VOL. III.] CJLmLOTTE, JV. C, TUESDAY, FEBBVdJiT 27, 1827. [NO. 120. FtiniJSIIED WKEKLT By LEMUEL BINGHAM, Jii Three Dollars a year,, paid in advance. Ko paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearag-es are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending: in advertisements, are ’reqviested to note on the margin the number of insei’tions, or tliey will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Clerks of the Superior Courts^ And other gentlemen holding subscriptions to tiic New Map of NoktH'Cakolinji, are luquestcd to return the same by the 1st of Jan-. ii;uy next. They will l^e so good as to present them, in the mean time, 1^0 such persons as will I)c likely to patronize the work, who have not Iiud an opportunity of doiny: so already. The price to non-subscnbcrs wijl be $10. Very few, however, more than those 'subscribed for, will be jjrinted. To remove any objection that ir.ay be urged against subsc.ribing, the publish er wishes it to be understood, that none of the su^scril>ers will be held bound, if the MAP is rot correctly drawn, finished in the best man ner, and of the best niatcriuls. I'vom tlie returns already received, the ptib- I’.sher is warranted in believing, that a subscrip tion f not less than one thousand names will be ol'tained in North-Caro'ina, among wliom ore, His Kxcellcncy the Governor, all the Offi cers of the State (Government residing at the metropolis, the Members of both Hotjses ot the J,egisl:itiire, a liberal proportion of the Profes- (ientlemen, a large number of that most xcspcctable class of citizens, the rarmers, and f.n‘iifrally the Merchants and Traders of our Towns, to whom a coiTect Map of the State is particularly desirable. Tlu' publisher takes this opportunity to ac knowledge his obligations for tlie polite atten tion wi»ich has been uniformly paid to his ap- p.llcations for assistance in the prosecution of Kis work, and especially to those gentlemen who have interested themselves in procuring tlie surveys of the several coimties. Any in- fbrniation calculated to benelitthe work will be thankfully received. JOHN MAC RAE. Fayettevine,' Dec. 18, 1826.—4tl9. STEAM BOAT ?fORTlI. c.moLLr.i This boat has been purchasetl to ply be tween Cheraw and (ieorgetownt the bout is in complete ordejr, having lately undergone a thorough repair—she is well calculated for the navigation of the river, as she only draws about three and a half feet water, with a cargo equal to four hundred bales of cotton—the agents at Cheraw pledge themselves, that every attention shall be paid to shipments by this boat, and that all cottons intended to be shipped by her, shall be taken in charge and securely plueed under good sheds or warehouses, fiee ofstin-agc, ami for all goods received and put in store, a mode rate storage will be charged. From the cer tainty of this I)oat being able to run at all limes and seasons, country merchants will find it to their interest to order their shipments and con signments through this place. Mr. Henry W. Conner, of Charleston, v, ill be agent for the boat at that place, and will take charge of an) and all consignments to go by this boat, (us it is [irobable she will sometimes go I’irect to Charleston.) Mr. Francis King, an experienced and well qualified agent at Ueorgett.wn, will at tend to all consignments, both fiom Ciieriiw and Charleston, and forward them toeitlicr place without delay* Our charges m IU be customary anil reasonable, and we i»ope to merit puMic patronage. The agents have large and com modious warehouses, and will secure every and any goods or cottons, for\v;*rd the former and ' ii'Hlitlonal expense. In their elurg.'.s, they ship the latter, with every possible des])atch. ! n guluted by the iEseulajjian rules, iis- Money or goods advanced on cottons wished to however, 25 per cent. 1.1 all puyn.ents be shipped. J. J, H. TOW NES. »iade before the enilof ei'chyear. Em u those NYv\ic\\es & Jo'weWcY'j. THOMAS ^’ROTTER & CO. Takes this method to in form the public, that they have opened a shop in Charlotte, in the house lately occupied by Doct. Samuel Henderson, on the north hide of the Court-House, where they are well prepared to re pair all kinds of ' affAtcftfs U Clortis, at the shortest notice. They hope, by a con stant attention to business, to merit the public patronage. They have on land auJ for ^ale, the following articles ;— Gentlemen’s gold patent lever Watches; I.adles' d(». go. do. Silver lever and plain do. C'lulns, Seals and Keys, Slides and Uings; Iheast Pins, Finger Kings, and Ear Uings ; Silver Table and Tea Spoons ; Soup Ladles and Sugar 7'ongs; Silver Spectacles, green and white, to suit i all ages; Militarv lUittons, I.ace and EpaulettS; Ladies’ Work Koxes and Reticules ; Bags and Clasps; Thimblts, &c. S>.c. 17* A. W DOCTORS Alexander & J. C. Rudisill Have associated themselves in tlie practice of medicine. As fai' as Dossible, their attentii.n shall meet the demands of eveiy eaije conii v.tt. I t- their care. In casi s of diilic 1 , '%'n sultations will not be atteuil' d v/id Cheraw, Jan. 24, 1827.—4t2U Statp ot‘ Nortli-Carolina. tiircotN corHTT. Bavid Blalock, ^ . . ! vs. > Petition for Dirorcc. Nancy Blalock. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Nancy Blalock, the defendant, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore order ed bv court, that publication be made three months in ■'he (3atawba Journal, giving notice to her, that she make her personal appearance kefore the Judge of our Superior Court of Law, at the next court to b( held for the said county ef I.incoln, at the Coiu’t-Hoiise in Lincclnton, on the 4th Mondny after the 4th Monday.of March next, then and there to anawer or de mur to the said petition; otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte, and ad-1 judged accordingly Witness, Lawson Ikndcrson, Clerk of said riock aiul \S iitcli Miikinj*;. The subscriber continues to carry on the a- bove business, and has made such arrange ments, that his customers may rely on punctu ality and despatch. He has for sale, Gold and Silver Watches^ Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear and Finger Uings, Breast Pins, Lockets, Table, Desert, and Tea Spoon5^ Mustard and Salt do. Sugar Tongs, Soup Ladles, Silver Spectacles, 1)0. do. with extra Glass, iJo. do. , concave for near sights, And a variety of other articles in the fancy way, all of which will be sold at the most re duced prices. JOHN M’KEE. Chesterville, S. C. Jan. 6, 1827.—6t2Ui* United States and Gtorgia.—We leferred in our last to the debate in the House of Re presentatives between Messrs. Forsyth and Webster, on the President’s Mes sage relative to Georgia, but were nna- ble then to publish it. We this day have done so. The Enquirer of Saturday “does not hesitate to say that the Mcssai;e of the President is not the production df a Statesman.”—The most hopeless of all hopeless attempts, is doubtless to satisfy a political enemy. Whilst political friends can do nothing wront;, ptWitical foes are al’.vays incapable cfdoiiij.; unr, single thini;^ right. A iool is he who makes the aiienipl. It docs not appear, though acl.nowletig- meiit of its cui TfCtness is of wilh- hold, that the of ll'.e in iTiatiaging the delicatc rclutiui.s with Georgia, touching llte ius-A treaty, has been disapproved. His ordet s lo arre-.t the Surveyors, and pm the (piestijn in a train oi'.luilirial iuvislij;atiun, is tacitly approved. 'i’i>e faitU finmd is with that pai'l of Ills Message in which he says, “It: tt.e present instance, it is his duty to say, I'.ai it the Lej^i."! I’.i ve and Executive • ics ol'tl!* St .1'* of Georgia should Jpoi*'. '-t.i ui aciK of encroachment upon .j at- : \ secuf. li by a solemn treaty u'; i..> li; ins, iuio the laws of the Union remain unaiier' (I, asuperadded obligation even liii;her lhati that of human authori ty, will compel the Executive to enforce tlie laws and fulfil the duties of the na tion by all the force committed for thit ptirpose to his charge. But armed force will only be resorted the to. Ya\\\abVe liand & Xegvoes FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell, at Public Sale, on Tuesday, the 6th day of March who cannot make payments, will find it to their advantage to call early and make settlements. Junuuri/ 2J, 1827.—4t2(J OC/’ In consequence of the above arrange-, jTient, the subscriber wishes to close his books j when all other means iail,” 8cC. up to the present date--he also wishes his cus-1 language is called minatory, in- toniers to know he has immediate need ot I , . 1 ■ 111. „ monev. A. ALEXANDEU. me.iacing, as held to a sover- - : ! eign State. 1 he President states a case. wiiich when it happens, when all pacific means fail, he will then feel bound by his rcli next, at the late dwelling house of oflice, to call in the military to en- ’ force the laws of the land. Ishejustifj- ecl in holding this language or^iot We Hay that he is, and the course of the Geor gia authftrities has furnished that justifi cation. In violation of a treaty of the U. States, Georgia has sent iier survey ors into the Indian territory, and not con tent with this open contempt of the faith I of a national treaty, has called her troops Xotice, WILL be sold on Thursday, the 8th day of March next, at the late t: of Ozwuld Alexander, deceased, 10 or 15 likely Negroes, 16 or 18 bales of Cotton, together with a great quantity of household and kitchen furniture,and other articles uot necessa ry to enumerate. The above nit-ntioned sale will continue from day to day, until uH shall be sold. A reasona ble credit will be given. , . , , • > 1 , , j • All persons indebted to said estate, will please I field, with the declared intention come forward and settle by cash, otberwise | of enforcing the survey, at the point 01 give their bonds with good securiti-s; and ( the bayonet, and against all resislauce tliose having individual bonds in the hands of j eve«7 quarter. Vet when the l\xe- the administrator, will also avail themselv(s of I jj States, acting in obe- the present opportunity oi renewincftheir notes ^ by com|.lylnif Ivltl, theabo.c- tcrnii »„.l tl,os, | co.isututlon, says - , • , , , ,■ , who.lo not, mavixiKctt,.CimniR’ii-accoi.nts; that if all pacific means ol accommoda- CourS at Lin-'olnton, the 4th Monday .after the , ^22 acres ot yry \aaiable Land, and three j oflicer for collection. Also , tion fail—if Georgia persists in setting at ■Uh Mondav of September, A. I). 1826, and 111 ' e> young eg oes one oy \ ears o age, j having demands against said esuite, will j defiance a national treaty, and backing , \v 1 lU I rx Tirrcf'nt urf'fSrM’.iio* tn hiwv K-. It ...III I* t ■Uh Monday of Sept the 51st year of our Independence. I.AWSON HENnEHSON ;>m’t ’20.—pr. adv. !^4. and two girls, one 19 years of age of 10 months old, the other girl is 14 years of age, all likely and of good families. The land lies 10 miles east of Charlotte, on Iteedy Creek, and one or two miles above Welch’s MUl. The please to present them according to law. ISAAC CAMPBELL, Jldminiatrator. Feb. 15, 1827.~3t21. N. B. I shall attend on Friday and Saturday,' POS r-OFFlCE, CH ARLOITE, > Jamtanj 6, 1827. 5 ! b^round is of excellent quality, cither for the the 9th tind lUtli ol Marcii, on the | ^ ’ r,^ 'jT" TUfWF tn this Ofllre either foj , pi-oduction of corn or cotton; is well watered ‘or the purpose ot givnig every person an op- ^ I c-tter or Newspaper Postage,are request- springs, with good an.l convenient build-1 portunity of s. tthng and paying or rene-.vn,g will say he ought \ ‘d to .:.ll, without deliv, and settle thtir res- j on the ],remises, and fifty or sixty acres of I,';);;;;. peLliv.^ dues. Such as do not iittencl to this no- land under cultivation. Il«ere is an excellent 1 accoidiiife to law, t\c,, must not expect ; nv farther credit. In no ^^at for a Saw Mill or Onst Mill, on a good, ^'Iise, hereafter, will a leiter be delivered until j and standing stream, rh. postage is paid, except to such as have re- ^ payments are 0 be made as follows : ffular accounts; and accounts will be kept with | payment for the negroes is to be made those onlvwho live within a convenient dis-i aga>nst the first day of January next; bonds ■ ty will be required. The land as it is nty di ^enTiIiiatioii to ari as near ils niv'abililiis will .id- I. C. that violation by arms, it will t/un be his duty to execute the laws by the military —this declaration that he will do, what I every man knows his oath of ofiice re- and what even/ man to do, when the case happens—ihis language is called that of tancc, are known to be punctual, and whose post -ges are sufiiciently large to warrant the trouble. , Those w'ho receive newspapers through this e, and neglect to call and pay the postage ehu on tueni, must expect to have their papers retained hereafter, unless the postage is paid iu:ntt:rly in advance. In respect to such, the j subjoined instruction from the lieneral Post-Of fice' will be strictly adherjud to :— “ Ex]:crience has proved how inattentive anany people are to the payment of such small debts as arise from trusting the postages of newspapers; you arc therefore not to give credit. To save in future any trouble or incon venience, it will be proper for you to require ’'.be subscribers who receive papers through your office, at the conmiencement of every quarter, to pay the amount of one (juarter’s ?»ubscriptIon in advance, and wltlunit such pay ment in advance, not to deliver them any new s- pajiers, even though they tender you the mo ney fur them singly.” ot i 9 with good security 'r^vvYe. 071 Fridayf the of March ?icxL a puritan and a !nilitary despot, and pronounced menacing and insulting to a sovereign Slate. It meets the appro bation of gentlemen, li»?it Georgia should not only violate national treaties, but At the subscriber’s in Lincoln county, near j arm her citizens to protect that violation the Tuckaseege fortl, will be sojd, on a vit X^YU\-VaYnV\m\. ItKCKLl'-MUmfl COL'XTY. Sv/'cr/or Court of Law,, fall Term, 1826. ^fani’.-le Alexander'^ Jo.,.], Tl'cxandcr M dUlriMlon. and others. J r V appearing t(> the satisfaction of the court, that Uobeit C. Morrison and Prudence his uilc, defendants in this case, reside beyond the iimits of the state : It is thirefore ordered by the court, that public.'ition be made for six weeks, in the Catawba Journal, for the defend ants as aforesaid, to appear and defend the a- xoresaid suit. ^ v‘!t21.—pr. ailv. J. M. IIUT&HJSON, a.lv, i.]. payable on the first day of January next, and the remaining half on thefirslday of January, 1829, bearing interest from .lanuary, 182«, Sale to be on the premises. Any person wishing to purchase, would do well to come and view the ]»roperty previous to the day «>f sale ; and any one wishing to do so, will apply to the subscri ber, living two miles above the premises on the same creek. 1 will also sell tor cash, on the same day, 3U0 bushels of corn and some st'ck, consisting of* horses and cattle, bale to com mence at 12 o’clock. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. March 3, 1827.—3t2o \lowse ot lliiWYOWVl. DR. JOIIX :m. happot.dt TAKKS this method of Ini'orining those w ho nuiv ftel disposed to honor hiiii w Itli their patronage, that he has removed to the late resi dence ot Mr. Abner Houston, whi^e he may be found and consulted at any time, except when engaged in his professional avocations abroal. He w ould also return bis thanks to the iidiahi- tants of I’rovidence and its vlciinty, for tlieir liberal patronage dining the past year; be fur thermore solicits a continuance of llie same, and will endeavor, by his assiduity and attention to business, to give general satisfaction. (Con sidering the scarcity of money, and the pn.-s- stire ot the times, he promises that his charges shall be very moderate. Provldcna-, Mtckh nhurg county, N.V. } Fi/jruttry 1, 1827. — IBlf 5 N. B. I'aiTiIly Medieines kept on hand for sale. ?5U*\cUwes. JUST PUllLISHEl), and for sale at this of fice, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘ An Apology for the Book of I’salnis, by Gilbert _31cMaster.’ To which are added, Ifeniarsk on a book, [by Alexander Cordon] entitled ‘'I'he ilesign and use of the Book of I'salnjs.”' B\ Hi.Miv liCFiNLH, A.M. \\ i'll an Appendix, by .loii.N M. W1UOS, f.i!i‘or ol Uy.k,' uud , l>iit w hen tiie Executive of the U. States reasonable credit, a quantity of 1 that if she persists, his duty Corn, Fodder, Hogs, Slieep, C;UUe. I will require him to defend the laws by household and kitchen furaiture, ' j the military, his Mo-^sage is, forsooth, * ,p . ,, , T.T called by the same gentlemen daring, in- A 1\\0 iloise W itgon, I suiting and minatory! In the name of anda number of articles too tedious to mention. I is all jusiice and reason banished Where .luo attendance v.iil be given by the | ^.jrclc of politics ! subsenber AHaM HOW.. The cji;estion whether Gco-gla has ;v l'(’I). 5. InzT,—.»UU . , • . 1 1 .1 \ 1 lo this lain]—or whcthei* ihe last or tliclirsl treaty be valid, is immaterial.— If she lu.s that rlfjiu, tlie last treaty does not give it to iier—il'thc last treaty is in valid,,it is nut coni])ttent for Georgia so to pronounce it. It is I'ue law «jf the land, ri^ht or wrong, until agnulled oy the proper autliority, and as binding on (leorgia as tlie arlic le >f the Constitution which a-isigns her but tv.o Senators in Congress. Jiut she has not wailed for the derision of the competent tribunals. Siic lias taken the law in her own hands, and called in her troojis to sustain her in its violation. It is said, (Jeorgia is a sov ereign State. Agreed—but is she still not subject to the operation of the laws aiid treaties of the the Liiion.^ Does her soverignly recjuire or ) rtnil her to trample on the laws of tlie L'nion at her discretion? This transaction is seized on like every other, to enlist j)rejudice against the President of the United States. Hut it is rather too serious a oru;, fcjr an elec tioneering topic. The man who would endeavor to inflame the bad feelings al ready engendered Ijy the striie between the United States and Georgia, for the put pose of benefiting .Tackson or injur ing Adams—of defeating tbis qucstioti of policy or promoting that—oughtjo 4 Nl) Stage House, at the sign of tlie Eagle, iTV in Cliariotte, Norili-f'arolina, bv lul36 laJllEHT WATSON. The CinHSTMX AL.MAXACK, lOH THK Vr.AH OF Ol U I.OUl* 1827, Calculated for ihe Meridian of Raleigh. For sale at this Oilice. V u\AVC ¥» utwin lUt?. u\. fJllIE subscriber informs his friends and the JL public, that he has purchased that, well known establishment, lately ow ned and occuj/i- ed by Ur. Henderson, and is now prepared to entertain travellers and others, w lio may please to call on him ; and no exei-tions will be spared to render them comtbrtable, and tin ir stay a- greeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which the country affords; his bar with the best of li|Uors; and' his stables w'th plenty of provender, and careful servants will be in eonstantlitteiulance. UOl’KUT L DLNKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1820. »8U Deeds, for ot this CWHeu. ibc ;vc:\t.'cd a* ‘die madtnan who -walks with a lighted torch over a raagainze of power. He ought to be dragged through a horse pond—not that the punishment is adequate to the ofiVnce—but becauso its mildness is recommended by the fee* bleness of understanding implied in the nature of ihe offence. Rather let every good citizen, duly estimatnig the dang^fc- ous nature of the controversy, and de precating disunion, contribute by his own moderation, to that general moderation which caa only effect its happy conclti- sion. On Friday, a second debate occurred in the House of Representativts on the +efei ciu.e of the President’s message, and we arc happy to find that it is mucli more nioderate, and temperate in its character* attd that in a proposition, to purchas'o out the Cree\i Indians in Georgia entire ly, approved by all sides of the House* liie rainbow of final and pacific adjust ment of all differences, is clearly been. We hope soon to be able to congratulate our readers, and 'we may say the morldf (for on the duration of this Union, th# hopes of mankind may almost be said to depend,) on the complete and satisfacto ry adjustment of the Georgia controv«rw sy. Richmond IVUig* The Virginia Jackson Republican of Monday is dressed in deep mourning, and the leading editorial a/ticle, after a brief caption, commences thus : “ We arfe^ all amazemoif !!f heart sick I!! chapfallen.'!^, dumb! I!—Mourn, Virginia I Mourn Who’s dead now, asks the reader, “ Mr-. Madison, or who? Mr. Madison is not dead—nor even Mr. Randolph, nor Mi**. Giles, nor even Thoaias Ritchie j but the Hoi’ks 01 the Richmond Party are “deep in the ocean hurried !” To be plain^ • the Republican has discovered that Mr; Tyler, the Senator elected in the place of Mr. Randolph, approves of the manner in which the present administration came into .power, and asthe opposition party found tlicir oppobition entirely upon that basis, Mr. Tyler is lost to them. The - Republican made the discovery in fhc article from the Winchester Virginian, published in the Patriot a few days siiicc, which stated, that “shortly after ibe de termination of the late Presidential elec tion in the House of Heprcseiiiativrsr# Mr. Clay received a letter from Gov# Tyler, approving in unqualified terms* his, (Mr. Clay’s} course in that election, and congratulating Mr. Clay and thb country upon the result.” The Repub lican understands “ from unquestionablflT authority,” that the letter is in sub stance acknowledged by Mr. Tylc'r.** VVe thought at the time, that the Repub lican's boast, that the Administration vas only swapping the Devil for a Witch whca was premativej 8c subjected lo the ordeal* he proves not to be a Witch, & theadmin* istration has got the Devil off iis hands ! In sober earnestness, and party feeling*^ aside, the election of Governor Tyler tcr the Senate of the United States, in the place of Mr. Randoph, is a good thing* for Virginia, the Senate, and the country at large. ^— Balt, Pat. Lmg Speeches.—Mr. Jefferson has said, “ I consider the speeches of Livy, Sallust, and Tacitus as pre-eminent specimens of logic, taste, and. that sententious brevity wliich, using not a word to spare, leaves not a moment for inattention to the hear er. Amplification is the vice of modern oratory. It is an insult to on assembly of reasonable men, disgusting and revolt ing of persuading. Speeches measured 6y tke hour., die irith Ihe hour. ” These words should be wi itten in letters of gold, and placed over the Speaker’s chair in every Legislative body in the country. We observe the following among the toasts drunk at Washington City, on the fuh of January :—“//;y General Houston'^ State Rights and the Kightsof the States,’* S'.c. Is not this a distinction without 2 dill’erence ^ U it not as if he had said “ the 3th of January, and January thi> 8ih f” However, It is the habit of Ten nesseeans to make these nice distinctions. A Judge decided, a few weeks ago, at Nashville, that if cards were playird for tiilvir or gold it was gambling, and pun ishable under the statute, whereas, if only Barkk nolcn were staked, it was not gam bling within the meaning ot the law. ^— Virginian. Among the Toasts drunk at Abingdon* (V'a.) on the 8th of January, and which we find on record in the Richmond En quirer, is one given *''■ Wy a gmtleman." his in these words—“The Dutchmen of Pennsylvania—but not Shnlze.'* Gen. Cadwallader Jones of Orange, Gen Jas. McKay of Bladen, and David Clark, Esq. ol Halifax, County, havo been elected to compose the Board of In ternal Improvement for the present year, in place of Gen, Iredell, Maj. Forney, and Gen. Dudley, who declined a re-elec tion. The Govtjruor is, CXofTicia> dent of the Boa’ d,

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