'Ot. ITI] CHABLOTTE, wV. C. TIES DAY, JAmAHY 23, I (5 IM’BUSHED WKKKT.Y B.V LEMUEL BIXGHAM, Jil Three Doilnrs a year, pa 'ul in ndvance. No paper will bt* discontiimecl, unless at the LIST OF l.KTTKIJS Remaininfr in the Potsl Office at Charlotte^ N. C. January 1, 1827. A.‘ Amos Alexander, James Ashury .1^ ... ... „ I''i'j-Tiios. Alexander, James Ames o, discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are , Joseph Arn.stron{r, Mulinda Alexander, paid. I Isaac or Dan Alexander. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual! , , . . I, r ■ 1 *• I Hlack, Jacob Postiiin 2. rates. Pcrs(ms sending in advert.senients, are I j..„,es lJUint, j„hu Hu,.ys I'L-queHted to note on the murgin the nmr.ber of : Mary Uarringer 2, "W illian. liostwick 3, insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, l*ain, ^ud charged accordingly.- | Zaelieus Barnes, ClfvkF. of the Superwv (ourts, , , , , , ... : !■ Ici-t Cox, .. An- other gentlemen holding subscriptions ' n,.. p.c. Caldwell, David Cross, to tl>e Mai- OF NoHTH.(’.ti.oti>a, are ! M^sms. Cnitman 8c Greer, .lobn t:asl John It'.ick, I’icliard Hoi lies, Janies Boys, Marian Black. C. Dr. David T. Caldvi til, jecjiiisU'd to return the same by the 1st of Jan-1 d^' id Colter nary next. They will e so good as to pri sent ^ Ij;,rvey Cannada. ^leiii. in the mean time, to such per.s(;psas will j be likely Id ])atronize the work, wiio have not i 'I'homas Diinn >.ad an op[)' 'Uinity of doing so already. The ' yrice to noi' -i s ribers will be iflU. Vt-ry few, rowever, inope than thi«f -ubscvibed for, will be yirintKl. 'I'o rcnic'e ;.ny obji ction that may be urged against suhbcr.iiing, tlie publish er wishes it to be understood, that none of the subscriliers w -ll be held bound, if the MAP is wot corrtetly drawn, finished in the best nian- Bcr, and of the Lest materials. rr(,ni the reiurns :;li ady received, the pub lisher is warranted in nelieving, that a subscrip tion («f not less thi’.n o'lc thousand nanus v\ ill be obtained in North-(Jaroiina,, among wiioni tre, liis KxccHercy the Uftvernor, all iIk; Ofii- ecrs of the .State Government residing al the ltie*r,ipolis, t!ie Members of both Mouses of the LegitI ;ture, a llb( ra) proportion of the IM'ofes- fii.'i.d (■( iitlemen, a large numljer of that niost ffip'Ctabie class of citizens, th» Faro it rs, and Cnitman 8c Greer, John Caston^ Capt. Cook, Samuel Drfl'y, Klizabeth I);.niel, Uobert Dinkins, Lewis Dinkins. Charles Kims, jr. Joseph Flinn 2, Join Faires, Nancy Flowers, ifobert Faires, Daniel (iallant 2, Moses Green, D. John Dickson, Jacob i)e\\ lin, James Dinkins 2,' Daniel Dougiierty, K. liichard C. Edmonson. F, William Flinn, H. Foster, Janus Ferrier, C. Mcsea V, Grant, Col. 'I'hos. (;reer, jr. H. Thomas flouston, Daniel A. Hall, William Hutchison; j JJaniel Hyams, I Dr. Sami. Henderson 2, John i;ij)p, 1 Williain Harris, Henry Hartis, I John Haiigrove, Elam Hunter, gcH'I’.tlly tiie Ml rcbants and Traders of our i j- Towi.s, to whom a correct Map of Hie State is | s^rah’ >V. Kinchell, Marcus Kenned-, parwcular y desirable. _ 1 Ephraim Kendrick, David .Tair, ' 'I'he ))ul)bsher takes this opportunity to ac- g l knowledge his oi)ligations f'or the polite atten- ; ^ Lowrie, 2 Jean LeinmonJ. ♦ion WMich has been uniforndy paid to hi.; ap-1 VMUmni J.uckcv fdiculibns for assistance in the ])roseeutit>n of i " '* lis work, and espt ei:i!ly to those ! Hugh M'Lurc, v hohaie inter^ stid thenisi lves in Procuring ( ^10 M'.niys oi the s. vend c, unties. An, in-' Mc hafVey, foi'iiitttion calculated to bciiciittiic work wul lit f M*Cord thankfully r«n.ivet: JOHN MAC HAE FaycUcvilk, Dec. 18, 1826.—2t 1.3. of ^oit 11-Carolina. I LIKCOLX COT75TY. David Blalock, ^ vs. V Nancy Blalock. 3 1 appearing t. the satisfaction of the Court, thi't Nancv Blalock, the defendant, is not :.n Petifion for Divorce. I Janies Morrison, I David M‘l)aniel, I Philemon Morris, I Hobert ,NJ‘Kinley. John Norment, HerHian S. Noble, Parmiliu Newby. Joseph I’ritchard 3, 1'hom;* Par\. John I.owrv, M. Ann M‘Lure 2, ])anul .\l‘Gill, Alexr. Montfcith, 'rliomas Moore, Matthew Miller, Eliza M‘Kei-, li> iijamin Morrow, N. „ • Mar\ '-wlin, Moses Noely, O. I-iathan Orr. J'- I4ev. W.iIIlt s. I'hurr; John I’eopk \Vasliin}>ton Plummer, Col. Wili.mn I’ovtj SiiHiuri P(>rter, \\‘m. L. Patton. Josi-ph l{eed, Auieliu Knss, VV dliani Rives, • William U(.bison. inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordei- ♦d by court, th t publication be madt thrt-e Tiionihs >n'he Catawba Journal, giving notiei to he r, that she make her personal appearance before the Judge of our Snjurior Court of l.aW, •t the ni'XK our* to bi heM for tl.e s:.i'l county ofLinc. ln, at tin- Court-liouse in l.iiicolntoii, on the 4th Miiiiday after tne 4tii Monday of Sh’fl. of Mecklenburg- March lit ^I.c n and there to answei tr de- ^ “ •‘*- Binr to tl.i ,si.:d petition; othf rwi.^e it will be taker, pro cor.fesso, and heard ex parte, and ad- judg d acconiingly. \\itii'ss, Jmwhoti Htndirstm, Clerk of said Court, at Lincolnton, the 4th Monday ;*ftcr the 4tl. .Monday of Se|)lember, ,\. 1). 1826, and in the 51it year of our Indopi ntUm e. I.AWSON HENDEllSON. om’t ’20.—pr. adv. f 4. Green Sniith, John S^jcrist, .fosepii Sample, Elizabetli ^'hii Ids, Kl.jab B. Setzer. M na XV. Taylor, lienr\ 'riimson. Kobert Watson, Margaret Wilson, Cathar;i;e Pharr, If. Dr. Joseph Uoss^ John i{og( rs, Alex. Uobison, Joi'in il'jberion, S. 2, Mu;h Smith, Hichard Springs, Hugli Eh Stv wart, M lil.ain P. springs, William Sir.itii, r. Silas Tenijdcton, W. W. p. Waugh, Isaac Wilson, Itev.Jolin M. Wiisofi,2 Francis U il.son, William Walker, James Wilson. WM. SMFI H, P. 133—3tl5 fl^HE subs fiber ha\ ing closed his books, bu-1 i s'nt-Hswill be done for eash, or note on de- j ni;i.i(! Prices will be low—Sole l/'ather, 28 I cctitspi rll).—Harness and Upj)erl.ea:her, low. j Remaining in Hie Post Office in Lincolnton, LE'ITEKS Th-i.i tliat have accounts ope n, will d; well to Call and settle them, or they will find them in the ! aiii'-3 of an ollicer for collection. JAMES T ASP,UliY. _Jai;u,:ry 12, 182r.—2U.5 ^lv\Vfc XoY\\\-i.'ttYoViua, M KCK1 K N nI' I' O CO U \ 1 Y. Coat t of Eipiity. Xoceinhtr Term. 18’6. Trustees of thi Co;igregation of Gdead vs. I he Heirb at I,aw ,f William Ih nderson, decea sed— Cross bill, to re ovtr the Legacy. 1'r iiii];. ;i!’ii.g, to the satislaction ot .he court, th;.t .lijwies Hender.son, sen. James N eiu.hle, Janit-i Honeli rson, son of ».rehi aiel, John llen- i derson and his wife Rebecca, defVndants .11 this ^ case, are not inhabitants of this St«te ; ^t is ' thf-refore ordered by court, that publication be mude for weeks in tlie (>atawl)a .lournal, for them to l/C and appear at our next Court of K- «uil\, to !)e held in Cliailottc im the Tth Mon- m\ ;.l‘v. r the 4th Monday in Muich lu-xt, then *nd 'here to ple^aii, answer or eLiimr, a- the bill will e taken pro ccniesso, aiul iieaid ex J»v' , to tliein. Vvi; » •, l):iv,a H. Dnr.lap, Ch rk aiul Mastei of oui 1 (1 ; .()virt, at ollice in Charlotte, thl* irt'ii i.iy ol November, D. U. DLNI.AP, M. 6tl'.*—pr. adv. ^3 .50 N. C \st Jiinuary. IS27. A. Henry Asbury, Martha Abernathy, B.-Mliolomew Aheriutliv. b'. 1)1* m mi.(:ki.km!i;i(. coi n 1 v. Conrt of Kijitifjjy Soi'cmbcr Ttrm^ 1826. [^Joseph Wilson tv*. George T. Hersey and A. D. I .Mnrphrv •' appearing', to the satisfaction of the court, IJi th.'it (ieorgt* T. Ile.siy, one (.f tin dciend- lints, is not an ii'l a!)il;u,t of this Si;»te ; It is Ithereforc oulered by court, that pulilieation be j/iiadc for six weeks in the (Jatawl);i Journal, that llmless he appear at our next C(,urt of Eipiity, |1o b* held for the coui,t\ of Mi cki. nuurg, at [the Coiirt-HoMse in Chariotie, on the Tth Mon day after the -1th Moiubiv in M.uv h iie.\t, tlien iiiel thf-r^ to ph'ad, answeT or el ■nun', the bill ■ il! lie iak n ])ro evud’esho, and heard e x parte. Is to him. 'V itncs.s, David l{. Dunlap, Chrk and \! .ster oiirs'.iid court, at otlice in (J arlotle, this iTtli iay of Ne,' ember. \. I). 18J0. , »> !■ DU-NLAP, c. ,}/, Priile Bradshaw, .losepli Brotherton, Joshua Beam, Wilham BoiLs, .lohn Baiid, W illiam Beal, Jair.es Blakely, Uev. Daviil Balcw, David Borkout. Daniel t.'allis, John ('urpi i.ter, (ieorge Detherow, KoL« rt (iast«.n. John (lihs.ni, Philip l>. Hoyle, Henry lioovi r. •Mrs. .U-rv H. lil-y, .lacob Killian, Thos. Kfiidriek. Poggy Lawrcme, ^iiehu-l l.ink, Isaac l.awrciiee, Saniuii ..i,.rtin J, •lauies Pattillo, .lonas r.aele r, Paul 1). Beese, John Ueynolds, .lames Itaiii'-y, James Ixonney, .tohn Spi ck, ,lohn Seit, John .^iiiiih, Abner 1.. Slierrill, Coi'rau I'lpps, l)a\ill 'I'horiibnr, John \lckers. Jacoli Ihirn#, Henry Butts, Mai\ Buker, Fra;.',l - Beattie, lie ii)'y Banieh, Mathus Baniigei^ John Butts, John Bandv, C. Thomas Crow, D.i .it'i ('am. D. I'orne. St AbtrnutliT, (i. IMri.p r?foss 2, I'aii.t ' llMil.-^on, Henr\ II0...S, I Sjrivh ls, ;r. K. J.Ui.es Ku'gcado, 1-. J:iCob L'.;t/ 2, S.»i).iie 1 I .ipot.s,- I .i \i I . .cK inan. John Mi.rpln', P. J. K. John R, ni;in, Dr. L. Be ese, V illlam Bob( rts, David Ku >s( !, • athcr'.ne Hobison, Henry Kooj). S, George Suminey, Martin Sbnfcn'el, John Sanders, r. Catharine I'hornburv, V. .V W. IJ. L. W iibs. D. BEIMIAUDT, P. M. ro—ti 5i> AVVvivUmcuVs aud VV)U\\a Foi salf, at tl.e Office o the JouruKl. Kiitry 'I'akcr.s’ \Vf»rraijlS; 1'9J- ^k'j ut ^ __ S’vffl.oHvrr’s To the Honorable tl;c (Jcneral .^.isembly of the State of North-Carolina : : In obedit'Mce to tlie act ol Asson.biv which requiiea of the Public i rcasuM-r of thi:> State, lot- the time be ing, an antju«l report ty the Legisiature, I du III)self tl.e ljui;or resj-’eetfully to suhnut the J’ollowing. lo wit; 1 he Keeeipts at the Trcasui y of North I Carolina lor the \far i ■>)!.ii'enr in;*, with the Hist day ol’ November, 18~:N, uJ'd with t!)e last day of v^rtolier, 182o, iiicUifiifi{> -irnflry payn'eii^*^ ed ur.-earage- and !';e p.ublir laXes of «-very o!her de scription Uhich hecahie due and wen paid at the 7'»Tasury of tliis S»aie v. iil.n tii;-t period ; lo!'-'iber vv i'h flie djvtt;.i.. declai ed b) o'j!- ' bret Kevpi al Bank' wbich_ wei e 1:01 appropriated; ti’e chase nifMiev (;i ptoreedsof the ' hit'ils lait !\ enlejid and paid >>• Cl nrse of ihe time above^ menliort d; aiu' 1 lie coiii r I ion niadp irf>m i lie be>inl» i:!‘i'Mt by llie pUTi l.asi'i’s of tlip pofilii; lai neat Raieigl. which were soid in iH3(i, ainonn- to one bundled and thiu\-fi\f ihousaiiti, one hundred and forly-seeen dollars, ane' foi tv-nine cent^, and one iburth of ,i ci t.i; including an itotn of twenty one thousum. and forty-two dollars, and seventy cetus, received intu ihe 'I'reasury in course of the year, as a reimbursetnent of the like sum theretofore advanced and jiaid oui ol it, in aid 6i ths* fund f’or Internal In>- pro\ n’e;iij, and to extinguish the claiui> of sundry Indians of (he C!»erokee NKttm. lo eeriuiii resiervations of lands iit Ilay- \VO(.d rounty (I3.i. 147 4yi.) lo this sum the ijaiunce r;-maiiiinty ir. tl’.e Treusurv on the first day of No\eiu ht', lL?5,c.nd tliereaficr to he account'd for, us re'.oj ted lo the iast (k*neral K'>- seinbly, being added, viz:—Ote hundn d and thii teeti lhct:sand, eii;ht hui;dreti aiid eighiy fr>ur dollars, and t\ve/n\-wmfii ceiiis, and three fourths of a rent* an fires^^itc amount of two hu.iijred at.d loi- ty nine.* iliousand, and thiriy-one dedlais. and seventy-seven cei.ts, is foiuieU ffe24f),03i r.-'.) Tr. ii, this turn total, disbui jseoienis have been n.uue wiibin the lina (ivs\ above toi-niiojied, inchidini* the (ieim.ee! and wt.tn 1 reubury Notes bun ! by the last A*:sein.bly, to amuut.' of one itundred and twensy-ii.iee tliousand, st ven hur.- I dred und twenty-nine dollars and sevn, cents (5S123,729 07,) the vouchers for which, inrindinj? ;i war-’uni of transfer for twelve thousai ti, three hundred anl four dollars, ninety five cents, and an (,E12,301 96.j) [o the con>uiou school or eclicutiun fui el, have been handed over to tin C on.pirolier, and passed up- o.T !)y that Cflicer. Tots expenciiture being; deducted from the .•M':;,^rej,"ate amount above mentioned, j will he luuiid lo leave a halancc of one I Uuiid;ed and tweuty-iive tl'.ouhuud, three !',n?i(!i«d und i,vo dollurs, and seventy' cetiis itiViUUiing in iht- Treasurv of tins ou the i:rjii day of Niivembi'r Ijsi — } s;*y on the f:i>t day of N(;venibei . 18-;?6. snd ii.Te u» be aci oufitcu for ( 3(i2 70. ,1 I'or U,t i{-'.eral ilem-. foi rnin^' the r»'- cepli(;n «i|. nd;tuie abeue mej.tioi.- ed, liie i’lJiiic i reasui’ii' ask% have rev- petll'uii) lo rcler 10 the jriiitfj tiiCn's j.'Ti j;a! I'cl and fu;t i>btfl i)y lie Coi)'.pir{*lii r, I'fji liie use .,f in/ .\I tubers of the pri si i;i (iei;ci ai Assembly. Tile SijU ii II.k wi' \;jrti, ('ai -,4;:;^ f'e- claied (ii\i'll ml', in '.l.,- jniMiil.i-i I./• Cl fiiber ali i Juet- i..s’ e Ot.; lue' . '.o : in s ibis SiU , aii.oU;lu (1 ' sai'd fi (' nuti.li • li atiel V' I.It il vV I’l e (‘ ' (. hlUK bv I.Kii IS.itlk. at the same times and at the same rate, on the stock or shares of their capital lately purchased by the State j the first named to amount of nineteen hundred and fifiv-six doJlars ;—and the other to atnount of eifjht hundred and eighty-four dollars? which two sums were paid into the common Treasury of the State, and are included in the warrant of transfer to the education fond thetfin before no ticed. the sum of one hundred and twen- ly-five ihousand, three hundred and two dollars and seventy cents above mention ed, as heintj the balance due and paya- bie fVijm the Public Treasurer to the S'uu of North-(!aro!ina on the first day './! Xovember last, forty-one thousam! II /M fmndred end sj»ty-one dollars and fn;.. five cents were depositc'! and siood t iiM credit, as Public Treasurer, in »he St.i'e II ii.k at Hah igh. 'i iui IV-t111 te ilmusand and nevft Ui-I- •urs and lliitiy-one c,i*nts were deposited >«d stood ai credit, if* like manner. •I, the Bank of Newbrrn, it) Haleigh. And nine ihousand ei^ht hundred and •rveniy-nmr dollars and fwen>\ f’v^(:frlts, ^•eie (leposued, it* like nianner. ind sltM)d ■it t*»v credit as Puhlic Tv*jisurer, in the B nk of Cape I'ear a» Kat**ttrviMe. The reiiiatiitier consists of worn and "(ieeii.ed Trrasury Notes, which have ■io con»id»-i at>lv and so rtipidl' accumu- 1 ited since tb» tiiM of November last, as 'o put it ejui of nn power hitherto to, tiuttt a»td pre pare them for Iturnin^, abstract of receipts and disbu/sei-ie' Its-, or statement of account, sh'nvi.,^ >ae condition of tbe agricultural lund of North-Carolina on the first day of Nor» vcmber lust, which will be found to H ave a balance of seven thousand nine nuno.-ed and fcixtj-five dollars and ninety-five cealb’ (87,96.^ 95.) The Treasury Notes last ordered by the General Assembly were nw» all is^uei or sold on the first day of N«/vember last* nor arc the whole of them ve' dt.s;>t.se(f of, a few sheets remaining; still .*fi i. tud, but not more than vfill pruDabfy be aoltl in course of the present «esfcion of ihe Assembly: ihis item, however, in e,on- formity with the assurance fjiven by the? Treasurer in his last annual repori, watt incorporated in his K‘‘'i»*ral actount.fbr 1.S26 as s'-ttled witli the Compir-.ller on the first da> of November last, and then set «ifl'and balanced by f.i»iu,-ry uf Bank Stock or shares, purcluis. d for 'he use and benefit uf the Slate, ,1,^1; officer in full of the same:—and to hint was likewise d. livered, at the same time, -•thei Shares of Bank Stock bougtit with tl.e surplus monies in the Treasury in ( Oiirse of the fiscal ye«r of 1826, to the amount of ten thou»:>nd nine .‘uindred and twenty fiY« dollars, as may be .seen by his tatemcnis furnished for (he us» of the Members of this Assembly: I'he sto( k aI)oTe rnentioned was of the three sereral Banks of North-Carolina : The shares which were of the Stale Bank and . Bank of Nowbern, which haye wtuch shall howe'vt r be done as soon as j past declared theii* practicable; 4j( warrants and otht r |the rate of 4 per tent. h*lf cliiuis on the 1r« inury paid off and ta~l were fiurehased at par: and aioso ktn U|> since tn« e lose of the late fiscal ^bich were of the Bank of Cape-Fear^ \« ^r:—aiut of Hank Notes and current! bas latterly declareif «t the rate of iiea^ur, Ki.»« s kepi in tld «»ffiLe for the pf' cent, half yearlv onlv. -.vero bought ut ninety-five dollars per abare. I’urs'iant to the provisions of the art of t|ie last (iener«l Assembly, entitled “ An act to cede to the United Stateb a certain tract of land called Bo^ue Banks,” the •sum ol iwelve hundred and eijjhiy-seven dollars has been sint or remitted to mo purpos#- of M>r»iiMg the demands or ex- ptialMutes of the day, which are often tfiiai «itd f*tely fall to considerable. Il uill lt«: set n from the C’oniptioHer’s Siai> i«rni*, well as from this Hfport, •I.at u>e eomnioii uchool fund had at its M-diu on li.e first day of Niiv« iub«*r U^t, !h« sum ;f iwelve lhoui«nd tiuee h«n- and fo*ir d'llat9 tiiiieiy fi*c cenls .uiil a iijii: since whtch time aiiO uii ihe 7'h tf iicceiith'r instant, tWe dividen«l (b-.Uteil t>v thr (.'jpe Fear Na*iga'ion C'oopatiy lor 182*' oil the sllare^ heid in ii.i)\ Nof'b Carolina, aniounim^f to four buiicird aal twenty dollars, (which aUo i>i ippi opriated and belongs to th^t fuhd,) Ua' liet II |.>aid into tlie Treasury of the Siaie: fbis item however cuuld neither i>e I • ported nor oftcially made known by me to Uie C./mptroller on the firtt day of I f to mo by Lieutenant Wjllum A. Ellison, of the Lngn.ee,s, and agent of fortifie.t.ons at Ijort Macon, to be deposited in tlie Public I reasi^ry as the purchase money and in payment of the Lands ceded to the Uni: ted States by North-Carolina, throutrh the said Act; Applications ha^e sincc been ma»fe at the Treasury fjy one op ni^oreofthcclaimantsundertheprovi.ions of the said Act, for a part or portion of the m..ney so deposited,-or rathe- for in- formation as to the manner or ne cessary to the ob»aininu it; whi, h have be e. necessarily posip.>ned on the wund public accounts are made up and balan- ^.,1 ., , Ircasu/er is not cl.Khed ced; '>‘’t^use/;nr;/r»iCTi/wa§notatthaltinM‘ ihe act aforeshui, to made Ivy iht. Cfimpuny, nor was it in fact -Li miirf t i »^*‘dity of the claims made until the 7th of the monih follow- inif, a circumstance which would leave L.,i ^ such as should be consider* injf, a circumstance which would leave me free to omit noii( in^' it here, nor should I do it, were it noi for my anEi- ous desire to place this infant fund in the most respectable poini of view in my power ; and Vorn my wTsh likewise, to do even mote than comm*n ju.stice to 'lie patriotic feul and entirinf' en’deavors ol liiis the only Navipalitin Comj)any in ikie Slate which kas, as yet,drchued any •iividend whatever.-—and, actinj,^ under thf jolu* Mce of the same pi inciple and licini^r, f maybe permiittd here to rc- 041 k, that allbougli the balance cf the ^'VKuliural fund could not bi^ transfer- tl good ,nd val.d:-On tr„ grounds fikewise that all po^'/e- m regard to this depoaite rests wholly with the L.*^risla- lure^and on the ^^round moreover tllat the Public Treasurer !,*h not yet sc. n or been furnished wiih ibe evidence on which any such claims rest. A pan of the purchase money bid for the lands belon^in.fj to this State, near Kaleigl), and which were sold m ih’o remains still unpaid: Judgments bavcj from time to time, Ijcen had in every in. stance, save tw.^, in which pavmrnt was withheld or delayed: but it has unfortu nately happened that, in several cases, . d»jn the first of November Iasi, on ar- ‘-asus, • e-unt i>4'the pi(jvi*i(,ns and limil;Ui;n of j ^ lof^eiher n>iib t'leif sreu- •• ■ ■■'f • proved insolvent; and con.secjuent •' I In- ' ate ol a iwii. s ,'t. I ■ (.1, t) i W i' 1 . , y ^ f 4 i 1 ■». : \ • iv.*I.' lie lialx ; •i-e crei.ii ,,r ihe i!.u ;\; r, (,/ (• ,ui ‘e. ' ...’.lOUIlt Ol 111'- i iHM'.ui y t.i .1 ! )e'i,ea:!j. ;■ 'ii', ;.ie tu t e. i,)(; a-, subjec\ (l to a reduc il: in>!f.i .1! ih; ti(W!; '. t !. V. a ■ tiiiii oi' '.luee 'iH^iisanu liiree liutuji'i'i! a'.tl doJlais a,-id ivventy-fuur "en!s; lu in^- li'C umoutii of ihe interest wbif h had ucc.riied and H as [payable out of ii 10 the Hatik acc(jrtiir.i;' If* law, on account of tbe unpaid for shares of tbe stock held ihert in by North-Curolina, ai tbe lime of the de'claratioii ol ibe said (ii\id tidibe voucher lor wiiicb rei'iK tien from tl.e divifleiiil and paymeni toiiu- Hank, is in cluded in !be iieral aceount of exjien- diiures or disbursements for the late fis cal year, and wtll be found in tiie tiles handed over lo the Comptroller, as a!)ove mentioned. 1 i'.e Bank ol Cape Ftar and ?«ewbetrt likewise declared half yearly dividends in the nionths above mentioned ; the Hank of Cai>e Fear at the t aH' of three percent.: and the Batik ofXeevbernat ibe raie of 4 per cen pai l of the pro- C0( ls of VNliicii il VNiI! bt; I e(.olit e'eel i.r appio| riaied u'ln .n im fund a- ted lor Itiuruui liiiprovt men’s:—anti thos»e Uatilis dc^Urcd ul>u jdditioniiily toe act of 18'Jl in re^-ard to that fund, ;iid b.'cause lik'-vfise of '.be unsatisfied which thor, iii.fed and at preseni liisi, us well a oi olliei s ei'Uie like na ture W'birli m.iv lie oo-.de upon it by ' • f II Ut l] I- ly the executions, which have bc'-n fVc- quently issut;d, have been unifotmly re- ttrned, in these cases, wuh an ei.darse^ mentof “not satisfied," and of course without the money due:—Thc Law -u couniiesihai iVveMiot yet formed Ak^ri- due:~Thc Law uu- culiural Sfj'ii iies, !)u‘ w!iu n niav slillli orderinf; the sale of ihoso 00.0,„, l . ;,n.a..y '--’.I .h. v-J ^ and l.indrunccs will be d.'ne awav.* wheni ^liould be made until the tbe tra^M^M ofaiespeetalilehalaticcfioni'^^'® if'; was fully pai.j up; and . ‘ . thcs It happens that ti,e lots of land so sold and not paid for still remain to ihc blate, no conveyance or tale wluv-ver bavin- been made for them bv tlo- Com missioners who were authorised ..i d aij- pointed to sell them:—The purchasers however continue to claim them *nd to exerci.sc owner-ship over them, on the ground ol havintr bid them on’and cove- named lo pay for them; although it is known and admitted that thoy have no power to do so, they and ilieir secuni.es having long since proved insolvent as a- oresaid; and some of them continue likewise still to use the lots or lands as their own, by cuttin^ and takin^^ the tim ber from od them, and conmiittintr other wastes on them. Tbe Public Tteasurei- p«»' of "-t Sre„"e'dA'!lm% K,”nrr leaves in liis hands an untxi,.ended sum ; al remedy w-s then or , or l.aUi,a' oftufiity ih.i:e iI.oumikI, four piiividcc;,' and“ tlie’sc matk-r, s-m'ren ' 1.undiTd and scvon dollars and n,e,.ty- i,,^. i„ u,c same or a wors” "i',1 « crtits, ytt 10 be uccouat.'U fur, has considered it l.is d,?iT ■ :s..vu,r a c„,„ or al.s.,ac. of. hid, ,lo„ ll.en. as theVl r,",a u'.^ ZZ ^etonnior statement accompanies this, distant nrosoect or MmN K t . :,nd is nnarked whI, tl„ leuer • „,J„u wilTbrmacir' ^ P”*" 1 Ih- 11rasurrr luis tl,e honor likewise lands i„ .jue.lio., will noces u i', be ;10 iubnuuo -l.c GeMc-,:l A,^.-.nbly e=iiC!» ia v.^«c dis/oia of Ihe a.'i K Liitural tfj ihe e^ornnion school tun ! tp.iv ()’ lookeei I'orvvaid to, with faa- ,s.;ia').!*. i.ope anvi «:ip(.*clat ion; at u hich lime likevei^e it is hi^liiy provable, and, inc!-ed. weli i.:-b certain, that the Comp- !:o!ler will, b\ his wr.rrant, traiLsfer also lo the •'atne fund, the amouni of the di- viijrtid last ibove mentioned. 'I'lie Public Trt asurer has rendered to ihe Pie idem of tbe Board of Juiernal ItnpfO’.einents an account tif his receipts an l cxpetidiuires from the fust of No- \jnber, iK.'j, to the Prst of November, lK2o, ( oniprehending the paymentsmade ai ibe Tteas-ir^ by the purchasers of parts of Ihe Clu iokee Lands, together with all other monies received by him which are subject to the drafts or dis