CKAR£OTT£: I’UF.SDAV, OC'I'OHKU 24, 1826. The sacrament ol‘ llic Lord’s Suppei will be administered in ilie Metliodisi church in this ^)lare, on the 29th instant. The religious exercises, usual on such utt occasion, will comnjcnce on the preced ing day, Saturday. wiirn: flini’ wiiKAT. Extract of a letter to tlie editor, from an cstcein- ed corrcspondc'iit, dated Liiicolntun, Oct. 12, 1826. Mn. lliVGHAM: 1 see from sotue of the news papers, tliat White Flint Wheat was cxpectcd by tlic Afjricidtural Society in t^mc to syw this fall. Two years ag'o, a small (jiaiitity of this "Wheat was obtaim;d from Auburn, in the state cjf New-York, and sown in the vicinity of this place. The product has been iived; and 60 or 70 bushels of tliis Wheat will >c sowji this fall. From careful observation, it is f(xind that the fly has no elFect on this Wlieut. Tlie straw^ from the gTound, to the height ofjrom" to 10 inches, is part of the w ay solid and too hard to be allected by the Hy. The hist croj) of Wheat in this \\cinity was very unproducti\*e, from the dry weat.u r in the sprini’-. Afield of 8 acres of Flint Uluat, on tliin land, produced 91 do/,, and 42 l)u>.l)els; while a field of 18 acres of Hi'ardod >\ heat, on better land, produced 110 dozen, and only 41 bushrls. few farmers, 1 hop^', tan be iur- liisheil witli the sc d of W iiite Flint V\ lii'at iie.vt year, lliis \ieinily. Tli>- first White Flint \\hc.atwas not sown until I); cfinber; last year it was sown about the lirst of Novcmlier. r.xcftpe.—Joseph \\, wlio was brongiit to the Jail in tiiis pla.'. from Lincoln, for safe ke( made his from prison i;ibt 1 ues- dav nij;lit. He was coiidnt tl m iron>; but tiy sonu! im ans he iri'ed liiinsi If trom llu in, andfs- rajied from the .1. il witiiout briakinjj; or b('!t, siiiiph’ liy opening the doors, ai the) were found unlocked in tiie morninfr. Ilow this^\as cHVt ted, has not \ct l)cen ..sC'rtained. M'ear vas ronfiiied for breaking' into the store of Mr. Uamsour, in l.incolnlon, in Noveinlifr laht; and was eii.irj3aHl with other bijjh crimes. Sev eral persons w ere despatched in pursuit oi iiini; but at the time of w riting this artlcK, no inlel- ligence had been received trom them. The I’hiladelphiaU. S. Ga;a’Ut‘, sjjeak- jnjj of the recent elections in Pliiludel- phia, in which the old parties, it seems, v/tM’C arrayed against each other, says-— “ The Federalists succccdcd in only seven •wards of the city, and the Democrats in eight. In the Northern Liberties the Fed eralists, we loarn, were unsuccessful in their attempts to elect the democratic cdn- didate—owing to the greater success of the Democrats in cleciing the Federalist!”. ^laj. iVoa/j,in noticing: the gold mines dis covered near this place, exclaiins-“\V hat a fortunate sta e, to \\\xWL!;ohl and noco>7j/” IJut the Major is wrong—we have iiolh i;o/t/iind corn; though, we inusi confess, the latter is not so abundant as could be A\ ished. Flour is also, rather scarce, just at this time, and wagoners have liie conscience to ask e\p;ftt dollars per barrel Tor il—but they iitul a dull sale at that price, ancl livove on towards Can^den, where they may probably get irrcn dollars. Deduct ing from this the expense of liauliugit thi ther, they will receive about two dyllars j)cr barrtl le^ss for their Hour than could Jiave been obtained in this pLce. successhil in producing, and to dlscotin- tenance v-o!ence and faction, as destruc tive of the best interests ofUu* country.- Names.—h\ North-Clarolina, Judge/iV/: Jinn, has sentenced to death a young man namedfor the murder of his own uncle.—Noah’s Entjitircr. Maj. Noah has made a trilling mistake in spelling, in the above article. We have a Judge Jiuffin in this stale ; but no Rvffinn is here a Judge. Such a misiake Political Kx'cilei/nnl.—A.inost uproa rious tumult recently occurred in the pea- ccalile city of l’hiladelpiiia,a'. a town meet ing for the nomination of a member to ('ongrcss. Such proceediii;.;s are not on ly disgraceful to tiie actor.s, but lend to bring discredit on our repu')Iiran uislitu- tions, and to lower thetn in the estiina- tioi> of Ion igners. We hope they ina\ have the elVect of opening : he eyes of i ic people in time to the thmger whiih threatens: for we scriuisly think the si;:ns of tiie limes arc aiarming ; that thev bode no good to the coiiuli y, l)iit a;i omitmus of ap])i uu( hiri:; evii. If such ex( itetncnt, and vioIt:P':e, and ouli ai'-c, he (•\hil)iti-(l at tl'.is liuK', wiicn Ibe I’lcs ideniial Flection is so •■(■mole, uhat ina\ AV(^ not exfvect on its ij'ar appt jaeli .? ur rather, w hat may we r>ol (ear r !s it not, tlien. the-'.uty of evfry g-ood cilizcn, no matter w hat may be iiis p:»htu:al partiali- lics, to endeavor to I'av, instead of fan ning the l'evei is:i i t- .ne it whi(,.!i a ie«v ^;ar'.;'^,ns have !;een Lul too seen estimated at loo pood.s. or llOOlbs. about 700,000 p.iuncis s'erling (S 5;l SO.- OOO) in value If ihis esiiniatf he cor rect, it is probable that Russia at present produces more gold than any other coun try in the world. From the Xew-York Daily Advertiser. It will have beeii observed b} those 'vho have read an article from Portugal, which we published yesterday, received through the Fngiish papers,' that there "as an api>farance of disturbances in I some parts of that country at the estab- It was .his, i,o«eve.:, h „„,ic|L’f mg, when compared with the more flag- expected that the party ofthe ex rant slips ofthe Majo.-’s pen. eluded piinre, is in fact the hierarchical —lipprchensive of danger to the The Cape Fear i:> unco more in boata-' 'to*'* ^ccus- ble order. The Steam Hoat Companv's ^ V ’ boat Henry Clay, measuring 100 by‘l8 ! .. , f ^ ‘' m Sp.un, would resist f*-»>i. w.m lMim.-h«ri M I... I 111-( stablishinent ol a lorin cl govern j y ...» ket, was Iciuriched on Moudity. Fuifetleville Observer. We are requested to announce Major John A. Caniei'on, of this town, a caiidi- dale for a scat in the next Congress, from this district, in the place of Col. Archi bald McNeil, who declines a rc-cleciion. ib. Governo." Burten has fixed npon I’ri- day, th' T.d of Xott'nber, as the day up on which aueh'Cion shall be held, in this tlistrict, lor a Her)! e'^entalive m Congress, to fill the vacancy neaied by the ap]Mjint- ment ol Mr. M.iriguin to a seat on ilie Superior tou-i lifiicb. James Mebant, Fsq. «)1 Oran:;;', and (iencral liarringer of Wake, are the only candidates. linleiis'i I\t^ish:;\ It has been iisfert.uned by Mr. Stans- bury, that the tcti>nda of ihe Cai/itul at Washingicin (’ii,- is lound to possess tiie ciijiacity of conducting tin- least audilile whispers, in thtmuic mann r, as the fa mous Gallery of St. Paul’s Church, I.on- don. Ipper CatMdi—The population of this province is SAid now to be 200,000. It.s internal improvriients and lake navi^a- tiou have incrtasH in a larg.*. rratio. 1 he capital expmdt4 in .steamboats since 1SI9, amount'd U) nearly half a million of dollars. Ihc itihabiuuus are almost eatirely F.ngi^;! or American. Tluir habits and asioriaiions similar to 4Hose of theirneiglbojri ol the United Suites; and as dissiniliMt those of Lower Can ada as those ol '.nglar.d and France are to each othe.% In the nature of things the connexi-.n of such incongruities can not long coititiic. JJoslon Ccntind. In New Orleans live challenges are said to havt be n given in one week—four ofthe part.js Id been arrested and bound to keep tie • iace. In the other case powder w^$ u»- d, and a man shot dead, Sc liis antagoiist badlj wounded. Thomai Aidrews Ins been convicted at Albany of an assaul' and battery on his mother. He is 24 years of age. The defence et up was. !.m he was not treated a. wlU as the atiier citildrcu. The (eonjetovvn, S. C. (Jazettj-. 22d Sept. Sii's.*-The small pox has' been spreadin; fo’some time past, in Socas- tee; thtifi ae also some cases at Sandy Island. ^ Orkam Sl'k—The editor of the Or leans A> vertistr states tint a si)ei imcn ol the Uk manufactured >y Mr. David liottom. of liidgeway, has jeen shown to him, wlicl). as it respects evenness and strengti, i, ecpial if not puperior to the hnportclItctian %\\k. , A si ark which measuiled ;^o feet in length.and whose liver filUd |o barrels, has be'H ciught up tlie Cp)scook, near I'-astpirt (Maine.) 1 ho fisp was seen to pass, ind’tas thought tote the great Sea S.rpe'it. , • t I 1 W/ * ^ i. t l\' ment which must, in the nature of things, in a very .short time prove fatal to their liope of supremacy. Spain, of course, nuist feel very uneasy at the state o! Ibings in Pojtugal. 'I'he constitution which the latter nation have received, arid adopted, is made in form to answei the requisitions of the Holy Alliance.— I hey say, that iiiiiirovemeiits ingovern- nient must j)rori-i ciy/o/// the Soi'Ci'ei^n, in- ^teiid of the people. Don Pedro,"being iit that tiuie the legitimate Sovereign of Portugal, as well'as oflii azil, mad-* tiws constituti)n for his Furoptan sub- jecls, and sent it to them, and then re- ■^iL-’ied the personal iiversih'hl ofthe lat- 'i insh i' inir II lo his daughter. This *■>'ti;,- cusc \ nhin the leilrr ofthe 1.'^' I'l ilie lioiy Ailiutice, and of course II list ))!ei'l!!(le tiieiTi Iroin taking any hos- li'-Pleasures to pie\ent the establish. th'- Poriai'^ne.sf guvernmcnt.— Uut i,M‘ moni-s. a'u! iiir Spanish govern- ’i.iv. , i:r .>er and more*important in li,,. suite of iluui.s in Portugal 1 !if'\ arc ii.iMi'diuteiv exposed to the ‘moi.., eonuu-i'in” which is about to be- conn .-pidfMim. i,\ inorulution, in the iaiiet- k'ngrio:-.!. and there is great reason to e\i)(i !, it ill, (,lisca>e ol freedom does tiot ( r(;s- the liru- int., Spuiti, the Span iards. ;n ^;reat nuniters, will go o\ er lo igual, and iilie the infection 'hi' natural way there. Thisis a sad dilemma. Crifictsm of a SuHan.~]oh\\ nellino. who was. uith justice hii>|,ly esteemed f)V his countrymen, thi- Venetians, ob tamed leave IVom the Senate to make .. jouniry to Constantinople, in order to ijaint some pictures for Mahomed, the ti.satiate of eoiujupst, who had made a request to the IJepublic to tiiat elVcct. After Ikdlino hud arrived there, and liu- ished one, he was desired to make a re- prcsrntation of the beheading of John. Mahomeii \isited tiie artist while he employed upon this piece, and complain ed that the i.m k was not like iliat of a trunk depriv. r: nf the head. 1„ order to show the justi. e of the remark, he caused one of his slaves to be brought to tin place, and beheaded in the presence of the astonished painter, who made use of every entreaty, in vain to prevent this unmanly ar^umenlum ad huminem. JJcsjjcrvs. TVorth Makes the /1A/7J.—Themistocles, alter all tlie honoui of iiis life, sits down with this conclusion, “thaithe way to the grave is more desirable than the wav to worldl\ iion;iir. " 'Mi; MAi{KK'r:s^ ^ fof/r/frvll/r Or,. II.-Cotton, a 9; IJacon. 1~A ; I.lief, J r ;i C(,]’|,^ (oli) 60 a 7U-- new, 50 a 6U; Flour, :.t, a 6, Iron, 34 a 6 F ,.n| 12A ; Molasses, 4J u 4) ; \ ,ils, r J S; Snuar’ common, 10 . luij-prime, 11 a 12; Salt, I.iv! 80 a 9U—'I'. Island, 75 a bU; Wheat, 1.U5 1.10; Whiskey, 50. rstby^arofhcr -v? o..{-emrc! tina UsfK-ctod w Inle lu ■> r, her ni;mv t xceilrnt iliiayitie.s. and he.- ’entii is i„Uch rc.nvttei' bv all aciiuainteil w • lu r. In Mor},'anton. ( n tlie .itb inst. in the 2.itli vear ot Ins age, Crpt. Tufr \>irhTu/. in tlie deatli ot Uiis truly valuable \ oimt.- nm„. tiic societ} ill w hich. lu- lived has snstaiued an irre parable loss. He was an example of honour, iiutnstiy and conciliatorv deiiortim ut. 'I'he dcccaseil was a .f a Military School in Aiorganton, and his fcilow-mcmbers paid to his incmory the honors of a military burial. Town ^'egruvis, Mll.F.S, C’c. FOR S.iLK. Monday, the 4ili of Dcc. next, the sale of vr the persona! property of Jnlm Fuh nui- ( I I, deceased, will commence at tlie lliir], • >"als, his loriiier residence, and continue from day to day tinished. The prop, rtv con- '’•"is ot ;i number of valuable nejr.-oes; Men, troo'i'l ‘‘ f e • n T •* ‘'"•^t-rate brick- andjroo.l fu-iii live stock n i/— fsil ■’ :*l»:nititv )ai aiKl lolhd iron, easUngs, ..nion- win hare Huti .Mill-Moiie, cw snikv. Lie- some worn wa„ons larimnK to.,)., ;uul sui.drv’ other aiticles loo teiliou^ to fcinjiiieraie. Also, on Monday, the 11th of Dec. m tlu tov. not I-iiiC()!iitoi>, a nnn.bei of lots in d,ii; re ,i situations; some impnned, ,uul (.ih» r nut, n- niong them, J,ot \o. 1, on the N. W . sijii ire, in- contcstibly the most valuable in the towi.; sev eral are on the main strei t; and one W ill un proved, with connnodlous uiiiidings tlifre(ni, Well suited for any jmldii- business; A (ju..ntit\ ol merchandize, w ell assorteil; some Iron cast ings, S.c, togc thor with al arge ipiaiitity ofgood well burnt Hnck. Salot, to be continued from day to chi} until eouipleleil. 1 erni.-, of sale w ill be, a credit of one year for all sums of tell dollars and upwards, except the lots, which will be on ucredit of 1 and J years, lloiid and approved security, resident in this state, will be reipiirejl. IfOlM. II. iu:iM’o\, J ,, . \! KX!{V !• I • I,\M I) j.', >'»■ Lincoln cnunti), (h(. 7, IH^b.—4t’7. XoilCV*. mflE subscribers rpialified »t flie lust f ountx the U •*» F,:jc('utors of 1 n. w V T 'fth. late CoJ. .lanu s I orter, of said connl\. All persons hav- claims iigamst the estate, are reouested to make their demamls kr.ow^i to either l,f fhr ox- |cn..„.s, within the timr-p,,scribed bv law • Joii\ s. roiM i'H, i >> .M. DAMDSON, s October 6, 1826. —,'lt’4i» O ^ ^ \/iii N IiMirsd:iv, thr ninth da\ of November | ""''I'. Sj)i ,i^|c Mii |i:n t I U' \ t . VV I 1 i i ii>' V/ >1« I > t 4 K .. I.. 4 ! I - - I- * ■ 'I M . I» .. li.. I. ..« i>. Ail'UefvS iSriM ndii.e Voting2, Hamh John, IJbici; Will- . m, iii,)^le Caspm. H.i||;,rd James. l!utes Will- lam, „jd Uo I rt, i;, am Seater, Ikimet Will- m, Miitt.s .lacob, .lobii (Jo|.-sbellJ;,i,K.,c:..CI,.r;. and M:ister in Kqul- }, ( lerk of the Siipciiur i „,iri J, ,|„hn, , hne Mc ii”v 2, (-.His !),.n,el (. ,,r U llliam Jer'Cpl/r'""’’ ‘•“■'"'-''■’■•'o'- ''--IHn: A„.irc.-, '■;«l>y J.iseph, Fd..m rlioui i-s F.lam Fduard. I ‘ili.rifrlii U |.„!. l'^"ri''!s. *'i he!, l ord John, .Mr.v ^.viix. (;„„d.^o:, \bner, l.r.i\ Sam- l>-l'-.V:Ioshiia.M, J;miesUian, Jom. Jones'Fiiomas II. J-ong John 2, J.ow Thomas, |.;„n,i„ ,| i.-ob Martin Abram, Micrs Henry, Maunv Jueob. iWikk- I'eter. Neal Iiobcrl. Fetrie John, I’hilips I!. II. Quickie .Michael. I>amsy Robert, iioiunson Miss .Mary Ann, UIki der Henry, Ifecmr Silas, |{(,ach Joseph, Uudisil Jmias, K;il)j) .IikIusIi, |{.,ins(;ur l)a\ul. Spiirhii .Mrs. Ffiz.duMli, sli rid ,>f l.iticohi. ChnMi.Hi, Spv.dtCat. sy 2, rsmith Jert- l.e sold, at Ihi-lat-- residence Ol ! ' I' Kobert h Samuel, Tittiii'in John n. .eoi'}'e (.rahaiii, decia.s; d, >eu Mteen like- ■ “ " ’ , V.,, I'• U' lvt. r U dll,•nil. \ negroes, iiu n, w onieii, and elnldri ii; a stock " Iniesidcs I lionias. Ward H irtinr, Wilson (.uttle and Hogs,—two lik« ly young Mares, " il'^' t'soii .loim. Wethersjiooi/W illiam an excellent NVa},'-.)ii, ami a ipi,i,itii_v of'('on. .uid " ’ ‘ 1 odder. The sale to continue troiii da\ to day uiUil all are soM. I he negroes v\ill be »oM oii the )ir:-,l i!a\ of sale. w. K. m’i:i:f„ . U .M. nos 1 U It'K, S Oct. ir,I:i2„ •Mvs. Vi. . I rii.NS iievtiu.!iks tu her Iriends and the » etlicrspooii Jain.s, W liitesidc.,'Jnlm, U elks Iviae, UdIsls.uM, W dll..lolin2, W illi.mi, Fred- crtck, ilson A .iilrc w. Voiiiit. Aim. , >)• |{fi.\hai{1)t, 1*. M. \AsV oV* j| J I.M.Vl.MMi III the I’n-ii-Ofiiee .(t Charlotte^ Si pi. iaj6. . ( harloUi A\iin, il.uniah .\lr\aiid> Ames 4, K|diraim Mi \ uulcf, |,,i , .l.unefj ■ A\ent, ( .iplaiii \v It. pubhr, f,r the liberal eneoi.r.i^em.iit uliieli she has alroadv rpci r,ed, and re-,peeUiii- ly s(dieifs a continuaiiee of ^hl■ is now rtnnved diree lv u o.,lt( l>r. Jolin-,on’s, winnv s!.e will |)e l-eiu r pr> pared to do all kinds o( .Milliiieiy and MaiitiiarnakIng. (’iisId- iH rs m.i_\ dei)enil on having their wiirk neatly -exe( iiicd and with de.-,i)atcli. (Ij • I lie latest and neate-st fashions are dailv I expected from the north. V ,, ,.M , , , . I ■»..,en .V. » aiuweii, I ia\id (: lumln 1 s .V H. Old Leghorns cleaned and pressed e-1 ;ampbell, Jann s J.soi . ■ >, Il qual to new. 101. j Vincent Cov, l.eorge rainpbel!, (,i rk! John Cagle, Calln j, 1,3dda (. o'cLbnrn, I Cunun, Andrew ('!:irk,. ! / li. I. Dinkins, Wilson I?. Davidson, .loliii l),i (Whoh’sale l)ruifgists,)'wrsilLsVol\ed'^\7um'-' tual consent, on the day of June last lli'i il 1' ^-'-r^-les i). imis, ^ I Allen D. armoii, James Dou;jbeity, |{..chel •lames lex,Hull r, ,l;unes II \iini.iid William r. .I.dins Ah .\ai.dei l>. Mrs. Ann Iknnett, W lil um llair.l, .(ohn lilrd, Dahl' I liiM ns, Meii jumin Kinelum, 1 (jut ton, Flizabelh liiniker. C. Hoberl Caldwell, smi. Dunear f'.inpi.el!. Ifobcrt A. Caluwell, l»a\id Clumijiis. iln , rt .VUTVi'K. TIIL Copartnership heretofore existing un der the firm of PI'JWH'JL y liUAti," Ihe tiusiness will be in hiture conducted bv ' Campbell, the subscribers, svho have formed a Copartner-1 ship under the firm of iV. S. lUKHi ( (). I M iHiani Fliiin ship uildi W . S. ! , •• vm., I UIIK 01 tlu ir idU niion to lo l^usmcss onl for taah, or J own acrc]jt,aiK‘C'. at four nioiitlis. F. Adley O. Flaiiilt* II. Doct \v . S. HO.Vd ). CO. take this opfjortunity ! •Stephen Fo.\, Tobias I ralev, J’etcr I'lti ■■■ ■ •'oil 1 ' • • jtam WAl. S. 150A(. ity ilyl I ('/iarlrs(„n, Srpt. 1826, J. A, JOll.NsnN, SA.M’L. W. |{(),\(;. ^ f'brnnr, Oct.].', .-C.,1ton, 8 a 9^ ; Corn, 63 a / J : liaeon, lo ; Flour, Tab; Lard, 12 a 1j. J.'ami/rn, Oct. 14,—Cotton, 8 a H.» ; Corn, 80 a 87 : Haeon, 12A a 1 >; HiMiuly, pe,u h, 6.'5 a V.i apple do. 60 a 6.i ; Ueeswax, J.i a 28; Coffee, 18 a 23; Flour, 7.^ a 8^ ; Iron, (>.J a 7 ; .Mola-ses’ .-jOa 5(); SiiK'-ar, I.Vown, 11 a 14; Salt, 7o a 87 • W heat, 1, 25 a 1, 50. ('hurl,.St,m, 'J.—Cotton, 8 a 10'; Hacon,'' 8 a); hreswax,, 26 a 28; Apple Uraiuh, .>8; C'orn, 00 a 6j; CoU'ec, prime grein, 17 a 18- inferior to Ko"d, a l(i; Iron, 4 \ a 5 ; Molas ses, ;lUa ,34; Shj^'-ar, brown, 8^ aMii.^eova.lo, 9 a 10; Salt, I,iv. 42-1'. Island, 5U; W hiskev, ;'>6 a ,37i. A. I 'uro’tnu H(,n/c IlilL~is a 5 jier cent, dis count. (jcurri,i a .3 per cent, discount. Fine diridend.~Vh& sKxkholders of one o' tlr Mississippi steaa tow boats ha\e "cceived (or one month during the preseit ytar a dividend of ,SJ) per share, whie 1 cost S7jO, - — M'. Middleton, our minister, is very jiopular i'l Mussia, and his c'luntrymen rece ve f:om him all the kitttlncss and hnsp.talily by which he has always been disingui.-.hed, at home and abroad. A‘uckian tunned Calm, has gone ovei to (ihio if. pirsuit of Sfonn, a runa way sla»e—verifying the old j)ro\eili. tlia' a stoiin there comes a cali/i.” A country lady, nut a liuntlrcd miles fio.u \(rk, l ji|;land, being told of ihe wij u'aiis in America, observe 1, iha* rdic IKK real of thetn !)elore, and begged to lie .npjKued wliethi r thev would bi(t ■I'lieiutt rest i 1'the nat ional debt, taxes ;.id tc government, tithes, poor rates, } • aiFiount in (ireat Ijritain to 70 tail-' annuaily-^a rate of x.) IDs a Jear | M. Ai:;/a,ed about M.itUili:!), In this county, on 'riinr-.d.iy lust, by the Uev. Samuel Williamson, .Mr, Ihivuhi Jlr.rundn-, to M:ss Mtinf .Munri\ daii|.,diter of .Mr. .lames \|oore. In l.lneohi county, on 'ruesday, 2()lh nil. the K_’v. .lohn Itoliinsoii, .Mr. William Fiileii- wlder, to Miss MarUu K. H.iyes, daughter of John liases, Ksfj. rvv\)\\c 11,^11.1.1)1 sold, oil ihc ,3d of .November next, ▼ » •*' the dw elliilg Innise oftli.' hill' I'liineas v.o.der, all tiie pirishaide |)ruperty ,f th.- •Icceavd, coii.M,stin- of h.s crop of corn and col on, larimn- utensils, slock, eoopermir tools honseliold and ki.rhen fi;rnilure, J^^c Sale to coninieiice at 12 o’clock, wlun' the t>Tu.s will beiii,,de known. Due alteii.hnice uill he g-vcn, by A. W. A I.FAAN D.;i(, .* »ct. IJlh, 1820.—21101. s»;.d, ;d |)uhhe sale, on Wedius- f* day, the first i!a_\ ol Novt niber next, in the town of Charlotle, all\\n- Store (i.,o, s l,e- lon,^^.nK to the e.tal.- of F./.ekiel Aoernatin, dece ased. .'I he stock ((nisists of an exiadl. nt assortment of fr^.sh goods, -rho temis will l)e made knov. 11 on the d..\ of sale; and the ^-de will eunlinne from d;.v ’toda), nntil all is .sold. J. S.MII 11,./,/,,,V, • Oct. 6, 18.Y).—lt->5 li I'u eve y man, woman, and child. 1 he LoTidoii Cllubc, of .August 4h, s; s tl'at the i;old mines of Hussia tre ^ tia el in the Ural mountains, 11.'Si i;: uducti.'e td'the mini's are, we i 'e. '.'le p.ronerty of indn idu.ils.—'I'he ',',!u'!c pioduceor »\1! '>f '.lurtn wc j)/i:i), In this town, on Saturday morning, Mr. 'Fim. •M\s M. Uovn, of the (inn of.I. D. HomI t. Co. about 22 y( ars of age. Suddeiilv. in this county, on the 19lh inst '.i \ e ii'.s. Vu^)VVc> ■0/ JVind.snr ('/idirs, IJch/ntds, Srr. i'.LM. about to (losr my biisini ss in ihis place, 1 shall s. II, al I'nblic Aurtion, on I uc ?ida_\ and Wtdne^dav f»f the Siip( i i(r ( iii|i | in .No\mdier ne\t, m_\ stock .n, h nid, ( onsist- Iiig of 10 lo/eii W Iinlsor Cliairv, Settl es, jO liedstt-.uls, l,otIi li:i,!;'ii and lou po^ts, ;ii,d ui, (Xreilent hew lii.,^-road W:.n-«jii. I'u' \iaht ol .ili_\ o! tile .I'jov 1 s’. 'u li \\ i|j ,)(. \y, 1| to t:iiv a [, ,iht.i;,'-e ot the hlini :.;ilr, as ;itt that tioie iiiy shop will lie eloped. A eia dit 4 si\ iiioiiths \sill !)r II, Jhd not s with .iji pi'oved M eiintv, Will be r. ( il, Idr a! siiMis under e;i;iit doll.irs, easl, uill be (b'm.iud cd. w \i. ( ( i,\ I liiioi si;. C;::i,"lotle, Oet. 1JG.— (.eorge A. (i:ay, ( apt. Jolm i». (irccn, Rrit tain liitrrard, W illi.un i.oforth. H. ’ Alfred Hams, Alexander Ilod^r,.^' -rho’Tia.i Hux, Samuel Holding, John IJ. 11 lu; rs.m, Cariii ■, D, ll. iideisim, J^olomon ll;»ir..s, ."ii .-u iJarj^-ett, Klam Hunter, .Mrs. S. Ilort 1 , t.cury 111 wcr, .lacob llill, .lomi Humiii"iids, ’> al'jntnie Hipp, .lohn llipj). J. Samuel ,lauii,-;on, lUlani J.un ..ui f*, John .leiikins, dev .Ioik’s, I hoiii is ,li roiiu-, l\. Capt. Win, M. Karr, Kpiiraiii, Kvii'inekj ,*4i? •Iince) Keiiiiedv I . William Lucky 2, Siii.Uel,M,-;. M:u-/ l.t cs, Jo.Ill l.itlle M Mrs. i.’achel .Mcl.ur , .fo.'.n Mns,, n lleir,, Ml .Neidy, l!i)deri k ,\I' A'.I.\, .1 1., .M 1 •n;,, '\ ilh im C. Mef oi-i.,1 I., J,i!in j' ,'.,in •Milh r J, Kiv. I.i iiiy' .\|.,-)re, l.iiii. s M ii-y, I'ati ii k .\|i ri)i l^ii. .S)., i|, I I,. M i|-|,^ ,,| . S', .j].. I im \|,i s\\ I II, I'n II |aii n Mi.rri ■ v\, 1.1 n 1 ^rv Win. II \i' I.e,i;\, 1\\. \|:di'oiil \!c|‘ii,. ,,ii ’'/ John .\!oiit(roiiiir\, .\ndreu Mcaiu, Dwi.d.' Mc«.ill, M. asiv Muriihv. I Napier J, liebeee i .Vapier, F,.rin i’ > N'ev\li}, ). Xaduui 'tir 2, J.iim.:-. IV (,. Orr, ,ti)h,'i II. nr.- .1 I' In linthcrfordtf n, N. C, on the btii of Muv last. Ill the 60th year of h.-r af,'-e, Mrs. l.cttc'c Wluirc/i, con.sort of .Mr. 'rhoiiei'; W'harc'. Ill Howan, on the 8th inst, afu r a sev’cre ill ness of eight ueeks, .Mr, '/’//oina.s On/;./, in the ‘J3d year of his ag-,—much lauienled by Ins i\ ■ htives and (rieiuis. Also,on ilu' 2.)lh ult, at J o’clock, J’. Nf. Mrs. Duff, eoHiO.rl >,it '1-. C> |) |(!’ ,n I.^''l{0\I the siihser.ber, on the ni-:,t of »|.e JHtl» of' Sepc last, a small, tLrk [i.iy Horse, Idiiid in lirok-oiit of sta- Oil- i'l rhai lotto, and probabK is still in •1. i^hlxnirhond. Any peisun' will pve nir inl..nnati,)n uliere Kan get him, iull i,e p.od for his tia.'ubl, , I, I'J'VJt’' « I neord, Oct I ), IM)',' i ’’.l-r r. W . 1$. I’oiter, .Mii..Ioliii .s> I’nrter, |*i>ll , (.id.'on IVrrj., W in. I’aiiUie, .■s.nnie i\ n \, \\ dliaiii 1‘nei.. If. I'eter I . I{(jss Si inproiiiiM Ifns.-, .' di.i |.'.i ' .losi'ph l!ee-l, Cinns ||. |',, lio^;•r., .1,lines li. Kolieits:,!!, l./tkivi KoM’-.o;,., .\iiurcw Kca. » I*, > . (1 j,. J. I’n \! Heiir) : Ko’oert Sloa'i. '•Iierill ol .Mef.kI' Simons, Joh.i pheii', Ma.'f.n .Sbi,(l cret.'iry I'haL.i.v l.od.i;,, y,.,n M Sj.rlnf, li. Sell/.er, I,. I... H, Meu.i’.'i I J. C. Torrenrf, Him- 'rhomits, W III, ’riio'iips(,ii \ ....Kiciiard V 11.cent. W. ,(os( ph Witsnii 5, .la;»-c.i 'V\ iKo! Went/, l>’e\. Jno. M. W i'son, W m. I.wha w.illace, William W\neiis, i.’ '•'.n. F, W ilson, s.-innK 1 1 '.V ilsoii _ SMiril. i' \i c\l\ucUuv(‘i\\s 4u\(V \Wn\A.s I or sale, at th'» ol tin; Jour!>»{ 'uhn J >I,n W ■ w ,e.. ' ,!ohp