^O!.. IH.J ClhlRLOTTE, .V. C. TVESD.IY, BECEMIiEU 5, 1826, 1*URHSFIK1) WEKKLY lU LKMUEL lUMillAM, JJl Tkrtc Dollars a ytar^ paid in advance. [NO. 108. No paper will be iliscoiitinucd, unless at tljc discretion of the editor, until all arrearajjcs are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual tjites. Persons sending in advertisements, are rcq\iested to note on the niarg'in thn number of insertions, or they will l)e continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. north £c s. CAROXiXXrA Tor t'.ic kcncfit .,f OXFOUI) ACADEMY ill North-Caroliiiu, &c. yiJlST CljJiHS—7'y be drawn 20th Dee. 1826. I{. YATKS & A. MclN TYHK, Munu^irs. J. 1 1 1 1 1 1 (i i: ij'i 7«0 SCKXSMS. I’rize of 1^12,000 is $12,000 0,000 - 6,000 5.000 - .'5,000 . 4,000 - 4,000 . 2,500 - 2,500 1,340 - 1,">'10 1.000 - ■>,000 500 - r),ooo 50 - r.aoo 10 - 7,80U 5 - 39,000 97,140 I I.nturv formed by the ternary pcr- I’o determine tlie :,7()0 rrizcs. 1 (.6 iO I’.hinks.—21,"60 Tickets. o; oO inim.)ers pr./.cs tb* ri iii, tlio oO mimbtrs wiU be pul)lRMv oil the da\ oi' drawing, and 111 1)0 !im\vi! out; and that 1 icket Mn'lt'tbe l.t, ;Jd and 3d drawn m«n.bcrs, ill t!u' or.icT 111 svhit'b drawn, will be ».ntitlcd to the iv.-./. jf 12,000. I • ■K)se live olhc-r Tickets having on them the s.u r numbers, bball be entitled to the pri zes atViM'd to them respeciively, viz : Ihe 1st, 3d and 2d to ?>6,000 'Fhc 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,000 Tlu' 2 1, 3il ai.d 1st lo 4,000 •l iic 3d, 1st and 2d to 2,500 'I he 3d, 2d and 1st to l,o50 'I ho G lirk. ts wlticli shall have on them the 3.St, 2d am! 4th drawii^nunsbers, in some one of ^ToWcfc. TUF.RK will be sold at the late dweliinp- house ol Kobert Worke, in Statesville, on I hursday, the oOtii ofNovemlier next; a large assortment of Houschokl and Kitchcn I'urniture, remnant of Store Goods, Farming I'tensils, Horses, Cattle and Hogs Also, between 25 & 30 SraaitOES. of every description, a large number of which are young and likely boys and girls, from 10 to 17 years of age. I'art of the ])urchase money for t!ie Negroes will be cash. Further terms will be nude known on day of sale. Due attendance by MARY WOUKK, Exeadrix. JOHN MUSHAT, Kxr. September 11, 1826.—4t9 JSVAicc. VJ.L persons indebted to n>e by book ac- ount, arc earnestly rc cpu sted to liquidate the same between now and the 1st of Ueceni- ber next. Such as will do so l>y note, will stand a clianee for ^irtlier indulgence ; but such as w ill not, may cxpcct to be sued immediately. T\.(i TixiVoTiug be executed this winter with more T T des;>atch than formerly; and as for its style and workmanship, it wilt be inferior to I n(>ne. My ])rices will correspond with the j times, for cash, or pa\nient assumed by some j approved person residing in the \illage.* AI.KX. GUAHAM. Charlotte, Nov. 4. 1826.—’6 By authurily of ihe State of ^'urth-Curulina. TO ENCornAGi; the rviiLiCATio.\ of THE HISTOHY QF NOll l H-CAROLljS’A.' IIIGHKST I'UIZE, 20,000 DOLKiUtS. Draicing tu cunimenci in Jlillshoroii^h, on the \th Mundaij (if JVoveint)tr next. 1 1 1 1 2 8 10 20 40 50 *150 1,050 7,360 Stlitmr. Prize of 20,000 Dollars, is 10,000 5.000 2.000 1,500 1,000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 #20,000 10,000 5.000 2.000 3,0(j0 8,000 5.000 3,600 4.000 2,500 9.000 10,500 36,830 9,000 Prizes. > 23,886 tickcts at J5 is 119,430 M,886 ]$lanks3 (Jj'yut livo JJliiiiiis to a Prize. 500 Tickets to be drawn in a day—to be com pleted in 18 days’ diawing. All the numbers to be placed in one wheel, and the prizes in an other. STATIONARY PRiZLS AS FOLLOWS: The la«t dran-n TUhet on the J.sx, I'ifst dav, will be entitled to a Prize of their orders, will each be entitled to a pnzc ol tickets which sb.all have on them any . n‘hci- three of the drawn numbers, in any oidei ' * ol j).rnuitation, will each be entitled to ajji’ize ^^'nie^liO tickets which shall have two of the tlnuMi numbers on tb.m, and those and ah. will each be entitled to a prize olj^50, Fifth day. Sixth day. Seventh day, - Eighth day, Ninth day. Tenth day. Eleventh day, l .irkcu vvWcl, sbHlUuvo on 11,cm st.nic utlK i-O ol il';"' I' will «.icli Ije eiititkd to a prize of , 10. u i.nv,. mJ *'*’”'t^cnth dav, ..... - And those 7,800 tickets, which shall o Fourteenth dav, some one of the druwn numbers, will each f ::vl'tled to a prize ot > J. Sixteenth dav, !,cka which bhaU have draw n a pi ize of j .... •nor denominatu)n can be entitled t a,..... Di’ize. Prizes pa\able oi . ‘z. • ; The rest of the prizes floating in the wheel from the commcneemeiit, amounting to $73,730. $200 500 500 500 500 500 500 50U 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 •ig, and subject to the usu;J deduction . V Cfllt. . , 1 -,ui IS ^r. '. Shares can be had in the above : . . IK' at the Managers’ Ofhces. ' Whole T'ckct.s, 00 I Quarters, $1 25 ilalves. 2 50 I rrj^'fickcts nnd Shares in tlie above l,(it\riv, are for sale at the ofiice of the Cataw ba ,l.-.unv.il. orders by n.ail, enclosing the cash* \till be piomptly attended to. The subscriber ofl'ers for sale a valuable ' ^ tract of Land, on acconi- hnodatintr terms, which heTni the h'Wi r part of Iredell county, on the head waters of Rocky River, adjoining the lands ; Pri.;es payable at the Agency of the Rank of Cape-Fear, in Hillsborough, N. C. 30 days after the completion of the drawing, subject to a dis count of 15 per ccnt. All prizes not demanded within 12 months from the completion of the drawing, will be considered as forfeited to the uses of the Lottery. .1. WERR, Commissioner. IliUnborvv^h, Jpril, 1826. The attention of the North-Carolina public is respeetfully iiivitetl to the foregoing scheme. The laudable i)urpose contemplatetl will, it is hoped, secure t(x it the aid of those v ho aru friendly to the interests of literature and science; I and the name alone of ti e gentleman w ho has s consented to act as Commissioner in the man- of Vi. s! Houston, Re'njamin Mrevard and others, ' agement of the Lottery, is a suHicienf jiiedge o’- on.l rfiut'l’mimr ,)72 acri S. The sl^id laiul is »if; the fairness with which it will be conducted. goodquuV,t% and well watered, both as to springs | A. I). Hl'RPHEV. and br:inlu‘s. Of the land now in crop, fQ°Tiek(‘ts ill the ahovc l.ullijry ai'( ing to -10 or 50 acres, the most o it is Uie (Ellice of the .louriud. Orders u\ lUired and will produce corn, eotOn ^ ‘|,^. p-omptU Attended to. in sulhcient (luantity to abiindaiitiv compc ns.ite | _ J L_- the husbandman for 1*''S l^'c. i i*VV\)\lC V;.UleV\lV\UiA\l‘l\\ . P’a[ I ^pilE snbscril.er infonns bis IVie.ids and the — isonita large p(H-tion of h)w grounds, 1 pulibe, that he has puirhased that well ■rlleiit (lu-ilitv either for mea.low or pas- 1 known establishment, l;it.-ly cnv ned and oe. ni.i- 10 or I ’a'ere's’of which are in good order | ed by Dr. llemlerson, ana is now pr. jiured to live been mowed for a number of years.'! entertain travellers ai.u (.tliers, who iik.\ please I'ii'e imncinal dwelling-house is large and com- j to call on him ; an.l no .•\ert.,ns wi 1 be spui'ed mi--htl)e ni.ide comfortable and convenieiiteNen | giveable. His tiible will be lurnislied with e\- ^taAes of Aiwfevica, NOR’I’H-CAROLINA DISTRICT. Re it rtfmcmbercd, that hrretofore, to wit, on the 14th day of August, in the year of our Lor«l 1826, and in the fifty-first year of Anieri- ean Independence, \Vilma.m H. ST-AroirrKu, of said District, hath dc])osited in this oiticc the title of a Rook, the right w hereof be claims as author and proprietor, in the words following, to w it:— In.vKHiuT; Published by IVnx. II. Slaughter. In conformity to the act of Congress of the Cnifed States, entitled an act for the encour agement of learning,,by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Rooks to the authors and j)ro- prietors of such copies, during the times there in nanied; anl also, to an act, entitled an act, siip])lem.. ntary to .'in act, “ entitleo an act for the encouragement of learning, by the seeming of copies of Maps, Charts and Rooks to the au thors and proprietors of such c . pies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefit thereof to the arts of ilesigning, engra ving, and etching Historical and other jirints;” 1, Will. H. Hav'vooii, Chrk of the L. S. District Court of the Cnited States for the District aforesaid, do hereb} certify, that the foregoing i:, a true copy from the records of my ofKcc. Witness my name ami seal of oflice, at Raleigh, this 15th day of Se])tember, 1826. _4tjH WIIJ.. H. HAYWOOD, ClU. ^issolwWou. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. All ])ersoris indL'oted, are requested to call and make settlement. THOS. I. JOHNSON, P. C. CAJ.DWELI.. Nov. 11, 1826.—3l’9 CO’ 1>>'- **• Caldwell can be found by ap- plviiig at tiie store of Creen Kendiiek. ’I'uAvVi *s*olVec i)1l 'Wis. 4 LL persons indebted to the subscriberr., b\ J.V note or book account, are earm stiy call ed on to make jiaymeiit on or before the 20tli of December next, as long-er indulgence will not be given. We hope this notice will be punc tually attended to, as we liave no disposition to [,ut people to cost.—Cotton will be taken in paMiieiit of debts, at afuir price. CUOl’ER M‘G1NN. Nov. 11, 1826.—3t’9 \itvivd l*uv . ON Tuesday, the 28th inst. in Statesville, we will sell ail the Land of the late Robei-t Simonton, lying in the county tif Iredell, an^l al. the lots he owned in the town of States\ilie’ and also, all lots and lands claimed as partner ship projierty by tht re])rcsentati\es of the late Itolie i t S\’orke, deceased, as w e are authorized by a decree of the Court of Eepiity. 'I’he land now ofl'ered for sale lies in dilT'erent parts of the county, and consists of \arious tracts, some of which ;re very valuable, particularly the land known by the name of tlu NN hitehoiise tract, which was the former residence of Col. A. Worke, deceased, and the laiuls ik ar State3- vil'e. The lots in the village are some of them valuable; and among them will be offtred for sale the lots on wirn li Ca])l. Robert Worke lately lived. A credit of one aiul two years will be given ; and the sale continue from ilay to ilay till all is sold, (;eo. i.ek damdson, ; . JAMES CAMPREI.L, V./o''" / iHEorilli rS FALLS. Nov. 4, !8j6.—3t’9 'I’here is on of excellent tiire nnd li for'a l;>rge family. 'Fbe situation on which it stands is probably equal to an\ in tins nr the ad- jiiei iit eountii'S- 'I'liere is a well ot good w ;i- ter conveiiit'iit to the house, and a large, fertile garden. There are two improvements on this tract, whieb will be sold together or separatels. to suit purehasrrs. It would be a desirable place of resiilenei' for a member of the jnoles- sion of l.aw.or a Pli\sician, being in a ivspeet- at)lc and populous neigbborliood, and at lu arlv nn ecjual distance from live surrounding \iliugcs. ■ It i.-. uiau cessarv to give a further di scription . of this land, as those, no doubt, wishing to ])ur- chase, will view the ]>ri inisi s. lor t( rins, ap ply to tbe subseriljer, living 5 miles north ot Concord, Cabarrus county. A. C. M’RF.E. N. R. Approveil cash note s, negroes, or iiott s negotiable and pavaMe at tliu CliarlotteHaiiii viii be reteive d in l)a\ ineiit. .V. C. M. 8Jlf NVttuVi'A. «. r\ variety whieb tlie eoimtry affords ; his bur with the best of liipiors ; and his stabh s witii phnU of p.roveiidtr, and careful servants will be in constant atleiulance. KOKERT L DINKI.NS. Charlotte. AiiriPJfJ, jj^26^ J «i> Wovvse oi* ViUlvivl'cvVuuvvwV, VLL p( '‘sans iinh bled, l itlu r by note nr Ixxjk aeeonnt, to tbe late- ,loii:is C(di( n, ol'''..*r- lottc, itre riqiu stid to make pu_\ n.ent iinnii-ili- atily; and all wboiiave aecoiiiits against ihi (leceai.eii, are re (picsteil to present tlieni, ac cording to law, *') P.l.NJ. (OHK.V, or } , LKWIX COHEN, Those who havi iett wat( lies vitii J. ('ob(n are re(juestel to eidl and lake tiicni awa_v,or tlu’v will lie sold for the- 1ji iieiil ofibe estate, (let. 27. 1MJ6.—l(/.)lf. A Nl) Stage House, at the sign c in rliarlotti., .Nor:ii-Caroiina, In ROl’.EUr W ATSON' ;f tbe Eairii- VvW\VlW‘ V ■’s rS\ V VC \\\Y V? s. Fust l’l Mi.l>lll'.l>, ami for s^U- ai tbisol- iici-, “ Slrieturrs on a book, tntilled, ‘An t. |)olo^\ for the Ibjc.'iv ot l*s:ilms, l>v (iilin )■! MeMaslei .’ To wbicti an- add* il, lit iiiar.'k na a'lxjok, [1)> AK-MiiiiU r (.or.loiij entitic d •'f l.i- di sign aiul use ot the Rook ol r-,al:iis. ’ . , , I lli-Miv Hi rvM.ii, .\. M. i'b :.n \p|jciili.\, A MAN of sobriety, industr>, and one acms- | , pastor ot boehs iiiver and j\ toi.iid to til. i.se of Negroes. |o sncb a j ' - ' S3oiiniUut',ii. Wc make the subjoined extract from the re port of a committee of the Agricultural Society of \\‘ore ester, Mass. at its recent Cattle Show and Fair. It w ill doubtless be read with inter* est; and we wish it may excite farmers in this quarter to imjirove the breed of cattle, the ne cessity of w hich every one will admit. W'e come now to speak of a cow, as rcrnaikable for good (]uaHlics, as extra ordinary for the great product of milk; though she was the first to attract our aticntion at tlie pens, we hnve reserved her by way of distinction., for the last to I)C spoken of. She was entered meicly for exhibition, and belongs to His Ex cellency Levi Lincoln ; whose active ser vices and laudable zeal in whatever ap pertains to the honor and usefulne.'js of this society are unrivalled, and we trust duly appreciated by its members. His stock of cattle, greatly Improved, and •still improvinif, has for manj years gra ced our pens, and added largely to the beauty and splendor ot our shows. None of them has he ever presented for any other ])urpo6e than exhibition—while he contents himself with the satisfaction deiived from what he has done towards improving the breed of his cattle 'and seeks by their public exhibition, with de- luils of their origin, keeping and product, tu excite otliers to go and do likewise, he generously relinquishes all claim to j)e- cuniary profit*, of which he could not fail largely to reccive in a competition for [iremiums. In stating to this society some partic ulars of thiti remarkable cow, we cannot do better, thnn to submit to its consider ation the following extract from a com munication received by the commiitee while at the pens, from His Lxcellency. To ihe Comntilltc on Milrh Coirs, he. 1 beg leave, (itntlemen, to siute the following facts which I have satisfacto rily ascertained in reference to a Milch Cow of mine alTered to your observation. 'l’h« animal is a half blood ol'IJull “ Den ton and is now 5 years ok!—she had her iirsr calf at 2 years old and her sc* cow, was 24i quarts, and the least 18 quarts, in any one day.” The following is a transcript of the “ account annexed,” referred to by Gov. Lincoln :— Mtrrning. Night. June 1, 7j quarts.. 2, do. lOl do. 3, do. 13 do. 4, 8 do. io.i do. 5, 8 do. Hi do. 6, 8 do. 13 do r, 8.1 do. Ml do. • 8, 7 do. 14] do. 9, 7,1 do. 15 do. 10, 81 do. 15 do. 11, 9 do. 16l do. 12, 7 do. 12 do. 1.1, 8 do. 1 4.j do. H, aj du. Mi do. 15, 84^ do. 15 do. 16, 7 do. 14 do. 1^ 74 do. 11] do. 18, 7 do. 1 1 do. 19, 8,{ do. Hi do. 20, 71 do. ll.? do. 0 1 7 I do. 131 do. 22, 9 do. 13] do. 2,^., 71 do. 121 do. 21, rl do. 12| do. 25, 7 do. 111 do. 26, « do. 131 do. 27, do. 131 do. 28. 8l do. Ui do. 29, «1 do. 14 do. 30, 8 do. 12! do. We have chosen to be thus narli since it is only from }>arliculnrs, that a proper estimate can be made of the su perior qualities possessed by some cows, to those of others. Such a product, in any one month, in any season, from a single cow, is re markable ; and when it is considered how severe wa« the drought, through , the month of June last, it may well be deemed wonderful. DBSUITORV. From the Detroit (Jnzctte. The fcllov. ing communication is from the pen of an esteemed correspondent. It is upon a subject vyhich has for some time engaged the attention of a few of our most eminent philosophers and learn ed men, and will be found interestir.g to all who take a pleasure in philological researches : ./ILGIC LJNGf'.iGE. cond the followitig year, without ha\ing j ^ ^ i*’ among the naii' c lang^iages been dry. She has had one each yeai ^11C r.beral v, a};e. ssnull fami’.v v.ou >,!l be glvesi. iiKLii with a j I’l'dade ij.b..i^^ be nvererrc.l. , ,• ,) \\'! J. POl.K. I L'LL(.>, i-.il VV\sso\vvl\iu\. f 1^111'. Copartnership lu ri toforc existing under 1 tbe ill III Ilf .1. D. Rdiii (;o. is now 11-;- sohi d b\ tbe deatli of tbe laUer. '1 bo:*e w iio s1;iiid iiideljtcd to saiil llrin, either by note or Ijook uccou.nt, are now calk-d upon for settb - II. lit. 'I lie siriiation of the linn imperiously d( ntaiid . ail v.iili b Ud.ue to It, in ordt rlij nu i t I'le di n.aiiils agaliiit it. Ad\ ertiseiiiriils (if ibis uliid ale jKissln;.; the; » i s of debtors in rapid surer~sio;i, an I man} in rinit tin in Vo ]>ass, .’'ci^ardU’s-; ot llie eoiiscquein i s w bleb niigbt ro t;’o!ii [li'oi ra-.t.nation, negligcm e and an ( n- llre liabficiciifi.--n latu e to their dtbis. His lifisunK d tiial those who are in arrears witli .s.lid firm will li.r. c tlie goodness tosiilier tin in- s' In i -> to retb rt, tli'.it till } pilfMi:ise-d tiu' goods a' I'asb pri'. es ; and Is it not unri ason.ibli , w a, iiicon .i.^teiit, that ibr money .sbould not be mi- vane, d w Itbiii tin; rnnil.9 of 1 J n.oiit lis ^ Iflc- I.lent means i':-il to j)i(>duce tlie desired flcrt, eoinj)iilsjr\ means mi.si be reiortcd lo, in a sliorl period i.f tim'. ,N. 11. ( iitloii w lU be t.ikin in pa\ nif nt, at th'- ( i.ai'leslon or ( lieraw Mavkri, i!i .bieling lo-ts. - .1. I). i:o\ 1), sinct, wiilk.veiy short intervals, not ex ceeding 4 or 5 weeks, in which she did not give milk. The quantity and rich ness of lier milk have always been re- markable and have frequently fallen un der the observation of many persons. When two years old, she usually filled a common pail at night, atid but little less in the morning—at//t;teand foury the qua’ility and (tuality improved, and in high teed last summer, by admeasure ment, it came uj) lo I j.l und 16 (juaVis al evening, an(' II, 12, and 15 in the mor- nitig. To test iis (jualily in the mojith of Novembci last, 8 months after ci.h ii.g, it was carefully kept by itself, and from the crciiii), in 2'J tiav s, 27.] lbs. of Butter were niacie by the wile ol my tenant ; ihe I ow uiuing the whole lime having no grain, or ot!u*r feed, than a clover iiuy and jiumpkiiis, occasionally with my o- ther laitle. 'I'he piesi iil year, her milk was carei'ully measured llirough ihe dry month of June, and the (luantity, accor- liing to a daily account, which is aiincx- e.(l, was 627 quarts in .10 days, o!i an av erage for llie w hole month of nearly 21 (juarls ])er day, Heer measure. 'I'he (|nanlily of milk, ascertained iti a like partieular manner, by adnieastjrement, for 20 days in the last month (d' Septem ber, was (luarlSjOr a lillle more than 1 ,> quai ls daiiy, and ihis is now about the cjuantily wilb feed of i;ras8 only in the sumiiu'i'pastures, and w iili other cattle. Olliert uws kept oti my dairy farm of the same Ijieed, are believed njl much in- leii(jr, all hough their product of milk has jiol been so a( t uralely ascei lained ; as lo the fju; lilVi no doubt curi be eiilerlained — il liai Ineii proveil by tin; uniform tliii kiiLss and abunuant e cjI' ti'eam, and ;!ie exrellence of llie ljutler it protluces. ” in this part of America, one, for whkh ii.s peculiar idiotu proveidesthc abovecp- ilhet, although a more popular one is* generally prefixed to it. This language apj)ears to be the parent of most of the Indian dialects east of the Mississippi, obscured, as most of these dialects are, by various appellations, and corrupted b/ peculiarities of sound and sense. It a> bounds in open vowel sounds, is very co pious, embracing perhaps two thousand words, and has a nervous flow, something inclining lo pompous, but ralher pleasing and agieeable from the freijuent recur rence of liquids and vowels, in itsgram-- matical forms, ii ranks with the rin.ss of languages, which writers on universal grammar have somelime.s denominated iraiispositive, in cejiitrudiction to t'i»« an alogous or modern languages—a term sugi^csted by the IVequency of its tr-iifor- iiiations, atid the variety ol ils itifliTiions. nouns arul ver!;s are wonderfullv rich in I best tiaiis positive foinis, an-i emijiace* in the course of ilicir grammat.ic al eyo- iulions, the ])owers and propei iies of all ihc (iilier pans of speech, wliirb latter, like the lilhng upon a Ioom,ser\e loniuke ui) the u‘xture (d‘the synlhetif al forms of this original language. N(>vertheless, ir, possesses ailjcct ivc'i, pronoui-.s, a ! verbs, preposilions and cunj'ni'-1i(;iis, »■. !;if'h arc not only used (Uj pi eserve oar iit’ure^ as fiUini' to tiie vei l.s and substantiv. j, |>ut nrr. also employed m iheir disjuiu live and elementary fonr.-s. Considered in all its accidents and !'c- ciprocal changes, ar.d they are certain ly \ery nuinei ous, il is a language whjch would not seem to have been invented Ijy any of the bands and nations ijy whom it; is now spoken. Neither the state of so ciety in which they live, or have ever liv ed, so far as history and tradition e^LteI'.d, seem to demand a language so varied in its combinations, anil so complex in its syntax. Concrete, and highly iigurative utid descriptive it certainly is The grea test del’ecl which it discloses it; t.'ie want of gender ttj its pronoiins, which are merely animate and inaniniale- Standing like an unrinished temple amidst barbaric wastes, there ajq^ears suflicient before the eye to show that It is well proportioned and regular, but it wants the jiolish of the chin-i, an? I'i.e of n,ilk fiom this^the of the ncaci!. Xh,