Xhv 1 and (\. ijiiUil iiwi- ; 1 Jill- of tliis polis'i .'.11(1 I I’( .. •.•H- W liK'll pl)llt/SOptt\ i \'-V(ji.K, \)V. In. l>y l! ■ l»i“\kc’i uiiu.lcl ilif su jliiiiily of coi.v. p-| s|,i|) Dom (Quixote IVoin liavn-, iliy NfW •ion. and Kfiiiiis^lHcailu' the ricliDcss of Yoi k Merci.Jililc A(l\(‘i.tistir i-.iul Oazfttr • , , its iiiniiht 1 s, is t!u-of soiTif will) I huM‘ Paris i)ape»-s to llic 15h Octol>cr, li.r Ii^lU in wJiicu ilic ilu- froullu', V. ill tNpciu i.co ui: il.c dlsncl-i tlic u^ovc ; vantat^rs cf iliis (!(!a\. 'IMu- Divan \'ill ■l.eii Ji' 'i ‘ (IriMi.tuls •)(' I\tis»ia; ilu- ,Siii!ai) will lai^f n) «iljstach‘r>, in oidi*r lO gain ilic nt'cissaiy time to iutroduci- and rotJSolitlaU’ all liis icloriiis. 1 his iis Flatus oi’ Peia ha\i‘ (it‘i!Ttc(l thrir siudy Kj tin- nnra\-i i„i;iusi\e. t'llini^ i>r its pranunuliral invoIulijns, j A riicnd at Pari«* nndt-r date ol Octo- and ill.' (ontpifhcnsioii of its princii)U's. i wni.'s tlir rditors of ilu- Meirati- ic Mic'n a i>('oi)lc have ipccjvod { ii|t as follows:—“(it'n. L.\kayi tjk. at prfscm in this city, and rrctivrs duii) with his wfll k)iowfi kindness, ilic chil Whric Mich a jxoplc lum.- ir-vinvM| *nch a lunguasjc, is iht- most inc xpiicaljlc ronsideiaiioTi v'hich the subject presents. Can it 1)0 tt.aeed atiioti;^ the fixed nations, dPMi ofhis adoj'led country. I’eimitine cjr erratic hordes (jf Asia r .It is useless ' to fxpress to ycni tny tnoi tificaiioTi, w hen to look to the Nor'.h*'ni Jiations—to the ; i j^s informed yesterdax, tliat no less !"( ts of (Ireeiiland, | than nine ai)pl!calions in a Jew day**, had mid imj)overished hci'n rnade hy Atm licaiis to the (icneral '.s(inimax, in which I |V)|. pecuniary assistance-, :uid 1m* them all they rc(j».ire(l.‘ liarsh consojiatual '.'i oi- 10 ti-.e i,nitmral ton|;iic of the IViiiiil love l-.as no iiini'e for the exi)ression of its emotions, or pi'v lor the hoftencd ut terance of its pvon»|>tinjrs. (iod I'oil.'id I I'l'oin tiA- .)oiirn;tl. ^!r. I'oiu r. :—Vow have reprinted an article which I'list I'jjpean'd :n the Jlonf>i!i/ /!//,-i'.tul which is goiMi;- the lo'iuids wit'i y;vv.i\ u/at, I’'*-' character of tiie ti tn. Yankees : hul whit h appi ais tome as' Ijeiii;'; hit-;!!]* contra- trulory, to s ly no: hinj;- more »>1 it. 1 will Ijei; voti to show yom- readt'rs tiie ronmion sense m the lol.ow iiu,>' extracts 'I'lie Cockney s;i) s : siill, hiw- *vcr, '.hi'\'' are iietihc! ‘iiali, ■>tiiei', s( lio lais, *;.-'jkeis, or wriieis anil yet, “ if you oe III >‘arcli ol aoeeji i he>lo^ia!J, a sc\er- ii i'.ic. a prol'oUMd law\ei, a i;;ene- ral. ((’-r defendinf^ you.) a s'HtcMtKUi, a jnai l>i i:iaiiciaii. iar. N'-'' I’-’T'aiid. A I I:I K VANKKK. [* I’c'riir'ps the all i.t StUtl' nt r int( inl il to suj, t!ial sclu.'l ■V*’» - ht', Ciill- n(it —1 I lunij^li, tiJ bfl'CVc tliut none ’ are. r . ///;,7o>7/-—Although rospe.cta- j! ;i > of .si.r/ccn of the Americati uie extant, vi i co’.nparalively, hi.t j ! known Ilf tluir coiunial historv. IS said in the Sa\atin.ili Kepuhlican, view the acceptance of the ultin'atum as prohiihle. liut how is it credible that Hiissia wijl allow herself lo be duped in this manner.^ Letters Iron* the Archipelap;o announce the arrival of Lord Cochrane at Najjoli di IJuniiinia; iiul tlx-y add that he ]>re-. t( tids to he cominaiider in chief ot a!! (lie (i'eek navy and all the admirate. They also stale that he l:as i)r(;uj;ht seven ves sels, i>art Americati and purl I’rencli, but only one I'.n^^lish. They conclude hy staiintj: that the C'apti.in Pacha hassutter- should attempt to i lose the l.antl of char- j ed a considerable clut k near Samos l>\ itv, huteverv Anu-rican leeis an interest j a lleet of Sachluris, and that he w as ob- in w hatcver'relales to Laf.iyette, and I j li^ed to abandon the troops which he had hope some means may !>e dexisrd to as landed at Sumos. After these checks, certain who and v.Iiut they are, \> ho thi!^ call forth the ever ready heiieyolence of /ur Nation’s Champion and I'riend.” 'J’lie f.illow inj' is copied frotii the C’ou- rier h'l ancais:—“Mr. C-anninf;’s depar- ture IVom Pal is seems l;\etl lor t!ie 'Joth. W-■ are asMired that hitherto the Cotitit (!e\'illele snd Mr. Cannin; ha\e not haf! II.ore than three or four interviews be sides meetin^^ at oflicial dinners. These tould not have been too main to have lal- len in accotd, as il is said they have, up- nii the n ‘^lu'tlive courses to be pursued towarils Spain and Portup^al. But there lias never* been a (juestion among the j persons likely to be well informed of those fre(jueiit and consecutive discus sions ihat miKht lead lo the supposi.ion of real iH ^^otialions on the discussion, cl any cwmmon system. No rumor, nor dis(|iiieiu(ic hus arisen amon^ tlu- dii-io nut il body, w hlc h I iimslances of ihis part ofhis ileet escaped to Boiulroun and the remainder lo Smyrna. Ok tlie 7th inst. there was a f^rand Council at the I'orte. A iirman was read in the mosijues lorbiddin^ all con- versaticiii respi-clinpf ,public allairs and the late lire. Any man who violates this ordei is to be strun;*, on the spot, and fe males who contravene it, are to bt: tied up in a baj; atui ihrowri into the sea. It IS known that the Janissaries of Biri and Orfa have refused lo acknowledj'e the order for t\ieii suppression; il is li ared lliat this submission of l.izerouin Ale|i and nther placi-s is nioii' apparent than real, and that ihere wiU be u rcvoll the first fiivorable o[)portuntty. A led his toni^ue cut out to-day I'or iiMtit^ J u i ile}.;ioub lanj^uape at^ainst the Sandjuil! Si.eritV. H' was then con ducted to Kadekoni, ^ain ienl C-halcedo- i'ii'rir |"y) "'I'l'"-' I"-' I'i'.ljaWy l.c- |>UI lo knul. lhr,..^-h u r,.,,. ' 'U'aH'- . nu,U-a lu|.7. M.-.r .-..mrspo,.. r.v'.i.e .^aiv,c C;,ithaKcna pap^ ts uf'the 29lh ol Si p- ti mln r, w uh which we have Le* n lut- nisiied, contain the details of tiii-'iiCl of the Municipal Authoritits, and a decla ration of the necessity that exists fur ati improvement in tlie preseni state oi thinj;s. W e have alsi; been favort d w ith the follow ini' extract of a letter from a very respectable ^enilcman al Ca*'ihajj;e- na, by w hich it will be seen that a most iniportani change in the government of Coi.o.MHiA is about lobe n>arle, and that P.oi.ivAU in to be invested with supreme au- i ha fit y ! CARIMAGKNA, 1 St OcT. 1826. Dkak SiK—“An opportunity oflering for Jamaica, j)ermits us lo enclose to you for I uxes . an exli aordinarj (iazette of this ':iiy, conlaiiiinj; the proceedings had and res olutions adopted by the military chiefs, municipaliiy, and ciii7.ens, on the 28ih and 2yth ult. by which you will perceive ihaiour province joins Venezuela and ibt other departments in their call lor a re form of (iovernmcnt; the affair has been conducted in the spirit of good order and unanimity: our common occupations were nol interrupted a nii/nienl and all goes on as though nothing had happened; a mi“ssenger is lo he sent immediutely to Bolivar, who is expected in Bogota on the 12th of this mouth, and whose pres ence will we hope restore concord to the republic. We beg leave lo con\e> to you (lur firm conviction, ihut no event will endanger foreign piopertyin this coun- II y;—whatever changc tiiay lake place in il'.is form of (iovertimenl, neither we nor our ])ro|',eriy will be molested—and we shall be glad to learn that all who j have interests here, feei salihlied under this assurance. The jiiesenl inteiuioii ol he jjucple is lo gi\e to Bolivar extraor- Iv U f:c:n ciiculalkn, un!;i (.ur currency generally is resioied lu sound cii ui'AlUit’, I'liedium. 'I he people of no i)ari of the state feel more sensibly this depreciatiun than do the people of il.is dislrict ; for the tide ol* emigration flows fVom Nor h Carolina, and’every emigrant bungs more or less money on the Banks of that stale with bmi ; and in fact, our funds for pauiig- taxes for non-residents, 2tc. mostly conii: froiii that quarter, and its depreciation will, we fear, be seriously fell by noit- lesidenlland holder-s. If the LegisLi'Utr doesi not give us a Branch of the liaiiR of the Slate, in ihis district, would U nul hi; well to J)ass a law making ii reci.i\abl,i Jackson (Ta^ ) (Ja:. MU. j/:m:j{S(jx\s ESTdTE. We observe in ilie Kichmomi ICiKiuircr an advertisement of llie sale of ihe j)er- sonal property of the lale Thomas Jctl'cr- son, on tlie I.'5th January next at Monti- cilio. The following are some of tin* aitities iTK-niioned : 130 valuable, ne- gioes. Slock,'crop. See. fiousehold and kiichtn furniture. '1 he aileniion of the public is earnestly invited to iliis proper ty. 'J he negroes are believed lo be ihc most valuable for their number ever of fered at one lime in ihe Stale of Virginia. Tlie household furniture, many valuabla histi^rical and portrait j)ainiings, busts of murljle of '1 homas Jin'crson, by C«r- acci, «ilh ihe pedostal and a wuiicaled column oil which it stands; a polugrapli or copying instrument used by Tm.mas JtfVcrs(»n, for ihe lasi iwenly live years ; w ith various other articles curiou , and useful to nun of business ami pnvatc families. Ball. Putriot. Alter having reci ived an ex-'ert\ ,hioiighout the world, w e cannot help slant fear ul being made a duj security IS now perceiveil ihati some (lay. I . c„urier, "Mr. Lamb scnl a | adir.iuing that U.is people are nol capa- JIw con.tnunnii oj t.K jHiu of ^ ^ Salmon, reiiuirinu- ll.e pay-1 ble ol eii|u\ing it, and would be more i;. Iiuite ilian ever ilu- watih woid. rill numerous cuurieis that M The Legislaiiirr of Khodc Island have dinarv ‘p'J'ver, to acl as he mav think te-elocted, by unamimous vole, Asiii a • .! l^onni.Ns, a Senator of the United Sates lor 6 \ears from the lib March next, i ;iisha K. Poller, an oj)ponenl of the ai'- proper ; the end will |jroI)aIj!y be, lha he be named Pei petual Dictator. I'ricnds as neare to the cause aiul march ul lib- O: U 'l.oi pe, the founder of that State. Tliv s( can be olitained. if properly sought aflci. Our minister ut L'lndon, nol long ii:,i i, madfc applicalion for them, and ^va' rii’ompllv answ ered, tiiat copies ccijti! be i.i.ide whenever re(;'.:i”e:!. P/u-i still fuiihei—the last North A- tiieru.in 15esiei\ asserts that all thc coli- ' nial history of Ann ri( a is shut up In the ofTic*' of the Board of Ti a;le and Planta tions in Knglund. Thv original papers are all there, and no tolerable hislory can he written without the* lull use of them.— A copy oflhcen:ire mass of those papers, ought'to be oblaitu'd and deposited iti the iia’ional arciiives at \Vashingtoii. Our g.AcrnnuMii should take this mailer in liand before iiis too lat.e. ■ A Frono’i liaveller makes a curious foinjilaini in the Paris Journal a'cs l)c- hats^ of flu* L’llh Sept. under liis own ra'-e. "He iiii(iertook a Ji)uriiey into Sppiii .'inii oiitiiiiied a passjjort from the lica ( f the rrei;e!i policc, in which all ih. eivil and miliiary autliorilies of S]v.iin uf'vc reijticslei! to ^ive liini aid am! /n'otectian, cVe. Wheti !io j.reseii- Vei' l.:i!jsel('to the l\«lirc department at JS] . - I.!, lo linve his passport lor Portu- tr;ti (•iii!i1eT-iji;ncd, t.lie intrndanl or lie;! ' i' 'epa.i iment, said to iiiin-** Sir, von are known here—the l'’reuoh po lice lias set t us a vei) int,e)eslin;; me- jnor.MMhini eoneeruini:: \ ou (holiliii”; it lit, between his fnx^iers;—you are a cle ver. well iiiformc:, disiIniruishei.l per son. iit.t uo.iiv «o prevent you, at all nazri'ii'-. fi om .si-.///“• aiui travel- liii;.- liirtiiei—you must, moreov er, ^ivc T'v; r- xaet li-l !’ fl! the *;.rrM)iis and transaction of the business of his deivirl- menl, and his political correspondence. 'I'he conjectures of a/r/yj/f’ lietween llngland', Prancc at;d Au:jlrb, aguinat the tvcaluul projects of ilussia, heem to be { quite unfounded.” The Courier goes on lo say, that ii seems lo be agiceil that Russia shall enter Mcldavia and V*'a!!a- e.iiia if her demands are nol complied with, but ihis oecupalion is not to be con sidered a war. *’ It will l.e” adds the Journal, “almost a second eiiilion of our entrance into Spain, with ihis difVeronce, that the Piiissians vvill not go i5ul a- gain, and will not pay any thing.” 11 then supposes that if Hussia keeps posses- siyn of the two principalitiev, Ansuiu will take Servia and Buihnia, and l.tig- land be left at lii)ei'> to decide what she wi',1 do with the Morea, and the isles.”— *• As for u.-.,” says the. Courier, what ever may take place, we have enough lo do with our excliange, our Jesuits, our canker of Spain, aiui the necessity i;f pre venting a war betweeti I'erdinand, las A- posioUcal juntas and Portugal.” Among the j)rojecls that Ministers note to M. Salmon, requiring liie pay-j ble o( enjoying /', . menl of the loan of .^) miiliotis of reals j happy under a rigorous military despo- lu C,i ( Ihitaii). il is generally l)e-|iisiii, which wearc- last apiiioachiiig to. ’■ " . - . ill but Boli- extraoi> all the cred itors of the couniry will feel the beneiit ofii. One of his first measures will be, lo re-e‘'tahii«h the na’ional rr»*d't ;»h?-oa(i onic e ol Vlit‘ .15oard up rM tiie eral months since respecting the island of Majorca are renewed. 'i'he transmission of this note appears *hr.t I'rarcc and to ci>!>*ir»i^ ;r.c •pc: I'.ngland had combined w ith our govern-j ap|)rrhend, and u greal^ deal of good lo n-.ciii lo change her political system; for, j result fioin ihe change.” if it be so, Ijigland, who is well aware ; that we are nol able to pay, would nol at : Sosijcsttr. this time ask us for money; and, on the ■■ ■ — ■■ —— other hand, the general topic at the Palace i v —This Court adjourned j is the instructions said lo have been re-j Saturday moi iiing last, after a session ceivcd by M. dc Monstier not lo ititei -j „j-being the longest term whicli fei’v* in any measures relative lo the man- ngemenl of our govenment. Lxtracl of a leller f^r(>m Paris, dat ed Sept. 2is to the editors of the New- Vork (iazette:—“ You, no doubt, have hea' dofall lhal lias lately been going on in Europe; the dangerous illness of tlie l'm;ieror of Austi ia-M. de Mctternich’s ' liotij congress, and Mr. Canning’s visit to this capital—the utuxpectcd attack of the Persians against Hussia—the late success of the (Ireeks against their oppressors— the prohnbhj entire conflagration of Con uiiiuijlration, has thus been comj)Ielelv ii usiraied in his aiiemps vise lo. The indictments for a conspiracy to defraud, which were lately tried in xN'cw Vork w ithout being brought lo a li gat ' trrminaiion, are to be submiiied to on- oihcr jury ai the Court of Oyer and I'cr- miner, lo be held on the third Mi lulav of Ihe’preseiii month. Upwards i f ,;ou Jurors have been summoned to attend. Jilt ltooli.cn — 1 he" Boston (^^las. ;s well as at home. We ^ce no evil to jCJazelle says;—'1 hal poriior. ofouniti^ zens, who are largely concerned in the manufacture of woollen cloih, have la'tcly had another meeting in ihis place. There was a large collection of mertlunis of Boston, as weil as of gentlemen from dif- feieni parts of the Siaie. Joseph Han!, Esq. was appoint'd Chairman, and we learn that it was resolved to petiti(,n Con gress to increase nd vulorcm duW on loreign woollen goods hereafter imported inio the U. Stales. Il is believed the Xa- ha'vc n.vpar.-.l lor ll.e n.xt sessi...., ote i "‘"i! "I'"' 1 * . . . , . . ^ 11 \A m*!ii hn;4llv. t iw' pl.^ Tin- t'.or h.4Vi \ i.-'ilcii here.*’ to l.i' am‘has>a- l;iil e(jui:i ohtaiii no ;—i|C wci'il a'lMiii lo tlir Swaiiish of Police, \sitii the ii.^1 of lii> actj'!;'U't nnec ; the .Miui'lfr i (vUiarki'o j sion of 1j,*’UU fiom the Colo.iiibian •• Vdiir iVii'iids .ii(j \ciy ri'speetabli.* ; Ci nment. • - w hleli y ou t • i\ ( lir r I I pa f. r prot'Ttloii, • t, upon ihe game laws is said to have been elaborated w ith great care. It seems lhal ihe duly for a license to carry fire-arms will he augmented from 30 fr. to 100 fr.- 'I'he right of sporting will be confined to estate owners possessing a determinate number of acres of land. Sporting will he entirely interdicted in the vicinity of plantations, forests, or enclosures where I'.e royal hunts lake place; and this in terdiction will embiace a very wide cir cle. I'.Nerv session' must bring its con tingent for the lonsiructiun of the aii- eienl regime. Last year il was the Pri- mogeiiilure law; without doul)l hopes are cntiiiained of In iiig moie succi-.'sful this year with ihe new game law ( 'ou)it r }'i(i>trnis. Col. Soycz, Aid de'Camp'd P.'>li\ui, hasarini'd alPaiis. It is said he car ried lo M. de Pradt a c.eitificaK* for |,t n- o v- 'I'he aslri^nomers of Moscow announce that this year the winter in ivussia will at of 11 S3. Sept. 11. Notv.ilh- '>e as sevi'i t‘ as hut \ ou eaiinol j>;o to l’c>rtu;al. *’ AV!:ni,*' Uj.lH'd tli^e liiivi’iK'r, “do you eoniphiiu ot “ NothiiiL’;. -^“^\hy, (!))S i' ns had as lluj iiMiui-'itiou. *’— “ 'I'llat 11'Mf',” rej'Iit'd the i'-i iui>!er— “ .\rc \M‘ -.ol the siro'jii'sl ? \N’c (h) as P,t,f.- ;iti'iitr rid—in our eyes, an (ntt- (j,,~ i. hvnicl/uH!'\ an individual, Oiut' ’ri;( t i a\fllci'ccu'cliiilos hy ])rotes(in; .1 M'll.r l-i'.-wX Vvi ieh 'javo hin; a reeouin.cnoation iii j one I aper, and tr;.uMiiilleil a d'. nuneia- lioii a;>.aiii>t him in another; I'.avin,"; no oIIm r c;;oihhI of exception to him sav'i- ;ii 1 , an iiitclii:(?nl, well iiiform- mI, i wt'I! cotiiM'etcd ohsfiA'iT I 'I’liis s!oi\ i> a itood i 1 lust!"tlion oi ll'iC whole coiitiiiciital Police s\ -iem. yiJ/OIK// (hizcuc. eONS IW I INOl’I.l standii'g till- iKiuiuge occasioiii'ii by ihe hi( . great pi-op.rt ss is making on the neu orgai.i/.armn uf theaimy. 'f'he SuII.mi ! wishis (v.'.coo inla!iliy and four regi-| inenis of cavalry (i'm'In'-i\e o! the lo])-] schisjainied and Mjiilp[.ed in I'uropian.l -,ivle But where .!! ;!.v' inonci. lucossa- j ( >nu' from r ' Prom ihe 'pockets ol his suIjji c t:.. 'I he p!-o- ject of esta!)!isiriiig_an I'lpiaiil) of imports for the 'I’l.rks Jc (in eks lailid. It i^^ery nilde that the ehiinaliim of Pussia although des|)aiches were sent otTf and finally, the late horrors comniillcd in Spain by the Loyalisfi against tlu* Liberals. Evirits are nov? succeeding each other with so Hujch rapidity, thiit Mr.Cannini;: himself, could never have foreseen one half of ihem when lie h it Si. James’ to visit the 'I'huilleries. On one side, Rlissiu is no: only marching her armies against Persia, but collecting troops lo lake possession ofWallahdia, as soon as the time of the conferences with the Turkisli com missaries sr.all have expired. On arioil'.- er side Austria has been collecting a pow erful army wiili exactly tlie same inti ii- tion, anl it is |>cesumed that she will ijo Iseloreharid in tiie occti pai ion of l hat i oun- iry. On aiiolher side arrain il is rumor- ( d that Englatid will iiiost likely take ]>os- session of the great city, Consla'iiiinojiJe, before the Pussian armies or lleet cat- ( ome tii-i r it. Let il be as il may, we leilainly are at the eve ef most inipimaiit events, and Europe will ino-,t iil.eiy show, upon a lai ^i .tie, the sator sneiiacle lli- capital of the Ott.»i!:'.u t ii.pii e, blaz ing in se\ii\il j)!ai.('s at the saifie 'iiiie.— j What pari this couniry will perform in I llie general drama remains an enignui. I uliin'Ugh it i'' supposed that slie ill i i- ihersidi- witli Jjig!.^iul, or remain tieii- I U'r. Several i '^uiili xe.isels are pn par ing to sail li.r \’ci a Ciuz. One of lliem rtill caii y all enormous iiiianliiy of piai- id llomaii Caihulio chuioh ornaim-'.f'I it I'.as held for many years, 'ihe imc esting suil, brought by ihe licv. Jontiihan IVIiiliikcr^ formerly of N\ w-Bcdloru, Massachuseiis, against the lice. Frederick frictnai}^ now ol Plymouiii, in liie same Stale, foi tiefamation, winch has so long been upon the dockei, was conimenceil on '1 uesday, the 14lh inslunt, and lei- rnn.aled ai a lale hour on the niglil of Ihe Prida) foUowit^. Counsel-for the Plaintiff, Wlliiain (iasion, Esq. — for the l)v.leiidaii!, (ieo. E. Badger and Henry St awell, l>sqrs. A largr mass of icsii- mony was nad en bo:h sides. No prool of the truth of any of the allegations coli- lional Legislature will perceivc the poli cy ofafiordiii^ protection lo the infant: manufactures of the country’. LOUISIANA. • NKTV-oiiLEAxs; OCT. 12.-It iTiust hr grato- fnl lo the feeiings of every peacetible cit izen of ihis slate, to witness the unanimi ty of sentiment ihat prevails amoiij: us, upon the qutsiion of who shall be our next president. Excej)i it be with a fe\vr ciii?,ens in ihis city, and on the other side ol tiie Lake, the present administration lained in the libel was made out by ihe u..,imo„y on U,e part of ihc ,1). k nda,,.. i .>-" 1. ap|.eaiTil i.i o Wcuce ll.at cl.c I'laiiiliir " "'»•'-o o„n,.s„,„n had bti 11 the object of peisecuiion in Massachusetts on account of his politi cal and religious opinions, which lie ex pressed atid.asserled wiih great freedom and warmth ; but lhal his siaiiding, us a clergyman, was resj)ecta!-le, and llial he had triainlaiiied an uninqjcachahle char acter fur integrity and morality. On Saturday moriung, the Jury relurni d a \crdict f.Ji- ihe PluintifV, aitsessing his damagt s lo ihillais and costs ol sui'. Upon the trial ii iipi)fared lhal there was a variation between ti e words iisi (1 ill tlie original Lii)i l and the Decla- l ation V. hich si t forth tlie didamatory chaiges: which vjiialion gave rise lo a Ugal ijueslioi), to l,e decided Ijy the .lu(.}.;e, 's\ho was, by the urgency of his I iigageiui Ills elsewhere, ct.mpelled lo leave liit r ily before he had dci.ided the (jUi ntioii.; uiid the \erdiciof she Jury is sii!>;ect to that decision. '1 he cause was M'jii;..g! (1 w ith uncommon a!>ility by the Ci/unsel for both i-iartits, ami never du! v.e I'steti lo finer displays of.legal knowl- «'h)nui in I 'I'ht- Jesuits are i der e\ ery day. ■ttiir.- bolder and bci- I" T'.'' n->enihrrs of a convention which ly,. ,v . I. \*ernion', voted nol tolia\e a,I -u :>piiiib in iliclr house's‘.xcej)! 4is nicUiwiue* will be accej)tid, (although soinc douhi it fiom ti e peisonui character of llie Sul tan: i)Ul il is e\iih'iil til.(I il-.e only i>b- |et.iin accejding i; will hi; in gain liiiie.— .Many months will • lapse luluie ilie sev- eti lorts, td which lJussia i/liers tlie les- litutiou. , t’xi cpt ihose upon the Piiasis. which siif \v i.ilu's to reiaiii, )can be ('.iM'ii Il p, l)i' I iiu,’^ t Ills ;’i!iir the III gi'tiat .oils at .\i ki imaii V. ill l oiilii.iie. iJassia. lolii- ;.*'ll!.-d to niuintiiin numerous arjnieij on I'lDUl tlu' I’illlilUMl-C I’utilot. i.vroi: I \.N r m:\ns i wvm t«‘f,(»N!nrA. W e announced a few days ^!n(.e, sa\ our I'oi ri''ptiiideiits ol the New \oik Me: caiiiile .\il vei tiser, t iiai ihe jii ovinct s ot C'rntiiiH/, Quito, ard bad joineil wlial w as called ihe ct)iil'> il'uac' itf \'en' /iie!a, and united in ciiiling I'm ihe imiiicdi..le a.-.iiiib!v of N.tion.d ( oinii.tion. Py V. jy of .inu:ici;, llie Men anliie ha'^ ail\ices lhal the Depjii- mctii of Magd.'.Ie:iu lus also nuiu;«! w iili 1 iiiMii tii >!eiy after tl-e di::|)Ovul of lhe hii, w.iUT cause, the^ull hrougiitby the s.iio! Kiinilif againsi the i'/ r. Dr. ll'/i/. and Ihniij J'otlir, fori ■>t 'i ■ ;r a copy of ihe aho\e meiwioiu >h ; !.• .'(.I y h'lU'r lo rayi llevilli b'jliln-l 1) an auiicaijle l eleiCiice. lian irJi Slar was believed lhal no opposition cati be so organized as to prevent the voicc of Louisiana from being given to Mr. Ad ams at the next Presidential election. The legislature of this State, at the late elec tion for President, was divided as follow s.- viz: For Ilinry Clay 2J votes; Cieneral Andrew Jackson 19; John Q. Adams L’. Lniiing. at that period, more than two thirds of the votes of bolh houses for thu present oriler of things, and which wil! liereafu'r be consolidated in their sup- p.ort. Wiih respect to the feelings of the friends of Mr. Clay, in this Slate, to ward- Mi-. Adams, since his election to the Presidency, it is believed they cor dially assimiLiie with those (jf the suppor ters ol Mr. Adams, and that their i fhirts will be directed to hi^, re-election. While Mr. Adanis pursues an inde|)eiuleni am! liiui political course, his opponents cai.- not injure him. 'I'hey 'may esiablis'.i jiresses, call meetings, lal’iofihe imprt.- [>iii'tyof his elrclifiU, hul the whole will '■iiiirjli w hen tested by t!ie common sciru; of t!ie nation. ’I’he old maxim, th.ai tie ciiizen can be condc*mned w ithout a show* i.f guilt, or malfeasance in oflice. w ill al- W'ays boll! good, w hether it be applied to an hunihle indisidnal, or to th.e lirst mat* in the nation. So that, until the oppo- lu-nts ol Mr. Adatns make it appt'ar that sMiilt of some kind attaches iiself to him, :iifir ilhirts to connleract his rc-eleciioti w ill be w ithout efl’ect. JiJcrrrtnlilc .^/Ircrli-'icr. P-j rtri.'iiil Cn.-ri n ij. — Since the Baiiks in li.is Mate nsuuu-d the ])aymt'iil ol'l sp.ecie, No’ih (’arolina and Ala!>..mal,| money , w hii h coiis'.iii!ti •. cur p.rincipal | firiulating medium, has dei)reciuletl, j atid now can o»i!y he got uM’at a AV c learn tliat 'Phomas Mann ILtm- t-'lph, late (lovrrnor of the Slate of \’it- iliia, has bei n appointed, by the Pa'C'* liscount ol till' United States, to be Com- ul .=) oi '■) pi r cent. This is a serious in- | missioner iii.veniiuci—i)'jt oi,,- which may be till mhei»(, uiMoni’ i hi i \ iis resulting from | an iv.essive emission t)f paper. \Ve j '’>"1 the Boundary line between liope it will gel uo woiio—and that ihi' i^'^de of (leorgia and the 'Perriiorv on the part of the U. States, under the act of Congress of the last ses- an.ounl j.vw in ihc couii’i v. \\ill gradual- ! d’ P'orida.