VOL. II ] cn.iKLorrE, x. c. TVESD.ir, sepi'kmuki} 20, isse. [N«» 100. PURIJSIIKI) WEVIKI.Y iU LKAiUKL 15JNGIIAM, Jit Three Dollars a yiar, pniil in advance. No piiper will be discontinued, unless at tlic discrclioii of the editor, until all aiTcuniges arc paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usuul rates. Persons sending in advertiseiiicnts, arc loquestcd to note on the mari^in the nilmbcr of insertions, or they wil! be continued until forbid, and charj.yeil accordinjfly. \j‘A\u\ Vur ^v\\e. IIIK siib’scribcr offers.'^ for sale a valualdc ttract of I^and, on acconi- ^^.^Imodating- tinns, which, ,.u.^ ..I the Fowi r part of In .h i! county, on the li( ad waters of Kocl.y ){ivi r, adjoininif the lands of G. S. Houston, Uenj.imin Mrevard and others, ii-id containiiif; acres. 'I’he saiil lai\d is of iuahl% and well watered, both as to sjirinfys ;uid branchts. Of the land now in crop, amount- iiij*- to l' or 50 acres, the most of it is well mu- miretl and w ii! proihu'r com, cotton or wheat, •in suliieicnt (iuaiitit> to abundantly conipeii'Hite tlif iiusl)uniln\ in for his labor. Kxperiment tias prow n tir.it it Is peculiarly adapted to receiv e j;i\ at and jv rnian-, lit hem lit from niainirc.— 'I’lu re is on it a l ir;;e ixirtion of h)\v j^r. unds, of excellent cjuahty, l ilher fur meadow or pas ture, lU or 12 aciv> of which are in i^ood oiiler ;uid have been mowed for a number of years. The priiicijKd dwi’lliiij^-lionse is larj^e and com- 1110 lious, which, with a little additional expense, Tiiii^Iil be made comtortalih- anil convenient even tor a liirj^e laniilv. I'lie situation 011 wliicli it btands is probably ecjual to any in this ortlu' ad- jaci’iit counties- There is a well of gciod w u- tcr convenient to the house, and a lar^^e, fertile j;-arden. Tberf are two improvements on tl'.is tract, which will be sold together or separately, to suit purchasers. It would be a desirable place of residence for a nieniljer ot the pi'oles- «,ion of l.aw or a I’h} sician, beini^ in a respect- j\i)le and populous ucii^'liborhood, and at nearly :ui (ipial dl>t.Jice from live surroundin.u; villag'es. It is uniii ce^sar_\ to j^ivi- a further lU scriplion of this I'liul, as tiiose, noiloulit, w ishln},Mo pur- tluisf, will view the |)Temises. For terms, ap- pl\ to the sut)scribcr, li\ing 5 miles north of (jOiiford, Cabarrus countv. A. C. MMIKK. N. 1$. \pprovcd cash notes, noi^rocs, or notes nrtfotiable and l)a\a le at the (Jliarlotte Hank, viil be received in i)a\ment. A. C. M. 8'Jtf ' NORTH & S. CAKOIZNA Fur till' Dtiiil'il if llXl'imn ACADEMY 111 ISorth-(;ar(»liiia, Jc. ON Fridav, the 29lli inst. wiil be sold, at the d\veirinj;--lioase of Ze- W Yoy ^a\e, nas Alexander, deceased, the following- jiropei-ty, \ 'i/:—Sa»v .Mill and (irist Mill seat, includini^ about fdti en acres of I'lnd ; a tnict of land of about 'JOO acres, three miles from (Charlotte, on the w est side of lieat- tie’s J'ord road, of a {food ipiality and w i ll tim bered ; a front and back lot in Cluu-lotte, unim proved and hanilsoinely situated; about thirty acres of land near Charlotte, joii'.iu!.’; the land o) Wni. Hudisill, Samuel M’Conibs and others; two nefro women, stock of all kinds, with a variet} of other articles. AI.-.0, ;\l>o\c one luin- dnd ci)j)ies of the first volume «)f \\ in. (3. i)a\is' lectures on the New 'I'estament. Sale to com- nionce at 11 o’clock:—terms made known on the d;iy of sale. A. W. AI.HX.\N1)F,1?, E.-i’tor. Sept. 1, 1HJ6. 4tl'.0 F. S. All peisoi.s indebted to the estate of Zenas Ale.xander, deceasetl, Dy note or book c- count, are re(iucstnl to coine forward and make P‘i\ nient, as indulj>encc caniua be given. A. W. A. By uiit/writf/ of the State of Sorth-Varulinu. TO E>1IL II.\CE TUK M ttl.H ATIOV OF THE HlS i UUY OF NOK I ll-CAKOLINA. Y Rockland I'lantation, contain- l^JL ing 745 aci'es, lying in the fork of big Sugar (M’eek, adjoining the ^?j^^s^lands of \\ illiam Cook, Dr. Fox, and others; pajable in four crpial pajmenls, viz-— on the 1st diiv of .!;iuuary, 182vS, 18J9, I80U, and 18.n, with int( rest on tlie three last payments from the first da\ ot January, 18J9. Bonds, w ith approved security, w ill be reipiired, or a lien on the lands. 'I'liose who may wish to purchase, must make application to myself, or Col. 'i hoiiia.s (i, I'olk, w ho is authorised to .-ell, bidore the 15th of ^rtoi>er next. The ptnrhas- er can have the crop on the ground at a fair val uation, together w ith stock, farming tools, 8i.c. 8tl03 nilJ.: 1*01.K. Lawdft i‘o\* ^‘a\e. I'^NDKIi a decree of the Court of F.quity for L-' IJutlierfonl c ninty, pronounced at .\pril ■ erni, A, 1). in tlie case of Arthur Mron- soii, (loold Host, .lames 1$. Murray and Fcter A. teeter \V Hadcliif and Kli,ia Thompson, iXecutors and F.xccutrix of .lames Thompson, deceased, aguin-^t Augustus Sacket,—1 will pro ceed to sell before the Court-House ,it Asheville, in the county of lJuncombe, on iVulay, tlie l.Uh day of October ne\*, (.ne tract of land'-ontuin- ing tliirty-:.ix thousand four hundred and iiirKtv - four acn s : this tract is situate in tlie soutli-east corner of the county, on (iiten i;v..r and its waters. And in riiitherford county, b. fore the Court- House ill liutherfordltin, on Tuesday, the 17th day of October nv\t, being in term of the Su HK.HKSr FIMZF., 20,000 DOLI^AXtS. Draiciitg lo cununtvre in I/Ills'orou^li, uu the '2d Momtny Ilf Siptcmhtr iit.cf. 1 1 1 1 2 « 10 20 40 50 450 1,0)0 7,366 Sclumr. Pri^e of 20,000 10,000 5.000 2,OU0 1,500 1.000 500 200 3 00 50 20 10 5 l)ollar:j, is ?20,000 10,000 5,0Li'J 2,0jO 3,0'/'* 8,000 5.000 3,60'J 4.000 2,50'J y,ooo 10,.)(^0 3 6,8 JO I'lJlST ('LlSS-To hr dnnrn 29th y»v. lS2o 9,000 Prizes. 5 23,886 tickets at ?5 is Jiy,4;''.0 14,886 HlanksS iXj tuv BItiiihs to a Prize.. 500 Tickets to lie draw n in a day—to be com ■ pleted in 18 da\s’ dra'.vin;.'. All tlie nutni)eis 1 to i>e ])laced in oiU‘ v. IkcI, and the ]>ri/es in aU' ‘ other. STATIONARY PHiZF.S AS FOI.I.OWS; '/'he lout druifu ’I’lchit an th>: First dav will be entitled to I’ri/c ol ,1. H. YA I KS A. McliN'FYHK, Mamt^irs. "sCKB^^r 1 Prize of 51 2,000 is 512,000 1 - 6,000 . 6,000 I . 5,000 5,000 1 . 4,O(J0 . 4,000 1 . 2,500 . 2,500 1 . 1,340 . 1,340 6 . 1,000 . 6,000 12 . 500 . '6,000 156 . ^ . 50 - 7,800 780 . 10 . 7,800 7,800 - 5 ■ 39,000 8,7 (jo Prl/:;s. 97,110 Third da} . Fourth day, - - Fifth da}-, - - Sixtli day, - - : Seventh day, - - ! Kighth day, - - j Niiitii da\', - - 1 'i'enth day, - - I Kleventh dav, i Twelfth day’ ! Tliirteenth day, - I’ourteenth dny, - i I'iftcciith day, ; Sivteenth day, Seventeenth day, .1 Kighteelith day, - ?200 500 500 51'0 500 >500 500 500 l.((OU 1.01,0 1,000 1,000 1.000 1 ,(,'00 1,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 that, they are so many republics erfcted ot> .the prinriples of niire denjocracy. 'I'he difli’rcnccs obscrv.'ihle itt their res- pcclivtvforms of guvcrnii-.tnt exist only cxtcrnallj. They rcsi ok a common varicioti'i of praise ; arid as their sufTra" I'es arc iiu!ispei)sai)le to the election either of a supreme inai;istrate, ati inspei ior of a market, and oven of an oflicec >i’ a rei^- inu'nt of militia, it iollows, that tlie am- roundatioM j every where the numerical j I ilion (jf the one and avarice ol the oihers, tnajoi ity irifluences (iiroctly the choice of sinyintj in chorus, the praises ol me men and measures : every where the c:> sovcreii;ti people, have iinished l)v le- ecutive power, very limited in its altri- Uucinjj the perpetual adul.ttion addrc'ised butesj is lVe(iuen;ly renewed! rvet y where to them, in the sj)eechcs of their oratot s, it\ iino, the j)eoplc possess rij^hts lescrv- and tlie colnnms of their tjaxelles, to the ed to themselves whi( h iheir let:islators | simple ibrmtila which declares, that the dare not toucli. Thesr rit^hts, liiivini;;) American nation is the, most enlij-jhleiied for their object individual lihert) ami se- ai/d virluouj on earth. 'I'his assertion curily, arc like tlie laws of Moses, ])Iaccd may be even found in the annual mcssa- on a labernach', w hich no profAiie hand j ^es of the j)residciit of the United States, dares assail. Mcweil at a distance, this!—• Pajjes 130 lo 1J1-] constellation of republics pleases the eye and satisfies the a)ind ; the principles on which they are based, reilec-l honor u|)on humanity; the apparent eiVecis of these popular forms of goverjimeiit, pi'csent ‘ Theseolservations bhould he taken in a lim- iti 'l sense, th.i is to say, as appli'"able to all demo'iatic governments. To prevent any mii- understaiiiliiK’- on tills point, the author doc4 the image of happiness and content-J not hesitate to declare it as his con\ic(ion, tluit ment ; but as soon as you examine them more closely, you discover svrious im perfections, and even anomalies. In watchint^; over individual rights thus ten derly, justice is rendered imtjinpetcnl to the sui)pression of many ollenccs com mitted in the d:.ily trasaclKjns of mV. Without bein^; very imi)orlai>l in them selves, they nevertheless an'ect public or- a repuidiiMii govi'inuieiit ;d'tne suits th’,; trnited. St;itfs in their pres, iit sit\iation, and is the only one which could subsist in that country. J'rom the Charleston Courier. .Mr. I'lu roit.—A Poet has said, “'tis ('(.iueali'jn liiriiis tiie litimaii mind atul il mu\ 1)(* jiisllv allirnK'd, that no triitU perior Court oniiatc.mnt}, I will proceed to t,,'^ ,,,i, or.^>ani/.ed po- l,as iTC.-ived tho commm conscnl of s(dl all the lands usuallv denominateu “ >pecu- ‘ ■ ■ a • ' i- i ■ i .1 *i .1 ♦ lice, athiitg incompatiliie with American j ni inUiiul more implieilh’, than lliat con- inslitutions, could easily, at least in t j t;iined in tin; dborv line, 'riieri; is a- considerable dc^jree, have pievented their, tiiith eotmeeti’d with th(i subjf;ct occurrencc. In guarduii; agninst the a-! whieli I laive, to bi; in'thc buse ofexecutixe powet, they have made | it incapable of fulfilling the 1 or inattention of pnreiits and .U.y luv. „pm, ,t ,. l U , ; concerns the conduct ol the loreign rela-;^ • i lions of ihe coanf), nr those of the con-j noai v as uru c sa federated stales atnoii;^ themselves. In i tliat, pecu lation l.ands,” situate therein, consisting of lifty-eight separate tracts or patents, containing ■111 aggregate amount of thri e hundred and thir ty-seven tlioiisind nine hundred and ilft\-live acres. These laods, from their gi lu lal disjjcr- sion, present all the varieties of sod, SiC. to be I'ound in the couiitj. • ' Also, in .Meeklen!'urg county, b( fore the Court-Houje in Charlotte, on NVednesday, the 15th day »f November next, tjeing in term ot the Sujierior Court fi.r tiiat county, 1 will pro- ed to sell tweiit} tlmusamt four liundnd and fort}-live at res oi land, comprising sevciitern separate tracts or patents, situate in tlic south eastern section of the county, in or near the Gold Mine region. lands will be sold l>v tl Tlie above lands will be sold liy the separat tract or patt lit; and should the saf ;it an} I ted States will concur in the opinion, that of tlie above places be not tinished on Uie d;iy ^ Con-ress, is little sou-ht after mentioned, it will'continue irom uav t(» oa\, ' . until completed, or until ho much t'licivof is ; by lawyers and phy.iciahs in possession sold as may be swHlcient to satisty the ubo\ e oi an extensive jiractice.* mentioned decree, amouiiting to one huiidred I This is not however liiC J)Iace to enter and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ..ml sev-I ^;i'itical examination of popular ■ lit}-eight dol!;irs, and the legal int. rest tlu-iv- n.overnn\ents. Like every other wo' k of o:. from the 21st of Auijust, A.H. ISJJ, untd of imperfeclion. liut if, a.s Hie author believes, limited and constitutional ttionarchies better giiar- ranteo individual safely and public Iran (juiliiy tlian democratical states; yel it is certain, at least, that tlie latter are the mobt economical form of j;overnmcnt that can' be a(!optcd : and, whatever we may think of it in other respects, this must be admilteil to be a very impoilanl advantai^e in a country which mc-cor like is jtisl burstinc!; iVom obscnr’ty. Tiieie [irevails am(Mi;j the ;\mcricun their anxiety lo restrict the expenses of government, they liave excluded from all public emnloynu-ni men of education and mlems; r'„- it is c.riai.i, au.l all iW- a of scliuuls „r tcai-liM's ! who have sojourned any time in the L'lii-1 ,, i.. 4i.„ “.7a’ l/ie tu'iff is f/cnf, the tree's iudnud.'* 1 do not mean thatcliihlrcii are not scn(: lo school a siilTifieiit titnc, or that tlierO paid. lernis—Cash. Conveyances of tille to be executed bv the comjjlainants. T.'f. HlUCHET l', Chrh y Mudvr. August 1, 1826. 7tl00 ifttlfirrUnHcciHB. FHOU TMK KAl.TI.MUHr. I'ATlllOT. SKKTCII or TIIK UMTKD STATKS, UY A UI>»1AN. This work is saiil to be iVom the pen of .Mr. I’oi.tncA, formerly Minister from Hussia to the United States, and now one of the highest and most confulentiul olficers of the Uussian g.„v-i Ihrj/ are, tlirougliout nearly tlin whole ol'otir country, siiniciently ahtiiulant, and ill some jdaros \vc iiave them to o- ir/'Jl(nr/ni{. What I nuMft is tliis— that little attention is paid to i\n'proper eiliioation ol‘ ciiildrcn : in other words, sniricieMt earc is not taken t(j have them /t‘(irn, and nndvrstuvd what they ut-^ tPTnpl lo actinire. H a child t»;«'ts a va riety of lessons “/yy //r/'z/V,” into a great luiinher of siihjeets, and sj;linces at inan^’ofthe sciences, this iHjjruc/ic- idh) deemed ^'//.'///»• an cducalion. This inattentloh on the part of guard ians and jiarents, iinds its countorjiart ia the >;cncrulitij of teachers. I have seldom fonnd an execplio!i, aiul I have long observed tlu': /naunLr in which chiidreii arc taught at school. In the of a writer in a ri( o»"s;etowu ermiieiit. An Anierican, who has mad • himsilf people all alm.iht umv.rsal op.ti.oii, a"l „ »Mch will no: Ik c;„sily viadiculi-.l, l!ut, unikrll,opeeul,.r.iiu,i,,.stai.ci-..i,«lm h 1. , ^ i„ ,.f oi,; insti- their eouMtry is placcd, a popular r^ov- . ernment is the best uda[)led to them. 15,C>J(J lllaiiks.—2 1,360 Tickets. Tills is a I.ottery lormed iiy the ternary per- mul.ition ol .10 jiumbcis. To determine the pr ,'es therein, tiie .'U utimlu rs will be piildicly 'I'he rest of the prizes flo;iting in the w heel from the commencement, amounting to $73,730. Prizes paya!>le at the Agency of the (lank of ]da ed lu a w iieel on the il;«} >♦ draw ing, aiul, C;ipe-Fi ar, in Hillsborough, .N. C. .SO days after four (it tlieiii lie drawn out; and that I icket j tin- comidetion of the draw Ing, stibji ct to a dis- haxing on it tlie 1st, .Jd and .3d drawn iuiml)ers, j cou-it of 15 pci'ceiit. All prizes not demanded in tiie oi\ier in v.hich dr.iwn, will be entitled to i within 12 months from the completion of the the ]ui/e of rl2,0^»0. j drawing, will be considered as I'urfiited to the And ill )Si’ live other 'rickets having on them ' uses of ,the hoUery. the s.niie nuniDirs, shall lie entitled to the pri ?,cs allixed to ttieiii re-;|)ective!v, viz ; The 1st, 3d and 2d to' j.6,0U0 The 2d, 1st and od to 3,000 Th" J'l, 3d aiul 1st to 4,000 'I’he 3d, 1st and 2d to 2,500 'rhi- .)d, Jd and 1st to 1,350 The 6 tlc'.els which shall have on them the .1. M ('unimisniuncr. ■ IJilhfioroifgh, Jjiril, 1826. 'I'he attention of the North-Carollna jiubllc is respectfulh invited to the foregoing sclieinc. Tin- laudaiile purpose conti mplated w ill, it is hojied, Secure.to it the aid of tl.ose who al'u ii'ienilly to the int rests of liti-rature ami sciei.c;-; and the name ahuie ot the g. litii'maii who iias' 1st. Jd and 4th-drawn mimhers, in some one ot^ ,.„„^^.„ted to act as Cr.mmissionei- lu tlie man- tle ir order- Will each be enlitkd to a iiri/.e ol The 12 tickets which shall have on them any oliur three of the drawn minil)ers, in any order ol iiermut.itlon, w ill >.aeli »e eiitilli il to a prize of ^500. Tlu l.’)() tickets wliich ;.hall have two of the drawn numbers lui tlu in, and tliose twuthe .id find 1th, Will eacli be entitled to a prize ot ^50, rliose 78 1 tickets whicli shall b.ive on them some other two of tin- draw ii miinber-, will each be entitled to a prize nl >10. And tiiose 7,-!00 ticki Is, which sh ill Iiave on hem some one ot the dr w n numbers, w ill each be entitli ,i Iom ])nze of No ticket which sliali have drawn a jii'i/e ot a s;u|,'eri(u'denomination can he eii'iitled to ;in iiiiV-rldi' I'l'lz.. I’i'izes jjayatile tort} davsai'ir the ili;iw iiig, .iiid subji ct lo the usu. 1 dedU' tion «f 1 -> pi r ct'iit. Tlckei -ichi ne at the Managers’ (lUices. Wiiole Tickets, ^5 ()0 I Qu;irter:i, 25 Halve., 2 50 I Ticki.'ts and Shiircs in the above I.(lit r\, are lor sale at the otlice ol liic Cataw - ha ,1 unial. Orders !)} n'all. cnclo'-lug the cash, v\ill II- promptly atleiided to. agemcut of the L(utery, is a sulllcie nt pledgi of 1 tlie fairness with whicli it will lie conducted. A. 1). Ml Hl’in'A. (7j^'rieUets in tlie above Lottery are for sale at the OiHce of the .lournal. Ordeivs i>} mad, will be iiromjitl} attended to. Wouse oV* V'iuViivVtviumeut, tillioiis, for the teachers to be satisfied with tlu; mere nf the task [ire- sciitK'd to their pi'pils, withont attemj)t- even supetful dly acqu;dnlea with the histm-y . l,jj„^vn no other since its first and \)0liti.-s of his country, wil! derive little in- j colonization, and the history of ihe l-iii- forniation iVom the pages of the work under SL'.'.cs lui'iiishi'S iio sinp,le incident' itig to ascd lain vvhelh(;r it ht; tho Irsson consideration; that, indeed, was not the obji cA i exhibitin!; the slitjhle it tendency in the ^ ol a jiariot, 01 a br^ing cap ible ol K'llec- of the work. Hut, if it be desirable that the nation to w ai ds c'li'.tif.^e in the cxi'din'g lion.'’ his tun true lh:d .nos! I'ich- form of };!;overnnienl—a form which I’c-, test satisiii;'! witli t'n people of a remote region should be made ac- ipi.Viiited with the nature of our institutions, the manners and customs of our people, and with the ph}sical character of our count ry ; and. commends itself so powerfully to then favor by the smullnes.-. of ihe rxpcndiiurf !iecc.->sary for its mainiena.nce. Il is on- ’.llywhen ihe Americdns rejjresent liieir \ND Stage House, at the sign of the F,a_y;!e la Ciiarlotte, Noi'tli-Caroliii.i, b\ 1:.136 UOI'.KUr U A'l'SON- V Vl))\\c Vil\\ V\ 1\\ W i\YVi w\. Shares can De iiad iii'the above subsi rliier ni!'orms his iVii lids and the I public, that li.- ha-; purchased that w ll kiioAii stablishni' iit, lately owned and oci iiju- ed b\ Dr. Heiiilersiiii, and is now prej>ar d eiiti rtain trav( lleis ami others, w ho nia} phase to call on him ; and no evertlons will be spared to r>. iidcr them comliirtable, and their st.iy a- greeablc. His t.iblo will lie fiirnlshed with ev- ere variety whielithe country all'ord^ ; bis bar with t!ie i)est ot h(|noi':i, ;nid* his st ilih s with pl' iityof |irov luler, aiulearLl’ul nrvants will jje in constant alteiidaiicc. llol-.riM' 1. DINMNS. Charlotte, .\prll 20, 18.(i. * hO ^VVVVWUU 1>\\ V\vt. Jt’ST pubhslie I, and for at this office, price IJJ cents, “ \ Ser.no'i (ui t!ie .\ione- nu'iU.” I5v S \ >11 Ki, (;. (; u.ii w K1.1, i\. \1. cYtVvwUiucwVs uwv\ \\vuw\s t'or sale, at t!i'. Ojltty gf'.-li'J Juuviiu}, I'lntrv 'TalvCi's’ Wtirrniils, F' V u‘. ’’.'J f.Ml.w- also, if it be desirable to know what is Said ot iustitmas a perfect creation of lui- us by the writers of foreign countries, to pco- . . pie w ho know little or nothing of us, then tlit; book of Mr. Poletica must be deemed interest ing. 'i'litre are many errors, jiolitical and g-e- ogra])hical, oii the bod} ot tiie work ; but thiy do not ail'ect the character or interest of ihe suli jcct of it—they nii'rely tend to make the sketch less perfect, without mati rlally injiinng it—and the.se errors are generally corrected by the translator in notes. It has lieen said that the author w as very iViendly and liljcral tov. ards us in his work. XN'e think he has been rather just lhaii friendly ; candid, th.ui liberal , wli.c h, lii oiir opinion, u^llcs^ wc would ieed a spirit ot %aulty, is far iireferable. 'i he author is a jiro- iessfd aiul ]jractical monarchist, and does not disguise his political scntunents; yet he does not hesitate to sa\, that the repubMean Instilu- tionsof ihe United. States :ive the only ones which would suit this couiitiy. The work was translated by a gentleman of ikdtimore, and pubH>!icdby .Mr K..I. Coale. '1 In-following ex- tr.ats will gi'e our rtad'rs un idea ol the style and character of tiie book. r.j'Inirt fnini “.7 .shitrh if the internal cuyiditiiiii ofihr I'lilhd Stiilfs, (imi Ilf thiir j.nHtical rt- latiuny icilh EurnjX A// a Ilus.tiun." We should excced the limits of this bkclch, by giving a succinct descriiition of lh* tliiVerenl slates composituj; the A- incri( an confederation. Independent sovcreigniies, so far as concerns their hu ul inn re‘5ts, they are scarcely diMin- • Mushable from eacli uther in the body politic which they uniled constitute. 'i’o convey a jjeiicral but accurate idea vf iJr.'ir), il is only nccessuiy to ituic, ‘aJ.’’ Il’a chilli eoniiiii);'iiiS or hi’]- les sons (leileclly, aiel joiis ov(‘i- in each day ;is many siibj -.d a-, llic/e ‘aic ‘^e.i'tin- tciacling f.irciii.istjnce.s” ii; thf. 'vi>y of n,a„ v.iMlom. susxcptiU-: ,.f applicatioi, l’o j.ci fetion ..I iIk- “ n|3,i at all umc» aiij t„ all couiiu-ies, tl,;lt Ihr I"'!"' '"'J;' I'"'- exirava^^anie of tiuir republican notions I matter ////rs eoinmitl.'.L ^vnimes becomes niajiifest. ]’or alter all, the in-; does ot the “ concentnc .spheie- er it sliuitionr. of which tiiey seem so proud, j he is a.-', ignorant (d llu; re-'/ o.c-m'ing; having as yel stood th“. lest of but forty | ;intl in'eiit of tlrMibjcct 'ts.^lr K y- vears exiiericnce, connol be rei^nrded as j nolds (»f Ihe ge.tj^-i .ipiiy of I is m 'i>)t j iriviiij; been suljinliied to a coticliisive .no m.dtcr; ‘ • Im-,’s r, ixperiment. I hey huu' yet to boy. an (//;/ scholar, and ini|».’o\ s ;t- tbiiiuj.^h the ordciil of llie immcviiaie \i- " |(^ ifi.iccd an ii///'i inil) uf a power Iiki.“ that of Alex- • . i iinprovt'inent. I have "cei'i many childicn \v!io^ l)tii. ^i\i- ihein a ci.io, in>\v and tl’.cn. niid no. when this kingdom, after ha\ing on liiely severed its politii al ties with Spain, shall be permaneiitlv erecied into an in-.- . , •••, dependent state, e.tlier in the form of; iliey v/ouhi r. pe.^t to yotMvith a f. ■ luly a consliiuiioiial mona.chy, or an indivi-|tl''d '”oii!d, ivnnnd 3011 of (! c qo.c!:, sible K public. 'I'he fu-it elfoct of this : passage ol a ro;i( ii ovei a p.i\n».. ii!, V • • iiantje id’cJiaracier on the Tnited States, ery i nie in Mi’i ray’s ('r’ iimi'-.;';-; ind uouUlbe to create an absolute nec--ssity ; v.lt' ii 1 lif-y had enil>,d. .t^i. ti. ;n lor an llcation *)f :':i\ - c.p.'c r:;Ie, and !'or a considerable increj'^e (jI their rei;-' (.vi.niplillcaVu ular army, and thereby (/f tlie inllueiit e moment ular army, and liiereDy (/I tlie iniiueiit e moment, they ol the fedt.'i'al !^o\crnii»ent. [ I’ii^es t(j cvTy hr.tiK'ii t >! ... , . I 'I'he nuMnoi\ Tiie .\nolo .'\meiicans Iiave been ac-1 ; ,j(;‘ : i\ ')! j: ( .iIIm'.ilCUv' :w».i iipec'io.'i are 1. — Hy thi-; nuans a ■II f litnr- ii- - lji;i! e(;>,ip( 'Icil [(' -J. ■ by rotr a i,ii.tnii'v "i \vni'l> aiol I'.'u. - 0! \s liie|t.i iiniliM ■ iiids as littl 'i-i' in' rra/' Mic.tiiiiiL’; il of ilir mioM"!!'; ol t-'.H-iif' (r an ()r;e'_\ • '1 ('nurse ut [lUrsUid ,•, United States, because there are the- | of ,M! r.i; Miildr-i io, , , II- ; iudgmcnt, th(' cused of an crcessive and even sliockiny; degree of national vanii\’. To a' ertnin ~ exieiit, this reproach maybe well foteul-; ^hihl .(i ’ n ed ; for it cunnoi I)C (K^'iicd, tliat they are ■ not \ery sparing in the praises llu^y l;e- stow t;pon themselve;, jii every occasion, liut C'li ll.c ollifi' hand, whete is the na tion wilhoUt \ aiiity Hesi !« s, tins na tional sani’.V shews itself so often in the £, . , I J 1 , I I I - 'I V4 . I . ‘ • w* *1 # j more „un...-n.i,s upp.,l-ti„ulies fur ils ,li= ; play, than in any oil,..,- cuiiiu. y It ,s in-1 , I ,.,.:„|.|eu-; v i.aii>.,.u herent in toe nature ol a republican gov-i J ’ 1 1 ' ‘ ,1 nun, 1,1. I,a.,.-.I un ih- s„v.l.,.i,;„tv uf .he!«! Hifin, that .h'V m I'lu.li .le.ii thr. people.'>N ho doe.s not know tiiat d'all sov-1 ol atv.(fl/lli^ Uit'.',. erci,^t.Si the bt/vcr'.’itrn pcojdv is most . dec „ 1* i« iv'i 1