. i.;i\(■ now s( i n j'l'os [ tralni m-.li'iicc. mild coint.'sv i ('liiiTi!’I t! into [)t'rsoii;iI tii i iiticmtiuTi^ iiiu! 1 t dclilu ! biini'licil : tliisj i xal!i-f! [>r:t'nc!i of ihf I-cRistafurc, for thr ■ ^irst tuiric, is now arctiicn of violf iicc* u:hI “(li'-n-rrard ol' in,';' - (liiia'v couttx.**/’mid of iKixiii,;- i iiani;t'd tlic aspcrt it t'oriiK :Iv wore. I5is- (.tihsio'is a-’ !'> ;;'>s!r'act. jxtwcr'i, nr iiuli- >idiia'I '’f P'-*" /•!• put " II tlu' ( li.iri;!.' wliii'li is tiuis /i^-aii'st us ill .I ho I'acr ol'tlu- '.vi,i id. \\ lir'ilu'f i’atrii k llrmv or Onflow Ijt-: to.-ifct, till' ini-jiH'ssiMtn is inadr. a?id yiiist Ilf crnsfd I)\ oti.cr iiira’i'' liiaii iiiil)- as to th'* f onsti uci ioti ol’words atid r.iMitt iii'fs. have I'allrn i?r.o a ctHirsc f)l iiilt'nij^rraiK and »\c cati oiilv id «.)!ii s( j\t'5 l)v !) tl'f lu>.l)its fiom iiu'li \N t iunc !)i'rti hi'diicr;!. It is Ijct- to;- tliat ihf l.'.'-t Session shoi;ld stand an af.(tr.alv in our annuls, than tlia! by pi’r- r-iilini; in si;c!i a coiirsi', wr should lur- t V(’i I'ortVitour claims to sidl ri'^prc t and tiif admiration of naiions, which arc tlic tpec;..lor.s of ou” carcer. yat. Jiiurfial. Vi'oin t’nc Jru'hn’i 111(1 M l.if;- ro \\ M. i«. (.11 r.s AO'.v thjt vou liaVf a!;aiii prt’sciitcd - Mur"t'lt' to t!u' pfoplc as a l amlidate Tor 'iitiri ^ in tlirir iril't. oac li on oi' them has \ ricriit t.' cxaniiut'into yonr l onducl, a'nd •iVft'.v to express hi*^ oj.'iiiioiis on its mer- n*;. in the cxcfci'e of this rii^hi, 1 hi-,::, u'axt i.l askinj,' \(ju a Irw (pieb!loy.s. ^ W lial lias bi-coiiu; ol' vonr pioniisrd disclosure of the circuinslanct-s under Adams lircai'.ic out' ot'the Jlopublii aii }icirt_\ r Is it triu- that you ■wroti’ to the latf Mr. JriTcisijti lor liis icstimijin in iontirmalion o! yuur asscr- lu'iis 'I'*- sahji'ct? Is it true tiiat rIr. Jfii’i : soil rej)lii‘(l to your Irttn , and r.iriio'.' d \ou to putiiiso his ii jily •" i'’ il thi»' '>'1 huM' no! piihlishtd lub bci au.-e it : » ed in Mi-. JdltMson r.-p il iaciilurs uinounii 11,^; al- U lo'- ol I Ill'll ioilotin;>: I-i il true that\cnjal- JC(iL lliis as th(' ri.'ason for iiol pulilish- inp .iiu' li tter r Did you show this letter, or ihtse nyh/ to a t^entlrinan dis- tit'.tMiishet* no less f'.r his ahilities and in- ten'n^' animosity to Mr. .Tefn rs"n ? Dejji tui on it, the propic of tliis roun- irv\'illnol belie\c ihat Mr. JellVTson Jiad lost, his menialjnmltus six n.onths jireviotis lu his death—and il'lu- had, liis I'ann: v. as too well eslablished lo be ini- ]iairrd bv .one solitar\ instance of ilcfect of memory, You ou^^lil, thcielurc, lo pu!)- Jisli his letter, and lu come oul with your ^ron i-icd disclosure. Let the i)eople 'i'hev \\ill leol as much lendfr KL’ss for Mr. J. as \ou c:ui. and floinrs nj Jcromj Diddle.— l?icl-.mond I'.iujuirer “announces hui a li’ltrr has been reci.'iveil from a ^thiU-mat. in 1-oiuloti, fdat-i'd ihe 'Uh .-\u,^.' slaliiu' lhal Mi . .lohii Randolph oi,R'!/ with him ; and ,d'( lared, in the roui’si* of convei saJii)ii. that the l\ States I'its I/if on!}! coifiitri/ Jor a mun lo lire in. 'I'lie i^ciuleman,” no donbi, had Inindant cwusc for for exultation, at Mr. Kai.iiolplrs (lining; with him, audit was w fact sulViciemly niomenihos to rcfpiire a iMler to be written across the Atlantic. .\\'e Itope, however, this is not the lii'st time Mr. 11. has dined, since !ii>, arrival in Loruion : thf)Ui;h . t'le present is the i'u'st i iii.iinciation of such an important c- M i;t. I; is ijvesunied. that there was no cjr.'a' nujti” prcsen;, when Mr. 1’. said ‘•the L'. Strtif's was thr onhj country fui' a TiKiTi to live in.” and tl.ai -he I.as noi British blocjd in his veins” w ht ri Lord T.ivcr])oo! i:> aljs.MU. This "useless srn- tcnre !S ufapieie with the hundred other jidiculous ^n;>ii:j;s oi'the \’ii');inia Sena- '.'uol. . Since v. ritin:-- the ;d)(j\c v,( : have coi.ie a'i'oss a [,'ar,i”rapli. wliic'i It ai jifur.j’that Mr. 1{ dined i-'i ia ' ill Loniioti. Bail. I'alriul. \tW-^olk ];ol.'us jirescTit a ’t :t!ij;lr'r| Ah'ch T.o o'je at adi>iance. can aii- ja\tl. i hi: I li ; kiinir oii\i ntion, i om- ])ost d of I hi- l ’..r;;. ! ■ ; lIcL^ui.ir Ttiitnu\;i- 1;oii the Ki; an pal'!', — f;/)i;s the l)'i> l.tail—‘tli'.'s till' .\iiii-Ciinioni„iis —di'in.s till' p> :! . v> ho i!i 1 .uiude so ■( I. tid and ('.r.'jif;-'! r a ri: rj'le ior f ! .L•\^ i'>r.! — ha^ nil”. 'I’.'I n'jiiiiii xI.tI fn \ ( 1 |-,( I . li:. n. !!oi n - '■ ri , S.'Ci , \ ;Ci the Si// > I'an.iMivi M i.-,slon—.'i po- ':t!(.:i! !iic!;i oi .'vj;-. ( la', and ilei ii.ti! ‘.•'ip[!o; 'r:' id ,.he pri sent Adiniiii'-’rat lori. \i [ as I •!' '• • ''ar. mk!. r* fi on> the ion- ot ’I.-' nev-...I]'"! s. ( h:iM'n ev i:i‘, to lu' i' ri- s.j’poi'i'd Lv ilie L Miiihis'I'..! iiiii l;.eii—1 li'-' .Im'uI :i!". \ii']iii:i.' tVii ii snjijMJi". to llot 1m --ter. WiilK ' ’ i c 11.1 \ l;v lli , and 1 lie Al'r- 111 S11 j I j.MJ!' ’i 11) ! i |,i I ; I ,.i d :il ' !u ii !'i I oneliaide i’. ■ iilVi' leii'ly I. !i IS hui'd run lo: ;.in, *ii)d liia.t I is i oi.ti a ic!s, otir -n.iiii. V. Ills iHXt inr'j'.nir'' i .y I 1 I ii’HM 1,1 ifo::i;. Hv the arnvalof the ships Spartan, I'dw.iri., lionallie. and Taliua. IVom lla- \ie. I he c.ii'-ors oi' t hi' Nework ('oin- ir.ei i'ial .vdvritiser has I’aris p,apers to the '.'ill of S( ;Ui mf)er, and by the shij) Corir':. lioTii London, p.ti’ers ol the .'■’th. aiii! a Li^niion I’rice ('urrent of ihc aiter- n.oorrfjl'thr ."lli oi Sep!emi)er. The editors h ivr leceived a statement of the iiiiancia! allairs of the (ireek Com mittee ill London, made to a meeting-ol till' li'.dders o! (ireek bonds, at the City of Loiiilon Tc-.vern on the Itli of S-'pteiTj- !)er. 'riu'v percei\e anion^'' the items ol expetiditure, that there have ijeen re- miltf’d to the I ni'.rd States, for the liuildint; of the luo fri!.;a1es .djont which (liere has been so much diniiiil'y in N. ^ OI k. tiie sum of 1 1 ■i.j.O'.'CJ—ecjual to : and that tlie j-iaii of ■'-1J,0()0 has beeti allowfii to Lallemand, for one year’s servii es—eipial to — or more than twice the salat y of the President of thr I iiiled Stairs) I’here is an item of .i. ) t,ooo chari.;ed by Mr. Hicardo, for couiinissions. W iien ihis wfis read, it pi'oduifd a^showt-r of his ses. How would they ha'e -tiisycd, il thev h/ul heard that thei-f New Vui'k had c,har’.',ed cad;, lor iIh' rent of thr lots on w hich the fri;;ates were built—tlue^ realiyiii;,^: for one year’s rent, SlO,()''f' more ihaii the ite of ihe lots was worth ! — It will be seen by iKe, order in (Council published l)eiow, tiial oals atid oatmeal, t ve, pi.-as, and bejiiis, shall be adrnitled on a bond for j)aymcnt ol dtiiies tjoi ex- leding-—oals, is. per (piarter ; oatmeal :s. 2d. the boll ; and rye, ])Ous and beuii', ■>s. fid. |)er4Uarl»'r—ndmitted in L.nt^laiid for home consumption, until 40 da\s al ter the mreiii.K of I’ui liamcnl. 'I'he ad- !ii''sir)n exieTuis to the 2 1th of Deceinbi i, . period of sixteen weeks and two day-, subjecl Jo tlie pleasure of parliament, wliich is lo meet on the lHh of Novrm- ber, then to sit for the despatch of busi ness. stone, she iVdl in wii': a r;--!!'-.!' frif:a!r fi'.iilt shii), w hich had on board 7')'j \ ic- linis, .'O') of whom, in coTiseijuence of their ( rowded state, had afterwards been transferred to anoilitr ve>isel. And when Captain \'idell, of his Maji-sty’s survey- ini' ship IJarracouta, was in tlic river Bonny, a few week.s ni,^o, no less than J’l'.N .slave vessels w;;ie lyin^; at Kint; I’apel’s, as he is rallii!, seven of whicli were under the white llaf;, fiirnishrd with I’rench papers, and navii^ated by I'rencli- men—-the other three were Spanish.” l.ord Clillbrd, Muster of thr liolls, and a I’eer of the Realm, is dead. He was sup[)oscd lo be the [)iobahle successor of Lord Chancellor I'ddon- li is sialfd as a sin;;ular fact, that with all the King’.s fondness for building- pal aces, lie has hardly had a house H' to re ceive him since his acccssioii to the ihi'onc. .A vessel from ('at^Iari, which arrived at (Jeneva, reports that Lord Cociirane. on board of a larjie stean» boat, had been waititii^ there 6 weeks for some ships to join hnn. 'I'he Bristol Mercury says there is not the least sit^n of an improvement in the woollen traiie. Goods are scllinij at pri ces truly distressing;. Lord Rodon has caused forty ejecf- menis lo be served upoti his tenants in conseijucticc of the pan they took al the late election, in favor of the popular can didate. 'i'he scull of Pope has 'jeen du?;' u[> in Twickenham C’luircii, ar.d casts from it are sellini; in London. The L\aiiiyeiical Mat'azine contains an advertisement, to those who may wish to ad.opt u son or a dauj;blcr, or both, of two line children, of about lo years, whom, the pa'rrnts, in i onseijuence of misforltiiic::. will assit;n over to the ap plicants, as llu’ir own olTspriii!; An olVicer under the Li;lv. I'ishery I’lOard, ‘Stationed in the county ol Kerry, who held a conlidenlial siiuation, and till very lately a hii,di character, has been dis covered to have been commiltint;- fratids anti forgeries lo a considerable cxteul in his oflice. Mr. (iallatin, our ?/nnislerat London, tiaiisaC.eo bubiiu'ss w ilh Mr. Canning an the 31st of Au'-'ust. According to the report of the best informed brokei'.s, the situation ol busi ness, as icf^^ards London, and with the exccj)tion oi’ very lew articles, has very ’iiatei iaiiy improved wiiiiin the last six weeks. 'I'hat ifTtprovetnenl may be sta ted on most of the principal articles ol coloi'ial prodii'e, at about Ij or 1 (» per cent.; in some cases pi-rliaps more. I'he ariicic in which has been almost the last in receiviiii; tb.e new iin|uilse given to commercial operations, is cotton. 'I'he Di.'ectoi s of the Ijiiik (>f Scotlanci have aiiiioiiiKefl tin ir intention of reduc- ii.L; ilic rate (,f iin^'-'.st to tlirec [jer cent, from il;e fdst oi'Oitobei', unics? on money lyiui; for six luotiths nr loii;^er. .'lni>l!irr n'ifiinleriHled I'oiiviL—It is said that .Mr. BiVwcrini;' tins re.ilized i-'!0,000. by Ins devotion to the (ireik cause ! 'riie retiort ^ains t!;rourd of a chnrge ii; the \’iceroyally of lrei..nd. liis said, likewise, that (he friends and opj)oneiils of the (.!atholic (|ue.stion in the Cabinet are in imminenl dan^’er of cuminj to a ni pture. It is conjectured that :lie elVoct of the lately issued Order of Council, for the ailniission ol'ijrain, w iii t)e, that En^iand will become a cuvtonier to the foiei^ner to the extent of/o.//' inii/inns. It is not, liowever. to he ima_£;iiied that this will wholly leave the country, in the shape of s|)ecie—a considera!>le portioii of it wilJ no doulji bf reijuired in manufactures. .'>a(u'rday nifht, and six jicr.'nns wore iitvfortunately drowned. 'I'he slnoji was struck wjilh a sijiiall about Ko rrr-unAM, skit. —The news of the partial openini; of the British ports for Corn, has caused ai;eneral advance hei'c, and no article has started more than Wheat. aUhoujjh tliat species of grain is not at presf'nt admissil)!c. 'I'he i ise w as 6s. per rjuarier, and j)rime Wheats would now cost on Doard ship here .‘'>7 to 41s per fiuaricr, 'l')u' iVei^^ht is 4s in l'.ng- li.'h vessels, lli^'b j.'tices in l-'.ngland, wili be likely lo draw more from here than can be spared. Our potatoe croj) is liktly lo be very dcfrctivc*. t 11 :i' r>l-'..i-'. (• 11( II in;' the in i'!(ii,r I )!;lu U'.li- M:- lU-. . I a I-.r.tj o I i !v !•;! till I'lrft sf( iireii iiinulsi polnii"-. \\ hat V ill sh'i'.v. lit' ‘ii/iOfi'l n -,r: Ills the I lie ; i I I n. I . M 1 H I' 1 ;| I. ; ol' Mr, ■ O ifj"'' cil I S.l\s I In; in- i irii!, oi u\ hi'i- 1;( - I j'.c Otlif! Cl I it. TTc .■\crounis from Sierra Leone, are to the j.Mli ('f June. There is not inucli new's. either puidic or private, in the papers. Somh' {’cars ;*re expressed lesi I lie l.iineiitcd lieatli ol'tiie late (ioverno! shoui-l il ad to aMrn>j)ts, on the pari of the Nalur I liiri". to ri new the delc.Ua- !jle Irui'ni , to t he I:nct!(iii ol whicIi lus l il'oit', weie so sie.i'jiland so .■'Uccess I’ll 1 iy u it I i li Il i‘. al the same lime, siaU'd. lhaliiiaiiv ol i liose (' liici^, even tlio'-i' most notorious I ," tin ir eni'oura^''- ii'.'ii't I I tlie Si.ive I'l .idc. m eih !iow liei«r- !ii\ di^posid lo co-iijji'ruie in puttiii!.i' an i iid to n, i:ii(l ha\e made ofiers of con- it diiii'- ill! li j)ai ts of ilirir tfi i itories, as iii.'.y be nrressai y ior. tiie ■lormation ot se:il( niriil:i fur that puiposf. ’1 ill' Sieir.i Lrone (>.,/ri!e of .lunc in, lias ihf !i)!iow iiig pjra:.;i a])Ii i t sprcting '.lie Slave i'raue : ‘'W e liave thi') week llif paiiii'iil 11 llfi tion oi annoutii inu: tiie al ri\ al oi a not in i‘ slaw \ t ssel, t lie I'ortn- i;iii se SI lii;(;ner / ,t 1 oitiitif, taken bv lus .M.'jestv ‘•liip Mr.,/on. i.'i 1^ ini r's Island, liavuif; "11 board a', 'iie time J I > i/f lli iinfort iiiiat*' nali\ e , ol ilus continen!, ■! .. of whum (iied on tlH U’ i>i;.ss:u;e hitlifr. Ira\it’.i.'- . 'wretih'd munivoi's. alilii ted wi'ii llio'r uisr.isi s 5^ciirr..illv prcv ailiiii.; on boai d tiioNC lio.itni;; i i^i ( |i'.ai ii s i.d’iius- « l y. Tiie exirnl auvl.n il_\- w iiii w liic h tin-, =tnl iimaii tralVi; i'. no\v ^.iriied on i'-, in deed, i/!il tiL»u ps.id'iilv i)rou:,ii! to our i.o'ice Jv.' till- !;iiin!ier of iis vu tim tl'ai 1 — I'l il,i' !,.st !i wri ks lia\c ijci 11 I a; ';irf(l j Mi/nnc'iOl'j (Jmn !iV tl.e n;;iadni!:, and'''C’.it here lo'.' adjn-iriett, CaM?. N. 1'. i^./i ji!. i:: :lic laM i i Uisc of t!;c .Mari 1 ,or. Loti,,d : I’rDiii the IJultiniore I’litriot. T/ic (ireek I'umL—In the introduction to the foreign news, [lublished on SaVur- daVj copied from the New-Vork Com mercial Advertiser, it was slated, that Cieneral Lallenu.nd had received X12000 (.■> ^49() doliars) for i year’s service in at- lending lo the biiildinf;- of the (Jreek sbijjs in New-York. The C.ommercial of Sa turday correi is the statement on the au- Uiortity of the British 'I’raveller of Sept. H, which says, “(ien. Lallemand was neither -rt coniaiended nor appointed by tiie (ireek Commiiee. Permit me to add, by the way, that the sum which the (ireek (iovernmenl liud been' charged, accordingto Mr. Spagniolaiki’s accounts, is 1,2(.'('/. not 12,f)00/.” 'I'liis correction places the matter in (piite adiirerent light, as ihe gallant (ienei'al, instead of 5.'?,000 dollars per annum, i-eceived onlv .5V2K dollars—which is not an extravagant compensatioti. (icnera! f.a.llemanii has published the following note in rei’irence to the above statement in tlif New-York papers :— Ithu\ing been puMisheil in sivcral ut’tlie journals 1)1'thi.' i it\, tli;it a sum nf',L12,tloU lia.i i)ei’n ailiiwe 1 lo (n ". l.uiii i ;inil i>y tlic lirceii ('omiu.lti I', (ic iii l' il 1 .ulieiii;;iui tuii ■> t!ri>. np- portuiiit_\ ti) (iiclai y that tin.- said st.ili.nit nt i-. i.dsi'. (i '.end I.alKni.ind ulll r.o! :in.-j\\fr tin; per- soiud :\ ili ciions ;uui injiinoie! ri-ni;rl;s wliirli, il! smiir ii)'ir,iia!'-, li.ivr a. t oiiiiianii li tlir ^tati. - !iit lit. Ill- ' i! lo dii. i!''lie:ir\' (it'iii«- situ i- tioii, Jiiui to ill-, cli.inieti r, to w .ul I'ur tlie |)uliii- f.;illoiis Dll tiu’ • i!iji (.t I't the (ii'i ck siiips, '.I iiicii hast: 1)1'-n p'oiuisi-ii ti, tin' .\iii ncaii ri- |iti!)ii'-. Ilf will lin II .surli n iiKirks ;iM iiiuy in- r -iiiiLii( : .mi tin- initli, wlildi die ii.ll'- I'l,'"! lit ili'Ci;iiii-i|i> sli.iii di'.i v.iil i)c a lull aii^iU I.T tw ail raiuihiiii-s. CM' I .M.M'MAM) j\ew-’» 1)1 Ic, l..tii (> ti)lii r, 1 Messrs. I5i r ^ii tc (’o. the. builders of i otio of ilie (ii'crk ',iups. 111 a no.te pnidi.sh- ed in the Ni-w-Noi-k pap'ers. lonlradut th(^ slalemeiit. lhat .'I'J.oOO duilats ha'! been i.hat:,cd lor rent d tiie two lots on w hii li ' he Sill p.T w I I e b'lilt, to which t!.e (commercial mak*. s tiie I'oilou i i:;; i epi)-.— *■ N lit \\ it list.llK 1 1 111;' 1 III. '-l.iti' dll.' 111.I )i!i\ o. till' Mil in'* lli.s li.i.rilill;.:. I'lllll \ N I I'll I.I. Mi-I I' . ;i .\ N N 1 M I M I. I 'I III I II I V .1 IMIS I > W II I III 11, r, ■' 11’.!. III I. II I III IIII 10\ (I il,, :ilU III ,\'i- 1 (11. N 1 M V \ s II I I I'f i; 111:.!, ins LS I I W II I. 11 A N I I- Hi • I '■ 1 ii\ I :'>( I rill I '1 ll..tl l|ll 1^ IKlV. il I! 'i^ii 1.0. t I Iilii ’. In' IIIIII.-1' til" n i,’. W ri :ii.d llu- :iiii !i I'll' till.' :i' trii;.. IN IN I 'I II Il \ nrd. u ;t !|;r 1,1 IMV Il tin- l.i-i 111. )'.■ hi ii'^i'ii :il cl, ;r Mini lit ;i i; ot tVMi 'l\ Vi. I I I ' N 'I'ii: ! tl.cr, V- :ii a I..1 t (‘I \. liK 11 v,i I' I II' .'Il M ( ... 1'^ .t ill' V I ai, -U nil OU! .'.lioo I , dull; 'i"i> . —Tlie ■ 1( If, I. HI S /clock. w hen near i'aulknei ’a Island, and as she capsized, part of the cargo, consisting of salt and stone, shifted forward, and the vessel went down bow foremost, and sunk to within two or three feet of the stern. The persons lost wore Mrs. I ledges, (widow of the late Mr. Jease 1L ) of Sag Harbor, aticl her son. aged about 11, Mr. Wm. Lumley, of Bridgehamp- ton, Mr. I'.dwiirds, son of lihuel Ld- wards, of Lasthampton, Captain Sayre, and his steward, a boy. I’wo of the men belonging to the sloop held on the wreck till next morning, when they were fallen in with and taken olV by the sloop Imjjerial, Cajitain lirown,.which left Sag Harbor in company, and arrived here on Sunday evening. These Jiien state, that Capt. Sayre attempted to save )iim- self on the boat which drifted away from the vessel l)ottom up. Mr. Lumley jumped overboard, and perished in at tempting to swim to the bout. 'I'he o- ther persons were drowned in the cabin. 'I'he passenj^ers, as well as Capi. Sayre, were all respeciablo people, who have left many relatives to hmeiit their fate. It sf’ems providential tliat a number ol persons, who had .intended to take pas sage ill the .Mariett, changed their minds as the vessel w as about in sail, and irans- fet rcd themselves to the Imperial. .V. J/. Jd. — Wc learn that Isaac B. Desha has been liailed out of jjrison and taken to his father’s residence in Mason (oiinty. i’his course was determined on, we sup- pose, Iroin his heretol’ui'e I’Vincing no disposition to esca[>e, and his weak and helpless condition arising from his w ound. The Mate will be saved the expense (>f m.iintaining and guanling him loiigei-, but it is evuhnlly a slnnch of Cousiitu- tional pow e!'lo bail bun. 'I'he (^oiisli- tution says—“That prisoners shall be !>ailaide by sulVicient securities, errt;il Jur cfijjifui itjfL ines n iicn Ihe prooj i.: eruient and liiesunqjlioit ixreiit." Art. 10, Sec. lu. Kinlitchij (iiiztitc. NAsiivii.i,K (I'l.N.) sr.t’T. 2.J, Xcu'Crop.—'1 lie coiton of this year’s growth, is uncommonly fine, hoih in re ference lo the length of Us sla})le, and thecjuaulity pnniuced lo llieacre. And if he season I'C bui favorable to its c.vpocuIa- tion—if ue may be allowed to coin a w ord —tliere, wili be, it is thought, a gieaier (luatiiity in market this year than any preceding one has yielded. A lew ilavi since we saw some tine specimens ol liie new crop, at ihc warehouse of Stewart and ('harier. The cotton appeard to be white and cleanly' picked, and the staple uncommonly hjiig. 'I'he late rains have rendered our river navigable for Keel Boais. oil!, sells for So li.'/t r. Col. ('. this year made I'rom less tlian half uii acic of drj, gravelly land, two hundrei’ and sixty i^alioris of wine, and from the same land he has sold 12U0 pounds u! (iraj)es, from’25 lo (') cents a iiouiid, av eraging 12 1-2 cents, 'i’he grapes from which the wine is made, are the native black Alexandria’(il ape, called the Tus- kar grape, Schuylkill, Muscadel, SchuyL kill, Constanlia, fee, 'I'he (’ommercial states that Mr. W’m. Shaw, of this citv, has this year cultivated (iH varieties (,!' grape vines ; and in addition to the boun tiful supplies which he has j'enerouNl.^ furnished his friends, he has sold r.0(;0 Ib.s. of grapes lo a single person the prescn: season, of so rich a vintage as lo brin;: 2s, ‘.'d. per lb. iV. ]'. paper. The (irand .»ury of oui’ late Superior Court, when they finished the business before them, made a Report complain ing of the inetease of rogues and v,i- grants, and recommending -to our Re- presetilatives in the next (leneral Assem bly to endeavinir to obtain an Act to au thorise such (’ounty ('ouris as think pro[)cr, to lay a Uix in their sev.-ral counties, for raising a snfiicieni sum of ruoney to erect suitable Houses of Cor rection, in which may be placed 'I'read- miils. Ol' some oilier mode adopted for employing idle, loguish and dissolute persons, who may i>e committed for tem porary punishmeni, and so to amend out- [jresenl laws, uS to provide for punish ment by hard labour in such cases. Nal. /iViT. The St. Louis ivepublican, of the 21st ult. gives a report, which prevaileil there, that the Pawnee Indians had aiiacked and murdered a parly of men on their return from Santal'v:, supposed lo be part of ihe United States expedition for surveyiiig the road to thai place. 'I'he report wa;> brought from tw u dilfereiit nations ol’In- dians, the (Jsages and Ivuirsas. 'I’he Pawnees itre a very extensive nalion o!’ In dians, consisting id’ three tribes, the Paw nee Rejjublics, and Pawn«es. Tiic) in- liabii an iinmense tract of country, ex- leiidiTig from ihe mouth of ihe Plaiie lo the Rocky Mouniaitrs. Extraordinary .'—A 1 leifer w as exhibit ed dt the late 1 air, belonging lo x)Jr. Jon a'hdn \ (dc i'larl,'i\ only two years oui Iasi Mareii, w iiich had a i alf when 14 montlis old, and when presented last week was accomjianied by a pair of twin calve,>-, one week old. It is worthy of remark, also, lhat the first calf vvas killed when.7 monlhsold, find weighed 36." pounds. Vitt\/ie!d (Ma.sg. J Sun. Mr. jJeiij. Miller, of (icrry, in this couiilv, aged ii))(nt -S*' ye>rs, was t'-ied bclore the justice’s uiurl last. I’huisda}', on a chaige of w!iiii[/n!g iiis wji'e, found I'uilty, and sentent eil-to days cuniiuc- meill ill the iounty jail. ('fictmiij^ic C> nsrr. Ihe I nited StaU s’ sliip I.i'xing'on, (.ap'ain Shuin ick,sailed I’j'oni New Voik, lor 'i'riiiKlad, on the l.’-ih iiritaiit. 'I'he object ol her pas.->age is to liring lioine liie lemaiiM o!'Coiiiiiiodoie Pen), wiiicli were inleried al i\jit Spain. .—Tlie f(>Ilow in;;- ir, !adel;)hia pa[)ers a;- 'I’lli (iH! 1.1. C.M hI liuliiislied in the Phi ail aci\er iseiiient. AMl.liiC ' A l l !,.\ riON ' \ onri;.;- ;';eiilleiiiet!,It !>'iidly to tiie Cireel. ( ause, who aie desirous ol rendering a'^Msiam.e Ijy emlKirkino- ioj- that rounlry, atui (levo’.in'^^ tiieir services to ti»ji op- pt I'ssed |;t ople m ilii ir present S I KL (i- 1 LlBi.lv I’Y 1 aie re.picsied to meet, on 'i hur:,:lay evenitig tuxt, al Air. lioli s i( iti.'c!;'.,' Hotel, Ciiesnut ‘il 1 i a I to I’k; call :a;l\ i s to .:j) o I !i,( w 11 • •re maiiv friends e luive already pl'^dged ihein- Ma. I Dei i iar- j Ilia; .'.'’S' and C. :ihi '. i'a'ie l'r,'H', a- Col. ( a: I’s The iiliaui ijiliia, ali'l ivri'orof the lij'e wine e-, I'd, two mik'-, Ml two ’.cars A Ski i err. — \Ve w iinessed a spectacle last week, which we cannot refrain pre- scntiiu-; to our leaders. It may be the means of exciting ri-nection, tl' not en'orf. 'riin e came .iloug the street a lean, dirty, I)ag's'':ud horse, wiih scarce subsiunce enough to make a shadow. He was fas tened l)y twine and rags and leather, to an old horsecart, lhal looked as'if it was bibwii together by the wind. In the cart was a man, ap])arenlly about 5o years ohi, ragged, lame and blind, attended by* his son, about 11. 'I'he son alighted, look a Slone (juart jug fn>ni ilie cart, and assi'^ted his father lo get out. 'I'he faiher look the son’s arm, and thus they j)assed from store to store, inquiring i’or liuin! On the sightless eyeballs of this l)remaiure old man—on his trembling limbs—on his , tattered garments—op. his cart and horse and harness—and worst of all, on the boy—(he son that led hiin —was written Ram! He was made blind by intemperance. Unmpdta JcAimah Quinry Jiail Ixoads.—'I'his Rail Road, the hrst we believe in this country, was opened on Satui day^ in the presence of a number of gentlemen who take an inter est in the experiment. A quantity oi’ stone weighing sixteen tons, taken I'tom the ledge belonging to the lUuiker Hill .Association, and loaded on three wug'^ns, which logetlu r weigh live tons, making a load of twenty-ojie tons, was moved with ease, by a single horse, from the quarry lo the landing above Xeponset bridge, L distance of more than thiee miles, 'i'he rojid deeiines gradiully, the whole way. from the quarry to the landing, but so slightly that i.he horse conveyed hack tho empty wagons, making a load of five tons. After the starling of the load, which re quired some exer'ion, the horse moved with ease in a fast walk. It may there fore be easily conceived how greatly trans portation of heavy loads, is facilitated bv means ol thi.i road. A large quantity o{ beautiful stone, already prepared for the Bunker Hill Monument, w'ill now be rapid ly and cheaply transported to the w hart at the termination i;l the rail rnad.whcnce. it \vill he iraiispoittd by lighters to Chark stow n. Ihis road is cojistructrd'in tlie mosl substantial manner. It rc^ts on a foun dation oi stotie laid so dec]) in the 'ground as to be beymid ihe reach of the frost, and to secure the rails on wliich t!ie cat I 'iage ruiis ell’eclually against anychangc Ol tbriu relative position, they ai'e laid uj)i,n slDi'ie ol eight feel in h'ngtli, placet’, transversely along the whole extent of the road, at dislviices ol six or oii;hi I’eel from each other. ihe ^ pui e between thesi. sloiies is filled with s:iialler stones o;- eaiih, and ovei' the w hole, bet w een th'. raih, a i;ra\il ji'alh is inade. 'i’he rails an; furmed of j/me timbt-r, r.n the top oi' whii h placed a bar ol i:on.— I'he car iiages r-iii upon tlie iron bars, and ar. l.t pi in pl.ice l)v a jirojection on the inner edge of the tire of tlie wheel'.. 'I'he, whei-!s areol a si/;o coii'-iderably lat ;je; than acoinioon earl u heei. \Ve le.'irii Imm a g'enileman who lia'-- visited the prinripul rail roads ui I'-ii.j;- land, tiiat in point -jf solidity and skill iii eoii.iti'iif lion, tlii-. i , nol excecdeii bv a:i'' one tlicic.— iio-ild/i Dai'i/ .ddi. • •(■n. Miller. v.iiiM‘ (Iistii',j.fni-,i,iil sf.r’.ie." UlnU'l'llii iiiiuinit.il Uoh', ;ir, li.u (• MiliiiK'll roll ll’iiuiu 1 lo iiiirl'.iU- S.ill'll Allii'I'irA Irnlli t '■ liir.iiiiom lii Spuiii, !,,is arrin-d .d his iiativ.* \'l!:i;';c, 111 ('iiiiiH rliMit. lie w;is sccoiii! i,i (■(iiiiiiii.nd t,, ;it the li.iuleof Ay;lr,ll^ll,^ a'ld li's |)riiiiijit, ill risr. r eirirgi' at du’ l;e;id oi’ !!ic i .oalf', III till' I’ .ti ,ots_5^ iK'euii (.i_lhi.' liay lit t.aniii'i.i lilurlj,. ’ilie (ii.'i!i.ral has lii'uui;'li- iionii' i?i;ii,_\ 1 iirni'iii utVi^in tlie riinic lie as- 1 to ti-(f — ;iinl, ,iii'.(i:ig t.ie ri'st, j>oine eav- alr_\ ^^ll^l;u•lls 1,1'(lid spuiii, wliirli were takei. »!i ai’^'i;iii;i: 'ho Ivb j wliich he too’u

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