i',M ... xf.. Tlie of iliat montli, tiie aMnivcrsiM' ''f lb* cry of Mfxiran ■ !ulfjH’tu!i'n V'., 7 r fi'rifo tie-huiei en- finici') \vas^'i’l)raiid in tlic capilal arid rlsewlu't t;, *ilh dcmoiislratiofis of llu' iivflicst I ihii^iastn, and llie utinosl^f- ficiu) solemnity. N\’c roin'ark llicfoirow- ini' ariicl*' in tli’ A;uilla of the 19lli : The rerovcrv of Gcnoral Vircntc (iuerrcro Jroin a d:ii)!,'’cr()i.s illm-SN is oiif of tlii; c\eiits vhich lifive [;"ivcn most dclii^ht to jfnod ]iutriot>. Tiie intellij^enrc tli;tt Adams :iiid .IfU'ersMn, STici rssor>, trit nds :md ussDciutes of \\ asliini4;'- lon, liHil died on tin* anniversary of t!io Indc- pL-ndcncc of llic Uniti-.d Slati-s, crcatcd a sii- 1>frstitio’,is alurm lu re willi ri'j^arti to the life of beloved (iucm-ro. It wai iircadcd that lie „ onld meet the Into on thr aniiivcrsary of our Indi jicndence, the Ifnh inst. lltii it is now iiopt 1 that the ilhistnous (lencral will not be i.iki n from us before he shall have been the head of the nation. The Ayuillaof the I7th of Septeiiiber, foniains the address of the Presitlrnt of the Hfpublic to the GenL’ral Cuii(;ri*ss at the opetiing of the extraordinary session on tlic 15ih. I'his document is litiU* nioic than a simple indication to the bo- jIv, ol the olijccis which claim their im- mediate and earnest attention—and of which the chief were, the cusioms, the liiiances, the military establishments, and public fducaiion. The President an nounced that the treaties concluded with ibrci^;n nation^ would be submitted to ihe Conj^ress, and that the l'\tculivc “ was rxainining with the grcaicst ;are the comparts of the great American As sembly at I’ananui.” 'I'lic reply of the Speaker ol' ne House ol'Heprcsentati vei is puiM and sensible, but sla'cs nothing •which would be iiiieresiing to our rea ders. From the St. Louis (Misso. ) Republican. Lonii ary to .jui aiiiu ijiatitjiis, a treaty of peace, ainiiy, and frienilship, wascon- clud( d in this titv, on the 7ih instant, be tween tlie Delaware Nation, and their conlerfcrates. ihe Shawnces, Kickapoos, Piai.kashaws, Weas, Peorias, and Sene ca, residing in this Stale and the Terri xoc) yf Arkansas, and the sev**ral l)ands of the K*'eai and Lillie Osage Nation.— Considerable ditfi-uliy was manifested on the part of the Delawares, who were not atiMoiis to come to an adjustment of their dUiVrenccs, «omc of the chiefs even de- clartd that they never would make peace vitl; the Osaijcs. The tomahawk is, however, for ihe present, buried; but, al though all parties appear satisfied, and say they w.ill keep the peace,” u is pro bable that, ere long, it will again be rais ed. Situated as the Delawares, kc. now &re, in a couniry witiiout much game, they wili continue to encroacli upon tin hunting grounds of their neighbors, and thus produce new hostilities. It is a sin guiar li.ct that nearly every nation of In clians bet ween this and the Rocky Moim.- tMi;i' «'e r.lmost constantly at war, the iioruiL''1 v»: I- i.e soutiu i n nations. Th cause IS ws; il > lihinent es with oin tchilt Irniicrs. settlers on ilie frontier, ui-.w eni r>.ja~n -i, on the Indians nearest in ti‘.etn, killiiif!; their game; they, fi',iu z principle ol scif-pre'Crva Jon, upon iin liexi. and thus it rxiends to the w li.»lr Those more immediately in the vicinit) of the whites, benu' more skilled and bet ter provided for war, aimougli fre(|ueiu- lyinfeno! in numbers, sue. eed in driv ing tla-'i- neighbors lo thr north.. \V.- arc ndormeil by Cien. Clark, su- perinicndi iit of Indian Aflairs, mat many of ilie triijes of Indians who have been assembled here for the adjust>m;ni of their difticul les, have expressed a wish to exchange their lands, within this stale, for land beyond its liniits. Their ob ject appears to be, to collect the scatter ed remiiants of their once powerfnl na tions into one family, far from the resi dence of the white man, ^*nd turn thcii at tention to agriculture and the raising ot stock. That the> \vili be compt ili^l lu re sort to this couioc, before long, is evideiii, the sea-city of game; anti it is hop ed I Mat the government will encourage them in it. A pul ty of men lel'i here, some months ago, willi sevtral Indians, intended lor exlw.ution h. Euf-pe, but on their ari-i- val at j'uiiudiM'fjl.'a, the Indians, from feat of -r')ssii.g the Lake, or from sou.' ‘b'T CJU.s^•, cohclnded to give up the S'. ' iiiid ha\c rt'iui iiid to their ^vtlds, leaving their while 'ircihren ronsiib-Tubly out of pocket, in travelling expenses. Commodorr Pnricr.—The editor of the Nu lonal (ia'/.Hle Das a letter of the 9th Sept. by which lie learns that Coin. I'or- ter Las reason to Ijc jjerfectly saiistied vith the deponrnfiit and dispositu.ns of the Mexican govcrtiment. and lias be rome a favorite ui'li'.iie oniciT'i and sea-- men of its Navy. Wii!) -J'.e mui ine corps l.e had soui- difl’h-ul-.y, in the selilement of w hich he displ.i\ed his characlei istic energy and deci- ion. He confnu'd (en ol the ofiicers in the Cas;le ol Uli ja, and sent the common niannes to the Island of-V«- nrijlcios, supplyiu;.^ tlieir pl.icis Ijy vveli disciplined tioops from the land service. 'I'iie govrrnmenl in Moxico, atid ihe au- ihoiiiiesand people in Vera Cruz, gave their wai niest appi obalion to the manner in which lie suppressed the attempt to jTSist his authority. It seems that ihe colonel (;f ih;^ marines was jealous of him a foreigner, and contrived to ixcile In- coi j>s to a slate Ol couii',!' u' mutiny; l>u; ‘'Ui.uc.dtd with none .'li.er. lie also was Arrested, 'I'be nalivcs of thf couuiry make Hne soldiers, while the fjfTicers, who he:’, and leavinq: her to feel the sorrows of widowhood. 'I’o whirli he made ihelol lowing ingetiiuiis and le!icate compli mentary are generally descendants of the Span- iarjK, are not so praiseyvorthy. I'he of- licersof the Navy aie, for the most part, of Campeache, and without any mixture of Spanish blood. These are more tract able in every rcspeci. C'ommodore Porter was advancing ra |)idly in his arduous task of establishing good discipline in the Mexican vessels: and, on the whole, a sensible ( hange for !h»‘ l)elter had taken place. Hy the side of the Dutch brig of war, which was at \ eraCruxin the the first weekjf Septem ber, the comparison is saitl to have been g'-eatly in favor of the Mexican ships.— The latter arc to be kept as much as pos sible at sea. One of the main objects of the governnient, and of Porter himself, is to Cl cate a Navy entirely Mexican—to a- void, whenever it may be practicable, the jelighting in linerv. introduction of any foreign materials.— There is a Naval College, at which all the midshipmen Tiow are. 'This is an imi)oriant establishment in refercticc to llie end just meniioned. ply;—“liiessid is the man that hath a virtuous uife, forthe number of his days shall be doul)led.” Dr. Johnson oncc ohservrd, in speak ing of a weak woman, that it was a mis- eral)Ie thing when the conversation can only 1)0 such a.^, whether the mutton should be boiled or roasted and probal)ly a dispute about tb’at. It is a characteris tic of ill informed and self-suflicient per sons always to be dihputing abou^ tri fles. De/inifion of a Homan.—\ wicked old (ireek writer gave the following verv ■ j sieguludr deliniiin : “ Woman is an an- It is stated in the Democratic Press, I^Iatrimony.—I'xperiencc has long pro- j nouticed those marriages the hapi>iest, in which the contriicting parties arc of a condiiion nearly equal; so that, when the first ardors of love tre abated by time, neither can assume a superiority, or think that the sloop ol war Hornet, Captain ji a condescension to liave acceeded to the Woodhouse, is cxpectetl oi Philadelphia in a few days, and that Mr. Sergeant vvill embark in her on his Mission to the Con gress near thr city of Xli'xico, about the middle of Novemi)er. Ii is ik>i known whether a Minister bus been appointed :n the place of the late Mr. Anderson. Kxtract ofa letter from a gentlenian in Nashville to a niereantili; house in Kno\Mlli-. “ Six cents per poiitid for rutton is spoken of as the price delivend here the ensuing season, and we doubt very much whether the article will be worth moie ; indeed we should be unwilling to risk more than five ceii’.j.” A gentleman in Iliintsvilie, (Ala.) writes to his fru nds in Knowilk, under ilate yth October iiist. “ It appears to he the geneial opinion that the cotton market will open at six to seven cents, and many ;hink a great deal will be sold at five cents.” The oHicial returns made to theofTicc of tiie Secretary of State of Indiana f'lvt; to Mr. ]51ake a mnjority of hi-unc votes over Mr. IJoon, in the late election for a Rei)resentative from the first district of that State. INIr. Hlal>eliad 5,222 votcb ; Air. Jioon .j,- 1202; and Mr. Shuler Tlii.s state- nuptial 2illiutice. Genius. — “I know (jf no such thitig as .genius,” said IIog;irth to Mr. (Jilberl Cooper: “get'iusis nothing but labor and diligence.” Sir Isaac New ton said of himself, “That if ever he had been a- Ide to do any thing, he had effected it by j)alicnt thinking only.” Rcmnrknhle ('uurtrsion The Hon. (Miarles . IJyrd, Judge d' ;he United Slates’ District C!our' in Ohio, has join ed th" Society of Siiakkks, residing in Mercer county, Kentucky. ('omnirniator. Not tlin least cxtrnordinnry p«rl of the storv is, tli.Ttthis dialotine between th(? d('vil tiie dortor took j)iaec btU a very lew iioiirs previous to Ilobespier- re’.s l)cini>; denoiinceil hy 'Tallien and Carriere to the National (,’onvcntion, as a eonsj.'irator n^ainst the republican cause. In defendini^ himself from he- infi; arrested by the guard, he attempted to shoot himself, hut the ball missed, broke the nionstor'.s jaw-bone only, ami I/early impeded his speaking;. Sing;ti- larly eiiotiiili, it was this physician who uas sent for to assist and dress his wfjiimis. Ilobespierre replied to the doctor’s observations, laughing, and in tli*‘ Ibllowing language : “ Oh, |)oor devils ! they do not know their oumi interest. But my plan of exterminating the evil will soon teach them. 'Phis is the only thing for the good of the nation ; for before you can reform a thousand I'rcnchmen, you must Hrsf lop oir iinlf a million ot these vagaL'onds, and ifdod sjciic niy life, in a few months there will ho so mnny the less to breed internal eommotioiis. and dislurb thegiM.eial peace of lOurope.’’— lAnn-)'fir.s Secmt JMvnioirs of the Frcnch ('(,n7'l. Dli'.il, In tiiis tov. n, on tlie 5l!\ instant, Mart'anil E- infant (i;.uglitv" Ol \\ 111. il. and l^liz.i- beth Al. \A'rist(j!i, .(g.-d one vi-ar, six inonliis.uui thirtavii da_\ s. In tlii' ( i.iin'y. on the 12th inst. Mrs. Jinn I f lie’, ot ilic laic Kiehard t'hai-p, .i^'cd «■ liont \ ( in til.', ( '..uni v, at the rt sulence of Mrs. Sai..rtt, Ol. the lliii inst. ;.!«.■, .\\N (..'ow.w, a most a- '.1 !)li' and intt-restiiij;'voung l.alv, ajed about 10. On the IP.ll II. I'lla*'.-. i-.-o!. iST'd ai)out t\\o veal liVVWA loY ■'iV^n.L be sold, at tin Court-lloust in rhaiv Tf lotte, on the ."oiuiay ot our lu xt County Court, tlie following- 1 ui , viz-about twn ' red acres.lying on tiie wc.st .sule ot Heuttu ’s Fi road, three iui!e^ from Charlott*.- ut acres, joining the land of Samuel M’( t ni Wni. Kiidisill, near Charlotte; alsu a fron I uek lot unimproved and handsomely .uluJ near the Acalemy; all belongi'ig to t:iv t Zv.nas Alexander, deceased. Sale to u:i at 12 o’clock, when the terms will oi known. Due att» ndanee, bv A. w. ai,kxam)i:r, Nov. 16, 1826,—2t9. ^Viivice, ri1ll.\T on Tuesdiiv of the County Q X the ('ourt-liousc in (’harlo*u , J w . I’ublic Vendue, a tract of land lying-] M aters of 'i;d!..rd creek, adjoining the] A. Henilerson anti others. The Irae \v 13 formerly the property of \Vilson '. now belongs to Maj. H. W. Smith, r •jin authorised to sell. It is land oi' ( it), and contaitis about two hundrcn 1} icres. it will be sold upon ti e. edit months. WM. J. ALEXAJs Nov. 15, 1826.—iw. \U\u^*vvu ViS\ MiOM-riber having qualified as Ai. Jl. l>;i.it')r on the estate of Dunea.i Camp deci-a-jid, wdl expos- to jiubiic sale on 1 ru tli( 8th I it.'"ember next, all the p rsoiuil pi pert) (si .'.. id deceased, consisting of itorses, Wagon i.iul >.'eers, Stc. Jkc. Terms made uiown on t'l.; da\ M sale. U M. !SMI Ml, JJiii'r. JIN ofUctob.r, uhimo, a ehesn-it.sor!. Pol in/ of Rnhcspierrc.—liohespieire had a confidential pi'.ysician, who atten (led him almost to the j)eriod when he , , , ] .1 il’ 1 I 1 I „ I tt rs, \Mtii a liirL’e eiri io (,l rcl.iiions and tr.ends aseended tin- scailolo, and who was ob-; bnu-nt ti;.irVrcp»r.. ,U- deprfvati ,n. T.us ligeJ, 77i(ll^rc III/, to (.me tete a tete | i.;i^ .i. a, an agev,i..n .slu- n.ijjit luve with this njOi!Op(jiizer ol liUman- lle.sh [ rationaliv l 'Ok. d f.n-w ni’o •nar.v w ai\s(.f >iC- and blood. Oac dav lie iKipilOIied to lie '^‘/'d'less. th.' :d\\ et.u.ul. .s,ster. tiie .... ‘ ,• :>atirnt, ai:u;u)le and iJiOLis MJiiii'’-lad\. With him, after a very e.xtraerdinurv ' i.e. tile subi>criber’s farm ijD u.arms county, on ibe ., tl| Sll' ivl HOliSK, ai>out 14 hantis . V..' )Mld t'uce, a i;-'., s ryt-. and all four of iii,, 1-t the wiiit;' nding nearly to his ^ knevv Any person win, v. ;.i ^ive me iuforn.a-ou this town il.imi .>■, .son of .Tames I ot ^ai I iiiiroc. siiali be 1 bv -a^'y rewarded for his II txpensi.s ,d. Iidormati..., on In tiLS ee r.tv, mi I'riday i v i.ing, the 20ln | tl'e suliji ct, ifsi iit ny iiiai', in.n be directed hiriiin-ft - 1 .. 1 nf()r;"ber !:>sr, M.ir^artt U. \'i uUi twentieth } e;*:' ot he (;f til most ucutv ring, (.’Ui a grifuh : li .iNM g t'AO .r('tlici afUT tour or tive da\s ^ Slu i xpired wall-1 and five sis- | Nov. (), 1H2G. ;’io. LINCOLN Cltl-'Vry. David'Blalock, ? Pititwn for Ijivorcc. with him, alter a vtry ntnni)er had bet'n ex'euleu, and among>t the rest, some of the physician's most intimate ac(|uaintLMu cs WII not ilissemble his anguish. He tried to ment removes all the doubts that have ! stammer out excuscs and get away fiom ht:en occasioned hy the contradictory j the table. T. proseciitf, to til u'l. ost rigor of the - ,, .»...a:.v [M r;nn w ho v.'.l! ir.ii.o ca’nnrcliasc Ihe unwilling guest was natuia.iy j ;ni,r.c'or pio.l .c. fi-on;-i.;. n. gr,i.s. u .u.out verv duwiiCast, ami ill at ease, andco'iKi a written p.i'1'Mu from n yst !f. i uiH .j.,) pi’o. V _ — ^ ^ ^ .... .wi iii.wMi.iin.il lu lilt tmir lo tlie said accounts heretofore given of the result' liobespierre, jif'iceivi.'ig liis distross, ; ci.ii\.aio,i of any pi rson v. ho ;!,a\ be loimd vio- taki-n pro conief of the election in this distrist. Na/. Jout'ncl. | I Com?noti Dninkurds.—A man and i wife and four other men v/ejc recently assured him he had nothinn^'t) fe.i/, and iterrogated him :i.s to the causc. jdivsiciau diiCOveiLd some relucliiiice to ex[jlain. [ Koijcspierre took him by the hatiJ, N;inc\ nialock. ^ II ajip.-aring to tin- satislaction of the Couiu Naiirv Ml:ilo('k, tlu* ilefciulant, ;s tu»t u’\ I inli.iliitant K'this St ,t,; It is tiu-r.d'on order. I ed by court, th. t pui.i:cation l>e made three iu( ntiis in 'he C.4tawb;, .loii-nal, giving i.,,t>« t. htr, that s'.e make iitr personal appcurmce I riore the .ludgc of our Sujnrio'* Court ot I aw at li.c next court to bo held h.r the said eoiintv ot Lincoln at the Court-!!»„.se in I.mcohitnn, I on the 4th Momlay ulur tue -Ith Mondav of . . r .• I : next, then and there to answ er or'.k- i..v...nitormn,nn.itiontothe nnirtothe said j.ethion; otherwise it will be =‘"‘1 heard ex parte, and ad- secui-.- aii_\ pers( :i that nt.>_\ i.iie o;* i iniMO_\ aiiV of my ncgriK -, to .lO .in) it; our, eit.'icr , \ i.iglit or il-iv, w ithout my j>i riiiissio'i ; an,; I \\ ll give iitvdive dol';! tl e ab. • c notice. SA.Ml'KI, .M’COMIi, I-i./:r. y,,v I G, jt’1 J. arraignodat Springfield, Mass. on com-j j,,|deu, “Come, docior, y'ou, as a pro- pl.iii'its of the overseers of the poor of j fessional m?n, mnsi he well Itifonned as li'at town against them as cu7ninon\^ sentiments of th-e iDajor part ol 1 hey all pleaded not guil- Pai isians respecting me. I er.trca? (h'unkdi'its tv ; hut upon evidence, five of them were convicted and sent to the hoijse of correction. Let ihe good work goon. I America and /wig/r/;5(/.---The Quebec (IdZettf intimates, that a riipture between (ireai Urituin and the United States has been rumoured in poliiical circles in I'-ng- land ; and that ihe sui)jects in discussion hetween them are nut likely to be satis- fiK torily and amicably adjusted. Il men tions also, as prognostics of such rup ture, the appointmen', in J824, of Engi neers to examine tiu‘ slate of tlie foitifi- Wi‘.i:\v\ .N u ^\au. Vi iiiipei'ni to have nioni N . No imhil- g.-.. I \i ' I\|>ett, nor no indulgence will I g'.s. •* ''. I owe me, now is the time to dis- chsri."' ‘ Jf! t. Mind the longer soHie peo])le are iii.t;.,‘-. :. ‘h« more they look for it; hut a game judged accordingly I Witness. /,,/(/’.lluidrrsiin, Clerk of s.iirt I (>our*, at LuiCointon, the 41 ii Monday of Sep. j u mber, A. D. 1826, and m the ilst vear of our Independence. LAWSON flKNDKHSON. om t 20.—pr. adv >4. - ^ nd, I 11 \erpla\. If .unman can VOU, mv dear friend, frankly to avow ''V'’’*’"’ ^ - witntiUi nioi.ev; Imt wiiowdl aduut this'' I m- their opinion. It may, perhaps, serve t. i.d going to’clKulesio'.i in a f^w days, tor me fur tiie future as a guide for gc\en.- \. h:a' t - imrchase goods, iience the tierosM- in'>'tiiein.ty for all to p i;. 11:. If yi,vi do not, Vi.'i will re- i’ • • ) I. T ceive a tap upon voiir sliuuldtr.'), wiiieh wili llie physician answered,_“I can no i.,,, ,ome V-osl utuJ.ed to it. longer resist the nnptilse of nature. 1 j. d. uovd. know I shall ther«’hy uppo-^e myself to Nov. 24,182^.—.)t’10. your power, but I mu.sl tell you, y.-u .VoVli'V' are ijenralh abhorred,—considered liie I . .. , * ' • i ^ ^ I . i 4, l.L those who arc inilchted to the late firm Attlla, tlie S\ lia, 01 the age- a t\\o-loot- j\ of Keinh'iek and Alieruatl'v, -r to nuseU ed plague, that walks aoout to fill . individuallv, are cnr'aestiy refpn-sti. d to Cdll on peaeeful abodes with miseries and fa- j me during ilu wetk of our n- w com ty ( mirt, ‘ • rpi • I land intik*’ pavinent ii\ or n muji ar- , . , . , miiy raouni.n-s. ' >c ym. | will b., sWct callous ui the Colonies ; an appeal to the are daily .sendiii;^ to the Slaughter af the j power to give longc; iiuhdg.-:,.'f, 1 Aouldilo public on the value of the Colonies, in- dc Grcve who have committed po witii pleaMP’e; hut that is . ut ui the (pi s- sertfd in the Quarterly Review, t.nd at iributed to one of liie above engineers ; and the mission of three engineers to su;j(M iniend oiijects of defence, now go ing on with activity in Up(jer Catiada and Bermuda. We know not what degree of becond-vight the above repurlers and [irognosticators ])Ossess ; but it would recpiire no great depth of presciencc to foresee that, incase of serious ni[)ture between the two j)owers, within s.ix months after, Upper Canada, ai least, -would become one of the United States. 7)’c6/. ^Smtinvl. Jl'iin/ of good Ilnsbmulry.—At the Cat tle Show at Concord, (N. II.) premiums were,awarded for the best I’arms. In re lation to one of them, the viewing Com- miitee, in their report, inade the follow ing remark : “This farm appears to be cultivated with great care, and much gocd judg no crime—tlie carts of’a certain descrip- j hhoul'd not be ^ tion you have ordered daily to hear a charlotte, Nov. 15, UiJj.— stated numherto be sacrificed, directing j tiiey should he takeii from the prisons, and if enougli are not in the, prison'^, seized indiscriminately in ihe streets, that no place in tlie deadly vehicle I'lay he lef’t unoccupied,—and all this with, out a trial, witiiout even an accusal ion, ami without any sanctio.' but your owi, mandate—these things r;ill the public curse ujioii you, u liich is not t!. j less hitt('r fo»- not heini; audihle. ” “Ah!”s:iid Itobcspicrre, laughing, “this puts nu’ in mind ofn story told of the cruelty and ty ranny of l^ipc Sextus the Filth, who, liiiving one nigh}, after he had enjoyed himsell ata hacehanalian supper, when healed with wim?, by wav of a binine hoi/r/tc, ord(;red the first man that should come through the gate of the Slrado drl Vdpoht, at Jiome, to :ni)uick. UKW \[UI. 17 S(;APr,l) from the jail in this plate, on the A night of the 17th ult. .Ios>:.ii WhAit, a no torious Mlh.iin, and charged with high crinic.j SVear is about 5 feet 10 nieces in luiglit, l-iriro bodied, ,d:ick h.dr ami i.e., b ue.evc .s, and fias wl.at 111:1} be t mud a ra' ' ' ivaiice. I le is a d.uig. roiis ^ it is hoped all gooil citi/. !v. .,'1 in' '.’m’ watch, lor .,is u|,(u-ehciision |'bc above re ward - f H\ C liCNDIMliJ i)OI.I,AUS, wij we given to any one who will apjirehend hi» and loilgij him in the jail at this pi,ire. AI.I.KN HAI.DVVLV. Charlotte, Nov. 4, 1826.—’otf ,, The Hegistcr, Knoxville, ai d Whig, \asbi \ dle, 'I’en. w ill iii.seri tlv*.' ai)ove tiiree times, an I lorward theiracc(mnls, wlien the mone\ will | prouiptly rimittinl. uig couutc- il t\ ; ;m»l I the inent in agriculture ; but the C-ommii'ee ! h.m ed. |)' tso,i ul e of opiniy.., lhal Iho ,.wmc,- is in laul. ' >ll linUn o.,„vh,v,., ,Kiy, nl Knm,-, 111 one essential particular: and they j the imist hope ifiat an indirect allusion to it will he , fruel ol t}'ranN, till it was made know 11 suflicieni for him to correct tiie error, jaiid jirovcd. alter his death, the wretch I'here is no commodity on a farm so usi‘-I he execiiti'd had murdered his father lul and so j)Ieasitig to the farmer—no-'and mothe’r ten } ears jirevioiis. I know thing in this life, on which he can Sv) Srtij- u hom 1 setid to the P/(/rr dr (u'crc. ly rest his liojies of comfort in future All who go then; are guilt}-, though \ears. us a coiii[)uny of fieaUhy, robust, they niay not seem so. Go on ; wiiat and promising boys. A farmer rareij , s,.«,.cd, «dl wiU.o.,t .1 w,l... V,lua. ] \vi,v; that vu.l have so loiTir.c.l all I ' lourney IS always a tiresome ati'J clu'cr- , • , • r ' .1 . .1 i- less one ” j nescriptions of jiersons, that they fear ^ ^ ! even your very breath, ami look upon ndicnic Co,njj!i>ntui.~A youu^huly be-1 than the [dague ; and I tij: addressed by a genllemati much ol- ^bouhl not he ^urjlrised, it you persisted in this course of conduct, if something serious to v’ourseif should ho the ru:':,'"'.’- ler than liersell, observed to him, the on ly olijeetion she liad lo an union with him I was i!ic probability of his dsi-ig befo;-e [fpiri-icp. n;M,l Miaf ere long \e V'. 0\ Tuesday, the 5th of December next, there w ill be sold, at the late resi lcnre of \\ ui. Alexander, decease;', thr following pro- jjer»\, vix :--lloises. Cow., Siiec p, Hogs, H.i\, i'odderand Oats; .56 bales of Cotton, one .-et .of sn.it'i to(,ls, larii.in;> uti n.'/i’s, househoM hirni- tur'-, In’; horary of books, together with otl.cr' artif'ies not enuiiierated. here du‘ atteiul.iiice Mid a reasonaijh crcdit will be gi\eii, b',' A. AI.KaANDKK, Nov. 11, 126.-*2t'9 _ P. ALK\.\NI)Ki_ (I’.vN.W* \V (rom the subscriber, on tile 5tii insfaiit, his negro man, named KI.LIS. i'.lhs is ly or 20 years ofag . .1 fei-t 6 or S inch( s high, stout, w ;i m.idi, and a little iiu linetl to be bow h gJCed; has \ (^y lUsliy liaii’, especially before and speaks toh l’ably rpiick. lie took with him a : hu broad cloth coat, a- !>oiit half worn, u illi gilt buttons, with these words on the iind.tr |,art, ‘ W. N\ allis, treble U’ange;’a \est of tiie s.mre cloth as the coat, with buttons (u\e!ed with the same; a sliort j.icktt an-i paiitaiooiis lilled with wool; a shirt and pantaloons of w hite novlliM’n homespun; a nIioI i,un vs iih lull stock, shivered at the mu//,le, witli the fore thinilde oil’, ’i'he gun has I he se cond lock to her; carried also, a new Idaek Hat, ratiier sniail Ibr him, with l^atayette’s name in it. is a tolerable shounakir, carried a shoe knil.e and somt; other .s!ioein;ikcr’s tools; he c;m spell a little, ;ind I think w ill attemjit to pass as a free fellow, and in all probability will aim for tin.' noa-blave holding .iiates. KHis was r.iised in Montgoii.erv counf\', N. C. by Mr. Wyatt Handall Anv iier.ion who vvill apprehend said negro and bring him to me, two miles above hneeds- bonnigh, Anson cnnntj.. N. C. shall receive tin ;ibove 1 e\\ ard; nr 20 Dollars, if coiiiincd in anv jail so tbai I j;-et him. Addre!..s liie subscriber at Morvcn Post OHice, Aii.'^on eo(,nty, N. C. damf.i. cook C'.icr.iw. N;^v. 15:^'.-.r''‘20 TIii: LINCOLN HAZL B«ASrurACT03ll ]S now in operation, at the High Sjio.iIh . South l’ori, ;d;out 7milessvnith ofi.i ,c ton, under the superintendance of Mr. i(,| a Hr.st-vale Nailer, late from p.. iii;,yivi where can be hud all sizes of Cut N;iii| lhads, together with every descriptiy Nv rouglit Iron and Castings, Tlie Nails will he d. livi red at the .Manu ry, or 11. l.incoliitoM, by tlie keg, a't 8 c. 11I li).; or t* ai'.y ()thcr or .stores, a Charieston piices, with ihe additimi '0 frrighl from Charleston to die place of del Oniers to the suhsfr,ber-will I,, th.uikiii) cei-.ed, and punctuidiv attende.! to U MKNWY Itf,LNUli) (.J l.inc. Ill coiintv , > 1 1826. ■ s s| \Vui’.‘cVW‘a>. I IAN awav from thv subs, ribi r, on \V II uay, tlie 11th day of (t(tol)er Iasi i man.iiamedCilAUJ.itS, • igliteen y.’ n i, ). How- compleeterj, slim uiaue, j feet ' ••h. s high, and w hen .‘•pokeii to, looks w i Ins voice is ratiu ;• en'eniinate. l lu- boy 1 w a, 1’ai.sed in t!ie -.t.itc of Virginia,Prince t. 'oi^ county. Any person who .viil apprehend said negro and confine him in any jail, and give me mformation so that I get him, shall receive a geiiei’ou?: reward. JOHN SLOAN. Chanotte, Nov. r,, irS2o. —lU6tf Hig'i Shoals Octobi r 2i\ 182ri. UTIIAYIH) from the suoscribcr, on the 21sf ult. a very large and a likelv blacii KCl f ’ with some wiiite flakes on his hips, mostly dc' climngto a black ; very sliort horns to the size ol him ; any other marks not recolkcted l|f was fetched fnmi Wilkes in a drove, and 1 ev- peet he will try to go back there. Anv pi rsor that will give me any information so I ran ii , I.UU or fetch him to me, .shall be panl for/,,. trou!)le, by the suiiscriber, living in McekK-n- burg county, near .^teel Creek. J. V/. nuowN Nov. 4, 1826.—2t7. J?iiitrv I'akcrs’^ Jimints, l or sale, at tliis ()fTice»

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