CHimaOTTB: l u 1S1) A y. N f • V K M H t:It i:8, 1.S26. The ('otmniuee of Insiiurtion for lecklenbur.q; county, met at Chuiloiteon uesday of the Superior Court : but ow- tu th(r iion-aticndaiice of several mein- erb, no business was transacted. The 'iTimittee tlicrefore adjourned to meet Wednesday of ihe County Court, at o’clock, A. M. at Mrs. I’nibrrson’s. Hi gh Pauks, Chairman. mes H. Blake, Secretary. disappoiiitnjeni. ocCasicnerl by cir- Slances which we could not control, not only delayed the publication of Journal, but compelled us to issue it is week on a half sheet, or not at all. he loss, however, will be altojjciher rs; ati the sul)scriberh to the Journo! ivill leceivethe full nuniberof pajjers f»>i the year, exclusive of this half sheet. Avhich is furnished them gratuiiously. A few remarks of ours, in the Journal of Ocioher 31, has called forth two col- umt'^ an.; a half of commir's from the cdiHji j1 ihv. ^orlh-Carolinu JuurnnU pub lished in Fayetteville ; .■ 'hmk il proper, therefore, if not necessary, to notice some of them. This we shall do as brielly as possible. “The maio desijjn of our remarks,” says the editor of the N. C. Journal, “seems to he, io attenipt to excite party feelings, and to commend Mr. Adams as a {;ood re|)ublican.” 'I'his statement of cur design is partly correci, and partly incorrect. It was not our design “ to at- lenijjt to excite party feelings j” our ob- jec * Mas to counteract the sinister designs of o'iiei s in their attempts to excite these l’e It is well knnwn to everyone else \ho reads thf* public papers, if r.ot to :i f idiior of the X. C. Journal, that an il P.ufMitial portion of the oppositioii to the adiiiinistration are indefati- jjublt in tlicir exertions to impress on the public mind the belief, that Mr. Ad- uH'b was elected on the ruins of the re publican party—that his success was a defeat of the republicans and a triumph of the federalists-** that ihe cause of Mr. Adams is the cause of the federal pirty” —that those who fell with the father, have risen with the son—that the doc trines and acts of ’1)8 are to be revived, &c. Sec8c that those who now oppost; the ad ministration and tlie t e-e!cction of Mr« Ad- an's, are genuine republicans of the “old school,” who alone can cleanse the “ au- geaii stable” of corruption at \Vashing- toD, and savp the country from the “ hor rors of consolidation. ” If the editor o,f the N. C. Journal does not know that these are the constant iheme? of cpposi- tion orators and editors, that these are the arts w'uch they use to mislead the peo ple, tt) throw suspicion-on every measure of th‘j v.dministration and render it unjiopu- lar, then, we must say, he is strangely ignorant of past and passing events, I'o expose these arts, and strip the op- )osi'ion of its disguise, was our main de- ■gn. We would certainl,y wish, too, to 'Oimend Mr. Adams as a good republi- an,” because we bi lieve iiim to lie'sucii. n the strictest seiise of th»- term. I! lo evotf the best jiart of his lil’e, and in'! ■real abilities, to tlie ser\ice of his cou!.- •V—)!' i’,i;tliful and hotioral)ledischaige fall hi*? public duties—if to l.yvc pos- •ssed ti e confidence of Washington, Jcf- r^ot),-Madison and Monroe—if these, id numberless other evidetices, Oo not ivc him a cluim to the eomn.on jjroper- of all tiue Americans,—the character a good rejiublican—then we know not hcrt' to look !’or the man who isentitUc! to it ; crrtainly not aniong many of thosf ■wl i urge their cx.clitsive claims to i, 110! !( I iig others, v^ho would fain make the p"' ' believe that their oj,j)osition is that I !' disMiteit’sted p;i5.riots, and that tli'*y. u 'hib' l)anclving about tl.e i.haiges of ;ery and corruplioti against their suji I f-f’s and betters, are themselves vriilifiM spot or stain. I i al'itigthe edit»;rof the N”. C. Journal a I'cilr) alist, we meant no (lisresj)ect to hi;.) W'e are not among those, if then- be t • ‘'Uch, who consider the tent) as a repi oacti j and we n ust «e have stilli- cietiily explainefi ubi)\i cmii objt ci in tlvji designatiiiG: him. The editor ol lhc N. C, j Journal, however, is of^ the ; arly cf hU j ( ciiitirvc of its sentinn i ts !u* pi wi'c'-.-it" I to know son;ething. Peri^aps In dii''- know something of them ; bui v\ e suspect his knowledge is very limited, if he im- agini's, that in relation to the present ad ministration, they are such as he repre sents them to be. The editor of the Journal utterly de nies that Mr. Adams is the candidate of the federal jiarty. •• What federalist,” he exclaims, “claims him as the candidate of his party ? Indeed, he is -none of theirs. IJe has forfeited all claim to their support.” Some of his co-workers, we imagine, will hardly thank him for this: it casts the lie in the very teeth of their assertions. Surely, the editor could iioi have x’eail the ]h>s*on C,ircular : or he has no confidencr iu the honesty of Icis worthy conipeci s in that an ..ioH capital. It may !)e, lujwever, tlii'- seeming inconsistency ()e'wecn the advoi-»tes of the* same cause, is only the >lev’1opim ?it of u concerted plan :—wliile oti>-. class oi oppoiitionists denoutices Mr. Ad.ji !S as a fedt-ralisl and the candidate of liie l'edoi\t! party, in order to excite agair. -'. hi in thr s'vispicions of the democratic party, the other is stoutly to deny tliis, and to re present him as having “ foifeited al! claim to the support of fedi’ralists j” in this way they may hope to render lilni an object of suspicion to both parlies, ain' deprive him of the cor.fult'iice of eiliu • Hut the peoplk* are not so easilv dupei con'pktc 1,1:, m’ur/.eroiis d. ; l.ut bi f* re he couhU-M It hii »'sJu r ro.tclu d :i iv. iu;!i- l)or’s l.oi:.- , ; i:iDvt \!i;iUbtf«l Irtili* the loss of I'luod, Mill til from the piirMiit. IIl- tlii-n went to the 1khis of Mrs. lluoks, ;i w idow woman, and :itti in]jttd to lay violent liuiuis on :i young lady, who, he- siispicted, wus .about to be niHiricd to I'ishir, whom lie had pr;\iou.s!y to kill; but hhc hrnke from his gv:»sp, and fortunutely succeeded in crti-cting- Ik r «‘sciipe. Ity this time tiu* alarm had hrrn g-iven, and Philemon .Morris, Ks(i. and (’apt. Zcbulon Mor ris came on Charloltc, atul inade • pplicatioii Jo Jiidg'c KtilFin, wlio wasthen here, for.lUthor- Ity tu ap])relieiul Yai'.(ile. lie iiii'i.ediatt.’.y is sued a I'eneh varruiit, and ilitecUd the sheriff to take lilin, di ad or alive. 'I'ln* .JuTifl'started ‘he same ni^dit, I'-aeiud the mighi)orlu)od hy sun-rise n \t inorniiirr, ‘Ai'.i'ii.f.ned ,> iruard ol'a- !)ntit JO nu n,-Ir usc '■! Y.i'ullc, wiiere lu,' had .ilint ieicjseii i.p and -irp r.' i.ini- self with a r;He ai>d -'tri. >'v.v. J- '-.V The efl'ect v. hieh has tjetii jiroduced iu f'e\loii by ’I'rial liy .Miry. Uy !>ir A'. Johnston’. The iiitrodtietion of trial by Jury in to the island >f Ceylon, and llu: exten sion of the ri»;ht of sitting iipon juries to every half east, as well as to every oilier iiativo of the islntul, Avhalever his east, or reli:j;ioiis persuasion, may be, lia.s ailbrded all the natives of the coun try at) opportunity, which they never enjoyed before, of puijiicly exerti.-'i; thc;ir talents, a.> well as in tlie adminis- in j.iUiL., ' hy S{cv i'..ethod (/ftre:t‘.- hill, to s-.irrender. ’I t i !; to do. and nMt ii'ptt'd t.. '.v out ot’ the g irvi't v. in ; tliem, however, !)ut I'.'i, h citised hiiij to r. lii r- sliort liiii- III ni;'de a . a,t(aln driv( u h.u k ■ ' a iiie Tile guard r nia' i" li r spriPj.'-liouse, until (lu- i.ii*. i withoiit heiiig- a' V.. "i' ■’ ' the sheriK’aiul the the house, which instant tralion «d'justiee, as in the j)rot'etion of tiie lives, the liberty, and tlic proj)ertv ol their fellow eounfrvinen ; and has eons^'queiitly aflorded tl.ei^ a most pow- orlnl motive f(H’ the in^provenient of I their eilueation, aiii! (or the, e. oodi.isjr*- j ment ol siieh stirlje'^ as ni ty inv!';;eiote '. K.-ini'Mied j their nnd(‘rstai..'Iiiiu;s. 'I'ho folluwii,*'' ]. '■ ■■w u itjUm : I ; ! of t!u' jii.'inl - vt ri.! si;o‘.s l\"in n- '> »,.ke iiT ct. ^:ic r . S.tii.i;. hi a . -il'i .1 1)1, bnL v. j, lini'i ihf f"iKr.,l. - li ■ ' 'I'l’ t!ie I . i ti,( .1 •', ' V oljl*'.','. .• Ill M . 'o re. .1 ej-oii vloiie. lie was he !•( [died, j aR’!iin siiimnonc'.! to surrendt tli-it he kiifv.- lie w'dd hi've to die it'hoyave himselt'iip, and h, v>'.idd rather die then t!ian sum-nder, !’■ the i ii. i le several attempts io lire, both at 'li ■ slu i'ilVand guurd, and ut leiigtli ■ i pr:t his jrnn ti.rongli a crack and snapped it at atid such political cunning will fail ol iis | ouard, only a few ])aces ii stunt; ;it desired eftect. ’ t! u instant several of the gunrd ru\i! at him, The editor of the N. C. Journal no' I ilireiigh th>' crack, but nnrorlnnat'dy missed liii;\ aiid killed a little danghti r of his, w lio was 1; Mg- in bed. Thiswa.s the'first knowledge tlu't only denies that Mr. Adams is a federal-i ist, and di-.piites In - eiaim to I'le ch!'r,vctei , I w Inch either tlie sherd) or the ;ruard had, lias muue . ! .'ir.y other per-on w:.s iH the lioiise ui sules Van- of a good republicr.i.; but he our remarks the gr('llIlf^-'^ oi k (d’a 'io-, n , , i ■, i . -.i i J iJe- they liaii siipposi'il lie hail e.ther n.'.irder- lent assault on his charaeter, and (;fdis-1 or s. nt them efV. 1'. t it secm.c, ingenuous attempt “to blast his good | diey were Mitisvqueatly iufonned liy his wife, , , . , ■ , , i tliat w hi n his louse u as surnnnulcii, iie niit her Kanie, by shedding over it the cold and v.,-ed th.m nr.,and deadly mildews of insinuation.” I'roni a fair investigation of his charr.cier, and ol his public or private cotulnct, neithei Mr. Adams nor his friends have ;inv '•ireupiidMMef's mav si:rvc as a atioii advantageous and ve- i \ pi maniK'r in wliieti a native rf iii.r,, while disehari'jn^the duties .piivii'.L.. display the snperiorily (jf . i'. ds, and I rld out a prai'tiral ex- • ; ' . hi.s conntiyiiM-n (d’tlit; benellts '■ !i:‘ nusy he ilenvii.' by them from ■Iedue:iiioM. A l;ndii;i;!> of one '“f ihe::. r,! o!;i j.t nv'nees of ('rylon was tru’d sict.e yens a_2;o, by :i jni v o! MiaiimifiSj ofllie s;jn;c prov iiice, on ll I li.Tr;:;!,; of Iiavin^ niiui'cred one o! li..- I s,;alio!i', with a ^•ie•.\, of po.^sessio;) oi his proper:\. -Vll of the witnesses who were i xamiiicd opby of tl.c Tld;n. art. I'iiid^ I iiiy; the suiijiet cijs. iv>^l by w;is tiuit wbieh was aiit(Ato their eoi.i- prrhension, it was Sir AWxander .lohn- ston's intention, hadjie reniaineil on C'eylon, to have persnntled the liraliinins and the priests of Ihtddboo, totranslutc into their resjieeiive languages .^uidi parts of Stewai't’s “riiilosopb)' of the Human Mind,” as they iiiiglifthink best adapted to the eapacitics of the j)eop!e*; and to have circtdaled eojdcs, made ujj- 011 jiaim leaves, of those passages, a- mongst such of Uje natives (»f the isl.ii^i, as might discover any tasteforstudies ol’ this nature. From a late I.ondun pajier. Seduction o i'l .'i —I’he sympathies of thf, inhabiii.nts ol iiimpsit‘ad. i'.nd its neighbourliood, have been poweifm’y ex cited !>y one of those n.-t lanch(dv c -es of fetnah : sell-destruction which sofi. tj lent- Iv occur to startlp the public ear. Many oi the details have not yet tran.spired, but. a diligent inquiry has brought usacqutjint- ed with the following afiectirig particu lars :—The tinhappy victim, who had not 'earhed her 17th year, was the daughter of H r»Ir. Thomas Ilynde, a hi.fjhly respec table l\ii mer, i sidim? v.oi far from Hamp- It :ij)p''aied. d'Otit-fMr months h.e had the iiiisibrtup.e to become Ca[,lain Nirluls, of slf^ad. ae;o. > ac(;(i;.ir’:ed wi ll .he Dragoon (Juards,, at the !;onse of a. n h.iive of liers in the ,'ity. '1 l;is >,efille- »r, socie ‘t.'i his ('cith tiieWest End, and possc-ssin^^ Ki^. ov.uiiei rince, and a liu ,d- I HOHie f;: e, alh cif'ci ro be struck icii nl llie trial, gave such decisive evid' :.e» ! i? sonie f;: 'i'’c.u’.y and act oinjdisl'.inenis of Misfi . . iiivnde, and cj:i- ■ «d t,i h.- inir wluteci ol Ihe pnsunei s glint, Iha., tiiele seen.ed I .,er to the fanulv to be no room fui doulit ; when a Nu.n ji j 'i'l.ere his ,iiteniionr: ! 15i ahnjiii, wiio was one of the jurynieo, ! ano ins assiihiiiies tiu rnurhi'd, i‘.. statt'd to the court that he entertaii’.ed eon.sideral)le doiihls ot ’iiie prison^T's mp >iead.— eanie so r ■. iflent^ ti Air. udent to conie to uii , and therefore i''juested that:'!! itnesses might be cajjeti ^jaek ajrain irnilt, the w i-d.o court, and !;e n.ight he peiniitted to oatniiie tiicni. Altliotigh almost every one of the ji'iy ii.en, with tl.'e ex ception ol tlie young Ijrahuiui binist il, were Inlly eo: vin('etl, fum tlie nature ef the ev idence v. hieb hatl been given, d'the guilt of tlie prisoner, the court riefjiiit seetl in tlie af)|,dicatioii. Anti on j Mul lli: I di clar (I, ii'tl'.ey made die least, he unuKl i in-l!in'l\ put thi ni ti» >l.-alh. In the ni.ibitii- I nate ileuth, thereibre, of the little girl, lurt tije ! h ast hl.'iriie can l>t atlaehed to an\ one, bi t tl e j tiie \\ itliCSSCS lieing ijl'Olight Ijaek again j urei h. (i father. , into court, the young ]{fahniin eross- I Innm-di.itf y on tlie iinng of the Ruani, | •' . i . , thing to fear : but what man is sale, when [ Vaiulie ilro]t|)ed hisrifU', snatched up the shot j them v/itli sueli 1;Uent ano even bis most meritorious actions .p. , pnyMwiu .1 out >f a do.M- ,n the opp. site side >!'> ', that b ti»ne snti.s- , o‘ iii lion-. , :>nd i.reil en the piard within hed his hrotlier nirymen, and the lu o- misiepresentcd and tortured into crimes, foiii'paces f.i-the t’lr',’^e of iii> p,,,,. At ilu> ^ , i .i •. on inti or,o,s oHh. 1 -fTT 'T"" ^ f‘''i d and slot him tiiiin;);-.) ; ;n,ti Yet such is the tieatment which Mr. Ad- ; ciro'aiist; i., ilunl.tUss owj.^ Miat liis lire ains has almost invariablv received ficiu ' ^ y'*-' " in.’ he rercivid ' can-e.l him to I leviiie in- t;ini so tiiat the shot his eiieniies—such is the* ; ^,:,s^e(l o\ er tiie Ik ails .t'^ •I'li. re- which has been meted out to him by editor oi the N. C. Journal, in insinuat ing a variety of groundless charges a- gainst him, by way of interrogation, af ter the manner of Mr. Kiichie, of the I'n- quirer. In noticing this ])ortion of his piece, we wish to introduce some ex tracts and statements, for which, at this time, we hav^ not room; we must there fore defer them until anotlier paper, when we will conclude our remai ks, perhaps already too long. Neiv-York—Partial returns of the elec tions in this state have !:een r»-ceivcd, whicii show that the election has !»een a much closer one than was anticij)3ted.— In 18 counties heard froin,Gov. Clinton’s inajoniy over .Itidge Kochester is about 2000. In the LegisluUire, il Is said, the opponents of (iov. Clinton will bav;; a majority. IS'i'^r-Jrrscy. — Dr. Ihvi i,.m\n, a decith C friKiul of i‘»ie adniiiiistratii^n, has been e- iected by the Legislature a SeiuMor oftho States, in the place of Mr. ?>rilvaine. deceased. lie was also ejected for. six years from llie 3d of March, !H27. .ind lie deleai his future hopes. Tliis exhibits human nutiiie in its worst colours, and nnist he deprecated by the \vis(‘ nr.d pru- dient iti every community. 1 have b*-en brought into this train of lenection, i)y p5\ing some attention to the condiicr of I hi: ojiposiiion to the jiresent Admir.istra- lion. 'I'he President of the United States, and .Mr. Secretary Clay, have been shin- tlcreti Tiioit egrcniously{;dlhoug,h il muv be safely aiurnied, tiial they now stand . ti.e head ol incorruptible st.iu sir.i n ;.nd piali iois ; ant! their ( haraclei s rcni .in i.n- Ideiaisl'ed in (he estiina'ioii ul i.l, r,• c i\.- !)!(■ p(di11 i.iir'.. ’l*!i'; sa): iCions sct.t'in.> ol their enemit '. h .vt be: . iVu:':Ii .ited •- and the pro;'!(‘. !-egin im sec- .mm . . «|v i; f iei iale tlie motivt.s of tln/se wl- /y^r- l(ni to oe theii ri al ,in:l exclusi\c I’licnUs. '!'l:e fact is tuitur.. i.-s. tiuu there is no m n in Aniei ic.i !,. (juulilied f>>r tiie diK^nnied olfi. ( uf I h' .'ein ii,an .lon\ (^1 IM V Ai,v\M'. ;\i'.’ v\IkiI adds very -2 Dispfrnilu. — On -;.tiirday, the 18th inst.'nit, join li his ri pu.alien, .lu! ni.i r be pe- a most airocioiis nnir('.i r ".as p( ri>ctrat', (1 ill th.s j culiarly i!-ing lo ■ . ■ ,,.e: lean in county h_\ u man nanjt d i.o'ocrt V. tdle; the par-j 1 I’lnc!! .• . ..-i ’ .t f.jciol :: - h... .u;.'; i n |o\- tieulars ef which, am! of .siil seqneiit event-, j ‘ . '•■u u i .'«'u ( • fideiu r resulting' from it, v\eha\i obtained from the | (ifT.'ia! ' f-iii.neon. 0\i\ . '.i.t i>l every ':c IStatt's.— nesses whoJiad civen stich deeiik'd ev- idi'iiee ;i"ainsltliL‘ prisoner, vvei'c engn/;- efl in a conspiracy against his life ; and all the evidence wliieh they hail previ ously given, -witii such ajjpareiit consis tency, was utteily unfoiindeu. M'he prisoner was accordingly’ aeijuitted by the jury, without a disscnfitig voice, and the young IJraliniin was puhlielvapplau- d^'ii for the great and perse verance with wliieh he had elicited the truth, and confounded the .'iitiliees of those who had consjjircd against the life of the jirisoner. Sir Alexander Johnston, who was Vfci X -y . vv 41 « V'. It KJ J I lju I. li * U r I I . J , , « I J/W.iv . (lisu[)|)(jinu*tl U) (I(‘iitrrv his ri'puiution and nicmbi.T cf i!i> Majesty s Coiineil in ('evlon, and who* I nia.nd'jr of the iinani tin d .nstantly ■ full dead Severn! pac> s fn m tin. door. e iiaxe piirposol_\ into tin.' di tnils of this Jiu lanci'.oly tra'nsactioii, in oiiU rto n move mis;4p]jielie;i.siuns and jirevciit false reports IVom getting into circulation. — FOU TIIK C.\T.AWHA JorU't,\I„ Mr. I'.DMon: When ibeieis no just gtound ofiotnplaini against ati indivitiual in public oi- in private life, it issomewhat astonishing to behold the liHte arts which ire d'ten lesorted lo by the envious or slierHl, and j^ive tinm as follows :— On the day abo\e ini'iitioni 1. Yai ille ranie t hiii hrntlu r-iii-lau’s, .l()iiii ilhitis, a;. :unit v ; he iiail sonic spite, and as sooi. .i.'. h f tlie house, tidd him he h:tlcome(in jjtirpi , kill him. lie iiTimediatc'y preseiittd his i Vs A' ■cl J(S, i.n honest ;-istrai( f character • hrKild h'. upjiurtnig .! . i'ie/ 1. "'‘I our tir.i. ‘'ii'ie irnidmc, w ims'. '*1 and altainine.its I ( id sucli v cons|)K uof 1 t,!u(«’ ot* 'i'e roil (d i'.tnie. And he iriU ;.p|ic'.rt’d. So ion;: j,s ‘n coniii:ues t. [iresided in liie eonit on ilic occasion, w.Ts so intndi struck when .l!;e taler.ts which trie young lb atimin had disj.layed tliriui^i-lioiit tin; trial, that he sent'for Iiim all"i tlie trial, was over, and asked rrom him the nattire of tlu; education uliich he had received, and the course ol siuiiii's which lie Itad pursued. 'l'J;c young Hrahinin, in reply, infornied Sir Alexander, liiat he altributed any skill whiidi he might have shown in exam ining tin; u itne.sses at Ihe trial, not >0 inneh lo the nature ol • his education, uliieii had I.'oen the same wi'li that of most ol the other Jirahmiiis, as to the study ol a Wiu k whicIi he had ji.'ociit- e'l, wliile l,e was Iravidling tin .ii:::ii Iho,I (,! Indi.i, and wine!, i;:- iVv’- (iuenll3 peruM'd and d St I'eiiJit lieiied his undei'standing nioietliai: anv uoik \\ l.-ieii he had ever read. I’ pon r\.iir;i:;ing !;,i.s \\(>| !v, It w;i' inime'.iuie 'X'd.ui.tion, and M at was ap- pat enuy sal i;d ac lory, I or t lie Captain con- linned his'vi^.is more f’ qucnti; i)iai\ lorrneiJy. Female conliduice iw a sol- flierV, hurroitr IS kn-iv. ptj be »'xces-ive; anil .Miss Hym.'e apfMrenily reposed r er- selt in i!ie fullest in.Aiiner on fliuL of C.nt. Xichols. Things uc; i on qui' wy enough until Wednesday s( ‘i;. wher he )outig lady agreed, at liie urgent sclieita- tions of her admirei, to accompany him lo the English Opera house. They re mained in the tlicalre till nearly half past nine o’clock, \t i'.en, on pretence- that by staying longer, they would lose he Hampstead coach, they left the rd. 11. .wtd proceeded at a rapid pace iowuk’s the Hay-markef. Before the pour knew well 111 what direction she was she found herself in un obscure alley oil'Lei cester square. llotv the Capi .";t. recon ciled her to accompany I’ini u such n I)lace, is and must remain ar,i; stery : bir liom the accounts that hax** 'trat..s’pired., it would seem tiiat he wiled her into .■ brcihel in tlie neighbourhood. Wiiatev er wereihe means practised by the ( ap- tain, certain it is, that, during her stay, she was plied by a certain deletei’i- ous com[jound vhich completely bewil dered her leason, and made lu‘r an easy prey to a designing villain. During the suspension of rca.s'.n, there can be nu doubi but that he efiected his diabolical purpose. She lay (ai cording t.j her own in adeain-like stujjor for near 1\ an hour and a had; and, \\i;eii reason leturtied, she ban.d beroelf t;e:,erted bv her seducer. Wiib great difficulty th'- iaintui.g girl j'(,i e.'it cd tie house, an5 commenced .her journey 'homeward'*, wheie she arrived about tw> in ,he mor ning, and a'cout:lcc| for her ^l>sence, bv saying, that vht nail missed Capt. .\ich - o!s m the crov'd shortly after leaviti:; the- theatre ; and her wild and agitated ap pearat.ce conlirnied this aitifice. Tl i consciousness of the mi5,cliief that had bet n done to her, prej d deej)ly on th- ' mind of the unfortnnat'e lady, and induc ed her to hurry lu rscJf premaUiiely oti^ of a 'i'!d whicli bad now no charms fu;- he”. 1 l.e calm rieineanour, aj)[)uri nl!r lulled to sleep lii. :ijSjdcioti of iier p.,- iv'ils: for on .Monday e\ening, she was al- ’•i-.ved I.) g.i to the >,hoj) of Mr. Jones, I iieiiiisi, u lien s! e (uircliased a large ph;- M '.'I L'Jiiantini. Sli, swallowed it to ll;> di'.'gs, ab jtr. !wcIm' o'..luck, when all ih faTiiily had retired to i\-,,t. Iiou; .'■H i aO;ut tv. iterwards, they were aw.aki'iit;; '>•. .' il w moaning noise, which pro','eed 4' t ..>n. ncr bed co:)m. llurrvirjr ’iiiihc iiilhc tiiitli was'too plai’.'y re .'ea' the .' Mcfii':: i aid was ?npli''' biiteverv effuri proM'd uri^iVaili'. •>— 1 i tuieiit tioiii V this I oi;i,t I \ II - lAhicdi fl.isliid; when llartis sprung'- up ami pu.siie .nat wise anil .ici/.eil tlie riHi’, and a eon.-.i(!eraijle see.lhi. en-j " I’'f'*' *1'*-* iuiercsls id sued; but Yandle overpowered hiii, and h', at j• ills brains out with the Liitt of the i ill . lici ^ •hati,, aiui^ a(tsu;ti,.'i tl.eii went lo the house of .lanies .Mon ;s, whi-^ b i ol nalU. e tl'.er Hartib's wife had Hed, and attempted to kill her; but she fortunately i .-.c-'iicd, aflerl e- ing' bc\ercl\ wounded by u idow freni his rule, hy getting under a small l)uildin.i’-. YainlU- then left the braise, and afti r going ui>out hah a mill, met a young maii hy die name of I'l.sln r, whom he had previoii.^ly tlil'eutened i o Kill, iired ill him a;ul vioui.ilcd him in the .slnjului i ; I'lahcr ran, aJiU YaiiUlc pursued, iu oiil-.'r to lie •• str.nds It! thi ; flvic.' .( 'i;.- “ /.Vumljii/r )t(J, “ Lit uii till ends ihnu ni)n(':t at, “ >)! till/ a>uni)y'y, ikfj Uoil'i and 1,1.1 11 S. {[r:'J'o those who are no; inlii.iatel\ acipiainted with tlie scliemcs of ;i;’ i,ppw si t ion, I \wjii Id re-(;! 11 !ii( ',d a aref.i 1 pi' rti s- a. olthe letiers *d *' Potiiik ..'U!' j niimi>er i.f I.:,.;,,;, s si vieil i.e '•'i'urcn Ligh!,” idi puoiisli.'d ciiid reptiblisited iji the ^'atiOnal Jovrtv:!- di'-’coWTcd to he nsiici t siMninar\ of tlie “ Diaii edit ' ol ,\ri.'-t'.tl.',” wliieh had been traiislatod frcm A alne int.) I-en,-, . serit, atid been copied iqion a few p„in | ' leaves in the l)‘ gi ne ehara. t : It i •' oectUieil lo Sli Ah.x:ii.der .l.)!ii:-.tol., j ! ;d;uut six o’cloi inun tins, asu fdi as l:oni i, .r-\- ti.ei-j^ stiffened cor;,.;e. During tl In^t.iiM es of the s.iiiie sort, u, ,i !i w c; e I ' ‘-'‘-P'^td belween the' di hru'ighl U- ! is knl)\^d('dg(■, wiiile i \v, oil ('ey loll. tied. .T sli.'.'t tri .itis; on lugii ad.ipled to tlie uiidei the stat'- ( f ( dueati(!’i ol Ce 'I'le. wi'uhi siiit tlu’ f i ar.t!wi;r, an:i p' opie 1 n • I o\ e the ,nti 1 h ( 1 ijiii! \ ( s '■ i ; fic Cl iiiCi 11 to (d' a-iu great- •tl e:i| aeity of . 1 le, of a'-eertai.iiiig bieli ;■ tiie wheth(;r r.>!iM‘i!l.,c, or that by Sie.varl, \’ouhi !)ethe it;0:.'t in- !>' to ‘it.ei.i, iVeqiiuitiy suhinitfed to soine o: tl.(; ahk'st men anio:!>j:'t l!;e hire, wiMi :i vi^'.v n.i theii oi ti'.'atiii Ihat I hservi'd by ;aig;ii teiliui 1 lindon;^. and the Ivuddhi.sts, Iranslatiuns ol' evil lets l:i L't'^ique tliO^irrcalei Iroin the liltle work, “ Sui ’ by ('(.iridiliae ; and fi otn woi'k, on “ I’liih.i';- covi ry aiid ti;e siirgton’s arrival, the p.. icn's learnt from ihe language of tlu', dying child, the shocking uariative v, i.ave now detailed. An inrpiest was helil, on Weflnesda^ oil the body, at the Cri^wn public liou'- before oned’the coronei s for .Middlesc, and a respectable jury. 'I’he evidence r semblcd, in its niain features, the far we have already detailed. 'I'he Coroner, on summing up, strf n Iv comteen'cd on the intamous conduct (.'apt. Nichols. T!:e .lury, having viewed the bo:! brought ill a \ei(iii l ol’ ‘‘ I iisanitv •” T'rom tlie N'atiijird «e(/..-tfe. e t'a>e leieut c! ii ■ .\lt'XK,an down l: t'ln ;?'jih S^'p!emb.:r. It ‘v..