From Blacku i>c(ps Maguz 'm. TIMF.S CHANCiF/S. 1 saw h( r oncc—so fn shly fair That, like a blossom just iinfoldinjf, $he open’d to life’s cl()Uille>'^ air. And Nature jovM to nic v i s Tnouluin" I?er SI!.lie, it huun tnr noiv vet — Her chcek’i i'lnr hue (livin;.lj irloi'. i n]];' - Her rosi.-hiul —licr p\C! ot jvt— Around on nli t’.vj’’’ I (.•'*o\vlr,j; Oh ! who iTjilil 1.)(jX oTi s'jc’.j v So fi\e, *0 trnd»'r, And i'V Ii i* ••'lily ^Xiy.n I aPii ii.tu-ijr^ndiu «Airi)i»cS a-2:0 , fv.:: y f.fctii'io.r Sic had sal in tilt. to%v r wctcliu*,/ fo- ti.c ruluijiitiir cailc'j l.ill thf last l)f;nn o\ day had f:ul(;d tVijin 'he wafers. The decpcnini^ of "nili'vhl j)!n\ ed trick*; uitli in'r in)Hfji- i.aiioi',.—she was J'ltrti;d h' 'lltt* eii- * I »‘ ‘ X Tl ^ irli - !• , ' ■••.('rru, .’plmJ.t.-; Tor 1. f >1' \ 11 A .)■ .*r ) •’ '"S ■■■' I' ' ly ’JSO'.'. . ul.: rapnr* ‘••'..".r [y'\f Bu tj*. t -'.'5 ‘ , ?.'V1 •■’.I I’s b ’ ''.tl.: J Iv ; C *;iut 'I' !• ’(\ c lanv ^ Bv t \ i .Tiui - 1 .*i .'O-:' ■« m Tor :.f -JiTrilv »'.:^l'•l^dK ,u‘r ..*t. 'UjX)!' !„ , ..-V. i her cliil ai3f»r.{',x»c iiiuisc'j/', at uic iTigiucsl} r.ilinont, my e vt'iy slit-iu i- ’ic^ua tiie moveiJii/nt, >i;ciirr»ch, li'.'^ughvtill n1 cp in";, secinr-d ronscK.'J':. .itid 1: l iii: clos‘r to him. At la^^ the stiong s!ep|», tliat in the depth of the nicjht steeps the senses in utter forgetfuhir-ss, over- powfTf.d him ;hisarnisielaxcil iheirhold, v.'U‘jr-f;-'vl, whif'li, si.jumied aloi.n diopped beside him, and left Louis free. tl.c siirlnc'; vii Vlu; nalei', in)'ii'ineil to her faiicy die ir,iit ca; t;e'. irnjnlle*) hy lier hMs!;ri',iu'3 \i^oiOLis jut.u she heard ti;e jV-a?) of tire he^vv ion^ni. ri:u! the tjjlashiiii; soiii,- ijiicy like k* ■ fir^l tlar.l! c.f (lis- I kr litsiile hiM ; ihe vourir j M, I n ith I tlefl t(- her i'ancy like k* ■ fir oar. 'i'hat pr-sscd ;^\v:iy, ;;;k {!fpuir'.tn?eiM, ;ni(I tc;’rs fo^'nwed. hoy was litsiile hiM ; ihe yourir V. Iio. t',)0Ui\h f0.lrr‘el^ tw\!v\» yoars I'.rd I,Is iii)a,,;iu';i n >i‘)rni ond the IfMiip-e'^t. Jiut Ae 'loc.^ nu^ ai: if‘J'’r\ u hich can he le-paired.— 'I'he storm may indeed boat upon me, and chilling blasts assail me; but Chari ty will rccovio me into her dweninsi;— will fi^ive me food to eat and raiment to put on,—will kindly assist me in rais inst:2nt on (.he Indians, and assurevi him- s(,'f they all slept profomidly. IJe then j)0'!+' s>ed himself of Merurneli’s knife, wi.lcli lay at,his feel, ai d s-\ tred tlie t!;ui hound his ntolher to the tree. I’lir^r of thetii spok! a W(jrd ; but v»it.i» thi^ lerst po>v.!,!f sound tliey ha! ccnie lo tiio sj,ore ; J..onis in the confi de' ec, and Ivlari^uerii(> with flu* faint of reaching it before they were T’li • '‘■t i S r’- Mi.;:-, "TVt)ir '■ I ' c: to ? cr f TLt_. m'’.l to li\c 'r.*. i*’. • « *' . ’v.- i>r !tr. Ilcv ►"0; nn.l '^nd ()•. ni *.> r cUf k I'-.o ■*). ’tc Ol’}' r-I'.'i 1 ]' Ldir.’: n'.T'i ’ind Tfit’n.-i !i' >)ci, up'JM I or ' -c Luy ■ t.'!':.,I. tbf.dctMCV, •As •* I -AU Hud i.^. t. • du- r'_.. .ni ( J »v Ih'V tli.'ct—I'iil- ’ drci-'J-j In ' ;.! j .'ifiK'-i li\l *'•. } (I ii*i*, tet i/outiM'd set.i.’ ' to I'", As vt-;i I y r v.-ir j)r)UK.'.u M hc.‘; Tlie ti .-'va-., The »uiial.L!ic, . u'. tlic p .rui.' Still, tlHi'a'?.u 1 !;:.>d };’>!c *.r - '.y. The V, sv %r tlv .uttr", yor, in tli‘.-' i ii.r * c m-v.i-*' ) ■ cit» Strciit, ' ■ uuii->c, lOiJtl.ii'v, h 'ly; ' 111 V. I. :..i t»j ••( uTi. rH Tiahi tv^ry !•>'! *:r ui.nii ful'y— iKit-* nS' f* iS !i^tt A vif suiisct :.’ri Hinir'3— Af^irygiu^ Oil 1 jv»t-r ^iiti u i.‘, Ti.i .,;»nu»ooiL. iikr » dreimi Ala^> iiHic—auii rnn.ovrd k.)t i.^ , Bi yoiiii i.ilt’s clnij. *i it-.rt.Hn, r. ,er, J^glii.u)Ui uii/u!a '-t , I'l'uni Wiiti.t'e tin. rfpn'fc fit'll jl-d ^'or C:,»! ^gaztd—uiy btca-.t v. r.siifcc to Dtif't— And, M* i tho;-j»u ot, ut {. Aftct!; «hc ytui's v»h.-itiii I Ikc tii'jt, Wiiti. »'*e, a 6"*. • ‘ !b''it-3-nc he:..tcvV- ^nd wlicii 1 li.UICO l»ti;r Asmo\cd ilic Ml tnji .fcti * ^ hi»jjpy niotlitv in the bln- s Of ripen’d hopt, and sannj be.»u».y,— 1 felt tlie chill—I tiinrd ; *idc— Bltak Desolation’s rloiiit r..iiic o’er ntc, And licii.g setiiied a '.roii led »;di. , Whose wrecks in .t»rk.iu'.;» swt .ii ht^vc me' hKi! n.iv Ir /jJ ii) a ] jl c r.a.'; an :nlpl in t’ne I'sr oi thr Iow | Vou may Jmag;ine how nf ..'i fh'! V;V: r‘.‘{ : co.)r:\ii! r.i'eir-^ii t» be i po.jr nujtlier, tiinid as atavvn. wassfi'.r- lii'- i’l ti’icl, nn.l fb'.ii'^ei' )iis vlemt*::!., 9t;d I tied by thr (\ eniiig; brfe7‘. siii’i int;; ‘I'r nnd '.voiiiu.s, Vf'ic “household i:'a\t‘*, hist the boy honn.ieJ forw.u(i as v,•c^(!^'‘ .%itii liim. Hr !,'i?nh('.| at !nv I if ili-'ie w:i5 neither fear nor danger in !' ctl ■;^s f'Tj;.: I)ul mi ol' liis ljo\- j the \'-oild. j 1.i;c.y sMi u^tfi'n ti. till ap- 'fliey hr.d nearly attained the mar«;In •>.T.v'd r.'rdify. .'^•Mtidenlv r)f the river, v/hc’te Louis irieant f ‘iv ‘ A'”'' broki- oti the launch one of 1 he v’a'eoi^^ and drop down ht P.t't i: n .'il'er and pi lb' siinnd Mi’! of tlu spr;’ . p.rti: ,‘;eir fe;it, a Cl V Oi’jo}’, r»no ’.vrr.' pii.'ssin r, lif'nd in hand, iL'A'id , fi’ J vvlieii z linel -«onpf*d V'. rcr.und M-^r.^.UM il(', in ■! h WF.' fi'*r ^.u’,bai)d’.s (t?(ier th it no ’'ei n:re wit'.o'if tlie t\a;ls however, insisted .I'.il 1. line; 1h‘.; l!inl ’■'C ''V'uild ?.>' A eJ- the C'-'m-in,' ;!rint '\»r -.i" I'r.-^n Cl "'rders, she ;ir'.'3se(f ihe rv !■' !■>«•)•! T:ns; ■••ir. 1 Oi.i ',5 I'li'j hv s;»v:: ' rno; V.iu; up •Irow baj'-'r-:.' f!uj I, am h. V ufh( r s body m^rd, yo'.’ I’.now/' 'rr,;,iilion i;.v iM''-' '> \ cd vhe.-^e circumstar>- (cj as ii:.' fhal foliowe^l r„iidcr- ii' '.1 r.TriViorvibir. "’he distppcr, romituic l *!lr ucij’ct', fro!!' tl'.'j f'Kt 0’.vbe.’t, 1 Se ^-\jii)',r’.;i']Aut m^’iorcd his r >,noe, li i'lir.j., and j ]'as>cd. Majiruerite *tul i^cruis j in fb.>t ih'ckct, I "ill l^e’v a’lani Iho fo.u p'if},. reached the | ^-ouis rroncN- shoiv, aj.d vv c:re in n.e ar^.is of j ^T'd waseomplcie- ?.!peu;neh d.mI hi-, tirroe rcmpanions. 1 l%ntre-ties utd resislimco %vere alike :5«othcr advnnced « lew steps vain. Kev.siM:oe was m:.dc, wit|» ^ 1 inio. the and ^tood vrvct, EtcltfrU>. Mlxinjr lojjetht r |)n,tU aii' .1 ii TA3. H. The follow itii; exu acic l Irom “The •Tr^\« Her,” a ’ulr b\ the auihcv of Hed- TTOod.—A faniiiy of iTa\c lljts it'prc- sentcd as having slopped al a poif i of ItiTi: n' lilt junctp'n of the ()s\vcp,atriuo vrit! flte bt. Lawrencf, Ki vhmv -i.p re gains of an old fortifiOAUoii. W'.i.’.e yfcvc vieu'injj this moTii.n'.‘".'.t ol ci.iej. ] should m uirn and renio’/e the cap ; but time, u gantlemau ajuna.ed, ;vho, bkc Mler a u onnr.i I’r.ey ai^nin dashed their . J 1 .. 1. orti's in Ibf* w.der and |)roceedcd foi- Ijltm, hud been !f d 10 the spot by 1 • r ur.iil. I j.c’v n.ntiuned rowing; lor a nianly r-pij itby yrunic Iannis, whrj diew a ”iic fro’ii the ciiiMe of enc of th.e t/ '.iane, nnil'alieriipt.cti ;> phin}i;;e it in to (he, of Alrouineh, who was ro’U;hfy LjP.ilin,;' bis Atirnpi'i/i belt ovtt !>;:!':CiI» ritemo itb, It) deaden Ih.e ‘.ouud c: her r.eroau)'*. 'The uiitile’vres- led the kf ife iVcni lain, anti sr.'i!el ; i()uc!!y on him, as ii he re:!o/iilzed in tl'* brave boy Ji >ciou from hi:-» o’rvn -i,i.o'’k. 'rite Tiuiians had two fanoes ; Mar- iV'-K'rite was conveyed to one, and i^ouis to the other, and both canoes 'were rowed Into the (^svve.c;aJx!)ic, and up I the stiea^ii as fast as ii was j)0?sible fo i:.-pel them a:5ainst the ciirre.-^t of the I iv-. r. rVot a word or cry escaped the boy^ h' ^fe;i)‘*d in'.crd on some purpose ; and when the canoe approached n(>ar ttie shore, he took olf a military cap he wore, and thn^w it sn skilfully, that it lodged, where he niaant it iihould, cn the brancli of a tree whicl» projected over the water. There was a Iona; j white feather in tiie cap. The Indians had o!j‘'tM Vcd the boy’s movements— they liehl up thei»- oais for a moment, [and seeiiied to consult ^•hethe^ th.;y Cariosity, and !km miroout ie.. hiniboll, ! j' tt; relate a ttafiiuonarj sto- 1( w IV ar.d then lauded ; hid tlieir ciiiioe.s litiiiiid some trees ou the river's ty, •'' ■ ('u''adu. o! tfb''h ix ''' h Viif( (1 a! '^.li the events of thii. j)lace.-— V iiss' ntfd to till* t-m r related tin- I'ad rk* d up HI his jouriic'.v Mjaiik, and j)liint:ed into tlie woods witti their jirisonci s. It seems to have been tb(-ir int.ei’tion to have returned to their canoes in the morning, and they h;*d not procedcii far froni the shore, v.’lieri they kindle! a lire and prepared some fond, and olTered to share it with Mar- iiuerite and J^ouis. Poor Marj;ueriif, as you n^ay •^upj>nse, had no mind to e.Ti ; but Louis, sailh tradition, eat as heartily as if he hud been safe withiii the u .lIs of the fort. After sujiper, thf' liidiaiis stn lch*'d themselves beloKi ih> firt , but lU't till tlii.:y had taken the precanti'>n to bind Marguerite to a free, aiKt coni|)(. 1 .Louis to lie down in the ain-.sofhis uncle Mecunieli. Ne ither Ti '• fatMily VI-' y f p' osid, and the to wini^ [iji'iM’ulai s : A foniUiaiidrti.t 'if' tliis fort fwhich b'l ll by '! Frn.cb. to tirctect tln'ir tlie 'n.iixes; married a Ik'iIjo:'. wlio w''- b* fore or af- r-,:u: air»-, conveiteu to the Ca- r Her brotiier lurked in ir!iiiort)ood, ar.d ;vro.''!!red intf-r- iv;ib her, and altfMiiplt.-d to win t t)v all ihcn'.otiM s ol nation.d ’ . familv ;dlo-''-ei, ; but all ir tra'bj y 11 4 *tei ■ vil' «er ( pr_ ■ Ijei by her b;e ti nia' nntv.c, Mai’iruerii'*. ■ 'W.-'S (Kiuiid bv lold cirl — ht 1 lie r;j*e cautiouslv, looked for one in'; a new roOf over the ashes of the old; arid I shall again sit by my own hroside, and taste the sweets of friendsliip and of home. But, the who circulates false re- poits coiicerning my character—who cxjjoses every act of my life which can 'be ri]ire»ented to my disadvantage— who goes fii St lo this, then to that neigh bour, tells them he is very tender of r y reputation, enjoins upon them the striet- I ,.«,t '■f'cieey, an(i then fill-s their ears witl; j 'u-arsays and m.mours, and what is I '.vov^f^, leaves them to dwell u]>on the ‘lints .-'-d su'jcestions of his own busy !iTiaE;in;»i.ion—-ifie man who in tliis way ‘ lilches troiv. my good name,’ does me an irijiiry which neither industry, nor charily, nor time itself can repair. —lie !»a'i fold his tale of slander to an npcbaritable world. Some receive it s t«nt!:; others suspect that the half was not tidd tliem; and others (h’e:s What they have hoard in the hig.iesl colour- iii2:, ad ! fo iflhe foui cah’.inny of their ewn int ention, and procluim it in the corr!er> of the sit eels and upon the bou»e fops Shoulc' I prove myselfin- uocfMd, atid attempt to meet the scan- d'd will) contradiction, the story of my d’serare outstrips me, or my solicitude. 'nrdi arlift it excites suspicion of guilt. Sftc'ub' th»' slanderer confess his crime, »h. blr* i. nirtde, and his tears of rc[>en- ra'fiot wash it out. I might as v.'i !1 rtcrdl the winds, or quonch the stars', as rccall the tale of inlainy, or wipcdhis foul stain from my character. \ nt'i-c,h a high value to the esteenT ifid rot)fidence of rny lellow men. f i.’anr jf but. wish, that, whiie ! live a- U!oniv tbe.T!, I nny hold a jilace in their att’eclion*;, and be f.rcated with the’res pect n hiCii is d’.ie to my Ovation. ‘ A good nair.e is rather to be chosen than great riohc'/ or than ‘precious oint- iiiont. * ''’’i in liic linniedirdc. jewtl of the soul, ’• !.e piivsi treasure mortui tinies ali'ord.” Ciive i;n: If i>. rtufi I cati fav*e the frown., of fortune—nan be pointed at as the child of poverty, and still know what it is to bo happy. Take this away, and vou strik*‘ a dagger into my soul—you liie euvrctd, vvliei, the Im'iiau yell, r*^- souiMiing through th‘ woods, stiuck on thei'.’errs. Tliev u«Tf* misled, pursu- ('d, a:id to escape uas imposrible. Mar- j’^ucnlf, panic stiuck, .'^unk on the tioand. iVo’bini!: could clieck the ca T'*er of T.,nuis. “On—01?, mother,’’ fie cfied, ‘Mo tl.c shore—to th(; shore. ” ^'b • ro> ’, aotl ins1inctiv(dv folltjwed her boy. '1 lie souiul of pursuit canie near er and ue^Mer. 'I’ht'y reached tlie shore, ami ihe/e beludd three canoes cominr S',', iitiy up the river. Animated wi'b hopi*, fiouis screarned the v,ite!)-\vord (d' the ea.-rison, and was answered h\ hi-. I:».;iier’5 voice. 'f’I.c pos'Mhiliry of escape, and th* ceriain apnro..cb of her husband, infu.s- ed nc,v life irdo M'>rri!erit^. “ Yo^'i ialhev cannot see us,’* sb.r s«id, “r.suf stand here in the shade of these tiees; •he eoulil distinctively srrn. A shinil from l!:c canoes ajjprisrd lier th;tt s!ie was reco^!;nized, and v.i the Mrnr' moiTicnt, the Indian", who had r«nv roacl'.ed the shore, rrnl the air v.iiii their C! iei of ra;^e and dctlanee. They :;tood for a moinert, as if dei;hrratin«; enufr bte itsell a burden. t'he frowns what nert 10 do; Afecemeh maintained of a world, the f.n.q;cr of scorn and the an ut.d’-untcd and resoived air; not j hiss, of .contempt, are more than man his lonowf'rs; the asjKrct oi armea men, 1 endure.’ and a force thrice their numbct', ha«! its' The youi g L:ranga, or to call lid' ii,c prisoners, as you may imagin". lov* ! re I ’ L'' ■ iref! • T'l’ their eyes, Louis kejit bis eye li\t drill his n:other. She sat upright ■}■ hu'l»a’ '’i.tuM sor , ahi’ to hei'I lit's iie an old decayed oak ; the cord .Me' UiiH h. liiidi'.;; |;er>’ia''M,.;. pN f,t.?tencd around her waist and I, had recour."e to .st.ra! tgem. bwuiid rouiul the tree, vvliich had been 'I'.uidaf t uas ir tiv* habit (d liilasted by ligbtnihg ; tl)e moon poured V' the nver offer; ot iisbiii'j; j its beams t!irouirb the i.aked brai.ehes and when be retiiri'eo l;c , upt.ui her faiie, convul.sed u ith the ago- •X''' wo ito !( J' rtft i iir, > '■ . oi’ca^ion he i'm! })Pon ijorir- _)o I 0-". ! 'vuv lil I'l ..!))•• ' iMallye- Ai uuitt; ttOiiQon&d^n- (ire his siffmd srun, and .Marguei- j uy of flcspair and fear. ^Vith one iiand ' ' r boy '.vduld h.asten to the , slie held a cruciax to Ikt iips, the other on htr rosary, 'i he sight of his mother ill such a situation/ :5tii'red uj» darii.c thoughts in the bo'-oin of the hi-r'jic bo\ ; he b) powcrK^s in his iiti(d*-'s iiakerf^ brawiuj arms. tai*al lu u.'.ual f itbr’t--t!;cy fled. Me looked al ter ihem, cried ‘•?iiame anit fhrn, with a de.'.perate yell, ier;pe.l into the water and stood beside r'.farguerite.— 'ri,*; caiioes were now within a lew y.irds; lie pel his kinfe to her bosoni, “Tiie dau£,hler of I'tcuinseh,'’ he said, “should have died by the judgment of our warriors, but now hy her brother’s hand ^he must peri';h;” and he ln;w back his arm to gite vigor to tho stroke, ivhen an arrow pie?cod tii.^ own breast, an'f he fell, insensible, at his sister's sifle. A niom(!nt after, JMar- gueritewas in the arms of her husband, and I^ouis, with his bow unstrung, bounded from the shore, and Was rec(‘iv- ed to his fsther’s canoe; and the wild shores rang with the acclamations of tho soldiers, while his father’s tears of pride and joy were poured like rain up on his cheek. THF, AHO.MINA’IION OF C’\I,UMNt. “ Against .slander there is no detence. Hell cannot boast so ’tbula fiend; nor man (b*j)lore so fell a foe. It stabs with a word—with a nod—with a shrug— Vv’ifh a look—with a smile. It is the pestih iice walking in darkness—spread ing contagion tar and wide, which the most wary traveller cannot avoid; it is the heart-searchingdagger of the dark assassin; it i the poisoi.ed arrow, whose wound is incurable; it is tiie mortal sting of the deadly adder—murder its enijiloynient, innocence its pret’, aiui ruin its >port.’' 'I'he nian who breaks into my dwell ing, or meets hm* on ll,i- [lublic road, aiul r^'bs me of my property, (.oes uie Yet, dear as reputation is, ‘and in r.'.y soul’s just estimation prized above all price,’ it is not too deai, it is not too sacred, for the slanderer so tarnish and destroy. He can take from me the confidence of my employe-s, the respect of my friends—can blast my reputation with his pestilential breath, and feel not a pang of remorse. He would blight ?.!ie fairest flower in Ihe garden of inno cence, demolish the loftiest temple of liiiman purity, and place his broad stamp f,f infamy on the servant of the living Goo. File slanderer has not a single pre text or »*xcuse to pall/ate his otl'cnce.— A de5:iti e of gain may urge some to the comirdssion of crime. The incendiary and the assassin may be excited by this base passion io perpetrate their deeds of darkness und of ileath. ]3ut the man that attacks me with slander has no hope of personal good; and if he robs me of mv character, he “ ffoDs me of that which not enriches him, Rut ui.'ikes me poor indeed.” He grati. 'he malice of his heart, adds or.e more the laniily of v/refhedner.s and wo, am enjoys a secret pleasure— yea, even t.riump]is, as he retlecls ou the M fanious achievement. How base, how contemptible is the (diaracter of the slandertr! However vaj if.iiis their motives or di\ ersllied the means which tbt-y take to accomplisli fh( ir object, they are all tluVjuemies of man. ‘Some may perpetir.le this in iquity witi> designs directly malicious; s«-nu%frorn a busy. meddling’disj)osition, always iii.i.atisbed, unless when interler- ing with the conci.nis rf others; and •^0010, iVom a wi>h fi; he thonglit exten* 'ivfiy ncijuaii tf'd v. ith privat" history. Ihit liieyare all chai;!(Morizcfl in Scrip- inre iiy ilie s'tiiiiiicant names of vrii- ■y>rr//,rro, /^i/s}j-o//(/ies and tafc-beu- rcr,s‘, and M e considiu .id tliei-e, and eve ry will' as the distuiijcrs and ii'.jiiry. He stops Hio on the way to wcaltii, strips me of my hanh anied sav- ingj, involves me in ditliculty, aiif! bring's n»y family to penury and want. Hut he iloes liie an injury w!iic!i can be repaiied- indu.stry and economy m.'iv again bring me ii:to circunistancf's of cl-.aracter i'- proof .-^gainst it? poison"— ease and aliiuence; and the smiles of u;r;,t- How arc iudi vi.inals, families and itude tJiay yet play upon the diet ks d my o^rsjirliig, rp; they receive the small >ls ol societ V.’ \\'liat mischief mr V m,t. lie occasion- by the fo.igoe of slander ! What token-? of parental love. ^'hf' fuan vvlio comes a! th hour ;iiid (ires mv dwrll' nejgbbi nrnoods, jtjlecled by its nialig i>y! Hotter ovvi'll amid tlie ini’ections ! .;n hospdnl, tlian move in an almos- iuie co"! iniii>^tt;d by the i.Meath (d' ,, , , , di.r. Heller in(‘f.t an enemv io tb»' jury. Uu. b«rusu)y rool, mypid^ow, my I field of battle,, or foil into tho bauds of I'd’ iixhf ' lue in- ihe ruthless savage, thaa lie overtakcyi by tliis ‘ pestilence whicii vvalk-Lh i, (t.ii kocss.' What docs the slanderer think of bimscdf.^ Does he hope to be resp(., fp^| by mon or approved of God? Let l ask his conscience; and if that is not ab ready ♦ seared as with a hot iron,’ ii ;vjiy tell him that the smiles, the Hattery ar.ii the politeness which he puts on when in the presence of those he slanders, arc thinner than gauze. His real charlctor is discerned hy men, and his whole l^oar^ is naked to the eye of Omniscience —. Does he think that his is a small crinio and that he shall go unpunished ? ]} there is a God in heaven—if He has said ‘ speak not evil one of another ’ ‘ thou shalt not bear false witness againsf^ thy neighbour,’ most assuredly th« slanderer wiil not go unpunished ^vcri^ ly, he will have his reward. Iftherp is a God in heaven—if He has said, iiiji; ‘ for every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thernol' in the elay of judgment,’ may I, and may you, dear reacler, be savea front the sentence ' which awaits that man whose tongue is the tongue of S/an- Skrtchcsnf Character.—The niim- her fd‘ jiersons who jiass through the vil’agc of lUiflalo for j)leasure or on b'j-, during the summer season, i« immciisn. Noti^’ilhstanding the ^reat nundjer however, it i> said of manv ot’ the mhabifants of the village. Dial ihfy can ahnost at a glance, decide ironi what ;»ection of the country jcach yi^itcr comcs, and “nothing is moie ccmnion on the appearai'.ce of a party ofstraig. 15, than the expression, they ?re Hi-sioni- ans, Albanians or Southerners, asth; case may be.” A writer in the Buffalo Journal is a- musing himself with drawing of the manners and character of there from the various cities of the I'li- ion. Ills portrait of the New-Vorkei5: can harflly be c;dled complimentary, and his rehiarks resjiecting the ladies of our city are absolutely "petrifying.—. “Tlie waitifig maids,” he says, “arc altogether finer women than their mis- trcises.’ Vr’e are not naturally inq;iisi.. five, hut we really cannot help being a little “curious to know” how tl is dis covery has been eflected. Perhaps he found the waiting maids not particular ly given to contemptuousness, wbi 'i' he seems to think tho besetting sin of tneir mistresses. Bullet him speak for himselC. “The New-York cockneys are known by their aflected pronunciation; they ei ther clip their words or lisp prettily, a^id express a mortal aversion to v a*n- keeisrji. Talk to them of groves niid fountains, and they wiil silence vou with praises of battery. Speak of'tlic fal>s of the Niagara, and they will rccitc the wonders of the city hall, 'riieir dislike of the couniryis evidentfroni tlip anxiety which the^- manifest for a s]k cuv and .safe returti (o their friends, 'riicr are in the main harmless fellows, and are held in liigh esteem by our tavern keepers,'as they eat little, spend their money like princes, and never risk the item of a bill. We have seen no verv favorable specimens of Ncw-York b( lies. .1'h(iir vvaiting maiflsare altogeth er finer women than their mistresses.— They are reserved, to dullness, and ap pear to hold the natives in great con tempt, much to the mortification ot sundry of our small gentry, who esteem themsolves vastly pretty fellows.— Red Jacket is thought by them lo he- the only distinguished personage in tbc western district, and I have known r company of city belles to stand an hojin in a bar room, listening to a lion held with lum by a learned gciitlc- man of their party, the cunning Imiiaa noddinghis head' in reply to what he could by no pi'ssibility, have understood, 'riie Albany beau is quite the revcr'^o of his New-^ ork neighbor. Hedriiik^i brandy and talks politics, swears at the servants, &. quarrels with his (andh'rds, and is in f.ict what he styles himscH’, “a real roarer.” 'I'he ladies under his protection are usually handsome, but resemble fheir gallant indiscretion; they romf) the streets without protection, address strang(?rs with the ufmost confi dence, anil look country gentlemen oiii. of eounte.nance. “'I'lie Philadel|)liia fair are distin guished hr the mildness of their man- ners, and their fondness for tioii or aptness at small talk. 'I’hey have much of’.vhat the I’rench style e;i htm j/htnf in their aj)pearance, general ly hand.some, and sometimes beautiful, aiid would be more agreeable with hs.s e.^reriion to af)])ear so. 'I'hey are usual ly accompanied with a cpiaker father, a dull news reading husband, who an' continually boring their auditors with Sc’nuylkili Water Works and regular streets. Your real Philadelphia buck nrrely ventures beyond the boumis ot 'civilization, which he conceives f> limited by the bounds of his urdivc city- ^