CMAILT.OTTB m ri'KSDAY, DKCKAlHEIt 5, 1826. rOH THE CATAWHA JOfHNAL. Mu. Kniiou :—It is graiiryin^ to ob- «crve, that the opi*oscis of ihe Adminis- irtaion have been defoated in all their trbemes to destroy the well earned repu tation of the President, and Mr. Secretary Clay. They are now becoming more moderate in their fulminations against those distinguished individuals. I do not believe that the cha»'gc of corruption was ever seriously believed, even by Mr. Randolph, the supreme di rector of the Opposition. It is well laiown that Mr. lUui'.iolph was once the firm friend of Mr. JelTersou, and exerted all Iiis influence in his favor—and it is equally true, that Mr. Jefl'erson appointed fcc\i i\il of h\n svpjjorlers to high offices ; iioi’ wa. there a whisper of corruption Oil that a'crunt. liut Mr. Jefterson ditl IK t uppciii! Mr. Uundolph minister to l.njHand, (an ui)pointmcnl which, ilisbe- lu-»s still seeking.) therefore, he Icfi til'* 11 publican purty, ^ hone a/id nuil^' and lias r,Mi,ruuu d ihc bitter enemy of cv- crv adnunistration since that lime. He lias been the slanderer of many of the most ivortliy men, both dead and living, that Amcrica has produced. It now appears, that he has again changed his creed, and ])ecome a proininent member of the un- lioly and unjust coali/ion, which has been or^.itiized fur the express purpose of breaking down the present adnunistra- ;ion, V hether its measures are right or in-otmIt has been declared by this ydriaHr coaruu.n, that “/Af adnwiislra- Iton hivsl be pvt dou-n, if Ha memhers trerc as pyre aft the angels at the right hand n( Hod I /” These fads are> sufiicient to hilence all tl'.e opposers of the admin istration, who profess to be politicians t)f t'lc JeJ/trson School, and who censure Mr. Adiiiiis for gi^it^g an appointment to one of his friends. Ii is rather extraordinary that the op- posers of the present administration sl.i.i 'd profess to be the admirers of that of.M.-. Monroe. Mr. Adams is march ing forward with th*' very measures ■whirii his prcdccrsscrs cpiirovcd, and %vliiJ' tiu' sound policy oi this country jniponnusly demands. When the great bouv '>f 'iie people correctly understand lhe-‘ vhings, tliey will duly appreciate the jr.olires ol those poliiical Jugg»eis, who profess lobe iheir exclusive friends. Tliry will feel themselves Ijound to believe Ihc whole truth, that this opposilion is composed of ihe disappointed, who are exerting all their influence to eleTate some favorite to the chiet magistracj of this nation, regardless ol the pul>lic good. rAlHllCTUS. FOU THE CATAWBA JOI HNAt. The annual examination of the stu dents of the Cljarlotle Temi-le Academy commenced on the 22tid ull..and ended on the evening of the 2;>d,in presence ol a respectal>le number of citizens Irom the town anu country. Classes of almost ev ery grade, fr(>m the Spelling-Hook up to Natural Philosop'ny and Astronomy, throughout the examinalion, gave huch evidence of a thorough understandiitg of all the fundamental princijjles, as far as they had advanced, as to excite the ad miration of all present. Several gentle men of liberal education, and who have been conversani with such scenes, pei- haps all their lives, declared, ihey never had heard students undergo a more sa tisfactory examination. Without an) disposition to puff, we leel it an iinpnious djiti/ we owe to the leacluM s in ihii lusii- tiiiion, to declare to the pul)lie, that ihe> possess an art oi adapting instruciiun to the understanding of Children, wliith. believe, is seldom e(iuaUed. atul per haps never surpassed. As evidence ol this declaration, we state, that childreu cf not exceeding 9 or 10 years cl aye,w ho have spent but one session in atientiun to Knglish Grammar, and \\hohad, during that time, attended to various other bran ches, proved to our satisfaction, a ihoi- ough knowledge of the construction of sentences, by parsing the most diflkuli word selected by any present, without a moment’s hesitation. e also had satis factory evidence, that the abstruse princi ples of ^^alural I'hilosophy and Asirono- I my wore fully conipi ein nded and under-1 stood by those !io aie ye; but childien.' We verily believe, that the fundamenlul principles of literature and some oj’the line arts are as radically taught here as in any other place in the Uiiion. To sav less, would b« doijig injustice to our teachers, the instiuiiion and our own candor. \ ery few personal distiiu lions could have been made justly, had ihe irustees been so disposed; because an invariable rule of the institution is, lo suf fer no scholar lo fasier thriii they learn thoroughly. During the fall season, some sickness prevailed foi a time in ihe village, which was much exaggerated abroad: the hooi)ini> cough was prevalent and considerably retarded the business of the Academj : but few, perhaps not more than 3 or 4, were afft ct- ed with fever.—Charlotte is ceriaiidy. naturally, a healthy and pleasant Village as any other in the up country, and ihe fevers which we have occasionally exper ienced have unquestionably arisen from local causes, w hich the Commissioners of the town assure us shall be removed be fore the next season We invite the at tention of the public and solicit that pat ronage which we think our infant Insti tution really merits The Mxeicises o|' the Academy will be resumed on the 1st Monday in January, 1827.—The course of instruction will embrace sp-lling. reading, writing, arithmetic, Englisii Cirammar, Geography, Astronomy, Na tural Philosophy, Hhetoric, Cht-misiry. Ethics, History, plain and ornamenta| needle work, Drawing, Painting (jn pa per and velvet, and music on 'the Piano I'orle. Price of tuition, exclusive of ornamental branches and music, for each Student pei Session SlO« Drawing, Painting and Xecdlc Work 10. Music 20. AVM. DWIDKON, \\s\. .sMirn, Kr.NDUK'K, .1. M. HL'TClll.SON, .10IIN' lUWlN, 1). I{. Dt'NI.AP, JOAI5 ALKXANDr.n, SAMI i:l Mn:oviu, N. W. Al.KXANDKK, 'j iios. 15. sMAin r, ADAM _•()(>ri:R. |C7* A meeiinr- of the Trustees uill be held at the Court House, on ^Vednesday, the 13th instant. As business of impor tance will come before the meeting, it is earnestly hoped a punctual attendance will be given. The Committee of Inslruction for Mecklenburg County, will meet in Char lotte on Wednesday, the 13th of ibis month, when u punctual attendance is requested. Joseph n'corr, who escaped from the jail in this place a few weeks since, was ap prehended on Wednesday night, the 22d ult. near King’s Mountain, where he !;ad secreted himself. He was brought to this place on the Monday following, in compliance with the conditions of the reu iird ofTored for his apprehension ; and was taken back to Lincolnton the next day, where he is now securely lodged in jail. Neu'-VorJ:.—It is now ascertained that Dk Wht Ci.i.vrov is re-elected (iover- nor after a very close contest ;-and at ihe same lime, the candidate ioi Lieutenant Governor is elecleil. 15oili houses of the legislati:r.e will have ma jorities agains( hint I 'I’hese things may be utiderslood in N’ew-York; but else where ii is all a mystery, which would be a waste of lime to attempt to soUe. rtiu TiiK. « ATAwr.A joriivAi.. r.xtmrt iif;i li tlir fVoiii Dr. S;iii!ticl 1.. MitclicII (it .Now \(irk,l() Dr. .tolm lr.i\is, l)tirv, Nditli C;iroliiUi, ihifcid .I'.iiiij tlic lotli, ••Among the articles lately received, are ImI. Potatoes ol’a new specie's, fioni St. l.oienzo IsiutHl, >11' ili: coast of Pern; uliicli I have nann Lolanum IjixirerJnc, Jf|. Tracts in the Malay and C^hinest; lan guages, with an aceount in l',ngU^h c! the Anglu-Cliinese College cslai)lished at Malacca, in the l'.a‘ot-lnihcs ; IVnni one of my )oung li lends, a otudi nt liu re. ” guilty of ])laclng their names uiion the list, ihe latter in ihe terms of the "'State 23 I.IKKI.V NKr.HOKS. Dcpfirtrnmt.'' It is immedir.tely suspect- /. z"* t • /> .•.I by ,hesl,rc«i .-Clin,,-, fiothor itivasion of the p.eople’s treasury, and that the tialion is to be beggared.— The ominous adage of “ straws, S:c.” is IKiraded, and the Billiard 71/A/e with all its horrors is again maishalled forth. In ti nth, ihe resort to such weapons betrays a conscious weakness in their cause, which ihe leaders of opposition gain nothing by divulging. y. V. Times. >■ ll!)Sf I-1'mt (j I .'(I'll •!-; \(l':,in I S fit 1 I t M.IIIUJKIU Ih the i{cv. Isaac (iniKii, on’J’ncf.dav, the 2SllI idt., tlu- Kcv. KLKAZKK IIAIMJIS" 1‘rin- eipal ot Kl) Arndtn.v, Vor!;-Dist)ict, S. C. to Miss .lANK AGNKU K1 l?Kl*Ari{U;K. daughter of Mr. 'I'homas Kiiiki-atuick, of Mecklenburg County, N. Also, in lliis county, on Thursday, tlic 30th idt., at the re idcnce of Mr. ,lolm 'l ux lor, Steel 'reek, l.-y the K'ev. Mr. Hunter, Mr. W ii.i.iam .M’KmHMIT, to Miss (^AHULINK 'I'aILoII, l)()th of this comity. In Sugar Creek Congrep-ation, on 'I'uesilay evening last, by Itohert I’iekcns, Ks(ji of ( a- Ikutus county, Mr. Hubert MrLure, to Miss J^liza J)uvis. Dlill), On the 15th idtinio, Mr^. Nanct Mauiiiv, aged about 35, at tlic l.ite residence of” her huslsand, Maj. 'J'tiohum J/urrix, of Iivileil f(,tinty, who died oa tiie .>Oth of July last. I'liey were ple .sant and lovely in their lives, and in their death, they wen not lonj? tlivideii. Also at tiie .s.iii;e place, on the 1st. N'u\en'- l>er, their grand-d.inf-vhtfr, Jliirrift, daughter of William «j. Moore, aged about three years, of an inflamniatioM of the brain. “ Happy the bai)e who, privdef^ed by fate, “ "I'o >liorter trials and a I'ghU r weight ; “ Ucceiv’d, but j esterday, the gift of bri ath, “ Order’d, to-niorro\v, tort turn to death.” tO.MMCM Jl ATEU. [CuMMr.Nie ATKD ] On the morning of the 2Uth ult. the in.mortal part uf .S'. Jiazzili took flight for an eternal w(jrld, afti ran illness nften dajs, uhich he bore with tlu- fortitude of a eiirihlian and the firmness of the sage and philosopher.— 'I'liroiigli all the walks of hfe, Mr. IV m;imfeste(i a chaiaeter u.ibleniishrd l-y stain or s])Ot. 'I'liere was in him;, c.ilinncss of tlignity, a nobleiuss of soul, .1 degree (>f goodness and a 5lr»ngth of mind, not lo in; s’.n'passed. W hilst tossed from side to hide on a fevered l>ed and racked ex cruciating j)ain, he was not heard to n.urniur or ri pine at the dispensation of I’roviilence. Ili' w’rts a source of comfort to the decliniiig years of his aged pan nts; as a husi)and, Ju w as ten der ii'.d loving; as .4 fatiicr, kind and indulgent; usa brother, alltctionatc i ;is a friend, warm in his alt;u hments: anil as a ni.’v>ter, hum;.iie. '1 lu ofiices (if i harity were often p-'rformcd by him; but alas! where is he now ? He is gone, '\ t ho[)e and trust, to n aj) tlu of a well spent life in that .voihl, where the “weary an- at ri ,st, ami the wijked cease from troublin;-;.” Afllict- ed mourners, weep not as those without hope; but let this dispensation of liie ,dl-v remind ur> of the necessity o!'lu ing pr^ be sold, at the late dwt lling of Sam- » » uel (’. CuldvMdi, four miles cast «>f (.’har- lotte, on 'I'uestlav, the 19th c»f December ne xt, all the SI.AVKS', ('KOP, S'l’OCK, and person al i)roperty of ever_\ de>»cnption hehniging to tiie estate , ;.mi ng which are, an extensive Tiieological & Literary liibrary, A fourwlucl family Carriage, A geared Horse (Irist-Mill, iScc. At thf same tune, all thr lands will be rented. As 1li(“ jjreater part of the notes arising from the s;de w ill be placid in the h:uids of the guar dians of the minor heirs, a consi»lerable indul gence ma\ be expectcd, w hen the securities arc um vcei'tionai)le. F.ver\ p rson in1ebted to the estate, is rr- (piested to settle up ; and all those liaving claims against the estate, are re«piired to pre.seul them, as the law directs. Sale to continue from day to dav. .1. M'XNITI', Adnt'rx November 2^, 182(i.—3tl0 (fj 'I he editor of the M'estern rarormian w ill pive the torcf^'oing one inseitiun, and ^eiu! his aeeiMint to (!i;s oflice. \i‘aiuV tuv ri'^AK subscriber lias one liuiidred and forty 1 ;.rres of land for sale, nine miles east of ;iiarlotte and on the head wati rs of lt ed\ Creek, which he oflV rs on ver\ aeeonnnodaliuj; terms, 'i'ln re are a good lious'j and barn, and other lu-cessarv biiiiJinj's on the place ; ;i!id it is con.modious se t forsonii' tradesman, l or terms, apply either to S.iuiiiel Johnst(»n, adjoi ning the land, or to myself. .lUHN JOIINS I ON. Nov. 27, 1826.—4t 11^ Heiij 1 l;n i^ro\(‘’s F,sl;iU‘. ''pni su!'.scril)ers ha>ing (pialilied as Adinin- JL istrators d‘ the est ite of l)i njamin Hart- grove, deeeast.d, w II sell ;it I’ubbv S;de, at the late ri sidi nee of the d( ei aseit, on I'hui.stlay, llte 4th day ol .laiiuary next, tlie foilow ing ]>ro|»- 1'M_\, to wit : I'.l'Veii or tv, elve ne.i^Toes, one ol whom is a bricklayer; House iud.l :uid Kitchen I'urniture ; tw o agons ; (,'orii loul (.'otton, ll.i_\ ;ii.d l'i.;l(U r, IIoj;s, ;ind other .irtieli ^ not neces sary to mention. 'rwi !\ months’ cn dit will be K-ivin, pniclia>ers giMiig bond willi apj'ru- ved secui ity. ‘kKII AliD IfANKlN, ^ . , i;n!!KI{'l' WII.SO.N, Nof. 27, Olio*? N. H. Ail persons indebted to the est;ite, are recpK sted lo m;iki’ payment ; and those hav ing el.iims I' the e-tale, are reipiired to present them, :i.- the law ilirt.ct.s. Jolin Hlowtn t’s Fgllir, suliscribcr liavii'”- (pudiiieu as Kxecu- JL tor of l!ie h'.st w'd! and teslanK iit of John Stewart, deee:ised, will sell at l*ubli' Auetion, on the 2('th of Deeeu.ber, the following piop- trtx, to wii: Two tr;icts of lanti, C(mtaining 50U acres, lying on "W ;ixaw cri-tl; ; four negrors, a (ju;intily of corn and cotton ; Horses, ( ows, t of blacksniitli’s to(ds, o.; se\ er.d wagons, ini- (iiHl, i llogs;iii(i Shei-p ; one ; , ,reo , a S( t (,f w ai> t)ii in’,; for all the e\entf, aiul chan^Cs nfUfi-, a’tid iirem,' plenientsot husltandry, togi tlu r w ith tw o .stills, like our friend, we can e;dud\ look de; lb in tlu | ■'•■‘I i* 'ariityof oiber •.irtieles too tiibous 1() face, and reeieve him as a kiiul iiit s.-^i nger sciit I "•‘'"titui. 'I erii.s of sale, IJ uiontbs’ erilit, to translate us from this iini'erl'eet to that all , P"J’‘''•‘>>t's giving bond w ith nppioved seeurin . perfect stale above, where we will again meet, i ■ ersons indebted to .said ist;de, are noli ne\irto \>c sc paratei:, hut ftncM r lo t njoy the ! Ii'‘d to come forward and make pa\ineiit, aiui society of ;ingels and the spirits of just mi, n made jierfeet. Stop, traveller' as yon pas.s his giave, and weep, >V hilst angels guard around,- And sas, here the \a!u d i5o//.Lli sleep.s, Klcrnal and profound. . ^ A I’niEMi. illbl MAKKI'/rs. I'lii/fl/trillt', Xov- 22.-Cotton, a Hacon, lJj;( un'ee, 17 a 19; Corn, (old) a 70— new, 50 a GO \ Flour, 5^ a 6; iron, a ti; l.prd, IJi; Molasses, 4'~ a ■],) ; Nails, 7 a 8; Siijiar, eominoii, lU a KM;—I'rinie, 11 a 12 ; Salt, l,i\. 80 a 90—’1'. I.shuid, 75 a 8U; Wheat, l.UJa I.IU; \vhiskey,50. Cltfrair, JVnv. 2‘1. — Cotton, 0 a 10; (;orn, f)3 75 ; Macon, 15 ; Flour, 7 a ^ ; l.ard-, 1 J a 15. Cantdtn, y'uv. 25.-Otl(»ii, i) h9J; Corn, t’.O a 87 ; Hai on, 12^ a 13 ; l‘r;’.iuly, pe.icli, (»5 a 7■>— apple ilo. CiU u t')5 ; I?eesA;i\, 2.) a 28; C i’l e, 18 a 23 ; Flour, a 8.^; iron, a 7 ; NJoi, ,ses, 50 a 5(')'; Sugar, l>row ii, 11 a 1 1-; Salt, 75 a 87 ; Wheat, 1, ~5 a 1, 50. ('herbston, Nov. 2().— Cotton, Ib^ ; Ilaeon, 8 a 9; IJeeswix, -() a 28; A])ple lir;md\, 38; Corn, Co a 05; Coilee, |)rime grei n, 17 a 18; inferior to go d, 1.) a 16; Iron, h j .i 5; Mi,las ses, 30 a 34;, brown, 8A ;i 9; Muse.iv;mo, 9 a 1(J; Salt, l.i\. -12—I'. Island, *“>0; \\ hi.>lvev, 3(i a .571. ('tiiuliiK! Hunk lidbi—'lA a 5 pi reeiit. dis count, (iii.iglit ibi.—1 3 a pi r cent, discount. fS^IIF.lli', will lie sidd, .it pidibc >iale, on Tues- 1. da\, the 19iii diiy (,l December lu .vt, :»l the l.iie dw illiiighouse of S,.mui 1 Nl},de- eeiised, all the perishable prnperty belonj'ii'j^' to said estate, consist inj^' cf a nuinbv r of Likely young NKdltOKS, Jlorses, ('allle, Hogs, Corn, I'Odder.and Hay, H(.iiscliold OiL Kilclicn Fitrnitiire, with a number of othir artieli-s, to; tedious to t nniiu-rati;. W here due aitc iidanee and ;i r sonaulc credit will i)e >^iven, bv .(AS. Nrj.I.V, and ^ .IDIIN IIAIM I', 5 Nov. 27, 1HJ(-. —..i’J N. 15. A II |)rrsoii:i inde!)t :-d to the est:de ;! Samuel Net. 1\, sen. de'’,i. a-,e!l, ari; lu reb\ reipil- red to come t(‘r\vai\l and uiake settlement , ;.nd ;ill tliiisc liH\ in^' di iuands ai;-ainst s iil estate, r.X‘rut,rg. I pa\ all those having claims against tlu' estate, will present them, properly authenticated, within the tluie prescribed bylaw, or this notice will be jdead in bar of tlu ir re«'overy. S. 1’. .Ml p( rfiotis indcd)1ed to Ihe s I'd .John Stewart, dece:ised, as guardiaimf .(as. 1$. (^ariis aiuI Will. ,\ 'arns, .ire notified, uiiletstluv come fiirward ,.nd make ])uynienl to the i xecu- lor by the day ol s:ile, their notes will be put in an (dlicei’s h;o;ds for eoiiecfion. JOHN S'l'KW ART, Exrcutor. Nov. 27, 182().—3tlO« Vw^iueuls mvAs\ ium\t . heirs of the estate of Samiwl Harris, ' I. deceased, demand their h gacies from the e.\i tutors. Such as are in arn ars to said esl;.te, are recpicsted to make jiayiuent by llie (ir-.t ot .lanuary next; if not, tiuy m:i} ui.licipate the result. 1-AllH) If. HAKIMS, ) .lOliN (.fN(j|,KS, )■ llxr'D. .JONA I HAN llAliKKS, 3 Nov. 30, 182(i. —3tlO .XU'VU'E. VI.I, persons having claims against .Tohn 'F. I’a'-i hal and i.unsford l*as»:lial, for pap rs pl ieei! in their hands for «'olleetiou, jiPe r. ijiies- ted to make tin in known to tlu ir seeuriti s be- ton the the 25th day (#f December eiistiing, that iiiTaiigi nients m:i\ lur made for their set tlement. \\ II,I.I.\M ( (»()K, ■lAMKS COOK, IMtl’.DIJF COOK, .mioiw Wllt.iAMeoX, SI KI’IN.N F(J\. Novemler 25, 182(i.—..t lo V\vi\cvft. Kki.i m kst V r, (Jr I ii ri.iis, Jd De«'. 18J(>. ^I!F. commission'd .■>lV:eers of liie ( Hth Uegi- iiient N. C. .MilitKi, t ogi tin r w ith 1 li- 1 st and 2nd Serj,e;ints d i..i h (ompan_\ behlngiug thereto, are hereby (U’llered to parade at tlie Cf)urt-House in (di;ii-lotti , (jii S;itii'rd:i\, tin .) Mil iiiit.tht, ;d lo O’clock, .\. \1. :,rnu .1 aiivl e- (Miipped for t be piifj)ose of drill;-at w hieli tinu-, .d-io, ;i I{egiim.iit;d (jourt Martial will be held. liv (iriier of ( (d. D.i\id-.oii, 11. NOU.Ml,.S r, Jiijl. 2t’9. ,1^ 1 isti:itor 0,1 f [i, ' statt i.i i lencan Car.iphel!, deeeas. d, will cvpos- to i>uldii- s.«!e on i-rrl;iy, the 8ih Defem!>er next, all tin personal pio- jierty ot said leceasid, eonsistiiig of I'orses, Wagon aiul gcers, &ic. kc. l'.jins m;ide kiuiwr. on the dav of sale. W M- S.MI I I!, .1dm'r. ■it’9 I^IJOM the .sub.serilnr’s farm in Cabiirrus e«.un*}, (ui the 20tl; ofOclobTr. ultimo, ;i cIie;uiut-soi: _^5>^^^rel I!Oh’SF,, tdjMiil l-i iiai.ils high, w ith a bald face, a eye, ;md all four of hi.? fet t white, the w bite e\t« iiding nearly to his kni'cs. Any person who will ,ei\. nu- inforiTiatou ol said horse, sh; 11 be liberall_\ rewarded for !u3 trouble, autl all e\pi uHi-s piod. li.lorn'.'tiuu on the subject, if sent by mail, ma_\ lie :irectcd to Concord., Cabarrus conni\. N.c. MOSV.S W. .MOOl'K. _Nov. 6, 182C..—3t’10. of NOi rli-C’uroliiHu I I \( »L.\ Cdl'NTV. l)a\itl lllulock, ') f.v. I'ttdi Nane\ Mbdock. ) titii.n fur Jiimrre. 1'l‘ Jij)peariiig to t!te satisfa. 'ion of t!h; Court, tj|;it N;UU'V i;''dock, the (ieteli(iui;I, 1.. i ot ai? inhabitant of thi.'. late: It is iher. lure . r ier ed by eourt, th.-t public;ition be niade tlire,* months in ■.he;.w ha .Itxi. nal, j;'i\i!.;;- ..otlc( to lu-r, that sIk muKe hi r p rs(m:d ;ip|>i- .r.mct belort'the .ludge of nir Superior Cour! oi at tli‘ next ctnirt to be held for tin s;ud eounty of l.iiu'oin. at till Court-tiouse in l,iiie,,itcn, oil till' -Ith .Monday afti r tf.e ‘itii ,Mon a}'of 't;.reh next, then ;md there to answi r or de mur to the -, pititioii; otherw isr it will be t.ikeii pru e!'.,l« .sso, ;uul heard ex p;irti, and ad- j'ul).;’i-(l arco/d.n|^l\. \^'itn ss, Lai:\siiii fl.iu/rrsDO, Clerk of said C(>urt. :il l.iiicolntoii, th- .N|ond:iy of Sep» teinl'er, A. I). I82b, and in the olst year of our Inch ])on leiice. r,AW SON m.NDKltSON. .‘Im't 'Jo.— pv .id’.. f-1. UUW‘.\\\ A\ . i> *.N .aw a\ (V.uri tlu subs( rdu r, on W'edncs- • da\,the I DU day of () to!)er l;ist, a negro man nanied Cll.VUl.liS, igbteen years old, mIIow coiiedeeted, shill made, 5 fet't 7 or .S in- t lies tilgh. iOld w hei, spiduMi to, looks A ihl, and bis \ oiee is i ;it In r i ll'einimite. 'I he boj sa} s he w :is raised in tiie state of N ir}> ini;i,rrinei (ieorge eoiiiit} . An\ person who wid ap|)reliciid said lu m'o and confnii' him in any jaii, and give inc li;{„nu:i!i(;!i :•) Iha! I get him, .shall receive a gt neroiis rew aril. JOHN SI.OAN. Charlotte, Nov. C, lH2r). —106tf OTlJAVl'.D from the subscriber, on tlu 21gt >7 ult. a very large an.i a liki ly bhu k MI'LL, with some wiiiti flakes on his h'ps, uKj..t!\ de clining to ;i black ; very shorl horns t.i tin- si/c oflum; any other marks not recollected. He w ;is fetched from Wilkes in a dr‘,)ve, ;,i.d i x- p( cl he will try to j^o b;ick there. .>\i.\ | , isun will !;lve me :iiiy information so I c..i, j^ct l.ini, or fe; ii him lo me, shall be jni'ui for his* trou' le, i)\ the snbsci iber, living in Mec klen burg eoui.'y, near Mi 11 Crt. -k. .1. w. nwowN. •V*A‘u*e. Ii W ILL prosecule, to tin uti' os' rij;')r ufflitf I law, any person w ho w ill l';ulc or jji’rchaso ;in_\ artn h’ ol'produc from inj lU'gi'oes, wiihout; a written permit from myself I will al-o pro- seeutt ;in} pt:rson tinit ma\ hire (ir I'nijjli/^ :iny of my negroes to do aii)’'our, eithei’ li\ night (r day, \\ilhout my permission ; anu I w ill give. Iw eiity-five dollars rew ard for information to the eon\ietion of any |)erson who may be found vio- hding the above notice. SAMLF.r. M’COMH. ('litnlvltr, JViiv. If), 1 >2C).—5t’12. \V\j2;\\\ .Muu. 1AM compelled to h;i\e nionev. No indul gence lo I expcct, nor no indulgence will I give. Il'you owe me, now is the tuiif: to dis- ••harge tlu debt. I find the longer .some people are indulged, the im)fe they lool. for it ; but a gatru- of this kiiul, I never jday. If ..nv man can work without to(ds, ;i merchant can buy goods without mone\; but who will admd this ? I in tend K«*i"g to (Charleston in a fiw da) s, (or hat ^ to purchase goods. Hence the n e.-ssi- ty for all to pay ne. II you d) not, yon will re- ciive a tap upon your shoulders, wlueh will have some C(;st attached lo it. J. D. JIOVD. Nov. 21, 1825.—.3lM0. •XiiVice. ON 'Fuesday, the 5tli of Deeenib r next, thi-re will be sold, at the late risidcnce ol* \\ iTi. Alexander, lU ct ased, the follow mg pro- jn rty, vix ; — l!irs(s. Cow«, Sheep, Hoe.s, Hay, I'oihler and 0;its; ,'i(i bales of t.'ottm', one set (>C snnth tools, f.irrning utensils, hold fiiriii- ture, his linrary of iiooks, together with other :irtn les not enumer;ttf d. \\ here ilur attendance and ;i reasiinabh’creihl will beglvt A. A!,L\A\I)FI.’, Nov. 11, 12C).—2t’9 I* ALKXANDKK. J 111- LlNt OLN 2JAJI. rri/lKUrACTORY is now in o;, r.ition,at ihe Hig'li Mhoiils of the I'i'/'ith ro'.'u, :ii)out 7 ofLiiu'idn- top, under il. ''Hpi 1 intern! uii-e t,f .Mr. Wee\es, l.ile li- liar ol till, ir reco\ tr; l*ulilic Snlc. , herein iK.tditdlo present tlu III in ilie tune ],r(.- Amotig the many ludicrous r liarges ol | l.iW, or tbij notice will be plead in criminality wliieh have been made against ' i n .'.f r., i . our chief magistrate, we have met wiili none which can compare with a little in,- neachmeni in one of Ihc Wushingion pu-j I' be sold, on the 2Jd at tiie 1,,,. u »,>rears_u„., Mr. [loujrious ililieiun. .lUlhoitSS, in |,n;le.n ac r ■, of l.uid. Sale ;.t 1 hrotigh ushiiiP.ton, soiic ItCil su .)Wi.,l t j)- j j ^’elo u, v. In n the terms will ,,e i.Kide known lions r^'i one of In r woiks iheii i'l press. { i,y a. w. AI.r\ v.' Di.i;, /.V’,-. ri-.e I’usident and Mr. Clay v.ere carh j ’ i.Hn’>-.v !. i•. ’ > 111 I'eiiiis} i\ .111 a , of Cut .\, ils and •y tlesci'iplioii ol '.ite .N;idi Ciiii l>e all 3i/. s lo;;\tber with t\e il lion :ind ( aslln;^-i. N.'ii.i u ,ll be dv b^' red .1 the .Manulacto- , 1 .iiicolnton, b) tfie ki;;, :«t 8 cents pil ot In a ih-^t w lu 1 e ll;ads, \\ rcu;. ■| iie r_\, r h). ; or to an; other Mll.e^-e oi store*-, at tlie (diariestuii jiiiees, with tlu- :,.lu,li.;ii of the fi ei:; III troin (, !i ^rh -.ton to tin: ] «Lie e of i le bv c ;‘\. nuers t ; tin siihseribi r Will be tli;inki'ul!_\ ri,- C'-ived, and punetuall' jitterded to. Hli.MiV I I 11)MIL llig’i '.Ino' 111 I ')i:i;" , f O '.lb I .' I, ; • ■ s 'H .ir? V>oU‘»\v8 Vvv^wvvvV. ffit 1{.\N.\W.-\V tPom the sul senb( r, on the 5th, bis ne};ro man, named Ji, FLLIS. Lllisi^ 19 or20_xe:usofage, '5 feet G or 8 iu( lies liij^li, stout, widl (made, and a li'tle iin lined lo be bow b‘KK'*^'d; has vei-_\ l.'ii^hy hai’-, espteially beiiire and •pi.;iks toleraldy ipilek. He ti «,k with him a blue broad elotii eojit, a- bont Indfwoin, with gil! biitt(;i'w ith tlu sc wori'.s on tlu; under pari, ‘W. W;dlis, treijlr; (n‘atig( ,’a VI si of tlu- s;ime (-loth as ti.e eout, witli bulfons {-(.ivfred with the same; i» short jficket :n I pantalyons biled with wool; a sliir? ;ind pantaloons ot w bite norli;> rn honiesi'titi; a gun with lull stock, shivered at tlie m-.u/.lo, witli the fore ihinilde nil'. 'I'he gun lias the se cond l(;ck to her; c.iri'ied :.l.^o, a new !i!;u k Hat, ratlier sm;dl for him, with'.’.; name in it. Is a tolerable shoemaker, e:,iried ;i shac kniie aiul some other slioen.aki.i'\ t-iols; he can spi ll :i httle, and 1 linnk will te:i,pt to ji^iss as a free fellow, ;ind in ;ill |.ro!).ibib;'. will aimfor the i;on-:d;i\e ludd;ng si;.ti s. F.llis w;is raised in .V'ontgoinery ceuiity , N. C. by .Mr. \\}att l{aiid:dl. Anv ptrsonwho will .tiiprchend s;ud nigm and bring him to me, two miles above Snet d.s bot-oii^h, .\nsoii cfiunty, N. (.1. shall :eeei\e the ;ibo\e l ew aril; or 20 Dollar.Ti, if coiniiie.i i,i ai ' jail sc) tliai I get him. Address the su!)se:-iiier at .Morveti Oiliee, Anson eonnl%, N. C. DANIi::, COOK. chor.e.v,Xov. 0, i8':n>-^si’P';,

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