MAN AM) >1;in is llic riig'get!, lofty piiu, 'J luit Irowns on many a Wavc-beat shore, Oman's the sltiidtr, graceful vine, Whose turhng tendrils round it Iwine, And deck its roiigli bark sweetly o’er. 5!an is tlic rock uhosc towering'crcst Ikods o’er tlie mountain’s barren side,’s the soft and mossy vest, That loves to clasp its s-terile breast, Atid wreath its brow in verdant pride. >I:in is the cloud of coming storm, I)ark as the raven’s murky plume; Save where the sun'beam, li^ht and warm, Of woman’s soul, and woman’s form, Gleams brightly o’er the gathering gloom. Ves, lovely sex, to you ’tia given. To rule our hearts with angel sway, "Blend with each woe a blissful heaven. Change earth into an embryo heaven, sweetly umilc our cares away. From thf Jljftvki. •THE HOUR OF PRAYER. ‘Child, amidst the flowers at play, VVhilc the red light fades away; •Motlu r, with thine earnest eye, 'Ever following silently; Tather, by the breeze of eve Called thy hars-est work to leave 'Pray ’.--Ere \et tlio dark lioiirs be, 5.ifl the hi art and bi ud the knee ! " Traveller, in the stranger's land, i'ar from thine own household band; ■Mourner, haunted by the tone Of a voice from this world gone; Captive, in whose narrow ccll Sunshine hatli not leave to dwell; 3ailor, on the darkening sea ; T.ift the heart and bend the knee ! that fron' Icittlc won -Iireathest now at set of sun; Woman, (j’cr the louly slain, Weeping on his burial-idain; Ye that triiimpli, yv that sigh, liindred by one holy tic ! Heaven’!) first star alike ye scc- Lift the heart and bend the knee Mixing together profit and delight. TKS WXTCH. By John Galt, Ksquire. They talk ignorantly of human nature who regard the aboiislieil crime of witch craft as having had its orijjin in the .phantasma of superstition. Nothing is more common in the management of •inankind, than to see persons who, from having felt deference paid to their men tal superiority, have assumed to them selves the prerogative of governing o- •thers by dicta, rather than hy the rea sonable exercise of their understanding. In such assumption or arrogance consists the criminality ofwitchciaft—a crime as old f>s humanity, and as eternal as power and imbecility in the faculties of man. The following little anecdote is demonstration of the moral theorem here propounded : About the end of the reign of King .fanu's the First of Great Britain, a mat ronly woman, of the name of Uebecca Su irf, came to-ieside in the village of Stuke Regis. Her appearance was ra- Iher, though in no remarkable degree, nbove her apparent condition. Some said she had surely been a gentlewoman, others were of opinion tliat her husband liad been an apothecary ; and the whole community of the \’illage were somc- ^’hat surprised that she did not practise as a midw ife. She lived, however, a- ^noiig them many years, avoiding the observation which she was .evidently conscious of having attracted. During i{he wlude period*, her managers weie TTiihi but reserved, aiul her conduct and deportnient singultirly vincxccjjlionabk'. This friendless and li>rli,>rn person at ’List became old; her from whal- *ver source derived, whether from the 'jndustry with v.’liioh she ]>lied her own liistaf)', ;r iVoni any undivnlgcd soui’ce, .-gradually diniinji,!if'd, (ill hhe l)ecanie •;i!most a nKM'.dicant. She wa;5 not ei’- llii'Iv so, l)ef’;iiise her ‘i'.aslcd foi-m, liie vai iety ol’ w rftchrchicss exiiihiteii •i;i her |»;it'’hed and inuenewed aftire, ■sttraclcd the chnrity she rcfjuired wiih* out an\- suilcilali(jn on her part. She -file! net heg, slicwas onl\- helped. One day, it was in January, and al'- i^.r many sti»rn,_ t!jysof slei.t andshuw- cr, ^he came to the door of Alice'I'hor- >vald, a n'-ighbor, and requested the •loan of a lilile meal or flour. Alice at ihe time was busy fondling her child, ;ind answered tiic request—wliich wus inodestly enough made—harshly. lie- Lecra jejieated it, and received a still jnorc ungracious reply, liebecca a third time besjged the little loan olWh[chshe .stooiJ, as sliC said, really in great need; ♦Hitthc ihii’d aasviX'r '^'as 5till iiioic uu- iiind lliAn the Termer two, and she wasi told to apply el>ewhere; - “ for,” said .Mice Thorwald, “I have something else to do-with my deir child than to heed such applications.” Rebecca Swarf made no immediate reply, l)ut drawing her cloak close a- round, sire looked sternly at Alice for a short space of time, and then re plied—Well as you love, or think you love, that darling, beware of the harm you are doomed to do it!” When the old woman had retired, her words recoiled upon Alice, and when Eben Tiiorwald returned home in the evening, Alice mentioned to hiin the occurrence and the malediction, for so she had felt it, of Rebecca Swarf. Eben was of a gloomy frame of feel ing, strong in resolution, and withall disposed to the worshij) of superiority, however constituted. He was natural ly suspicious, and not untinctured with envy; hence, either from antipathy or from the etlect of some experienced slight,he at once disliked ReheccaSwarf, and ws aawed by her sagacity. He caused Alice, his wife, to repeat to hi’.n the malediction; he pondered on its intimation; he thought he could dis cern in it. something of more than met the ear :—he strif)pcd the chilil naked— carefully examined all its bcidy—could find no mark of scathe Uj)on its skin; and he finally concluded, that if there were any power in the bodement, the e- vil thereof was to tall upon Ali ’e. Alice laughed at this conclusion, and for some time afterwards no change was observable in her conduct ; but in the end Eben saw, or thought he saw, that she did not treat the child with her wonted afleclion, and chided her for the neglect, reminding herat the same time of Rebecca Swarf’s prophecy. Alice, liisturbed by his exhortations, affected to fondle and caress the baby ten times more than she would othei- wise have done, till her anxiety grew to habitude, and all her neighbors spoke to her, and marvled at the inordinate and foolish fondness for the child with which she embittered both her own life and that of her hushand. Even himself became impatient at her exclusive en dearments, and one day bethought, as a remedy to check the morbid atfection of Alice, to apply to Rebecca Swarf for advice. “ Your wife,” said Rebecca, ‘‘hashad a dream, or an omen, that has told her she is ordained to do mischief to the child.” P'rom that moment Eben felt himself irresistibly drawn to watch the conduct of Alice. The hand of fate had indeed laid hold of him ; he felt—he trembled —but he could not shake it off. One night, while he was observing Alice watching the baby as it lay asleej) in the cradle, he saw, or fancied he saw, the fondness with which, ^he was hang ing over it, suddenly change, and a ghastly and haggard expression supplant the wonted maternal benignity oi her countenance. “You so worship that child,” said he, as if W’illingto be disenchanted from the impression which her agitation had produced, “you so worship it, thatone might think you make much of it in or der to hide some intent to do it harm.” Alice burst into tears, and w'ept with impassioned grief over the child, who awakened by her sobs, smiled at her sorrow. Eben w’as overawed at the effect ol his jemark, and endeavoured to sooth her with all his kindness ; but his feel ings received an irrecoverable shock when she informed him that she had one night dreamt a dream, in which she saw Rebecca Swartli come to her bedside with a knife in her hand, and heard her say, “ Cut the thread !” “ From that hour,” continued tlie comfortless Alice, “ I have alien >een a shadowy haiul, hoKling a bloody knife, hovering over the ciatllc—and ihe hand is like iny own hand — ^ ^ -r ^ ^ ifi l'h(,‘se strange circumstances, aftei' the execution (»f his infatuated wife, Kbeti 'I'horwald told to the rector, who cau>vil liebi cca Swarth t(j be ap[)rehen- ded as a witch. She was cast into ]>ris- on, and several times (jx.imined : but no jiioof could be ])roduced that she was in anv way concerned in the mui’der of the ciiihl for which Alice had suffered. Alice had confessed, when seized with Ihe knife in her hand, that she had done the tieed hersell', from the instigations of a power whose dominion she knew not, a:ul whose influence she could not resist, lint the jioor, old forlorn, and wr( tchefi Rebecca’s strength \^ as soon exhausted. On her third eNaniiiiation she confessed herself a witch, and the worthy elergyinan interiogated her as 1o the manner of hei' intercourse with the devil, and piously incjuired what benefit she had derived for having sohi to him her eternal j'-wel. “ The end of my v/u:- her crJy uiiswer. The spot wfcc'c slie was ournt inay yet he .*een on tlie common : it is still hare 5c covereil with ashes. Some say no binl ever alights on the ground —The sheep nibble at a distance from it, so that it is as mncli distinguished hy tiie rank growth of its herbage around, as by the blackness of the ashes where she was consumed. AN lUISH TltADlTIONAL STOHV. The following account of the circum stances which gave rise to the strange roHowiiig morning—at sun set, ihc 11 lie editor of iLe Herald very juitly search on sea anil shore had brought hi!.i '“‘i‘ks that this sutecr.ent js ol rfurj-^} „„ consolation-;t r.newod on ; u t.Mcst lo the who e coun.ry, i, folluwin- day, hut will, r.o uiid.spuled lact hat le« exists ui Nfw-Haven than in alnlo!^ cess and carried on unii e>i-. * j other city of equal populaiion. If grew cold. Years rolled on, and still found the liaron St. Lawrence a moody unhappy man, misiortunes iiad, as usual erowded upon him—his wife died in giving birth to his lost child—he had loved her well, and look no second part- j ner. Meanwhile, his son, who had first seen Clare island a chiKl, was almost custom or throwing: open tl.e gnl.s ol if Ilowth c»sllc, at th^ IIM toll oHhcdin- iv ^ „er hell, l.a. Wm. collected in two pla- '"K kindness, and g.ven every a Ua, - ccs, at opposite curemi.iesol Ireland ; '"S® T"" Tl”" n'S; “r"’ ” tradition supplyini; in the one, what it j *' nwjm” diseases, as arc of themselves not " " ,ev: About ™usuallyUal,IV the extent of our own city did not render It impracticable for the physicians lo ar- ’ I rive al any general result, a statement of ' ■ the same nature would be highly useful to our own inhabitants. Such a stau; ol' ■Uings existing in a.sectionof our cour,, try, ‘‘steady” and sober lo a proverL, may well lead lo the cjuestion,—Are one liind who die in the United Slates, abovx* twenty years? of age, the victims of in. temperance ? The fact is loo well established, savs the report, to recjuire^discussion, thaj; ing of his 21st year, as he sat beside lier on the deck of her vessel, and the an cient and beautiful abbey of Howth ap peared in vieWj looking like a “ fairy palace” arrested in its flight, and sus pended overthe sea. It is scarcely neces sary to add, that he was restored to his father, upon the prondse that the trav eller should never again be obliged to turn away from Howth castle; and that, in token thereof', its gates should be thrown open each day before tlie com mencement of the principal meal. had left wanting in the other the middle of the sixth century, Grana Waillia, or Grace O’Malley, exercised the same power over the 3(i5 islands of Clew 13ay, which her ancestors had, at an earlier period, overall Ireland. She possessed a manly mind, and spirit well adapted for the wild scenes in which she lived, and the rude men whom she governed—had caused much bloodshed, and done many a fearful deed on sea and land; hut, “none are all evil,” and she also possessed an excess of high and generous feeling, which seldom fails, with prosperity at least, to cover a mul titude of sins. The ruins of her castle may yet he seen—a huge mass of gray stone, looking tovv'ards the main land, form a desolate ibland ot St. ('lare, which is at the extremity of the cluster, and apparently formed lor no other pur pose than to break the force ol t!ie At lantic as it rolls into Clew liay.—'Fhere was scarcely a town or village idong the western coast, which had not been at one time or other, visited and plunder ed in the course of her piratical excur sions, and as the evil was severely felt, so was the outcry j.Toportionably gn;at. Still tliere v.\.s uu chance of redress, eM’ejil from a direct, ap'ieal to the sov ereign, as she was all p »we; lul at sea, and lived onthe be^t termsof intelligence with Richard Bourke, Viscount and ' (Jovernor of Mayo, to whom she was afterwards married. The injured, ac cordingly, had recourse to Elizabeth, and the eoiv^equence w'as a summons, commanding tlic attendance of Grace O’Malley at the Court of London, to answer the charges brought against her. It was, at first, treated by the Milesian Princess with the most sovereign con- ! made so good a use of it, that in the tempt; but, a threat (sworn to by lliiza- j course of a few hours, he faily under- beth) of sending a fleet against her if mined the prison wall. The aperture equtMitly become so in peiu sons of intemperate habits; and that in all acute diseases the chance fur recovery ii> gicaily lessened by this circuinstanct. EXCERPTS. From the Dumfries Courier. Curious Fact. —“ Keep a thing sev en years, and you will find a use for it.” So says the j)roverb, and the following incident, which was related to us the o- !her flight by a Greenock gentleman, affords no bad illustration of the truth of the remark. Not many years ago, a man, of the name of Douglas, v. as tried at Inverary for some petty lieprcilation, , and sentenced to twelve months inij)ris- ■ onment in Rothsay Jail. I^ut the cul prit had life, and as his new quartei’s by no means accorded with his ideas of com- KEADIN'G. l?y reading we enjoy the dead, conversation the living, and by coiiteni. plalion, ourselves. Reading enriches the memory, conversation polishes the, and contemplation improves the juilgment. Of these, reading is the 'most important, as it furnishes both tlie other. tl’lTAPIf ON LAUllEN'CE STERNE. How often wrong’s our nomenclature, Ilo.v names oi’t difi'er from our nature, 'I'is easy to disccrn ! Here lies the «iuintessence of wit, For mirth u'id humour none so fit, And yet men call’d him sTtu.\—jr. STTJDVIXCi NATUKE. It is said tliat Moliere read his cornc- been accustomed lo a roving ,lies to an elderly female servant, nnmcd when he pcrceived tliiit tht . pas.'aj;es, which he intended to he hu- fort, the thou-ht soon struck him that morous and laughable, had no effect oa it was posibleto change them. His cell happ‘ned to be on what is called the ground-floor; and, in addition to a chair, tal.ile, and bedstead, displayed an old- fashioned rusty grate, which, for years on years, had, to all appearance, chascd away no contiguous damj)—cniitted no chceif’ul blaze. From this grate he wrenched one of the ribs, or bars, and although the instrument was not above and 1 in diameter, he of sending a fleet against her if she persisted in refusal—her own con viction that a struggle against a power so superior, w'ith whatever advantages of situation, could be but a hopeless one —and, finally, the persuasion of the be fore mentioned Richard Eourke, at length prevailed with her, and she con sented to attend at Couft. IMany cu rious stories are told about her reception and adventures there—it will, however, be onl}^ necessary to say, that the Queen W’as Oiuch amused at the strangeness of her manners—that the proud bearing and haughty spirit which cotild not be endured in a courtier, were forgiven in one so ignorant of courtly forms and who had hitherto known none greater than herself—and, whether from her INIajesty’s caprice, or congenial mind and disposition, or from what cause it matters not—but the stranger did in crease in favor daily—and, finally, in stead of being punished for the enormi ties of which she had been guilty, was dismissed upon her simple promise of abstaining from the like in future. On her return, she thought proper to put into Howth harbour (whether from fan- cy or necessity it is not clearly known,) and, announcing her name and rank at 4he castle gate, requested the usual hos pitable entertairmient : it was refused, for fear of treachery—and her desperate character weighed more heavily w’ith the Ijord of Howth than what was then considered a sacred duty. Grace turn ed off, at once, without attem])ting to expostulate, disgusted at the lieartless conduct w liich tiie manners and super stition of her country alike taught her to Took on as almost unnatural. About mid-day, her vessel Wii^ observed stand ing out to sea—helore niidnigh.t her ve ry existence was forgotten at the Ca.'tlc' —but, at that very hour, she w;:s'‘ again in its neighhot hood, to take feai'l'ul ven geance for an insult, which had been as bitterly felt us it was silently borne. The night was awful in the extreme; , , ^ . • rain fell in toi rents, and tl'.e lightning, i ^he iealit\ of w hioh can be attested by at short intervals, made ilreadful liavoc hidividuals still resident in the though small, enabled him to drag his body through; but, after creeping out, he had the temerity to creep in again, and, f’rom whatever motive, secreted the disparted portion of the grate in cor ner of the yawning chasm above. Af terwards he found his way to Greenock, W’as allowed to work his passage in a vessel bound to North America, and remainwl in that country several years. Tiring, however, of the new world, he revisited Scotland; and in the hope, no doubt, that both his crime and his es cape had been forgotten, ventured once more among the wilds of Argyleshire. The Fiscal of the district, unaware, perhaps, of the man’s return, or not deemingths matter of much importance, offered him no molestation at first; but he was soon caught in a new offence; and from necessity or oversight re-lodg- ed in the identical cell he had broken.— All the world have heard of '/hnsnn’s witty tormentor; and as the first tiling he did on his return from In dia W'as to ring the astounded French man’s bell, so our hero had no sooner been left to himself, than he began to explore the area of the chimney, in quest of an old and valued accjuaintance, which had served him at a j)inch, and might do so again, anl he found the in strument where he left it I as fit for min ing work as ever, ami with fewer chan ges on its substance or surface than time and climate had made on his own weather-beaten frame. To work, there fore, he set a second time, and w’as a- gain so successfql, that he had his fool on the heath, ami saw the sun rise on his native niountains the next morning. —As the circumstance e\cjied a good d(‘jl ot ii,t;‘;diligent sc-tu'oh was made for the ri.ii on Trenck of tlie Isle itl Ihit'j; blit it was all to no ])Ur])ose.— He escajxjd to a distant part of the coun try, betook li.mself to morir lawful eoui - s(?s, and has been heartl to boast, when i heated with !i({Uor, of abrace ofexploits. town of liolhsay. J.itrnhjcrnna'.—'I'hc Medical associa- among the old oaks, which then clothed the lofty and rugged sidesof the promon tory—destructicm seemed to attend her onevoryside—stillslieiHTsso.locuard, l"“" Haven lonnly, Conn. have and :^iicceedcd in snrrDiiinlini; the house, i ^ statenicul hy which il appears lo which, she had ascertained, that the i I ■ •' ' • ' 1 among she had ascertaine”), that the i''’“I'- only son of the liaron was at nurse-no alarm was given—and the inmates wei-e safely earned aw’ay lo her vessel. Jl’he disappearance of this child was tremb lingly announced to the father; qu persons over twenty years oi aiM', were caused or hastened diiectly or indireeiiy by inttiDjjirancc; aiul that for the iw (i procetlin;^ years aT.iinilar pr(jporiion of deaths impuiuU',; ty tht: cuuiic. her, he altei'ed then). He also required the jilayers to bring their children to the rehearsals, that he might form hiso- pinion of diflcrent j)assages, from the natural expression of their emotions. FLAri'EKV. Among rdl the diseases of the mind, there is not one more epideniicni, or more pernicious, than the love of flalic* ry’. Like music, it “So softens and disarms the mind, 'I hat not one arrow can resistunce VOLTAIRE. A gentleman, w’ho was not pcrsonaily know'n to \’^oltaire, was receivc^l by him at Ferney, with that easy politeness which always distinguished his recep tion of travellers. The next mortiiiig the stranger, highly delighted with the entertainment, and also with the beautiful situation of Ferney castlc, boldly declared, that it was his inter.' tion to reside for six weeks in that en^ chanting retreat. Yoltaire saiil to him with a smile : “ Uj)on my honour, Sir, you arc the exact reverse of Don Quix- otte; that Spanish knight took the inm to be. cuallcSy and you, certainly, take this castlc for an inri.” The traveller felt the leproof and departed. PEDANTS. “I hate,” says Montaigne, those scholars who can do nothing without their books.” In fact, men of this des cription have no knowledge, but can tell you where some may Ije found.— They serve as indexes to good authors. 'I’heir conversation will inf^orm you that, in such a passage and chapter of Ciccro and Seneca, there is a fine thought.— INIontaigne has observed, W’ith muck truth in the .sentiment, and with great beauty of ex|)ression, that science is ^ sceptre in the hands of some men, and a bauble in those of others. PAIMT'L LOVE. To love is painful, il is true; Anil not to love is paiiiful too . lint, ah ! it gives the greatest 'i'o love and not be lov’d again. MUSIC. Mahtin Lutjieu says,—‘'^whocvc^ dsepises music, 1 am displea.sed witu him : Next to theology, 1 give aplarf^ to mu.'Ic; for thereby all anger is for;;ol ten, the ilevil is driven aw’ay, and nitl- ancholy, and many tribulations, and e- vil thoughts are expelled. It is the sc> lace of a desponding mind. ANECDOTE. A Physician observed to a clock niu ker, whose work needed mending, tn-i'^ if he was to make such errors in pi’i'^’ tice, it would be atteniled w’ith the loss of all his patients. The man drily plied, “.//, Doctor^ ihe sumhscnvr:^ nv/faults^ the earth hides ^uurs. Oak woodjias risen to the astonishiHo' ly high price of eiijht dolhu’s a cord i*' i''iil.i,delphia.

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