VOL. II ] cii.inLOTTi:, jv. c. tuksday, septe.mhek 19, isse. [KO. 09. EUHI.ISHED WEKKLT BvLE.MUKL liIN(iirAM, at TIIUCE UOLLARH A TKAR, FAIlt IN ADVANCE. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discivtion of tlie editor, until all arrearages are paid. AnvtnTisEMEHTs will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending- in advertisements, are requested to note on the marj^in the numl)cr of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid^ and cliarged accordingly. \i‘awA I'or ^a\c. fllflFi subscriber offers X for sale a valuable i tract of I.and, on accoui- Imodating ternns, wliicli,, lies in the Ioavc r ]>art of Iredell county, on tlie head waters of Ilocfcy River, adjoining' tlie lands jf i. S. Houston, Henjamin lircvavd and others, and containing- 372 acres. 'I’lie saiil land is of jfood quality and well watered, both as to spring’s and branches. Of the land now in crop, amount ing’ to 40 or 50 ucrcH, the most of it is well ma nured anti \\ ill produce corn, cotton or wheat, in siifliciont ([uantity to aliundantly compensate tlie luis!)andinan for iiis labor, Kxperiment has proven tliat it is peculiarly adapted to receive peat and permanent benefit from manure.— 'l iicre is on it a larjye portion of low grcunds, (;f excellt-nt ipiality, eitlier fur meadow or pas ture, 10 or 12 acres of which are in good order and have been mowed i'or a number of years. Tiie principal dwelling-house is large an(l com- ■niodious, wliieh, with a little additional expense, riiigiit be maile comfortable and convenieiil even for a larg'e family. Tiie situation on which it stands is jji'obably equal to any in this or the ad- iaC'. lit counties- 'I'here is a well of jj(>od wa- fi r convenient to the house, and a larg'e, fertile {garden, i herc are two imi)rovements on this traet. which will be sold together or separately, to suit purehastrs. It would be a desirable plaet of resitU nce for a member of tiie profes sion of Law or a Physician, being in respect- al)le and populous neip^hborhood, and at nearly an equal distance from ii\e surrounding villages. It is unnecessary tt> give a further description of this land, as tliose, no doubt, wishing to pur chase, will \icw the j)remiscs. For terms, ap- ])ly to the siii)si.ribcr, living 5 miles north of Concord, Cabarrus countv. A. C. M’REF,. X. H. Anpi’oved cash notes, negroes, or notes negotiable ami pavable at the Charlotte Hank, will be received in paxment. A. C. M. 82tf ilowsfc ol* And Stage House, at the sign of the Eagle, in Charlotte, North-(;arolina, i)v ■ UOHKirr WATSON- la 1.16 NORTH & S. CAROUNA For the benefit of OXI'OHD ACADEMY in Noith-Carolina, C^c. The sub.scriber intends to comnicnre run ning a Stage from Charlotte to Camden, in the month ot October next. He ]>urposes to caiTy pa.ssengers on cheaper terms than the present rates of st.ige fare ; and will make ev ery arrangement to secure the comfort and con venience of travellers. THOMAS 1?0YD. August 2o, 1826. 4t99 ¥oy Uockland Plantation, contain- ing 745 acres, lying in the fork of big Sugar Creek, adjoining tiie , .lands of W illiam Cook, Dr, Fox, and others; payable in four equ.il paynir-nts, viz:— on the 1st day of January, 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831, with intere.st on the three last pavments from the first day of January, 1829. IJonds, with approved security, will be required, or a lien on the lands. Those who m;iy ui.'^h to purchase, must make ajjplication tomysclf, or Col. Thomas (i. Polk, who isauthorised to sell, before the loth of Octobcr next. 'I'lie purch;.s- er can have the crop on the ground at a fair val uation, together with stock, fanning tools, kc. 81103 V.’lLl,: i'Ol.K. uullwrily of the IStutt vf 2surth'L'urulinu. TO ENCULRACE THE J’l: II LI CATIO.V OF THE iliSl OnV OF NOHTH-CAHOLINA. UK.111'.ST PHIZF-, 20,000 B01LAHS, Dramng fo cunimcncr in Ililhf.oroit^h, on the 2d Monday of Scpiemijtr nejit. 1 1 1 1 2 8 10 20 40 50 450 1,050 7,0 rtC atJumc. Prize of 20,000 10,000 5.000 2.000 1,500 1,000 500 200 100 50 20 10 Dollars, is J20,000 10,000 5.000 2.000 3,0u0 8,000 5.000 3,600 4.000 2,500 9.000 10,500 36.830 I'lRsT ( LJSS—Tu hr drann 29th A'or. 1826. .J. 15. YA I ES A. McINTYKF, Mona^irs. 1 Prize of #12.000 i!> $12,000 1 . 6,000 6,000 1 . 5,000 ■ - 5,000 1 . 4,000 4,000 I . 2,500 2,500 1 . 1,.U0 1,3-10 G . 1,000 6,0U0 12 . 500 6,000 l,i6 - 50 7,800 raw . 10 7,800* 7,800 - 5 3y,ooo 8,76') Prizes, 97,'140 15,6uO lllanks.—24,360 Tickets. This is a Lottery formed by the ternary pcr- inutatiou ol o'J numbers. To determine the j prizcs tlurein, the .hJ numbers will be publicly j pl.i.cid in a wiicel on the day of drawing-, and four ot' them be drawn out; and that Ticket luiviiig.on it tlic 1st, 2d and .id drawn numbers, in tiK ord'-r in which drawn, will be entitleiT to the prize of ^ 12,000. Aiui those live other Tickets having on them the sauie numbers, shall be cntithil to the pn- /.cs uilixed to them n:Sj)ectivcly, viz ; The 1st, oil and 2ii to >('1,000 Tiu^ 2d, \s) and .Id to 5,000 The 2il, .nl and 1st to 1,000 The 3d, 1st and 2d to 2,.'iOO '1 he 3(1, 2d and 1st to 1,3jO Tlie 6 ticlu-ts wliit h shall Ik'.vo on them the st, 2d and Itli drawn nunihc rs, in sonii’ one of Mu ir (H'lkrs, will each be entili(.d to a prize ot l.UU'J. Th' 12 tickets v.liich sliall have on them any '■)thi'r three ut tiie drawn numbers, in any onler ol p' nnutation, will i aeii ue entitkd to a prize The l.'jh tickets which shall ii iv;- two of tin .'.'.I', n iiuml)( rs oii i!u ni, and tiio-ie two tin- ,>ii > id -1th, v. ill (.-;icii hi entitled to a jirl.'.e ;f i>.)0. I h(wi- 7 i> / tieUels wiiieli shall iiave on tlf iii ■ .line otiu r tv\o of tii.’ di.iwn iiuinlier-', will each l>.- eiititkil to a jiri/c (>f i-lu. And those r,SU0 iickfts, w liieh shall have on MU in s..nil' one ol the dr .\vn nuinbi. r, w ill (.a‘- iM- I u;itlf I to a j)nzc of >5. ''O tiriict wineli sliail lia\ e drau n a pri/ir (n 1 siip.M'ior ilenonuiiatHiii can be ( iititUrd to an ili'ri(U-|)rI’riz'.'s payable tori;, davsar.cr ’ 'le di'au I”,;-, and subjt. cl to the usu. 1 ilv.uur,tion "1 l.> per ci-nt. 1 idii. Is .ui I ;'' ar(.r, can i>e had in the abovi ‘ff'hi WK; at ilie .Managers’ OHices. hole Tickel.s, 00 | (iuart-r.j, 2.‘> Halve?, '2 50 1 and Sliarcs in tlio ahov LrMery, are for -ale at the oflice ot tin- (jal.i,. •h''inial. Ord. rs by n.uii, enclv-'i'-'iii Uu- '-ash ■'•■1 be promptly aV.eiiJ.'d *,e. 9,000 Prizes, ^ 23,886 tickets at ?5 is 119,-130 14,886 Hlanks5 Q^i^ot tu'o Bhmks to a Vrhe.^CQ 500 Tickets to be drawn in a day—to be com pleted in 18 days’draw ing. All the numbers to be placed in one wheel, and the prizes in an other, STATION’AUY PIHZKS AS FOLLOWS: 'J'hc lust draum Ticktt on the F'irst day, will be entitled to a Prize of $200 Second day, 500 Third d;iy, 500 Fourth day, - - - 5Uu l ifthday, . . . ^ 5U0 Sixth tlay, . . . ' 50U Si venth day, 500 I’/ighlh day', - 5QU Ninth day, l-,000 Tenth day, . i^ooO Eleventh day, i,000 Twelfth day, 1,000 Thirteenth il;iy, 1,000 Fourteenth day, 1,000 Fifteenth day, 1,500 Sixteenth day, 5,000 Seveiiteentli day, 10,0(;0 Eighteenth day, 20,000 The rest of the prizcs floating in the .vlieel from the commencement, amounting to $73,730. Prizes payable at the *.\gency.of the Rank 'of Cape-Fear, in liillsborongli, N. C. 30 d:iys after the completion of the drawing, subject to a dis- eoint of 15 percent. All prizes not demanded within 12 months from the completion of the drawing, will be consider..d asforfiited to the uses of the Lottery. WEPiH, Co)n)uismncr. Ilii!.-boron^!i, KS26, , The attention of the North-(’arolina publii- is respectfully invited to the furegoing srhcine. The hiTidable piirjiose contemplated w ill, it is ho[.H(l, secure to it the aid id' those who ar« iriendly to the inti restsof'literature andscienci; ;ind the name alone ot the geiitU r.i.ui who'h;is- eonsenti d to ;ict as (loinmissloner in the m;in- ageinent of the Loitery, is a sullieieiit j)led;;'e oi the fairness with which it will be eondiicted. A. I). Ml IM'llLV. in the above Lolttjry nre t'or sale at t'lc Oiliee of the Jouvn.d. Orders b} mail, v'll be jji-oinptly attended to. ORZCmAZ. V vv\)\ic Eutt\*\v\*i\^ iWiiwV. ^I^lir, subscriber informs bis frieiuls anil t! B pii'.die, that he h;is jiurciiased that Wt 11 Kiio.ui establishment, l.itely owned and ocru;)i- ed b\ Dr. lUndei'son, and is no-.v prepared to . nlert.iin tr.ivcllers and others, who loay plfjse to e.dl on him ; and no exertions will be spared lo render them comfortable, and their st..y a- :;Tiiable. His table will be furnished with t \- ei-i variety w iiirh the country aUbrds ; bis b;tr w'l;li the best of liquors; and his stables v.i'h d nt\ of jirovender, and careful servants will le ill con.stant atleiiuaiice. KoHKirr 1. DINKINS. Clnii'lotte, Ajnil 20, IhJO. . * {Ju Si'vuwuv KMX Wve. g rs r pu!)lished, and for sale at tliis office >5 p.ri 12^ cents, “ ,V s I■'II• KI, (;. (; I iiioii on the Atone- I.I., A. M. .VU'A^\vUV('U\r^ ‘auA Lit sale, .i*. liic Ol’uC'- ul l!.c Jouriial. ron THE CATAWUA JUUUI(AL. .Mr, IhxGH.vM : Several circumstances have interrupted the Juvenile Essays, heretofore, in their regular appearance. They are now resumed under the expec tation of appearing regularly. My young trieiuls could furtiish a number every week, but will probably furnish a number only once in three weeks. If the diamond beauties of the ancient Classics are inter spersed in these Essays, your readvrs, it is hoped, will not think it ostentatious. •‘To an eye practised in the original Latiu and Greek authors, there is a clear opening of sense, which a thick cloud mantles, the moment it is translat ed.” Select quotations, like jewels, if well set, reflect beauty arourd them, while they do not disjoin the composiiion nor obscure the path of the unlettered reader. JUVENILE ESSAYS No. 6, Independence and Decision of Character. Our world is diversilied Iiy numerous • iistinguishin^j^ and peculiar shades of haracter. With justice and propriety the woild has been compared to a stajije, iVom the varioua contrast of character there exhibited. Aside from that pecu liarity of character which designates and distinguishes the various tiations of man kind, there is still a very observable di versity of character to be perceived u- mong the members of the same classes and communities. This diversity of character may be observed not only a- inong ttie highest and most refined of civilized, enlightened and christiani*ed society, but it may readily be marked in all the grades of mankind. To enumer ate all the marked distinctions of charac ter, which present tiieinselves to our view, would carry us too far at present. One particular and impurtaiii trait of the human character shall sufTice fur the pre sent discussion ; that is, Independence and Dccinion of Character. 'I'he iiiiluence and worth of this quali ty of the mind, are both gieat and obvi ous. How dreadfully deficient is man, a creature at best poss'essing but feeble powers, if he be destitute of this noble fjuality ! How likely to become “a iVather for every wind that bluws,” sur rounded, as he invariably must be, with innumerable ol)jects calculated to perplex, to divert and to repress his operations ! How badly fitted is he for passing through the various scenes of jirivate life in se- cui'iiy and happiness ! How infinitely worse would he be qualified for the more important and more responsible scenes of public life ! How inci>mpetent to en gage in deeds of “ noble daring !” Hovt apt to dwitidle away to a mere nothing in the work! 1 In whom this disiinguislung cjudlity exists, independent of every thing but rcr.son, and supijorcing his firm and resolute decisions upon a consciousness of acting in confortiiity to the dictates of reason, he stands unshaken, like the ma jestic oak of the forest, defying the rag ing storms that toss, and roar, and beat against his strong consolidated body. He remains unlmrt and fearless amidst such scenes as try the very souls of men. We shall see the incalculable benefit of this character, and bo constrained to ac knowledge its vast inllnence, wheth er we contemplale it in private, or in a pul)lic situation. Let us, for tliiy sake ol’ further elucidation of the su!)ject, consid er it in a private character. 'i'he most private which we could imagine, and the one most disengaged from the busy w orld, iias, notAvithstanding the secluded state ii. which he may live, his points lo gain, has his adversaries and competitors to con tend with. This all'ords him a circuit in which lo move, evolving his ingenuitv, and displaying his mental weapons ot de fence. Measures are to be planned, a- (!opled and ettected. ll'lic beol'an indi- cisive character, he will hesitate, per haps, for houi's between two dilVerent pro- ])osiiions : and at iast probably adopi neither j but will Ik; obliged lo call to his assistanie the aid of another, ^\’lla^. then, must naturally be the consequence. Iluw can v.e admit of more than a suj)- [losition of a ])rohabi!itv, that one, win. perhap'S is not actuated to devise, or pei - lorin, by any motives in\olving scll-inter- esi, will adjust his business with tin same skill, prudence, exactness and pjre- cision, as if//i? himself had pei formed ii, who, be\und doubt, miist feel himseJfun ttUid inltrei,tedP \et, to what other ex pedient could he have lecoursef 'I'u what other refuge more favourable, could lu' ilee, with any kind of imaginable hope of snctess, whoso ininci is so subordinatt ind ap(>cnue(i, an to be unable, either to de\lse, to determine, or to act indepcn dently ? Such an one docs virtually con fess himself to be a slave. While, on the other hand, he who lays his own schemes, devises his own plans and mea sures himself, placing his sole depen dence on, and deciding with a conscious ness of being supported by reason, gains his objects lo his wish,—improves hU noble inherent faculties,—is free from ob- ligution,—is exempted from being har assed and p».rplexed by the doubts, dis quietudes and fears of an indecisive and dependent mind,—and without reserve, avers his native and just privilege of men tal freedom. How applicable to him is the declaration of the Poet Horace, **Nuhis sine cortice.” He sails the ruU\ed sea of life in his own bark. Reason his pilot, independence his helm, he steers his course through the rugged way, e- (juaily disdaining the stormy temj)cstthat lowers, atid rages, and clashes above, and the rolling billows, that murmur, and toss, and threaten beneath. In the next place, let us conteniplate this trait of character in a public station. Here we are led to see its real advan tage and influence. Here we see it held up to our view as a lamp that dilVuses its light all around. Its value we see in times of wars and commotions, when it “rides in the whirlwind, and directs, the storm.” In that station, we likewise see it, when placid peace has returned, devising measures deep, judicious, firm and stable, for the welfare of society; and administering justice, without ])rejudice, and without fear, liold, daring, intrepid and jus’, it neither dreads the insidious attacks of malicious and subtle intriguers, nor will itself cover to an unreasonable or injudicious measure. Of such a char acter were our venerable ancestors, whose theatre was fixed on the fragments of that shattered isthmus, rent asunder by a convulsive shock, which had connecled thiscontinent to tyPinnit: liritain. When floating and tossing on an unknown sea, they v» ere encompassed by every thing calculated to appal the stoutest heart, and to shake, if i)(j.ssl!)le, the firmest res olution,—on every hand danger ihreateti- ing,—in every corner death lurking,—if, then, they had been destitute of this glori ous principle, how shocking, how lamen tably shocking, must have been the result of that convulsion ! 'i’he cruel hand of despotism must here have fixed its throne, —must here have been wielding now its iron rod ! This land, now blooming all in vernal beauty, under the innuence of the genial sun of liberty, must have been over spread, yea, must have been shrouded, in the clouds and thickest darkness of usur pation and tyranny. Science and educa tion, which now rise triumphantly on the Eagle wings of Independenee, and diffuse their bright inlluence throughout every corner of our happy country, must have been rigorously limited, fettered and res trained. Our Commerce, which now, under the American Eagle, floats, at pleasure, on every sea, must have been restricted by the unrestrained will of the British Lion. The internal improvement to which, on all occasions, liioy had tiie greatest recourse. They were too ricli ihemselves to borrow, too proud fur ser vile imitation. Tiiey would not, they could not brook the idea of being append ed. They would not, they '•ould not hes itate long between two opinions. Rea son, cultivated and exercised, was ever at hand, with her just weights and balan ces, to pronounce the preponderant.— Then quickly the one must be rejected, the other ado[)ted. t/i Metnenio.—Amonpr the manifold dinicullies \vith wli-cli the faithful Pat riots vvlio achievpil oiir indepeudcnco liatl to struji;‘!;le, pro!)ably the most em barrassing; nas tho fluctuating value and enormous ilcprcciation o( tho continen tal money, as It was called. To shyw what a wi'eiehed measure of Value and medium ot exehano;c our fathers wore compelleti to use, we give the following items from a mess-ljill dated in 1780 and 17SI, The hill was showed to us by a soldier of the revolution, still liv- intj; in r(!si)cct anioii" us, who was at the time a lieutenant in the regular service, and head of the mess referred to. We have not room lor tho whole bill, and therefore sclect the following charges as giving the general scope of the docti* nient. Lieut.— —, for the Mes.s, 'I'u . Dr. 1780—Oct, 30, 81b. Sugar, at $l-l,!fH2 00 Dec. 6, J lb. do. at 16, 6 J. 00 irSl —Feb. \, 2 qls. Spirit.^, at 50 100 00 Mar. 6, 15 yds, 'I'wist, at 10. 150 00 “ 6, ,5 Ih'ushes and lllai kb'II, ‘J5 00 “ 15, 1 |)t. \\ ine, f-tu, 1 lb. Sugar, ? 18, .58 ()Q Apr. 1, IHIack Silk Hdkf. ^5 00 “ 11, 1 1-2 doz. Eggs, at ;|5l2. 18 00 #672 00 'Fhi^ IS but a small specimen of tho cnibarrassment of the revolution, vvc cotifcs.s, hut it is a very decisive one. If* a man will hut reflect on the train of eat>ses which lead to the depreciation oi* the currency of a country, he will find matter enough to oeeuj)y his thou'*-ht« and excite his wonder, even in these few items of a rness-biil. From theso charges it would seem that tho paper money of the time was worth about one l)er cenL of its nominal value—that i.s, 55100 in paj)er was worth about one iSl in specie. W hat a miserable instrument was this for providing fiir the wants of a struggling nation, and defending armies against the incicmeneies of these nortn- en skies. A fluctuating and depreciat ed currency, at,my time a public griev ance, in time of war, when money is .so indispensible for [lutting the public strength into battle array, becomes a ca lamity of Uie most formidable nature ; and to bear up under it, and in despite of its paralysing influence to uphold and forward carry lorward a great and glorious of our country, which now advances ^ cause, requires the tnost devoted patri- with gigantic strides,—wliich even now is j otism, the highest kind of courage and fit to'dispute the palm of superiority with constancy, and con.stiturs tlio most unc- tbe tratis-atl.iniic, world, if not totally I quivocal evidence of public vii'ltie curbed, must, at least, have advanced . with a Vulcan’s gait. Our Ciceros, our I,, ^ ma ters of fact, do more Demosthenes, ourS(dons, our Lirurguses, I description, to must all have dcperuied on the sunshine mind back lo “the tinirs that, of royal favor, and lingered around a roy- men’s souls,” and to reveal the roy x\ co'urt. Rut, happy circumstance for America ! Ncvei- did this glorious prin ciple exist in less contaminated puritv,— never was this character more palpably iiidented on buinan licart, thjn on the iiearts of those magnanimous, those hero ic, ilio.'ic decisive inembet s of our venera ble Continental Assembly. This, fheir real natui'o ami extent of those ohsf.Tcles which lay in the way to indepf-mh nco and freedom. It would he well tolln'nkor these things more than i.s customary, for it is wonderful how soon the nictiio- ry of obhgntions which im()Iy pcciinia- ble L.onlinentaI Assembly. Fhis, fheir ^ acts, their (icclarations, their whole lives ' ^ ‘’ftiiclaw that corporations h.-ive no s.nils, can.iot i)e made to re(.«| the force ofstich claims, and lioy/ever lavnsh of gratitude, are will testify. 'J'heir measures did not i lK*ar one taint of fear, though by rocks, sliouis, and whirljxjols, they were sur rounded on every side. 'I’heir language wus not the language of indecisiotu arid doubt, neiiher was il tiie language of hair- brained rashness, or head-strong fully.— most injuriouJy frugal of their coin. Scufind. ... Indiana, .lonathaii Jennm -s ha'; livai hicnlai Inmpiudcnrv, Uecision lound-j been elected u representative to the 2n'th •d cn the sure base ol profound reason. Congress without opposition, and (). |f Smith, a firm supporter of die adminis tration, has been eleriod frinn the dis trict now represented by John Test, who is opposed to it. marked iheii* judicious resolutions.— I'heii' inlluence, v.iih electric rapidity, dashed tlu-oughcjiit the {:ontivent, arid iniparied tu thousands the lire of genuine . patriotism. i'hey ros\. they defeiuieil, ^ „ they ilcteuled ; and genuine iil.'erty was] Returns fiom Ilhnois make it probable the pr.ze, - W e may justly say ol those ’ that Ninian lidwarils has beet'i elected n(dde spiiits, as tin* I'oet Horace sjjcaks ^ Governor of that State, of iiis ’“jmtutn vt tiiuirrni /jrti/Mnsifi riruni.^' 1 1 hem, " HU-I'lilttm i/i'^hintis ti/ninni, nec\ A western editor thus prefaces tlic ati- ciriuni nrdor pnii.'tt jumniinin ::n;tte (juatit' nonnc.eincnt of his ov/n marria'ri ; “ W’liat ,\o!idit.” in war and in peace; in the se- 1 /rn'.">'tn be triit-, that will 1 liave thv nate-iioube and in the humble cottage, boliiu'jss to pul.'iish.” the uiilily, (lie glory and tlie happiiu^s; ol those who bear this motto visible in i ri I'nglish missiona:''-in .1 ira, s'frate.s *heir face, are surely obvious. Such we ^ that in tiie village of Jhiiietuure. ,i,‘J may find to have been the charucter of' vuinity of ilatavia, wiiere iliei e“» s a co*^ the greatest masier spirits ol the wo;id. lony of two thousarMi ( liinesr, he f()und wlio arc handed down to us by the pen c)f! in one of their houses, an l'.ur;jpcati i.ir* •li'-tory. 1 he great sp: ing and source of | tui-c of lionaj)arti-, in a giii fra;n, iheir power ;;nd inllitence, originated in! which the [leoplc offer itictl'it!: au ' ' iheir own besoms. There lay ihc m:at' nii^ht and morning,". pi;

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