vor. nr.] CIIAHLOTTE, X. C. Tl ESIKlY, J.LYUnr SO, 1857. [NO. IIfJ. I‘l ni.ISIIKI) Wf.KKT.Y Bv LKMI ICL IJINGNAM, .?/ Three DuUnrs a i/car, paid in ndrance. Ko paper vs ill he disconlimiod, unless at the dibcvelion of the editor, until all arrearages arc jiaiii. Advertiseinents will be inserted at the 113113) rates. Ft rsons sending in udvertisrnicnt-, arc- requested to note on the niari^in the niin her of Jrist rt'ons, or they will he continued iintil Ibrbid, and elKiri^ed accordingly. Cirri'}* of the Superior Courts. AN!) olhi*r gentlemen holding siiliscriptiens 10 till Nkw M VI' OF Noirrii ('aiioi.i>a, are rtn'-ie..* d to return the same hy the 1st of.Ian- »;;n v next. 'I'hey will ! e so good us to present l!iv i!i, in tlie nu an time, to si.eh persons as M ill I).' likely to p:itroni/.i' the work, who liave not J :nl ;in opi)ortnnity of doin so alrc;uly. 1'he pnc.’ 10 non-su!)scriluTs •.N'ill he ^10. \ ery lew, ill,V. ever, niore than those s\!l)seril)cd for, will b(> pri!!t''d. Ti) remove any o!>jection that jnav 1 e urged :i';-uiiist siihseriliing, tlie pnhlisli- -r wish- s ii lo in- understood, that non*- of the f,r s-vi!)i V' w dl he held l)ound, ifllu' MA1‘ is no* ••o'-.vutly driwn, liiiishetl in the best inan- pt r, HI. ! of liie best materials. 1 i\,iu liie returns airc ;,(!y received, the pub- i'lslu r i'' ’A arranted in believing', that a suljserij)- >i(in of not less than one thousaiu! names will be obtained in North-Caro'ina, ftmo»'.g wlioni are, llis Kxeellency the l.overnnr, all tlie Olli- ccrs of the State (iovenunent residing at tlie rieti'opolis, the Members of i)o1h !I(uises(jf the J,i gi>l:.ture, a lib' ral pro;>ortion of the Hrofes- fi(m:d C.eiitlL men, u large number of that most respec table class of citizens, the Farmers, aiid renerallv the Mercliants and 'I'r..ilers of our n owi. POST-OFFICE, ( II.XHLOT'rK, ) f), ) TIIOPK indebted to this Oiiiee, either fua I.otter or Newspa])i r I’ostage, ;ire reqvieit- ed to call, withonl tielay, and settle tluir res pective clues. Such as do not attend to this no^ tice, must not e\])eet mi} farther rcdit. In no case, hereafter, will a U tterbe di !l\en d until the postage is j'.iid, exci pt to su« h as have re gular ai’counts; and accounts w dl bt kept with ! tiiose -'Illy who live within a cunv*. nieiVt dis-' tan’e, are known to he punc lu'il, and wh>-;c post.tges are suHici*. iitly iarge to warrant liie trouble. "I'hose wiio rcccive newspapers through this Ofiice, and neglect to euil anil ])ay tlie postage due on them, must expect to have their papers retained hereafter, unless the ])ostage is j)aid (juarterly in advance. In rcsj'ect to huch, the subjoined instruction from the (itucral I’obt-Of- f:ce w ill be strictly adhered to ;— “ Experience has jjroved how inattentive many people are to the pajment of such small debts as arise from trusting the postages of newspaj)ers; you are thereli.Te not to give credit. 'I'o save in future anv troidjle or incon- ,^f(•lli(•illes, Cr’c. & ASHFIELD OUKK, AT 301, KLN(..STHnKT, AN r.XTK.NSlVK ASSOUr.MKXT OF —AI.SO- venience, it w ill be proj)ir for )(ui to recjuirc mo Keg; White LEAD, wan’anled pUve, O 08j Do. do. good, If'J Do. Spanish P.riiwn, Do. Vi netian Ued, '20 Bbls. Whiting, Knglidt, • 25 Do. Linseeci Oil, IMiiludelphia. 10 flhds. (;o))peras, 18 Keg'S Verdigris, 75 Do. Veilow Ocluv, 1200 l,i)S. Putt_\, in bladilers, 4 h' Is. (\):>al and Japan \ arni.sh, 8 Hbls. Spirits of'ruri.'eatuie, 4 llhds. l.i.mp IJlack, Hoxes Window (ilass, embracing all siz es, tiom 7 liy y, to 22 by 28. l.ogwooil in stick, a'ld chijiped; ihippeci (Camwood; Nicaragua; Fustii' ; Hc'dwood ; Indigo, S]ianish aitd C;ir,'li- your oHice, at the conunencc nient of c-very ! II- A. can inform Merchants and other ... . Dealer;,, that thev arc daih' rec(.'i\ini’’additii; s fiuiirter, to pav the amount ot one tiuarter s, . ’ 1 / ' .1 • '1 • 'X ■ * ' • ‘ 1 to tlieir stock inmi theu- house in Ne\v-\ori:, subscription in advance, and without such p;>y-' m-.d tancy that inducei', .nts are ..fi'orded to pur- ment in advance, not to delivi r them any new s- papers, oven though they tender joa tiie mo- I ney fortluin singly.” 3tl9 S\\Vo aiuV W vviiv^; T’^nriJK will be sold, on 'I bursda}', the 8th of I'ebruary next, at the dwellliiLj-liouse cif to whom a corr»,ct .Map oi the State is j j^,is;inii:i Smartt, a threat variety of aitich s, t'le particularly desirtiblc. 1 , ,.ty ot the iiiirs of George A. Smartt, The pu!)lislu r take s this opportunity to ae- | d, consisting (>f 1;tmw'I'dge his obligat.ons tor t!u' jxdite atten-j tioii wliicii h;is been uniformly jiaid to bis ap-1 Lorilj x oduC JjUCOIIj phnitions for assistance in the prosecution of 1 ^ — work, and espi ciaily to those gentlemen i vho have interested themselves in ])rocuring j the survi ys of the several counties. .-Vu) in- tormation c.ilculated tc> beiiclilthc; work w ill be thankfuliv received. .iniLV M.\C RAi:. f'lti^itti vifie, l^fc- 1!^, 1826.—2tU). Stato of Nordi-Caroliiiii. I.I!»C«LN COINTY. David I’dalock, ^ j'.v V PciHion fur Divorce. IVancx lilalock. 3 J f ;ii;i)earlng to t!u‘ satisfaction of the Court, ill a N'aiicy lUulock.tbe defendant, ;s not an iiiliab.i.ii.t ef this St.ite: It is then fore order ed ii\ I ourt, th;.t publication lie made thri-e jiiontlis ;n ‘he Catawba Journal, giving notice to liu', tliat stie make lur ])ersonal appearance Irt'ore the .ludge of our Sup-rlor Court ofi.aw, •at t!ie iu \t rour' to b*' held'for the said county of Liiudln. at the Court-llousi in Lincolnton, rn 'he ‘Ith eliaser.s to call as abo\ e. i'luirhstou, Ike. 20, iS2f).. -Jmift. Horses, Cows, Farp.ilni; utensils, tit.'.' /Ji'oO, U'ill in: JJitrd, At the same time and place, a number of \'alual)le and Likely NKCIKOKS; f all which a reasonable credit v.ill i>e given. iuv’s. II,r, be sold, on V'rlday, the 2d l’ebru;iry next, at the Lite resiiU nee of Ceorgi I’arUs, deceased, the following ;/i'oi)erty, \iz: 0)ic iVi'gro (j/rf, Five /nidd nf /-/(.‘rs(’9, Sfi'V!/ lnHid of CdlUr, some S.’icrp, (Jnt‘ ('hdlr, One Silver ITir/^ /), /'\n'7ninsi' haTy.chold end kitchen i'urniture, a’l'I some CoU-jii in the sced. — ALSU— Til ill: K SKUlUfKH will be hired, and some land n nted. Due at- teiiiance and n asonable credit will l.c givv U, by JOHN' WKKK«, ai.d / Wl'.sr INUIA TUADK. T!ierp is oui* leature cil’ the controver sv with I'.iigland, on the su()jci-.t of the C'-olcjtiial 'i'rade, tha' seems lo be gt ner- ull^- overlookei!—etipociully’ by liiose '*'ho bcein willing to altributc all the blame lo our j^overimieni. If wc understand the subject proj)erl)', tlie pi’opobilioii of the Hritish {'.iil)inei, was, lo open luT cdoii- ial ])ort& li the vcsselb and produce of ihe L'liiicd Smtos, [vrovided the latter wctuhl ojien their j)oris to the vessels and j)r(jduc, not only of the colonies but of (ireal Britain hcrsdf. Thus, nr wore to be admitied inio the voloni's, but not ia'.o the home ports of (ireat iJi itain, while all Jirilisli vessel'-:, bolh colotrKd uiul lliose beiot',j;i’i!; todreat Britain, win to b« admjUt'i.1 mlo llic ports of the Uni ted Sta'f s, ou t'.ip principle tA' nrijjroid!/- The Uiii'.ed Stales v\ere willin;;^ to op; n ibeir ()oi ts 10 the v*ssp1s of such colonies, as .should I’Dve iheir ports opened to vi s- sels of the United Sia'es ; and this was ’.ruly called reciprocUy. liut no, the iJrl- iisli must have an advaiil.t^e, and no ve- rv irilliug our, and ibis, we believe, w ai ilu* cuuse of I he present (aiVicult tes. II ihe rMioi' of llie New York I’.ve.niui^ I’oS'. a il! carelully exaniK'.e llie “linusii cou'i- icr-prop I i” pti:)lislied I’l Iiis paper, on wiiich he :.sks, “iiiCiod’s name, whul oore libei al, more lionorable, mure per- lei tly leciprocal do we want,” l»e will lind the above view lake 11 of ihe subject to }.'c CO! red. lie v ill lind lhat, !)> it, wc were lo be iidtiiilLed into ro/«;/a/purls only, atid me vessels ol (irea IJriiaiii and her c;'.jnie^, iniu our.s. Halt. Pat. jfuvtfnw. VF.UY I.ATK AND IMroUTANT. NKW-voYK, JAN. 12,—Tl^e packets have come up this morning; so rapidly alter each other, that we have found it imi)ossibIe to keep pace with the ini'* portant news they have brouscht. 7’hc latest intellig;ence is by the packet Flor ida, ('ajituin Tit.kbam, from Livei poo!> which sailed on the IGth of Decen^ter, and the packet Hu 'son, which sailed iVoiii (.'owes on tin 15th. liy these ar rivals the Kditor.s td’ ihe (.'omm -cial Advcrti.ser have ree**ivrd co[)ioiis li!cs I)i papers to the Kith of Decenibt-r in clusive. We have been compelle*' to omi: many important extracts until our i;rx*. 'These papers contain tlie highly im- ))Oi l:iiit intelligence, that in consrqtienne id the iIIv.tsioii of I'ortiiL’al by Spardsli troops, in coiijiii'ction wilii the Portu- ;jtiese rebels, supj)lied by Spidii, the IMiieess l\oii!;e*nt bad applied to E .^land [ lor assistance. 'Fhis i’aci ^\'a> eoinmu- ' iiieate-i to l)0th houses of i):-"liaiucut, by a ro^al inrssai^e, on tiie lit 1 .>f Di'cem- her. On tiie 12th, an answer to the adilress wa.> moved in tin* house oflords, hy Karl l?alhurst, and in the hou.se of commons, by Mr. Canning;. The for mer, in the outset of his observal.ionF, adverted to the negotiations ,t Rio .latieiro, hv Sir Charles Stewarl, in or der to show that Knpland had no{, in JAMI'.S S1’U.\T'I’. riKlMAS l\. SMAliTT, :iiu(iry 17, 18J7.—.>ll7 h Wt’l,. W n.I.I VMSON, Juiiiutrt/ 1 J, l!:.2r.—2tlo X. 15. .\li persons indebted to t!>c est;itc of the derc:i-td, ai'c requested so sdtii- tin- lann'-, and tliosL; bavin;’; cb.ims ;>i'‘a'.M-t t lU. .i.'e n cjuesti',! 10 ])!•! .iv lit them as tae lav, a;iv..tb. any instance,'acted’upon the principlo of interference with the domestic concerns One of the most imiiortunt advantap^es 1 of Poi tiij;al. Aliudinff to the angres- sHui ' of Spain, he described them as of a character which clearly demonstrated either an extraordinary de cree of una- puMicsscd by our wesiern i ounlry, is ihe a!)undance of mtneial fuc 1 already discov- re(!, and the prospects of .supplies whic.h wil! ))n..e cx!t..u^ilehs. Iniieed, j ,iinnjty amonp; 1 he people of that coun- m. h'.-.u to ,l,c bl.-SM.uis c..,,,,,. | i-op. ratiou o„ "ho try, and of me proi-ipcrity to whicft u arinc by a proper use of ihem. 1 |)ait ol the S]>anish Government. Karl oolite it. lie- Clcavcland Herald a St.ao-j roncluded his speech by mov- from wiiicb it appears lhat coal ol i'i'.^ “ tli.al an humble address be prc. ^rcntid fo his JNlajesly, tliankinj; him men an e;;''ellcn! ijUalwy, litlle if al all i or lo thill of W ilke.ibarr'j, o:i'i iL'JM- i ill the -Ith Momlay after tl-.e 4th Monday of il uch next, tiien and there to answer or de- jiuir to the s;iid petition; otherwise it \\ ill be t.ike'i proconiesso, and heard ex ])arte, and ad- iudgi il accordingly \’viint.s-i, Jfindrrson, (’lerk of said rouri, it l.iinoluton, the 4th Monday after the 4th Nioudav ot Septeniber, A. I). 1826, and in the .51.4 v c\tr of our Independence. I. AW SON iii:m)i:uson. .Sm’t ’20.—pi . adv. ?4. NoWee. Tiil aibs. riber having closed his iiooks, bu- | r.iiu ss will be done for ca di, or note on de-1 mand. I’nceswill be losv—Sole L'atlu r, 28 | Cents ]>er lb.—Harness and Upper I.ealher, low. ) Thosv lhat h.ive accounts op^ n, \nll do w i II to I call and settle them, or thi \ will iiuil them in , the hands of an ofhcer for ccdlectiou. j JAMF.S T. ASliCliY. Jamiary 12, 1827.—^itlfi ^isxVe ^^oY\\\-VuYiA\u‘a, MKeKi.Kvnri'Ci coL'>n Court of EtjvUij. :\oveiiihcr 'Jrnn^ 18 2(i. Trustees of the Congregation of iiilead vs. The Heirs at l.aw of W illiam llenuirson, ilecea- sed —Cross bill, to rei ovi r the l.igacy. 15 I appi'avin^r* to the satisi'action of die court, T. that ,I.ones Henderson, sen. ,I,uiies \ enable, ,1am.s Henderson, son of .\rchi aid. John Hen- ilersiMi and his wite Ke'ieeca, deti nd.inls in this • .isv, a'.'i' not iiib litaiits ot this Mate; It is 1 hi ref ordered by coiiit, that publication be TP.'.ic lor .-.i\ Wieks in the Cata. . a .loiirn:d, for 1b. HI t.> ' e and ap|)earat our next Court of K- c- .it' , to be held in Chaib'tte on tin. 7tb .Mon- d:;. :,ili ;■ the -lib .Monda} in March next, llien anil there to ])had, answer or demur, or the bill '\ill e t;iki n pro coidesso, and heard ex p.'.rt , a', to 11 1 m. Wiun..^, D.i'id 1!. Dutda]), '1 rk and Mastei our > .id ' iur\ at oillce in (Jliarlotte, this Jrdi d:,N of Novell.''er, D. U. DUM.A!’, C. M. j:. r>*. 19- ) adv. j.j .->0 vA’ ,Xuv\\\-i'*AYo\vm\, MV.CKI KMUMif, ( ot. \ 1 V. ('•'•'.'r! of yorvtnln’r 'J\r/iis iHJf'. Jo.-, ’)!i ^’■d.''un vs. (leorge T. Her.scy and A. I). Murphe}’. I I’ ;q)j)earing, to the satisfaction of the court, tl.av (ieorge T. llersey, one of the d- lend- i. not an in!,.ibit;:nt of this ^t.iU- ; It is fln.r''i'i)r' ordi red by couit, that piililication lir made for six wet ks in the Cataw ba Jonrii:il. that unles-^ be uppe.irat our ne.\t Court of Kipiity, lo !u‘ iield for t'.ic CMunty oi .M i kL'iil urg, at the Court-House in ( b:u'l .tie, on the 7tb Mon- l.ty ;d'ti r the 1th Monday in Murch next, then ami till re to pl-..ul, ans'.. er or tb inur, the bill will I)'.- taken pro confisio, and Ir ;ird e\ paiti.-, as to bini. \\uiics«, David I‘. Dunlap, (1 v'k nul M.istcr 'if iMii' saiil court, a* oflici.' :n (.1; lo'li , ! !.is ! 7th «i:ty i.f No\emb' r. V. 1>. - I) K. iu:M.Ai’, C. L. •'V-49--T'r. adv. lock ami nk*li fill 11-1 subsetibcT continues lo carry on tl;e a- X I*ovr business, and has made sue h arrangii- nients, that his cn.stonnr'. may rely on punctu ality and desp:.tch. He h.is lor sale, (1 old and Silver Watchts. Clold (,'hains. Seals and Key-, I Kar and Finger l{ii;gs, I Hreasl I'ins, Lockets, Table, Desert, ami l ea Spoon'--, Mustard and Sail do. Sug'ar 'Pongs, Soup I.adlcs, Siher Spectacles, 1)0. do. wilh extra Glass, Do. do. conca\ e for ne.-ir sights, Yi\\‘aw\t*Ucs, And u variety of other articles in the fancy wa\, all of w hich will be sold at the most re duced ijrices. JOHN M’KKE. Chestervdle, S. Jan. 6, 1827.—btl'Jt* 4 ^ ’ t\ fr the pubscriher intemls shortly to move Vo: Vvi::;v id.ik of :ige, is hit !y nc;;-ro luty, fif abc.-;! 1 I _\f;irs ftfor.-a!e with me, very low for i:ash. lie i.s well grown and acu\i', aiul suKl for no other cause than th'^ ,'. aut of iiiian y. I have also for sale a iii-at, light second-ii: n! four w heel eiirrlage, .\ew u!^ iii:i\i, ' ut btll.- worn. I -disci! it !c;w, and ni.dv- tii-j tiiii;^ lo suit the JOHN ur.MX. oteow'. 1:: I: CllhlHTlAX JL 1011 iUK YKAl' i.M ? UU ;.OKD CalcuIa'L'il f(-r '^c .Vj (!■ ..n l-'or sale at this ()!Vic of H.dei ,h. (lebted lo hii:i, li. iieiki iinmeiiiate .M.tlleinent. Those whoc;uinot settle with cash, can have an | opportunity of settling !>\ giving the ir nole.s, if appbcatiiui be nt;ide lietbr^' the nexi Keiiriiary court. After that, all book accounts will be placed in the b tnds ot'.in oliicerfor collection. These who are indebted lo the association ol .M'Kinzie Caldwell, make immediale p.i\ment, 'is a turther indulgence need not be expelled. DA\I1) T. CAI.DWLLL. L'lmrltilh', .!.:fiiiur/ >, l!iJ7.—.'Jll.j And Stage Housi, at the sign of Ihe Kjgle. in Cbarlolte, Norih-’arolii;a, bv UOr.Kn'T A I SO.V- T VwhW^ ViuleY\i\\\\iwviwt. 1HK subscrilier informs liis IVieii..ls and the public, that ln' ha.-])'U'ciias d th.it ut il known estabiiNliinent, lalelv ow in d and of'-upi- ed In Dr. llenih r.'-on, ami is now j)n [.af» d to I i iitei'tain tra\ell rs ai.d others, u ho ii.:i_\ |;!ea.M cvD , ...... tocallonbim; and no ev rtioiis w ill! e si);ired V. 'iv'iiV 1 I'.uder lUeni cmnloi'lalde; loul ti, ,r s; a- riHI I'. cojiartiK i':.hip hereiotore cxistiiijr inider I His table will he fhrni-bed '.’iili rv- ■ tb'.; iirm I I t'ooriii MM.iv'., is this day ,,,.y variety w hii b the counti'j atiords; In-. !iar with the hest of li(pior..>; and his staiih s uitli jileiitv of i>rovemler, .iiut careful se rvant.-, u ill ' be in conslant aUeiidanci, h'OlH'.lir I. DINKIXS. Charlotte, April 2d, 1K26. *80 lb'.; iirm I I t'ooriii MM.iv'., is this day Ills' id ii) mulu.il lonseiil. All pe^son^ wiio ^tand ir.dcbted to .said til m, are called on for imniediate ])ayment, as inuger indul^'i nee w dl nol he L;i\en. AD.VM tiOOlM-'.U, A.MZI M‘C.KNN. ('I'lurhillc, Jan. 1, 1S27.—.jU5 eo'v t'vi.v ’'II.I. be received on StiUMgi , at 'In' Store Houses adjoining liie W AliO.N’ VAUD, 1 Fa V t. r ri.v I Li.i , at w hu h latter pi.u e safe aiul j conitiirtable accoiiiinodations can he proMued I'or W ag.Hiers and till ir leams. i JV rsons storing Cotton with tlie subscrilier, if l!n \’ ill' ire it. shall be advi.-.eal w. ekly ot tin, state of tlf m:irUet,and nia\ depi-nd upon tiic larliesl inforina'iun ot ;.n\ inati iial alteration in prices. JtUIN .Mi IIAI.. •lainuir-v 4, 1SJ7.—(ill*.) iSolic'J. N Salurdiiy, ?d ot' Feliruary next, will be dll th.il \:du.'ble tract of l..\M*, wiiere- (ni v.uiov. S.u’ali Sio.oi formerlv liven. It lies in till’ iippi r eii'i ' t Me rkh nburg, on tlu ro.i.I leadini’’ ti'uin ite.iltu’s l-nrdto Di.eurd, idjoi- iii I.g I be lands ot \V dhain 1,. Da\ idion, l .^ij, vvi’ •V(\yV\\-V ivvoWua, .MI.CM.I Mil Kd cot N I V. Court of iMea.^ .oid (i'.iarter Sessions, Novem- bi r Te nii, 1 H2d. Wni. F,. W hite, I Original .Vllachment, le\ied I.‘. ^ in tlu- hands ot \\’iii. Ki iidrick. I F is ord.cred lli.iih s;\ W! .los. Smith, k ■. (larnisli'. I . suiriinoiifd 'ouit, lii.it inibliriilion be Jii >•> ■ks in the ( ataiv ha .Joui'ii.d, fur the i!etVnd;int to a] ]>i .ir at the next Fi-hrnuiy term, 1 S.^7, lo be held foi- tins count\, :md there to reph.v\, otiiirwi-e jiid;^n.ent wdl 1ji cnti red Al.F.XANDIlK for his most o-racious cominunicution, (;’ian:l'ics snriiciei.l t!ii; con-i and expressing Hie i.ope which tlicir ■juinpiion of ihc wliolc Un.led Vitales I'lji-' J^oi'd-hips entertained that the m-. as- l ei'.tiiries in tlie inimecliale vu:inu> ol |,y jijs Majesty’s Govern- Ohio canal. Ihe coal ii.ici j nnnt wotild avvake the Kinj.^ of Spain I oiei ' i;:, near Akron,-l.> miles fiom i*''*, ^,.,ise of bis danj^er, and have the I ol Cleave, .in-.!, and bonlc. :, up.m 1 ^ ,5.,,,,, ,.eventiMg a recourse to arms, i-u- . ,m.il passes thro,,;; , ges, „ ’ s .eld l!ial Ihe coal can be aelached liom . ^ /r i i • ^t • . • tiie .,eiala and lodged it. the boal .l' ti:. Majesty then- : un.e!,Iow. lielou KuhLH, about sixtN ’concurrence and support, m luiles non. CieaNciatid, liie coal also ; maintaining ihe inde|K'iHlence of Por- isis Ml itnmcnse (piantiiirs. it i.s calcu-1the olde.st and most faithful ally i-.'e 1 1'- the editors of the Herald, lhat Ud' (Irc.ot Jiritain.'I'he motion was a Iieo liic wa'M islet into the e(uial at; received with cheers; and Kar! liatluirst Ke; I.. coal ii.ay be had in Cleaveland ' was .succeeded by Lorrl Holland, the fui Jin anl.'s per bnshd. 'I'o the risinj^; Duke of VVellinj^ton, and the Alanjuis ii»;e, oi nnii.do anti liiack Kock, in Krie : J^ansdown, all of whom vvarinlv ap*- (’nil - i\. i’lis resource will be invaluable., pljmdyd iln. course pursue*! by the Min- In'Jiuli-.i-. Kmporiuin remarks that a i Holland, and the Duke l,e,nov,,l..seheapl) l,) «ea,„,,„„v.l[,„Kton bothhulieicl tho ,„..mpl: „ ,„al a, .nese p,,.es. a» 'y 'vale,-. . J|.^ A n'fe int; ot llie citizens ot Uialplacei ^ ‘ , ,,l onih.- laii., lolal,ell,.-suVc,|"™‘'> mi-i.n»of proven- „„o ...mside,-.,!.-.. .V. K Tima. li"s a ivai. — 1 he motion was carried unanimously. S!:t>.ki0r Tr'inndvlion at Stir London.— In the House of Commons on th4 We leaii. from a con espomleni ai New I same day, Mr. Canninf' moved the an- LodloM, ill ii on ..l/oiiday night last, a j swer to the Kinsj’s Message and made a fj'ian el toidi jilacc in the ccilar, occupied , very able and interestmu; speech. He as a gri;cer>, bet ween a man by the name | entered intoa minute detail of all the cir- id’Speiir-'i, and 'wo biothers by liie name connected with the negotia* ..t 1 ' I s;,':.. Sjienicr w'ar,oi had bteii, a which had been carrieel on in coti- .1, IM. K- , U„- .ella,- U,e l>vo „nment, Imi.1i Lori;' ilr’aiiCii, \v Imj wus f)rt*sK!ii, lhrc(‘1 . 11 i * i_ • n d,.:,.., , „■ nr wonl.l “«o and I,eat ll.e P'''’.''"- "'■.■'I'" "”>k ^ View uf the d- (I lasfed,” uhlle they were lo stand |,y j various fre;ities by vvhich Lnf^land wa^ viMiteiij-, and knock the lirsi man Clown I to protect Portnajal, observrop^, uhn aitempted to interfere. 'I’he lire-notiriiii; but a case which his Ma- iiuiii closed with ihe proposal, followed !jf-sty’s ministers deemed one of para- Sjieiii er, and knot ked him down in the j mount ncce^si.ty could have indueccl lor sal \V\\\Y\vv‘y’’s 5i,>t im r.i isiiF.i), lli e, “ Sti’ii tur-- on a bool nd e p''l' .’.y f‘-*>’ 'be 11'ole of I’.., others. ll contains ,i/6 acn.s, ot whicli JU oi-j ' • lowl.nh .ii'r adil are under ciillivatiun and in goodi- p;iir There 1.-. a ; ood u;; H.ngdioii-. en, smoke house, and olh. r n.. ilinas- p> 1- '-li* " is!iiii._': ti hetore- s-.de, n,: ’1 cMiis 111 h J .tuu.'iry ■ p; d _\ ' ina e k .i VMKs tl, harn, kitci. I rv oii'-buil ' lU-Miir b’l n > i n o view' the l in.l ' N' - " Mib.w.bi r. riolaiU l|ihi a book, [b\ Al' X Older (.irdoii ^ df'.ign and use.id th'' l>ool. ot 1 M. ,',tor .',t' l!ot low n on till- D'i v a\ (.1 -.Ii .\U' I .vr ‘Al'.d Uu4\t\ slreel. After sonic; slrugt^ie, Sp'.'iicer eeded in gtlliiig to ilie liuk’-in-lhc- it till |)ublic bouse, thoni'ii not until he Had received a sevci e lioi’ging. I'he lire- maii, afl6i .V ai ds wenl to Sjjeneer,* \press- ed ill-, SOIf(j\v for wbal he had done, and !jy way orseltiement paid him ihe lliree (Ifdlars receivc!d troin l!ie I'orsylhs, and look Ills rei eipl in full for the ilo;f}jing. Speti'er al'ierward.s died, ai.d on haliir- duv ti.e iiieinanaiid two I'orsylhs were lodged in jjil lo awa;t iheir trial. I'he -.ame da\ ( Saturday ; the v* i!c of Speiiccr, Seini' soiiie-wlial iiiloxicaled, inel a J/ib. liains, uiio was no Irici.d ol her’s. A (|uar:( 1 en aii'd. severe Idows were inter- ' li. ii',ed, and J/i s. li. ucnloir severely .euu-i -d. hiijrui.i^ difil ; mi Mie deceased bpetuer’s willow was ■>iii,.'d in prison wi’di those who had ■ nup.imfd tiie de;*lli id'her busljai;d—all i b- j t.u uieel ll.tir trial:-, toc^eilu-r iV. r. ('om. jldiK More Ir.arls pine a.vayin si'crel an- I'uish. f'.jf unkiiidiii'ss in li.u''e v, !w» should iii lo. If c ijiiifoi lei '.!;aa I’ •-r-ny utliei iheni to ajjjjly to parliament for si,cii a jile(hj;e as tliey now rcicjuircd. in con clusion, Mr. Cannini; declared that “ the object of this measure is to takti the last ehaiiiu: for jjeaee. If (said he,) you do not to the .iTd of Portiiu;al, Portuf^al will be trampled upon, and you will be disgraced, ami then will come war in the train of degradation. — (Hoiir, bear.) If you waittill Sj)air has the eourai^c to ripen her secret nia-^ cliiiiatloiis into open hostility, vou have then the warfare of the pacificator?, and let us see how that war will end. 'The rii!;lit hon. gentleman sat down a- inidst lot;d idiecrs. ” I he (yOijrier says, the amount of force wiiich will be despatched in the first instance, and upon tlie emergency of llie ucca.si(M>, is live thousand. Of the troops comj)osine; this force there arc to be tour stjuadroiis of cavalry, a cir- cutnst.i-uce which indiciites that' it is not conlein'dated their services will be con- I lined to »; irnsoii duty only. The fol- are the names of the regimen;?^

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