MANrFALTMin.- Trauilrrs nliu iiave visited t’;c towns of the I'.astern contincMit, wliere the iiihabitaias have l)e(.'ri j)ri(ici])ally enr>-at'-- ed in llie business of niauufuciurinp-, iiave given deplorable jnctiires of tlie^inoral _and intellectual condition of the popula tion, deprived of the advantar^es of edu cation, and degraded by a berviie depen dence uj)on the will of an employer ; and many politicians have looked on liiose establishments growing up among us v ith the rapidity of the mushroom, but the strength and stability of the oak, V ith great alarm. A visit to the districts so much capital has been employ ed in giving motion to the shuttle, would convince those prophets of evil how groundless are their IVars, that our insti tutions may be injpaired, or our purity contaminated. In most of the villages rising round those spots where the noises of the loom and the murmur of the watei w fall are madr to i)lend in pleasant concord, tlie lemple of religiot) atul the miniature ac:id(*n»y, where moral truth and literary knowledge aro freec|uently impai-ted, rise in near vicinity. Tlie busy industry and good intelligence of the inhabitants oiler jilcdges of the political and moral health jind vigour of the establishments. I’he tj'.iiet, order, and regularity which pre vail, are so many pledges that the char acter of the citizens will remain equally sound, whether his hand be [)laced upon the shuttle or the plough. National .legh. POSTAOE.—To printers this is a much larger item of expenditure than it should be. — We have not unfrecjuently paid 20 per cent and sometimes more, on the \alue of a letter, and fiequently paid an infinite pr. centage for letters which are not woi th the time spent in their perusal, bonifiimes a fi iend in a distant town sends by mail an advertisement unac companied with the pay : as it is for oui- bfiiefi!, ol couise he thinks we cannot copiplain at the trilling amount of the pobtage. After its insertion, a bill is tranbuiittcd ; an answer with the cash is received in return—and now another and a doiible'postage is left for our discharge, —and no man, it is perhaps thought, should complain of paying postage on a letter w Inch contains money. Thus thir ty cents are sometimes to be deducted from a single dullar ! An instance oc- curri'd recently, which ser\es to show how great a thure of the profits of news- paper printing may be taken oiV by an omission o;> the part of subscribers to pay the postage on their letters. A few jiionths since we paid twenty-five cents lor jjostage of a letter requesting the •Tournal to be sent to a gentleman in ('hester. South Carolina: last week we i’ound another letter in the Post Oflice, marked fifty cents. It was from tlie same gentleniaii giving information that he was about removing t(j the westward, he M ished his paper discontiiiueil at the ex piration of six months, and enclosed one dollar and twenty-li\c cents in S. Carolina hank notes, which nu^perhaps !>e passed at twiMity per cent discount. 'I'hus we liave left (icenf//-Jire CVnls in pay for six Papers ! — 'A’e hope we shall have lU) more cause of complaint for gnevaiices of this nature. Forlsmoulh Jon/nal. CHA£S.I.OTTS: lUESDAY, AUGUST 8, Plcnnant hut v'rons; ”—A late Ken tucky (iazetto contains an advertisement of the hon. Judge Shannon, rlirected a- gainst the hon. Mr. Wicklifl’e, of the Kentucky Senate. It presents so strik ing a portrait of Kentucky-manners, tluit we are bound, as honest Journalists, to make a few extracts.—Aoa/i’s Eni/ui/er, ‘•Nature, in formingfiirn a scoutidrel, has, forti.nately for himself, but unfortu nately for his country, denied him cour age. If, by his natural disposition, he as as pre-ne to the commission of mur- dei-, as he is to the giving of I'alse testi mony against his neighbor, he would !ong since have expiated his crimes MjioTi a gallows, and the community ■would have t njoyed the benefit'of a use ful piil)iio example. “His mind appears to he a gr^'at re servoir of falsehood—an irifxhau^til>!e ibuntain of lies, from w hich there Hows a peroTinia! stream of calumny., emljitier- cd by the base malignity of his heart.” As,a conti ast to tJiis animated descrij)- tion, we will give the following gallant romplimentary toast of a gentleman of Portland, (Me.) h is in w liat may be called “the conl'et tioiiai y style” of urit- ing. Iiy Mr. John Widgery. 'Pis virlnnufi, fair (ind m^DinpH.-^lu'd Ddnrjilcru of Coluni- Oia—1)0111 in tlie Ipnd of lu.ppy deMiiny, rocked in tlu* rraille cjf i,iln-i!v, cdut at- ed in the nnliouruled iVeedoiii ol'inteliect- iiKMiiiy, roaming in the gardt'ti ol ;.;i iiiiis the g: :s( es ; she f;alhers from I'.s iinpi’rishaba; vcnldre the iVuits of re- f;:ien-!ent, on wlii' h she baiHjuets in liter- ;iry ln\',ii'y. ('uHin,;- the i’.uuei s of wit. f t !iiir:h, anil oiM iitiiiu'tit; she encii’tle- her l.'i'ovv witli the chaiilrt : and stands raved in all thi' majesty of moral bea'i- ly—that brow, arclied l/V Itrr sniile, be comes to us the l)ow ot'iieavMily promise, tiiat sin.le t!\e iialhidium orpieser.t; the har'Ditiger (,f future jo)'. Prese’jted by Heaven’s high beliehl, as tiie re- ti'.’eiuing s[)iriis orniinKini’y, slu' Cause the lieui-t and can of evei’v honest Ilian ani'j'ig us, to ovcilUi'v witit i’ra'.i- ' tde ani waie. ' ’ - To Corre^jjon(Itnts.—‘‘ S.” shull have u!» t ariy insert urn. “ A’;>” coinniuuicution. we derline [.uLlibh- ing-. We entirely concur w itli liim in opinion , but we have ever made it a rule to exclude from our columns all such religious matter as would lead to controversy. W e be glad to hear from Jiim again on otlier sui jiets. We would willingly acknowledge tiie fiivor of another correspontlent, and ab.'-ij.yn our rea sons for not publibhing; but as he has enjoined it on us, in case of a rejection, »to say nothing,’' we must leave him to find out our reasons as he can. A correspondent wishes to be inform ed, whether the committee, whose re ports we have published, have exhausted their list of grievances, and are thus thrown out of employ ; or have found the business they have undertaken, as some young lawyers find “Coke upon Lyttle- ton," too hard for them ( If the latter be the case, he has nothing farther to say j but if the former, he engages t(» furnish them with a list of unnoticed grievances, long enough to employ their pens for at least half a score of weeks. A serious accident happened at Hays’ Mill, on Saturday, the 2'Jth uli. A daughter of Mr. lilanchard, who kept the mill, got on a wheel fixeil to an upright shaft, lor the purpose of riding round on it, when her clothes were unfortunately caught by the cogs, and her feet drav. n from the wheel; she clung fast to the shaft with her arms, and in this situation was carried round until she was struck with such violence against a post, as to break both her thighs, and tear otV a large portion of one of her heels. Medi cal aid was immediately procured and the fractures reduced, and we are inform ed that her chance of recovery is now fa vorable. The Jldministration.—If the toasts drank on the late anniversary of our indepen- detice, be any criterion of public opinion, —and in general, we think they form a pretty correct one,—we feel no hesitation in saying, that the Administration is strong in the confidence of the people. The efforts to render it unpopular, have been unavailing; and its leading meas ure's, as far as our information extends, seem to have met with decided approba tion. The undignified pi-oceedings in the Senate, and in the lower House, have, with few exceptions, found no favor; and the seal of public reprobation has been afTixed to them. Their tendency has been to weaken the cause which they were intended to support, to unite more closely the friends of the administration, and to strengthen it in the opinions of the reflecting and impartial portion oi the community. The London editors make severe and pointed remarks on the proceedings in our last Congress. The editor of the Lon don Magazine, speaking of the wordy en counter between Mr. Trimble and M’- Dufiie, says—“At Washington there has been a terrible to do, in the Hall of R«s- presentatives, between a Mr. M’UuQie and Mr. Trimble. 'I'liese w ise men of Amei ica seem to be j)^rticularly fond of making fools of themselves.” .Mr. M'- Dullie may see from this, that his con duct has gained him as liule credit’abroad* as it has at home. I’lit tlie \\.»ist(;l it is, the character of the country ismade to Slider lor it; and the whole Au'.eriean people are traduced, in conseijuejice of the acts of a few individuals, w Iuhc eondir:t, itistead of being a])pro\ed ol', has receiv ed the most markeci re[)rob.aion. Tlie political friends c.f («i-n. Ja( ksnn have had a nir.eling in Chai lesion, and passed resolutions e>pres,->i\e »yf tiuii continued confidence in him, atid (jf tlieii lietermitiatioii to give him their siijjporl at tiie next election. A iiueting of the friends of the Adiniiiistralion was subse- (luently call-d, to “t.ike itUo cunsidei1 libii such cn-iibtitutional measures in sup- | j)ort ol' the .\dministration, a-, may be I deemed expedient.” The proceedi;i:;s ol tlris mei'tnu!' have nut \cl readied us. M'lldi j n-t!t( S.a St'!',,, nt.- tve-v;! ilernl o;' J j’v m\t i .iC .non- ■.'!i acrc/Uti' oi a moiislroijs scj’pent recently accn by several of the inhabitants of L’Assonip- tlon. It was first discovered by a woman and three children, who were gathering strawlierries, and who were so iVightened, that they scarcely had strength to retire atid tell the neigh!)ours what they had seen. When first seen, it was curled spirally l ound a tree, thirty feet in height, \'ith its tail resting on the ground, and its heail waving above the topmost bran ches, as il looking around for its prey. Several of the neighbours, whose curios ity was excited by the story of tlie wo man, armed themselves and went in search ol the monster; but when they reached the spot, nothing was to be seen ol him, and they began to conclude that the woman had been imposed on by her imagination. As a last resource, howev er, they resolved to fire ott’ a gun, to start the sei-pent, it lurking near them :—a niusket was discharged, “when lo ! a tract ol tall grass, not far from them, was violently agitated, and writhing tiirough it, with the velocity of a race-horse, ap peared an enormous serpent, whose body, occasionally rising, disclosed a bulk as large as that of a waier bucket, causing in its flight a leai-like rustling sound, and leaving behind a long wake of waving grass. Hurrying through the ir.xct, it crossed a ploughed field, through which its passage was only to be traced by a lineal cloud of dust, entered a wood and disai)peared.” The length of this mon ster was calculated to be fifty feet ; and as some time previous, several sliecp, sev en co,ws, and a horse, had disa])peared, no one could tell how, and gone no one could tell where, it Was veiy raiionallv concluded that they had been swallowed whole by this Canadian lion Countrictor, 1 lie editor ol the ilerald eiitei tains no dou!)t of the existence of this serpent, as it is aflirmed by seven credible per sons who saw it, and who could have no motive for fal)iicaiing a lie. Others, l.owever, will thit^k there is plenty of room lor doubt ; and after the incredu lity which has been manifested in rela tion to tlip Sal Serpent, whose existence is so well attested, it can hardly be sup posed that this monster will meet with any belter recej)tion. Judge Nash has resigned his sc'at on the Circuit Court Ik-nch, and the Ciover- nor has tailed tlie Council to meet on the lOih of August, to auvise with him on the appointment of a suci,es;,or. Do not the frequent resignations of our Judges speak a language which cannot be misunderstood, and ought no longer to he disregarded ? Within the last ten years, there have been at least as mai.\ resignations. And whv llecause the labours and the salary of the cflice are wholly incompatible.—Either let the C'ir- cuils be made less, or the salary increas- ^id. JV. C. Journal. From the* National Jonnial. liKCOlU). Frmdnits of Voii^ie.'ss, under tlie Confederation. 11/ -1—l'*i \ ton U.^iulol|ili, “—Henry .Middli^tun. 75—.folin ll .iicock. ’77—Menry Lauri ns. ’“8—John .lav.* ’79—.Sainui'l iliintington. “ . *80—'I lioiiias M’Kean, ’81—Jdiin Hanson. '83 -Kiuis IJdUilinol. ’8.3—I iicinas MilHin. ’81-—Iw'. iiard lleni’_\ J.ep. ’86 — .Natliuinel li(rli:iin. ’8/'—Arthur St. Ciaii’. ’88 - (') rus Oriliin. * Alive in 18J6. l'Ki;slI)l..\TS OF I IIF, IJNli i;i) STATF..S. 1. (icwige \\ ashingioii, I'lum 1789 to ITiyr — Died Dec. l l. 1 rU‘). 2. John Ad.ims, from 1797 to 1801 — Died July t, 1 iSJ(). •J. 1 !h; Ji tl’crson, IVonj 180’ to U;uy. — Dii'd July I, IfjJti. I. .laini'S .\!a(!is(Mi, liom 180'.) to 1.817. .'i. JaIm■^ .Moiiroe, liom liS17to j.SJ.). John (Quincy Adams, Irom 18J.). Mr. .\da;iis and .Mr. Ji-ir'-rson h:u! invi tations I'lom the (..iiiy of Wa%hin;,’-l i>, to p:u iicip.ile, at that place, in the ( cli'ina- l!oi\ (d the Jii^'/iiec ul iiidept ihIi Ui.e— the\ n\ei\td a sitiruiions iVom tlie iiii;hest I’ow cr—.iiid were, bid to a (Je- lesvial .\L:i iion. .Ini' dot:' oj .hJi/i —ConiniodfM'i' Tim k>f ('I'.iuiiaiideii puMi'; s’liji. V. hu h ( arrifil out Mr. Adams on his lii’s' i.'iihassy to i-.iMMpc, caily iii the re\- oiutinnai y war. O.i ihr \o\u.;c, slie was i-.UiiCki'ci by a lii itisli ' i ui/.i'i-, \\ hen tin- ;iCiio!i he ;.01, Ale. was u.dkiii:; ( n l!ie ; ii .ll If I ;i'i I;. 1 he (' omiiiodi m e'd hiiii :,s he as e\po-,ini;' h;in- | s( !!. r,.iijii 'i > !ie ( ha'H e ot rcnd' i.tise:'- I \ n e. 11 ' i'i!usi d. .;!irl arniiii ';' hiinseli I wi'.li Iwii.^'it out tiie ait i/ti, l;ich 1 ..s’.e'I u\>.: e ! il -.n an hour. T-l.>e 1 .n- !,'ii V . ' a'l\ '.■•.i.' ii oil *\ ith I Mll.’ttVJ/ —Tlie military Ctlu-| o’doeK, r. M. Co!, ./’/r /;. cation which has been introduced l)V the) P'dmonniy disease-, wh cli hr-h id Ix West Point Academv and Cajitain Par-) and risi;^naiion for ne,n'\ il tridge, appears to he'becoming very poj)- t^ ‘ '‘'hu.ted at ih,.t hour his ukm ulir. 1 he efliciency with which these u r il establishments have been conducted coti tribute to this result, but to. youth there is something in a Miilitary education that is particularly taking. It is said that over loo candidates are now waiting for admission at West I'oint. We know very well that Partridge cannot receive so miuiy as he has ofVered. 'I'his argues well for the character of the limes. Kd- ucation is rapidly approaching its high est state in every portion of the country iV. J'. ^idv. Sil/c.—We should not lie surprised if our silk nianufactures in a few years equalled the (juaniity of our cottons. In the middle and southern Stales, there is afine climate for breeding th.' silk w>rm, and when the raw material is i)repaied, the ingenuity of oiir artisans will soon '■ender the manufacture equal to the for eign.—There is a large arul splendid silk e.slablishmeni on Staten Island, which prints a variety of silk gooils, in the most elegant and splendid style. /6. hourtU of July Piin.f.—'J'he following toasts were given at Worthington in Massachuseitsi T/ic opjjosi'rs of t!,e P,h\amn Mim^inn.— Lei their wa\s be Atlainsi/;ed with Sonih- artl Clay, and eoiiliisiou llii.-h in !5ai- bour-ous fury on tlieir coui.i ils. .-May she be IVied in hoi Cireece ! 1 he Norfolk Herah! (jf I'lc 1 itb tilt, stales, that the discoiin* ou Xvu th-Caroii• na money has decreased within a few days, ami is now 2.] to .5 per cent. According to an article in th'- Inlelli- ^•encer, “the first duel ever fang' t in the UnioTi,” was long Ivilrc tiie L'uion, fin K'21.) One of the hotels in Philadelphia is ke])l by a Mi-. Saint. A l irnch physician of c'nincnce o!j- served, during the use o( the guillotiiie in 1' ranee, in the reign ol terror, that owing I J the number of invalids decapitated, and lo the whole race of /njjiD'-lirondriiirf} being cured by the/l-r//- of it, he had lost more ihan three fourths of his patients. “\\ hy do you not pay me that six-and- eight-pence, Mr. Mulrooney r” said an a'tonu-y to-an li ishman ; who n-plied, “Why laith, bc'cause I do not owe you Uiat sum.” “ Not owe it me, yes you do; it is lor ihc opinicjii you had ofme.”—- “ 1 hat’s a good one, indeed,” rc-plieil Hat, “faith, I never had (irtij opinion of vou in all mv life.” We are recpiested to stat(-,* that the Uev. John L. Davis will pre.x h at (.ibeoiiM. i tin;^-llouse, near the rfsidence of Win. Jti.-rryiiill, s n, on tiie 4th Sunday of this month. At th(‘ seat of Mr.s. (Jonin r, f)n27lli .luh , hy the Ri'V. II, \. I'liarr, .Mr. \\’. s. S.-'tMNro>, to Miss F.i.r/,A M. (;onm.ii, of l,iiicoiritnn. I mil). At his residence in Iredell conntv, on tin; 'J.ith nit. tlie Ucv. Ur. Ham,, at a veryadvanc. il agi-. Few men, pi rhaps, lia\e been n.ore iiw-rui in their day, more tiighiy res;>ectel, liian l!u iK- ceased, both in his char.icter as a /,-, si r- vant of Chribt, and as an cm nipl;ii-_\ inc:nber ef society. He was a ministi r oC f he I’re ! .Tian Churcii, and had fora long tiinv I'eeii reg:inltd as a father in Israel, M.nerable for liis age, and tor the wisdom of. ins counsels. In the county of l,incoln, on tlic 21th ult. He was a u.itng man, aiiout 21 years ()f age, enjoying all tin- vivacity, \ igor, and liealth of yonlli, until tin- miniitc ,,f ),is • leatli. How sii!d-n is flie «>f sciiiK- men, and bow si;;,dit is tli; ai'-parcnt r;uis(- i^i' dca!Ii in niaiiy in,1aiic'-s. Sonic labor iind' rdisi.:e,es \\e( li«, n.ontlis, or ve.irs, ruul b :iili a: i to ■^f;uld .■■i!);l Iruin tiieni ; ol.bers r ( i c injn- i ii-., iimii ubat ai e c.ilh ii aceldei.ts, and reio\ er, when, to all .i|)|)earani:c, liu e.iiise y^.is sni ill ieiit to bave t.ikeii nir>re tb:m uin- hiV ; ,,thf rs d [ii-rt from ibe sbj;'bt-st a[)p:iretit e.niM>, '|'be '.iibjicl ol till-, noliec Uli aiiiiisiii"; iiiiiiself in nniniiig, uitli a Mun.i'/ r broilu r; in the, he li il, but ii.iriiediafi ly ;iro ■ « ,lb sliiii.-, :md v. ahvcd .1'.li.ii't diil.iiiec lo :i f, ik ■, mi r v, Inch he haiiei a \fi'y siiort tiu'c, liea\im, ,i li w i;i'o:m.., and lin n f'. il 1 il'> !»--s to ibi- i. :■ "—- M'-da;d aid \v;i-,s ion t.iibd, but no l i,,e e.iuld In: I‘i\ i,. 'Jb.. \i!a! -i.-rK ol ble \ I • o-i •' e.sir \ n I,. I I .V istence. A sliui*. period b ■tore his deatli, bn had iMiiti d iiiinsi U in rriagc to the aniiabb, and accompr.^ln d \l,^^ Webst.r, of Tennessee. — I.ite’s happK-sl ian'.Ncapi u .is spread tiefore: him • jjcaec, joy and lran>judit\, sei-med w ait ing his !ipj)roacli_: Itiit in iitV’s iiiorniMi.'; ni .rr li, wbi-n his bosom ymiiij';, iii.' itc?-troM r ca’iie, and leli the sad vesti{,e fit luv, co;ning a moiiu- inent to s\ inpathy and sorrow. ,7,. \vV\lVAN\ vv'S^ \ \ A I I AN' A\V A V from the snli- II scribi r, on Satnrd.iy, the 22iiil of .Inly, a negro man t^^uamed .H.Nl. ,Iim is a stout. ^ strong- built negro, aged about A .!.) year-, d.irk « (>mplexion, w ith thick lips, ( nos-, and.nfca ^ fi atnres ).,^eneiMlly of a hea\y cast; his cloth ng not reeoih-cted, hut I believe they cr)nsisteii chiefly iif honiespnn. .\lso, at tlie same time, a nndalto girl n.-imcd Iv \('ll I'.l,, the prn|KTty of Million Hlack, liv ing in I'rovidenef- si tth nu-tit, in t'lis coniitx.— |{ icbi I is aI)ont .>.> ears old, li\e f i t six inches hijih, has a small .sear dow ii the left side of her neck, isa smart aetive ncf;-r> and fonii of dress; hi r clotb'ing, when s!ie li ft h i\, c.annot now be. speeil'fed. Jim and Uachel hcini^ man and wifi, ttie\ are don!)th-ss together. It is not known wbi ii- lie y will make for; but as U.u b. !. on a former lu easion, Mas taken np oi Hunihdpli county, wh>-ri; sin- liad lived some time, it i« )io.->sii)le the\ n;,\ l-.ave j;o;u; there. ,\fiy per son ;leliver)ng iiiitii or i itherof the al)ovr irain- e;l negroes to tne su si ribi ;-, or si enriii}; thrtn in such way that I ^-et them ai;-ain, sh;i 1 be suitably rewarded, and .J1 '•e.ison.ible expenses paid. I’HOS. H. SMAlii I'. L'fiurli>//e, Ml rlth ida/rf' (’>. j T t, 1 «J(i. AT (I'.'orgi Kowi', ;m appri iitiee (o the sul'srnber, r.-in aw v s v i >‘ ( -j • n iho mimtii of .liine l.i-^t. .''an! i. org- ■, .ib. 'it years of ■, f’n • fi i t s.x in lies ni'.i ,\eil made. Any p rson who will d hv r .!,f ^aid (■eor^-e in tJoncord, sh dl r-.-i i-ive livi ' ..:,i re ward. AUllAHAM A!^i,\. .ity.j Www •i\ww>' the snbseribers, in I. incastervdle, about the l.)tli ol ihii instant, two ue- ijro nil II, MOU and H V M.— I5o!) is ai)out 22 or 2.)yt-arsof aj^fe, low and well made, plea- / sant when spoken to, and con-. VI rsi-s sensibly. He both reads and writes, and. })roba!)ly may himself as a free man. Ili> is tlressed in black, thoujjh he may chiingc iii*» (Ires , as he !ias other clothes. No particular mark is reeolh-cted, except a few light mark^ >n hi.'i baek. In his carri;ig-, hr has a sailor's swing. He is likely to deny his owner’s name, and even his own, anil pass for that of .lames. Sam is about. 2() years of age, of eomuion size, aiid spi aks broken, and as he is an African !n- birlb, has his eountry’s m irk on his left arm a-. bove iiis elbow. It is tho'ight Hob and Sam arr in company, and will inalfr for M.ir_\ 1 mil,— '1 w.eiitj -fi\ '- dollars will be gi\ n to any man that will lodj;e either of tin ui in any jail in tin; United Statrs, and gnu word so that wi-ean get them, M. CLIN'I’ON, Wlf.KH CASION’, I,ancastervillc, S, Carolina, ^ , .luly .51, lR2r). S ist S. CAROlUtTA For the Itenefit of OXFOKI) AC/ADKMY in North-Oarolina, Stc. /V/i‘.S7’ tie drinr), :9lli 182C. .?. H.YA I KS iif A. MeI.N' IMJF,, Monai^m. 1 I’r’./e of fl2,0(;0 i:; ';.i2,0f-> 1 - 1 - jJlDO 1 - 4,'-i,'0 4,1 r 11) 1 - 'J.VKI 1 - i,:u» 1,->■].') (■) - u - j(i'J KVi - 6V 7,800 780 - 10 7.H0O 7,80(J - .5 ."'J,ooO H,7n>) 1*1 i/ s. 97, lilanks.— 2.1,'ir.O Tickets. ■,ib In (.11 nil. ill ti li >bi ll'.i.l I. il( III 1, 1:1 (’ r I! 11 o 1111 * t'le Wi ,t, , I'., ' III' -.nil ,\ii 11^', eil ibb (I to I 'I|, t. eoliiit \. \, hi i'' ih' e ' i' hr. 1.1' , b- !.:ul ll r:i,ii'al n, b. . i / , III H';;:,e e. • )■' 11) , r.-i|. i.| ')■ > w I. a n-;ln • • i I’ eill/- II i.t III,'. I till di '.'.tli ( li.i-. I ( I.Ill- 1 11 ; .11. :i ibi 'r I IK..1' -t ir' -.- I>r'|.:,|'i '1 'h' - ,.,1 I»t !1 'I'lllM'- t III . tie I hi'. !•) a I,otti ry formed liy tlie ternary per- niutatnn el >0 niiniters. To deti rmine tb-^ pr./es tiiin in. tin; .,u in;mber.i will bi- pnbbrlvr plaei d ill a w III 1 (;n ibe d.->y of drawing, aiiif lonr of ib'"ti lie di.iwM on! , and that Mcket; l."i\inn- on if the 1 ,t, Jd and 5d drav. ii niimbers, III Ibe ortii r ill v, bi li di ,iu n, vmII be entitled to 'III Tiriyi* of >] ,j,00 K .\iid tiioi.c hve r ’I il !ets b ivinj;- on th in tlie si'iK' -iiiinber,, sliall he .•i tjlb d to tiie pr, • /.I .1 at!i \ i il to tlicni ri ; 'er f iv I v, \ i’ ; 'I'be ! •, a’ld 'd to' ’! be ' !, 1st and -d t i .),(»()(» ) il - 21, .'d .ilid 1st I » ■| III- '.1, 1 .1 and Jd f ■> 2,.>'iu ■| be . .d, 2d and I vt li. 1 ■f III' tir I,'. »s v.'liicii shall hav'- on t!i in fh • l"t, Jd and )th iiuinbi rK, in some one o: 111' ir o;-(ii rs, ea li h-.- entitlrd to 1 ,1)1/0. I In 1 ’ ti( I{. ts which shall ha\e o:i tlieni .-inv other !bi'e- n| ibe iliaw n ni;iii!i ) >, in :ln_\ o’- \ .■ ol pi ninitalinii, w 11! i.a Il i»' I iiliiii. i! to’: '.f i.Vtn. II'." 1 lo (ic’si Is v. bi''i !: ill bav.- fi> of tie' h i'.', n i.'nnbcr - on ;in in, .eid t'lo-e two flu- .Id iiiit I di, w I! j c'l' b 'H ■ III :i iei! til a pn 'e III 1 bi)-,i- , S ) t r ^ I ' , i> 'i.I ll >h.»lI li,i \ I- on 1 in in a pi'i/.'.' o, l!.b .■ I i,t bi r 1' ‘;,,l,i', ^ I iH 1 IK'S. '!• Du.'iiiL;' Ml ■ 1.1 ‘ I ; , e'l I' .-t:,ia'r i i,\, b, h, ■ I)’. I ll 1 lie I G'b nil. .io!,n '■ ' I.-! : ' :ir -.! jii . \j,. I ii.-.';' I, I. It n.n !,. . npwaid,. .t' .'•'I ,-ai'.. ) li obi II,all. ,s',( ii-1 V ba- 1 I ler;-, .-ind b., f rii'iid '..,e am t ;i ■.1 wi! nun.. I-. ' I 'M:' k' t w bii b !l.'- dr.iw n i.uihbe;--, I -'I'.ill lia\ e lira-,', ;i -i naliiin can be eiiii'b 1..^' - al.b- f. i-y i! lU.-Jl i.t to ihc l ll hall ha\ ■ will I. if'i - tioil i;-..igi'r.i III.; , j 00 j i)il I. *e ) I 2.> L, in '.'le 28*)i iSur;.e r.u.i t . I. . 1 i .ric f. Ml ; . 1 : .1 tl ’■’I ' ) \'t holi; 'l ii h"! ■ '■ I ts ;)iid Ml i.'-f's in ! l.oT ry, an- tor ..i!e i!ie oflie,.- of the Cataw ge, I i,a .liairnal. t )rili-i_i inail, i iiclo-.i'v^ 11nji>''. m'zlh;.’!/ ■i’.'i.-nJi.'i t'.' I