relljTiior&over, we nollcod ono or two, cJ on the ^’oiind ; another of ftlgantlc trees which had been blazed (that is 'di- stature stood near him, blcediog proiuse l\vm Jlclx'^nnin'^ “ Ii Me Tin CUff^of Do^cv, BY MUS. IIKMANS. KocKs of my country! let the cloud You!’ crested heights array; And rise ye like a fortress proud. Above the surge and spray! Sfy spirit greets you as ye stand. Breasting the billow’s foam; Oh, thus for ever guard the land I'he sever’d land of home ! 4 have left sunny skies behind Lighting up classic shrines. And music in the southern wind. And sunshine on the vines. The breathings of the myrtle flowera Have flouted o’er my way, The pilgrim’s voice at vi sper hours Hath sooth’d me with its lay. The isles of Greece, the hills of Spain, The purple heavens of Uome— Yes, all are glorious; yet again 1 bless thee, land of home! Vor thine the Sabbath peace, my land, And thine the guarded hearth: And thine the dead, the noble band Thai, make thee holy earth. 'I’heir voices meet me in thy bfeeze; J lu ir steps arc on thy plains; 1 iieir names, by old majestic trees. Are V. iiibper’d round thy lanes: 'I heir !>lood liath mirglod with the tide Of Ihinc exulting sea;— Oh, be it still a joy, a pnde, To live and (lie far t’lce 1 Mixing together pmHt and delight. FroTi the Charleston Courier. ^ - Sxtrnet from an unpublished manuscript, entitled Sketches of the Seminole Campaigo, by an Olficer. April was now drawin" to a close, and we had advanceii about mid-way between St. Mark’s aiu; Suwany. Our march continuoil over i flat, monotonous country, intersected at short intervals by »niarshes, Creeks, and innumerable dc- fdes, each of which would have been ilisputed by a vigorous foe, yet we pass ed them unmolested; the enen y no doubtcoiicentrating hisfovcesatSuwany? but resting his defence cliiefly on the barrenness and natural ohstruciions of the trackless wilderness. The streams were for the most part clear and cool, but sluggish. Their current was how ever accelerated where the adjacent country happened to be of an undulat ing character, aiui in such cases the per turbed surface indicated the rocky bed over which it rushed. As yet we had met with none of that grandeur of scene ry; those rocks, cataracts, or other gor geous. decorations of nature, ^ ' - ' ■ ‘f? vested of bark lo a certain extent) on the siile that would meet the view of persons following in the same direction. On the tree thus laid bare were traced several hieroglyphics; rough sketches of horses, of iiorned cattle, &c. with num erous perpendicular lines; the whole in tended to apprize their friends of the numerical force and description'of their party, and the route it had ‘ taken.— There were also some circular marks colored black and red, to denote the number of scalps lost or taken by them. And here I must remark on the won derful sagacity with which the eye ol the subtile son of the forest, be he white or red, traces the movements of a foo, his numbers, &,c. from the inij)rint of feet, a few prostrate blades ot grass, broken tw’igs, and other signs which he is accustomed to regard from infancy, yet which would be passed unnoticed by the undisciplined eye of the Atlantic borderer anil European. We pursued the path which, as usual, wns so tortu ous as to conceal objects that awaited our view at a few hundred yards; sud denly we fell on some of those war or hunting sheds used by the Indians, forn>ed by a few, upright stakes, a ridge pole, and covered with pine bark. 1'he hum of voices that vibrated from front to rear suddenly ceased; the pre paration for attack was quickly made; but on exploring the7;f7?'Vrcr/V^ of those doughty citadels, nothing was found save a tattered blanket, a few bones, and other remains, the mention of which is “ which better in the breach than in the obsrevaiice.” The march wasresum- ed with so much eagerness, as scarcely to admit of leaving "the column time to drink at the ponds which skirted tlie way. The day was intensely warm, and altho’ as light as liff/it bohs could be, having but a few articles of undress in the knapsack, and less weight still in the haversack, yet, with a musket ly from a wound in his thigh, and ciose to the latter, stood a woman with an in fant in her arms, and two children iiold- ing the skirts of her blanket. The eld est of the latter was a gir.l about six years old, w’hoje chin was cross^ wise divided by afrifle ball. As Capt. C with myself advanced towards the par ty, the little suflerer nestled in her mother’s blanket, sobbing piteously, but evidently not from pain, as we had no sooner spoke to her in a soothing tone, and gently patted her hand, tlian she not only ceascd to cry, but iooked up at us with an expression that would have reached the heart of the most har dened, by a channel not to be resiste(k Her motiier, and the man standing tiear, who proved to be her father, preserved a sullen ‘iilence. At this juncture, one of the friendly Indians, attached to the ‘Spies,’ walked hastily to one of our mei'i wl'io had a case knile in his belt, and obtained the loan of it, withotit its intended use being known to ti:e lend er. The savage warrior darted on his foe with an eagle-pounce, planting one knee on his breast, and making a ({nick cular incision in the scarf ot his head; then applying his teeth, w’ith the ra])id- ity of thought, (in fact so quick as to baffle interference) he tore the reeking scalp from his victim, when jumping up and waving his bloody trophy, with a loud whoop and demcm.Hif laugh, he several times repeated Ile/i es-chc, “ It is so,” or, “ It is right.” Meanwhile his enemy, whose limbs stiirened in death, lay like the Giaour of liyron, ‘ his back to earth, his face to Ileav’n. ” But to the others—a few men were de tailed to convey them to the command ing general, and at the fiist movement. want of reflection or passion may prompf, on the other. You are allitd to a man of honor, ol talents, and of an open, generous dis position. You have therefore, in your power, all the essential ingredients of domestic happiness ; it cannot be mar red, if you now reflect upon that sys tem of conduct w!)ich you ought invari ably to pursue—if you now see clearly, the path from which you will resolve never to deviate. Our conduct is often the resultof whim or caprice, often such as will give us many a pang, unless we see beforehand, what is always the most |)raiseworthy, and the most essential to liappiness. , , , The first maxim which you should impress deeply upon your mind, is nev er to attempt to control your husband by opposition, by tiispleasure, or any other mark of anger. A man of sense, of prudence, of W'arm feelings, cannot, and will not,.bear an opposition of any kind, which is attended with an angry look or expression. The current of his aflections is suddenly stopped ; his at tachment is weakened ; he i)egins to feel a mortification, the most pungent ; he is belittled even in his own eyes ; and be assured, the wife who once excites those sentiments in tiie breast of a hu.s- band, will never regain the high grounti which she might and ought to have re tained. When he marries her, if he be a good man, he expects from her smiles, not frow'ns ; he exj)ects to find in her one who is not to control him—not to take from him the freedom of acting as liis own judgment shall direct, but one who will place such confidence in him, as to believe that his prudence is his amuses li^o not devote niwih of ycvr »inte to novels, there are a few which may be usefu\^in improving and in giy. inga higher tone to our moral sensibil ity; but they tend to vitiate the taste, and to produce a disrelish for substan tial intellectual food. Most plays are of the same cast; they are not friendly to the delicacy which is one ot the or naments of the female character. His tory, Geography, Poetry, Moral says, l^ography, Travels, Sermons, and other well wfitten religous productions, will not fail to enlarge your understand ing, to render you a more agreeablo companion, and to exalt your virtue— A w'oman devoid of rational ideas of re ligion, has no security for her virtue; it is sacrificed to her passions, whose voice, not that of God, is her only governing principle. Besides, in those hours oV calamity to which families must be ex- posed, where w'ill she find support, if it be not in her just reflections upon that all ruling Providence which govern the universe, whether animate or inan imate. Mutual politeness between the most intimate friends, is essential to that har mony, wnich siiould never be once bro ken or interrupted. How important then is it between man and wife !— I'ho mure warni the attachment, the less will ijither party bear to be slighted, or treat ed with tile smallest degree of rudeness or inallention. This politeness, then, if It ho not in itseil a the means ol giving best jruide. Little things, what in re- weighing fourteen pounds, forty-seven rounds of ammunition, accoutrements, &c. all fields of exertion except those for fighting were unwelcome. But the moral influence of discipline on a a sol dier, is never so apparent as in the cheer fulness with which he undergoes fatigue and privation! he never inquiresabout the motive for action; and turn it as we will, the motive at all times must be so dis tant, or obscure, as to preclude the idea that it can have an immediate influence on him. Whilst on this subject, I must be permitted to avow the desire 1 have often felt, that those little capacity, who brawl so loudly about the soldier’s ease and idleness;"if such, would dare to trui^ii themselves in the rear of an army on active service in an Indian country but for one day; they would ever after consider a county court speech, a stump oration, or the captivating counter grin and and bow to a customer, all “trifles light as air” compared to the soldier’s daily hardship. Continuing the pursuit, we met sev eral horses which had been abandoned by the enemy. The jaded appearance of those animals evinced precipitancy of movement ; whilst the perspiration and saddle mai’ks on the most of them shew ed that they had been but lately in use in fact every thing gave promise of suc cessful termination of the pursuit. A- bout an hour before sunset we waded a wide and rapid creek, with a broken flinty bottom, in no wise welcome to such as wore mocasins. The water was breast high, and cartridge boxes, ha versacks, &.C. were as usual carried on our heads. Night was approaching; the troops exhausted and considerably in advance ; a h;.]t was ordered ; and at twilight we were Joined by the main hotly.—The. bivouac was soon marked out, arms ])ile(i, fires lighted, wlien af ter swal'loxving :t sorrowful niouthlul of beef cured wiliioUt salt, we laid down on the green sward, to dream ol the balmy stew\ tlie savoury fricassee, the jui^y ham, the luscious roast, witii the aj»i)endages of claret, madeira, &.c. In the morning ^^’e stood to our arms os usual two hours before daybreak; then oan)C reveille to assure us we were awake, or l»]st wp might agaie fall asleep; and t! • whole wound up with searching, rummaging of havcrsacks to liunt up a breakfast, at which even the stomach of a monk of l^a 'I’rappe would revolt. 'Fhe rising sun saw us pursuing the gi ant steps of Honor, and I will venture to say wi‘h more voracious appetites fur vivers and vittles” than for the j]-‘sh of all our enemies in the country. 'I'he company to which I belonged, was one of those that formed the ad vance this day. Siy;ns similar to those which ir radiated by the rising or setting sun, and brought into life by the plastic hand a nutster, breaks upon us so swe'Jlv in works of fiction,; in fact the gn-U! ' here traversed is but vvhat pain ters cail the vanishing point of the great Ea-noed-fa-noked swamp. 1'i I light companies, however, when on advpnce duty, at a distance from the tlir ot arms, the hoarse word of com mand, and the grumbling or merriment of their comrades in the main body of the aVmy, could contemplate with mel uncli'dy delishi the savage sccenery whM i; flanked the tail. But meditation of his kind is seldom the soldier’s at- tii’ e, iiisre^i 10 pv.c’ion rests on deeds of or garn.'Oh frolioks long gone by. ;-'id losintf nothing of imj)ortance in thi ciirration of a veteran, who thereby slin.ulates the newly i'oimed soldier to martial fame, or peihaps fills him with envs ; as to. the prt sent, he seldcin teazes himself with tiie sj)ring, or ten dency of parsing events; and in perspec tive lie sees, b'.it the luxury of light du ty, good quarters, and the smiling jilen- iuide of the sutler’s hoolh. About 12, ihe usual hour for halting, oneoftlie ‘spii-s’ was seen gal loping iioni th»; front along the centre column, and reined in close to the com- in; I 'ling Geunal, to whom he made some hasty coninuinlcalion. OiTicersof the stall, like rays Iroin the solar focus, jmiiiMliately darted in every direction : and in a few minutes ab(jut one hundred and fifty of t!.e line (including the )it,^ t cornjianies not in advance) togetlici with three hundred mounted Tennes seans, left the columns at double quick time, iieaded by Gen. Ciaines. We foon learned that tlie movement was made in consecjuence of lh( ‘-|;ies’ hav ing lighted on" \\frcsh Irai! ;lhc imprint of feet, &r. .'.n t* j>.. ' ) irdifnlin'r j;,-,, 3 rU' ; !'• ^ ’* 'd i .diailS, CiltDCj had |jassecl liiat '^ay aince the last dew j ing our step, we &aw. a waii’ior extend the woman was observed to stoop and spit blood, which by signs she gave us to understand, proceeded from a u'ound in the body. During this time she e- vinced no symptom of pain, uttered no groan, shed not a tear, moved not a muscle, save when endeavoring to make herself understood, but awaited her death with an undauted mind. The child she bore in her arms was transferred to her husband's—her blanket removed— when it w’as discoved a ball passed thro’ her body, entering near the? spine, and coming out just below the right breast. To add to the horror of the catastrophe, she appeared far advanced in that stale whieh gives the object a passport to our kindness—our sympathy—our protec tion. It was with difliculty she was persuaded to allow herself to be passed to the rear in a blanket ; whence with her husband and the two younger chil dren, together with some provisions and a safeguard, she w*as placed by direc tion of the commanding general, in one of the deserted wigwams I have here tofore mentioned. Her doom however was sealed, she died within an hour af ter we left her; and on the return march from Suwany, some ten days after, 1 stepped from the column to look at her corpse. It lay on the verge of a small pond, divested of covering, save piece of coarse blue cloth around her loins—I shrank from the sight, and al most deprecatcd the profession in which I had been educated. My ideas on the occasion are inaccessible to speech or writing, and even aftei a lapse of years, my flesh yet creeps at the recollection The wounded little heroine was adopted by one of our Indians; and it created charm in the breast of all w'ho saw her each day riding behind her foster fa ther, whose whole care concentrated seemed in the contfortofhisadopted child. We learned that the tracks we had pursued during the last two days, were those of a body of i’chee Indians (hos tile,) on their route to join the Chiel M’Queen ; that the main body had for this purpose turned olVto the Southward, and tliat the unfortunate stragglers whose fate I have narrated, having dis- coverefi a Ike 7 Vet’, were engaged in col. lecLing the honey when discovered by the ‘Spies.’—'I'lie In.lianstook to flight, attemjjting to gain a close thicket. They were partially screened by a thick un- ders{ro\(’th, when tiie ‘Spies,’ being to tally unable to distinguish age or sex, poured a fatal fire. Thus no blame could attach itself to those brave felloWs, who would consider the most brilliant feats unprofitable, tarnished with one speck of inhumanity.” remarked yesterday, were visible and fresh. Nothing remarkable occurred until near mid-day, when we heard a discharge of rifles-l)y the spies, (who wore :• lew hundred yards ahead) follow- e i some dropping shots. Quicken- The following letter is saitl to Ijc fiom the pen of one of the greatest and best men that Vir ginia has produced. ADVlCi: I'KOM A FATHER TO IMS ONI.V DAUGirrKIl. Writtcu iminrdinUli/ uj'lfr hr marriuge, JSlv Di’AK—'V'ou have just entered into that state which is replete with happiness or misery. The issue ile- pends upon that prudent, amiable, uni form conduct, which wisdom and vir tue so strongly recomnieiui, on the one hand, or cii that iin;)rudunQu \yliich a ality are mere trifles in themselves, of ten’ produce bickerings, and even quar rels. Never permit them to be a sub ject of dispute; yield them with jjleasure, with a smile of afl’ection. Be assured that one dilference outweighs them all a thousand, or ten thousand times. A diilerence with your husband ought to be considered as the greatest calamity —as one that is to be most studiously guarded against ; it is a demon which must never be permitted to enter a hab- itat'ion where all should be jjcace, un impaired confidence, and heart lelt al- fection. Besides, what can a woman gain by her opposition or her difleren ces? Nothing. But she loses every thing ; she loses her husband’s respect for her virtues, she loses his love, and with that, all prospect of future ha])pi ness. She created her own misery, and then utters idle and silly complaints, but utters them in vain. The love of a husband can be retained, only by the high opinion which he entertains of his wife’s goodness of heart, of her amiable disposition, of the sweetness cf her tem per, of her prudence, and of her devo tion to him. Let nothing, upon any occasion, ever lessen thatopinon. On the contrary, it should augment every day; he should have much more reason to admire her for those excellent qualities, which will casta lustre over a virtuous woman, when her personal attractions are no more. Has your husband staid out longer than you expected ? Wtien he returns receive hini as the partner of your heart. Has he disappointed you in something you expected, whetlier of ornament, or furniture, or of any cunveniency : Nev er evince discontent; receive his apology with cheerfulness. Does he, wlien you are house keeper, invite company vvitnout inlorming you of it, or bring home with him a friend i Whatever may be your repast, however scanty it may be, however impossible it may be to add to it, receive them with a pleas ing countenance, adorn your table with cheerfulness, give to your husband and to your company a hearty welcome ; it will more than com])ensate for every other deficiency ; it will evince love lor your husband, good sense in yoursell, and that politeness of manners, whieii acts as the most powerful charm ! it will give to the plainest fare a zest superior to all that luxury can boast. Never be discontented on any occasion of this na ture. In the next place, as your husband’; succcssin his profession will dcjiend up on his popularity, and as the manners of a wife have no little influence in ex tending or lessening the respect and es teem of other!^ for her husband, you should take care to be alfable and polite to the poorest as well as to the richest. A reserved haughtiness is a sure indication of a weak mind and an unfeeling heart With respeet to your servants; teach them to respect and love you, wliile you (jxpect from them a reasonrble discharge of tneir repective duties.—Never tease yourself, or them by scolding; it has no other ell'ect than to rench;r them discon tented and impertinent. Admonish tliem witii a calm firmncs Cultivate your niind by the perusal of those books which inbtrucl while they new^ lustre; it is me means of jjruvcut- ing discontent, and even quarrels; ii is the oil of intercourse, it removes cri tics, and gives to every thing asnioutl), an even, and a pleasing movenient. 1 will only add, that matrimonial Hap piness does not depend upon wcalih; no, virtue, IS at least to real goodness is not to be found in weaiii.' but minds property tempered and unitetl to our respective situations.— Competency is necessary, all beyond that point, is ideal. Do not suppose, however, that 1 would not advise your husband to augment his property by all honest anu commendable means. I would wish to see him actively engaged in such a pursuit, because engagement, sedulous employment, in ootainmg some lauuableend, essential to happiness, in the attainment of a fortune, b)- uun- orrbie means, and particularly b) prc- tessional exeriion a man derives paitio- ular satisfaction, in sen ujjplaus. , a> v.ell as irom the increasing csiiaju.c.i i:\ whicti he is held by Uiosc arounu mm. in the management of your douiCslio concerns, let prudence and wise econo my prevail. Let neatness, ordei,juJg- meni be seen in all your dili’eiuiii de partments. Unite liberality with a just irugaiiiy; aiwuys reserve something for. tiie hand of chant) ; and never let your door be closed lo ine voice of sutitruig humanity. Your servants, in particU' lar, will have the strongest claim upoa your charity; let them ue well fed, well clothed, nursed in sickness, and never unjustly treated. To married Ladies.—If you see a* ny imperfections in your nusbatuls, (which is probable enough) do notpiiclM yourselves on your penetration in dis covering them; but in your iorbe.arance in not pointing tiiem out; strive to snow no superioriiy, but in good temper. A neat covipliinent.—Henry Ers- kine, celebrated for his eh'.^ant repartee, ; in company with the beautiful Dutchess of Gordon, asked her, “Arc we never again to enjoy the pleasure ot* our Grace’s society it. Edinburg “Oh,” said she, “Edinbuigio a vile dull place, I hate it.”—“jNiauan),’' re plied the gallant barrister, “iiie sun might wS well say this is a vile Uurknio;’' ning, 1 won’t rise to-day.” It would be a noble improvement, ci’ ratiier a recovery of what we call breeding, if nothing were to pass anioii;;' us for agreeable which was tiie leo^l igression against that rule ol iil'5 called decorum, or a regard lo decency This w'ould command the respect ol mai/kind, because it carries in it delcr- ence to their good opinion, as humility lodged in a wonhy mind is always attemi' ed with a certain homagt^, which no haughty soul, with all the arts imagiu:^- blc, will ever be able to purchase. Longcvilif.—Joseph And Elizabeth Cop land, of IMymouth, (Mass.) have hatl I* children, eleven of whom are now living* of the foliowing ages ; yo, 88, 86, 83, liN 79, 77, 76, 71, 68, 67. Upwards of tu'cnty thousandIctier' were received at the Post-Oflice York, from the 8th to the 15ih ins., in; elusive. Eight thousand were reccivtu in one day. There has been a frost at Ilavatia, 3 l ircmnstancc never before knov‘Mj ihe Coficc trees wci c not supposed to .injured.

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