' r.Tis ;!;c L- s* •.vhlch lie could taUf; tiiul li> I liis rapid loi’ t i la fivina struck liis ===r I ilic lop 1)1' ilic triir aiul I’d! ■- ’ Vrtim the .Ni.tioii:il j ai J'ull under the lit el, which ^ Wc luive no I'.n ivuls, since our lusl i passed direc tly over hiiK. Here he was summary, v. Inch add any things ol mate- i(.{\ lo the nierey of the lirsl j^ood Sania- rial inl( l esl lo the new s w e llien com- inunieaied. 'I'lic vtatcnicnts which arc ah'eady in tlic possession of our readers leave no i*)oni to doubl that active hos tilities ha\e already com’.nenccd between I\ussia,5c Persia. In our last week’s sum- iTiary, we j^avc an abstract of iheso state- nienls. as tar as related to tlic lacts rilan who uiij^ht pass that way. Aetr }'ork Timts. At tlu* Ci*’cuil Court,siltinij last month at 'I'uscaioosu, (A labama) Jolm Williams, foutiil Kuilly oi‘ /ndnsIovi'kUr^ was fitieci Jifty dollarn and sentfned lo six monlli> itiiprisonmrnt.” \Vhile, at the sanie Ihemselvcs. In relation to the conse- (.(^nvicted of kill |uences which might grow out ol such ^ jwe duilnrs a war, somclhing yel remains to he said. sentenced to two months’'imi'rison- Afler the eon'.inued eOorts which have bci'n made by Great lli itain to conciliate the Persian Court, with u view to prevent il IVoiu allowinc!; any passage through that country to tlu‘ liritisli po«;sessions in India, it is scarcely to be cxpected that she will stand by, an idle spectator, while the Russian hordes make iheir inroads into so dangerous a quarter. We arc •Strongly of t!ie opinitMi, that i'., on a calculation of the means and resources of th^" two countries, England shotild l)e conviticed that Persia, iti a single-handed o;;lesl with Russia, would be overpow ered, she will exert hcrsell t(> prevent that contest from being single-handed, or else lo raise u[) some difficulty which ■will have a tendency, by distracting the forces of Russia, to render the contest moreeq^al. She will probably act with sagacity enough, in the pmseculioti of this design, to avoid any actual collision licrself with Russia, j)reserving the atti tude and character of a neutral, while, in efl'ect, she plays the part of a belliger ent. However unjtistly (Ireat Jiriiain may lia\e originaily acquired her righ: to the soil of India ; l)V w hatever process of fraud and cruelly she has been ena bled lo retain her sovereigtity, still it is her liiesenl policy to defend it, by every rieyns. She has expended oceans of blood there: it is the grave of many a gallant soldier who has been sacrificed on the altar of an mipure anibilionj all the losses of this dsscripiion, w hich she lias sustained, require to be revenged and compensated, out of either the lit tle rt iiiaitiing wealth of iho natives wIkj owii 5ier swa), or out oi the more attrac- llvenHuUS of nations spread over that Tast conlini.-ni, who have not felt her power and nmuined her protection — I'tiglard cannot, therclore, afl'ord to lose Inr'ili: siie cannot consent to such a tre mendous deduction from her moral and ten power; she cannot consent to sucli a grievous subtraction frctm her es- tin/ates of plutider. Rather than this, she would, p«-rhaps, even determine to .send her squadrons up the lialiic, and beard, in his capital, the monarch whom she lias thus congvatulatcd on his acces sion. Probably, however, she will not be drnen to such an alternative; by ari- I'ully moving iht iiolitical machinery of Kurupe, wiiilc, al the same time, she lieeps the master-spritig which gives the impulse ran;fiilly coiu ealed, she may be uljle lo efi’cct all ihai is lU'censary, with out exci‘ii!g aii\ iliiiij; beyond the mere suspicion of her agf ncy. The ly^test aio'lnts from South Amer ica would lead us to the inlerenc(; that Cicneral liolivar has been invited to as sume the so\ereign juiwer, and that the people of that country are not yet in a siiuaiion ^o enjoy the licnefits ol Iree in- siitiiiious. W e i'car this will be found to be ihecusc, if one-half of the statements w hich are given on the authority of pri vate corres|)otulence, ard ol travellers who have \isiu d the southern continent, are to be relied on. We v.aii with soaie anxiety for the arrivi.1 of the next ac counts, which will put us in the the pos session of such I'acts as will enable us to come lo a conclusive opinion on ihe subject. ment. \’erily, it would appear, ihut in the opinion of an Alabama Jury, ihe lile of a 7iian was of less value than the lile oi a f/nilc I y. V. Ihniks and No/e^.—The last (ieorgia Journal has an article on this subject whicli il is proper should be no ticed, il for no other oljjecl than to c»»r- rect ils errors, as we hojje ilu y ai e. Ii asserts that, “The Stale of Nonh-Caiolina, (wi- are informed) ilnding it conveniint to transfer funds to the North dining the winter season, sends an agent lo Agussu with a large amount of ils bills. 1 hes*' are expended in the j)Urchase of Colloti, which is shi|)peil to N. Yoik and there sold. Thus the Hunk obtains the com mand of funds in that city.” We ha\e beeti retpiesled lo intiuire, and we really think the credit ol the Hank is interested in the answer, wheth er the Ijank of Norlh-Cai-olina tias slooji- ed to engage in u petty traflic in cotlon : We shall be glad if the Raleigh editors will enable us lo contradict the re|x>rt. 'I'he Journ;il also slates ihul N. C. Notes are at 4^ to 5 |)cr cent, discount in Char!estf>n. This is not the fact, nor has it been for soir.e time past, if we are to l ely upon the (luotalions in ihe Charles ton pajiers, in v. ITk h they ai'e now stated al ‘2 per cent, discoun . lutijelti villt Ohsvrvcr. The Ihink" suspended pnyViCut oi;,'i'hui-sihiy lust. We arc in- loi iiu-d, tlial a statement of the situ.ition of this institution, will !>e mailc pu’olic on Monday next. Iiy tlu* Diiectors. (ireat excilemenl has bien |)tuduc((l I'v this . • r * ilip mmmon «tock cf doHifsiiv: ci,t'a;uri, utul of I I'oviding a liv* liliootl lor liiem v(l\es. Wf wish, him sudfss ; and tin h*ari(/f every liiend to tlie increasing prosperity »i our domestic manufac tures, will throb a generous response* Jhnvr. J'anner. Abotit nine years since, llie town ol W’orcester, Mass. purchased a farm ol about 2T.0 acres, on which to employ the tow n pctuj)ers. On this, every one who is aljle, lb re(iuircd to labor, and by the products of the farm they have reduced the expetise of their support Irom fc2,000 10 about se\en hundr*d. Sfil(jt>!QH AlJvtis llsq. the lli’okcr and Lottery Wilder, has given ^lOUU lo ihe Ssnod of North-Caioliiia, (or the use of ihe 'I'heological Seminary of \'irginia and North Caiolina, situated in Princc I'.dward County, Virginia. Th.e General Court has been rngagcd, during ils present tiMni, on several inle- resliiig cases which we sliall notice on their adjournment. We uuderstatid, that the jiulgmenl in the case of Anderson, charged with ihe alxluction of a young gii-l, has been set aside on the ground, iliat we haveno statute law to create it in to an otTence—and that at ihe tirne we adopted the Cor.unon I..aw ol England, 11 was an oflVnce cognizable only by tlu- Ixclesiaslical Courts and that we have no such tribunal in \'irginia.—Hidi. Com. nos TON, MASS. NOV. 13. The Season.—Snow has lallen this sea son in Montreal, Quebec, kc. lo the Noi th; in New IJrunswick, See. lo the East; and in Trenton, Philadelphia, See. to the South, but nol a Hake has be« n seen here. There are many alive who wf!l recoll-jct that on and before tlu ''Popes Drtiis," (3th November,J of olden liiius, there w ere for many years in suc cession, snow and good sleighing. Ohio Conference.—The Ohio Annual Conference^.'f ihe Methodist Episcopal Cinircir, elobcd its session at Hillsbo- rotigh, ()ii Wednesday, the 1 1 ult. Bishop Ili dtling presided ; great harmony prt - vailed; the busiiu ss of the conference was concluded in a saiislactory manner.— Resolutions wei-e passed, approving of ihf establishmen'l of the Christiar. Advo- and of the circulation of it'wiihin event, among all classes (-f our ciiizens, c-te, and ot the cir »„Uvel,op,MU nnla,.ch„ly|V,.Tbodin(;s "'f ol- „,.ny "f, l--tacl,rrs were- on Ir al 1 l.rce ll». ,..H oursrlvc.si"^'" o.du.nr. lo 1 he o.licc ol Deacon, and seven to that of Elder. One was rc- we are tuH without our fV’ars, as to what is yel to, c,.nu-. In th. n„ ;,n urn.-, wr vuui.l a.I-i «'l-f' nunu:«vy, s,x.su|H-™,nu:i ■ V.M hoklir^.r hutvs on il,.' ^^..sl.villu oxplloci, liank, no. u, p.riuUI, Uu'.n. «i.i.out ;,u 1 «|>,ivah„t. Wc ilk-,1 i.. lUs n. socicy ,5 -..e-o rlutc, u„ 1 3 usi„|5 fron, ll.c IV,,, ll.ul llu. U„ ,-cto, s o , I lAdO I l.r iicxi fit the t on- are men from whose character anti sian- ^omc C(,.ri(m:e Stcdiini'.—'1 iie atinuh of liow- slreei ciMinot, we ven’iire lo say, furnish a more comic;.l scene tliunonc uliich oc curred '* nights siu( t' in Ni w \ ork. A phvsician was ci.lh‘d late in t!ie t v('- ringto \;sil a Jjallfnt in the U|)per pan of ll'.idson-sU(’( t, and left his horse ii!id i>ig ti* (I to a post at th.e t!oor. After roncluding his cull, a^ he p;issed out of the iiouse to his caniat>,e, he observed that two men were prej.'aimg lor an *• iili- duciion.” Onr hehl the reins in his hand u-adv to a-.( (Mid, and the o'her had just finislu'd unt\ing the horse and i.rrMiging the Ijridle. The nij-';ht was daik, und the phvM ian appi oached 'iieni unseen, w hen seii'ini: ihe leins, he ii'ij)ped up the rnan ’ • r i , l i lt 1 ./I ...V iiitfi t lii> rriiv isnpposei t(J b»,‘ t he lir.it specimen of that lio lirld iheivi, atul sprang into tlie gi!.;. ,i . , n.r.nu nt the com.,anion of ^ licious hull cxer prouuced in ihi,. ding in society, every exertion v-Ii! ijc made to redeem ihrir paper, as soon us possible—and il is said, they arc amply able to meet every demand, so soon as their debls can be called in and iheir pro perly disposed of—and v> e have no doubt they have already set aboul ellVcting this object.—\N’e postpone any further re mark on this subject, until llie expose (jf the Directors siiall bo laid before the public. As to the other Banks in this plac-, il is generally l)elieved, they will be able to meet all dcmads in spene. Nusltville Rejjublkan. Jxcclaimed Inrul.—Mr. David Justice, ji*. of this county, made Ihe j)resent season, seventeen banels of Com, iwo v\agon loads of Pumpkins and a large (piantuy of Peas, from one acre and ten poles ol ground, and he has iu)\v the prospect ol a fine croji of Turnips from the same soil. 'I'his land was mat shy aiui nnusually cov ered with Wuier, l)Ul haviii(^' ')*■( n dt itin- ed and cleared, was cullivuleu f r the first time, this season. We h(ipe yet to see th.c passage of a law hv our Legislatui-e, diiectiiig the dni.ining (W'the immense body of Swanip Kind in the eastern stclion of our Su.u , which i,eing now constantly co\ert d uilli,wa ter. is the fruilful source of our State, which i)eing now constantly coveiid wiih water, is the Iruiiful source of lisi ase in that ()uarter, Ijulwhi( h, if i ec.laimcd, would give the Stale ihousutids of ac.’ts of ihe most fei iile land, atid w'ould great ly increase the funds of .lu- Stat«*. L'dtiigh Ueyjvter. Dr. Orant, of St. Simon’s Isla» il, (^{leorgia, ! has presented to the Agritiii- tural Sj iety of that district a speciim n of the /;r/f, the pi(’du(;t of St. Sinx^ns, of 16(jO. 'I'hf next session of the con ference is to !'C held at Cincinnati, Sep tember 19,1827. At llie same monu til the companion ol man in the gutter jumped in on the cpiv'siu- side.auf! supposing that f.e was salVly seated by his feltow, advised d(,cior to drive down Iludson-st. which country. Sii.K.—An elderly farmer fjom 0,n- necti* ut told us the other day, tl’.al l.e ^vas done al a round trot. Before reach- j had about .V)() mulheri) tri es tiien k"'" - hi^ Broome-streel he remarked. “ Lfl>us ' ing on his larm—that he fed one hundiedi tiji ri Bidomc-stieel VJ I'h- Bowery, and j thousand w orms, wl.u h pi odured a!)oui then clear out on the Ilaerlem road.,VJ pounds of silk annually. The whcJe '1 he doctor replied negatively in a mon-I ljusines'-, of feefling the worm'', ly-t. is o ,jilaiJe, and his companion not yet dis-! jierrornied by his daughters. Mut very covering his mistake, remon.strated ; bul ^ litth* lal>our is re(|uireci, and lie thinks the\ passed Broome-st r er a consideraidt' 'that in the course ol a lew \ears,—;Jl«r c!’sta'>'•*. vvhen the fellow said, “what [ his trees come lo maturity,—he shall, by /hf d 1 do von mean by going down | increasing the number oi' his n c-rnis m „ V nrip the are ) ou driving r” j projKJitiou lo the (juantity (^1 i»ed su[>j,li- I "i,, driving y»u lo liridc well irt fast Ict-l, j)ro(iuce yt ai ly a!)out thr>e /n'lm', if- asii.oigo,” replied liie docior. ’Ihc of ll.c riiu' t;tnUriil. 'I husgiMnj; unlu-kj wi|;liL ihuuyhL Ihut /crti'f hibiiiflj. iii.oiher cppor-.uiiity ofaddiriji to Cnjjf. Parry's neir e.rjjediiion—11 is stat ed in an English ’paper thal early in the spring, ti'.e ileclu is to be prepared to convey Ca|)l. Parry and Capl. Franklin lo Cloven ClilT, in S[',itsi)eigen, in lat. 7'.J deg. 52 min. Eroni this point they are lo depart for the ])ole, in two \csscls, which will be made for use either as hoals or sledses, as w ater or ice may be found. They are lo l)e built of light, tough, and liexible materials, with cov erings of leather and oil cloth; the latter converiible into sails, 'i’wo ofVicers and ten men are lobe appointed Kj each, with provisions for ninety-tv. o days, w hich, if ihey only travelled on the average thir- teeu miles per day and met with tio in surmountable obstacles, would be sufii- cienl for their reaciiing the lotig jlesired Pole and returning lo the llecla, al Clo ven ClilV. During the captain’s ai)sence. the boats of the ship are lo be eiigagi fi in pxpit)ring the eastern side of Sj)itzber- gen; ciiKi « Uici.’rs atid men of science in making phiiosoi^mcal experiments wiin the |iend'ilum on magnelism and meteor ology, in rialur;'.l history, See. 'I'he le- waid of s'uccess, besides the personal glory and general advantage altendiiig .tiic exploit, will be 5,000/. Ihdl. Pal riot. The yaHonr/l Itoad.—'I’he Petersburg IJi putilicaii has understood from Wash- :iigt(/n, thul ihr I'ovei nmeut has “ de- leimined'’ on th(‘ route for tlu; grtai i i>a'li'otn W^ishirgtoti lo N'w-()rleans, \iz ; til'- I'astern route tltrough the cap itals of \’irginia- N.'Carolina, S. Caroli na. C(f( rgia, and ALiltauia. We should if|i;i'te lu ki'.ow thul thisroiite had bi'en lixed upon, l)iit thal caniujt yet be the r*.et, because Congress alone ]>o"^sl■^^es tiie powi r to do il. It may be, thal the I’resivieiil ami !iis Cabinel have deti r- nnned lo ro'- n.inned this route to C'on- gi i'ss, fl:id V e eiitei iaiii hai dly a dtjulu ihal llti-y will do so; but ihe «juestiun must lie ‘•dclinitely detein.ined” by (.'(ingress, and that will not be elVecied wilhout a snuggle between iliesevei'ai interests. Ju/i/C/leriJe Obscrrtr. 'i’he impoTtani suit (jf the State B.ink r,v. the Sei nrities of K(jl)erl Rail’ord, re i enll\ I'v nding in tiu Superior C (.>1111 of ihis C( iiiity, wrnl olV last weel;, upon a non suit si.Heied by liie Plainiili's. Aii utiempt v.;,s made by the Bank to le- llie ( iise to M me adj.u enl countv, l/Ui *;S t w o removals had already t:iker> pb ''. the CcuiL ^voiild not i.Uiiain the VjUjUo!!, upon which li.t PloiiuiiTa su > mitted lo a non-suit, intending lo oom- mencc their action in some other coun- y. C. Journul. Troin the Havainiuh (Icorgian, Nov. 8. Vuttkce Trick.'—In the tovvii of AVesi- borough, in the county of Worcester, anti state of Massachusetts, there reside two fi'milies, on adjoining farms, the one named Harrington, the other Eoi bish, both men of small proper ty, w ith large families. Their children have received such education as the schools of ihe town alVord, and have been inured to ihc laljorious occupations of iheii- fatliers. 'I'he third son of Mr. Harrington is about 2o years of age—Mr. EorbisU has a son three or four years younger, who had the misfortune when voung to be crippled, so as to destroy his ability to labor as a farmer. Some time siricc, a conversation tc)ok place between these young men, in which I'orbish spoke of his unforiunalo lot iri l)eing cripplcd so as to des'r«>y his use fulness to himself and his family. Har rington, in corniserating w ith him, ob served. “I have just bought a lottery ticket, and if it draws a .prize you shall ha\e half of it.” Time rolled on—the conversation and the lottery by Eorbish, were lorgelton —bul the lottery was drawn, and Har rington’s ticket drew ten thousand dol- lais. He tot^k pioper measures to ob tain the nuiney, called on the cripplcd I'orbuih, reminded him of the jii oiuise, and paid him over half the proceeds ol ihe ticket, and with the olher half has siiK e purchased a larm for himsell. 'I’he moral and religious principles which lay the foundaliori ol thal sacred regard to the fulfilmenl of a |)romise which is exhibited in this act, are care- I’ully disseminated in thal stcuoii ol the ccuii'.ry, to which the appellation of •• Yankee” is su often ajipiitd v.iil: sarcastic sneer. Perhaps this story is as wel; worth re cording a-' the thousand fabrications of witlings aliout “wooden nuUnegs,'’ ••Yankee tricks,’’ and “Yankee notions,” which adorti the columns of many of our jiapers, to the ec|ual disgrace of the fabri cator and ciiculator. On Saturday last, the Ikv. Jonathan 0. f'reci/ian, of Salisljury, was »‘^ecied Princi pal of i lie Kalei^h Academy, in the j>lace ol ihe/^*;?'. Or. Ur/i. M'Phetltrs., lesii'ued. Ml', I'reeman will Ciiter ujion the duties of his appointment on the fust Monday of January, at w iruh time t!*-next ses sion of liie Academy conitnern. es. iuikigh Star, The I’.ichnicnid h'nquirer of the ITth inst. contains the following extract of a idler from Wasliin.gion: “'I'he prospect of the Soiilhern States is every day becoming more gloomy. see thal in Kentucky Jackson is opposed on the ground lhai he is unfavorable lo lhe“TariiV”—which is hanging like a millstone about the Southern country.— Did you ever ihink lo make an -siimate of the ])roductions oi the Slate South of the Potomac—not the custom house re turns (uily, bul the millions sent co.asiw ise also, to swell the ex.porls aitd jii olits of the Northern cities ? 'I'he South is in a complete state of coloi.ial vas‘3a!age—and iheie, as i!ie Wt si is joining the East, it must remain. 1 am sorry lo find such a disinclination to lt;ok tliis {juesliori in the face. I am sure ii would lose more ihati half ils terrors, if properly investigated —and it is by no means imjjrohable, if the truth were fearlessly stated, thal some jiart of the burden might be rtmoved-” [What nonsense is this I For “the millions’’ sent to swell the “ profus of the Northern cities” is not a full value re ceived in cash or its ecjuivalent ? Ofwhal consecjuencc is it to the South lo whom she sells, if slie w ell be paid : and is it nu^l ( vident that ihe North jiays well, if, with ihe world Ojicn before er, the South still continues to send her productions •• coaslvvisc” to that quarter ? Su])posc the Norihern I'urcaliGcrs should come into the Baltimore nuukei and takcolT the Marvland crop ofdiain and 'I'obacco, would it become us to rail about the- millions senl coastwise” to sw ell the Northern coll'ers—no-we should always be i^lad of such cusiomers, come whence tliey niuv; and c(|U.;lly glad to lake ol ihem such of tlu;ir productions we may want in exchange.—'i he w hining of the Washington leiler wi-itc-r, (w hid , jy the way, we suspect was wiitten in the l-iKpiirc r cluce) appeal’s like the conduct of the child who wauled the cal;e and money loo. j Jiall. Pal. iut. 'i’he Petersburg Repuliiicrtn anticipates a protracted session of the \’irj;inia Ee;*- isialure, w hich w ill convcno on the first Monday of December. Among the sub jects which will detain tlu* Eegislature longer than ordinarily, the Republican eiiumerates the lollovvmg.’ 'I’wo iiieru- hers are to lie; ccr(tlched U the present list ol llie l.xecut’.ve Council, and two others appointed in their lilaces—the constitution recjuiring that two members should be ( lectecl every three years. A Senator ol the L tiited Stale s is to be ap pointed in the jjltue (literally, we hope} ol John Randolph, whi.se term-exiiires '•ti Ihe iih Marrii next. 'I'ucker, 'i'ylci. (iiles(ol ihc Wigmun—Eurnicr V)acl-,and rioyd, arc mrri.lion''d as pro^ ba!;!e competitors against the p-rcsenr, incumbent. It is also ruiiiourcu, that a preamble and resolutions will.oe intro duced, similar to ihose of Mr. Madiuon, in 179H-yy, relative lo the Administra tion of Mr. Adam.s. (Eudgc~“thft Sceptic has departed from Judea:”) 'i'ha last subject named for the consideraiion jf Ihe legislature of N'irginia, by ihe Re publican, is of so ridiculous a character, that we should not think it worth notic ing, had it not been put fc^rih by one whci. pretends lo some share of political saga city, and who might be supposed by this lime to have obtained some Knowl edge of constitutional law.—U ia no less than tin introduction of a bill, to imposft a tax on northern manufactures, brought into that State, ecjuivalcni to ihe amount offlulies p.iid on imported articles of a similar f'abr ic. Admitting for a moiTicnt^ ilua a Stale possesses the power to tax the produce and manufactures of another Stale, it would be miserable policy lo cx- ercisc it. It would dismember the Unioa in ten yean. I>ut no Slate has ib.s pow er. 'Phe constitution of ihe Uniii ct Suics, defining the powers of congress, says, “ 'Phe congress shall have power lo lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and ex cises”—“To regulate coniinerce wiil^ foreign nations, and the several Slates.'*' And, prohibiiiiig certain powers lo thft Stales, the constitution further says, •‘ No Slate shall, w ithout the consent of congress, lay any imposts or' duties on i/)h- ports cr exports, except vvliut may bt; ab solutely necessary for executing its In spection laws.” 'riiebc: aeclaraiions of' the constiruicn a:-e so clear and decisive, we are surprised that the veterai* editor of the Republican shuuid have been ltd into the least d .'ubt on ihe subject, espe cially when we consider, that he its ojn* of those \'irginia Simon Pures, vvho are incessantly railing at the udmi.ustratioii >for some supposed unconsiin.;!ional act or projcct, and ought to understand the plain letter, at least, of the staiute bv which he tries the accused. Wc notice these things, en passnnf, merely to hold up lo view the politicui vaijarics of a once powerful Slate, but now mortified and falling lu decay, 'i'lui conduct of \'irgiii!a, now, is like that of Massachusetts in liie days of the Hartford Convention ; and will ullirnaicly share the same fate in the judgement of aiati- kitid. Bnll. Paliiot. Jiiic/d or U'rons'.'—'Fhe opposers of Mr. Adaii's, iimong oilier uncandid aiser- lions.jsay that his friends would hav.- uiiu sup[)orled r-egardless of his acts, wl.v h- er rii'hl or ivronp;. 'Phcse charges are wncdly without foundation. 'The sup porters of Mr. Adams have not, as yet, and we trust never will, by upholdingau adminwirution “right or w rong,” inii- t.iie his opposers, who arc determined to as-.ail il “i.g.'i or wrong.” 'I'he difl'er- ence between Mr. Adams’ friends arul his enemies is this : the first are disposed to give him a fair trial, to support him until he violates his sacred obligations, and betrays the inieiesis of ins counlr>; while the iatter, having declared, in’i- mediately after ilie eleciion, that “ vverc !ic as pure as the angles, he shall still be pul down,” are resolved to accomplish that object, and therefore opjM'se him in every act, and everywhere misrei)rescn: his supporters. y. II Journal. Female Education—A corresponclenl of ihe N. Y. Airtrican complains that hi?* daughter has been to a •‘fashionable boarding school” three years, and is solv ing problems in algebra, and yel she can not solve a sum in the rule of three— he says she knows something about an- cicnt history, bul has not “ got to ivioyern history-yel”—she can neither speak nor write l.iiglish, bul ilien she is studying 1 lench and Italian—;md she caniioi go to school in the afternoon in the sanit. dress she wore in the morning I ^ Ceghnl Henson.—'I’he venerable Jos(ph Clark, who had been 15 years 'rr-eusurer ol Rhode Island, v.as, at the age* of about seventy, nominated as a candidate for (Jovernor. On being informed by a com mittee of ihe fact, he gave them the fol lowing answer As" I have rnjovtcia good character among my fellow cili/. ns all my lile, as is jirovcci !>y their choosing me tiieir treasurer, more than forty year^, / have no no!ion of losim; it non', in nimild age, Inj l/rini' set up fur (iovernor. The Albany Argus slates thal the re turns ol the late I Jeclion are all i-cceived, i2Jid that(Jov. Clinton’s iiKijority is 'Phc amount of cunal loll received since thr fu st of ()ciober, by the collec tor at -•Mbany. is fifty thousand dollars. 'Phcre arc upwards of SO lines of stages that arrive and dejiart from Boston. They average rjou departures and ar rivals in one week in that cay. A New Jersy paper says, “We are just now forcibly remiTided of an ohsei- valion once made by Doctor Eraiiklin, thal New ^ ork and Pennsylvania, might i)e aj)ily compared to a barrel of cider lap[)ed-{It both ends, from w hich her neighborly sislers wer->.* indulging lliem- s al her expense, in (iru\\ing out at Iheir pleasure.”

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