VOL. II.] Cn.illLOTTB, .V. C. Tl’KSDAV, .WliVST 8, 182C. [NO. 93. PCBI.ISHElt WtEKLT By LEMUEL BINdHAM, AT THIIKE nOLLAHS A TEAR, PAIH IN AUVAWCE, »'!» No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discrution of the editor, until all an*earagcs arc paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending' in advertisements, are requested to note on the marpii the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and charg'cd accordingly. House of A •Stag’c House, at the sipn of the E?gle, in Oliarlotte, North-Caroiina, by lal36 KOUKHT WATSON- V v\h\\e ¥iut er\ a\i\ i\\eut. THK subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well know n establishment, lately owned and occupi ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to enteitain travellers and others, who may please tu call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- j^reeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which the country affords ; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with plenty of provender, and carcful servants will be in constant attendance. HOHF.RT I. DINKINS. Charlotte, April ^0, 1826. *80 (Xj 'I he Canidf n Journal will insert the above three weeks, and forward his account for pay ment. Yistsvte oi* 3uo. dec’A. (VnOK is f^iven to all those who pave their notes at tlie sale of Jno. Boyd, deceased, that the sr.me have now become due, and that ]);-.ynient must be made before tiic first day of Au^Ciist ne.xt, or suit will be brought upon each, without respect to persons. Mo longer indul gence can or will be given. I*. IIAUUINGKK, Adm’r, Charlotte, June 8, 1826. 8194 1*. S. Mr \Vm. Smith, of this place, has all the papers belonging to said estate, in his liands, &c. P. U. liauiV foY The subscriber ofVers for sale a vahuible [ijjjtttract of Land, on aecom- '^modHtinir terms, which.. lies in the lowi r part of Iredell county, on the head waters of Uocky Uivcr, adjoining tiie lands of (i. S. Houston, Henjamin Hrevard and others, and containing 372 acres. 'I’he said land is of good quality and well watered, both as to springs and branches. Ol tiie land now in crop, amount ing to 40 or jU acres, the most of it is well ma nured and vill produce corn, cotton or wheat, in sufficient quantity to abundantly compensate the husbandman for his labor. Kxperimcnt bus proven that it is peculiarly adapted to receive gi-eat aivl pirmam nt benefit from manure.— There is on it a large jjoition of low grounds, of excellent quality, either for meadow or pas ture, 1(J or 12 acres of which are in good order -ind have been mowed for a numbe r of j ears. The principal dwelling-house is large and com modious, which, with a little additional expense, • might be maile comfortable and convenient even for a laTge family. The situation on which it stands is probably equal to any in this or tho ad jacent couutii s- There is a well of good wa ter convenient to the house, and a large, fertile garden. 'I’herc are two imjirovements on this tract, which will be sold togetlu r or separately, to suit purchasers. It would be a dcflrable ^ place of residenc( for a member of the profes sion of I.aw or a Physician, being in a res]>ect- ablc and populous neighborhood, and at nearly .m efpial distance from five surrounding villages. It is unnecessary to give a further descrii)tion of this laiul, as tliosc, no doubt, wishing to pur chase, will \iew the prcn.ises. I'or terms, a]i- ply to the subscri!)er, living 5 miles north of Concord, (,’abarru.-> countv, A. C. M’HF.K. N. R. Approved casli notes, negroes, or notes nei^otialjle and payal>le at the Cliarlotte liank, will be receivetl in pa\uient. A. C. M. 8Jtf oi* XovUv-L'uviAuva, Mcrklenhu)Cuiiiity. AVilliam Means Joseph lUackwood, I I’ctition to review the re- • has T..M xander, r the •ferk. • James Means. J I I’ appearing to tiie satisfiction of the CU)urt, . that J.iniesMians is not an inlialiitant of this State: It is tlurefore ordirrd, tiiat [uibli- ''ation be made si\ wei.ksin tlic Tutau ba Jour nal, that the said .I.ones .Mt aus appc .r at our ne\t Court, to be iirid for tiir e.oti',l\ of Mcck- l( nhiirg, at tlie ('ourt-Hoiisi- in Charlotte, on till' -Itb Monday in August ne\t, tlu n and tiu i'e to pli ad or lii inur to tlie petition, or judgment ’)ro eoiitV-,sii v.ill l)e er.*L'rrd ai;'aiM,'5t lilni. I'cbt: ISAAC Al.i:\ANDKl.*, e. ;i. e. (it9,'i—])r. adv. ;^J. VvwfVw't^v’s vie\uvs. TI.'.ST ri ril.ISIIHI), and for sale at this (>i- fi( e, “ Slricturts on a bi'ok, entitled, ‘Am Apolo'^y fir t!ie Mook of I’salms, by liill.i rt MeM.i-itri.’ To wliirh art: nddcd, IJ'^niarijs on ■' book, [l>y .\li\:indi.r (ionlonl rnt't!-tl ‘ I'lie 'iisii^n and u.-r nl’ tliv IJook of I’salni-i.’Hv llr.Nuv ivrif'M.ii, A. M. Uitb an .\]ipetidiv, M. \\ iLsdN, pa.'.tor 01 Hoeky I’lver and I’l^delphia. ^V‘v\uv>\\ ou .Atvau\\uv‘\\V. Jl'S r pu!)lisbi'il, and for ^alc- at tliis (..‘^icc, price IJi etnts, “ A Sermon on the .\tune- V’Li' for saie al tlki.s Hemwiscetice.--ln 1799, when the tid ings of the news of iho death of the Great ■VV.\s»UNGTox, First President of the Uni ted States, was receixedin liuslon, the '^Sons of the Pilfrrims” were celehratinf? in Concert Hall the aniii\ersai’y of tlie first Landing of the Fatlier.s. The com pany, all standing, were singinf^ a Hymn, written for the occasion, which closed with this stanza. “ Hail Pilgrim Futhcnt of our race, ■\Vith grateful hearts your toils wc tracc, Oft as this native /«;/ returns. We’ll pay due honors to your urns, When the tolling of ilic bells announced the melancholy tidings to the citizens— The effect was elcctrical.—Each one soon knew the cause.—The singiii^ ceased.— The company continued standing in ex pressive silence—Judge D.wis tiaced with his pencil ihc followinfj additional stanza to the Hymn :— “ All! while we gather round your urn, Join your blest band, great Wa-iiiinotox, Hark to that kmlfA nation’s siglis )Vaft his pure spirit to the skies.” This stanza was sung, and the compa ny retired in sadness, each otu; to his home. At the period, iii England, when stocks were exchanged for cravats, a friend ask ed Churchill what could have caused the sudden rise of cravats—“The fa!l of ■s/wAs,” he replied. Jiy authority of the ‘State nf IS’orth-Varolina, TO ENCornAor. rur, Px;iii.ieATio\ of THE HISTORY OF NOUTH-CAKOLINA. Hlt.HEST PHiZK, 20,000 DOEIAKS. SEasOTED TOASTS. AT WOlU r.STEH. The PrrsiJent of the U. iStates.—Like a rock in tlu- ocean, unshaken, and rendered more pure by ilie dashing of the surf which madly strives to overwhelm it. The Vicc-l’rcsidrnt.—talents fnr presiding, have fortunately been de\eloped without the experimont of making him President—hy the decisions of “ nu: eiiai a,” '•'the words arc reduced tu writing” 'The Ikads of Departments.—Thejr assailants can rmdno cause of complaint against their ad ministration—1 ut would take tlieir )ieads to get their ojjiccs. The great Itevohiiionary Laiv Suit flfl'rcL- dom vs. 'I \ranny, mtnutged by Washington and aide Counsel; wherein the .w/wwiww was .wm/ at iH'xington, tlie ehclaration fikn at Philadel- fdiia, the case opened at lUinker Hill, and after farther argumnils it was adjudged that Brother .lonatban tu/:e the frchidd without damage, and John Hull pay the casts. AT N KW-nriJFOIll). rhe Constitution oj the IJ. S.—Kverv succeed ing anniversary witne.-.ses i‘s excellent—eve ry succeeding attuch denu)nst.'ates its firmness. Eduealion.— \\. onee the pillar v.bich must support, and the ornament which must adorn the fabric of freedom. Hy Jtussel Freeman, F.sq. New-Bcdford and Xantucket.—By their Paiiuc pursuits pouring hghl upon our Land—and jfiving bone, and sinew and muscle, and head-niattcr to our Navy. AT FALMOU ril. The President of the U *V. — Highly meritori ous in the discharge of his former oj/icfs, let us not rashly prejudge him in the execution of the present. AT ponTs:Morrii, n. n. The President tf the If. S.—.May tlie gratitude of his country be as fcrvi nt and duralile as his public laliors have been able and patriotic. lly Col. Decatur. 7V,c Secretary f the Navy. —Just in office; courteous in his manners, and energetic in his measures. By the Prcf^ident—T\\c Creek 'I'reaty— Ceorgians love their country, let us delight to respect, and Honor our Administration, while it respccts our rights. AT UINOHA>r, MASS. John Hancock and Samvel .ldums—T\\c pre- script\ons of a Tjrant give brigiiter lustre to tlic fame of Freemen. The Ihcloration of fndependcnce—\n able ex position of the wrongs of our fathers—Anil a brilliant cnianation from the miiul of its illustri ous .lutlior. The President of the U. Increasing his claims for X\\c rint wid expression of the confi- count before she expired. The death of Beauchamp and Desha will tend ve ry much to relieve the country from subjects calculated tq inflame public feel- int^. ” ORiGxnrAX. rOR THE CATAWItA JOl’HNAL. In all rcpul)lican representative gov ernments, when the oflicersof the na'tioii dence of the People, l)y tbe ability and indc-1 are dependent fur their stations on tiie pendence of bus admmistraiioii. standing they hold in public estimation* ing tbe liberal in substantial gratitude to the living. AT NOKWieil, eoNX. The I’residcnt of tlie I'. S. the Mayor, Alder- cussion, and a fertile source of disajjree^ mont. No leading polictical measures can be men, and Common Council of the City of Nor- carried^ forward, unless under the guid- vicb ; and all other men “having autliority.” The emigrants front the State of Connecti cut, whtrever located—they had bettir l.ave remained at bom AT KEENE, X. H. The J’atriot, Stafes/nen, and Legislators (f ’76—The head that; conceived, and" tbe heart „ . . —— ■ — that dared, are no less worthy of our ailmiration Drawing to eounnencc in Ilillsborough, on the. 2d i and gratitude, than the hand that i.rcciiftd ' Monday if Sepfanbernert. ( I!y Hon. S. Hale. Our Primary Schools and , ^ Militia.—,\n eilucated and armed popula-! >9Clli1lir« I lion is a safe guaranty of liberty and indepcn 'J'he Pifiiilh Jnniver.'.ary of our Independence —May «//and AC///1C others li\e to see the lumdri;dth. 'J'he Surviving 0(/iars and Soldiiri^ of the Ih v- May evi-ry man who oppot:es their just claims be sent to Constantinople. The Declaration of Independence—VdUUy in only one particular; after “men,” in the se cond paragrajih, insert “and wo.»r.N.’* 7'he “ Popular Ilom If some of his riders do not get thrown, ue are mistaken. AT RicUHoxn, VA. By Col Lambert of the \9th RedH.-T\\c Cliii f Justice of the C. S.—The brightness of his virlui s, and the sjik ndor of his talents, have dissipattd the shade winch party prejudice threw around him. Virginia delights in the fame of her distinguished son. Bij Mr. Henry If'. Moncure, if the Payette i:uards--'V\\ii Administration—A dam to the eurrent of the oppo.sition, which must (he of its own waste. AT rKTKiisnrnG, va. 'The President of the T. .V —May he retain his present seat long as the ‘‘Father of our Countrv ” did,lu|fi nllre amidst the acclama tions of bis fellrtW-citi/ens. 10 20 - 40 5') 45U 1,0;50 7,366 20,000 ip,ooo 5.000 2.000 1,500 1,000 500 200 100 50 "0 10 Prize of 20,000 Dollars, is 20,000 dence. 10,000 I'y F. >L Kdwards, Ks(j. (Jnr National L'xeeu- .'j.UOO fivt.—Uy an honest, fearless and mirgetic 2.000 j discharge of iluty, estaljlished in the confidence .",000 oftlicpeoi)le. . 8,000 I AT VLSTfMD. 5.000 j The Presidnit of the t ’. S.—M'he accomplish- 3,600 ' ed srliolar, and correct statesman, whose indc- 4.000 I petulent mind is fraught v> itb ‘he noblest prin- 2,50(1 j ciphs of wisdom and prudence. j i.',(/00 j ATcoNmi), N. n. 10,500 I 77,f Const It lit iim (f the I'. .V,_'rbe palladium 36.8.>0 I of our liberty; to posterity let it descend, unal- i tored, sacred and inviolate. >,S86 tickets at 55 is 119,430 'J'he presiihnt if the S.— We honor the I man, who in every station has conferred honor ^ upon his country. | (hir Sister lit publics. — We took them by the 9,000 Prize?.) 14,886 Blanks 5 two Blanks to a Prize.. 500 Tickets to be drawn in a day—to be com-. — r - -ww- ,ul, pleted in 18 days’drawing. All the numl)ers j hand in their hour of trial: l.t;t us not nowl to be placed in one wheel, and the prizes in an other. STATIOXAUY PRIZES AS FOLLOWS: i^300 The last drairn 'J'icket on the First day, vill be entitled to a Pri/o Second day, Third day, Fourth day, Fifth day, Sixth day, Seventh day, F/ighth day, Ninth d.iy, Tenth d.r% I'deventh ilay, 'I’wclfth day Thirteenth day, Fourteenth day, - Fiftetnth day Sixteenth day, - - Seventeenth day, Fighteenth day, 'Fhe rest of the prizes floating in the wlieel from the cojnn.cncenient, amounting to $73,730. 1’rl.ses payalde at t!ic .\gency of the Rank of Capt-Fear, in Ilillsborongii, N. C. 3o daysatu r take counsel of our fears,” and neglect to . treat them like good neighbors. • i AT WMSCASSET, Ml'. The Pilgrims of New-Hnglnnd.—’! hey smote ! _ tbe Hock among the sands of I'lynioutii, and | 500 j out gushed the livin,' w aters of frtcdom. | 500' Party Spirit.— VhcYc are sr.fcty valves ini 500 : public virtue which will forever prevent the j 500 ; steam of party spirit from bursting out politi-1 500 cai boilers. j 500 j The Mothers of the Prrolntion.—The eit.yitfj 500 i h’ome boasted of the perish ibh tire of hei Ves-1 1,00(» t:d Virgins—but we boait of a Proiui Ibean 1.000 I s|>:u-k kindled by our uiother. on our domestic 1,00'J «l-irs, w hich has iilumincil a euiitinent with 1.000 j uiii'i iinK' splendor. 1.000 I T^it. I'resluint if/.hi r. S. -He asked for .vf/- 1,0'j0 1 tiiey gave biin polilie.ul o;.servato- 1,500 I 5.000 'The Xr.ft Jubilee. — May it find our country 10.000 1 “"ith strength of days in her right hand, and 20.000 I patlis peace.” AT MAMl’liKN SPHtNOO, FKN'X. True Ikmoeraey—Its maxim—The imijority shall govern ; its motto, “ To tiie most wortlix,” its result,//((.• bist public miasures and the hist I pnhlle men From the National Journal The following letter from a respccled friend at Lexington, Ky* announces t!ie horrible calastioplie which preceded tbe execution of the miserable wretch who commilied the cold-blooded and atro cious crime of assassinating Solomon I*. Sliarp under the influence of hale and vindictiveness merely, of which, being judged to deatii by man, he has gone to render an account to his Cod. i.r.MNcnoN, jt’i.Y 8, 1826.—PursuaTit to his se*itrnce, IJeauchamp was hanged yesterd.'.y at Erankfort, nflvr ki/Ung /ti,i ii'i/i: uiitl attemjiting to kill hinisclf. A- bout the lime of day at which he was to he fx.i. iitod, be asked the guard to allow him io(,(jnverse with his wife alone. The men ieli the room and soon heard a bcie'iin from Mrs. li. 'I'liey ran bac k, and fouiid her expiring, with two stabs in her breast, and her husband attempt ing tl) kill himself He had inflicted on himaelfonc wound, but not a'mortal one, when his arm was slopped by the guard. A “i one knife only was found in the jail, it is not certain whether Mrs. II. was ^ killed bv her husband or by her own I from'our fornrier standing, must be^'eJiU aiice of active and intelligent leaders. Associations formed to support princi ples, may constitute parties not incon sistent with the general welfare; but it’ there be no bond of union, but an adher ence to particular men, they become a fa^on, derogating from tiational useful- ni^j^'aMd national character. tfjmforttinately for us, political parties have so intimately associated measures with juen, that the latter became at lengtli the prominent objccts of public anxiety, and principles are thus made subservi ent to the interests and exaltation of per sons, who f.'e(piently rise on the unmer ited downfall and degradation of theii* opponents; and those characters become the most activc, who seek to gratify, at the expense of the people^ their interest atul ambition, by the hpnors and emolu ments attached to ihc dispensation of places and otlices. It is congenial with our civil institu tions, and not inconsistent with patriot ism, that those who arc impelled by lovn country io honorable competition andL emulous rivalry in the service of the public, should look forward, with reasonable ex- prctation, to som.e future recompense for their exertions. IJut when men are sub stituted for measures—the views and in terests of a leader^ for the good of the people—when the latter arc made tha mere stepping-stones to preferment, an4 politicians expect a reward, according to their activity, not as patriots, but as par- tizans—then a degree of virulence per vades aln)ost every public discussion, which principle never sanciiotied, and which (\w public good alone would never originate nor foster. Erom this stale of things originates faction—unjust imputation—disingenu ous criminaton,—with all the irritation resulting from direct abuse and raticor- ous sarcasm, the never-failing impulse of selfish and insidious motives; the certain resort of a conscious desecration of moral and patriotic principles, and ultimateh resulting in that detnstihle sys tem of ethics—that the means are sanc tified by the end. How far thi.s state of things is apposite to our late national cotmcih, and how far their present proceedure has derogated •! V..., , - _. .....V. I P.tlucatinn—The most neerssary of all inter- tlu-compK tion of tlie draw ing, su!> ji rt to a dis- nal iniproveiiieiits—Tiie true pre,ser\ati\e of eoii'it of 15 p( reent. All |)r;/.i s noi (ieiiiandi d | l.iberty, whii ii alone can perjjctuate its bless- within 12 montlis from tlie comidetiun of liie ' ing’s. drawing, will In- consiiler..d as forfeited to the | Jfliii (). .'hiams, Presidmt of the .?,-.!lonov- uscs of the Lottery: | ed a;, lie. ou;;ht to lie with tiie first oflici- in tlie J. ^^■F.1>1?, Comiiiiisioner, | world, for iiis ijre-eminent talents, intigri'\, nillsborov'.'h, .Ipril, lH2Ci. ' ai;d worth. 'I’lie attention of the Nortli-Carolina ])u!)lic is rf ,1. Q. .tilanis—V,n\\cd respectfully invited to the foreij'oing sclieiiie. i ' afiplaiided by his iiieiuis:— ■file laudable purpose contemplated' will, it is rew anb d in a i e-eleetion iiy hoped, secure to it the aid of those who ;,p,. u constitutional inajorlty of votes, frieiidiv to tbe inti rests of litcr.iture andscieiici ; In nry ( tcy A patriot statesman, who lias andthc name alone of the geiitlenian win. has eiinsrnted to act as Cniinniss'ioner in tlic ni-ni-, his country ; bhstered be the ton;^^'ie, agenient(-ftbe Loiterv, i^aMiilieiMitpiedreid' loni u .tlitb.- name oi tr.utor. the fairness with whicii it will !.e condiutid. (>e'i'ri>/r IWi.u-n, Sa,!t, liipUii, (.ain,~, and A. 1). MlKl’ilKV. odnr lijjteeri 'f t/ii lali u:(ir—-'\\n: I lurels tliiy gailii la d w iil wear well, as they have been dearly purchase d. (ii.ii. .hiilriif Jai'k'on, the hfro of .\iu'-()r- hiui'i—lie paid till- hostile I'di; with meh com, as they (()Uid no’ ciiaiige. The (io\ernni(iit (ii the I'. S. which finds llR'il tree aiKl keeps their. .->o. AT ST, SI t;Kf(i!(;i A, T/ii'^ hd}!—'i istlie 50lli of (iiir liidepf ndeiiei ' —Tis tiie (il'aiul Fe stival of Ten Millinns (if I'riiiiu n! f.et us Didicatc- it with ilei>rt iikI Sdul, to all the b'ju.il enjot .oeiits of l.ib- ertV arid {'.quality. Thi Pr,suIa,J f the f. .'v--Fan,ed for wi-,- iloin '—let Us liiin by his in'.asurei. Thr C .vfiiiu/ if (.ihrgiii—l.' t Us recolkct liis uujtivi. i and forget his inaniier. Tin. .Ifioy /,?(/ Xnvy if the Jifpuhih- "--\u j’ea'i tn.e. M'.ey be Iloi.(,red !i\ tlieir C(,uutry- nu !i' 111 U :0' ii'.av \ ictoi v atti nd tlieir t.,i5.;le '' .htilr’ir .lilrk'Oii Onr Shi' ! 1 i'l \ i’iltriot V. I'-, '* \ "a' ■■ ■!, .11 ]>r (?'j“Ti('kcts in llic abt)\c Lottery snc for sale at the Oilice df the .loiini.il. Onlers bv mail, will b(; pronij)tly atteiuled to. Wuvgvvius. ON rlnirsday , tli(.' 24tii of 11 gust, next, tiie sid)scribtr will sell, at Public .\uction, all property, real aiul per-.onal, to wit tiie liou^e ami lots where he iinv\|lives ; his tan\ ard, with all itb appurtenatices ; a iiuirlie! ofotjp rl>«ts, sione iiiijfoved, and otln i-> unin }. rov ed ; his pl.inta- lion i;ear town; to_^':tthcr v. itb a (pi.uititv (i leathi’r, household ami kitch' ii furniture, t.inn ing utensils, and nuniiroiis otlicr artieles. 'I he bide u ill be positive, and lie ni ule on accoinmo- datingtirn.s. Uli.l.lAM U’l UlSll.l.. Jnlv 2.’, liSJr).— 0 c.Vu\)\f A NV uv VwwX , F' r -d •. a; *1 's ; > I'-' - hand. IJoth of them had taken a large portion of poisoti, which failed in its pur pose, and the knife was the last resort. “Mrs. H. had lieen urging her hus band to this course, and promised to acr company hitn in death, hut he rt'fusetl for a long time. A more desperate pair can seldom be I'otind in any country. Neith er of them believed in tbe Clhristian re ligion, nor had the least respect for reli gion. (I»‘ntlemen of great legal attain- mt tils bad given opinions that no law ex isted to punish muider, and I presume fhe prisoner expetted a pardon. \Vhen that failed, be returned to his natural (Ies|)C- rate feelings. mated by the general and daily reproba tion of intelligent and impartial persons, who evidence a strong sentitneni of dis gust, at this waste of time and sacrifico of national character 3 believing that when Congress shall cease to be an ob ject of reliance and pride, or excite only distrust and disdain, the whrde nation and government must partake of the dis credit and danger. 15ut how far those men, holding so dignified and responsible a station, have been prompted by love of country, and im|)elled l)y tbe interests of their consti tuents—men, who unblushingly pro- I write on tbe inlorma-] claim an opposition to every^ leading tion of jiersoiis arriving- from l'.rankfort, | m^'asure of the admit,istration, he it rigii't believing the irsuit (d‘ this most distress-1 „r wrong—men,evirjtncing such motive.s, it-ij case will be interesting to you. 'I'he : and driven to the resort (d‘'sui)stituiing .■ircmiistanc.i's may not.be correctly giv-' biliugsgate for fac.ts, and debasing vitti- en—that -both He.iijc.liam[) an»l his wife | peration for argument—men, who highly are dead, there can Ije no (!ou!)l.” j a|)pru!jated and sanctioned by their tin- u JI'I.V 't.lr, :lip measures ol'llu- /„,t Woston, M:,il liriii-s ,is a tnl.^ uO,.„ ror. i''"'’I’'*' arid tvcii IVI. Ihnn- 'I’l • It • • . » I- selves digtiilied, uiu er the nlerhre then lilt: follcwini^ IS ail (;xtract ol anoliioi 1 . . , * , ,, , , • I 1. 1. , 'Ktven, that the holy kagtii' ol tvratits icder, {or winch wc aro in.lcbto.i to tiie , shou!! not, as enetries, pollute with their ^^ontlcuiau who lii.i.islicl us willi tlic 1 f,.t;c soil of America—men, iiiioriiiatioii rcspfctiii”; the fate oi the j w!jo now oppose the great national policy I}eaiieliaiiips, llll^ba:l(l ami wile: j of internal iinprovemetit, reion mended .It i.v lO. ISjii. “ Italic on ui'fler every admini itration, K Di'siia, eliar^n.'d with the murder of of the citi- liaLor, eut his throat 01. S.ttuulav inor-i ‘'“prc^sion that ,1 c.i I .1 1- I , It IS attanmi.g a permanent scjurce of iiiiig, the Mh, :hk1 ll.e opinion o t ic at-' •. 1 ,, , •. n • ■ , .14 1 , , "'U'-pcnty, and through its facilities ot tci.dintr physierm was tint he ('ouhl ! procuring a perpetual sc- not Kcovor. Uio wind pipe was cut,j-m.i.y t„ (j,,,. imicpendence—men, w iio tiir(ji!:;h, ;iik1 !:c w.is specelih ss. 1*!mi, 1 ik^w. under a continuance of tho > aine ex- in!v, and jinpcr, were j:;iven to him, andjecutivc policy, — without atiy cb.iiige in lie wrote tlnit he was not irnilty of f h«M our i ircum-tances or relalinii‘:. —. v'gistei* ohai'of I’or vvliieh he was eoriJined. 'I'bis j every leauins; nieasure niai.es lour [n;rsons who iiavc, within a, —"'V'' ^^‘bmissive rcvcKrue to the short time, (‘icslroyod their lives on il;en prof laim, eoiuit ot the ch:ir'j;e oi'jntirdi r—twol'of!'" dictatorial way, t(. l/tiir ronstitucnl'^ ll« n..,nl.r,.r VV;,k„:,, 11,son !I’'";',"' I,,, ; lln.lifi.an,,, »,»] I), sl,n, »'tI. u l,„e o> co,i- , • . , . ‘ 1 , ; • y i M-l'ict merits our approbation, an( such n, ■ •vd..,1 h,nf..rm.r.wl,,,v/,,AW/«r- i, a n,.vUcr ol . 1- ii'cin “!n r ti'vn rtc- lious tunsidci—a duty lo b*;

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