ,;™rmr.,_guiaeu oy me w .M.o.n | and energv of its aole advocates, i1 e:uinot fail to ■> , streiijcthen and peri)eiu:ite our i)>nd of Union, relation lo the pi-oj)cr hoiiors to be i-aicT^ to the nn-iiiory t>f iliat great apo^il*' lil)erty and fri( iid of literallire, Joiin An\Ms. \Ve will give our su.t,^ge'slions~ tlie) Hill pass for what they are worth. They are, that the Hon. lulward E\eret» B'/ S. JiarrfU, I'nr/. The old Thirteen Stars anil I'ort}, save one, to iirrt/ one who would n«t die in their ilefenee. Ji;/ (Jen. Musiiu. Danu* l.iberty, prown stout and thrifty in this happy 'land, let the tc^t of half a century satisfy the w»M-ld, that, wisely wooed, she may he \\arrantably wed. A large number of the Inhabitants of the counties of Northampton ami l^crtie, in tliis state,'celebrated the fourth at the Cool Spring, in IJertie county. William Britton, F.sri. prc-sidcd, assisted by C o!, , • , , „ . 11 , I 1 1'' .1 1 i uttered no thought, he expressed no tool- I!,,ant )!un;ol|,h. I rom tl,e 'a-ubr U toasts drank on the occasion, wc select |,j^ the following ; fntdhranl jmrty .-jilni—iho poison of social haijpinesK; may it be exlirji.ited from every honest breast. The rrt 'iihii/ I'fthe V.-Thr conlidcnce re posed in him by all bis jjreileeessofs w.irraiits the oclirf that his administration will be wisi; and prosperous. Inlcrnul !mj)rovetiirnl—guided by the w i-;doin | id energy of its able advo" *' ■' ‘ ‘ *■' ' stn-ngtben and perj)e-ln:ite Edui'utiiiii—l')l‘'c(i(jit—i'iii the J —the bo|)e of Freemen ai.d the dread of 1 \ runts. 77/e iiiiIdii iij i/ii' Slufts—m.iy it he as lasting as the lofty mountains of nir native Country. 'J'fic Ci.nstii.tion—if not perfect, jet the most perleet political ('difice ever fr..-eted—Us parts are Cementi (1 l)y the blood of our I'atliers, tiur niood of our sons will mix with its ruins, if it fails. ‘ Jijfcrsint, A(hnm>, Carroll—Patrcs conscripti Rei])ublica-.” ‘ ff^tirrtii, .\ioiilgomrri/, If’iin^frr, Miictr." ‘ 7Vif I'fetofiuiii of (lie Jiciolutiuu—sacrcd to the n;eniory of its inini(n-fal Chu t ;ind his as sociates in glory V in the war of lnde|)endence ' —preserved for the veneration of posterity, tb^e promo'uon ofthe cause of rational liber-j ty, and the rights of man.” i ^Inland—Honor and gratitude to tlie sons of Irclunu who nobly contributed to the estab lishment of American Imiependence.” '■Jlyaciidiu—the York-t(>wn of the SoiUh.” i ‘ 4th July, T6.—hi the daw n of the morning | ^we ilared to be free.” ‘'I'lie immortal memoiy of | ‘ On t!ie 4tb .Inly 18“0, inaj all nations enslav ed be indejiendent as w c.” ‘ Buzzarii', litjron, and the martyrs w ho have perished for the liberties nf (iri ece.” | ‘ Fuhvier, Jurvis, and the gooil and brave \\ ho | aid a Christian people in their t.lruggle a-' gainst ii'lidt 1 oppressoni.” ^ Lufnytltt—honor and gratitude to tijose of o- I ther nations who itided in tliv esti.bllshment of American Independence.” ^Bolivar, the Deliverer—the W ashingtoiT of: the South.” ' I For the wiiole design and execution of I SET.EC TED TOAS I S. nil \.NK AT llOSTON. The Surviving Suhlitr.s of I la: ll’ur of Tn(li>n e olil Romans— and > sliould be appoiiiu’d i>) the (iovei-nment (jf the College K» deliver an Address on the oceasion, ut the ensuing Coinnietu'e* rtn'nt, (in their ni(>st illustiious soti. I'hat. Judge Story should select his ••Jiarafter as the theme of his Discourse before tho Phi licta Kappa Society. That the ( ler-> Walker Ri-own, Wm. Relot, Thos. 1*. Rerry-i these beautiful, animating, and api)iopri- hill, Loren Rates, R. H;irnett, liichard A. lioyle, ate decorations, the parly were further Robert Roid, Wm. Raldwin, Nancy Reanh Al-| indebted lo the cliasle fancy and {’•cnerous Icn lUldw.m, Catbarn.e Rrown, James Rrown, „(■ M,. Custis, wh., was at Matthew Rain, Moses Reatv, Jonathan Runley- ■ ■ ■ \ , * .• , son, James W. Raker. ' j once their host and ihc gucst. At live C. o’clock ihe company haviiig called up(jii John Coston, (2) Solomon Croover, I'abella | rhonias Monro, and Thotiias Swann, R. Cheeks, I honias S.Cochran, Jolin S. Cheeks, I I’sqs. to*^ lake the respective chairs of David Cull,arson, Wm. Cornwell, DanielCook. | p,.esideiit and Vice-President, set down j Lewis Dinkins, James Dinkms, James Dear- ^ cfl iiif tiif'ni hv All- Idim I'l’fvniiv. E Evans & f’.unvon. F. ■\Vm. Flinn, (2) James N. Flaniken, Robert Fuires, Samuel Farr. ^^tate iiX %>iro\*t\\-l.'aYo\\\Aa, Mecklenburg; County~~Muy Utisions, 1826. .lames Clark ^ vs. > Original Attachment, levied Samuel Smith, jon a.negro man named Israel. IT is ordered by Court that publication be made six weeks in the Cataw ba Journal, for the defendant to appear and plead, or judgmt^nt will be had against him at the August term, 18i^6. ISAA(^ AI.EXANDKR, e. v. c. fetate ^*ovU\-Va\*i)\vi\a, Mick'enliurf' Counhj—Muy Ses.yi:>ns, 1826. John Springs S Original Attachment, levied I’.v. V on M lu gro boy named Planter, Sanniel Smith, j II years old. IT is ordered In- Court that publication bo made si\ weeks in the Catawba .lonrnal, for the dei'endant to appear at the next August term, 182^', and tiie/e to replevy, otherwise iudgim nt will be entered again«t iiiin. ISAAC AI.EXANDF.R, ■ m. c._ fetal.Vuv\\\-V'avo\lua, yi.ckl'uhnr" Count/,— Men/ ^ 1326. V, ikii-i-inger i Alt.'icliuu r.t levitd in tlie vs. C bands of Eli Springs, and him Sand. F. Love, j siunmoned as gat nishee. i'l' is ordered by Court that pubhcation be made six weeks in tlie Catawba Journal, tor the defendant t» appear at the m xt August term, 1826, to be hold for this county, and there ;-o rt l>h vy, otherwise juuginent will be entered •igaii.st him. ISAAC ALEXANHi'.R, c. m. r. ^\aU‘ oY .'Vuvl\\-('a\H)Uua, M, 'l:h ('uunffi—Matj Sitision-, 182G. .iarues Cowan ^ Attaebnient hvied iu the vx. V hands of I'.li Sju-ing-s, and him F. Love, j .-.umniontd as gariiisliee. I T i' ordered by Court that iiublication be made six weeks in tbe Cataw i>a J(HU-nal, for ■he iletendant to uppe.u- :vt the next Aiigii-.! lemi, and there to repi'.'vy, (,tberw;sc judgment will be ente red againsL him. _ ISAAC ALFXA^I>F.i^ r. e. Delivery llonds, l^r ibe Ollic^-of the Jouvnr.1. ed for them by Mr. John Prevaux. [From tlic toasts drank at this celebration, we select the follow ing.] 'I'be 50th Anniversary cf American Indepen- Cl. I deuce—a political .)ut>ilee ; ni.iV ti;c sound of Thomas (irier, Richard Gillespie, Sami, (ior-' its trumpet he lic-ard in far distant lands as an don, Rrittain (iarrard, Ohve tiray, Thos (idles- “ accei)table jear " pie, M’m.,M. (iile.s. Rev. \\ m. Uause, William Griffith, Hugh Galhva\. 'H. Samuel Houston, Samuel Holding, Robert Howie, Joseph L. Mood, (2) William llendri.v, ' Rev. H. Hunter, Miles Hill, Renj. Hargrove, j Liviiigston—illustrious Comivittee : Reiij. Hux, Heig-y Hoover, Eli/,;ilietli ». Hill, { The Constitution—a work w hich has been Silas Hunter, Cico! W. llughstun, John Hughs-, found good atter nearly “ half a century of ex ton, John Howi l, Davidson Henderson. i)erience and prosperity,” may w ell do without Richaril Henry i.ee and John Adams, jiio- neers in the rugged |)ath of hberty ; the one holilly nioveil, tlie other ehxiuenlly secomled, the Declaration of Independence. Jefl'erson, Adan.s, I ranklin, Sherman, anil J John Jones, \\ illiaiii Jami.->on. K. Thomas Kendrick, John Kerr, l)u\id Karr, John W. King, .Marcus i\emied\. L. (icorge Lemons, John L_\ttle, (2) Tims. Luis, me luung. 'I'he l’r.,sident of the I'nited States—Regard less oi [lolitical storms, he steers , the great hark ol Stale w itii the siilll (it'an exjierieiiCi d pi- lot. I’uldic men.—Impurticl investigation of their Kobert Lindsay, Thos. Low ing, in. Luckey. I oilieial acts—(Uir itn.a r, and the r in k. I'hc Congress at i'.maiiia—‘‘The de;; Joseph Mctiinnis. (2) .lohn .M’Cov, 'I heodore I great, is iieiieveleiit, l.^ hum ne.” M-.rriil, Harriet Jane Moore, (2) .losepli M’Ruin, I l'>j Mr. Cu.-H-, oj Jn,n^lon. The caiiv- ot Mr. .Mason, John Miller, Jas. M.U'tin, F,li/.a!)i tli j ei\iF:md reli- ioos liliei Is—M.iy the nations ot .Mason, ton m, .eorge M'l.iiin, I). M’Donald, Washing- the old wurld, eie anoMier ball' i eiaui> sliull e- Morrison, (2) Elam Moore, Rev. .Nhdconi j I ill'll', he as imieju ndeiit and in e, as pi-usper- M’l'herson, (2') -\nna .M’Lure, .loliu M’Donald, | ons, eonteiited ai.il happy, .is w e. ’ ' ' _ - . - - . #. i / 1 . i i J , llarrii t R. Moore, \\ m. 1. .Morrison. N Jesse Neelv. O lames J. Oir. P. Renjauiin Person, Alexander I’niter, l)av iv! [ lion In lias;;i'. n u-;. Piirviaiiei!, John C. Pbair, Elihu IVrr}, Jeseiiii I’ritchard. R. Carnes H. Ro'oison, Hugh Rogers. Jaek'-on Ihiddeii, Amelia Russ, W iii, lieid, .losi pli Rul ers, .lostpb lieid., I'ett r Rialpb, .lon.is John >L Slaughter, John Sloan, RcuIk n Sliores, John Spring, (.'atbanne Sliinn, .Mai_\ S Spr^itt, Raw her 1. Simons, I'hilip Sleri s, .Nuthan Siitr.fV, (,2) John Smith, N\ illiiiin .•'bai pky, .\'.:.r- tin Sln.ffiier, W in. U. Sain ■ ons, Jolm htin-oi., Kli);di R. Seltzer, Daniel Smith. 'I'. R. F. Taylor, ^^■|!•. '1 iiomas, ,lo- v.pii Todd. ] nic m !■ i'tin D.uuel Tov. le, .io^^i'pb Tlionisoii. | iir(..id ( \ Pol.y Vanier. .ei/ es W. 1 /■'//" Ma'ilda W illiamson, Reiijamiii V.' st. .fonrden ' ,)!• ' ! I \\ illi.'.nisun, Will..!. N\ dson, .lohn .I. \\ alkt r, j on ; i.; i W in..I. Webl', (iiorge W addU , Cdvin S. W i ii. i uie vru' V. .lohn .M. W il'on, ( J) I'raiieis \'. d >uh, II.n;.. I Oid 1 1 W illiaiiison, Jo!.:i ^'.^lil''. ' 1 lO-.ItUl "V, M -^Mrri!, i> M ;d ' y/.y the .Si i'i t Itii ii of till I he projjri- I'lor ot tilt g! wiiiii Is upoii w liieli w e liav e t;i K- la'alcil tlii'i .ln!idi.e, and tb:od;s lor the rei i p- Bij the .V a/../-./ (f U'i,r. Lit t!ii- people indge ot tluir uants, iu \\hate\( i };rai!r, o_\ il.- ir di eds r;u!u r than by w lu.t tin \ s:i_\ of iiMllisiUe', nr 0‘iiils s.i_\ ol t lieih, al .1) > le- ui'. ml'L nnii'th; (j'.aint auage, that "an unpt} h.ilTe 1 sini iiin luluU -'. lUj thi I'i sl (it n.'!. I’lddic (/pillion, di, 1;.)' I'..tel;, tor...' d and (dearly e vpiesi. il. H j Mr. iitill^ih.nnrrh. Puol.o (rpn.n.ii—It inav Ih- clou.le.l till- a while h}' tli" Mdiineii’ oi le.. lihi.;', I li;, iii.e this oiil .Madi ira, it i:. liie i ll .O', r and the livl’.er I'oi-llie v.orkiii/,. Ihl hr. H V /...I..in> s Monro.. “ >oiiie I'.eit LiVe iKii'U" t(r the ])uldic. N iture, l._\ li'liiig ll..s (t' tin; hnii .III r. .unped till 10 witli tlte e\ I- I r 'li s'oiiatii.ii, and their Imi > me. Like'Ueli.sarius,/% fought the battleHif! gymen ol the State should deliver appro- •ir country, and u'c permit them to starve in j priate discourse.s on the subject,on the 29 ; land the redeemed. lof(.)cl. the day previous to hisbiiih dav* Thai rcsitcnt nf the IJ. Statrs.-Uc is tooj.j.,,^^ on Oct. 30, Daniel Webster should ,e not to know that the si ent elotiuence oi i • i-. i : - r' ir .,l ,huls. shmild h.. ttu. „nlv .answL-r to the 1 ‘ As to his biography, and the history ol his life, it is the sacred duly of his Son—« il is peculiarly his province, which nnnn should invade. No one can do it so ably. His father’s character and fame are dear er to him, if possible, than to the country; and lo vindicate it and pbcc it on its proper exaltation, should be left to him. All his father’s papers have been for years committed lo him. This circum stance suiliciently indicates his jiarent’a wishes on that subject; and those wishes should !)c sacrcdly regarded. Wc cannot pay a more appropriate homage to the memory of John Adams, than by re-publishing the letter written by him on the day succeeding that on which the Declaraiion was signed. It breathes, says the New Voik American, the spirit of a pi ophei—the confidence of a patriot, and the determination of one ready at any moment to lay down his life for the cause he had espoused. Its pi'c- diclions have l)ecome history—and on his head have beamed and will beam the unfading “rays of ligiit and glory. ” The Idler follows : P/tii. Ikmo. Press. rHii.AnKi.rinA, ji:i,y 5, \T70, Yesterday tlie greatest (|ue:>lion ’wa-i decided w iiich was ever among men. A res«)lution was passed unanimously, “ 'J7tot t/irse U/iilCfl Stnte.H arc, and nf riirhf. ouf'/il to br, free and indr pendent Stales,’* 'I’he day is passed.—The 4ih of July, 17/S, will be a mirnornfile ei/och in the his tory of AiTierica. 1 am apt to believe/Y villbe edehraled by succeeding generations as the (iiu.AT a.v\ivi.usahy i i;siiv\l ! It ought to be eominetnurated as the dni/ of defireraure, !>y solemn acts ofdevoiicm to It ougllt to l/c sol • nij), shows, games., having pnvSle business; uitb him, 1h‘bells, b;.;,rires an(l iihuii^ warned him that “there was no time .f'Oin onr. end oJ Ihr rmitinml to Ihr l,e lost,” and expressed tbe belirftbal hej'''^"'; .f^>'cnr ' - \ on will (uuld nolh.dd out to the -itb ; that he^'“"'" tran.sported wiih enthusiasm: claniour ofrf;7 toii'ue,s. iWiio I he Dak crowns her moun tains, and the I’inc shades her valleys; but she can boast ol no Laurels, save those gathered by her Reriies—no Olives, but those which freshen on the brows of tier Sages. The Freedont and the Purity the if J'rr.sf:—The true ^udgc of the freedom and the purity ofthe People. Ry the Rev. Mr. Pierpont, Chaplain of the day.*—77if Spiritual and the Carnal weapons of our Futhers—RibU s and Rullets :— In Fre( dom’s fight both tell; for many a head 'i'hat to heartv's lif^hi hows not, will bow to kindred h’ud. Ry W illiain Sullivan, Esq.—'I'he department in tbe division of social power, wliiehis intend ed to be the preserver, and corn-ctor of all o- ther departments, a firm, honest, Icarm.-d, and independent Juduiury. Ry W. A. W arner, Escj.— 'Jlir .^i.&euihlii^r. nf Frid Slates of Jlnariea at Pauunia.-r-\ Ifadiaiit Arch siianning oiir Contimnt, as Proof and Pledge in the Heavens, that Ihe waters of Peril which have now gone over and l ft tin i.iber- ties of either America, shall return no more. Couiiiiirct and Munufi/eluees.—longconlin- iince to the good iindersl.nullng between Jack Tar and the Spinning Jemi} . ADiiMS U lUOIMOM), Jt’i.Y M. Priiiiu/lars of Thoinan Jej/'er.'>on's death. — Died at .Monticelio, 50 minutes pas*l twelve, July tlie 4lh, Thomas Jefferson, in the' 84lh year of his age. His health had been impaired by a loo free use of the Uet Spring lJuth in l,Sl«. His indis position had steadily incieascd, until the last six months, when it attained a troub lesome and alarming violence, giving him certain indications of a gra(iual de cay of health. Tin- issue of Uiis he early foresaw. On ilie 3tli June, hi observed to a friend, that lie loul;lecl his vveatlier- nig the present sumtner. liy th'* 2'llh of June, bis disoi(ler.and weakness hav ing reached a distrc.ssiiig extent-, he yield ed to the enireatics of his I'ainily anil saw , f, , bis physician (Doctor DungU-sson of the | Univeisily.) On this occasion, a friend ,J but 1 am nol. Lam wi II aware of tht' had called in a pbvsitian, atul to gi-alil'y , , , , , li.sfan.ilv,wouid follow bis prescriptions, t‘*‘-asure it will cosMo .which he cl:ee.fui!v (iid) Irat that il I support would prove unav ailing ,• the machine ’ yet through al/. bad v.oiii out and could gr, on no longer. I 1^' see a ray ol ligbl ami -He leiaiiied, .luring i-.is illness and to 1 I et'd is wo-th the i.iotuen' of bis deal,, the same .e. ene, i ‘‘>1 ^ means, and that poster- (bcisive and cheub.l trniper which had «i.i ttmmph, aUbongi. you aiidl may marked lus life. Speaking with his n- ^ Mial spirit and uniiiiali(iti i/i’ tbe l^iiver- 'C. , - ' JOHN ADA'IK. sity, he expressed his inipc tlial rht.* State would not now idjaiulon it. lie spo!;e (d'llie ci.ariges v. liich lie f .ired v/onid be made i:i i'. ; ul h:s piobn' ii successor as '1 he thrt. e jii.lur-. idueation, ; A the t m- •n!- • t!n. \ sjiind ill'.: — lelliOV'. I. itaL!', il U.'UjI'j /il'Jl. Tb(- t.' The Ciovernini iit of tlie Uiilfed States ! was organi/.ed nnder the present Ccnsti !Jee;or : id'tl'.e .'■ri-vici's l,i; liad rendered ' tiilion, by tlie Iiiati'vuration cf fTenernl lo his nu'ive" State, ., and advi'ied as to j Wasiiingion, as President, ^lurch ‘J, bis pii\a;e auaii's. I pun beiii:^ uiiusii-i 17.‘;.), niuic t!ian ycats ago.— ally ill for a s!iort linie, he (;bser\ed ve-1 Since t!iut time, up to llio U'a .hil>-. ry e.lv ei l\jl!y, — *‘W eil, Doctor, a few ' b’ll o'i'‘ of the P)'esii.!e!il, oi' '!.e Ciii’ed lioiiis tiioie e.rid the fitniggle will lie I Sta’:' had died- .\!r. John .\dams, .Mi. over.” W’1.1 II l)oet(}r eti’ered t.iie ' Jederson, Mr. Madison. .Mr. 'Mmro'', l Oom in the iiiornirig, of his last day, bis ' and Mr. Jolm (.^Juincy Adams oti iha.; usual e: j.i es-:iioii \v;is, *• W ell, iJr., you ' 1 ay, were all ulive. .As none of liiose. ->'(- 1 uiii licie yet.” li'iS disorder b>-iti': ^'^id attaiticd t'le F’residency, ' iieci-.ei!, a liieiid rxpressefl a hop'’ of until they were neai 1;. yeais of age, ic ati.endr.ietit. His answer was, “ibaLiis not a little rcma.kable, that afler so the j,ov.ers (d' i:a'tit(• wen* loo nitieh ex-1 i;reat a lapse of lime, tliey ?!iould a!l liatistcd to be railiec'.”—On a nu.-ni'-cr of; have bven aljvc on ibcJate Jul)ik’e. 1 !' •.!i^e« v;!,g ll* h - wasbo'.’er! — IkjUOf-Pr'at-

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