'■! ai.v o‘iu-1 it) the squadro’.;, iv.i^'ht !;*.ve fo make with Huetios Ayres: al uiu; tlio 15ra/ilian boat departed ; bore up, passed, within hail of Uie liraziiian sciuadroii a- lonj; the line; made all sail fur liuenos- Hayti.—Mr. Phincas Nixon, jr. who went out to Hayli, with tl'e cniif;rants sent there hy the Society ol 1 riends iJi this State, and whose embarkation Iroiii liraufort, was mentioned in the U'e^istei of the oOth May last, passed il.rou^l* this City a few days since, on his return hon»c. ' Mr. Nixon informs us, that before lie lelc Ilayti, the emij^rants were, comlortably settled, and very fjenerally sutibfied—the whole of them havint^ gone into the country to live. Mr. N. says also, that the para.q;raph which has been i^oinj^ the rounds relative to the blockadin.L’f ot St. Dominf^o by a French I'lect, is incorrcct, as he sailed fron> there on the July, several days later than the vessel wliich liroupjht the inteilirjcncc, and heard no thing of it. As this Islutid is now an object of pub lic attention, tlie fijll-jwiiig details wi!! be probably acripluble to our reader^. 1 he soil is so rcrlik- as to yield its j)roducts alnu'si without labor. CwiVee and Sugar are the staple r.oininoditics, tlioui^h Corn and otiicr articles are generally raised. i roiii tljc Nrw-Vork Times.' A roi lespondeiicf? between- Commo- f’ure J. 1^. Llliott and Ad'miral Lobo ot flic Hra/ilian Navy, concerning hislarci- (al'biockade of the river La Plata, and a line of roast extending "0 degrees to the i'ast of it, by a snuill jiooi ly equipped Ibrce, was can ird on between the T'd ol .April and 4th May last, in which Com. J-. maintains in a series of spirited and i'orcible argument':, the jnillity oi a block ade where an i-nicier:t force is not placed lieforc coi'h inti ydntcd ]iort; and the prin ciple, that under any other circumstances the U. States will tiot rccognisc or be j;overned by a proclaimed blockade. Tlie point that ships of war belonging to neutral powers shall not be considered ;.s subject to a blockade, is also strongly tirged, and European precedents are not admitted as binding npu^i the nutioiis ot the western hemisphere, arid especially since the present is a principle establish ed by the U. States al the expense of a Jong and bloody war. U his may be con sidered as one of the subjects anticipated, ^vIlich induced the cull of the Congress al Panama, und it is most peculiarly in cumbent upon the governmenia of Noi ih :,nd South America, tliat those general i Ou,. Sweet Potatoes lloiirisii well there, 5ind international principles whirli must j,„,[ form pan of the I'ood for their horsi-s ^e so often appealed to, in their inicr- cattle.—(luinea Ciruss, howevei-, is mcirJ^crs ol ilie society eujov the things of this life at a fi alen.jl l>a 4".ei, in *'xp'*clation, however, that ere long a sad duty will assein!)le them around i'»e grave of one their numl)cr. Cni ioi/s S'rti])Irs-J)nndrc—T\\cve is now no hope of pardon lor the unhappy four; and |)reparations :ire making lor the melancholy scene, w hich will close^ his (lavs in this w orld. 1 he finisher of the law has arrived, and will be at lus post on Friday. The old gibbet, Irotn its long disuse, is in very bad condition, and orders have been given lor having it re paired ; but we understand that it is doubtful whether it inay be got ready by the time appointed, as all the cor/tractor s workmen, from superstitious feelings, refuse to work al it : even his apprentices have run away, willing to pay the penal ty in tlieir indentures, raJher than assist at a work so hateful to them. Scottish jjoper. at rourse w ith each other, should be estab lished upon a firmer basis than the inter ested construction of oi)|u)si!ig parties. The subjoined extract from the log book of the Cyane, sets forth, in a bold manner, the energetic support and decid ed resistance which would have resulted from an opposition to the lawful determi nation of her cominander, and contrasts L.trongly with the pompous and shullling conduct of the Brazilian admiral. Extract from the I.og-hook I nitcd Stiitcs’ ship Cyane, April oil, 18J(i. “At 8. A.m. moileraie pleasant weath er ; at discovered the vessels at anchor :i-head, to be the Pjrazilian blockading tquadron. About H) miles li. S. F. ol the S. K. end of the Ortiz bank, at oO observed five vessels of war under weigh standing towards us, at 10 made them to he one frigate, one corvette and three brigs ; prepared for battle and showed our colours~ai 11 bhoriened sail to the top-sails, and hauled up for the Brazilian squadron uiider-weigh—at 11.30. the fri- r>ate was on the lee beam at about 1.50 yards distance—two brigs, on the lee i)ow, the other a little on the weather qtu;rte?-, and the corvette astern and to Jeevvard—at 11. 40. hailed the frigate and asked her name, answered II. Imperial [Majesty’s frigate Maria de Ciloria. The :iame ofour ship was then asked,and given, succeeded by a demand that u boat should be sent—this demand was peremjitorily refused by Capt. Elliott, adding that a boat should never be sent from his ship, although one would be received—observ ed the guns of the frigate trained and tompkins out; kept larboard guns on the main deck manned for the fri gate and her consorts on the lee bow, aiid manned the starboard quarter deck guns for the brig on the weath er quarter; observed the brig on weather quarter shortly after drop astern ; at 11. 15, received a boat from the frigate’and brig with two officers, who were intro duced to capt'. Elliott in his cabin, by ■whom he was informed that the port of Buenos Ayres was blockaded, aiul he could not be perniilied to proceed—to vhich lie replied, that if even he were to admit their right to proclaim the block ade of an extent ot coast against a civil marinej he could not against neutral ves- selsof war—that both English atid French vc.ssl1s of war, were in the habit of pro ceeding almost daily to and from Monte Video and Buenos Ayres, as instanced, •both in the British and French corvettes Chasseur and Faun—that he would allow liim 50 minutes to delibei'ate on his fu ture actions, and at the expiration of that ’ime he would proceed, prepared to re sist all consequences;—that the flag he wore, carried under it the sovereignty of the soil it represented—that violated the soil became invaded—nud that he should defend Ins ship.to the lust moment. Cupi. I'Uiott hirther observed to tlie of ficer, tli;it he had a commuiiicatlon for .Ad miral Eo!)o, wliich was reijuested ; Capt. EUioU declii.ed given it t.o the ofltcer, un til he returned Iroin his IVigato and dis covered !i(*r tvue character; al 12 the ]iraziiiaii boats h,fl the ship. During al'. this lime the wt athcrly position of ihe «,hip was mbint.iit.ed, and every other precaution taken to resist wilh elVect an t ick from tiie squadron which ajipear- itated ; \J. J>. hailed the IVi- prineipally usetl for horse-feed—they plant it once in every three or lour years : for having no frosi to kill it, it sjirouts forth spontaneously, and gi ows to a great height. The highebt ofiir.e of the IsUuid is a President, who is elected l>y Hie Senate: his olVice is for life, and his revenue is ■J(X),OUO fratics per year. He has the right to nominate his successor, in .i let ter atldressed to the Senate: but that bod) is free to rrjet I the iioimiiatiun. 'i'lie President possesses 'he l.xecutive power —he is the fountain of all honor, and appoints to all employinenis The Leg- islati\e jiower is divitled between the The s!i/lr displayed by the candidates the elections in F'nglawd, is entirely unknown in our experience in America. The following extract is part of an ac count of the Dover election, June “The successful and unsuccessful can didates severally addressed the freemen at some length, and tlien joined their re- sjiective jirocessions. “Mr. Willjraham's carriage had six beautiful |;rey horses, richly caparisoned, the riders in jockey raps and jackets ol |)iirp!e and yellow ; the carriage was prei eded by the town band and many ele gant Hags, and lollowed by a highly res- peetal)le body of freeuuM). “ Mr. ’I'hompson’s carriage was drawn l)y lour horses, the dt ivei s in jockey caps and jackets of !)lue, white, and pink, b.-Tiil, and a great many ilags. Procession (juite of a motley description. “Mr. Ilutiei Wurth’s carriage was dravui by four horses, the riders in blue sashes. A fine band and several handsome - \Vc also k'a;-n, that duri:ig the ijai.t week'a per.sonal rencontre took place 1)1 tween two young men at Woodville, Mississippi, ill which one of them was killed. “These a.ie Tnelancbcly articles lor a newspaper, and should only be told be cause they are true.” The National Crisis (Cincinnati) of the :rih uil. gives the following account of an assassination at St. Louis: “ Horatio Cozens, Esq. a distinguish ed member of the bar of St. Louis, was assassinated in that place on the 13th inst. by Mr. Frtnch Strother. The Editor of this paper, who was there atthc time, understood the circumstances to be as follows: Mr. Cozens was engaged as counsel against Mr. Strother: and the latter finding the cause was going against him, asked the former to step aside, as he wislied to speak to him. Mr. Cozens complied with this rc(iuest, and Mr. S. slabbed him two or three times in the breast, and once in the neck with a dirk, and killed him instantly. Mr. Strother was committed to prison.” Is it not time to pul a slop to this kind of assassination, by making it highly _V/'. luiuj: — 1 noy.--.;).q)e,-5 coi in a letter ot Mr. Randolph, iVom Liv erpool, addressffii to a IVicnd of ih lleman, m which he accuses Ci>pu utiT win, ot the ship Alexauiler, of rudeness towaids him on a pariiculur occasion.^ We trust that no impression will be aT milled by the public, of a nature unfavor aole to the Captain ; at least until he h had an opportunity of replying to ih^ charge. No one could have pursued a line ol conduct, as the commander of iucl a vessel, more exemplary than liis i,.j uniformly been—Ue had won the esteen of all who sailed with him. "We hav^ seen conclusive testimony of the 3,; * faction of all Mr. Randolph’s fellow 1)^^! sengers with his own conduct: it l^-* been stated to us, on good authority, ihaf as soon as they learned that he had'select! ed a particular inn at Liverpjol, thty ime to an agreement to choose another ed came for ihemselve', not wishing to cnjoij the fellowship of the senator any longer. National Uazetlt. A letter from a warm personal friend of Commodore Porter to Mr. Niles, savs “ Do not be surprised that Com. Porter* ■ . , .whose aspiring mind caused him, in I penal to carry a dirk, or any ihing ot the moment of excitement, to infringe the kind r (Enu ous.) barriers of discipline in his own country, should, at the head of the allied navies of Mexico and ('olombia, become ihe terror of the S|;anish Coast. If I err not, it is his destiny to exact from the mother country, by the brilliancy of his achiovc- ments, an acknowledgment of ihe South ern Republics.” SrK.NKs OK THE Wkst—Almost every mail from the west, brings some tale of horror. The following atrocious acts have been perpetrated within thf last month : Mon horrors.—We liave to add to the list of the many murders that have been committed in Kentucky, that of Michael ColVman and (ieorge \V. Courtney, who were shot with rille guns on Friday even ing the 14th inst. These men, ii is sla ted, were returning home, from the house uf 'I'hos. James, Esfj. near the Beach fork, iti this county. It is supposed they were way laid by some two or more per sons, and shot. They were found on Sunday morning the J6th instant: A banners preceded it, an(l it was tollowed | incjuest was held over the bo- ami ll,c tn.a.nhn „f Dcpnlies.aml | |;^‘I’';, 1 '“'‘"‘I .„c :iun.ba. i. co„.,.o..d c, j).,„a.cs;consisted | one sent from each jiarish, anil two from the town ; they must be land owners, and must be 23 years of age—they arc elected for five years. Any elector ho may sell his vote, is excluded forever, from all employment under the government. The Deputies meet on the 1st A[)ril, annuallj, ai Por three of forty hursemen, w ho followed'behind the band and colours ; then came his car riage, ilrawn by four beautiful black hor ses, which were literally bedecked \\iih ribbons of red and blue, the riilers in jocivey caps. — His carriage was followed , - • . .1 I bv a coach and six. and four cai ria.^es rt-au-Pnnce, and remain together | ,viih the gentlemen of lus cu.n- monlhs. 1 he Senate is composed ^ ^ of 24 members, who are elected for nine ^ friencls-vespectable trades years by t he ChatBber of^ Deputies p i lots, and others—exienuing about Deputy being eligible. 1 o be a Senator, ! ^ .. a person must be 30 years of age, and no | ‘ one can be re-elected until after three! years. The Senate is particularly charg ed with all that ielates to the Adminis tration, and each Senator receives an annual salary of 8000 francs. The laws most resemble those of France—the French Civil Code being the basis of them. There is a Court of Cassation, Court of Appeals and Inferior C’ourts. Establishments have been formed for teaching the first elements of the Sciences ~ there are four National Schools, and in each Parish a Schoolmaster is maintain ed by the government. There is also a University, and a Surgical School, w hich has a French Instructor. The Catholic •is the prevailing religion, the Archbish op’s seat is at St. Domingo, the former Capital of Hayti. liul. liv^ister. North Jlmerican (h'ography—The Clreat Bear Lake, al the south-weslcrn end of which Capt. Franklin’s V.xpecWiion was stationed, (in lat. 05 deg. 1> min., long. l‘:3 deg. 33 min. W.) is above 150 miles in length, iriul abounds in deep bays and arm-, one of w-hich runs to within about 70 miles of t!ie Coppermine River, where that stream is not more than from 85 to 90 miles from the Arctic Sea. It is cal culated that the extent of coast between tlie moiillis of the Coppermine and Mack enzie Rivers IS not :>()() miles in a direct line ; but il is bupposec. that a.high and mountainous cape c>r headianil runs into the sea between them, «hi(.h must have a great elVcct on tlic formation and detention of ice. It ajjpears from paragraphs in the Lon don pajiers, that I'lo mei'can’ile tonnage of t!ie United States is rapidly ajiproach- ing an equality with the British. Mr. Baring states il al Ijetween ssxltvMi and si.'venteen hundred thousand ; Dial (d' the Mritish al little more than i,o'r\— But then it must be taken iiilo calc,ulati(jn, that in 17K'>, we possessed a tonii.’ge of on ly \ scareely 1-tUli of the jiresent amount; v, liile, siiue the s^iine period, tlie ^d lobe meditated : IJ. hailed the fri-| British tonnage has grov.ti only one-hal''. r-d’e, to know if iliey bad any further | The English Journalists are not very uell roiriiTiunication to make, ihty answered j pleased at this rapid approxiniatioti ; imi b\ King i!’Capt. }'iiioll would send the j in?y ti y to reeoticile thems**ives to a i esull Adnural’s lelle:'., utkI papers; yes, was the : which they siiy is ineviiabie. ] t- jilv, it j ou w ill send a boat; r;l 12. '13. a boa', r.aiue alongside for letter,, and pa-- lor the admiral, with the conqili-1 , (.1' the (oinmandint;; odic'.'i', to C’a[jt. V.iliot’, tendering every civility a 1' ineiii Jhujiini; Siyicfits.—At Basle in Switz erland, there are several soeiciics, the memljiMS of which jiay an aniinal 3ulj- scription for the purpose of ileiraying ihc The Louisiana has arrived al New York from Nevv-Orleans, bringing paj.ei s from that city the Jo.h July inciusive. An allair of honor look place on liie l«ili. between two of the citizens, growiuj'out of a private misunderstanding. One fire was exchanged with jiistols, butnoeil'eci being produced, they had recourse, ac- coi ding to agreement, to the small sword. The affair ended in the death of one of the parties, he having received his antag onist’s sword into his vitals. 'I'he names of the jiarlies were Theodore Preval, ag ed nineteen years, and Zephir Canonge, and originated in an alTroni having been ottered to the father of the former by Canonge. 'I'he following notice of the death of Preval is puDlished in the New Oi leans papers : ‘The friends of the family of Mr. Preval,—‘he friends of virtue and ot jus tice are informed that Mr. Theodore Preval,aged nineit en years,terminated his career yesterday afternoon al 4 o’clock, by a frightful fatality, llis corj)se will be exposed at Mr. B. Mai igny’s,l'au:vbourg Marigny, from whence the convoy will start for the church.” Over the grave of young Preval, a dis- ctjurse was pronounced by jNlr. Pieire Laudreux, who alluded, in warm lan guage, to the bravery and filial pielv of th(; youtli, who “fell his blood healed with indignation at the si.ght of his father being cruelly outraged by a despicable nr n dishonoretl Inr a long time in the public, opihifjii.” The address was con eluded l;y l!ie fullowing anathema upon Preval’s murderer, which the Lciiiisiatia (’uurier observes vv;is unanimously re- pciited by all persons prcs-jiil : • •'For us, gentleiiu'ii, who sigh over tliis hich the remains of our \(ji!r,g friend re|)Ose, let us all swear, in partinv', with him. to !)ui then forever his murderer witli tiie ueigiit of our c(ni- teinpt, to exclude liiiri ibrevtr from the bosom of our soi iety, and to abandon him w illiout jiiiy to the toriiieiil of remorse— 1 swear il !” A letti r tit New-OiK atis from \'cra ('rii/, says :—Cominoiiore Porrt-r is ef;tnmaiider'iii-i liii f of ihe .Mcxicati navj. ilis jiay atid eiuolunients are equal lo S-i l,owu jier aiinur.t 1 I” I known. ColVman was shot in the breast and fell dead, it is supposed, in the road; his body had been removed about twenty- five yards, and thrown behind a large log. CouVtney was shot in the back, supposed to have run from the road into the w oods, where he was found. We forbear to make any comments upon this murder, or the circumstances that have led to the api)rehension of five personn, viz. James Watson, William Watson, Isaac Wat son, Doctor W’atson, and Joha Watson, who were charged with the murder, and committed to jail for examination an(' trial. W. Louis Gaz. A letter from Enfield, in Halifax Co. to a gentleman in Warren, published in the last Reporter, states that on the I’t iday night preceding, the wife of Ricks Fori was shot dead in his own house, by some prowling assassin. Mr. Fort and two of his children were in the porch, his wife came in, passed through the house with a candle in her hand, we*U into the back room on the left side,‘had taken some clothes out of a trunk: atid just as she had risrp. gun was discharged through tl'.e wliidov/. on'l she fell and in- sta:!tly ev.pit t'l. It is tliou^ht the person who did it mistook his oLj^cl. It was liu^ room in whicn M;-. ctwt generally sleeps ; hii life had been tlireateiied—he was apprehensive of dat:ger and was so pt'udent as not to carry a light into the room when he went to bed.—Rul. Jic". olleritr'- ativ supplies he might l>e in waule'.pense of !)ur\itig themselves anil their with his bi:si wis’ies for a speedy and families. It is remarkal.le, tiiat one of pleasant passug. lo Buenos Ayres: Capt. ! tlu:^e societies, composed of families. };ilio!t rcturtied his compliments and j cotv.prehendii!,;-11 menibers, has lost !)ui hati!;s, adding th.at his ship was abund-j one of its members by death, (hiring ihe antly supplied with every necessary, and I hat all he wanted was a free, and gener- rus intercourse wiiii all nations,conclud ing with au (nVer to be the bearer of any tumiuuiiitu ioii nommai)diiig oniter, la*^’ iv.u years. When, as ni this in stance, the mortality is inconsiderble, th-; superlluily of the funds, iiotwithstandin!,' the luguijiious nature of the society, is expended lu a party of pltastr.-e : the 'I’he I.f’itni'id' tiir Louisiana Gazette says, uiuii r dale of July lllli— “ e eon .er .ed last evening with a gentieniani;oiii Bayou Sarah,wliich place lie leti ou Sundav. J’kmu him we learn, that on 'i'iiuisday last, a personal rencon- tie took place between iwf) young geiitle- meti, Mr. Owens and Mr. 13radsheai, iti the town ol St. I'raiK is\ilh', ih which the latter was killed. We feel gratified iii being ahle to state, that the diilii.ulties between the panics, (!id u(yi ariie frum any politic;'.! co::.mde;atioti- Shockin" Ejfects of Infemperanrc. — .\n instance of the horrid effects of this beast ly bin, has recently occurred in this coun ty. We are informed that on 'J'hursday last, a man named W’alier Downs, an habitual drunkard, resiiling in Petoboro, went to his house in a stale of partial in ebriation. A little child whose breath fie had already poisoned by feeding it with the intoxicating liquor, approached him, crying for whiskey. The monster, iimler a pretence of curing an appetite which his inhuman hand had created and cherished, administered nearly a pint of the liquor, from the eiVects of whl:h the child nev-r recovered, bat died in the coujse of the day following, atuf even before the lather was suiTiriently recover ed from intoxication to realize the fatal eirret of his crime. A coroner’s jury re pented that the death of the child was occasioned by whiskey adniir.islered by its father. 'i’he examination of the father took place on Saturdav, Luit we ha\e iiol heard the result. II our information is correct, (and we had ilfrom a gentleman who saw tiie child on a i>ed by tlic side, of its drun ken father, in perfect stupor) he was un doubtedly committed to piisoii, to have his trial for manslaughter. Cazcnoviit fX V.) Monllor. Earthqu'ikeji.—The Richmond Com- [)iler of Friday the lllh inst. says that two shocks ol an earthquake have been felt in that city : the first, on Wednesday niglii about tiitie o’clock, was noticed by several pe."sons without any communica tion with cach oilier : ihe ot!;er on I’hurs- day about 12 o’clock, 'i’he last was not perhaps as generally noticed, from the circuinstaiice ofper:-ons being more ac tively euiployed, and tiut so sedentary and siiil i'j till- day lime, as tlu v e;-’ 'v in Old Point Co.mfout.—The works which protect this Point, are now in such a s'.ate of furwurdness as to present a de finite character ; and embracing as ihev do, an era of 52 acres, not only exhibit a specimen, novel to us, of scientific for- lification, but one on the largest and mos^ imposing scale. 'Fhe constructions a*^^ the Rip Raps, for which quarries ofsione have been exiiausted, and whose founda^ tions lie 21 feet below the tide, though less complete, are not less curious. The garrison, which consists of 600 men atid now encamped at no great distance, will soon return to quarters. Balt. Fat. The New*York papers announce the arrival there on the 6th inst., of a Compj. ny of Boston Light Infantry, upon a mil. itary visit. They were encamped on Brooklyn Heights, in 45 minutes after they reached the ground. Their discip line, and the elegance of their equip ments, and the personal respectability of the individuals composing the corps, are highly spoken of. Nat. Journal. The Winyaio TnteUigencerof the 9th inst. says—“ A letter has been received inthis town, from a gentleman at Waccamaw, stating that he had distinctly seen the Sea Serpent, near the beach of Long Hay, and supposes it to be about 50 feet in length.” The Georgctnicn Gazelle says—•* 1 he Sea Serpent was seen ofT Long Bay on Friday last, by a number of |)eople who live on the Sca-shore. It was apparently 50 feel long.” Dnha.—'I'hc Krntifcky lieportcr of tlis 2 kii ulf. states that Isaac B. Desha lias nearly recovered from the wound wliicli he inllicled on his throat. 'I’he p.’.iiers cf Sandusky r.T.d Cleave- land, Ohio, pusent us with a “ IMarine List,” offioin 12 to 20 weekly arrici’s and as many departures, of steam Ijo;;:*; and schooners,employed iti thelake tiadc. W’e shall soon have groat citits to ii" north of us. Already the papeis ol the towns on the borders of Lake Erie ate very respectable in point ot s’kzc and exr- cution, and present in their adverti'iin.s columns, the appearance of ex'tn^ive business.. The “Sandusky Clarion” of tlie 2-. July, has the following paragraph ; *•'Sj)cc(Iy Conof iiancf'.— I'he Ononrlag? Journal, dated July IJth, was refeivcil .i- this onii-e on the'huh; it having inoi carried l.)0 miles by land, at.’d L'.vi by 'VJ- ter, in thrcr dnjis \\'hal a change in the state of alTair=; about .iandusky, since the war id 1'^'- • ruislnir'^ do-' 'I'he Coiigresi of the Sta‘c ('ruv', Ijy a decree dated June I.), • fered a reward of to the imli-i^' ual w ho fliscovers a specific or pi'-''--, live for the lever ktiov.n by tl’.e tiaincOi the Black \ omit. .7 Fanalic. — A fanatic lately prci''^*"*- in a street in Philiidelphia, catclii>‘'!J ^ glimpse of tlie Delaware excIaii'H’'- “ il.ere is the river Jordan,” and inin*''*^' iately ran full till and jumped ini'i it-"*^ His congregation kejit up the race :it heel , till he leapt from the wIutiI»^“ there ll.ey halted. 'Fliey alfordffi assistance, atul he was v. illing, on sccoiu thoughts, lo live a little longer. The Last laly, a few evening ago, afier having for some lime attenti'* reatl Mrs. Shelly’s novel, enUtled “ Lust man,” threw down the bo-'l'*-'", emphatically exclaimed, “’I'he Bless me 1 if such a thin?;- were o'.ei hapi'-et>. V'!'..!" w')t>.’! be.-i;i;v.-^ ni'-n

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