4)crt-!?. ! t!n 1' ‘ .\ot. 'rnr. roM'.ii TO MIS FAITULKSS 'I’UKSS, MIS- \Vmk> lira’s cnchaiiting- tlrcam was new, Our lrLliiit,''s and piwsuils the same, ■Hoiv util tlio veil of Fneiulshq) ill our young' hearts Lovl's warmiT flumc; Tot^eilK r throug^h youth’s path wc trod, \Vith bosoms ligiht, and spirits ga>; AVhik' rlcuhure met us on our road, • And strcw’d her ilowrtts o’tr our way. n' i-’er u thoupht did intervene While Pleasure’s fairy race was run, 'Tvvas but to wish some future set iie should see us yd more closely one: This was the iiope, wliost* niagir polver, \\ hen absent I'rom each •)thei’s eyes, 'I'liroui^'li ('.anv a lone and lin},’rin':;' liour. Could calm oui i^ricts ;iiulhus>Ii oursi;?hs, JIow soon those blissfiil ilays have changed! A few brief ( irtliiii^ y . ars };.Ml b\; fn h'^arls. in liopes, in all estranged, ith eliar.fjeless ch.. .V, am! unmoved eye, And s'eadftibt brow, and distant mien, M ithdut Oiie l is.ny; sii^h ui' pain, Kor^i tf ul of rach e..:'lit r sci-ne, M I coldly meet—and part aj^'uin! Yes!—it is so—a few short \ears H ive heal’d this almost uroken heart, Ari'* I'imed away those h'ittrr tears That flow’d wl'.cndi fim’d from thee to part; Aivl whi refore long'er should ihey flow, S’nce'fiioii hast loinul aiKtther I'Teast 'I'o share Uiy joy, to eii er thy wo. And n.alic tl.y lliV's :>o\in{f morning blest? liulifi ’rent to earh otlu'.r's Jot, A!')II^ 'ilH-’a clu:c(iu(.r’d :: •'■ne v.'c stray; r.ach tVeliiig’ now aubiluett, tor^'ot The j;aH.sion of youtii’s ii.»])i'.u r day, Indiil ’rent!—no, that ne'er c:.n lie ! ^^v lioart still owns a sacred fla.nc ; Sti;’ Is a lirothcr’s lov( for thre iiu li \ irtiic ’s self would blush to blame. NVlien in “the haunts of men” we meet, \\ hy shoulil it be wilii scovnfid airi’ \M.v ^llould thine e\es from mine retreat, As it'a scorpion’s met thee there ? Oil ' '.lettir learn to know the heart 'rh:tt oiicc was deeply, wiiolly thine; Ant', tiiough Love’s links are torn apart, Lei ?• nendbhip’s still arouud os twine. t I : fi'i):.', to tlHiy on lltc oiu’ ainl to -M.iiinlanij on .ho of i. - - 111 llu‘rifli‘st, most a'ui iii- 'piriiii; rculiii li.iit ovor uiuloi- IIr* (loniliiioti ol' man—tlie l.im! f’’ilc(l with those slp'-mlid icmcoihi-ai’.c'S wliich have hofu the scc-cl of knoulfd^e and hii;;hmin(!c!ricss to theouiis ol ll.e eurUi; its plains and mountains a siu'Ccs>io;i ol tn»i*hics lo tlio civil or iniliiury ‘d tht' most ilhisti ioiF! spa it r)l’ niank:nd.— or all this sufierl) dominion, ihc'l'uiu has hccn tlic lord for almost (ive ocnlu- rif'S. Tet he is a harharian still, with oil the firocity oftne old (Jwcllerof the Imans, even his hospitality and bravery art; hut tlie virtues M' l)arhar.sm, and w ild, fierce, and liloody lie will remain, utiti! th«‘ purpose of desolation, for whirh he a .is hroiii^ht from his deserts, slisll be done. arayifttt. 'nxing' together jjrofit aiul dellfclit. fornii'd lr> ti iVo.'i; the prt.i ,>,e a\.tiain'i.t s ol iriL!; a::d soitimi r. 'i •>id(.'S u liie hor- L!".e v.'i'y {iii.iiii \ M.fc ('Ih-oo, irum li v Iy ) shii'ts and turns oi*dij^a-inacy. I lookcf "ul u*'! I .,:imitil I l‘.i r.iy li"'. i hej^itmit.tr it is s^'jiaralcMl only h} a hrani'h i>( ^ Cordillera of the Andes, \vhich ciictiii. stance accounts for the j>res(^ni!e of the Younf' \(fp{//e(/n, is'C.—Massa- cliusotts Journal pu!)lish» extract of a letter, dated Ijeulin, frta, ()rto//i‘t\ tleiin*;- mounlaiii'^, into tlie ravii.^es hc- IcAV. 1’he pel eolation «*1 the melted wa- ■ -i r ter tl.rou-l. ti.e stiow, which is a-ain | sa.ne metal in the alluvial sods ol ti c IV.«.n .n lhal stale, n nd.rs ,l ;.n enli, | v.il-.-j- //,• m,.l ,t ,s m, hccnl u, mass of ice. As the enormous heaps pound the materials wMch these veins which fall are not nearly melted before eoiitain, in order to obtain irom them Ihe clo^e of summer, and the w inter’s by washin- the ?ro!d and platinuin which ^now still increases, the mass; vfhich the j lliey eoivtain. :Jira;sofjrold and platiimm avahmch.'s of tlie succeuinsj; summer a-1 have recently bren tound in the Lralian “:ain coiilintie to auy;nient;it isnot^^■on thf f.dlowine: foniputed to juare nules (h-rful that in the course ol a^es, the e- normous valleys ol ire, we now behoK , many of which m c six (U' seven leai^ues in len^;lh, and of ui.k novvti and incaicu- lable denth, (which, however, in some places, lias Li:en a v; rta.iie'i by the fis- >ure», to be tt[.'wat ds of threi; thousand feet,) should have been accumulated.— 'I’he surface of t!’,. ».ipciers ol the AIjjs, from the 'J’yrol to Mont Hlanc, is tiow' exceed twelve hundred As the declivities of these valleys (.r ravines. which tlte "la mountains, in tiu->:overt!meiit of Per- ina, so extremely rich, tliat the {)i'ice of platiniuii fell tiearly one-third at St. l'eter>bmi;,is arid hence we may reason ably exj.cet ihattlii^ \ dtiable niolal will cease t( ijew that hii/i? pric^at which it has hilbt rto been s- id. }5e Globe. cicrs cccui.y, is always rnpi,I, tl .r l.nv-] cily ol' .1.ts.s _ils |.crlect „K.tnebs, v. 1 arrived lieru voslonitay from Loij- t-i* i xfremi:v nfcssed funvarii by l!ir o-1 i)t purity, that olent e ■ ' '■ ’ just ^uliicient to dimvio tlie cheek w iih- oiit uttciiiiga sound, and above all, the now-white stocking; f.tted exactly to the foot that cannot be concealed, have a witchery about them which we aie sure never entered into the contcm])la- tioii of the good and hoiast renii. Londan llcritw. horn. I passed throu!i;li Fhjrence, wIi'tc- 1 could not do less tfian remain a lew days; thence throuarh liolo”;tia, w’here I staid a day, from J’olosjna to V^;nice, where I tarried thr( e days; a short time to know so interostinj; a spot. From V'enice I took the steam bo.it to Trieste; •emained two days, waitiij; lor the J)ili‘ijence to ijio to ^'ie^na ; passed throuich the hi«;hly i)ic1ur.;sjne p^rovin- ces of Carinthia and Stiria ; and at the end of three days’ continued travellinj;, arriveii at \'ienna. At ^ ienna I saw the Imperial family at the Opera; and amon”; tlieni the Kmpress Maria Jjouisa, and her son, the youni^ Napoleon. I had my c} c fixed upon the hdti'r for more tiian two hours, retracinj!; in my normous weight of um abi.ive, has al- %\ars a tend'.;ncv to descend lower and lower into the larccer valley or plain, in which the ravi; e terminates. Butin proportion as tlie s^Iacier advances to lower and warmer rejiiiins, the dissolu tion of ice becomes more raj>id; conse- (|uently, durimr hot summers, and often even during those winters m which the fall of snow' has been triHitig, they are frequently known lo rece«le—^that is, the ice ii dissolved laster than it is push ed forw’ard. In severer years, on the contrary, their pro,^ross is often alarni- ine;ly rapid. In winter, while they are bound by frost, lltey are of course quite stationai-y and the stream of water which in summer rti'ws Iroin their base, mind the eventful life of liis sire, to whom he has a p;reat resemblance, 'i’he j dwindlcil to a very small rivulet, gf-neral turn of the head, tl'.e ^’-ueheat!, Anr.e\'-il is an extract from tiie first ol'thi' se ries ot essays publishing in Hlackwood’s Ma gazine, under the hcail of (ireece. Besi-;. the brief delineralion of th v cliaracti rs of the j ]'* liveek and the 'l urk; it ciintaiiis a sentinu nt at the op' niiig, to which every son of lilK-rty w ill i’( adily respond. Till, writer says:—We disclaim all *nt^'UJ'iasm. Yet we (io pot hesitate to protioi.i.ce the cause ot (n(A(e, the c.T ol human nature. \N e aliow the p 'X part of the imjjutations on the Gi. ciiaiacter—that it is rash, "iven to ij' . i r» i, as su'jucious, ni(;or..>tai’t, am. c.ii'drss of bhiOd. liu» the Greek has not had his trial. He has been for alnO't five'i'undred years a broken man. Hi,' j lace 1)1 birth has been o.dy a large i i; his education the b'tterness oi . th'. '■ublci lujif*, the sullen treach- a:i'J the iunous revenge of the "Wl.al es!intale can we form ot t!-ei'|;th and statue of frcedom-from ■ie( f'pit vviu b:irbarous servitude? t'.e vicLS of t':e character may be nose, are all his. There lt> a "reat deal of ex’iression in the ’joy*s features ; he was deejily interested by the play, and eoi'irary to every etiquette of so rij^id a court as that to which he is attached, made no attempt to conceal his emotions; his n ot!icr repeatedly checked liirn, but to little p.!,; -'Se. He is a kind of sp' iled chii.lof f'!- ";:andfatlier. It was ll.i'- first time tiiat 'he Hojperor and his S'.'■U'nc .had CO’ i' t fic 'ri'CHtic since 1, ' 1-t sicknc.'■ lie '.vas c-iitnusiasti- eai .'eceivc'.! I)) l!.ej»eojdo, and re- tur-.ed t! e exorc sioius v«f their loyalty by the i: "t fdial n anifestations ot i hi' pleasure in a'..,.’ bein^among theni; wholt IrMpcriuI family present, the I'ollowin^ renietly to the diseased is tl.cn cither cell stopped, or '">th. “ Alum reducecl to an inipalpa- ble ))owi!er, two drachms; nitrous spir it ofriher, seven «!rachms: mix and ap •vtien I ocM . !e ‘ into ;\,e 2,ct my c;.|i a-io »luak, which I !;ft upon a table. Here I found tlie ••con fusion worse confounded.”, i -uiik knee-deep in cloaks, and trodeujj ,i, merino shawls, liats, and great ee ’ I saw one man toiizelina; a heap i.. r.iiu l)lace, another lifting up lots in a'; iiiej. —some turning over this parcel, son.r tiiat. I at last met vvith my cap cloak, at opposite ends of the jtassa-r^. they being ratiieir of an inferiorqn.ditv* to prevent folks from feeling too i. tempted to make an exchange, aiuI it. [To prevent misapprehension, the Editors take leave to add, that the that’s spoken of, is the name given to a species of confectionary. ] KN(;LAND ANU 'rur. UNITF.D STATK.t;, An intellig-ent Aiuerican f^entlemaii, uuw at London, wiio i^ rverr way comi)cti-iit by eihii'-ation ai.d «>!)Si i’\ ation, to ibrtii jtidiiions deductions, writes lo his friend in New ys t'cllows : ‘•The condition of Kt^gland at this time, is any thing but chtering. Tlic 'J'lirl'J' is tue heaviest hloy; s!io ever reciuved iVoni our couiiij-v. She begins to I'cfl its operation, ai'ul seeks to {piairel witii u.s about ttie iior- thf't ii boundary. 'I’he real fact that War is to be w'aged, not with our coun- |tty, but with its pro.yx-r/'/}/. 'riio T- ^ I niled State's have hitherto alVorded i!io CURK VOli THK OOinACllK. , . i . r c . , AtareoeiU meeting- ofll'.e L-.nlon mamilactures. U Me.lioalSocietv, Dr. Iil.,te sluiivi ti.al f «'•« » a»chc,to, exlrarlion or i’l.nsio,, of teeth »:.s U..-I t-M .n„.gham tcel the v.br,. nessoeary. 1 ie u.,s enahle.i, he sal.!, to 1 every loom that ,s crecte.l cure then.nsl desperate ca.es of tooth- »>'■ eou„li y.-]-.i.;;,an,l ,s ,n ,lai,g,,r a,.he. (u.,!essthe .liseu.e was conneetc!>'• tI .vitiirliciniatism.i hy the at,plication of Kuss.a, C.or 77if fitir Qiniki‘rs,-~'\y^-y are (^er- taiiii\ a d:-.n;eroUsct. Tliere is more peril i)e ci'.couiiu red beneath one ol tlicir I'Oal box drab bonnets, than in all ihc eves that ever shone nrough itrti- ficiaf (i iu-e.s. That coquetisli sinijdi- I.ONDON' LO.NSIMVTIOX. The fruits and vi gcl ibles consumed in the metropolis ai'e princi|)ally pro duced in the environs ; and it is calcu lated that there are upwards of (jOOO acres of grouml cultivated asi gardens, within twelve miles of the metropolis, giving employment to 30,000 persons in winter, and three times that number in summei:,. Numerous calculations tiave been made of the annual consump tion of food in tlie metropolis ; but this is not easily ascertained, as, although a spccific \ve may know the number of cattle and sheep, yet we have no means of Jean.ing many, &.c. arc patronizing manufactii- res to an (extent that fills the v.'isc'^t heads in Knglaud with di)i;mav. I am aware that the ojiposition here is always i,‘lv\i.enTio“the'too\h7”'”' jIr, Va'v, tim porteijdins evil, In.t even the Iricndso'; Am. iican dentist, who was i.re--e.',t, ad- i I f nunistenal parly conless an alara. n,ilted with mud, candour, that in 93; "le eorn laws are the ostensible, p,M- cases out of one 100, where surgeons 1 “^^‘^^nt grievance; but the manutuctu- a„d deiuists are applied to for the pur-1'"'S ' th.H thrcatciH pose of extraction, rcl.'ef misl.t he oh- '"“H.V and permancnlly the inter- taincd without th«t,Oreven cxcision.— tranquilly ol Kngl.ulil. It may, therefore, be worth while to try the remedy prescribed by Dr. Blake, as, unlike many of the nostrums of the pre sent day, it cannot do any harm, but it does not Natfonal ^/Idvocatc. rSF.Fl L ADVICE. As a branch of temperance, and as promoting your own comfort and th'^ t appear to possess the character ''V :eilic. Mr. Fav suhmitte.1 his 1 “‘''"'f- ‘ iustruments for excision and .-xtractiou | *" y"" ,1.. .,n,l I,, dressand your houses. Cleanlimss li!. to the inspection of the meeting, and he the weight. Of the quantity of cattle received some well merited encomiunis - I . 1... I iniprovena-iit which he has in troduced in the practice ol the dentist. p: h( ci , slf^ th. th' R-.c at. 'i Mication of th'i viixi ur ot its capa bii.' vs. The peiv'-rs'oii of tno best] Ih;- *;-^ is thewor'V. 'I'he fiery eloment th t, i’! its rage, lays waste tlie laud, is the great and exhaustb'is instiuinci t of 'ioiiifort and I'biin. ance. .I’nitllie (juos- tior- luav b^; dfdv.til at once—we know vvi’at thV Imv.' been ! it they now bai baiians. we niiist I'emi'mber they w\.-re orwoilu' li::iil'' oi'tlie world. liut tlie Tjil. IS a b,ub;uiaii. All his vices are thi'i\.t,i-;h!y aial iiicuraljly bar barian. Hi; is habilu.diy tyrannical, p!'-^ie:. ile for plutider, and a lover .'I Idi ,,—his tast'-s are barbarian, ex- tr .v.^aiil spleiidcur, gross indulgence, «av,'.'e indd'jDce of mind and bod}';— lie > oi()\1.011 • ot the resources ol civi- lizati''s—lie ci:!tiv;ii.-s no language,— i;e produces i.o ])i.-iuie, no statue, no mu'-ic. Greek.' are l.i> linguists and the navigators of his ships, — loi eignet s dis- ciplin'' h'surmy, and carry on hisdiplo ma* y. tie revi.^ts the civilization of ^ Kurope with uUcr ‘‘corn, and even v. be.-i i foited upon him by circumstanees, h; | rcM^ts it till natuK; is cbangcil, an t he i'' ihL' Ti.iik of Mahomet liic —ii(. ;c >,Aers religious convic tion in the (hig;j;Li'. He 'itsamoi.g the nations svitii t 'iidiiei' jn^tinct tiiaii th.it of ti'.c tiiiff, to St t '■ I'Ui his })rey, and having foiiM('. it, to ^ and r it'ep. Yet no tM: U)ti o’l (iiiiii h:)S ha-'; such ' l>i» .'^1 osi eonsiiiiimate L ■ • lied in liie />( iiuioii- ' {'L'lC'.'it( zom*,— *hy mailers of its centra! sea r.n all its f(,! ;ned a group of not less than ten or twelve ])ers0iis. They bcou ris- sen'ibled from Italy and Hungary on mattc's of great importance to the !am- il\, aiLOiig other things, it is saiii, to rempve the Kmpress iVIaria Louisa to an Hu.igarian tief; and to give inunedi- itely over to tlic Duke of J.iUcca the principality of Parma in exchange for the Luchese states, which would then be annexed to the Grand Duchy of lus- eany ; and as the Granti Duke has no children, and is not exjiected to have any, it is also sup|)Osed tiiat a jirovision will be made out of his states, after his death for the young N^apeleon ; a veil of secrecy hangs however over this busines.', and no great i-eliancc can be placed upon the surmises ot the pid)lic. At Vienna I bought myself a comforta ble carriage with which I have arrived here, passing tlirough Prague, where 1 -aw't! C former battle gr(>und ; through Dresden, where I saw th.e old, but un fortunate ally of Honaparte, and one ot the best galleries of paintings in Ger many. I also saw the batth* ground wheie ]ion:iparte fought his Ilea! battle .ifter the deiuiticiation of the truce of Prague in the year 181:3. From i)res den I pnssed through Lt ipsic, saw tiie giH'at Fair, and pa-sed over the spot where Napolron fought liis last Ger man battle agai!!>t t!ie combined forces of half the world; where more than six ty ihousand nn'U were lett or. Lite t;eh:. FroiTi Leipsic I came lu re, where 1 re*- main uiitii I can avail myself of the stean; boat '.vliicli [dies belween Slral- sum: aiiil l''!ad. sold in S.-nithlield market we have the most accurate returns, and lind, that in the year the numbers were, 149,- 885 beasts, 24,609 calves, 1,507,0!)G slieep, and 120,020 pigs. This does not, however, by any means form the total coi sumed in London, as large quanti ties of meat in carcases, particularly |)ork, are daily brought trom the coun ties round the metropolis. The total vahieof the cattle sold in Smithtield is calculated at 8,500,000/. It is suppos ed that a million a-year is expended in fruits and vegetables. The consumption of wheat amounts to a million of quar ters annually; of this four-fifths are sup posed to be made into bread, being a consumption of sixty-four millions of quartern loaves every year in the me tropolis alf)ne. Until within the last few years, the price of bread was regula ted by assize ; and it may afford some idea of the vast amount of money' paid for the stall ot lite, wdien it is stated that an advance of one farthing on the quar ter loaf formed an aggregate increase in expense, lor tliis article alone, of up wards of 1:3,000/. pe r week. The an nual consumption of butter in Lohiion amounts to about 11,000, and that ol cheese, to 1 ;5,000'tons. 'I’he money |jaid anntiallv for milk is supposed to i.nioiiMt to i,‘j.50.000/. The quantity i f jionllrv anrMially consumed in Lon- (h>n is supposed to cost netween /O and .s(),00'i/. 'I'liat of game dep'-nds on the iVuillulness ol ihi' season. 1 her.; is no- tifing, however, more surprising than tlie sale of rabbits. Oitf' salesman in Leadriihall n-arket, during a considera ble portioii ot tb»* yea!’, is said to sell ll,0.:i0 rabbits weekly. 'I” THE FA'KMNG PAinV. A country'- friend, who attended one been styled a half virtrc, and by the power of association, it naturally pro duces purity of mind. Be indu'trious in performing the un ties of your stations, industrious in o')- taining manual skitl, industrious in cn- riching your unilerstandirig with uselcl of the evening Parties last week, sends j Whilst > ou live you n 'is; work, or sutler the consequence ol bi? coming torpid in body, and discoi-tcnl Pci II,i is a beautiful city ; the «!trects as n|, '^ ht as those of Philadelphia, but tw'i't- as wide, and ornamented with iif cture. I have already visited !'nt>(i;.!r., and the famous Chateau ol S.-i;» Souci, favorite residence ot Ihe 2.rc:tl Frederic: saw the room where he received X'oitaire a^^ his guest” TIIK GLA/IKKS OK I'llK ALl’S. Glaziers l ave hern most ii.accuratidy termed miyiintain^ of ice. 'i'hey are on the coiitrarv UK re properly I'l/l/rij.s (d ice. They are iiiiitdiinly toutid in the dt .-'p valleys c.r ..■vin»‘.s !( tw en the U'l iit.;;jiii> ill d ill t!.e j> iioliow in tho side' selves. 'I'hcy u.s, in a page of free remarks, the result of his observations on the scene. As we happen not to belong to that res- pectable class called Bachelors, our friend must excuse us for suj)prcs?ing a part of his remarks. We assure him that it requires a pretty good share of spirit logo as far as we do, ou a subject' so ticklish as the Udies and their dres ses. Many readers wdll sympathise and smile at the passage-scene. P>y the same token, one of us has a hat astray, the restoration of which notdd be ac ceptable. A(// IiiL Extract of a Jrtter from a i'cnilt/ii'in af IVitsh- iiij^lon to a 'uJy hi the countrj;, Ike. 18J6. At the party at Mr. ’s last night, I was a siletit, but very attentive specta tor, but saw only three [he muit have meant thirty,] tolerable beauties in tiie house. I found their heads were well furnished, oid.siik. 1 admired their tinily carved tortoise-shell «*ondjs, as they stood before, and in contact with ic.e. I was at one time cau'j,ht, like ('apt. Parry, betwciMi two lulls ot snow, and had nearly as much difilculty to ex tricate myselt. I felt the dangers ol my situation, and like to have hern chang ed into a ‘‘I'ury’* before I was relieved. 1 liiifl th'‘ ladies are relajislng mt,o their ol't habits of “undressing” as'yUii for low al- iie \v;iy in which he disposes ul' them is by'eni-1 P--have stripp’d a ^ plovin--between 1'O and .!()() inen r.tid ‘-'ly as the heml‘^phere^■, and it the women who 'hawk them thiougii the jprngr—es as rapid a. it has! 1 Miatciicd a kiss Iro.ii an'.omr th(;m. tiic irouiilaiiis theiii- streets. M’.W MINKS OF VLAl’lNCM.^ iNl r. I\ouvMnu,ault, a celebrated l ench idiciriiNt, has rec('iitly discovered a mine of platinum at .\ntio(juia, in the depart ment of (’undinamaica, in ('oloml)ia. Hitherto this precious metal, so v.du- able in the arts, had only been found in ly kept up tl the Vraliaii mountains in Pussia, in P)iazi!, and in thi; provinces of ( hoco and Parhacoas, on the coasts of ihe South Sea, but always in alluvial lands, where it could only he met with acci- deiitall' ; but in this case* there caniie ha\c Lten obvioui-ly-no duubt that the mU;il e\iil^> lu real w hiidi ! >1 ml to i ou. A contusion ot t(>ngi.ies leigned atone {inn.* !h“} ond that Oi'jjabol, ;'.nl in as muny la.iiiuages.— J'ng!i>!i, Frencii, High and Low Dutch, Piissian, l'i'U''siaii, Swedes, and Snaui'-h. well' let oil'upon u> at onee*. 'I'he mu sic w .ts ill uwni'd, and the dancf;rs tnere- iii>t moiion. Pt. was lit tle more than beating time, tlcy were s('» craniped, and pray what wasnurs l.nd killing it,, the woi^t kind, of murder?— About ‘I o’clock a Walt/ing matidi took jd ice, ill wdiich some nf the foreign min istry figured, it being exclusively tliplo- malic, and Ji'^uruti':-2 cd‘ vuriol!.' ed ill" mind. W'alk circumspcctl;, ; u\i; by rule; divide the day into regularp. i- tions, and asjign to cach its jji'cpc «. .u ployment. Ue honest in all your dealings, true ;:', your words, faithful to your enu ments. if you have raised expceiut, even by your looks and course of .;i haviour, tliough you have not protiiit*.. in words, be careful to fulfilthem. Whatever your income may be, fi’- ileavour to live within it; not becau^o you may provide against the infirmilic: of old ag(‘, though this is much lo !j'' wished for; and not because you ni;i} have sometbiiig to leave to your chil dren, though, tiiis is also desirable; h'l'. that you may keej) your' ndiid uneiiihai- rasscd; and thafc you may have powci to ])erforni all your engagements, that yo'! may acquire the re])Utatioii ana ci:'0}' the hajipiness of being punctual. ' your accounts regularly and nev( v fer them to get inttj confusion, 'llii!'^ nothing your own until you have* J);j • for it. Do not fall into the im an hnj:. of borrow'ing small sums of your tricn' :' and neighbours, and never reluinn'.; them. Wear your old garments il yi- * are not able to buy new ones. ’1 heU'- ces.saries of life you must have, tho;i?^ to obtain them you are compelled to a:.- ticipate your earnings, but never run:' debt fur its pleasures, or even itsccn* forts. If you have seen better days, arc 1,^ misfortune, or extravagance and n!" prudence, reduced to indigence, mantu ly reject every temptation to indulgent • (.’urtail your expenses w'ithin the boi'iH*' of simple necffssaries. If you haver' ceived a reluctant discharge from yJ'' creditors, ami arc able alU'rwards, out distressing your families, to them their full demnnds, remcnioct) you do not, that your are di>ch:lr:^''' neither in the court of conscicncc. the com t (d lii.-aven! fU'flitiM', be jnerciful, ance for iornier habit ty efhi:tT;:in nat-’re But if you arc I make due allo"^ and for the li;i'' ZfOatvn

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