uf'icin'c. winch part;'"i:l:r !. i' - .',t' bavt i-iia'. I’-. 1 ' ii' .bit^ an! prow- l*rati('li c,l' tin* xport iratlr, will he prosonsed in cictall. and (hi ir lolal vahte ascci luiiu’d wiiJi nior‘ precision, in ilie gcDt-ral Statistical Table, now in a coursc of proparaiion, under liio act of the lOtli of Ffhruarv, 1820, which will be trans- >ni‘.tfd k) Conj^ress at as early a day as their voluminous nature will allow. Of the amount of American Marnifactures, produced for consumption within the United States durin^r ihe year, it is im possil)Io to speak with exactness; but, from indications tiiat cannot deceive, it is evident that it is urj;e so large, that the amount exported, would sink to a le vel below all comparison with it. The sur'st guide to our belief, under this iiead, is, that in those branches which have at length been enabled, throu;^h a pro\ idcnt legislation, to stand up against \hat ovcrwhi Irning com pell tioti of pre- eslablished excellence and capital from abroad, which must otherwise have kept down forever their first attempts, the ar ticle can now be had ciieapcr in price, as well as belter in quality, than the same article from abroad, as it was seen in our markets, prior to the efricient proteciiork a{Torded to our own. Hen-'e, the appre hensions of monopoly pass away. Hence, the certainly, that conipeiilion at honu- will bring down prices, e\entually, if tiot immediately, whilst it creates and diRii- ■sesnew wealth at home; labor being ttu foundation of wealth, and produc ing .md disseminating it more nniversc.IIy, and in liigher degrees, in proportion as it ex ists undrr diver silk'd foims and in full ac- livity. vt is then, that the farmer, the the artisan, am! the merchunt. give sup port to each other, each enlarging the occupations and the gains of each? the "State, m.canwhilf, reaping the fruits in fiscal prosperity and political power. As TCM:ardb the Cotton Mannfacturies of the Countr/, there are grounds for supposing lha! they now make a call for full one- fourth pHft of ail the rrw cotton grown in the United States. Authentic infor- Tnaii'in us to the etaci quantity, is not, in deed. [)0sseseed at the Treasury; but, as •an .rpj r(j7 imacioii, it is believt d that the ■ab^nc proportion may be taken without the iiazai d of essential error. It is gra- tifv I'.g to add, that thos« parts of the U. Sta'ts, where manutacturing establish- iner?', (,f ail kinds, flourish most,exhibit an .!iifivaied iiKlnstry, an orderly aspect, .arui an iticrcasin^ i)opulation.” •tt’ASHINGTO::, DKCKAHIFU 14.—In the Set .'!■ yesterday, Mr. Barton's resolu tion r-t-iativc to the donatioji of small lot* of ii'f public lands was taken up, and ■was exp.ained by some remarks of Mr. Barton. A bill v'as offered by Mr. Dickerson» and pdsscd to a second reading, which proNwlcs that ^3,000,000 annually, in- •stead of bring ap])lied to the extinguish- jneiii oi’ the public debt, shall be paid over to the several states, in the ratio >f the apportionment of direct taxes. In the House of Kepresentatives, the Annurl Meport of the Secretary of the .Treasury on the state of the fir»unces was received, and 6,000 copies were ordered to be pointed. I'ive private bills'were acieci oQ in committee of the whole, and ordered to be engrossed, and read a third time to-day. Among the resolu tions (juci’cd v/as one (which was laid on the table until to-day, under one of the rules of the House,) by f ir. Mitchell, of Tennessee, i>roviding that in calling over the itarnes of the stales for tiie peti tions, ihe Older in which they are named bhall be changed according to the mode \ircscribed in ihe rtsoluiion. i5ECEMr,ER 15.—In the Senate, yester day, ihe resoluiitjn offered by Mr. Dick erson, ‘ to provide for the disliMbution of a pa! • of tin' revenues of ihe U. States, amoi g the several Stales of the Uni^n,” was le id a third time, and referred to a select ('.rr, mil lee of seven members. Mr. Josirisotu cl‘\venturk\, brought hc- fiire ihe Senate' the eml)arra?ised situa tion of the C’ulumhia C'oilege, and urt;ed the expedicnry of relu ving the Institu tion bv a release of the debt due from it to ll’.' CiiaertiPienl. In the Ii(jnse, several biils were re- portt (3, lead aiui conunitted; atiiottg o- th' ! h, tlu bil! t()i the jxe^er'alion and re- pa.r of the CumberlumI load; and a hill lehitive to the n'iillu in boundary ol’tlie istat( ( I Illino;'.. 'I'hr various bills which, on I c prececiitig day passed through coiiiiiiiiue. were read a third time and pasied. Mr. iMitchell’s resolution rela tive to a change of the older in which the s’utes are calh d over was considered; bui . Iter a few words fiom Mr. Mitchell, the Speaker, and .Mr. Spra;>ue, of .Maine, it was on motion of Mr. IJreni, of Loui. laid on the ial)ie. U[)wards of twenty new resolutions were otl'ered, all ot which will >)' lound in the cohsnwis approj)riat- td to our report of [irocecdings. DFOF.MnrR IG.—Ill the Senate, the rrs- olutio'i \esterday submitted by Mr. John son, of KA-ntuck\, proposing an in(iuiry inio the expedieticy of relieving the Co- Ijjmbia College in tiie District of Colum bia, by the release cf a. debt due from the College to tl e (Jo\t Itiiiient. was taken tip and ligi’eed uj. l'!ie resolution yes- ter(i,.y Mdunittrd In Mi. Ki-«'d, of Mi^. Risiij.i 1. pi. j..,- !,^ rtti iii(jijii) into the ex oi i,i.c ccu-wi^Ui*ui)al powers of the Government over tlie puMic lands and In to the expefliency fif appropi iating a p or tion of :l.e same for tin- purpose i i' iiiie" nal ini])rov« nients within the st;jtes and lerritoiifs where the lands lie, was taken up for consideration. Mr. Heed sup ported the resolution by a brief but in teresting slatetnent of facts respecting the situation of some western stales and letriiories, and the peculiar rel«tioti in which the new states stand to the (ii-ner- al Government. Mr. Heed’s resolution and remarks willbe ptiblished hereafter. Mr. ]>arton did not think that constitu tional fpiesiions were fit subjects f«}r re ports anti arguments of committees; and, at his suggesii;>n, the resolution was so modified as to submit to the commiitee an iiujuiry iiuo the question of ex|>ediency only. The question being taken on a- greeing to the resolution, as modified, it was decided in the negative. Ayes 12, uoes 15. In the House, several bills w’cre re- l)oried, read .-Mid cotriauUed, a'ld a pri vate bill wasoidered to a third reading. The l)ills which were ordered to a tliird reading on 1’hursday were {)assed. '1 In; resolution oflei ed by Mr. 15artlett, led to some short di'cussion, when it was ul timately adopK'd, us amended by Mr. M’Coy% Among the resolutions oiTered was one b;. Mr. M’Lean, of Ohio. i allit)g Coi- information from the W'ar I)t nari- ffent as to any (iisposition to emigtau which may have been evinced by the In dian tribes, ancJ the best mode f»f over- (oming any obsiccles to their removal west of the Mississippi. A resolutio « was also ofl’ered by Mr. Drayton, of S. C., on the sul)ject of an e(jual extrnsion of the judiciary system to all tlu' states (;f the Union. Mr. Mitchell, of S. C., laid a resolution on the table calling for in formation from the Secretary of the Treas ury as to the amount and description of merchandise annually shipped to the West India inlands: and the like infonnation as to the annual imports from the same islands. DECEMBEu 19.—In thc Senate, Mr. Reed’h resolution considered on I'riday last, and then rejected, was yesterday reconsidered and agreed to. Mr. John son, of Kentuky, sulimiited a resolution, instructing ih^ Comrtiittee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of establishing a National Armoury at the Horse Shoe Bend, on Licking River. In the House of Representatives, a message was received IVom the Presi dent, communicating a despatch from Mr. Gallatin, w hich will be found in out report of proceedings. Several cornmu- nications from the War and Navy De partments were aUo received, amog which was the repf)ri of Captain M’Neill of the survey made by him during the autumn, of a route for the national road The report from the Navy Deparinieni communicated the result of the snrvey of the harbor of Haliimore, which from a hasty g!i.nce, we t-egard as favorable. A- mong the resoliiuons, was one offered by 'Mr. iJrent, cailii.g for information on the -iiii'jeci of the bonr.dary line belween ^iexico and the L/iiied States. An a- mendment was offered by Mr. V'inton of Ohio, to Ihe resolution laid in the table on I'tidav l)y Mr. M’Lean, which indui - ed u successful motinti Tor the printing of both. A resolution ofMr.Vinton refutive to the Quapaw Indians was aJojited, after striking out the clause v. hir!’ called for the instriictions given to tiie C ommission- ers who negotiated the tre.ty with that tribe. The resolution otVered on Friday by Mr, Mitchell, of S. C. relative to our exports to and imports from the Britsh colfinies, was agreed to, after be ing modified, on motion of Mr. 'I'omlin son, of Connecticut, so as to give it a wider range. Mr.Randolph took Ins seat in iheSetiate yesterday. His appcarance is more n tural than it has been for man> years, and we learn from his fellow tiavtdler;,. that his conduct beiween N. V. :k anfl Washington, was quite (.fnteei. Hi. person Is evidently much itnpi oveo b, his tour, and wehope his mind lius “re ceived a sympatl'etic aid.” How miii.i 1)1*' are the views and opinions (>f nu;i!— It is said that the Adtninisiration jK.rtv is- now far from being averse to his re-elec tion, while the Oppostii(;n is aiixious Ibi hib deb'at. ^Qlcxitndria Gazdfe. — Few persons ai»' aware, we believe, ol tiie extent of the busitiess done in some ol tiie priniinj; offices of ihe United States, or of the numbei of persons who obtain tlieir bread in that vocation, 'i here are now employed in the office in v hich l!ie National intelligencer is printed, nitiety- seven persons, including »be two editors iitul clerks. If the reporli'is be added, we have ihe rouml ivimber ofoiietiuri- tlred. So large a number ol worknieti of course turn out a cotisidorablo (juantity of work.—Of this an opinion may be formed from the fact, that the (piamit) ot pajier consumed in this office within the week, which includes iliis da\, will have exceeded three hundred reams. Xul. I/ll. Jin old Sinner—A gentleman ciichhi ytam of age ran away from Pottsvdle, Penn, and canied '.is property with him, to u- '^id the maintenance of an iilegiiimau claU! ! VEHV l.A 1 K FIIOM KNGL.^iM). BAi.i iMoio, Di.c. 16—1>\ Ihe packet ship W’iiliam '1 hompson,Capt.^Maxwell, the editors of thc New-York Commer cial have received copious files of Loudon papers to ihe 14th of November, and Liverpool ofthe 16th inclusive. Among the Passeni>ers in this ship, are John A. King, I'.sq., late Secretary of legation to the Court of St. James, l)earer of Des patches for (io\ rnmeni, and Mr. War ing, King’s Messenger-. 'I'lie inrporl of these lespat( hes is said to be of a friend ly nature. They have no relation, how ever, lo the West India question,'which remains untouched. Mr. William IJeach Lawrence, the successor of Mr. J. A. King, reached Liverpool on the 12th and London on the 14th Nov., and immediately enter ed upon the iluties of his office. Meetings have been held at Liverpool, Leeds, and several other places, to pcti '.ion for a repeal of thc Corn Law^. A meeting has also been helil of the s;.ip owners at J/iverpool to ad>j)t measu'es for obtaining relief against the operati(;fi of the new navigation laws. [Mr. Hus- kissiin’s free trade acts.] The author of Waverly has returned to I'ligland—having procured a varien of important documents at «Paris, to il lustrate his I.ife of Na()jIeon. He has moreover rwo new noveh in a for ward state. In one of them the scene ii' s in Ireland, and embraces an interesr- in^>- period of legendary history. The other will lurther illustrate the manners of Scotland and is entitled “Tiie Chron icles of Car.nongate.” The latter will be published shortly. It is stated from Stockholm, that it is almost impossible U> form an idea ofthe miserable situation ofthe agriculturalists. A ton of Oats costs S crowns, 32 shillings Hanco. As to Barley, none can be got and the scarcity of hay and straw is be yond all descripTion. People are oblig ed to k’ll their cattle, from a dread oi' not b>*itig able to keep tlieni during the win\r. A number of farms have been sold by auction, because the proprietors were unable to pay ihe taxes. A great fire broke out in Lyons, on tl e night of Nov. 7. It commenced in the Rue Sala, bthind the barracks of La Charile. At 12 o’clock the fire com In u- ed. All the space comprised between the Rue Sala, and the place Grulier, and the quay of the Rhone, was at that hour nothing but a heap of ashes. A post script from Paris, Nov. 7, announces in formation that the fire was got under ai liaif pHSt two o’clock. Jijj'aifi ofthe Greekn.—Acconnts have been received from Marseilles of Lord Cochrane’s having efiVcied the purchase of a small frigate in tliai port for the sum of ^12,000. This, with Capt. llasting’s steaia-vessel, and the IVigate from New- York, wiil give a new character to the (.ireek naval forc^-. [A letter from Cow es, states that the Greek frigate Hope, from this port, was spoken 22nd Oci.lat. 40, Ion. 5o5.] The following is an extract of a letter from Mr. Orlan one ofthe Greek De puties, to a Mt niber of Parliament in London, dated .Marseilles, October 31. ** The 'news from Greeci- is, in every respect, of a more favoralile natnre than heretofore. Letters, which I received yesterday, bearing date tiie 29il> of Sep- tem!)er, s'ate, that the 'I'urkish lleet were at Mjlilene; that of the Gr eeks at Samos, w'hicli place the former have attempted to possess ihemseives of, but have oeen sucers'-i'tiliy ''e[)ij!s f| ” Thr Su'/'>■}■ of thc Greeks.—W'e copy tin* f ;!!()^^ 11^-^ t xirucl from a letter to the er'i'ot ')f tl'e Mt-rni^g Hei alfl, written at Cr-Ti‘i«, be». Hi'i of ; he intere iLlng ex tra' Is IVom ItM- liretk Chiefiains, which :ire iiri(|u* stional'ly authe;jtic. It willbe se* n i'.;,! tl!»-ir lani^ua^* corresponds V. it!) the Staten (ni;i of Professur Eve rt ' t’s letter prJ.iihlied U\ i;s this day.— lit ally, Wf slu iiii! Miink a cargo of pro- ’• r u rift niighi e'i--i;\ he olitained here, . t!f: sent out for u\t lelief ..f these suffer- ii!i' hfi ocs, and ttu ir starvi-.g families.— I'Ik V (lesci VI- ali tlial we cati do for them. Wlio u i'! take the iead t You have heard olM. Iv/natd, and his praise-vvorlliy iH’orts in behalf «)f the (iii'i ks. 1 yesterd.iy paiil a visit to this gentleman, who is ai the liearl of a com mittee formed here for the |)Urpose of aiding the unfortiiiiatQ,(Christians of the Ivist, in tiu'ii for emancipation. M. I’vynard haS already subsci bed several thousand pouruls to ilie cause, atul de votes the w hule of his time to thisj sub ject. He was kind enough lo show me several letters whu.h he has received V. iihin these f"w days from the leading chiefs, witii all of wliom he is in corres pondent e. As these are ol‘ a very iccent date, (0( t. 4, N. S.) I subjoin one or two extracts. Nikitss, afier e:i[)ressing his !;''aiitude for the ex‘rii(;ns of the com- rnr.tei- III r.iiropi, savs: We tio longer (ear the F._i;:yptijms nor their discij)lined troops; l/ui w hile we are fighting them, we ask our Christian bretiiren ol'luirope for liread for our wives and children, and the old men who have retired to the mountains ” '1 be l’'.|)hoi a of Sparta ol) serve, “ l’’i'esh aMaeks have been madt on Maina: Mid I'm- Mm iias ho n repuls ed three imm s—Ic wd! ' e -.i ;iiw'ays, !)ut piocuie us i'( ■• (] i' I -.-ur wives and chil dren, who have subai--V.'d od roou siucc every thing; has U’cn dt*;»triyed by onr j dared ' lAbe 6nfy a govt^nUactit of |.. f ruel etieoM*.” -In addition to the aboer j o--'*i, of Boyacu and Cauca. addition di'plurabii picturt, i' is an undi wb ■ fact, thai from a thousand tn twelve kun dredfamilies are encamped in the open utt outside the walls of Najioli di Romania, in a state of the most indescribable dis tress. • LONDON, Kov. 14.—Despatches have been received ai the Colonial Office from ihe western coast t)f Africa, with inlelii- gence of an engagement which had taken place between tlie Ashantees and the force commanded by lieut. col. Purdon. It appears that on the 7th of August last, the Ashantees, amounting to 25,000, had advanced to the village of Doodewan, about twenty-four miles from British Ac cra, where they were met by 11,000, men, lomtnanded by lieut. CoK Purdon, and composed of the troops of Accattoo, King of Aquirnboo: Adononqua, King of Aquassim; Dunqua, the Queen of.\kim; Cinljoe Cheeboo, King of Dinkerab; young Cudjoe, King ol Assip; the King of I'ufil, and many other caboseers and captains from different parls of the coast, w ith the whole of ihe Briiish, Dutch, and Danish Accras, divided into five brigailes, and two strong corps of observation to protect and flank. At hair past 9 o’clock the attack was cooimemed h\ thi Ashantees, in a most im|*osiii;; and deti-rrnined manner. I'hey were mt • halfway !>y llte nniied foicts. under the ■ '’unand of Lieut. Col. Pur- don. 1 !ie haltle lasted an hour; when a pausi' t.'ok place, in consequence of some of ilie Allies giving way. At ilti s critical moment a teserved party of tin Hoyal Afrii. an c»)i ps opened on the ene my a desinutive fire of rockers, grape and canniscer. from two field pieces, w hich did infinite execution. The Ashantees immediately fted in ail directions, leaving the Kint;’s camp and tcpiipage (in which was found llie head cf tl;e late Sir Charles M’Cjrihv) on the fit'ld. 'i'heirloss. in killed, wounded am: prisoners, is estimated at 5000 meti.^— I'he loss, of the force commanded hy Lieut. Col. Purdon, amounts to about 800 killed and 2000 wounded. Of the Af rican corps only two men have been wounded. It was reported at the date of the last accounts, that the Ashantee King, who commanded in the bailie, (and who is ihe brother of the king, who was opposed lo the late Sir Charles M’Carthy,) had received two wounds. ner5'M*9ez. Uiercfore, on the Tihfjf N ivembtr, cot-vened apublic nieei.i.^/ I he r(^:ivent of S„n Francisco at Cai ui c .jj On that occasion he made a speec i, cidedly in favor of the course taken by Caraccas. The meeting, afier deidjti j, lion and discusion, then adopted resolu lions.xalling on General Paez to issue proclamation for the holding ofelenions in each ofthe districts of Venezui'u, choose deputies to a general assembly of the state. On 13th of November, accordipj,] the General issued a proclamatiot], j ’ reeling these elections, and decreein* that all the deputies shall assemble in tl^ city of Valencia on the 10th of next Ja*'^ uary, and that the constituent congres«^ of the state of Venezuela shalljbe installc? by the 15th of that month. On the 23d of November, General Paez being at Laguira, intelligence was received, that Porto Cabello had revolted against him and the declaration of V>n- ezuelean independence. The General immediately summoned ail his dispoj. able forces and marched to Caraccasj' where he would promptly adopt meas ures to suppress the revolt at Porto Ca> bellot The conduct and sentiments of Bolivar, in relation to the monarchical pi-inciplef recently avowed, ap!)Oar to be generally reprobated in Venezuela; and Paez has taken the popular side of the question, liolivar was to leave Lima on the 25th of August for Colombia. The renubJir i. IgUf in a very unsettled state. repubJic it: Salt. Palrioti A paper by the last arrival contains a letter from Capt. Clapperton, the celebra ted English traveller in Africa. It is dated ai Hio, or Eyo, the capital ofYow- reba, 22nd February, 1826, and says: I have been well used here; depart in two days for Yonri, where poor Park was killed. I will get all his papers, if not sent home by Bello, and hear every circumstance connerted with his death, r have made irriportant discoveries here, as every fool is new ground. I have past over a range of hills which were not known to exisi before; and traversed one of the most extensive kingdoms in Afri ca, thc very name of which was unknown to Europeans. In the capital rW’ this kingdom I ha'e remained upwards of two months. The celebrated Niger is only two day's journey to the eastward of me; its course to the sea in the Bight of Benin,can be no longer doubiful. VKUY INTEp.STING FUOM COLOMHlA. Hy the brig Colombiar., Rugan, in 15 days from Laguira, ihe editor of ihe Philadelphia Aurora has received Carac cas papers to the 23d of November, and verbal intelligence to the 26th. By these ii appears that the republic of Co lombia is declared to be “ in a stale of complete dissolution,” and Venezuela was about to constitute heraeif into an independent state. On the 2Hth of August, tlie people of (iuayaquil assembled in town meeting; and the inlendant read a document, in which the forces of Spain, naval and military, on the coasts and in the neigh borhood of (Colombia, and in Cuba, arc greatly magnified, the republic is repre sented to bo in exiromc'danger from this source; \’enezuela in arms against the present system of thc rejiuljlic; the eas tern sections under martial law ; Magda lena containing within its bosom the se'-ds ol a dreadful combustion ; preteri- s.ons cheiKslied at Panama of a hostile nature ; the central provinces distracted In' opposite opinions, interests and pas sions ; no national paity existing; the geiterals, politicians, and revolutionary leaders, all disa!>reeing, and the elements of dcslrui'iion constantly increasing. For these reasons, the people of (ruayaqnil unanimously resolved to -onsign the ab solute soveieignty of the country into tlu hands of Bolivar, as dictator, and adopt ed the constitution cf Oolivia. The cit izens ol Quito, following thc “ ignomin ious example” of (iuayaquil, on the f,th of Sei)teniber, resolved loen.real Uidi- \ar lo "^dii^n to leceive them under his protection” as dictator, and inviting hin. to convoke a grand national conveniioii. Panama adoptetl a nearly similar course. On the 6th of Novemljcr, the |)eople of C araccas declared Venezuela and A pure to he independeiil federalslates, Sc invited tl-.e t.lhei departmeius of Cloioinbia t, c(jtifederate witli ihein. The govern- mcui oi \v£;'j at ihc ■sain'; '.iiiic tlc» THE GKEEKS. Copy of a le*icr from Edward Everett' Member of Congress, from Massachu setts, to Matthew Caiey of Philadelpl.ia, Washinj(ton^ 1th Dec. 1826. Matthew Cauev, Esq. Dear perceive, in a late Natioti. al Gazette, the report of the doings of a commiitee raised for the relief of the Greeks, and, as the organ of that com mittee, I beg leave to addrc.ss you. In the report alluded to, which I have nad an opportunity only to look over hasiily^ various modes and plans of relief are sug gested, which I doubt not will receive due consideration, on the part of ihose to whom they are referred. My only ob ject in intruding upon you, is to obse.-ve, that I received from Greece thc day be fore yesterday, accounts of the country, which have led me to think, that the o- mount of suffering for want of food, is equal to that produced by the direct oper ations of the hosiile force. One of'the letters I have received is from our conn- tryman Jarvis, who has distinguished himself in the military service of tnft rouritry, and possesses the cor.hdence of' its j.v)vernmcnt. He writes as follow. “The Committees for the relief oi' the (ireeks in France, Holland and (ieneva, have sent twelve cargoes of j)rovisions, and an agent to superintend their distri bution. This has prevented thc final star vation of the country. Let not the Uni ted States, among so many stales and na tions, be indifferent to ihe sufferings of this dreadful bur no:; not desperate con flict.” With this letter from .Mr. Jarvis, I re ceived one from Ko]ocoir;ni, w'ho ha» been so prominent from the commence ment ofthe revolution as a military chief, and is now at thc head of the Greek for ces. His letter is dated Napoli, 25th Ju ly, and is written in Romiac. He thtir txpresses himself, on the assistance re ceived by his country from other na^ lions:— “Our Christian brethren throughout the world, sympathising with Clreece in her extremity, have sent us aid of vari ous kinds, to support us in our holy watv From the societies for the relief of thc Greeks in England, in France, in Switz erland, and many other countries in Eu rope, we have fre(iuent communications ol articles both for sustenance and war: which have proved a relief to the pover ty and destitution of the Circeks,to whom the fqe has kfi no afiriculturct no commenc. no arts.; and who, being exclusively oc cupied in the struggle, have no tneans of supplyitig what is needful either for sus- tenaiue or military operations.” “ I he people of America, a people cl* Christians, a people devoted to liherty. of whose friendship and sympathy for Greece we have already rceeived ample proof, are, to otr great misfortune, thc furthest removed from us. But reinote as they are, sir. the friends of freeilom atul the frieruls of humanity may yet con- triliute to the relief of our country; nor wil their aid be the less efricient or serviceable, particularly in our presen!: emergency.” From this authentic source of infof mation, 1 am led lo think, dear sir, that a great amount of suffering might be re lieved by the despatch of a Vt ssel loaded with provisions for this unhappy coun try. Many excellent and benevolent per sons would co-operaie in this mode ol aiding the Cireeks, who would object to other pi opo.-,itions. An amount of funds, (piite inadequate to any eflicient military cfpiipnient, would suffice for the pur chase oi a very considerable (jiiantity of food and iis transportati ):i to tlu- scone ol disiress. I am, dear sir, vviili vour friend and serv.iiit, liDWAUD EVLlirTr.