VOL. II ] ntnlnllll CIURIOTTE, JV. C. Tl'ESmr, OCTOBER 3, 18S6. PUBLISHED WEEKLY r,Y LEMUEL. BINGHAM, Si Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the li3crction of the editor, until all arrearag^es are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are vequpfilcd to note on the margin the number of uis'ftioiis, or tlioy will be continued until forbid, anil cluivgcd accordingly. Yoy Rockland Plantation, contain* ing 745 acres, lying in the fork of I)ig Sugar Creek, adjoining the lands of William Cook, Dr. Fox, and otlrers; payable in four equal payments, viz;— on the 1st day of Januar>% 1828, 1829, 183U, and 18v'l, with interest on the three last payments from the first day of January, 1829. Honds, \yith approved security, will be required, or a lien on the lands. Those who may wish to purchase, must make application to niyself, nr Col. Thomas G. Polk, who is authorised to se ll, before the 15th of October next. I'he purchas er can hare the crop on the ground at a fair val uation. together with stock, farniing tools, ?cc. 8tl03 WILf.; on the TKK subscril)or (ilVcrs for sale a valiuil)k- tract of Land, on acconi- jljii iii()(l-ting tcnns, which ii>,the lowiT part of Iri dcll county, hfud wali rs of Rocky River, adjoining the lands oft;. S. Mouston, Menjamin t’.revard and others, nnd conlaining 372 acres. Tlic saitl land is ot jCOod ([uality and well w aU rcd,l)Oth as to springs ;»U(1 hr inches. Of the land now in crop, amount ing to 40 or .oO acres, the most of it is well ma- jiurcd and \\ill i)roluf'(.' corn, cotton or wheat, in s'lflicicm (iiiantity to abundantly compensate the ' usl)andmHn for his labor. Ex])frinu;nt has proM'n that it is peculiarly adapted to receive jrvj.’i und permanent bent.lit froiii manure.— T!i it is on it a l.irgc poAion of low gr. unJs, of excellent niaHty, cithc'r for meadow or pas ture, lU or IJ acres of which are in good onier jiiid liave been mowed for a number of j ears. 'J'lH principal ilwelling-liouse is large and com- Tiui nus, w hich, with a little additional expense, , mil.'til l)e made comfortaljle and convenient even . • , . , «• i i • • for a large fannly. The situation on w hich it |"1'*^/be country attords; his oar ,‘ands is probaldv equai to anv in this or the ad- i "-th the best ot liquors; and h.s stables v.ith iac r.t countiis.' There is a’well of good wa-1 and careful servants will t.T convenient to the hou.e, aii.l a large, fertile 1 ni constant attendance, parilen. There are two improvements on liiis liandl’oY The subscriber has one hundred acres of land for sale, five miles wtst from the town of Charlotte, on a north ork of Sugar Cre^k. It is well situated and productive as any for corn, cotton and wheat; and no doubt it has a Guld Mine, as gfiod signs are to he seen. The purchaser can h;ive tuo falls to niake t!ie payment, !,y paying one hur.tlred and tifty dol lars, and to divide tiui last sum into two. JONATHAN WILLLVMS. September 4, 1826.—3tl01. Vvv\A\e- YiWXtv\a\w twenl. The subscriber mforms his friends and the public, that he has purchased tiiat well know n e.stablislinient, lately owned and occupi ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to entertain travellers and others, w ho may please to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them comfortalde, anl their stay a- His table will be furnished with ev- On the effects of stirrinf: the surface of the earth as a relief against drought. This is a irite subjeci, and one, which we are aware has been long since settled by intelligent cultivators it» all cauntrie>. It is very familiar to gardeners, and the cause of the superior production of gar dens over field culture, may be attributed in part to the more frequent ajjplication of the hoc and spade. Yet it is true that great number of farmers deny the pro position, and disapprove the practice. They think it dantjerous to plough and hoe ill the time of extreme drought and leat, Nvhile our own experience of 20 years nus convinced us that it is much superior as a remedy against drought than watcr- ing4n the litiiiied manner, in which that must always be applied. The»e has ne ver l)pen a season in our memory ii» wliich mere was a greater necessity for the ap plication of all remedies against droughts thiiii the j)resent. The drought was not only of longer duration, but i; took place when the plants were least able to jenisi it, not having sent their roots in cjuest of rio'jrishmeni far, wide and deep. The tract, which will be sold togethci’or separately, to suit purchasers. It would be a desiraole place of residence for a member of the profes- cion of Law or a Physician, being in a respect- anle and populous neighborhood, and .'it nearly an equal distance from five surrounding villages, (t is unnecessary to give a further description of this land, as those, no doul)t, w ishing to pur rhase, w ill view tiie premises. For terms, ajj ))ly to the subscriber, living 5 miles north of | Concord, Cabarrus county. A C. M’HEE. N. B. Approved cash notes, negroes, or notes negotiable and pavaiile at the Cliarlotte Bank, ti'ill be received in payment. A. C. M. 82tf &T sTcAXIOZiZNA For the benefit of OXFORD ACADEMY in North-Candina, ?ic. *• ROBERT 1. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. *8(J IVouse ot \iutev\au\mtnt, And Stage House, at tin, sign of the Eagle ill Charlotte, North-Carolina, by lalo6 ROM Kin WATSON- J. B. VA 1 F.S A. McINl VKF, Matnti'ers. SC 1 Prize of 12,000 ib ? 12,000 1 . o,000 r.,uoo 1 . 5.U00 5,000 1 . 4.OU0 4,000 1 . ■ . 2,5GU 2,500 1 - 1,340 1,340 6 . 1,000 6,000 12 . 500 • . 6.0U0 156 . 50 7,BOO 780 . 10 7,800 r,8oo • 5 39,000 8,760 Prizes. 97,440 By authority of the S'tate of North-Curvlina. TO ENCUUIIAGK THJ. PUBLICATIOV OP THE HIS JORV OK NORTH-CAltOLlNA. HU.IIEST PRIZE, 20,000 DOLLARS. Dratving to commmcr i>i tJiHf:!uruui^li, on the of Stpltiitbcr mxt. • „ ‘ . 1 Prize of 20,0'H) Dollars, is ;r20,000 1 10,(X)0 10,000 1 5,000 3,000 1 2,000 2.O0O 2 3,0u0 8 1,000 8,000 10 500 5,000 20 200 3,600 40 100 4,000 50 50 2,5uO 450 520 9,000 1,050 10 10,5UU I 7,366 5 36,830 15,G0U iUuiiks.—24,360 Tickets. This is a Lottery formed l>> the ternary per mutation of 30 nuinbeis. To determine the prices therein, the 30 iMinil)ers w ill be publicly ] \ placed in a wlietl n\ the d.i\ ol draw ing, and j placei tour of them be draw n out ; iind that I'ickct j 9,000 Prizes. V Hanks i *23,S?!5 tickets at is 119,430 14,886 Bl; iSj'-^'ot two Jiltnihs to a Prize. 500 Tickets to be draw n in a day—to be com 18 lays* draw ing. All the numl)ers laced in one wheel, and the prizes in an our of them be drawn out; iiml that I'^^ket j na%ing on it the 1st, 2d and 3d drawn numbers, .p.vVMiVVK FOl I (m s J’or.l.r in whi.U dn„vn, « U1 be u,.,.lcd .0 I « ■ A I lONAiin ^ Fir.st dav, will be entitled to Prize of is ou'ing to the same causc^ to wit, the slow ness with which Ihe beat of the solar rays is communicated to the roots. But Le the theory sound, or Unsound, I am per suaded that every farnmer will find that the free use of his pleugh and hoe, in time of severe drought, will he of more value to him than as much manure as that labor would purchase. I have been always convinced from my experience as an hor ticulturist, that the great seciet of culti vation consists iu making the soil porous. In raising exotic plants, we kn3w it to be H ue, and our flower pots are always sup plied with soi! the must porous, which we can obtain, light from upon w iih elucidate and explain the seen ts o( \e elation. Farmer. approved ofiMr. Adams’ (Ictcrmiiiation. —Such was the narrative given at tho moment, it was then uncontradictfd ; has remamed uncontradictcd until thi:^ time :—and is now only contiiiciictcd by-a Lieutenant who \vas bmke. lot' employing; the"flaj; of liis counli v'cia forbidden tralTic, and by a Chap'din who was dismissed^ we know not lor what ; hut not, wc jiresume, beca'ise he possessed too iiuicli honor as a man, or too nitich hmnauity as a rhristian. If* tlic slander had been ronfincd to tliC columns of tho “ Ch(f/n/)i(fn, wo 'I'he funner may borrow j simii.M have taken no notice of it; but as an occupation, whuh heJ'Jn(/i/irer, (wbioh lins an extensivo disdain, but whicb^ : f ircuhuion) lias Ihonglit proper to trans- !.dt' i» into //.f pay;es, with approbatory K niavks, we have determined to send tfio a!iti'bit(> with ti f poison, as f;ir as I uur j/api ! clreulates. From tLe lAnchl.'iirg \ irj4'nifiii. Corn. Purtcr and Mr. *I Untn.- 'r!)o liirhmond rJnqnirc?',” notic* in^ Mr. Rainli)lp*i\s >;itee.h lat(‘lv ]'ib- 1 here IS a paper piibiishcn iij ilie cii V fif , . , • t . i- •. X’ T' • 1 I . I I- 1 n 11 ibhed in the Inf;tli‘*t‘;iccr as 11 wns r/c rSew-iorK, (lately esfablisln'dl entfedi by ]\lr. Weaver, a aisfiierrd \ li^^^rcd, lias tl>e loliov. ing paragn-.h.' . .p. .... ant, ami by a ]\Ii\ l\deh, a /m7w;.v«y/| Rand.!pkof h'ofrnokc.-~Vhiiro. tarlj foliage also, mere tender and moie | Chaplani of the United Si itrs Navy. I jj. ..imelhit'u; so ; i forcible, in scorchiHg sun and a This paper is ralleii “ Coram^'i ('hmn-' ,.vqi v thi’'.«: iable to wi|: under a scor( dryitig wind. In this extr:iordinary season, 1 h&d a small patch of eaiK potatoes plUnied.in a warn, an.; sand) soi'l purpose!) to procure j i„ K,!^tons neither of whom appears to' fn.;r„i,:.is'of "a speed), to be fo.ind at .east three sligl.tcst credit. They j 'Iheyaro th.:i comes froii'lilts £j;» iitlc- —and was establish(‘d to ‘ ,|jp purio‘iiy is always dou'u the Secretary o-f the Navy, and to i tijitoe to see his ‘-..eiM-tits. W-‘ losf. ji;ive vent to tho personal malifnity >i„oiinic inla\ing bei>»-e our rea lers an earlv nop ; the soil |ua«TSFuresal,d,mi«d-,vi.|!somt.roo,l,^^^.^ by Maj, H„t f,,,,,, ilin'.. the lor plan s ainons; ,he sand. 1 he sever. ^ y , „•{ ] " drougiit threatened a total loss ct the crop. I , » u- ^ snnjeci. uiiat i iiiscussior, ,naii) The potatoe hiuiks were leeble, drawn |‘^Jed laJs^ehoods in idijon to himse t,, ,.,,,,^3,.profound, and r'lhuilr.i-i to up, scarcely larger than guose.iuilis, ai.U 1 «nd the l-icts of the case ovidencn tlie ^ reflection. Il is the 1.- ' ox I expected every day to see them 'viiher ; accusation. ^Maj. * , the day to ridicule Mi. K. ' ti*; ♦his all hopes of a crop were abandoned. 1; w.is an officcr ol the U. iS. f»ovcrnmert. 1 v,p(.L*oh has e.oine iu for its share ^lr- tiiougot hat they were the fair subjects j The Editors ol the “ Champion., ' ^rom 1 q’],g fafihionahfes m%y what of u Je*7ycra/c experiment. On one of the 1 loose rumor, chose to that Maj. j ^j|| . people will fintl 10 it hottest and dryest days, I gave them a ' (Mark had been a}j2;rieve'.! by the Gov-1 gj,,jsp . although the wl^ole of thoiougb ploughing, passing the plougii, eramcnt; and what do these impartialj ,-,0^ applicabfe to the subject un * four times tliryugh each row ;iirsiplou5jh-, these IJomans ol’the oi'i discuK.sion.’^ [Will Mr. Kilchie mg two furrows from the hilKs, as near ■ history of th^i the roots as possible, without 'dirow.ng 1 heard in rela- out the seed potatoes, and then returmhg ^ the loam or eauh instantly back by tno ^ other lurrows. No ram ititervened tor,: . 1.1 1 Ml days, in llirec d-.vs afur the I.K'r ^, ^‘“J- ‘ loes chaiised their c.lor, llu y start, d a-' » " I'"' fresh as il they had received the benefi' ! true that ho had never been a/^griev’ed of ample showers, while net a drop ol 1 by the i^overnnient—and told tiitin they rain had fallen. j must not publish the narrative they had The dews, V\ hich were abundant, • jyratuitously and so patriotically drawn ■ tied upon the new turned earth, while, I up. They agreed to suppress it; but, ' ' please to “put his finger” on the part that IS applicable.] “ Dif^ressive enough.” Yes—indcc(i, Mr. Fiitcliie, so digressive that yon ean« nut t(;ll us, any niore than Mr. Norve!, what it was about. Recapitulate tho points of the speech, and j;ivc them to us ! — Ihit J'orfnettin!' the snhjert nn'‘ der discussion"’—“the people w’iil lind sonic >eii«;e. ” l’relt\'‘eui[)lQyment before; the ploughinB, no moisture had j nrtwilhsland'ins they l.ad bean assured | f®'; w .hough it cannot have es. j ca|,od the notice of the most careless cul- u,i„.rt.d ii fori!, lo Ihe world i i-jat, Iho 1,]^.,etch l.ad ilvator, has tiol been as ,et explai.ted.-j P I , M.i I ma,in,u ol applrciuu to th \\e can easily see, that a soil, rendered | ^ ^ f.-acjjoted it , that a soil, rendered )re readily and easily ['''“‘■'‘ liien |ml,iidy conir; I'e to the roots. It JiK'ts whicn had porous, would more convey its moistur comes like a sponge, and is readily per- still, th meable, or rather readily permits the i t^haplain continue lo .ivotich moisture to pass between i’s particles.— But It is not yet understood why it attracts the moisture. Perhaps, hp\vever| tins lap . , I- •^1 I under discussion, and therr* nt)ject ('.iiii 1 1 I sense in it. Will Mr. i\itc!ne sa\* oecurred ; but I , ^ c * • • , , . , . .. I that the dignity of the Senate is ira'n-* cashiered Lieutenant a.the!, • , , . im . *i.; Second day, - I'hird day, »■ Fourth day, - Fifth ilay, Sixtii ilay, Seventh day, • F/iglith day, - Ninth day, 'I’cnth day, Kli vonth day, the prize of ^12,000. I And those five odier Tickets having on them ■ the siiiue numbers, shall be entitled to the pri- atTi.xed to them respectively, viz : i The 1st, 3d and 2d to >6,OUO The 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,000 'I'he 2d, 3d and 1st to 4,000 'I'he 3d, 1st and 2d to 2,500 The 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,350 ■i he 6 tickets which shall have on them the 1st, 2d and 4th drawn nuiiibers, in some one of Mu ir orders, v. ill each be entitled to a prize of j V‘w'iVth aa>% M.'^OU. , I Thirteenth dav, - The 12 tickets which shall h.'wc on them any ^ j.-„iirteentli day, ' jthor three of the drawn numbers, in any order i j. d.ay,’ C!i permutation, v.ill each be entitled to a prize , ij,xt;i-nth day, of S50.0. 'I’he 1 o6 tickets which shall have two of the liraw n numbers on them, and tlio>e two tlie 3d -ind Ith. will each be entitled to .i prize of ^50. Those 780 tickets whicli shall iiave on them some other two of the draw ii immbers, w ill each ‘ !ic entitled to a prize of #>10. Anl those 7,8U0 tickets, whicJi shall have on •them simie onf of tl’c drawn nunil.ers, will each l)e entitled to a prize of ^3. No ticket whieii siiall have dr.r.vn a prize of V superior denomination can be cn'.itled to an iMferior prize. Prizes ]iay;ihle forty da\ .ifu r jhe thawing, and subject to the iisu.d dedu>.'tio:i of 15 p'.r rent. Tickets aim Shares can oc had in the above .»‘:htme at the Managers’ Odices. "iVho’e Tickets, 00 I (iuarters, $1 25 Jlalvi s, 2 50 ^;J^Tickets and Shares in the above Lottery, arc for sale at tiie ofFire of the t’ataw- ba.louriKil. Orders l)ymail, enclosing the cash, ^ill he proni])tly .■vltended to. Wve •llovwiiweul. Jt-’ST puhlished, I'.nd ba’ sale at this oHice, I price 12J cents, “ A Strinon on the Atone- fnent.” Ky h amci.i, Cai-i " i ; ', v\uA iiivwAs 12r sul',*, 'h:' olt'ie Jourii.'tl-, — Se\entecnth day, F.iglitoeiith day, - ?200 500 500 ' 500 500 500 500 500 1,UOO 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 5,000 10,(j00 20.U0U Till, rest of the prizes floating in the wheel from the coiiinieiu eiiient, amounting to $73,730. Prizes payable at the Agency of tlie flank of (Jape-Fear, in llilisborougli, N. i'. 30 d;i\s after the completion of the dr;iwmg, subject to a dis- coint of 15 percent. All prizes not dt n undeil within 12 months from the completion ot tlie liiawing, v.ill be considered as forfeited to the uses of the Loltcrj. .1. WKnn, Commi.'dioncr. Hillsborough, Jlprih 1826. ’I'he attention of the North-Carolina jiublic is re^peetfiilly invited to the foregoing scheme. T!u' laiidai>le piirpuse contemplated w il!, it !■> ho]u'd, secure toil tlie aiiloftlio.se who iio Irieiully to the int- rests of literature andscienc;; and the name aluiie of ilie gentleman who bus consented to act as (’ommissioner in tlie man- ageineiit of the I.oiti-ry, is ,i siitlicii. lit pledge t)l the fairness with which it will be conducted. A. D. Mi inMir.v. [Q'^Tickfls ill the above Lottery are for srie at tiie OfVice ot th-’ .lournal. Order.s.by m.iil, will be prompt'.;. attiMul Kntrv 'r-.tIvors’ ’fov;;aK', ’.!i d to. \V !ii*r:tn(' «o*i: c. may be owing to its preseiiting a much greater surface to the moist an of the night. The lact, however, w hirli is whit most concerns its, is settled. Perhaps some of the rxpenments of our distinguished countryman. Dr. Wells, a physician of London, who rendered himself conspicu ous by his remarks on dew, may tend to explkin this fact, though it is not my pur pose now to examine the theory. Every man who feels an interest in the question, can s.>usfy himself at once by stirring a small piece of the earth, in a time of severe drought, and if he does not find it in the morning more filled with moisture, .than the undisturbed ground in its vicinity, let bun continue a disbe liever. But there is another mode, and it is one which I have never seen suggested, by which I appreliend the stiri ingot the sur face, and making it ligiit and pq.rcus, is beneficial in great droughts. It is this-: light porous bodies arc bad conductors «d heat; perhaps because they have inore air between their inlerstices. The facts are familiar to us. Metallic bodies ac quire an intense heat undei- the rays of tin Sim, so do stones in proporiion lo their density, 'i’he earth, when very compact, will beconu* exceeditigly hot; but garden loam, which is very poi utis, remains cool utnoon-day, two inches below the surface. 1 believe, therefore, that moving the sui- lai e, and keeping it in a light and poi ou- slate, enal)les it to re.uat the heat of the sun'n runs, thal the air between the particles oi earlli communicates the heat more slow jv, than tiie particles themselves do when 111 close col/tart. Siich is my theory ,- but I am an enemy (d' theories, 1 alwa\ s distrust them. 1 iofjk onl' to facts ; arul iiaving observed thal .i siik,ht coviM'ing of half an inch of sea weed w(inld preserve my slrawbcriies fro:n droogliU w hich can otily arise from i' ly- ini' so loose on the surf.uc, 1 have been led tolnlcr tha' the undoitbitdftct thai soii i;. a r'ulverii-::] rtjis's '.'[pught. tained bv a proeecdin,‘>^ like this — or , , „ , ""‘■'"“"‘■’•'■''V"'' CT--n “stMciisrhts,” ,i».-.ixucd In Mr. thal ,l IS all in,.: ! We make a sober | ■appeal to the puhuc. Arc hcse tnen to, , , j. be believed They surely are not. ' j , ^ Ana yet. the “En,/uirer,"\ ' of the ist.nst. K.ves cun-.ncytooi.co ;„„„y„., i,.at Mr. Ritchie of. I Its ne-.viy lahricated slundeiH i.s:a,i,st ;„ir„ „f Mr. UiMidolph lor the last/wv//// Vf t/iat he was useless i country and abusive of its b( si I- ^ •113 /••r4s, Mr A lam.', not only withoutany si^^ns of incroduiity, but with an elfort to sustain il. It is not tnic, as all the na. .atlvcsofthe tl..,es .isree,tiial, ''■‘‘en ;, ,he ,i,„e tliat he waste,I I. ........re.sa Com. Porter offered h.s hand o ^ j Adams, at the launch of the ISrandy- J ^ I,houev,-,, for iTiany that field him in the saU'C si-rt o{‘ . estimation, even very latclv, now to ■ j)rii'5C and extol him. It must h-. ad- J n.i(f.J, li.iAever, thatthe Mmpilnr's'* . 1 wine, the l.ittcr turned away from lum. The remark? allrihutcd to (j*;n. fayette, arc not iruc. It 'o truc^ tliat at the instance of Gtn. /.aiiy- ette, ?*lr. Ail.inis intended Lo leturn (.'om. I'orter his sword, and restore him ‘ ^ '' iK-ei' that 1{. ;s “ faiiiL” fMioiii^h- s'ome. sr/?sr” in h-'? sp^ ecli the! (■ t|)o igli the V'h'dii of it may 'nH bu a)i t' to tlie service from wiiieh lie had Jivmissed by a (,'ourt Martial at time: if is true, that (,'om. Potrer, i■7,'“''.'''i ' m i> , 1 • , , , 1 , r.i- r • .• 1 ilittle while oj'o. Ml Kitehie and my wi^h a ;i;n'.v e(h;e nl this lact, ',uticrf.(l i,-i 1 .1 • • • a 1 , , , , . . ’ , (sell had the (opinion iiKUit .^lr ail article, suh‘-(iibed by nis name, to' apjiear in the vc-rv morniiu i,„l„lse,l a strain of acrimonious a,,,l ,.e,-.Mira,. unhccoiilins invective .isainst the (ourt I , 11 I [)lirable to thesub|eef I ider ins( u.ssinn tune : // ?v true, tJiat l,om. rotrer, 1' ... , ■ .yr r> , 1 • , I 1 r.i- r . .• I*' little while oj'o. Ml ivitehie and ui vledice nl tins lact, ',uticrf.(l i,-i 1 .1 • • • a , , , , . . ’ , (sell had the (opinion iiKUit {uh‘-(iibed by nis name, to ,, , , , . ,i ^ . 1 Ivandolnh, as ti:e aiiticxei! e'lra.:f. e >> ashinirton prints on tiie I.. ^ • •) 1 ■ , j .. , * • u 1 'lioin the hiK.nurrr, beiii'j a-i • hto !£C ol that day, in which he ; . , . , 1 ,i • ^ , I/•///note, will show, and this opMuou o ctrMii nt fipri mnn intK !4)wl I ^ . *. .. hp take \v e un' en fr,r Mr. .Martiul nnd the National Kxcnjlive ; .-ind if is true, tliat ir* conseijuenoe of ihis taef, Mr. Adams declined annullin?^ the decision of the ('ourt as he intended. If is farther true, (if the narratives of tiiat day ar; entitled tq credit, and they are surely worth more than tlit; naked i assertions of men who are now sufl’erinf; triends, in e\( 1} the punishment indicted on tliem by the rcjin’si'*i''L:^ >jlli;n(led laws of their country and who have tjijen demonstratetl to be imworthy ofcrcd't; that Mr. A(hims .^howed (^om. Poi tor’s publication to Gen. Lafayette, and consulted him as to the course he ou^ht to ptirsue, winding; up, in si;b- stanoe, with this remark, “I cannot now, consistently with what I ov.e lo my own teelings, and to the feelin;j'i of the f'ourt, restoi’e Com. Porter to his ra.)k, n:ui n inrn lo h;ni ins >wfiril.'’ And i 1 fatc,^ Nirh uimn: llitriiie, as r|iJoted l>y tli IMii'^y (for I have not a lilc of his pa per) on the 5th (ia\ d' A[)ri!, Ibi;, said--- '‘*’\Ve un i ..'••itand» '.li.ti a poll iI- F.ppes, by " 'no ot hi" co'.nity ot t'le district, 1, or './/.>-rcpr(:S(‘fiti’d, by jo!m i^'lnlh)lj)h. 'I'here i?, to he sure, some iitth; dilTcrence bctw *'^". the two men—Jlppes is as n)U'’h an or nament to ('oii;:;re.-.s, as .Mr. 11. is a Nt’isANcr. A.\;> A ( i n ‘•A nuisance :»nd i o;irse* Hard terms these—but ..t t.hat time whf> thouj^ht them unni ' ..'.d. . 'jd what hath Mr. Kandoljjh '/o/,:' sip.ee !(> lelievi himself of the jUS* a j);'.'i..j ton ol tln'm I lis assault upon !lir mei.'ioi \ eM iiic ilt ai!.