At llie Superior Court of Surry Cffunty, ltei»l last week, Judj^e KuJ[fin presiding, Daniel Rash, a young man, aged 27, was senienced lo be hung on the 29ih instant, for the murder of his own uncle. The circunislances attending the perpetration of tliis unnatural act were of the most ag- eravait'd charactcr, and^ the cause which ied to the murder, affords another la mentable intance of the horrid depravity of human nature. The wife of the per son thus prematurely deprived of exis tence, although the mother of .twelve chiU’ren, eloped from her husband with his guilty nephew, and it was proved on trial, that she urged the nephew to kill her husband, and in consideration of his services, was to give him some inferior arliclc of clolhing ! Hal. Jiegister. Lamentable occurrence.—On Saturday last two females, Lydia Cole, daughter of Mr. Thomas Cole, of this town, and Klmira Tyler, daughter of Mr. T)ler, of Florida, Berkshire co. were drowned in the lower poiK. at Shepherd’s Factory, in this town. Lydia in filling a pail with water slipped and fell into the pond, and was immediately carried by the velocity of the current to the bottom of the dam, where part of her body was torced into a hole under the dam, made by the last freshet, thro’ which the water pressed with great violence. Klmira was warned of the danger of attempting to rescue her companion, but overcome by her feelings, she plunged after her, and was carried by the resistless stream to the bottom of the dam. So powerful was the current that more than an hour elapsed belure the bodies could be recovered j in deed, nothing could be done until a dam of plank was built across a corner of the pond. Lydia was 18 years old, Elmira •Jl, The funeral was attended on Sun day by a great concourse of people. A «.ermon was delivered I)v Rev. Mr. Hall. Northnmplo7i^ Mass. Gaz. ViLLAXY.—A gentleman of high res- per.talnlity gives notice in the Leesburg, Cienius of Liberty, that a horse has been recently fourd dead at the bottom of a precipice near the summit of tiie Blue Ridge, a little south of the turnpike in Snickcrs’Cap. On examing the top «f the cliff, the footsteps of a horse were distinctly traceable for a consideruble distance, shewing at the verge of the summit,the different positions in which he had been placed, and affording incon- testible evidence that the animal had been precipitated by some villain or villains. The landing place being about seveiit) yards from the summit, overhung with huge projecting rocks, against which the animal alternately struck in his descent. The first conjectures to which this dis covery gave rise, were numerous and va rious; but several dayS'having elapsed, and no owner appearing, it at length be came, and still is, the general opipnion that the owner must have been some unfor tunate stranger who had moncj/, and whose body has been conceal“d by the hand of an assassin j and indeed, when the cir cumstances connected with the discovery are duly examined and weighed, it ap pears not unreasonable at least, to fear that this melancholy conjecture is too ^ve^ founded. The horse is a bay, with black mane and tail, about fifteen hands shod all round, supposed to be ten yeai s old, and appears to have been a fitu- geld- ing. Balt. Patriot. Drowned, in Parsjufiold, Mass., in at- tcnipiing to swim across the (ir*'at Ossl- pec River, just above Kezei’s Falls, M fiould, son of Mr. Ebenezer (iould, aged ‘il. }le had almcst reached the opposite 'Shore, (tire width of the river is supposed to be 20 or 25 rods,) when from some unknown cause he sunk. This, we understand, is the fourth son ■which Mr, Oould has lost, while in the bloom of life, in a very sudden and sur prising manner. Three of them were brought home dead. The first was,in staiuly killed by the fall of a tree. The second cut his foot, and very soon died Avith the lo( k-jaw. The third was im- mpfiiatcly killed by a loaded sled which ]ussed over him. The fourth was drown ed. ORAXUiOTTEi TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1»26. A meeting', composed of the disafi'ectcd to the present Administration, has been held at liuston ; and hence it is inferFed, that a strong opposition to the adtninistratiou exists in that city. To show that this inference is erroneous, it is only necessary to state, that this ibrniida- ble opposition is composed of none other than the famous coa/iion men, Ihe fxc/witrf r’epubh- cans, and the exclusive federalists, who united during the late Presidential election and got up a Crawford Ticket, which they called an “ unpledged ticket”—this same ticket re ceived about 7000 votes, in a state which con tains upwards of 80,000 voters. >Ve mig^lit with ;is much propriety say, that the friends of the Administration are strong in Tennessee, as djat its opponents are strong in Massachuf'ctts. rhere is, as well as we can ascertain, i)ut a single paper in Massachusetts, of any note, and not one of any influence, opposed to the Ad ministration—the inference from this fact is too plain to be mistaken. And that the opposition in Hoston, where this meeting was got up, is no stronger, com paratively, than its ramiiications through the state, is evident from the fact, that the Secre tary of this meeting was a total stranger in that city, and we believe in that quarter of tlic country j but was sent there, for what purpose, the address voted at this meeting shows. If the opposition in Boston, represented to be so strong, embodied men of talents and influence, men known to the people, is it not probable that some one of them would have been seU ct- ed as a Secretary, ratlierthan an utter otranger? It would be improbable, indeed absurd, to sup pose otherwise. FOU THE TATAWBA JOCliyAL, One night in the month of May last, I was reading one of those works, witli which the author of W'avcrly ha-> for sonic lime past delighted the world. 1 became so inlerestrd in the work, that time imperceptibly passed on, until my candle burning in the socket reminded n)C of the lateness of the hour., I looked out and discovered, by the dark appear ance of the adjoining houses, that the in habitants of the village were long since wrapped in sleep. Not feeling sleepy, and incited by the beautiful appearance of the night, I determined to lake a short walk before I retired to rest. I had not proceeded far up the street, when I dis covered, in the walk before me, a young man who had for several years spent his ume in the ruinous paths of dissipation. Led by curiosity and his peculiar ap]je;i! - unce, I went close up to him ur.perceived and hid myself behind one of the tries that line the walk, when he broke-out in to the following soliloquy : “What a beautiful night ! The moon shines with silver brightness, yet it does not obscure the thousand twinkling stars that appear around it. But they shine not for me; they but serve to bring to my memory happier days, and with thorn my now ncver-ceasing misery. Often have I, on such a nighi, attended by the softer sex, admired the beautiful objects that now adorn the heavens. Often have I— but why do 1 mdulge the thoughts of for mer happiness. (Here the remembrance of past days appeared to overwhelm the young man, and he was relieved by a flood of tears, after a few minutes, when he again commenced.) All nature seems to rest; even the nightly chirping cricket has forgotten its functions and joins in the universal stillness ; the ever watchful dog remembers not the existence of rob bers, and the breeze scarce shakes the rustling leaves. Heavens, what a still ness 1 Still my ever living conscience burns and keeps me in remembrance of niy misery. In vain I seek that sweet repose, which blesses the poor but honest laborer. Sometimes 1 awhile seem to enjoy the sweets of forgetfulness ; but I am soon disturbed with drcanis more hor rible than all the pangs of a Wc'keful ininu torn by conscious guilt. 1 often have re course to the bottle, lo droun rernetn- brancc ; but in a short tin»e it return> with redoubled force and almost c;vei- whelms me. Again 1 return to the bot tle ; and thus, while I try to drown past guilt, am constantly adding more to the already too great heap Unhappy condition! Oh! that I could show the miseries of intemperance, lu those who hav'e not yet tasted the bitter cup. But i)ridc, relentless pride, siiii hovers around my almost uuleeling breast, and instead of pui suing that course to- wards my fcllovv-man which reason and conscience dictatc, I endeavor, as a means of leiisening my own remorse, to seduce them iutu the mlscia'.jie path I have fol- luwed. Yes! It is not altogether my own guilt, for whicn 1 ;>ufi'er '.he comit.uai gnawings of cotiseuiice. Perhaps some lost youth may row be groaning in a dun- geuii, who can trace the first cuuseof his cloud my mind, you would recoil withj horror, and call heaven to witness your determination to beware of the deceitful bowl. But why do I thus moralize does that mitigate my misery ? No j nothing but that which was the first cause can now relieve it, and that but for a mo ment. I must again make use of the dreadful remedy ; for it is impossible for me to bear long the misery I now suffer.” Here he left me, no doubt for the pur pose of obtaining spirits, the great source of his present misery. This scene, as might be expected, made a deep impres sion on me ; and on my return home, I was naturally led into the following re flections concerning this lost young man. Not many years since, I was proud lo acknowledge him as a warm friend— “ bvit O how fallen, how changed From him,” who was the pride of the village, the joy of his declining parents, whose counten ances would glow with pleasure as they listened to his many and well deserved praises. He was endued with a strong mind, quick perception and good memo ry ; these qualities were strengthened by a good education. He united good sense with genuine politeness; he was modest, but not bashful; in short, he was posses sed of all those qualities that seem to a- dorn and qualify a man for acting well his part in the drama of life. With these ad vantages, as might be expected, he was surrounded by numerous friends, who used every means in their power to con duce to his happiness. The fair sex, who are ever willing to bestow rewards on those who merit them, did no fail to show ni) friend great respect. No doubt but some of them, blushing at their ovvn con fession, have pictured to themselves the time when they might call him by the endearing title of iiuaijand, and when thr\ , with him, would enjoy j.ieasurp j pleasure, and reap honor after honur.— But like the rose whose beauty attracts i some passing- person and is thr cause of its sooner lading, so tiu»se attractions ar.d perft'Ctions should have been the cause of raising him to future honor, were those of his ultiinate ruin. Possessed of u warm disposition, he V* as too apt to yield to the entreaties of his friends, who used everv to grat ify lum. They would fi-cquently prevail cti him to join them in what they inno cently call a frolic ; by degrees he became fonder of these, and step by step has reached his present ignominy and misery. Now his patents, whose hopes were at one time so exalted,'can scarcely bear lo hear his name mentioned ; and tiiey are frequently seen to shed their tears in uni- snn over the blasted hopes of their belov ed son. Now his former fnetids and a>»- soclaits, who were wont to look upon him as one who would shine anu)rigthem as a bright star in the heavens, shun his com pany and U eat him, wlien in it, witli con tempt and abruptness. Now the fair sex, by whom he wasformerl» almost adored, will scarce deign lo speak to him. Now he is not admitted into the circles of plea sure, where for'n.erly he was the means of pleasure and delight; and now parents, instead of pointing him out as a model of excellence lo their children, shew him lo them as one of many awful examples to make them beware of the fatal effects of intemperance. Notwithstanding all this, still many, too many yoaihs follow the'same course and attain the same end of my friend.— Blind, infatuated mortals ! Cannot they see in the sparkling bowl the ruin of thou sands Yei thousands with pleasure lift the deceitful goblet to Iheir lips, not thinking that it will certainly bring them lo an end of ir.pomparable misery. S. donees of our gratitude, that ivc should make liim President. His fame is full— It is beyond the control of accident—it is already consecrated by History. And what evidences arc wanting lo demon strate our gratitude.^ Where is the heart .that does not do homage to his nnerit? Georgia Courier. Two Corinthians who were journeying on the Ridge Road in a gig on Saturday last, met with an adventure which a spectator has made a special request to liave recorded. At ihe road side, a waggoner stopped to grease the wheels of his heavily load ed team. Just at that moment a coach passed along, and just that moment, >vhen there was not room for a third car- jiage, the Corinthians dashed on in their gig. They did not kill the waggoner iliouph they endangered his life ; neither did they lame any of his horses, though they nearly overturned one of th^’ team. But the waggoner, instead of being thank ful for escaping with life and limb, re sented the supposed all’ront, and forth with saluted the Corinthians with his pot, r.nd the whole of its contents, a mixture of grease and tar. Two new coals weie spoded, ancl the gig was so 1>. sputtered, luist ry to me. Methinks 1 heai tlair In one or two Northern papers we find it asserted that Messrs. Duncan and Bates, the new Representatives in Con gress from Illinois and Missouri, are “advocates” and “staunch friends.” of fieneral Jacksov. If, by. these expres sions, it is meant to convey the impres sion that these gentlemen are opposed lo ihe present Administration, and would have voted for General Jackson at the last election for President, there is an ev ident error in the statement. Mr. Bates was supported as an Adams elector in Missouri, and would, ot course, luve voted for Mr. Adams had he been in Congress. In addition, he was sujipoi i- ed in the late electiou in Missouri, u’.i the ground of his being fti(nd!v to tiic Administration of Mr. Ajanis : and .is such has as always been considered be fore, and pending the election. 'I’hc ac counts from Illinois, which are most lo t>e relied on, state also that General Dun can is a friend to the .\dministration, and would not have been suj)ported on any other jiolitical ground. He may be a friend c.f General Jackson also, for angiu s\ e know : W e are not aware that :a- tarhmeiit to General Jackson of necessity invohrs hostility lo the present Admin- isiimiun : although the course pursuco by his fi-icnds indicates as much. Nat. Jourml. The candidates put in nominaltoti for Represents^tives to the 20th Congress Irfjm the slate of New-Jersoy amount to 151, out of which six are to be elected ; The extraordinary number of nominations IS the result of the peculiar practice of t!\at State, which prescriijcs that every elector may nominate atiy individal he pleases, at tl>e Clerk’s Office, no person be ing considered a ( andi'Mle unless so nutn- inated: and out of the person so placed ir. nomination, the tickets are formed whicli are presented for the suffrages .if t he State. Nut. Journal. Mr. Joseph Hemphill^ a representative from Peii!»sylvani.«, has resigned his seat in congress. Mr. ii. was chaii inan of the committee on load.s and canals. Forged Bank of England notes have M.lIiniLI), On Thursday, tbe ult. at the rcsiderico of Mrs. Mary I'ettus, in York District, !S C, Mr. Peter Cntnjihil/, Mci tliunt, of Harrisburg, S. C. to Miss Muria l‘cttiu, Uauglittr of the lain Hon. William I’ettus, dec’d. On the 12th inst. in l.incolnton, Ga. by tlie Itev. James Turner, Dr. .iza Jkull, late Ire-* Jell count} , N. C. to Miss >Sustin jhin JJurrict ILmson, daughter of K. Utmson, Esq. of the former place. JiJEl), In this county, on the 21th ult. Mr. Bmjitmin /Jarfgroir, a worthy and Te.spectable ciii/en, agc.l about 60. On tlie same da>, Satnvel Lrunder fVilliamsont only ehilj of the Kev. John \\ illiamson, aged 7 months and 24 days. rpHF, f:op;ir«iur- hii. In n tufore existing un- JL (ler the firm of '• t\i/, t'f /H110,'* hvdcauli; Dnign'ists,) was dissolvctl, In mu tual eoiibc ut, on till fust day of .lune la:>t. I'hc ljusiiiess will be in future conducted hr the subscribers,, who have forinrd a (,'opartncr-i ship under the tinn of IF. S. JiO.lG ^ CU. N\ . S. Il0.\(i Si (,’0. take tliis opportunity ol Dunini)'' tlu’ir intention to «lo bu.siness only for or l own acceptances at four months. H M. S. no.Ai;, .1. A. .lOHNSON, „ SAM’i.. U . JIOAG. f harusfm, Srpt- UU6. fitlOrt IN eons«Mjuence of the failure of several ])er- son.s, in whose hands tickets had been pla ced for sale, to make returns to the Commis sioner of the tickets which they had sold, the draw ing ilid not commenee at the time appoint ed ; though it appeared prob-ible, from tlie re turns made, that a siiSlicient number of tickets iiad been sold to justify a commencement of the dravxinu'. All persons having tickets for siile in this Lottery, are requested to continue the sale of them until the 15ih of November next, and tlien report to the Commissioner, Dr. .latnes Webb, at llillsI;oro’, how many tickets nmain uiisoiii, and their numbers. 'I he draw ing will coinnienee on the 4th Monday in No vember; and It is liopi that a Fiifiicic'nt num-i Ix-r of tickets will be .sold by that tune, to jus tify the ('(jiiiniissiouer in continuing the ch'aw* ing, Ironi day to clay, until it can t)e completed. Those persons wlm liuvi got I^rick from th(i Kiln burnt by I’hos. (i. I'olU uud u\yseir. Will !)i- good enough to make known to the sub scriber the number of brick they have tal^en. TIKKS. 1. »>OLK Sept. ;>0, 1826.—.^tl(J3 recenliv been brought to this country for •''*«g '"’e r A X- \- 1 I 1 1 i '■ Heattif’s lord, il apnli. ( for a market. A New \ ork broker has re- fore the last of October. ceived one purporting to be for a hun- 2tl02 AM)lti:w WACivr.i drtd pounds niiio be- ihat Ihe young nv n deemed it advisable to return to the city by a bye-road. T he young men, who were of respec table appearance, were not pitied b\ the spectators, they had been so Lvidtnily in Ikc wrong. ’ Phil. Gazette. yi(/uirs, as the echo is icturncd from tlie gloomy walls, and each one gives a shock ') me more lion ible than death itsi li‘. ■N ,i;Ui.s, who yet walk in tiie sweet jiaths 1 innocence, cuuid ) ou hut for a moment suffer i!ie pures ct 'cmors-: thui over- With respect to those who will proba bly be the cajididates for the high office of President of the U. Stales, we believe, the election will lie entirely between Gen eral Jackson and Mr. Adams. With re spect lo Gen. Jackson’s public conduct, wt have been his uniform admirers, and the masterly manner in which Mr. Ad ams defende*d it, when attacked, forms not the kast cause of our admiration of the latter. At Gen. Jackson’s advanced age, and out of high responsiiile office as he is at present, there is but little proba bility of any chan{>e in the course of his qjinioiia and conduct; and if the Old Hero should still c.»ntinue to be the man we have aiways lulieved him to be, and unv thing should occur to alter our opin ions of ,\lr. Adai'is. vve would certaijily lake more pride in seeing GeiK Jackson in the Presidential Chair than »ny man living. But if Mr. Adams still contin ues to j'liisue the goo'J policy which lias distingui'lied his two predecessors, and to pionioie the honor aiui interest of the country «iih the aliility which has so far manih'sted itself in his administra tion, we can see no reason why he shouhl be displaced, v\itl'. all his experience and knowlei.i;e of our interests, lo make w ay I'or a'ly uther prison whatever. We iuve seen, it stated on respectable aullioriiv, and we believe il lo be true, that .Mr. Adams has not a warmerfriend ill the United States, or one who more cordially apjHoves of his administration of tl.e Gf iieral (Government, than (Jen. Jarkson, rioiwithstanding the attempts oftl.f Opposition lo enlist his popuUri- ty in favor of their pretensions. It is not necessai-y to (ien. Jackson’s iaine tiiat he shu»ii(! be rresideni of U. Stau s; I'.or-is it necessary to compleie the evi- PHOVIDENCF, (r. I.) SF.PT. 11. Package Sale of Domestic Goods—On Saturday last, Mr. W.-P. (ireene held his auction sales of domestic goods. Nearly 200 packages of various goods were sold, furnished by the manufaciu- rles of this lotvn and vicinity. The company at the sales was numer ous, including several gentlemen from Boston, New-York, £cc. and the bidding spirited. Every thing was above board, and the pledges of the auctioneer hand somely redeemed. Tor the specimen of goods offered the sales may be consider ed very fair and satisfactorv, though a shade below the last public sale here. The followiug is a specimen : Ticks 18-4 and 24 cts. ; lirown Shirt ings 7i to IO5 ; 4-4 (^)tton and Wool Flannels 31 ; 4 Checks, logwood colours, ; indigo blues, 12] to 14 ; Plains 10 lo^ 15; fine I bleaciied Sliirtings 14] and* 174 ; 4-4 brown Sheetings I I to l.)j ; .5-4 do. 15 and 15-] ; Satinets, rather inferior specimens, daik mixcrt, 4U to 44 j bule do 50 lo 59 els. Reuben Rankin, of Kentucky, who lately robbed and murdered Mr. John Blake, ofOhio, while travelling through that slate, has been iiied, found guilty, and sentenced lo he hung on the 3d inst. The Morlreal Courant gives the fol lowing remarkable account of a man’s accldentiliy cutting off his own head : We are informed that one day last week, a (Canadian man a.t L’Assumplion, was mowing huy near the 'river side, wh«n he saw a very large fish hear the Water’s edge. He made a blow at It with his scythe (v\ hlch was just whetted,) and raising it aitove his heatl, il aj)pears.the handle turned and coming in contact with his person, it severed his head from his body. —^— . 7 Vhlld carr'f'd uwcty hi] an Kai^le. A eircumsiititc (piite uncomiiKui in the north, lately happct., d in Scania.— A woman at work in the fields laid her infant on the ground, at a little distance : soon alter an eagle pounced upon the in fant, and eanied il away. The poor woman, who heard the cries of the child in the aii', is become insane, and is now in ihe hospital at Malmoe. Iluniburc; paper. AM)1M:W V'ACiNEH. ri^HK sxibscriber hasforsak, Upper, Sole and J. Hyrness I.eathcr, which he w'dl dispose of for (;ash, or, if credited, for notes pay aide oim day after tlate; .as lie is (h termined to kei p nO book account. He will a>so exchange I.eatbcr for Hides, at cash prices; or he will puy .sh for them ; and in ease he has not a.ih by him at the time, will give liis note, payabh one (hiy after date. WILLIAM KUDISILL. Sept. 25, 4tJU4 •VolVcii. All persons indebted to me, by note or book account, are to make |)a\- ment agiiinst the first of November. Jn so do ing, they willoliiige me and .save cost. KI.AM MOOUK. September 28, 1826.-3110.} At my Store, a (juantity of Sole and TTpper I ,ea ■ • ather, low tor cash. ;UlUi V. JOHN IRWIN. rilHK stibscribcr, Jiving (liref niile.i .south of JL (;barlot(c, offers tor s.'.le a complete new also, a qiianti'y I'j Weather Yniiktr If 'ti^vn hoardinj^". ;U102. JOHN M. TliO.MAS. liissohition of Copnrlncrship. fllHK C(-p:irtnersiiip hcr loture existing be- I. Iwceii Kennrick fc Abernathy, ten.unatcil a1 the deatii of the hitter. All j> isonx indept- ed to the concern, are n quested to n .ike set tlement vvirb tiie suhscfjber ; and those to whom the firm is imlebtcd, w ill present their claims to him for payment. It is iihyiitiittlij nrrrsfarf/ that the above con* cern should be brouubt to an niiincdiate eiose, in order that 1 ma} s>i, ItL with .Mr. Abeniathy’j administrator. rntLKN KKN!)IMCK, sun'rtfr. part. Charlotte, .Sept. 1.-), 1826. 4tli2 fllH.VT on Wednesday, the 4-th of Octobrr X next, there will be sold, at the lutt resi dence of .lohn M. liobinson, dcceascd, in thij county, tlie foiiowini^ articles, ti' wit; llorse.s, (Jattle, and Hof(.Si ulso, housebold and kitchen hiriiiture, farminj,''utensils, corn and cotton, and otiier artii les too tedious to mention. Sale to coiTiUience at 11 o’clock—terms made known on tlie dav of sale. il. A SAMPLK,2.i?('//t’r. Sept. 14, is:'*-. . tlOl All persons indeli^cd to the t '-tri^e of John M. Hobliison, df:cca>eil, will pleast to come for ward and ni.ii.e pa\nient, a3 no Umpcr indu! jjence can be gi\i n. H. A. SA.NH'LK. \v\\lYwei*’s tSlvvcVuves. Jl.’h T I’t l!l isn KI), and for sale :it this of- hc-, •* Slrii tnu s on 3 book, ent.titd. ‘An Ap jb'RV die Hook of I'salm.s ! >' idberl Vli M isf^r ’ 'I'o whicli are added, Keniar.'>k 011 A-.,. /■),;/„ T’ i'I book, [bv AleNiinder (ioni.ini ii.iitKd ‘The ^nrspyir Editors of the j,:..'” Hv • Jntelligencer, in a notice to j iukk-nbii, A. ,M. Ujtb an Api)endi.v, their patior;s, rsserts that they have duej!)) .toii.N .M. W uson, pastor of Kocl._\ l;i\eran(J them One .Hundred Thousand Dollars, 1 l’lii!a('elphia. and yt;' Jire siillVrinir pv»m-v «(irt ! me Miffornig every son ofincori- venieiice i'ur the waiii ol' iiircr;‘:id'':'ablo ! sun»» uf money ! . \ V.' oe/n NVvv\ut s ^ for ;>».'e, at