i p-s^. »i" •">kf «-r*-,r7vt!i 'K ,„ „arch ,o>,.;,'.l, S,.raBlio, .l.rou.c,,. of ,h.. Ca,.,K>l : I',,- NKw-^':i '. .Ai c;r?T 14.—.'I’he ])ar’;« > ship Dot! (^uixt)lU', from Havre, l>ritiK'' i!s f’j' is papers to tht; 14th ull. and l.oii v'l'M (iafi s cfthc Pjth, wbirh, nit!i tin* 1 ivul ci‘ iho Manthesler of the 1st (»| J’- Iv, anv! Win. Byrnes of t!ie Ironi Liv rpool. ^ive us late sr.d connccted in- '.••Higcncc from Kuroj'tc- J’*-' iiii- poi iaiit piece of tu'v.s is lh;*l cotinccted V, itli the revolt of thf Jani^siu ics in C on- atantinople, owirj, tu tl.c attempt oi the Sultan lo stibjccl tiifni to ii.uropean uis- clpline. Tlicy wci'c ovt*i puweiod in the capital, but as they are fcpiAuil all over the empire and have aconnio>i caiisc, it may be iiopcd, (we say “hoped in the interest of the Greeks.) th^it intestine war vii! divert the force which otherwise Mould be exerted ufjainst the rebels oi ilie Morea and the Isles. Selim III. un- c!c of the present Sultan, perished in a similar' insurrection in 1807. His ne phew has yt t to see the issue of his at tempt. It is said he evinccd great per sonal couraf;e in the attack upon the Ja nissaries, and a most i;nrelenting temper. The Frcnch papers concnr in supposing that this insurrection may render the Divan more accessible to the representa tions of those European jjowers I hat are inif'i'cedinjj to stop the eflusioii ol the blood of the Greeks. In Great Britain there has been a j^reat fallinrr oft'in the revenue of tlie year, a- In;,; tofleposc Mabmo.ud and to ptotlaini liis sen. . At noon the Scra{);lio v.as invested; and then the Canonit-rs of'1 dpscbis, who had come by water from tlie arseiiul with some faithful troops, ];tesented them selves at tlie aveiines of tlie jvdacf: with cannon. 'I'liis surprised the Janissaries, and made them hesitate; hnt towards evel^in^-• they showed a di'^posi'.ion to iiKtke an attack, when the Sultan, arrived from hi'j Summer retreat on the other side t.f the Bosphorus, displayed the standard of Mahoniet. At the same time ci ici s mounted all the minarets, and call ed on all faithful believers to assemble ciniis civil x\ar will rar;c’in the heart ol Turkey. Tl>e «*’ beams, and briphtly beams on Greece i Jkiimmclic Press. HAYTf.—The payments of the sums due to Trance, fur the acknowledgment of Haytian lnde])cndence, causes vcr) considerable difnculty to President Bo)- er.—An attempt was made a short tinie since to obtain something ii om the mines, and f;reat expectations formed that the result would relieve the government Irom the necessity of resorting to taxation, but, after exjjloring: them, no traces ol either {»old or silver could be discovered, and and t-atislies the no- In thevi?ar 17.19, an^iHion n„,nd his WKlMR-ss.--rhe rai.ks ,.{ .In- Ik- ,.n,ject >vas Janissaries began to grow thinner, anl , recourse must now !)e had to diuct ta.^^ the Topschib with their cannon cliai i^'il , tiun with case shot, came out ol tiie scruf’lio, and being backed by the marine troops, made a terrible carnage ol the Janissa ries, who retired to tl’.e!!' barracks to tlie number oV about 'Uure they hoped thev shw!il''. br left in r( pose; but at near m'idt.M:!.* that they sli'iuld be 3tt and the bar racks s'/f on !iiv. Til* chills then thenrielveH up as pn',-/iir! s : otliers execuled ; and liliy cliitl for which the- people are by no m. ans prepa.ed, and in many instances ih. y are ready to dispute the power oi the goveniTmnito compel Its payment. The result uftbis disagreement between tiie parlies, it is fea-’ed will be rebellion or revolution, either of whic!) is much to be I'.epr the Island. reciiteu in the present situation ol Ol j’,avc u e re Vv’CM. rrnment. 1 liis comparison proves two —i!ic simplicity and ecottoniy of nur system, and the prodigality and ex tent fd'U,nglish expenditure, where such r\ d( licit dees not apj)ear to excite alarm or nnea^>ineri5. The (ilo!)e and Traveller states a fact ;>ingu!ai iy illustrating the depression and ^^’e learn, savs liu* Bal’i'nore Amen can, that the Govei ninent of tl;e llepub- , lie ol' GuaJeirala I’.as granted a charier The new hatti-.r.herif, or decree, in-! to an A-n. rieati Comp'^ny to cut the ca- sianti; aLn.bes the institution of the n.l, a copy of u bid. has brcn receiv 1 It moreover orders, that in :l)i» countrv. It is a su!>jcc. d no lit- shall organ-I lie rraiilic.itioii, that owing to me jirc- rvIitiisUT i*l f 1'!tilt’ )tained I)V the , Aj;ent ^-ent out from Xew-\oii'. b'i' the ^wrpo'" Janissaries. ial!ui!TOtl in ihe revenue oi uil ^ ll.ue tails shall organ- lie rrauhc.itio.i, bout £J,300,000, a dehciency equyl to tl.*- ‘ ■ ‘ io,uOO men, ! sence of our M V’hole ordinary expendilure ol this gov Luru),ean sp,ten>, a!.l j ( l.arler was o!>t want (.f ciiJiiuience on t!ie Londi>n Ex change. On I'riday, tlie great ibreign p(>st dav, instead of the immense opera tions generally made on that ilav, there was only one houKe, that oi Barings, which oilVred bills lor sale, and one other cniy, Kothschild, that would buy. London dates of July Bih, state, that Capt. Parry is to be sent on another voy age to tiic Polar heas, it ilie ship Hecla. The total revenue of Great Britain lot the year ending July 5, 18:J5, was ^4‘J,- C26.194, and that en«ling July 5, 1826. M as £47,397,726—a ditVerence accounted for by the j)resent state oi Jej,re.ssion. The GiiM-.KS —Lord C'nri.rane had sailed for Cnece, and it was under-^Uiod ■S', as tu have command of ull the Gree^ na\al forces. He has in his scpiadron twu or tliree steam-boals, one uf considei -ble force. It V. ill not be «str,Mislili)g^ iF tlie plan of this Admiral was in imitation of Cai lhage when she attacked iluine—\'i7. to go to her etiem)’s terrirory. Tlie fol lowing is the postscript oi his to the Pa cha. of Egypt: -‘1 reciuest you to ad dress \our answer to me at Constantino ple. w here 1 am going in a direct line to arrange with the utmost despatch some iniportant business. I’he latest news from the (ireeks is ol a better character. 'J here was a great ef:ergv and union amongst the chieis.— Letters from Corfu, of ihe C.th June, from the Archhisho[), state that all the at tempts of Redsciiid Pacha to Ijring about ur attack on Athens had been in vain.— The 1)1 ave soldiers of Missolonghi, join ed to another corps, hail attacked him at Cravari, where he wished to pass, and forcid him lo return to Etolia, where he goes, U is said, to take his route i'ur Thes saly, ; -id Easlern Greece, which would co; I him march of 25 days. A ship from Navarre arrived on tiie ■ah June at Genoa. It is sta'.ed i om- ;i\elv that Ibrahim, who had directed ],is course lowanls Tiipolitza, had been beaten bv the Gre-l;?, and forred to re- turt, lo Patras. Tli.snews coming from a Tuikii.h port, and being given !)y a merchant, is most undoul)ledly true.— I'olocotroni, wilh his aiitiy, covers the l uins of Argo--. Noti.ing- is p«/sitive!y known of the taking of Tripolilira. Tvhv.f.y. — Letters iVom Odessa of Mine 2 5, contain some new delailji of the late inr.urr'rti(jn in Consianlinople. ihe Sultan has iurbiddett an> ore on pain of death, to jjrinjontr.e the wo:d^ ni:inti-,nr r/iV, whii.b sisMui'y the arming >1'troops in Eur»;pean i isl.ion, to avoid excitement: but ihis nev. u'ear-ure was the aU‘c ol the revolt of the Janissaries, who on t;ie nub and ITih, v.tie completely defeateil, firiven back into the banacks, und ihcie b'jrnt to the immbcr »)f-,e *er?.I tlu.us' ncis. 'I'he munber of killed on botli -ides is es timated at 10,000, and the A^t Pc:;.!ia is said to be atnong them. Cvj’.istaiitiiu.'p’.e Mill n-sembies a caiP]i. Sever jI (iii:irl'’!'s uf the lity have i.'ecn burnt and the Sid- iM). laking c*dv-ntage oi' liis •,i-.ory, iu,, ordered i X'-culiijns unfler his o ,v n e\. s, Is lo the faiioAil among the Ja- each I'acha of two tails a siinilaj- coipsol 700') men. All v.ell dis[)u->ed Janissaries and citizens are to be adMiilu d into iliest. eoips. In short, the Sultan isdelennin- cd to have S'ilhui ihe vear an army ol 300,000 disciplined men. Inis army, wl'.icb exists only as yet on pa;u'r, ha-, le- ceived, by a dci rce, ihe magmhcieni tilu of riiolKimeriic djvnid man;soi./riiii'iu new \ictoru-‘is Mooainmcdaii army must wail the result. \V liliongb Sir(jngly comiieted ior by the 'vgent of a B'. ili .h Company, who cdier- ed u lurg2 bonus ibr it. Vfinii ’’.'• Ciiiwirr. There i? a g: a\e account ol a m^n who has been !;!i’u;.;ht to Hie after having i bt cn liozfu nndei'un avalaiiche ior a bun dled and ‘'.evenly \ears ! 1 “ I pon my oul, it is true—wliat v'ill yon I.')’ ' NKW-10UK, -MC.. i.).—The ship Win. Thompson, Imm Liverpool, brings us papers Irom that [jliict' to the IBlu ull., and from London lo the 16lh. LONUOX, Jt'l.v 15.— The l.nglish funds appear to partake oi the generui stagnu- ’■.‘itf.'iic :;ci'c.a: i u>lust^y, j-»iow! Hge, r.nd of that exalted civiliza tion which creates bb^st wants, and a half of British subjects were em ployed in this manufacture, whose wages, a' 8/. per annum, amounied to twelve mill ions. Add to tl.is the cost of the mate- nai, and the value of the cloths manniac- uucd in that year, « as sixteen millions —exactly double what they were iorty vear-i bei'ore. Arkwright's machinery, ill) other inventions, in the course oi forty years, including the close ot the last,’and beginning of the present century, extended the. woollen manufacture to three times the amount above mentionef In 1800, there were no more presonsem- ployed in the matiufactuie, than there were in 1739, but by ihe power of machin ery the quantity produced was tripled. The time when cotton was iniroduced into England is not known. U is staled bv Leland, wiio visited Lat.casluie in the lugn of Henry VHI. that many villages nexr Bollou make cottons, B.it it would seem by a law passed in lo53, lhai what acre caiied cottons, were nol i eally sncli. 'I'he raw material, however, hud !)ecn im ported from the Levant at least as eailj as 1430. In a oock published in 1C41, it IS stated “that the Manchester weavers Snv cotton-wool in London, which comes from Cyprus and Smyrna, and work the same ililo fustians, vermillions, and Ui- miues.” When cotton was at Icn^iih in troduced in such vast }uantiu::> irom A- merica, India, and elsewhere, an . n'.irelj new ct'Per seemed to be opened lu indus- trv. 'I'he cotton niaiiiti'acluiea oi Lng- lIkI,” say tlie PcMCiNers, “have done more in promote a wholesome hpirit ol enterpiiso, and to bring together the ie,i?i(!s of i!ie- artisan and ol the philoso- piicr, than any tabi'icaiion ot human con venience evti' lid. -Vs riiuch ai the ear ly prospei ity ol tiiis nation owed to her first great native staple, wool, even so much is her present nrifiam[)led greatness iiulebted to this her sec.>nd staple, which ■ cr trade atui exertions have brought Her” Maior Luiii,!)ow. Munchausen, ' iiomo iVum distances Uiat eqtisl one hall rcrdinand Mendi .: Pinto—hide sour di- uf the world’s circumference, and wiiich miuished iu-ads 1 Mr. Dudsworlb.—that! iu>r genius has converlf d imo a source ut is the name of the gentleman v. ho has j holiest wealth for hersell, and oi been thus pieverved in ice, complains, it | cumforl for mankind.” appears, of feeling a little siili in the | >514, tlie revenue of the joints ; but, we shouHl think, if ll'.ey were : in U-!’of the liai kin Knilly, ai.d \ wf.uld rather die liian endure it. lit im mediately sui rcnderei!, was taken befgn- u CvHJrt of inquiry, and commiui-d for I’urther trial. JVest. Obsen'cr. Daring alfempt. — We understand that an attempt was made between Somerioa and Mui i'reesboro, on Tuesday night last to take tlie trunks from tiie Nori’olk staf>-e' One of the passengers hearing a noise drew a pistol and j)resented it out of the back of tlie stage at tlie head of the yii. lain, \\liom he could plainly perceive bv the aid of moonliglil—tiie leuiher covcr'- ing was cut iiorizontally, and ihe knifi; inserted to cut in an opposite direction when tiie pistol snapped and the i'tlluv,- escaped. A similiar attemjit is said to have been made on ilie preceding Pi idav nigiit. Turhorough Ffec Pnss, jlnothcr nc.fv S/cnm Engine.—I\Ir. thew CJluft’, of Norfolk, has invented a steam engine which dispenses with all eomplicatcd apparatus, eeen pistons uiul valves, and at once apjdies the power to ll'.e wiiecl, to which it gives an cqiMljl,» motion, and is capable of being applied to iny kind oi'machinery. Tiie Norl'olk Beacoti thus describes the machine : “ A very correct idea of it may be fonued by supposing one end of a plain tube, of any dimensions leq’iired, to be inserted into a boiler, round which u fire is made, and the other end entering near the bot tom, a reservoir of Water bifa.ed by the steam cominually passing into it tlirough the tube. In the reservoir a wheel with buckets, similar to that of an ovcrsho: mill, revolves on a common axis, deriv ing its inoticn, (which is rapid and of i power susceptible of any augmentation desired) I’rom the steam, which in its as- cetit i’rom the bottom of the reservou* where the lube enters, coniinuallv hlls the buckets and gives the wheel thf; necessary impelus.” Mr. CluiT inienrl, to oljtain a patent, and test tiie value of his machinc without delay. BuU. Pat. Luiglaud was .-5000. in lion of all the business in the country.— Uathed in ni-are’s ndlk eveiy day, or l u!)-, ^ xi3,000. ^ In 1744, the gross xVloney, however, is plenwful, in const:- quence of ihe payment of the dividends, but there is no employmelit i'or it, in trade, in land, or in houses. Exchequer bills are in ciemand, as being more safe which it is i'eared may become depre ciated in conseipiencc of the pressure of | p..biiively staled, lo have taken [\ the limes and the unfavourable accounis the rwst ci'last Peln-uij y. from tlie manuiacturing distrrUs. (1 for bed with sun beams night ai'.ti uiorninij,, ! ol the inlaml and foreign Posl- he would soon recovt-r their use. We x:3j,49J, and twen;\ \eais af- snlijoin the aC'OUhU meiely ards it was v'l3J,04fb \l the lasi one very obvious oni! s-.ion—ae ii,-an the I postage ol' t!ie Uiiiieil da'.e of the disct.ivery. It " as on the 1st I inland and fon ign, e. as 1,- of Aprilthongp, a’-cording to one pri- pj,(3 tO—hav ing incerouscil in a ccnturv \ate letter whuii ve liave seen, it ' ^_.„i ^ ninety fold. i.ivKUPoOL, jri v 15.— i’he deniur Cotton tins week has been vei> btnguiu, and prices have -dined gein aliy about l-«d, but at the public sale yesterday. Mobile and Bowed sold at a reduction of Jd, and Sea Island id, to Id pr. lo. I'iie mueling of the new Parliament is prorogued to' the 24th of August, (the present month.) The steam po.vei' cmploy»*d in Etig- land ill "US equal tu tlu* fmcc oi J'J,'v.'G0 horses, and it has much increas- ... since. At the preseni time, on ac count of its new applications, and the im provements in tiiC manner of employing Uic work of nearly 'i'lic machinery now in use enables one man to pcri'orm work of 150. The iov.est computa- 1', It n^ay perlorm Livr.ui’ooi., JCLY —It is with scnsa saiions of llie deepest sorrow we have to Hotham caused u reiierate our i'oriner sialcmen’.s relatnj^ lo the distress which in an unpa^Mlfed degree pervades the munuiaclui ing dis tricts of this ana the ad/.oining counties. Accounis da-ily reach us of me increas ed misery of the workin;; classes, occa sioned bv the ma'nui'aclurers generally being compelled to abridge vlieir hours of labour, and even tiien only to employ a -porti(.n of the maiiulac lurmg [lopulatioii. I'he extreme ilislress \vhich jirevails, tills wilh apprehension the minds of all tliose inleresteil m tiu* peace oi the country. Jt IS true we are w uiiout accounis oi tuose alarming acts of violence which we some time ago receivt't!, tjut we ieei con\inced that ihe recurrence d tnose lamentable acts is alone prevetued by the j)tebence ol u large mdiiary ion e. We canni>t liisguise i’l.'oni ourselves the ai)palling coiiiiction, that the gieat mass of the iudnstric:;3 poijulalioii engaged 11. manulaetui’es, is icduc»'tl tij pauperisni and des[)air !^a» the einpioy meni stul >i\en is lioiii ly d.i t!easing i a;*d that iood uiM piobaidy’ advjnw^ pfi'-f- H-li ibis \ie\\ of oiir siUialion, we confess we are not prvpaied lo nieel the api". i.’aeli ol winter, wuiniu' leeliiigs ol a'ia.liii * little allied lo tlii'se N\hii!i/iie gove!iii'i*'nt ai pri sent ai'peari; 10 uciuaiei.!. \v e bt.- “l^r. James iiotliain. of 'Murp'?t.':, lU Northund)erland,returning iVi;n^ Sw iii-er- ] ^ land, i:; slatt d to have reporti'd tl’.at a ^ most extraordinary e\cnt bad lately j;:is- sed at the fof)t of .Mount St. CioW.urd. a leafue iVoni Azioli, in the vaV.ey o(, - , Levantina. At the bottom of a kind ofjo. men. cavern, the boily of a mon, about .‘,1 years ^ of aL'P, was perc‘'i\ed utuler a heap (d 1 , ,1 1 I- i- , .A ^ lion suiiposes J,000 men toboemploy- iL.e, proceeding Irom an avalancne. As .111 . ir . ,1 „ the body seemed to be fresh, as ii it had j*-"’ I,re. Miik-d only hall' a„ l,o.,r l)r. ! »I”-'-'"- to be taken out, and iiaving iiatl the clmhes pulled oil’, order ed it to ije plunged into cold water. It was then so irozeii that it was covered with a crust of ice. It was then placed in lukewarm water. Al'terwards it was ])Ut in a warm led, and treated as usual in cases of suffocation, by which means animation w as restored. AV liaf was the asi()nishment of every body, when tiie in dividual, having recovered the use of his lacnlties, declared that he was Uoger Dodsworth, son of the anti(iuary of the same name, born in 1629, who, teiurning i'rom Italv in 1660, a year alter the di ath of his fatlier, wa-j bui ied under an av alan- che. Dr. llothiinr, acrnrdiiiglo the sivnic account, is s'ntcd to liuvi; lulra'il. dial Mr. Dodsworlli K-cls.ignut stdbKvsin all lus jmuts luUluU j , enetrated the leit breast, and bv (It iTi t .1 tbi v V, ill liceenie :s tICMlMe iis b. -, , ' , , ibre tbe .oadcnt. If Mr. Dod.w.irtl, tully rc-.wiMlont enlering the 0(-\'jr-i, ii:vl \ pas', tiirou^b I.yuus lo le the hiihesi 3'vj,cy;. Hence the ngie brat.ch, a half century ago w(juld have required 52,000,000 of men, and according to some, .i50,000,u00. The wages^'d this last number of persons, at 18 pounj:> nci- annum, would amount to tr;)'sOuO,OOD, or a little iiKHe than thiitecn times the annual revenue of England. The power employed in the Tr.anufac- tures alone, of England, exceeds the man ufacturing powers of I'.urope coiiectively. Ji not her horrid IrnnndvUon in h'tiifiich'ii.— Between the hours of t^'o and ihree o’clock, today, Mr. J(dm B'.al;e, of Ohio, was shot, within about seven miies of this p/lace, on the road leafling to Lexington, rrc'in the testimony f-;iveii bri’nre the court of in([uiry, wliicli was called imme diately, in this place, it appeared, that liiiu U> lii-> eoliiiti' hi' ]il'( liiCtt il r J lid y »• -r.i auM no., it ir.it be will iittraet, in tlu l.i^iiLsl di i.rci-, iIk'. pubUc curi.iMty.” terior of the chest, e’d, that the bab v opposile side, 'i'ii ppep.red tramioil iinlil ! artizan wil! I'e encouraged and ji.-omo.-- dre-^ lb. v. hen the leaders of t li, and the l\n times id' ilie w bole coi:imu- | ihc ’ ' ' del' -n II niti! ‘ir tiian'cuvres ; j nuy will be ))’otct ted liom t.io.se the 1 ev oil was I itnd Mob-ni ciiaiigeb, w liicn Irusu ate lb';} li 'I'be o: g:.ni.-ali'-’ r.nd every thing a liu* night ol t’:.e ' " i.lic .laHiS-^'V. ies b.' and at (■> in the m compleie. 1 be - ;!ieir cooking •Ji.-Atnx'idan, and overset tin i;-,. lo im- tlu*'. f !.ev w uuld have nuthing to do wi'V. t')' (>ra'.;r! Seignor, and tbi y rel’us-j deeply init'iesiing ••d r*' '■>' Fioia the N. V. D-iily Adverti'cr. In the last (v'lai ttiiy Keview, there is a long an.l labor* d arliclr under the title oi'“ H.s'ory and Prospi c:s ol'ibigl.sli In- dtisirv,” wliieh ci'ni.iisis m'.icli aki^blf .id’ormat'.i-,!! rvbjing lo tin: trade and liive U'.a' ibe sitnalion of l!>e [ic pie in ' niannfueini 1 s of Eiigl.jub this coiinti y b-ts hee.i represt nif.d lo j in the ici.pi of I'Ji/.ai.'eih, i!ie pro'estan's, L'overiuiieMt, t'uev, ilierfVore, miisl be a- | v.lio ;eilnvt/ii Irom ilie Low (Joent w aie that not ordy the ni.mul.nUari'.ig, i ti\ (. t'nsf.ju. i'fc ^i'ihc p»:r;. ulions !)\ tlii' b:ii l!u‘ lommercial iriter'*>i ■■., a ’ lii aj k)al;e (d \lv.:, ;iiul lb d’> I.r dand. • 1 e i sUualHjn lo i (|tiiie iiiiiuec.ia’.s a:.;l tiiec-J oi'gre.;i id\ani '.;:e tu ilie n.uional ladus- 1 tnal relief. e venture to ai>s..'ii !b it | (rv. ai/i ;■ irtii td„i ly as it ri,_'-ardied u 00!- Ireiitl must Ix' albcded, or tb ‘ ch:/.iess ! !,jti manuiaetun— -,u maeli so, that al- 1 now existing wid bi' iiicicased 111 a uc-| i; otigli in L-...i u l.irge (iiianti'.y of r.iw 1; lee e.deulaied to make ivery man in ! niaier;;'.'. wa'i e..[-. jr'.cd — m uvs ilian tiiir- j il'.is ()wntiy anxious to oljtaii., by any liyy;;-.! , ' o) picns t f (.lo'b \.L;e onable s;'>cr;:ite, a return to a si i;icd ^ io {loi’cua’i}. I'olai'd, ii'-e, ' i ii.d' i ‘, l-b'tiin.t! i;,.: nd S\\ e;!eii- vreal '.roiiorliufi u! this ii-, v\ hue uii- in- \N'e have since learn- >s l.,krn (>ut on the -.sound w.,s tiiouglit lo be highly dargertjus, in;! farlher dis- coveric:- intiuce beli'..!', that it will nut pr.ve iiioilal. A b.’ie!' outline of t’ae circumsi "iu' ed the pel* f'f e.rj)cc!cd.—The account recrntlv published of a large Snake iiaving bet is seen in Canada, turns out to be a hoax, invented by a person to keep boys I'loii'. stealing his fruit 1 HvniFonn, cov. alou?t 7.—'I'he pr- pors liave nieniionetl that on Tuesdjy night last, there wouhl be a geocentric conjunction of Jupiter and Venus ; a coin cidence, to use the iavoui iie expression • f tiie day, that hardly hppens in a n-uti’.s .iCe time. On Monday night they v. eic very nearcacii otl-.er, and we hope von.p of the learned took Ujal ebancl*, loi‘ thi; next night was cloudy, 10 make their oh- servations and aaeeriain wilh ])reci;i)ii the truth of those rules oti which all as tronomical calculations are matle. \'e nus is supposed to be ;‘)3 millions o', miles from the Sun, and Jupiter ‘126 mil lions. His four moons are well known t'^ educated sailors, and the eclipses of these satellites enable them to tell iheir loi'4;i- tude nearly as well as the jjole star gives the latitude. If this weic an age of s.- perstition. Astrology might ‘ pexpltx Monaichs’—by its predictions—tar ihc'-t; luminaries, when well dignified and i:i the sign of Leo, are the most I'oieiil nd- ei’S of the ascendant. If our rtadrrs would bear it, mmdi might be said ol ihe ancient notions tiiat obtained, rcgai Jn'. r the iniiuence of such bodies in such co’.- junctions; but now it w’ouM seetn, a'.- ceriainly is, very like nonsense,. I'U- who has not a curiosity about the s’v and planets, and who can su[)po?c il... they pursue their glorious courses u:.'. i’oUow their ‘appointed seasons’ so liu.' man can tell when and where they le..;" I)e found—and yet say ‘what are tUst stars to us, and yvhy sbould v.’C trou'iii- ourselves about them.’ li is not onl\ right to observe them, but they invite ui.i observation, and call out the moi-t intfiiv feelings which (when sojiarateil iionii' i grossness of iiviiti't;- an 1 passion^ the hr:: can cudurc. ^^.ri or t;s wlwc!) led U;, ami attend- 'itior, (.d tl.is Hi ed, are a-' ji:iid,iy hii'lit. the 4Glh of io!!o\vs ; )ii ia"-t moii'I-, Mr. Jj;..',;e l.id.pd ;»l liie iiouseof.-\ .Mr. Ueubeii I’ai 1,::;, hetvvfeii tliis'place and ,i.exiiigt'.;! , w licre h.e de clared be was rd)l)t d ol'Si \75 in I'nited s j Slates’paiier. — !ilaki‘ comnieiK ed a pro secution agaiiisi Hankin, in vvhieli Uati- l iii had been (OiiUiiiUrd l>r n ial bcb)re the cii'.uiL ( i.uit ; init, giv;n1 .'il i’or his ap e..,;'.iiiC’, be Vva.'i s' l r.t iiin riy. On liu:. d ly li.it.iviii air.l H'.uke h;ul an inter- view, in v.b; b Lanl. n !kk1 juopt.'Sed ai'.e. rt V iii-ar'.es. His courage has iir.aliv cc.n-' rt.. ciliated mb.in the fuv on r of the people, i stale of ibings, in w liun the enlo: e M', 1-, with liltic n.'ji-. : ol the mir'dianl an-J the nuiustiy ol tne 1 A term; iiiak. e;l I'd i lolh. ,,u:*;!is',i r ail'i |'\ ||!l; : 11k; iiivsui ies had brought vessels to ibe square of wi'isi pbiiis, and leiioer uiiu' liiOSl iiuUiaiigable induslry. 'I'he r.fws i’l'oiii (lonstanliiu'ple C '.iU ula'ill': on ' eiolii was t .t.Mia'ed a ; tliree foui ti'.s oi’ v. hich j u.ijoi'. CMie h.di id ’.iii- ' jjoMi'd, 'i'i'is su! ces' A-Irav. 'i'hey inviied the Toplicbis i peiience, wc ha'-c u rigiil to coie.d-dc erinti'' oi y 'aw s ’ l)e a !. I'.'I' j1 eo'.fiiii iym::je, to v>l,ii |i, however, ■>\o'.;^ i.:^t accede, rhey separat- i;.ink;n look a lille. pl,.r('d bimsell in ibe comer f)!’ a t orn lieid, 1‘) I'le side j ‘t "a.. r(;ur.d (d the 1 a,!, ainl us I'll. l-.c was i>asf.in;, ‘ as M (;reat pi'tpurtion • ! i Kar.l.in shut bun. Bi.ike 1 ftjnird to the id no!, a! ii,.;l lime, un-j iK.iise v. l'-.-re be b..d sioiij,--d. t xclaiming, ..n.l liniNlii:.'i be \.as killed. ,'ir. ll.illi'!,, at \vhosc 'pianii y ol mariidaftured 1 house lliey iihd !iiied, 1.01 i,i,i,on beai- poil d' the giMi, and the excla- 01 ihe wii'ii/b ! m;in.and per- jeeivid llankin i el mi ainj.-, (urdng and Ilf bad kil'cd biio, r.nd tbiU 1.0 to ilir; ! ! b;',d ( ornc lur tlntt. e-.pu'., j in pose—de- dls ' !, Ill.;l-.e !iad ;•■■ ■ -1 d !>..■ -'•'i;-.- Vi-n'tiivT Ci'ii.r.—A liciuitiful pierr gold i[iHiiiig iieurly tfii ouiitcs, \\:is Ibuiid in tile town oi' New l.iiw. ^ was jjickcd lip bv a bo> n .'r a i-m.ili !'j 'I’t'. '- w-i.s sii'd.l. d v.itb tr.^i.d-. of quurt/. ■ brr-.iiavnnd by Mr. I'r ii' b cf tb'.s ri’y, vu'-' the pcru-,d of tilcl'er irnii- h frimd m t |)i.ic'-, fioiii V. hi', h we c :^tr;tct tlir I'ov. i •; tieidivs; “A mas:, of n;i‘’Vf g'-lrl, ru:f 1' 1 ell ounc es, has been 1- >11 ad in tins' ujidii the I'u in nt S I'luit 1 la;.,li:tm. In ' end :q))'e;uLiiici , it sir:.viiijc!> 1 e n.bb ' ■ Noilh-t.'ii'oliiii t iiili! - s:x rihe f’p'a'i’} cMiisitlcri il wfvth f^'Jecn's per p.;ii’.y v r; It was bie.ral 111 tin- bank (.t ;i str cnijilifs ii'to the In-ineli n;'j.-|.;iU- du'va-1,.'' I.- h:i\f socn :iii(thc'r Ifil> r v.bi'. Ii t!iO inliai)li:u'?s of the village ‘‘are .I'n'n! liii.^- out n;i LI grai'd iSfai- h f'>r nn i'‘'' ‘ pi-'-iou^ I'H t-d. and fvorv v* ;t b h;udr 'I" '■ i>!)UO; b'CH I'ubsitil/- .1 i'T a lliia' ■ riid,"’ \V ' ntrltl'‘-t.lll-.l lb.it gi'llt Ul'i.il' ■" I'■ ii'vi_^b( !’..()')d is ’pri-jtavi'ie; a bill .md s i' ■ ilf: I ;'';iti(iii (/i the !'dvl, an 1 tlic r' ;;"*" '' *'/ 7 Vr / i' fill ( i.;'.L mill'oiis. i iiig the I e '.vei f the pi ii.e id I maliuus (pia.i'/i' y V. as « X- illf 1 .' VK (-1 ^ ^ The cr'remoiiies attcnd:^nt ' tJie y/.V/;/ 'c/', were pel I'oi meo al > ( ’>n\ent in (t*‘orgetown, on i nc-iiay wdien the vows wdiieb are to sepai.'.>' •• from llie w(,i ld, and to coniine her in ■ inic within the jtrecincts ol the t oiiv-s were taken l)y Mrss Jones, daug;it'> ( om. Joiies. ol ihe Cniled tjiaies T he \\hih‘ I I II was t.d-.cn by Mi >' ^ VfC'.'’ t if'.'''*! ' Nil

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