VO . TIT ] CHARLOTTE, JV*. C. TUESDAY, FEBlllAHY 20, 18S7. [NO. 119. PUIiLISHED WEKKLY By I.EMUEL BINGHAM, Jit Three Dollars a year„ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of tho editor, until all arrearages are paid. ' Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are j,cqncstcd to note on the margin the number of insi rtions, or they will be continued until forbid, and chargcd accordingly. recr- nary Clerks of the Superior Courts, AM) other gentlemen holding subscriptions * to tite Nrw Map of Nokth-Caroliwa, art- st d to return the same by the 1st of Jan- lu xt. Tlicy will :-e so good as to present llu ri, in the ni an time, to s-icb persons as will be likely to putruniz*; the work, who have not hail an opportunity of doin " so already. The Tjrici to r.on-'^uKscribers will be $10. Very few, liov '-vcr, nioff than those subscribed for, will be -jrintfd. To remove any objection that uiav'i 0 (irgc'd against subscribing, the pubhsh- er V'sb- s it to be understood, that none of the »iu' srritJi r.s will be held bound, if the MAP is not corrcctly drawn, finished in the best mun- i,cr, and of the best materials. yroni the returns already received, the pub lisher is warranted in believing, that a subscrip tion '»f not less than one thousand names will be '' tained in North-Carolina, among whom arc, His Kxcelleiicy the Governor, all the Ofli- cev’s of the State Government residing at the metropolis, the Members of both Houses ot the I.egislature, a liberal proportion of the Profes sional Gentlemen, a large number of that most itspectable class of chizens, the Farmers, and jn iu rally the Merchants and Traders of our Tov. i.s, to whom a correct Map of the State is particularly desirable. The publisher takes this opportunity to ac- ]ir,()wledgc his obligations for the polite atten tion wliicli has been uniformly paid to his ap plications for assistance in the prosecution of his work, and especially to those gentlemen who have interested themselves in procuring the survfvs of the several counties. Any in- fon.ation calculated to benehtthc work will be thankfully received. JOHN MAC RAE. Fiii^dlnnllc, Dec. 18, 1826.-4tl9. State of Nortli-Curolina. ,iyro :! POST-OFFICE, CHARLOTTE, Januari/ (>, 1827. Those indebted to this Office, either foa Letter or Newspaper Postagejare request ed to sail, without delay, and settle th^ir res pective dues. Such as do not attend to this no tice, must not expect liny farther credit. In no case, hereafter, will a letter be delivered until the postage is paid, except to such as have re- gidar accounts; and accounts will be kept with those only who live within a convenient dis tance, are known to be piinctuul, and whose postages are sufficiently large to warrant the trouble. Those who receive newspapers through this Office, and neglect to call and pay the postage due on them, must expect to have th.eir papers retained hereafter, unless the postage is paid quarterly in advance. In respect to such, the subjoined instruction from the General Post-Of fice will be strictly adhered to :— ■ Experience has proved how inattentive many people are to the payment of such small debts as arise from trusting the postages of newspapers; you are therefore not to give credit. To save in future any trouble or incon venience, it will be proper for you to require the subscribers who receive papers through your office, at the commencement of every quarter, to pay the amount of one quarter’s subscription in advance, and without such pay ment in advance, not to deliver them any news papers, even though they tender you the mo ney for them singly.” 3tl9 DRAWING On the 21st day of February, 1827. ONZY 7980 NORTH-CAROLINA ® ^ :i 18 FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OXFORD ACDEMY, THIRD CLASS, To be drawn at HALE/OII, on Wednesday. . the 21s/ of February next. J. B. YATES & A. McINTYRE, Managers. SCHEME. 1 Prizes of #r,000 is 5,000 108 . 2,754 2.500 1.500 1,320 1,250 40 20 10 5 $7,000 ., 5,000 . 2,500 . 1,500 . 1,."20 . 1,250 . 4,320 . 2,160 . 1,080 13,770 3, 5 7,980 s, 5 Tickets, 5 },>9,9U0 3,084 Prizes, 4,896 Blanks, In this Scheme, composed of 21 Nu' lifrs by rrmutation, producing 7,980 Tickets, and v ith ree drawn ballots, there will be six pvi/ts with three of the drawn Numbers on them ; 324 with two on ; and 2,754 with one only, of the drawn numbers on them. flock and Watch Making*. The subscriber continues to can’y on the a- bove business, and has made such arrange ments, that his customers may rely on punctu ality and despatch. He has for sale. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear and Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Lockets, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoon'8, Mustard and Salt uo. Sugar Tongs, Soup Ladles, . Silver Spectaclcs, Do. do. with extra Glass, Do. do. concave for near sights. And a ^arit ty of other articles in the fancy way, all of wliich will be sold at the most re duced prices. JOHN M’KEE. Chestervllle, S. (!. Jan. 6, 1827.—6tl9p STEAM BOAT ?.>,000 2,500 1,320 1,250 XoliCfc. A S the subscriber intends shortly to move A. tisroLN I'oosTy IJavid Blalock, Petition for Divorce. Nancy Blalock. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,' thi't Nancv Blalock, the defendant, is not an inhaliltant of this State: It is therefore order ed by court, that publiration be made three j from this place, he wishes all who are in- months in the Catawba Journal, giving notice ' i,ini, to make immediate settlcnient. to her, that she make her personal appearance j »,ogg cannot settle with cash, can have an before the Judge of our Superior Court ot Law, ■ opportunity of settling by giving their notes, if at t!i( next court to be held lor the said county , .^ppiicj^tion be made before the next February of Lincoln, at the Court-House in Lincolnton, After that, all book accounts will be on tl'.e 4th Monday after the 4th Monday ot pi;,cj-d in the hands of an officer for collection. March next, then and there to a^^s'ycr or ile- are indebted to the association of miM- to th'; said petition; otherw'ise it will be Caldwell, must make immediate taken pro confessoj. and heard ex parte, and ad- ^ hs a further indulgence need not be jmlged accordingly. , , r • expected. DAVID T. CALDWELL. Witness, iMWHon Henderson, Clerk ot said i chtrUle, Jumtaru i:327.—3tl5 Court, at Lincolnton, the 4th Monday after the !•-. 4th Monday of September, A. D. 1826, and in | tlie 51st year of i IIJ. be received on Storage, at the Store LAWSON HENDERSON. Sm’t ’20.—pr. adv. ?4. _ fel.vU oi XorWx-v'aYoUwa, MKCKl.KXBUPr. COU.VTY donrl of Equity, Aovembet' Term^ 1826. Trustet'.s of the Congrcg^itlon of Gilead vs. The ilcirs at Law of William Henderson, decea sed—Cross bill, to recover the Legacy. I T appearing, to the satisfaction of the court, that James llenderson, sen. James Venable, Jiimes Henderson, son of Archiljald, John Hen derson and his wife Rebecca, defendants in this ease, are not inhabitants of this State : It is therefore ordered by court, that publication be To determine the prizes, the 21 Nos. from 1 to 21, inclusive, will be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and three of them be drawn out, and that ticket having on it, for its permu tation numherd, the three numbers drawn from the wheel, in the order in which drawn, will be entitled to the prize of ?7,000 And those five other tickets having the same nunibers on tlieni in the follow Ing orders, shall be entitled to the prizes aflixed to them re.spec- tively, The 1st, 3d, and 2d, to . . . 2d, 1st, and 3d, to , . . 2d, 3d, and 1st, to . . . 3d, 1st, and 2d, to . . . 3d, 2d, and 1st, to . . . Those 108 tickets, having two ul‘ the drawn numbers on them, and those two the first and second in cither order, will each be cnlitled to a prize of ;f40 Those lfJ8 tickets having two of the ilrav. n nunibers on them, and those two l!ie secund .ind third hi either order, will each be eiitith d to a prize of ^20 All others with two of the drawn nnniliers on them, being 108, will each be entitled to a prize of $10 And those 2,754 tickets, having one only of the dr.iwii nunibers on them, will be entitled to a prize of ^ > | No ticket which shall have drawn a prize ot a 1 suiierior den'-mlnation can be entitled to an In-1 ferior prize. j Prizes jiayable forty days after the drav.mi", ! and subject to the usual d'djiiction ri tiiteeul per cent. ' Tickets and m tLf' ubr.vc !,■ i tery for sale at thic. O’/.V-c? I'rc^ien! pri"--. cf\ Tich-efsSe; //-,’/( ».s-B,. ,• Q;,K 1 SO. i .VOKTH-C^inOLIW. This boat has been pnn.h sed to ply be tween Clieraw and (ieorgetown; the boat is in complete order, having lately undergone a thorough repair—she is well calculated for the navigation of the river, as she only draws aOout three and a half feet water, with a cargo ecpial to four hundred bales of cotton--the agents at Cheraw pledge theniselves, that every attentum shall be paid to shipments by this boat, and that all cottonsiiiiti lulrd to be shipped by her, shall be taken in cluirge i.iul securely ])laced under good sheds or warehouses, fu e of storage, and tor all goods re ceived and put in store, a mode rate stora}>e M ill be charged. I’rom the ecr- tainty of this boat being aide to run at all times and seasiiis, country merchants will find it to, their interest to order their shipments ard eon- sigiimeiits tliri'iigh this jilace. Mr. Henry W. Conner, of Charleston,^ will be agent for the boat at that place, and will take charge of any :ind all consi},'-nments to go by this boat, (as it is probaldf! she will .soiiK times go direct to ('Iruleston.) Mr. I'rancis King, an experienced and well qualified agent at (ieorgetown, will at- tenil to all eonsignnu iits, both from Cheraw and (charleston, and forward them to either place without di lay. Surcharges will be customary and reasonable, and we liope to merit public patronage, 'i'he agents have large and com modious warehous 's, ami will secure every and any goods or cottons, forward the forim.r and ship the latter, w ith every possible despatch. Money or goods advanced on cottons wished to be shi])!«ed. J. & J. H. TOWNES. Cheraw, Jan. 24, 1827.—4120 , . Houses adjoining tiie WAGON YAI{D» i Fayetteville, at which latter place safe and I comfortable accommodations can be provided ] for Wagoners and their teams, j Persons storing Cotton with the subscriber, , if they -ksire it, shall be advised weekly of the ' .state of the market, and may depend ujioii the ! earliest information of any material alteration i in prices. JOHN McRAE. Jan uar\^4_. 1827.—6tl9 of XoYl\\-CaYo\ina, MKCKLENUUllO COUNIY. " Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Novem ber 'I'erm, lfc>26. >iinelej iith ( ongress. RtCOHn SKASIONT. VvvA>Vic By oriler of l'a\id Shrock, Es(|. Judge of the (;ourt ot Ordinary for Kershaw District, will hu .sold at the residence of the subscriber, (CainJen) 10 or more LIKTJiY SLAYK8. Amorhg them aio ( xci.dlent wagoners, boat hands and a superior I’atroon, novV 'hired at twenty- live dollars per nionlb. Also, at the plantation, one mile from (Jainden, several Horses, Mules, Ho;s, Shee[j aiul Cattle, and a quantity ofCor:i, F>)vlder, I’cas, Sic-. S iles to begin on the 15tli i el)iuary instant, and contuuie until th. prop erty is .sold. On the 26tli instant, and on each succeeding (lay, (if lu ct • s;.ry,) will oe sold at the Catawba Plantation, Lancaster district, or more Likclj Slaves^ $ \a\uv.V>lt*. h i FiJR SALi:. su scr'.bfr will sell 1(K) head of IIoi^s 70 Cattle, 35 Sheep, 12 Horses and Miiles, 2 ICO hnshels of Corn, lbs. of Fotidtr, 4,‘wOO Ihs. of Pickled Pork, i lot Blacksmith's Tools, anti ^ v ariety of articles too tedious to motion. At t!;e .same time, \\ill be sold, the last named The on Tuesday, tlie’fith day of March containiiig 1232 acres, more or less, situated on the east side of the -'ata\\ L>a river. On this tract is a dwelling-house, gln-house, an excel- 1 lent barn, stables, crib.s, .ind negro liouses. — ALSO— AN ADJOINING TRACT, made for six weeks’in the Catawba Journal, for j VVm. E. White, , Original Attachment, levied as to springs, with good and convenient hi them to tie and apjiear at our next Court of E- j vs. in the hands of Jos. Smith, St ings on the premises, and fifty or sixty aci( quitN, to be held in Charlotte on the 7th Mon- W'm. Kendrick. Vie summoned as Garnishee, dav after the 4th Monday in March next, then ; | T is ordered,by court, that publication be stid there to nlead. answer or demur, or the, J. made six weeks in the Catawba Journal, for at Public Sale, i next,- acres ol’ very valuable Land, aiw) tbr.e likely young Neproes— one boy 19,yerr\; ;i .ige. and two girls, one 19 years ot age,’w it!i a child | of 10 months old, the other girl is 14 years (»fj age, all likely and of j^ood families. The laiui lies 10 miles east of Charlotte, on Reedy Creek, | containing the same numlier of acres, more or and one or two miles a!;ove Welch’s Mill. The | l^bS. I ground is of excellent quality, either for th. —ALSO— production of corn or cottmi; is well watered| ^^no/hrr Tract, cnnla'tning:i?y2 mgs on tne premises, anu iitty or sixty acres of; >r less, well known !)>; the name of Klngs- land under cultivation. There is an e.xcellent j bottom, seat for a Saw Mill or Grist Mill, on a good, GEORGIA AND THE GREEK INDIANS- Washington, feb. 5, 1827. The following Message from the Pre sident of the United States was yesterday communicated to both Houses of Con gress : To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United IStaies • I submit to iheconsiileraiion of C»>ngres3 a Letter from the Agentof the U. S. with ihe Creek Indians who invoke the pro tection of the (iovernment of the United Stales in defeiite of the rights and terri tory secured to that nation by the Treaty concluded at Washington, and ratified on the part of the United States, on the 22d of April last. The complaint set forth in this letter, that surveyors from Georgia have been eniploVfd in surveying lands within the Indian Territory as secuied by thatTrea^ ty, is authenticated by information inoffi- cially received from other quarters, and there is reason to lielieve that one or more of tiie surveyors liave been arrested in their progress by the Indians. Their rorboarance and reliance upon the good faith of the United Slates, will, it is hop ed, avert sccnes of violence and blood, which there is otherwise too much causo 10 apjiri hend will result from these pro* ceediiigs. H> the 5th section of act of Congress of the 3()ih Mart.li, 1802, to reguK/.c trude a»id ifitercourse with the Indian tribe.., and to preserve peace on the fron» tit I S, it is provided, that if any citizen: of, or other person resident in the United States, shall make a settlement on any lands belonging, or secured, or grunted liy treaty with the United Statess) or any Indian tribe, or shall survey or attempt to survey such lands, or designate any of the boundaries by marking trees or otherwise, such offtnder shall lorlVlt a sum not exceeding one thousand dvliars, and suffer imprisonment not exceeiltng twelve months, liy the 16th ann 17th sections of the same statute, two disiii:ct processes are prescribed, by either or both of which, the above enactment may be carried ;nto execution. By the firs% it is declared, to be lawful for the milita ry force of the United States to appre hend every person found in the Indian country, over and beyond the boundary line between the United States and tho Indian tribes, in violation of any of the provisions or regulations of the act, and immediately to convey them in the near est anl safe route to the civi! authority of the United Slates, in some one of the three next adjoining Slates, or Districts, to be proceeded agaii'st in due course of law. liy the second, it is directed, that if any person charged with a violation of any of the provisions or regulations of the act, shall be founh within any of tho United Slates, or either oftiieir territo rial disuicis, such oflender may be there pprehended, and brought to trial in tho same manner as if such crime or off» nce had been committed ivithin such States 6tl9—pr. ad\ C. M. E. D. R. DCNLAP f't l9—pr. adv. 50 M V. C i; L K Ml U U (; C O U N TV. Court of Equity, jSoremher -Term, 1826. Jose|)h Wilson vs. George 'I’. Hersey and A. D. _ Murphey. I T appearing, to the satisfaction of the court, that (ieorge T. Hersey, one of the defend- snts, is not an inhabitant of this Stale : It is therefore ordered by court, that publication be I'.iade for six weeks in the Catawba Journal, that Miilc'S he appear at our next Court of F.cjuity, to lie Jicld for the comity of Mecklenburg, at die Court-House in Ch.vrlotte, on the 7th Mon- 2 after the -Jth Monday in March next, then % ^ riiul th re to pleail, answer or demur, the bill confe.sso, and heard ex parte. I- ^ riiui th re to ple;i 1 'ttill he taken pro as to him. Witness, David R. Dunlap, Clerk and Master of our said court, at oilice in t.'liarlotte, this 17th dyv of November, A. 1). 1H26. I). R. DUN LA I*, C. M. /;. ^6tl‘j—pr. adv. #,j 50 J| \^o^ i’oY Sa\c. ^ 4 ''KRY likely negro boy, of about 14 years of age, is lell for sale with me, ver> low for Mtash. He is well grown and active, and sold ■ Mfor on other cause than the wantof money, a I have also for sale a neat, light second-hand "heel carriagi, Newark make, but little ^S^'o’ii^ 1 will sell it low, anil make the terms [to suit the purchaser. J0H>N IRWLN, JUST I’lTil.ISMi'D, uid for sale at this of fice, “Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘An /.])ology for the IJook ot I’salms, h)' (lilbert Me Master.’ To which are adiled, Kemarsk on a book, [by Alexamler t.or.lon] entitled ‘Tiie design and use of the Hook ot I’salms.’” Ry Hknut Ui’KK.M.n, A. M. \N ith an Ajijiendlx, by Jnii> M. Witstts, pastor of Rockj Ki\er anil iMiiladelphia^ 1 UK CIIKISTLLY .flI„M.lX.lCK, FOU TliK VE.Mt OK OtU LOUD 1827, Calculated for the Mendian of Raleigh. For sale at this Ofllce. 1’vvWiC \^u\eYla\u£\\^wX. MHE subscriber informs his friends and the strong and .standing stream. The payments are to be made as follows : first, the paynicnt for the negroes is to be made against the fir.st day of January next; bonds with good security will be retjuired. 1'he land will be made into two payments, viz: one half payable on the first day of Januaiy next, and the 'rhese hi'uls are leased from the (Ca tawba hidians, for the term f UDyears, and are generally aeknowledge'!I to be as valuable as any lands on said river. Fersons disposed to purchase, are reijuested to ride over the prem- i.ses and examine them critically. Ti.umh—Land and Negroes will be sold on a credit of one, two, and three years, with annual inten st from the day of sale—purcliasers gi^ing boii^ payable in three equal in.stalments, with remaining half on the first day of Janu u-y, 1829, I jippn,\ e^i ' s. ciirity' and niortgagJ if reqliired! ary, iH^S. Sale to | .j property will !)e sold on a creflit of )earing interest from Janu be on the premises. Any jierson wi-.hiiig to purchase, woulil tlo well to eome and vie w the I projierly previ(nis to the day of sale ; and any one wishing to do .so,^will appl_\ to the subscri ber, living two miles above tlie promises on the same creek. I will aUo sell for cash, on the same day, o(>0 hii'ihels of corn and some slock, coi..si.sting of horses and caltlc. Sale to com mence at 12 o’clock. \MLLIA.\l JOHNSTON. • March 3, 1827.—3tiy \\.i‘u\u\a\. D«. JOnrT^l. JIAPPOLDT ri^AKKS this method of informing those who’ Jl may f-cl disposeil to honor him with their patronage, that he has removed to tlu; late resi dence of Mr. Abner Houston, where he maybe fouiul and consulted at any time, ixcept when property 12 months, with interest from the day of sale— good security required—all sums under five dollars. Cash.- JA.MKS C. DORV, .'trl/iiiiil.stratnr of John Doby, dccaiscd- Feb. 2, l>^r.—.3tl‘J \liliuti for (H.'itriLutiun. f|>iir. suoseriuei ........... .... .... ..... i enL-aired in his professional avoeati.ms ahro.el. I oub c. that he has purchased that well ‘ ^ ' , ,, i , i , y ‘ „ ,I He w okild also return his thanks to the inh.ibi- 1.11 estiidishment. lately o\\ ned and oceuni- , .... . known establishment, lately owned and oceup ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now prejiared to j entertain travellers and otlu rs, who mav plcasi j to call (11 him ; and no exertions will be spared to render tliein comfortable, and their stay a- greeable. His taljle will be rurnished with ev ery variety which the cimr.try atiords; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with plenty of ])ro\ender,-ana careful servants will he in conslant atte.iilam c WOf’.KUT I. D1NKD.S. CLuLltc, AprilQO, Ills of I’rovidence and its vicinity, for tin liheral patronage dining the past ye ar; he !’ur- ihermore solicits a continuance of the same, and will endeavor, by his assiduity and attention to business, to give general satisfaction. Con sidering the scarcity of money, and the j)res- sure of the times, he promises that his charges .shall l;e very nio(ler.ite. I’roiiflturf , Mfr/i'l^iiburi; cnurify, A.C. } Ftbrm.ry 1, 1M2T. — Ititt 3 N. p. 11)' Mcdiwi'.'.i k o'! luud for MV.IMU.K.MU COUM V. Superior i'ourt of Law, Full Term, 1820. Sample Alexander'| Jo.siah Alexander and others. J IT appearini,'- to the satisfiction of the court, that |{o!)iitC. Morrison ami I’rudenee his wife, defemb'iits in this case, reside Ijeyondthe lin.its (jf the state ; It is tlu refol'e oniered by Mie court, that puidication he made for six wi eks, in the (!ata\sba .loui nal. Cor tin- defend ants as atore.said, to appear and defend the a- l(;!ejaid >nit. J. M. m 'I CHlfioN, c. s. r. L. 5t .'I. — pr. aiiv, fo. 1)1* KinlvvlaVuuvent, ' 4 S^agc llou'-'e, at the sign of the Eagle, 1\. ill (diarlyUe, .Norih-tlarohna, bv Uaj'i ~ KOHKliT WAT£O.N* or District 5 and that it shall be ihe duty of the military force of the United States* when called upon by the civil magisii ates, or other person duly a'llhorized for that purpose, and having a lawful wan ant, to aid and assist such magistrate, onicer* or other person so authorized, in jri cst- ing such olfender, and commitiing him lo safe custody for trial according it- law. The first of these processes is ad4()ted lo the arrest of the trespasser upou In* dian Territories, on the spot, and in the act of commiliing the offence. IJui,. ;is it appliesthe action ofihe(iovernm* ni ( i thc U. States, to places where the civil pnir‘ S3 of the law has no authorized course, i is committed entirely to the fuuctio.s -d‘ the military fo? c(«, to arrest tin- person iA' the offender, and after bringing him within the reacli of the jurisdiction of theCourts, there to deliver him into custodv'for trial. The second makes the violator of the law amenal)le only after his offence has been consummated, ar.d when he has returned within the civil jurisdiction of the Union. This process, in the first instance, is merely of a civil character, but may, in like manner, be enforced, by calling in, if necessary, the aid of the niilituty force. Entertaining no doubt that, in the present case, the resort to either of these modes of process, or to both, was u ithin the disci etion of th»* Executive authority, and per.eirated with the duly of main taining the rights of the Indians, as se cured both by ihe treaty and the law, I concluded, after full deliberation, to have recourse on this occasion, in the first in stance, only to the civil process. In structions have accordingly been given by the Secretary of War, to the Attor ney and Marshal of the United States in thi District of Clcorgia, to coniimen(i!t

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