VOL. 11.] ciLmiorrE, j\*. c. tvesiku, shvtkmukr 12, rUHI.ISIIED Wr.KKlT r.v LK.MUKl. BINMillAM, ir TIIUKE DOLLAUS A TKAH, PAIII IN AltVAXri:. »>• So paper will be (liscon*linicil, unles.s at the (llsnvllon the editor, until ;ill un-cara|jes arc Ai)VEurisF.MF.NTs will 1)6 iiiscrtoil it tin; usual iMtc’S. I’crsons sending' in iidv'rtisenicnts, arc t ecint'stod to note on tlic m.irj^nn tho nuinhcr of insertions, or tlioy will be continued until forbid, and i;h ir^'fd accordinfjly. Tor tllc bciicfit i.f OXI'OUI) ArAllKMY In Nortli-(Jari)linu, Sic. riTiST ^'L.1SS—To hr. ilriwii 29/// Nnv, 182f\ J. 15. Y.\ I KS A. .McIN l'YUl'., Maiiarci'S. scb:?.^jw.e. 1 Pri;:e of 12,000 is SI 2,000 1 , (i,000 - (),t)00 1 . 5,000 . 5,0UJ 1 . •1.000 . 4,000 1 - 2,5(MJ . 2,500 1 . 1,310 . 1,.M0 r> . 1,000 . f),OlX) 1 > - 500 . (i,000 l5tS . 50 . 7,800 780 . 10 - 7,800 7,8oO - 5 ■ 39,000 8. rot) }’rl;!os. 97, MO la.OOO Planks.—21 ,.''>00 Ticl iCts. By authvrUy of the State of North-Curulina. TO KNCorUAfJK THE rVULICATIOV OF THE IIISTOKY OK XOIJ'l 11-CA1{(U.1XA, IIK.llKST 1M{IZE, 20,0cc I50ri£.ES. T)rt;U'i7if' to cumniencc in JiHh/ oruiii^/i, on the 2d Alondiiij of Siptniil.tr ntj\\ 1 1 1 1 2 8 10 20 40 50 450 1,050 7,.)6G ^rUcnu\ rrize of 20,0(-0 Dollars, 10,(100 5.000 2.000 '.00 l.t.'OO .'iOO 130.1 luo 50 Z‘J 10 is fco,ooo 10,000 5.000 2,00(J ■ sOi.O 15.000 5.000 ..},tiO0 ■1,000 :J,50(> y,ooo U',5UU oC>,SJu •i£.^£>msss rg^Iir, Ruhscrii)er iiuinI.- to conimcncc! run- 1 nint,'' a Staj^e from Charlotte to Camden, in the month ot October m xt. He inir])oscs to carry jnissciij;-! rs on ehcaper terms than the prc.sent rate.-i of staf;c fare ; and will make ev ery arraiiL^^oment to >. curc the comfort and con- voi)ii.‘n;:ir of travellers. THOMAS IU)VD. Aii.n'ust 2p, 1826. 4t9y Third d ‘‘y> 'l iiis is a I.ottiTy formed liy tho ternary p'T-' I'ourth day, m itutloM of oO numlu'rs. 'I’o di termhu* tlie ' I'ifth day, pr./.i s therein, tlie JO minihcrs will l)0 ])Mblicly , Sixtii dav, jd.K'i-d in, a wlw't 1 on tlie tl.ix ot drau ill};', an.l Seventh d.iy, - f.Mir of tlieni l)e ch’awn out; and that I icket Kicrhtli day, having' on it the 1st, Jd and.nl drawn nunilters, Nlntli da\', in tht order in wiiicli ilrawn, w ill 1)C cnlilleil to i Tentli tl i\, t'.u- pn/e of ?12,000. ' Kleventli dav, And th').->e itve other Ticlrets iiavinj^ on them ' ’I'w i Ittii da_\, tlie s.ime mnnl)ers, shall !)o entitled to the pri- ^ Thirteenth (l;>v, z-LS ailixed to them res’u ctively, \iz: Fourteenth da\-, 'I'lie l-,t, 3d and Jd to 56,000 I'iftceiith da_\,' Th • Jd, Kt and .5d to 5,l»00 J'ixtcenth day, •I’he 2d, 3d and 1st to 4.U0U j Seventeenth day. 9,000 f'rizes. ^ 23,8£6 tickets at f>5 is 119,-130 11,886 Hlanksy tivo Bhiiihs tn a Prize.,rS) 5O0 Tiek( ts to be drawn in a day—to be eom- pleteil in 18 da\s’drawing". All tin numbt rs to be placcd in one wheel, and the prizes in an- other. STATIONARY I’Ui'/F.S AS lOF.LOWS; 'I'he tost (Iruifii 'I'lchct on the First (!a\, will be eiilitied to a I'rizo of 'ceond d.iy, - - The '1 he 1st and Jd to 2,500 .il .Old 1st to 1,,.50 r.ij^lileenth liay, - ?:oo 50U 50(v 5L>l 50(y 500 500 500 l,0(iw l.Oi'O 1,000 1 ,0{-V> 1,000 1,000 1,500 5,00o 10,000 20,000 vv hei 1 j 'I'he rest of llic prizes fluatin;/ in the Tiic 6 tickets wliieh shall have on them the ' ^1“-“ coiTmicncenieht, umounliug to 1st, 2d an : 4t!i ilrawn nninluTs, in somv one of | $73 ?30a their orders, wdl each be entitled to a prize of, ^ ,;j ‘ Prizes paya!)lc at tlie Af;vncy of the Hank of ^ Tlie'l2 tickets which shaU have on them anv ‘"‘In-Fear, u. liijlsln.iu.:;.b, N.'c. 3o d,.vs alter otlu r thr. e of the drawn nnn.ln rs, ,n anv ordeV completion oi liio dr. w,n^,^ snl.j. ct to a . is- «l permutation, v\ill each be cntitkd to’a prize 1 ‘■‘'.'V'' V’ demanded of *500 wiUim 1, months trom tlio cfinipletion ot tin .r ■ \ 1-1 jdraw iii!^-, w ill be con.bitlert d as torteileil to the The 156 tickcts which sh ill have two of the , of tiie i.otterv. drawn numbers on them, and tlio-ie two tlu; 3il j i'HP. ('onunut^ioner. .'ind-1th, will eacli be entiiled to a pri.u-of f50. Jf,IUinr,i!irh, Jn'ril, IH:0. ' ' Those 780 tickets wbicli .shall hav^ on them • Kome other tw o of ti,e drawn number^, uill each ' N-rth-(,.arohn . public is be entitled to a pri^c of 10. , Ami those 7,H00 tick, ts, v. bich sliall have on ! |H.rpon- contempL.te,; v. ,ll, it is them some one of the dr.. wn numbers, wilUacIi ."'I’"' ; the au! o) those w , an- b. entitled to a prize of 5. j 'nendly to the intu-ests.t hi. ratniv and scu nce; ■ • . and the name alone of llie g'ent c-maii v. bo has No ticket winch shall have drawn a prize of consented to act as foinmi ^sioinT in tlie man- u superior denomination can be entitled to an a^vu'ent of the Loacrv, is a siiih. lent pledKe of mterior pnze. I'n/.es payable forty days at er fairness uilh which it w ill be c,nluctt d. the drawing', and subject to the usu.l deduction I ^ ^ji iiPHKV. of 15 per cent. n-sja'-r- i it Tickets and Shaft s can iie h;id in the uijove > U-J lOkt'ts iti tlic ;il)i)VC LiOtU'l'}’ arc fw.heine at the Mana;ers’ Ol'ices. i for sale at th^; Ollice'of the .lonrn il. Orders by Whole Tickets, )r5 00 | (Quarters, *1 25 Halves, 2 50 | Kockland Plantation, contain- J-**- ! infamous Xcwspapcrs :m,(1 Maj;a/iiie!“ and Ucvic'.vs have Ijccn Ijcllowirir al me all the lime. Stupid and jifom! and insolent and base Aristocrats, aid.ca i)y the Par.sotis, have always hiUtd nu* : |jii(, aItou;''th(’r, have not /)c‘cr) al)!e . I . - i. 1 . ,;p:f'V(‘Mt nie from niakini; a deep and the pre-sr.it Irouhlo will lead to J^cneral ,,'„ipression npon the minds of aud ..rou.llul convulsion n. Ihe country, u,,, „.,„.|dnK anl mnl.llini; classes of nee unless niy icni«ly ho apijliu.l ; f"' i pi,.. Kv,.rv whcio I I'lave the c»nli 'J'he followin'; extracts nre from ('ol)bott\s /i\\(ri.sh'r of the l^th July. nco of these classes of the pef)p! - ini,' 715 “V e.v lyint;- in the fork ot l)itj Sugar ( reck, adjoining the of W illiam Cook, Dr. Fox, and i.tiiers; ])ayal)lo in four iqual pavmi nts, viz; — on the l^t d y of Janu..ry, 18J8, 18*9, 1830, and 18.)1, with interest on the three i:ist pa\nients fri.ni the tir.st day of .huiuary, 1829. 'Honds, witli ajiprovcd security, w ill be rt (piired, ora lien on the lands. Those who m. v veish to pin’ch.T.se, UiUst make ajiplication to myself, or (.)ol. Thomas li. I’oik, wiio is autlun'ised to .sidl, i-i lore the 15th of Octon"( i- next. Tlie jiurcb.iS- er can ha\'e the crop on the ground at a fairxal- uation, togcthei- with stock, fanning tools, S^c. ^11^3 WH.i.: I’OI.K. oV* \iv\uAs. State nf Nurth-L'urolhui, t'ahiirnin comity: IN Kpiity, spring term, 1826. Caleb P. .\lex- amler, and others, pet.tion for saK of hind. In pursu.mce ( f a dccree of tlie Court ni F.tpiity, I w ill Si II at tiie court-housi' in (Joneord, on tlie third Monda) ot' t)ctober ne.vt, that \alua'.)le Plaiit'.'.tion, lying on Hockv ii\er, belonging to tlu heirs of .Nathaniel AhwaiaK r, dee’d. adjoin ing the lands of Maj. |{. \\ . Smith, and otiiers, on acreilit of twelve and eigiilei n inonthb, the purchasi.r giving bond and secunn , klAlI P. HAIJiclS,'n. e. .M. r.. August IG, lb.6. .'.t9S say that the details of that remoily shall i ,|j, not he made kouwn, unless 1 am i" j A I! ,he caiunn.ics heaped npon mo l.avo an.ament. I have saij th.s he ore : „,,,j , 1 say It now : and, most assin-edly, 1 : tint|, - j will stand to it. Nothni>; shall he done ' hy me to prevent any calamity to the country, unless I be in Parliament. 1 will kecj) on exposing the wickedness j |^jj. or stupidity of measures that arc* ad opted ; 1 will ke(']' on, when it answers my jnirpose, to say what 1 think will ippen ; kee]> -on di.scMssin» the several | ^i,out' i)ian'i's I , . - , subjects connected with' tliese tmbar- rassnients and this distress ; bid never will I put uj)on paju'r tlie details of any plan for the cure of tho evils, unless J be first placed in Parliament. “\^ell then, this is beine; in roalliy I famous man. And famous for what ? writings, to be sure, and for his sjjccchfs. And \\ hat have these wnlln^s and speeciies been about? \\ hy, dry politics ; and jiarticul.u ly now most vitally interi'st Ihe country. Observe', too, that this is (anii; obtained without jiow- er, willMMit ric’lies, v»!tlunit pnwiTfuI friends, u iiiioiit a J)arty, and withcnit ever liavinp; acted the part ol a ilctna- “ And, thmi-h Sawney an'ect to lau-h 2.„.-,ie. It is fame, arisin- from .^rca- it this, this IS no lau«;hinir matter, with natural talent, astunisliint; industrN^anrl a VL-ry c;rt at part of the jfcopk* of this kinu;dom. It is possible that I am a vain boa.ster, and that 1 possess no such remedy as I talk of; but, nineteen- j)erseverance, a sincere lovt'ofcou!itrv„ and an anxious desiie and constant en deavour t) scciuc the liberty, and t» promote the honor and happiness of th;'*: twentieths, ifnot ninety-ninebundre.lthsjcountrv, and paiticularly to defend an.l oi the people believe that I do possess j ,„.,_,|,.,.t the most defeuceh ss part ol tho It : .•.:id that is preltey nearly as -ood as ; -pi,,, foi„„la*ion of my il 1 did. It signifies not mneh what;f;,n,e. Never wasthere solirjcr founda- the fact i.s ; but I am (piite sure that tho !tio„ ; and t!ic ma^im which forbids a f.eopie ol Kn-Iand believe me to under- ti.e trumpeter of bis owu staml these matteis heller than all the „ot apply to him who ha‘) I other men in Hu-land put to-ether. l„Midicd scoundrel Newspapers, Ten thousand tunes my ears have been I (UYy Majra/.irH-s and Koview.s, an all in-:;; A i istocracy and Cliurch, and endl(!ss bands of black^'urad fpi;ikcrs» Vitt'AvVtt \iW TNDF.U a di cn I of tiie Court o) Fapiitv for ' 'V’ ' , , ' 'r m ly xy J IMth.ifoiM county, ; nm. ui.eed It April, S‘‘l^'ted trom the lips ol men that I had j .levoul I'evm, I). .826, in the c.i-.e ol Aitiiur IL'on-' never ‘cen before, and was never, in all son, (ioold ili'v t, Jainc'^ K. .'kar.iy ,uni Peter A. | j)r(d)abilit\‘, to see a;;;;\in : ‘ 1 (ere’.s the I cleverest man in Kii>;land ‘ th‘re’.s the cK vcrest man in Kniiland ‘ here mall, will be promptly uttemled to. Wovisi? oV* V^utevlaVwvuvwl, A ND Stage House, at the sign of t in Cli.irlotte, IS'ortli-Caroiin:!, by 1 a 13 6 (]^''‘^Tickets and Shares in the above l.otter}, are for sale at the oflice of tiie (,'ataw- ha Journal. Orders by n>ail, enolosing tlu: cash, will be promptly attended to. V vv\AVc Vaw\ e yt uiw luev\t. ^I'tHFi siibi. ri!)cr informs his li-ieiids and tlif I pu!)lic, that he has purchased tiiat wi.lli Vnown establishment, lately owned and occupi-1 t (i by Dr. Henderson, anil is now prepared to Piitertain travellers and otiiers, who nr.iy jdease to call on him ; and no e\crtions will be spared to rt. nder them comfortable, and their stay a- greiabh*. His table will he furnislied with ev- *T\ variety u hlchtlie countrv afl'ords; lils bar , . u-i'th the best of ruiuors ; ami his stabh s uith !" I’”''* , identv of provender, and cartful servants will lidjoinM'K the land', ' ol S. Houston, lU ni.kiu.n llrevard au«i ot.i' "s, said lard ..•> Ill HOHF.Ur \VM 0';- \4‘au(V l*uv rililK subrcriher oiler;; X fnr sah; a v.duablc tract of Laml, on acroin- *'7^ niodating ti riii*;, w hich,|g^)g^ .lay, Peter \V. M.tdibii uml Lhza I'ln inpnon, F.\(.eutor» iiiul K\eei.irl.\ ot .loines i iiompson, lb ci",isi. (!, ag.anst ,\u..;i;stus S.iidiet,—I Wiil]jro- ceedt(jy lllietciri the » i ur!-l i oust; at Vxliexdh, in the eountj ol liuiu'. ii.:-> . (.n ! ri 1;'\. tin l.’^th il.i\ 111’ Octui ir next, o..e tra^ t of Lnd i unt jiii- iir; tbirt \ llii;u--anil to r Inindri iiir', ty- lour ai I'l; till-, tract is sit , ii in tl.s ,'n ;;.-i ..s,i corn, r t«f-tin count\, on tii>.i.nMvir ui.d ii- W telN. An.I i:i TbidierfiM’d rount}, t)tf,)re the ( inirt- . (Hiie III Knlherli rilteii, •)!'. 1 i:t sil.i;., ihe 17iti d,i_\ of Oetolier in t, b. ingin iiii.i il tiie .Su perior C M't lit 111;.', countv, I v'ill j',roe>.ed to sell all tlu l:.ml.-> i.--iUill\ ilenomiiiat d “ Specu- l.ition I,;mi.Is,” situate tl.eruin, consisting ot I'fiy-iigiil scj)ai':ile ti;icts or patents, coiitaip.ing .;n aggieg.ite amount of tbr.e hundred and tbir-1 succeeded if' seeiujij and shokinjj; by thc t\-sevcn thousaiul nine hundred and filt\-fi\e l,im whom ,‘llinost all ol thi'lU Call- acres. These lands, from tin. ir gcn ral diaper-1 •sion, jiresent all the varieii' b of soil, ilcc. to Li found in the county. "a Wj.i!w I “">■ I''"!'';' “f ! pio,.,l f„.,I.Van.l tho Ktan.l ,iu;st.o„ har,, 15th day of November next, being in urmofjAt any rate, they were not j>arasites ': been, and is. can the interest ol tlied-bf. the Superior Court for that count), I will pro ceed to sell tw entv thousauil four hundred and we have ^(jt thc ch;verest irian in Kn- ;land —‘now,' >aid n man that jun;[)- I (.1 lip on tlie back of my earrias^e to shake hands with n)e, as 1 was 2;cin;; in to Jndton — ‘ nov.-,’ said he, ‘1 can say that I have shoolv hands iih llie greaiest man in Kngland.’ 'J'hi.s was their gen- ei':il cry ; and when they came express ly from twenty or tbit ty miles’tli^iance to shake hands with me. tliey sf'cmed in merchants and against him. cotton lin’ils combinc'l ‘‘I’his then, Is th-) '*^l:■oje^t on ivImcIi we have been at issue, on which I have been opposed by a foolisii, base ai i.'-luc- racy, hy a greedy and maliguaol priest- hooil, by swarms (>f pbicemeii, pri.siiiii- ers, sini-cure-j)c0|)lc, dead-weighl, and otiier l.ix-eaters,* and by every reptilo in the kingdom ho ha.s appeartul im j)r!nt, mcltiding the servile proprietors j of about thref^ hundred newspapers. ecsta.sy ofdelighi to think tbatihey had Time, as I told Lord (Irey, three years ago, works loi me. It ha:j long been ed the ‘cleverest man in Ihialand.’ dividing the politicians into two j)aities —the Cobb* Its and the Loi'd Charleses; i Now, it is just possible that all these j that is to sa}', the men of sense, ,Ti;d Iho fort\ -fivc acres of l;ind, comprising seventeen separate tracts oi' ’patent.-., situate in the south eastern section of the county, in or iiear die tiold .NViiie re gion. Tlie above huuls w ill be sold Iiy the scpamte tr.ict or piitent ; and sf'.ould t!ic sale at any one (;f llie above plac! s be- not finishetl on the day iTicntioned, it will con'.iiuK' from day to Oay, until cnniplctfd, or \inti! so nnich tln.reof is ••.old .ii ma\ be suliicien; to satisfy tiie above mentionetl decree, amounting;' to one humlred ami niiu'tj-nine thou'.ai.d nine hundred and scv- eiit; -eigiit doihir.-, ;,ntl the legal interest tin re- on iioin tiie -Jlstot August, A. 1>. 1821, until paid. 'I'crm^'.—(^v‘ ii. C.invryances of title to hi- executed bj the i f>mpl,iin:iiits. T.'f. IUl!CHF,TT, Cli r/r August 1, 1826, 7tlO() be in constant attendance. liOiU IM Cliarlotto, April 20, 1826. DINKINS. • 80 and contaimiig" ;7 J acres. Tl gooil ipiality and well w atiTed, both ;e« to spr.ng.'' and liranclifs. Oftl'e l:ind now in crop, : n.ount- \' . • T ^ > ingto 10 or j> acres, the most of it is weli m.i- 3 . nured :'i!(l w ill produce cm-n, cotton orwlu;it, UA.\ A\\ .\N' from the sii!)- ^ in i.nliiclent tiuaiitity to ;ibundaiitl} lonqiensate scriber, oil Satuiil..;. ;tic t!u' liMsI.andniau for lii -l;di )r. I'sut riinent b is 22nd of .liil), a ne|,"r,) man pi-oM n that it is ji cuil;ir’y nl ipted to ri eeive ^,^n;imed JIM, .Urn is a stout, gnat :uul perin.tneiil luni tit from manure.— strongbuiltnegro,ag> d I'.iiiiut A I'heut 1% on it a hngi' j^oit'on of low gr^ uihN, 35 years, d.irk coiii;)lc.\i(>ii,^ of e\ci lleiit qiialitv, e’l;in >• f i;' me.idow lU' p;!^^- ^wiiii thick lips, Hat n'>i', oid tiiv ■, 10 or IJ ;.cn >ot wbh Ii ;ire In !;'viod order features geuer;dly of a 111. a\j c;l^•, ; hi> i liitli'iig ;ind lui\e hec.i le.owc I loi':i nun hi r 4 ji.if'-. i not recollected, but 1 beh. -. e ili y ciuisisted I he prlni'ip;d clw elbn.v-!iou-e w l;ir,;e and c "n | fliielly of homespun. m('iliou>., W hieli, w il!i a I '.tle additloind \pei.-e, .Ms(t, ;it tiie same time, a ninl iHo girl named might be made eomfo;-1;il)ii. in.l i on'eaicnt e\t u h’\ClllI„ the propi rty (jf A\'iir;.;n lU;a-k, liv- for a birge lauuiv. The ^itn.itinn on wli.clil,t i'lg in I’rovl.lein e sc tti. nienl. In iMs co'int\.— ;i:inils i-> proli;ib!y eiju.ii to ;in_\ in thl' or tlie ml- fiai hel isa:)oiit ,'5 yarsohl, ll\i f -etsi.s inches i;iCi ol counties- Tli. ri' ii i w 1 wt :,eod !ilg!', lias :i sni:dl sc.ii' iIo\, n the li i . ^uli.' ot' h"r ',c r con\ enient to tlie lieu-i , a u'i.ge. I i ill |..;a sm e. '. acti\n;'_;'ro :ind tond of ih'f-s; g:ii'i!i n. There ;o-e tv\o linpr!!\ i 'iients on lh;> iier clothlnp,, w Iir'u r.be h It lu re, c.iiu'i't i.iiw l;e tr:n t, w hich w dl be sold t'>;^eilu r or par.i’el; , incilled .lini..iil I! n In I i)eln!^ 11 :r. i and v. Ife, to '.uit puriii;"- vs. it Mo.ild be ,i desi;.'!! they art' d')ir)'i>_- 'v);ri-i!ier. ll Is i;ot know n jd;ici. of re>;dv nee fer a ii •.'u!'( rnl th'.- pioti - I. here t'ley will iii:,';f 1'.,i-; |,i;t as i; ichel, m ;i I i'':i il !.:iw or ;i I’ln s,..i.ni, being In a n pet- loniier oe.;.i..iiii, til.in up in I'.iudolph | ,ii li ;iuil |iopuieu.'n. i.Jiiiorliood, .ind ;it ; '-.ll} 'ounty, s’l,' h;.d lived .■ ci;ne, ll is i ;im ' e;nd ili-t.me^ tVo;;, |11 e Mirrniiidln,”'vll!. f.o,sib':o ti. ' in;:" h 'Ve rone ib' ie. Any p.t r-j [t ;■• nn;;i oe^.■.;^r_^ tu_;,i\e a lurthi. r di',; r'; ‘' i;i S' in del I It ri; i_'y b. itl; or i ule i' n| in., ;i'jo \ e 11 m i -1 oi i ii ! a'ul, us 11 > r-i’, i o d '.'ul d, v. i ■>! 11 n;; to ir- «.d iiegi'oes 1,1 I'le .,.ii'.S'Til/i i'. (,r i ‘■•|j-lng i!; i.'i i i h is^'. V. 11! \ u w llie I I'i ini'( 1 .or terms, ,n . insueiiuav tl’.i! I e;in g’'l f!,eni ;n’;:;lii, sl;,il| ij,-! pie to the siibsei iiv r, li\Ing 5 inih s nortli i i they coulil not be fl.oterj'rs : they h •(! ! f’e p.iid in the. never seen me before, and th(‘y were luts '-ay no nevei- to see me again, 'I’hey were not , half hired vagabonds like the vib- news- j pajjer |)roprietors of I^oildon : their words were not paid for at so niuch thei l)ioce ; the man v. hoin they were prais ing had nolliliig to give them, and no power on earth to serve them. 'I'iie King had some precioii;? praise.s bestov/- ed Uj)on iiim by his Iris/j, .Scoteb, and Hanoverian subjects ; in exchange for Ihe whole of them, I would not give Ihe words of a poor weaver in lilack- biirn, who lifting his little gii 1 u[) in the M'ovvd, and jirctty nearly in the dark King's coin 'I'he C(di- tlie ijoi’d (/harleses say . 'Ill, r;aid. '.ai-lottf, V d. ;m.(1 ;,ll .'.Ini/.rr, ■I. :.di h.N'i. Kpv |-' ,i; n ( '01.c • t abarrus count VHV W\i\ e\\‘.UVU\VU\. publlslie.l, price 1 2 eei.t • ;ind i'nr ■ I't thl . *• V Sermon o;i liu t.'AL'; w; M , A ' Approvid iali'.i; ; lid p:i. L rveei\ eil in A. r note-, ne»;i : \ I hi.' (. in; men'. M’lMF.. ■ t', or 11' it I loll Cai A. ( . M IK, V\*'iwAs IV' .'o'jrn:‘,i. 'i'wWnving Wu.sviwfts. rijiHF, ^ubscriber ha\lng ciuitraite.l with Mr. it Templeton, for the ; urjiose of estahli^bing liie aiio.e l.usiiiess in ('hariottc-, b(g-> Ka\«' to I infono tiie cili.'eii«> am! pu'.ilic al l.irge, that !k'J b;is c( inmeiu-: d .u ;i r„on. joiniiijl'.' Mw K iglt ' I'aM'rii, V. h. re he is ijre]),.red and will I e imj)- py to accoinmodate ;iny geiitk nien who nia\ feel disposed to elcoui';.;^!; him. Ho assurer tho puOiii, tinit. noililng will be waniin;,’", on the p;irt ot I'le comhieior ol this busiiie to render e\ei'\ cu^ionii. r s.itUlied : his v oil; wdl be i.ioni.' in lilt ne>-,t 1;isi.i(),i.n,le, dlii'abie and re: t le, aiul prices a'-comUiodatmg. Tiios - ot tlu- t'is!iioii,ii)h’ part o! the community m'h1 not ivppreliend an_\ ikin;.';er o| ne h;i\ing their \> Hi''. (M enu d ill ;i sl_\ le to cope v. ila ;m;> in •.he Initfd Stall.-., 'ihe su crii.ir ri.ei.ai> '.I.e f.i.'.lii'ins ipi.irierix from l'iiila(!i lplii:i, .iml in ;i nninner Iro.'n v. l.n h he lu i -i not \ :i'_, m die >nialle:-t d"gri e. Ik :tljO tl! pose s do!.,;; w ork 1)_\ dua ctiDii, ll t!" I'e .••lioiild 111 an gen l'-m"ii w ho do !.0l W 1-1, to kei p p.iCe V. I'dl tne l..slU(Ul- aole jiart oi tin- publie, 'I'nls esiuldid m, nt sl,;,ll be pern : m iill_\ ll.\''d, il i'. ;.lio'ild nii.il \'. 1'll 'Viliu ii'i.t ei.ei in'gcmeiil to ju-^tii\ :‘s '(-li- 1li''e ; c i \ hu h. ti'e'ili 'le - Mr.ll.ier • I .-eiii r.;v- Vo coililiK iK t , Itiu h'.iii • (.rib«. i’ ItO Oriu rs from a diit.mee will jjc pH injitly at- T.nded to. .M.M.IIN ]' rr.Vi.1,1. An,,’'I t ..'2, 1820. •\.Oil. ll, ai an a]i|ireiitlee to the above n ine"", ..!i .K l.vC l;al innu 1 ' to | > wiiri ol ;i ; , lo whom g 'jd ei.cour;igen.L'i.’. wdl Le l,'.\ .'ll. V' I > W Vi^ V! S ’ ll V V W, F:.r jul', at till., I.w.'vj km.'—(hie of ilic mo'.t utunmin- i;dun,; ■•prcii'ri of domi'htic manulaclu;-es is that o’t thc profession. In every stale of the Union th;re arc |>robal)lv‘ from ten to forty yoiuifij iawyei's udd-d ti thc old .slock every season. Such aiwiuaf increase as this t(j l!ic pi'ol’cs'ion, niii it nrccssarily (Jiminish ihr iiutnhi'r of sue .''cssfiil aipiraiits. U cerh.iniy does so, I'or of every hundred luAjcrs al an av»M’- ar;e, i)ei-hajis, a half a do/cn nii\kL' for- .lutK's a flozi n nt ike a livin::^, and. the rest do tiie best they c,.in. It i-, of aU Jield .her towards me to shake liandswilUjfitlif*!- professions thc nust prc-uriou'^, her. and then, f'iking her down, said, i ml doubtful of success. In' our lar-o ‘'riioi'c, now tli'asl 'shooken hond^ j c.ilics, e\eiyrih man must 'r.ivc a son j wi' tir cleverest fnon in I'liigland,’ educated lor th»‘ h.ur, '.'jiri rich men’s son% ! “Thry ntay be mi.stak.'U in al! thi> Juncuccesslul or'tb, whole I'lUt tlii^ i-. 1 heir opini(m. Xijbodv c root liu; o|;inion out of them ; and in ens,.: like this, it is not o much what i.s, ' j,,. foituueirl lIu' piaMi-e ofiaw. Thee IS belies ed toJ)e._ '1 he gi e.o. | ;, alw.r s a - erMi.i - las . ^f lau )ci-j at oi.i’ II, v. hena strong and e\l n-ucur s ”u i.o gis'- » !ie.ji., luii's iv; to i!,o ipplied to na! loiial f bchM'tion oribeir hiwy» rs, as il is called. —Wiih ^ui li u (d’pe; r,ons a m lU of •.Iron;.; luii ;s. pi i t lo(>I,.s, iiujjudctu i:t at.- lidenci; I have from the peoplf* of f':i-l ^ack-) or l eioi tv, and cotd, l(. ti^ awM iiciirr, tiuie', cncater ex-r'’'i-’C a ‘ I aw yer, ’ ar.d man alive. 'Ilis | a,1,1 I a,„ul.i null “ Ii"'”' lest ,'igainst a- iiiV part d' the but wliat ibiitg ot' •'i ve remedy es to be e\ils, is the conlideiiCi; o! the p( ojiIe and \'.'hcllier meiited or nol, tha! eon jti il'ii'. A young man id line lasie, ai icd j a fiuiremrnlsjcleiicati' andicoin leuus man- iii'ceeds in makinf;' ''lat.d, to a tlioiisani le'iit tliaii an)' (;lh( i' is :itv Si!ic( 11; hr iiel he aliaid to ]uit it to lb nv olh( r 111,in, and in khi'r/i'd ). Nor is tli;- ; o wiy surruis- M'.g. I I>:i\e wnlten, aiid piihlisli'.d .i- lioiH U'li ni.ilion-, oi eo'iics oi books, ol v. rio:!' so!l'-, li'tle ;ind bit;:- if lhe whole id'ibt, piint w c.i''‘ ^[.•read out upon :r')iiin!, be, 01,1V on would cine; eic.s ol s:iy> ul lies!! V lot (d' the 11' iu» \ r r.oT roM — i(jw II it steep hlli. .o d li boggl^,li, e.dl' '; " 11' dlt( bin; t'ini .iyi- eiiougli ;it ill liaW a ( d'de L npl.osiiiL:: i!ie ju ir.t to] whip, p ir, 'n .'ddc of li.e p..j)t;r, it 1 rav d. d in aiui tbe ! 1.0 iri'Miiinl, and (llie .'iiiic ol Ii.n p.,j)(;: ; ini'v.'M'v'.' oi'(■;'/,;0 '.tali;l(; a-''''’'", I 11 1 I I I i !,e ol .1 and. J dai'i' say tnai. the i',s-1 Iiirh 1 ba\ H v lirani ',. itii a inar-j * sincere iuteidion !■) lH.d.ter tliej l i’':; 'iie working elas-e-, ‘.vould, if ail' 'r.es Nell to Tom,’ii, d sliect; were sprc ad ou ‘.mg-' i I.'"";;*,;"'' " , ■ , * . ■; ‘ h . all tlic pdv. I i . »-*■ ly, com:- ten or a oo-’en ae!-(»- m land. ' ^.,,1^ tl::-' !;'i; t:'j* beO'' lor ' • tl.ir• ‘ cu-'.’d '' i' riGini; ■li'.n:; •: e 'K.tcfi' 1 I I lo I, I l,;it \v y.^ .-,k' .! .'i I’. '■ '■ Aa . . l li'c h;/..- , M'' d l! ■ ■• nnll'.. It ; ; !• ,;-t) t>ie i,o!lo;p, ;‘il '.v.i • i i|t Miu. ■ (‘m’ o/cii-.'ip-; ’;:e hor>e -.nk i •> '•> i:i- i:,'. n in,nil 'lie \(.Mn_.; g-.lI.Oi> \Vh’,. t.'ici.. I', inp' 'liti. iu r, diiis! ';.('U no. trd .1*. the !,. tOun' \ r pln-t' ■ 'ou arc \'i:i h,>,; v . i the L.;’.- ; \ M i;-in'd.i’ s’riH', •' >i ..IIK- \ our w .t’c ' I uMi, ' bill I hat .1 to 7 civil V. r'- r ’ ^