VOL. III.] CU.111LOTTE, JV. C. TVESD.ir, DKCEMJSEll (2, 1826. [NO. 109. . A PriiLlSlIED WKEKI.Y Bv LKMUEL BINGHAM, Three Dollars n year^ paid'in adcance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearag'es are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending’ in advtrlisements, are requested to note on the marg-in the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and cliarg'td accordingly. north bL s. CAROLINA t’ov the benefit of OXFOUl) ACADEMY in North-Carolina, &c. F/BST CLJSS—To be drawn 20th Dec. 1826. J. H. YA TES & A. MclN l YUE, Muini^trs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 V2 156 7«0 7,8U0 SCHZSiV^ Prize of 12,000 6,000 5.000 4.000 2,.500 1,340 1.000 500 50 10 5 z:. is #12,000 6,000 5.000 4.000 2,500 1,340 6.000 6,000 7.800 7.800 39,000 97,440 8,760 Prizes. 15,t')(J0 lUanks.—21,360 Ticljcts. '1 Ills is a I.ottrrv formed l)v tlie ternary per- iButution of 30 u'umbcrs. To d-termine tlie rr./.es tliorcin, the 30 numbers will be publicly I,i:ucd;m a wlicil on the day of drawing, and four of them be drawn out; and that I icket h;tviiig on it the 1st, Jd and 3d drawn numbers, in )i\lor in which ilriiwn, will be cntitlctl to tlie i)ii/A- of fil2,000. _ And those five ether Tickets having on tliem the s:uiie numl)evs, shall be entitled to the ])n- rcb afiixed to them resi)ectively, vi/.: 'rlie 1st, 3d and 2d to 6,000 'I'he 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,00'» Tlie 2d, 3d and 1st to 4,000 The :>d, 1st ami 2d to 2,500 'I he 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,350 The 6 tickc ts which shall have on them the 1st 'M ami 4tli (h-awn numl)crs, in some one ot the’it^)riU rs, will each l>e entitled to a prise of $il.OO() By authority of the S/afc of Xorth-Curolitic. TO KNCOX HAfiE THK 1*V11LU'ATION OF THE HISTOHY OF NOUTll-CAKOI.INA. IlK.liEST PIMZE, 20,000 SOXXARS. Drawing io rommrncc in Hillniorov^h, on the Alh Mondtii/ (f Advrni/jfr 7n-.vt. 1 1 1 1 2 8 10 20 40 50 450 1,050 7,366 Srlumr. Prize of 20,000 Dollars, 10,000 5.000 2.000 1,500 1,000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 23,886 tickets at f3 is 119,4 9,000 Prizes. 14,886 JUanks_ (Tj -iVo/ two niatths to a J’rizc.^S) 500 Tickets to l>e drawn in a day—to bo com pleted in 18 days’ (hawing. All the numhors to be placed in one wheel, and the prizes in an other. STATIONAWY PIJiZKS AS FOI.LOWS; 'I’he his't (Irun-n on the First day, w ill be entitled to a Prize of Second d.i\, XoWce. VI.L persons indebted to me by book ac count, are earnestly recjiiestcd to liiiuidate the same between now and the 1st of Deeem- l)cr next. Such as will do so by note, will stantl a chance for farlhi-r indulgence ; but such us w ill not, may expect to be sued immediately. TA\e TLai\m*\«g be executed this winter w ith more f T despalch than formerly; and as for ils stvleand worknianshij), it will be inferior to j none. My ])rices will cornspond with the 1 times, for cash, or pajinent a'isuined by some ano 000 ' ])erson residing in the village. ALEX. UHAHAM. iu,uuui ct,.,ri„tte, Nov.4, 1826.—’6 Away the subscriber’s farm in Cabarrus county, on the 20th of October, ultimo, a chcsiMit-son ^rtl HOUSE, about 14 hands high, 2,.500 j w illi a bald face, a glass eye, and all four of lii.s 9,000 feet white, the white extending* nearly to his 10,500 I knct s. Any jierson who will give me inforniaton 36,830 I of said horse, shall be liberally rcwardctl for his I trouble, and all expenses ]>aid. Inrorniation on ,430 tlie subject, if sent by mail, nmy be ilirccted to Concord, Cabarrus countv, N. C, MOSES W. MOOIJE. Nov. 6, 1826.—3t’10. 5,000 2,000 5,000 of Noi tli-Caroliiia. LINCOLN CtlfMY. David Illalock, 1 vs. Y Petition fur blvurce. k. 3 ?:co jOU I 5'JO I 500 ' 500: 500 Third daj. Fourth day, - • Fifth day, - - Sixth day, - ■ Seventh day, • - Eigiith d;iy, - - Ninth day, - - 'I'enth day, - - Eleventh day, Twelfth day, 'I'hirteenth day, - Fourteenth da\, - Fifteenth day. Sixteenth day. Seventeenth day. Eighteenth day, - 'I'he rest of the ])ri/es floating in tlic whci.1 from the commencement, amouiuiny to Nanr\ IJlalock IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court th;>l Ntmcy lUalock, the defeiulant, is i.ol an iniiabit.iut of this State: it is therefore ordei- ed t)_\ court, that publication be niad« nidhtlis II • he Cataw i)ii .l')unial, to iii-r, that siie make lit r personal iiji] I hf.t'i.'re the .ludLre of our .Siiiierior (Joiir: thrci ii.'tu e ii’ai.t e 1.000 , yj'l ine,,1,1^ at the (Jourt-1 lousi in l.iiiccliilini, l,0u0|,,n tin 4iii .Monday aft (. r tivc 4th Mondin ol I tiien and there to answ er or de- 1.000 j I,, to the s.iid petition; othei wise t vilibw 1,0(;0 I taken pro cont'esso, and heard ex parti , and ad- 1.000 I accoj-iiingly. 1,500 j U itnes^, Laicson Ihmhrf^on, Clerk of said 5,000, Court, at Lincoliilon, the 4th Monday of Sep- 10.000 I tt niber, A. 1).'1826, and in the 51st \ear of our 20.000 ' Inilciicndcnee. I.AON !iENI)EUS()N. nin’t ’20,—*ir, adv. ^ 1 Prizes payable at the .\gency of the Bank ol , (!apc-Fear, in llilisbomugli, N. (j. 30 daysafn r[ 1 11.' 1 MicUets which shall have on them any the completion of the drawing, subject to a dis , , , i r lor three of the drawn nvimbers, in any order j count of 15 per cent. All prizes not demanded | •* I'foduci from my negroe .wrniiit'ition. will cach be entitled to a prizevviiliiii 12 months from the completion of tlic |- ol j)cimuiauuii, «- j ^ ^ I I ,1... >efiite any person that ma of ^ 500. I drawing, u ill be considerui as forfi ilt-d to the '1 he 156 tickets which shall have two of the j uses of the Lottery, drawn nuuibcrs on them, anl those two tlie 3.1 .1. WEIU?, L'onmlsi^iimer. and -Ith, w ill each be entitled to a ])ri/.e of iM. { IliUtshoroujrh, Jpril, 1SJ6. I’hose 78u tickets which shall have on them ' attention of tiie Nortb-Carolina ])uMic is some other two of the drawn numbers, w ul eucli the foregoing schcme. be entitled to a l>rize ot JIO. , ,, , The laudalde purjiose conteni])late(l w ill, it is Anil those 7,800 tickets, which shall h*‘'C )n secure to it the aid of those v. ho aro them some one of the draw n numbers, w id each ! ty the inttrestsof literature and science; le entitled to a prize of Stj. ^ and the name alone of the gentleman w ho has No ticket which shall have drawn a prize ot to -ict as Coinmissiom r in the man agement of the Lottery, is a suilicieni ])hlge oi the fairness w ith which it will l)C co.'.ducted. A. i». Ml lUMIEY. a «iuperior demmunation c:in be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty da> s ;if;er the drawing, and subject to the usu.-l deduction of 15 per cent. , , . t Tickets and Shares can oe had in the above schcme at the Managers’ Otlices. Whole Tickets, i5 00 j Quarters, 23 Halves, 2 50 | (Q^'l'ickcts niitl Sh:ires in the above Lot^v, are for sale at the oflice of the Cataw ba .journal. Orders by mail, enclosing the casli‘ uill l.e promptly attended to. I \in.uiVl*oY ^a\e. The subscriber olVers for sale a valuable subtract of Land, on accoin- Jniodyting terms, which fiTrinThe lower part of Iredell county, on tlie head waters of Kocky Hiver, adjoining the lamls of a. S. Houston, lienjamin Uivvard and 'lhyi‘>’- and containing 372 acres. Tlu‘ said land is ot good quality and well w atered, i.oth as to springs and branches. Of the land now in crop, aniount- ing to 40 or 50 acres, the mo.t of.it is wel ma nured and will jiroducc corn, cotton or wheat, in suflicient ipiantitv to a!)undant!\ coinpeiisate tlu' husbandman for his l;d)or. E\i)eriment has prnven that it is peculiarly lulapted to receive t reat and permaiK nt betieliV trom maiuire' 'l lure is on it a large i)orli(u> of low grounds, of excell, nt ([uality, either fi^' meadow or pas ture, 10 or 12 acre’s of wiiich are in good order and have been mowed for a number of \ ears, 'I'he i)riiitil)al dwelling-house is large and com modious, wliich, with a little a.lditional exiiense might 1)0 ma le comfortable and convenient eyei for a large famih . The situation on wliicli it stands is probal)iv eiual to an> in this or the ad- iacuit counties.' There is a well of good u a- ter coin eiiient to the house, ;ind a large, iiTlile gar.ie;'. There are two improvements on tins tract, w hicii will be sold together or separatel.^, to Mtl' purchasers. U would be a des.raok phif', ..I residence for a mem!)er ot the protex- si(,.> u1 l.aw or a Phssie.an, being in a respect- a!)li and pf)pulous lu igh.borhoud, and at nearls an t (inal distance fivmi five surrounding v illage^. ft is iinnecessa-v to give a furtlier .lescni)lion of tliis land, as tliose, no doubt, wi>hing to pur chase, will view tlie premises. For terms, ap- plv to tlie subscriln r, living 5 nines nortli ot Concord, Cabarrus county. A. C. M’HLE. N. U. Approved cash notes, negroes, or notes nigotiable and pavalde at the Charlotte Hank, will be received ii>. payment. A. C. M. 82tf V>\VtYsecv \VV\uVCi\. VMAN of sobriety, industry, and one accus- tonud to the usV of Negroes. ’1 o such a ftnc liberal wages wUl be gi\en. A man with a small fainilv wouhl be preferred. ,’S ' AVM. J._POLK. (?')^Tick('ls ill the abovd Lottery are for s;rie at the Oflice of the .lournal. Orders dj mail, will be promi)tly attended to. rVV\AVc Y.V\li‘A‘\vVl\\iA\eu\. fl'^HE subscriber infm-ms his friends and the ,1. public, that he has purchased that well known cstablislimmt, lately owned and occu])i- ed by Dr. Hemlerson, and'is now pre])ured to entei-tain travellers and others, who ma\ j)leasc to call on him ; iind no exertions will be spared to ri ndcr them comfortable, and their sta_\ a- greeattle. His table will lie furni.'.he!] with ev ery variety which the country atVords ; his bar with the best of litiuors; and’ his stables ssith ])leiity of provender, and careful servants will be in constant attendance I.'OHEIIT I. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. ‘ 8u W II.L probceute, to tlie nl:i’ost rigor of the law, any person who will trade or purchase w iihont a w ntten permit from m\sc If. I will al.-(j pro hire t)r employ aii_\ oi iiiy negroes to do anj' laliour, l iiht r Ijv night or (la_\, without'my permission; and 1 willgive tw enty-live dollars revs ar'l for information to the conviction of ;in_v ]>erson v\ ho n ..y be found vio lating the above lUitice. SAMI LL M'COMH. Charlutlc, Aar. 16, 1326.— 5l’12. lV\g\v\ Wi*v)Ugs •Xo •Mvvu. ]AM compelli-il to h;i\e mme\'. \o indnl- g-eiice do 1 expect, nor no indulgence v\ill 1 j^fv e. If vou owe me, now is'the time to dis- Wov\sii ol* BESUX.TORV. Hy a gentleman recently from I’itts- burgh, we have h*anu*(l that the llarmo- niaiis lately estaljlishcd at Economy, ‘■ixteen miles I)clow Pittsburgh, arc pro gressing most rapidly in some of the most important mamifactures. In the article of hi.\m;f/is, they are superseding foirij^n supj)!y. 'I'he specimens of this useful fabric, are superior to any impor ted. Mr. Uapp is turning liis attention n»oro than ever to the j)ioHuction of w ooi.i.t Ns; he has a large number of hands employed in addition to his own people, in grubbing and clearing out the under wood of thf'ir 1(^)0 acres, f^r the purpose of converting' it into Sheep-walks. The I’armers of the western counties of Penn sylvania, more particn.Iarly of Alleghany, Washington, Webimorelund and lU'avcr, are devoting much atieniion to the culti- vatioii of Kiii.i i’. In addition to the a- moiint of vv'ool consumed in that district of country, an Agent of Mr. Rapp has sent as much of this article over the Mountains, us amounted to 12,000 dollars. Cincinnnti Jici^i.ilcr. IVitU'r proof IjooIh. — Mr. Xagle, from Pliiladelphiu, whose advertisement wiil be seen in another part of our paper, olVei i!)g to dispose of the right, to use his jiatent method of rendering lioots and Shoes walci’-proof, placed a pair (d' Hoots in a tub of water in our oflicc 15 tninules before 9 o’clock yesterday toor- ning. With a view of testing the utility of his invention, \\c took the pi-ecaution of putting a piece of wi iting paper on ihe sole, inside each boot ^ these wire A F.gl. ND Stage House, at the sign of i! ill Charlotte, .\onh-Ci«rolina, liv UOP.KUT \ lSON cliarge the debt. I find tlie longer some pc o|)k are indniget!, the more they look for it; but a game of tiiis kind, I m. v er ]jla_\. If aii_\ man can work without tools, a nn reliant can 1)U} goods without nionev; but who will admit this ^ I in- teiid going to Charlesttm in a few ilays, lor wliat^, to pui’eliase gofjds.. Hence the nccessi- tv I'orali to l).i\ ne. Ifyou do n(jt, v'ou willn- c’eive a ta|) upon _v (nir sliouKlers, vshich will i ha\ e some cost attached to it. J. 1). 1U)VD. Nov. 24, 18:6.--.2tM(^ wAuvvs vxe^uvvt. ■Ji 1{ A ^ .\\> A^ tr 111 the sulisf ri!)er, on ihe itli iiisiai.t, hi-, negro man, named 1,1,1.IS. r.liis Is 19 or 20 } curs ol age, j feit 6 or f) incTu'^ ■iiigli, stcnit, well iiiiiile, and a bale iiii lined lo Ix' how leggi'il; Il ls very bush) haii', c.^per.ally lieiore and sptaks-toh r.ildy pm k. kvsitli him a idiie broad elutb (oat, a- j b'lut iialt worn, with gilt inittfnis, u illi tnesi v\(.rdson the under ])ar', ‘ \\ . \\ allis, trelile Hruiig-c;’a vi 't of the same cli.tii as the coat, I v\l'b buttons e()vereil v\ith tin. same; a short 1 j,II ki t and pantaloons filled vitli wool; a sinrl I ,i!,d jiMntahains ot w lute norilu rn honu s|jUii; a of a do!ibtful character. They have said by overwelming majorities, that Mr Ad ams in their rhnire ; that hin adniiriisiration has their apjjrohation and sanction; and that Mr. ('lay leas true lo his tnist. In an ariich> entitled “a Memorial and Remonstrance,” addressed lo the Ciener- al Assembly in Virginia in 1785, on the subject of religious toleration, and writ- tetj by Mr. M-dison, the following sen- I tence occurs: “The people who sub- ' mit to it, [^tlie over leaping by either de- l)artment of power tiie great barrier which defetids the I'ights of the people^ are governed bv laws made neither by themselves, nor by an authority ilerived from them, and aril sfaves.” This is a remarkable sentence ; and if we take, “ and arc nlaves,” to be the result of the pco])le being “governed l)y laws, made neitlK'r by themselves nor by an authori ty derived from them,”—which, we think, was the author’s intention, and is certainly a correct construciion,-^vvhat must be the situation of three-fourths ot* the projde of \'irginia, where all, savo freeholders, are governed by laws made neither I)v themselves nor by an authority derived from them ! And yet \'irginia is held up to us as the real Simon l^ure of Republicanism ! X'irginia principles are iniriided upon us on all occasions as lext-l)()oks, and the “.\ncient Dominion’* toasted as tlie very nucleus of freedoni!!! lia/t. Patriot. ’1 he Nevv-York 'i'imes remarking up on the household ellects of the late Mr- JelVerson, which are acivertisrd for sale to the highest bidder, earnestly asks “Where is \’’irginia—the ancient do- perfectly dry at the period of writing | here is her chivalric regard I his article, about 5 o’clock, and upon | honor, and that ol her great inserting the hand in the !)oots we could I 'be passage of not discern the least feeling of dampness. bell-man ol the auctioneer through the X, 1 I AT V- \ .1 iitreeis of the confederacy,—be lust to \\ e are assured Ijy Air. Nagle, th.at , ,• i i . i- i i l,i»k«thT is not r/n.kMcd in.pcvious P>-p«nt hw .l.shMor, by to « am-, l.y =„y applifalio,, o„ the out- "B «f one ol J r u . .1 I .1 • whom she has SO long boasted r ’ «ard I";! »» l>»- Wc slioul.l ll,i„k the c.litors of the |,ar«l, as that the repulsive .lUalMy .s jiKhnmu.l l-t„,uirel- »ouhl ho p,oR„l,lv incorporated through Us entire body. , i ■ i ■* • i i • ' ■1 !„■ p„paratio>,, « hatevrr it ,„ay Le. cmp oyed dcvol,„„ a parts to the Icalh.M- a soft and pliahle “ 7' V ' ‘ 1 • , 1 , *I ed to the especial notice ol the sons ol lexttuT, wh.ch condurcs lo g.ve to Hoots | and Sho„ mad. Iron, .t, a,, elasuc iual-1 ^ ‘ I dogmas Upon their hackneyed tiicme of I'othose who are fond ol the luxury of State rights.” Virginia made a grt at \>\ssu\wrun\. f 1^1 IE cojnirtlurshii) In retoiore existing be- 1 tvs ei n tiie snIjNt ri!)ers, i.‘> tliis (lav tbr>soi\eil, |)\ mutual consent. All persons indeljUil, are omfortableainl convenient even settlement. 'l il(».S. I. .IOIl\>s()N, P. C. CAL1)\\ F.! !.. Nov. 11, 18:6.—ni'-> g j Dr. I’. Cahl'.\t.ll can be found by ap- ])lying at the store of tireen Kendrick. Tivkii XuVVct i)K. I persons in!etited to the subscribii's, bv • 4 LI. note or liook aecouut, arc earin. stly call ed on to make iiayment on oi- bi fore the 2!;th ot Deceinljer ne.\1, as longer iiuln!g( nee will not be given. e ho])e this notice wiil be punc- tuaiiv attended to, as we liave no dispdsinon U) put people to cijsl—Cotton wiil Ijt taken in l>av ment of deljts, at a lair price Nov. 11, lH2u ( (XH'Lli & .It’y M't.lNN. ' ^lnii g'ln with full stock, shi\ ertd at tl j \\it!;'tli- Inre thlnil)le oil. TIu' gun lias tne hc- conil lock to ill r; carried also, .• new l)laek Hat, ratla r -.niall lur liim, with 1 .ala} ettc’.s name in jit, Isa toll rabu slnu in.tkt r, i arricil a shoi- : kiillc .111,1 some (ithi r slioen.aki r’.s tools; he an 1 s|H II a little, and I think will alleinpt to pas?, as ! a tree reilov\, and ill all probability will ;uni lor the I'.on-sl.ive hoUbng stales. Llils was raist il in Montgomery county, N. C. b\ Mr. Wyatl l{aiid;Jl. An\ p( I'soii v\ lio v\ill apprehend said negro and !)ring hiJi tome, two niile.s ai)ove Sneeils- boroirili, An^on i i.i;niv, N. C. shall receive Uk above reviard; or JO I)(j|lar.s, d eoniineJ in any j:iil sit tliai 1 get liim. {];) Ail'lre-.s tin; snljscriber at .Morveii Post Olliee, Anson (.'•Jiinlv, .N. (]. DA NIKI. COO Cheravv, Nov. 1 .S26.—.U'10. ^,vvv'vi:v:. 4 LL persons hav lng‘ I.ti'iis agyin: t .b.lin ’I*. I.unstord I’ascii.il, I'u^ pajieis dry feet, this improTement in the manu- jacture of leather is certainly highly val uable. Ballitnore Chronicle. The long disputed boundary line be- twefti Massachusetts and Connecticut, has bten settled without much gain or loss of territory, or changing the allegi ance of a single inclikidual. 4y Monu-' juents of granite have been erectei!, and luaikcd on opposite sides M.and C. Anatomists.—“As your skill in your profession is so jjreat,” said a person to I celebrated anatomist, “why do you not ( lire all the diseases of tiie human body r” “ My skill iimy be gieat,” re plied the anatomist; “ but unfortunately, we anatomists are like the poitcrsofa town, who are acquainted with all the strtets, ljut arc igtioraiit of what is jjass- ing in the houses.” A Prcttu J-ildillc. — “1 will consent to all you desire,’’ said a young female to her lover, “on cond-ition that you give me what you have not, what you never can have, and yet what you can give me.”— What dill she ask him foi ? 77/r (jpito.vitioii.—'I’he editor of the IJos- ton I’ati lot _hr.s recently nu t with the copy of a Icttirr Itom the ‘ I'ulher id’ his country’ addressed to' I’atrick Henry, e'.cp in which he ap-pears lo have sketrli- eii out and reprobated much such a spir it (d‘ oi)posilion lo the national iidmin- istiallon as now exists. The letter wa-. vviitlen in 179‘J. In this letter Washin;,;- ton says—It winild be a waste of linn; lo attempt lo hi ing to the view of a per son id' your discerniTietit, ihe tndea’.nrs id'a cet tain party anioiig us, todisijiuel till' public niind ; to arraign every act of the adniinistration ,* ^o set the people at variance w ith their j;ov crnnicnt, and lo emlinrrass all ils measures.” “L’nlor- tuiiatelv. and rxtrenuly do I re;;rel it, Iht shilc (if / Difinia has taken the lentil in this oppositioii. ” halt. Palnot. X 4 I’ascli tl :iiii placeil In their haiid.s tor i ollec;ion, arvXetjiies ted to make tin m kin.u ii to their M-curltii s be fore the (in: -'.)th (lay ot lieetmiKi iiisijin^-, j that arrangi nienl' mav li'- ma.ih lor tin n- st'.- ■ CST I’l I'll.ISIILD, and for siile at this ol-j ♦P lice, “ Strictures on a book, intiile'.l, ‘Anj A.pologv for the linok ot Psalms, l-y (.ilbi rt McMasl'er.’ 'I'o which are adtled, Wt inarsk on a book, [l)V Alexaiuk r (iordoi.' entitled ‘"Ihe ihsign ami u.se ot the liook (j1 I’salms. l>y llK.Miv Ixin.M ii, A. M. V» ilh an Aj)i>cn'H\, .l.nis >L NN iiso.N, Uo'k\ Ki'e’.' and I’bdadJphia. ~ _ W 11,1.1AM (,u(jK, .lAMKS CODK, i.'di’.Li;! (;noK, JOiiDAN' \S ll.l l AMSO.V, Sll i’llF.N FOX. Nov ui!)( r 25, IH.u.—..tlO •\\\vvc\\u\i‘uVs vwwV \\uuv\s. Tor iaL, ul the Olli'.c oi't’.U’ .i'V.j"i:d. parade and bluster in I’elalion lo Mr. JelVerson’s j)ecuniary wants, but alas and alack, it was only in high sounding icords. !a this she is always unrivalled. Balt. Patriot, The Pvhlir Itevenue.—In consequence of the rumors which have been recently circulated, in various publications, re- specting a falling ofl'in the revenue, we have made the j)roj)er inijuiries on the subject, and now commtmicate the result to our readers, being well convinced that it will be no less gratifying to them than it has been lo us. In regard to the present year, we learn that the actual receipts into ihe Treasury will amount to the full sum estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury at the commer.cement of the last Session of Con gress, which, as will he seen by a refer ence to his annual report, was S'2j,jOo,* 000. Ill regard to the year KC7, no estimate was submitted to Congress by the Secre tary; hut it is evident, from his report, that he looked for a decrease in the im- |)oriaiions during the present year, and, (onse(]uenlIy, that he anticipated some diminu'ion in the amount of cusion.s in ihe next year.—We Icai n, however, that the tetuiiis ahendy teccived justify the opinion tha’ ihe aclual receipts into the 'I'reasury, during the year 1827, will be aini>ly sufl’icient lor all the various bran- i hesof'vhe j)ubhc e:pendiiure, including: the annual a])plication of i kn mii.i.ionsio ihe principal and interest of ihe public debt. The Session of Congress being so near al hand, il is not lu'eissary to enter into furthei' e\ij!ar.ations. From these facts, how e\er, il i% manifosl that there is no dell, ieiicy in the levenue, and that the es- lim'aies t>f the Secretary of the 'I'reasury will have been fully realized. National Journal. A co: iTspondent of the Democratic I’rrss. takes a correct view ofilKr subject atid says, liiut one of ibe objeciiotis to the \oie given by Mr. Clay upon the Piesidentuil (luestion, is coniplclely neg atived by ibe results of the ele'-tions in Ohio atid Indiana, h was said, in that V(>le Mr. Clay was faUc to the pei;j>le id the west, and lhat they were ni;.-:rrjjre.st ntcd when he and his friends gave their .sup port to Air. .Adatns. The people have been afijiealed to— the ii lies' loll was i)U t eiit 11 el v bet ore theni. ;i.d eir ivn ts tiot ()! a i:;irin^r Mdrjjland against t'u' I'/don '—The Ed itor of this paper, ba.s seen a letler re ceived in Ca tureville from a respectable p,entleJnan of St. Mary’s county, in which it was slated, “that a farmer of St. Ma~ ry’s raised ibis season, on on>' >t /r, ' which has been I’athered and measured) 124 hnsfii/s oj ivrn and furlher—iba. his lit Id of acres, u'ill n>'crii:e '.K) hiishcls tu the arre.” We merely state this fucu to show our friends at a distance, wlua ihe fanners of Murylai'.d cati do, vv lien they have a mind to try. Cvntrcid'x Times. iinufnlrroii.—W liy are all old b.ich elors I'nil thi^ take {arc »’

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