pa TUESDAY, JANDARY 2, 1827. Mad Doga.—A mad dog >vas killed in this lown on Friday morning last. He was known to bite a number of hogs and one dog; and it is not probable these are all the animals bitten. Would it not be advisable for the commissioners to order ull dogs in town to be killed, or confined until the danger is over.^ This place swarms with dogs; and most of them are not only useless, but a perfect nuisance : it would be a public benefit,'therefore, even if wc were not threatened with that most dreadful of all m^adies, the hydro phobia, to have them destroyed. Map of North-Carolim.—We learn, from an auihentic source, that the map of this state, proposed to be published by John >1cRae, Esq. of Fayetteville, is success, fullv approaching its completion; and that for accuracy and execution, it will be liighly creditable to the state, and wc vould fain hope it may prove profitable to its enterprising projector. A correct map of the state is greatly needed; and 10 obtain such a one, is an object worthy the attention of ihe legislature. The one in a course of preparation by Mr. McRae, vill, we have no doubi, be in every res pect deserving of public patronage, and hold out claims to legislative encourage- meni, which ought not to be disregarded. A notice respecting this map, will be found in our present nun>ber; to which ve invite the attention of our readers. The documents communicated to Con gress, on the subject of the negociations vith England respecting the Wesr-India trade, must justify the government, in the mind of every impartial person, in the course it has pursued in this business. So far from sacrificing the interests of the country to the “pride of diploma cy,” it has honorably sustained them a- gainst the jealous rivalry and selfish pol icy of England; and those who are endea voring, in order to accomplish a political object, to throw the blame from the Eng lish government on our own, greatly un derrate the patriotism and intelligence of the people, if they expect to be sustained in their unworthy attempts. W'e shall endeavor, hereafter, to pub lish u part of these documents, which, to use the language of the Richmond Whig, prove Great-Britain to be placed clearly and irrefragably in the wrong, and the ' fforts of the government to be zeal ous .uid persevering to arrange all diffi- cuUk’s.” A bill, or what is equivalent to it, has passed ihe Mouse of Delegates of Virgi nia, providing for taking 'he sense of ih«* freoholders of that state on the subject of calling a Convention for revising the con stitution. In this stale, the legislature has pertinaciously refused to submit the question to the decision of the people—a Convention has been denounced and op posed, as the project of political dema gogues, as fraught with alarming evils to the community; and yet many of its war mest opponents are now the advoc&,lesof ftn alteration, in a most important part, of the constitution of the United States. In this case, they set no bounds to their confidence in the people—here, they can see no danf^er; they anticipate no evilscr— but jitopose an alteration in our state ron. atiiut'on, which is manifestly defeciive. 'and tlnngeis thicken around u’s, rendering the attempt to improve it extremely haz ardous In the one case, the people are jntolligent and capable; in the other, they are ignorant and •vicious, and it is unsafe to trust them. Of such polilicians, the people can form their own judgment; for our part, we have no confidence in tl.em. A bill to repeal the act estii'olishing a Jioard of Public Works for (ieorgia, has passec^ the Senate of that stale by a large majority, and no doubt seems to be enter tained of its passing the House. The Raleigh Register hopes that this retro grade movement is not an indication of a re-action in pul)lic sentiment, but is to l)i accounted foro- the supposition that tiif legi^'ature of Georgia think a Ho::i(l iji. neci'ssary, now (hat they Itaw tn t"- n . . ]^Ioy “50 cflicicDi un cnijinscr as Mr. Ful- ton!''' the people of North-CaroUnat we doubt not, would like to ,be informed what Mr. Fulton’s ejiciency consists in, and how it has been displayed; and if the editors of the Register can impart this information, they are in duty bound to do so. He has obtained a goodly sum from this state; and if it can be shown that it was for value received, the people will be belter satisfied than they are now. mpp At a meeting of the members of both branches of the legislature of South-Car- olina, held on the I9th ult. it was resol ved, by a vote of 135 to 2, that the state of South-Carolina will support Gen. An drew Jackson for the Presidency of the United States. In the legislature of Georgia, a resolu tion has passed the House of Representa tives, by a vote of 110 to 9, recommend ing Gen. Jackson for the next President. The minority offered a paper, which was ordered to be recorded on the journals of the House, containing their reasons for voting against the resolution. pEN.NSVLVANrA.—The legislature of this state assembled at Harrisburg on the 5th instant. Alexander Mahon was unani mously re-elected Speaker of the Senate, and Joseph Ritnerin like manner chosen Speaker of the House of Representatives. The National Intelligencer received just as our paper Was going to press, gives the result of the election which took place in joint meeting t.-f both b'-anches of that body, for a Senator of the United States, to serve for six years from the 4th day of Marcii next. Two balloiings look place, which resulted as follows: 1st. 55 33 II 10 10 2d. 108 11 5 3 I. D, Barnard, Sam. D. Ingham, Joseph Hemphill, James Buchanan, William Findlay, Scattering, 8 So that I. D. Barnard is the Senator e- lect. We thought the interest of Gfn. Jackson so strong in Pennsylvania, that we counted, with almost abso!ute certain ty, on the election of Mr. Ingham. The result shows we ‘leckoned without our hobl.* Jialeigh Register. From the National Journal. We do-not often deem it nccessary to take notice of the matter published from day to day, in the Oppositioii Press, in this City. Our columns would be dull, indeed, if filled with answers to repre sentations, which generally carry their own refutation on their face, or which, at least, require some other authority than the paper which contains them, to be believed. It has recently ultereti, how’ever, so many sentences of dole, and put fbrth such thinjj;s for facts, on the subject of the organization of the Committees of Congress, that we are in duced, for once, ,to guard against deeep- tion even those few persons, (if indeed there be any such persons,) who admit a statement in that paper to raise any probability of the truth of what it alle ges. No louht, the Opposition Press, its Editors, contributors, and proprie tors, would be well pleased to see all the Committees so organized as to throw all possible obstacles in the way of execu ting the business of the Government. Some precious advantages ha\ e, hereto fore, been realized, from occurrences of that sort. ItwouM be vastly pleasant, beyond all question, that such cases should happen often. Fortunately, how ever, this important duty does not hap pen to rest, at present, in the hands, either of those editors, those contrihui tors, or those proj)rietors. Jiut it is ir. hands where, as we trust, it will he ex ercised with liberality, hut with discre tion also, ami with (irmness. Thus far, we can assure our readers, the gciier;il sentiment here is, that the power in questi in has been exercised wjth quite enough, if not with somewhat too much of persotlal and political courtesy, for the benefit of the public service. And when wc speak of the “general senti ment,’’ we mean, advisedly, to include theoijinions of many, who, themselves not professing to be friendly to the ad ministration, know, nevertheless, what is due to oflicial duty, to a regard for the public business, and to uniform usage. We w’ill give but one instance of tiie correctness of the f)aper alluded to, in regard to this subject. It says that Mr. Livingston, Mr. Drayton, and Mr. Jiu- fhanan, were arranged oft'the Judiciary ('onii7Vittee. Now it is notorious, that Mr. Livingston, (an able and exj)erien- ced memher, whose services would he valuable on any conuriiltoe,) was not in the city on the day when the commit tees were raised; and therefore, ateord- iiigto uniform usage, could not he nam ed on any committi-e. And as to the I'ther two gentlemen, we know, from correct soarces; that they both e.vpre-’s- ed a disposition to be cxoused from fur ther service oh that committee. Let this one example of veracious statemei!t go for the whole. Indeed, wha' possi ble jnotive, such as the opposition pa pers suggest, could have led to “ arrang ing” these two last mentioned gentle men OFF the committee, and “ arrang ing’’ Mr. Rives and Mr. Owen on it, in their stead ? One word, by way of general remark. We suppose it to be the duty of the Houses of Congress, or of their presiding officers, if the power be confined to them, (though in this latter opinion, we are a- warethat we diflftr from a high authori ty) to organize the important commit tees so as that the public business may be done, and not so that it may be de layed; and we hojm npt to see, now, or at any time, a manifestation of that weakness, which, in its operation and effect, would deprive those who are an swerable for public measures, of the power of conducting them. John A. Kin^, secretary of Legation to Great Britain, and Mr. Waring, a King’s Messenger, arrived in New York in the William Thompson. Mr. King brought despatches for Government, und, in company wiih Mr. Waring, left New York for this city on Thursday. “Let ters from Liverpool (says i!k- Mercanlllt , Advertiser) attach some importance to the despaith, and express a belief that the object of it is connected with the sub ject of color.ial trade.” The New York American, of Thurs day, says : “ The import of these des patches is said to be of a frietidly nature. They have no relation, however, to the West India question, which remains un touched.” Mr. William Beac.i ; eac^' v icces- sor to Mr. King, reached London on the 14th November, and innnediaiely enter ed oji the duties of hisofiice. Mr. King has arrived in this city. It is rumored, anti with stron”; probubilit\ that it is correct, that he has hr with him aConven’ion froii) the I'ritisli Government on the subject oftlie rliiiins of our citizens for projierty taken the late war, respecting which, cliffeien- ces of opinion have cxisierl between the! Commissitiners sitting in this city, lin-j der the authority of the two governmei'ts. | By this Convention, it is reported, Great i Britain agrees to pay a sj^ecific sum at j oiTce, the disposition of that siinn ta be i regulated entirely by the Governtnent of[ tlir United Slates. It is to be hoped. ^ tlu-refore, that the labors of the Commis- j sioner^ will be now l)rought to a close ; We presurtte, as nothing is said on the | sul)je’t, that the ijuestion in relation to the West India trade remains in fttntn quo. | Nat Jovrnnl. The neighborhood of Leading Creek, in Ohio, was visited on the 29th ofOclo- ')er by a violent tornado, which l)l»rw dowti theacaden)y, the houses of Messrs. Benedict and Kemble, unroofed others, destroyed fence.s, fields of corn, orchards, fiittle, and almost every thing iliat it passed. A man l)y the name of John Sexton wascariied off by the wind, and luul not been heard of twelve days after wards. CunA—Tmportnnl Humor.—There is a rumor in town—hut how it came here we know not—ihat “a courier from Eng- h:nd lately passed through this city to Washingtf>n, with-despatches from the British ciibinet conveying intelliKerue thut the /jre.srnt condition of Spain ivas such as to rmdtf it. mxHsary for Englnnd to s'or- riH07i the. Island of Cuba.’* We cannot be lieve the report to be truef but if it is, wr trust the government will bestir itself. England should not be allowed to obtain a foot-hold on thatlslartd; for if she does, she will never relinquish if. It is better, perhaps, for u!l parties, that the island si",>!ild not change masters, if then is to be. a chnnge^ tin- ourse foj our gov- (i loi'f-nt is ■' Icur. 'I'hk Umtkd Stairs AM) NOT LnCII.ANU, WUST PI.ACK THR (iAH- uisox THKJ»R. Ihe British West Iiulia Cvilonies give us commercial difliculties rnough already. Ajid they omst m>ver be allowed the key to the (Juif of Mexico. A’. J' Com. Jidi\ A decree, sigtud by Francisco c(e P. Santander, dated Bogota, Sejjtember 22d, lias l)een issued, enjoining the army and navy, and pul)lic otiicers of Coloml)ia, to wear a knot of crape on the left arm, out of respect to the memory of Thomas Jvjftrson and John Jldums. On Sunday, the 17th inst. the Rev, Jo.satha.n O. Fkf.kma.n, laie Pastor of 'he Presbyterian Church in Saiishurj, pleached his valrdictory sermon to the people in connexion with that churcli, |)reparatory to entering on the discharge of his labors as Principal of the Raleigli Academy, to which situation he has late ly been elected ; f>n which orcasion, a very numerous auditory attendetl divine servic-. The sermon, hoih in malter and manner, was afft-ctionate and palhel- ic ; atid evinced llie evangelical goodness of the speakei’s heart, the IVrvor of his [/u'ty, and the siiicerity of !)is c ncnri toi' liiC futnif wril-bcitiir of the [Moplo t'.ilelv U'ld* r his t l \; cc So iiihctiii^ was thf Htldrcss, that t!ic e ves of ri'iirK the with tcafs. *Hiis faftt, alorve, is powerfully e-1 vhich e of the aftcctionate regard cherished by J our citizens for their Inte Mi!:iubk- Past >nd, j morcDver, it t'urni-Ik'S u pleasing evidcni , tl, ;t the apo.stulic. labors of tint ger.tlcmaii, li.ivc been f a>inoiitly instrunientul in working out a great moral and religious reformation among us. Wc but faintly respond to the voice of a large community, wlu-n, in the sincerity of our heart, we pray that temporal pcace and compe tence, and the benedictions of Heaven, maybe voucIiKafed to tlits lioly apostle of (iod, whi- tbcrsouvi r .liis distiuy may lead him,—cheer ing liis walk, :ind assuaging this world’s cares and perplexities, during the remainder of his earthly pilgrimage. IT. Carolinian. Physician, cure thyself.—It will be re membered that at the last session of Con gress, Mr. Benton of Missouri introduced * series of propositions in'the Senate of the U. States, to be acted on at this ses sion, for reducing executive patronage, and producing retrenchment in public expenditures. Without knowing whe ther there was greater cause for ibis re formation now, than formerly, we were pleased as citizens, at this evidence of e- conomical vigilance, while we were sen sible it was intended as a stub at the Ad ministration, by leaving w itb thi* [ruhlic ihe inference, that Executive patronuge was al)i.'s d by the President, and waste of the public treasure committed lor sinis ter purposes. Such are the aris ofabi*- Statesmen.'* But facts have recently been disclosed in the western papers, which place Col. Benton’s disinterested zeal for the protection of the public corn crib beyond disputf or suspicion. These facts are, that the Colonel i barges and receives per trip, SoOO mileage from Missouri, more than he is intitlcd to b> law, or than is received by his colleague. Mr. Barton. Tlie law authorises mileage to be charged according to the distance of the ‘-usual road”-r“the Colonel has str icken out roarf, and inserted rovte—by which amendment he is enabled to come by steam boat from St. Louis, by the moutn of Ohio, to Washington, and so swells the distance as to swell his com pensation for mileage to som« g2000 per ann. (going and coming) over and above. We advise liim to amend the amendment bv arriving at Washington via New- OrJeans and New-Yoik- there is water all the way from St. Louis to the latter place. Richmond Whig. We are glad at all times, says the New port Republican, to receive from our countrv subscribers in paymetit for the paper, any sort of produce ?hev may have on hand, snrh as Bief, Pork, Poultry, Butter, Lggs, Cheese, Meal, PotjUj«-s, 'J'urnips. Pumpkins, OniiMia, Cabi)ages, or any thing else utider heaven, that will keep us from stai vuig to death. MARRIEB, In this town, n Thursday evening last, by the Ttcv. John Uobinson, iJr, JosnvA U. Boyo, to Miss Ai.toxa L. Smith, In this county, on th^ same evening, by the Rev. John M. Wilson, Mr. James Wilbok, for. mcr Sheriff, to Mrs. I.avima BicnA.H. On the same evening, Capt. STKrHEW Mak’- BoiT, to Miss MARGincT Lkcs. On the same evening, Mr. Edwih A. M‘Cot, to Miss Rkzia WilliAiMsox. Also, on Sunday, the 24th ult. by Alexan-* der drier, Ksq. Mr. Johx Bowdojc, of this county, to Mri. Uicbecca Juimnoir, of York Dis» trict, S. C. DIED, At the residence of Judge Hall, in W'arren* ton, at a quarter before 9 o’clock on Wednes day, loth ult. after a severe illness of about 20 days, Joii.M I*axtoi», Ksq. one of the Judgts of the Superior Courts of this State. He was a native of Itockbridge county, Va. In tbis cyunty, on the 2Hth ult. Mr. JoHir l)i CK, upwards of 80 yi ars of age. !li- st rved his country faithfully in t!ic revolut o.., lii re» eeived a number of wound.s, fixiia wi.c bn never entlrdv recovired. 1. AF A Y ET r E ART 11 .LE11\. PAUADK at the Court-House in Ch.irlottr, oil .Satunlay, tlie 6tb instant, precisely at) 11 o’clock, equipt in full winter unii'orin. IJy oriler of the first l.ieutetiant. P. TOMPSON, O. S. l)nis;s, [SfcdicineSy &"c. OKKKR, AT 304, KING-STRKET, AN KXTKMilVE ASSORTMKNT OF —ALSO— ^ AQ " warranted niyc. lUo 385 1)0. do. good, 1(')0 1)0. Spanish Hrown, H(J Do. Vim tiaii Ked, 20 IJbla. Whiting, Knglish, 2.5 Do. I.inse( d nil, I*hiladelphi;|. 10 llhdfl. (;oppera:v, 18 Kegs Vcnligri.s, 75 Do. \'e!lovv Ochre, 1200 l.brf. Putty, in bliidders, 4 ll’ds. Coual and Japah Varnislj, 8 HbI.s. Spirits of I’urpc. r.iic, 4 lllids. Lamp Hlack, 4U7 H'ixes Window 4ilae.s, ; tn •« all si^'i es, from 7 by 9, to 22 l)V 28 I, ir' ii, mlck j anil chij.ped; ciiipped (Jumv. (,,•, • N;,gua; I Kustic ; Heflwoo.i, Indigo, SpHnisIi ui.I C^.roli* i na;- l ullers’und Dyi*rs’ artielm -,f nil kinds. II. h A. can inform MerctiuitK ;u;,l oiber Dciders, tluit tlu^y arc tlaily receiving; addition* tn their .stock fruin their house in Ihe Legislature ol Ohio, at their las’ and fancy that inducement.s .ire i.floniid to pur chasers to call as above. ('hurkaton, Dec. 20, 1826.—3niift25. session, p.issed a law, taxing Lairyers and Physicians in a sum r.oi less than/Ve nor more than dollars pt.*r heart, as the Ci>urt of C'oninion Pleas, in each ('o'iniy, in their oun discretion might levy. The C«»urt in Cincinnati ordered five dollars to be levied and collected from each one, vihich has been the occasion of a very large meeting of the two profes sions in Cincinnati. The uieeting, in an aole report, pronounced the law to be uii- co»)stiLutional, and have determined to resist the payment of the tax, until a de cision can be l ad by the Supreme Court. Among all the laws of which we have seen or heard, this is perhaps the strang est and most unjust. What exclusive privileges or rights have the lawyers or physicians, over the other citizens, that they arc selected to be the objects of bur den and taxation ? Rah'igh Register. Are not black marble gravestones more appropriate, and do they not call up more solemn associations, than white ones, which would suit the C'hinese, or those nations \vh» ie vvl.iie is the color of mourning ? How melancholy ibat, in a graveyard, the stoneless sod and sculp- lu'ed tomb show that worldly diilinc- tion dares enter even there. A correspondent of the Utica, (N. Y.) Sentinel, says : 1 here is now living in the town of Western, Oneida county, a larmer tliat measures seven feel four in ches and tliree fourths in height. 'I'lie wi iter .states the fan from’ his own knowledge, having himself seen the man measured. thk markkts. F,iyrttrrill,:, Ikr. 20.-C(,tt(.n, 9 a 9^; f’.acon, 1 1A ; Cdllee, 17 a 19; Corn, (oldj 30 a 70— nev.,.50 a (iO; Jt.,iir, 51 u 6; Iron, 5^ a 6; F.ard, 12i ; Molasses, 12 ;i 4.5 ; Nidls, 7 S eoMinon, 10 a 10^;—prime, 11 a 12 • H) ;i 90—T. Isiah.l, 1.10; Wliiskev, 50. .Sugar, ('l,rraw Ihr. 2.\-Cotton, 8 a 9 ; Corn, fij a , a; Bacon, 12 J Flo-ir, 7 a 9 ; I,uni, IJa 15. — rnr,:>tfn, D-r. 21.-C„t1on, 8 a 9; Corn, fOa 75 ; Racoii, 12} a 15 ; Hrandv, pc;ieh, ^,5 a r.>— a]>ple do. ')U a fi.i ; lU-esv^ ax, 25 a 28 ; oll. e, 1 8 a 2.1 : Flour, 7i a 8^ ; Iron, (,\ a 7 ; Molasses, 50 a 5() Clerks of the Superior Courts^ And other gentlemen holding subscriptions totheNhW Map »r Nohth Caiiomna, are recpiested to return the same by the 1st of Jan uary next. They will l,c .10 good as to present them, in the mean time, to .such persons as will be likely to patroni/e the work, who have not ha«l an opportunity of doIn so already. The price to non-subscribers will be #10. Very (ew however, more than those subscribed for, will be printed. To remove any objection that may be urged against .Hubscribing.’tiu; pi.uiish- er wishes it to be understood, that non., ut the subscribers will be held bound, if the MaI* is not correctly drawn, finished in the !)e.,t man ner, and of the best materials. From Uie returns already received, the puh- Usher is warranted in believing, tba» a sui.-^'-rip- tion of not less tli ni one thousand luuiies will be obtained in Nortli-CaroiinH, among whom are, IJib Kx(n;lleiny the (iovernor, ul| the Ofh- eers of the State Coverunicnt at the metropolis the Mem')ers of both ]>'• 11 c.s of the I.egisbiturc, a liberal proportion i.f tin Profes sional ,entlemen, a large nunil)ii ol ib .1 most respectable class of citizens, the FarnK is, and generally the Merchants anl Tr.idt r.s of our l owi.s, to w hom a correct Map of ihe State i» particularly desiral)le. The publishi r takes this opportunit\ to ac knowledge his obligations for the poliie atten-' tion which has uniformly paid to lii.s ap plications fur assisliitice in ibe prosecuiion of his work, aiid especially to gent.' who have interested themselves in procnring- the survfys of the several counties. Anv iif. formation calr-idated to benefit the work will be thankfully received. M-'C RAK. I'tn/Rlttvilk, Dec. 18, 1826.—2tl.>. TIIK examination of the students of itiin.ilo Ar;.leniy, in Lincoln county, uii.\ r tht» care of P. J. Sparrow, vs as held on the 22d just The subscribers having attended it, th- v tii.nlc It a duty w l.irb they owe to the teaefi.T and students ui this iri'.litution, tosav, tliat tiic stu dents gave evidence of tlieir having been assi duously and correctly taught in the diflerent ‘ ' ‘ " ' ' ' ' to . , . . - , ..hich IS tli- life ol sueh institutions. 'Fhe classes ex- f, 11 a 12; Salt, |,i\. I brandies of e.lucatioii, and that tliey appear a tJ'J J >\ licat, 1. 05 a po.ssess that laudalile Miibition to excel, vvhit is t!i- life ol sueh institutions. 'Fhe classes e..- aniined in the hnglisb language, consisted in Spelbng, Reading, Writii.g, Anthmctie, (;r im- mar, ilelinition of words, and Geograjdiv; and in the dea.I languages, one class on tlu- Latin (.rair.> jne ou Virgil’s lUicohcks, on,* on \ ilgu s Knied, Horace’s Art of Poetrv, and the (.reck rcbtanientj and another nn (j'neca Min i nra. The examination was condiictcd with th nieiid as worthy ot ^ 1'^; Iron, J,’ a 5 ; Molas- • >0 a ,!.l ; Sugar, brown. ^ a 9; Muscovado, 10 ; Sail, Liv. -IJ—F. i^d.ind, 50; 9 .)0 a ,}, 5 A’, i aroliiKt Jiuut; liillfi— 1 j a coiint. —1 a H di5Coi£atr NV'liiskey, 3 i-er ccnt. dis- ^ - - ”• pnblic p itrwnage. '{ bi- Academy is situated in a beallby j.laee, aboi - 17 milfsto the south-west of Lii.col„t.„., in respectable and pU iitiful lu i>;Idxahood, wbe - boarding can bt iiad on rt^.iv t. mis. LA\VS(»\ ■Mt.^DtKSO^ DAMD KIDOOE.