'' :«.• -Nut. ■I1!K W IIK.MAN. •llli: (-UK.r.K ANl) M Tii: r rv. ci i'oi.i cikm v. A iii(:;ut pli.u'k b\ (’.j;;>l,aitt'ino r.il-'filopiis, on !i t!c tucln-'d thr Si coiul, ill I’uc (■>{'llu: t '.'oiips (it M.ilmllil- sU jjc of (■(Mist.inliiioiik-. :(• t" iir.io'"' on tVc ri:^. I-. '.^O' of t.I;:;-!.* Iili.l 111' l'.hf‘U’ lidW to l-' CV-i'' '.(111, liv :n\‘'iiiiirnui;it liib j].>lt(iy to I .1.1 ir ]vi>>i')iis :iii(l hCiilc oi r.u!!. r»c. iV(ihl til'' HU>:, ;in! i (Tisy, N'lii I'lir. Tvirknian hiy bih'.v’c llii; ihf, Ine v.ihil jjlay’d loose tiiron^h bow uiul Miivciv . I Ilf r on tlit. l.;uik fed free, 'ic s’l.icKl liinii,'' g-l'tt? vin;^^ t'n>m ll>c trcr, i he shav iii, iiiul atatjul, AVcic liid iVoiii (lew In cloak ami pall; 1 (IV lonj,'’ aiul weary was ihe way 'J l.c horiltb had niarchcd that burninj; dftV. \bo\o tLtin, (jh the sky ol'Juiif, .ili'iK'.d as a I'UCrlt r, j.--low’d the moon, Tloodiiif;;’ vith } h ; v \ak- ami hill, Jn siher spraiij^ tin- inoTiiilaiii rill, 'i he w t tplni,^ shill!) in .'iU er hclit, A ])ilo (il'silvL r stood the tent: All MiUiidh.’K.'', .sweet Iraiuj'idlity, All henuty, liill, aiidlciiit, uiidtree*. 'j'iiere came a ^oulld—'twas like tin; ("us)i !.. n night winds shak tlie rose’s hiiih ; 'I 1k. re l uiiie :i soujid—’i\v;.s likr ihi flow Ol'ri\crs swellM villi inel'iir^’ snow ; 1 ill re came n sound— 'tw a.s like tiu* tnad Of w oh es aloni' the \ all \’s ht 1; There came a soui.d—‘i\»as like the roar of Oi.ran on its \\ inter s'lore. “ iJi ath to the 'riiik !” uprose the yell; On roll’d the cluirj;^—a thiiinlir peal ; .'I'hi I'artiii. arrtAv > t' ll lik' ridii,. ■' in V I,ink’d on helm, on mail, on chain ; la hh.od, in hate, in tkatli, were twined i:; V and (inek, inad, idei U'i'};', blind ; All'; .s'll! on lla'ik, on Iront, .iiid rear, (.f'nslaiitiiie, th} thirstiest spear! Cr:.-- y ai d pah , a type of hom, O.al’ uv( d ttic muon, thnnii^h deejioning’ I'hjcni , J(,wn i.lnnL^ed her oib—’twas jiitch} ni^^ht:— ■\ow ’I'liiknian, turn thy rtins tor- flight! On r iM.’d tiieir ihousamls througl: the dark ; Hi.' thi'r c:.mp u rudily spaik, Ukt an u.icert.iln n.ett iiv, reel'd : 'i'liy ham!, hrave kin^i:, that fin brand wheel'd ! "Wi'.d hnrst the liurnint; t Icmont o’er man and cui.r,'! r, Mag an.l tout ; Ami li;r(i.'^!i the bi;..;e the t.reeks outspnln;3^ iJki- t'g -r^. Mo".l\, foot anil i'ani', dai;i;ei ’., I.'eivin;;' tl'.e stunn’d ! i!i lay the slave !>y cIik f and Khan, Ami all w as '^^ re tiiat once :s man. 'I h re’s v.MliiiiT on the Ku'^ine shore— Her • hivaliy si'. dl liile no more. Tl.eri ’s wadiiig on thy hilltJ, Altai, Tor ( ir.elH—the (.veeian vultures’ jirov ! But. l’.( sphorus, lh\ silver wave Hears shouts f(,r the rc turning brave, ’i he kinglicst of her kingly line, i'or there comes glorious (.'onstantiiio ! n rii»" ‘ > HI' pi 101 J)anV !i thal v. liicWll" (liroddists \\.intcil, ;nd \vas well (jiKiintcrl wi'li lh(! S' (lit inovtMnonts o! llio^c i:isuM'('tj(iris t'» which Hit} pos- sc.-si cl 1.0 l\».y. Ills vires ol wralli. luMwy, !(;vi- id’ .•>j)oi!, dixiidfii'l ns tiic} ‘u/jic, /\ i;/j/c Trrf ucii.r y lia"ti:U'I \v(;rc, nro iilti ilintfs «d mortal men 0(1 to (, \ci;iil(‘ Vv h.iti \ f;r came ii t om- t In-, cjivy rif i T(!, aiiil 0 Lti(U-! liy s'-icii hoi.inl phrasfs, ilionjriii stii)ciive blo(Kl-tliirstI;K-ss of (levi.sed llv tl;o wor-l of men for the ] were l!ic properties of ficiuls. D.mtoo. l.I.e liie huf.n- seri/ i.1 caliei P.oa, mrjn' he fipjjio wiieii ^oriied \\ itli prcy- lile ofMaral for hlood !e (jf imdri htai.d-1 y ;ii t.> of I'liiiiiins,'' and liypo-{ cd )i \veij::li !ri(;re w ilh ihi; mul- lil'ide than the words id' eltriiience, oi the ari^iimer.ls tifwl^dom. 'J he peojili; lislciitd 10 their ('icMO, wlwn he 1 w an'''K (1 out his ;!-/o‘^lioj»he> ol I'tturrf I ■ V i:u' general i thuugii ail impleasa hi '- '.1 i h worst and most inhuman juii jju^es. “ \'anity was ivobespiene’.'s •rniini!; pas.sion, and though hi's countenance was the image of his i .ind, In; w;-s Miin ' evr-n of his jjersnnal apncajanrf, and | ‘ never ai’optcil the e5:toi n;d ii;:bits of a sans culotle. Amongst Iks fellow ja cobins, lie' was distinumshed ny the ni cely with v.hich liis hair was arramjed am! j)owdered : and the neatness ol ids dress was carefully attended to, .so as to rounterbalance, if possible, tiie Mil{>;ar- ity of his person. l!is a])art!nent?;, tiion^ih small, were ele;.-:’.nt, and \'anily had liill d tliem with re]!resenta‘ions of the occiiMan). Ivobespitirre’s ijic.Lureal lenj^tli htitii^ in one place, h.is minialiire iti another, his !)itrsl accnpitd a niclie, and on the tabh medallions exiiibit inu; his head In ]rolll Tlic \ai.ily which all this indicated v.as ol t lie coldest and niosL sidfish ciiaracter, beinp: sncli as rf)iisiilei s neLiilect as nisuil. bill the app'' was lik(.' till lorse-icceli, v. hich says, Not enough ,ind the slitu;^!itcroi!s f-nvy of Jlobes- pierre was like the s'lawin-^ worm that dieili not, and yickis no interval of re pose. in p;luttinp-; Danton with spoil, and fnrrdshin^ the me ms of indul'!;inu; his Inxnry, the (lu-ondisis mi‘rltt liavi purc’iased his si'j*port; ir.il iiolfiini; m - d('r the supreme inie in France woiih. luive ^latified I’obospierre ; and an un limited tojrent ol the bloo»l of that nn- h::pjiy eoii'ilry Cv-nld alone have satiatt'd Marat. Ifa colU :ii:;n! was to lie chu-ei ont of that liete.stahle triumvirate, nn- Danton was to be consiil- 1 hitiK, IlCOi -;.nd censdri, den, in these ea>es, a very wholesome .ne'liiii'f. , Praise, on the other hand, toi.ici)CS on •! more nang- ruus key. It nurscs in lead of si:ppressui“ the uangerous pi o- ■ensilv 1*) piide. “ tl/ ; a people said of my ounu,’ fi'ieijti Alcanzor —and it ^'jot lo AIcan/.or's ear, as siudi tfiinns will in nine cases out of ten. 'I'iiC youth was pr inising fair for mnnliood—with in dustry and prudenco to follow up the ■,ui\aidaj^es he enjoyed, he would ha\e become an oniament to soeiety. i>nt the idoa of hcini; a jrenius haunted’ him nig ridii i'ldicuions praetices—bccarne _ \v)th vanity aiid self conceit ami Ivi "l.ij :,li lii'^ golden ojii'ortuiiitics in grasping :d'ter the foolish phantom'! that »lit!“d Ijf forc his be'.vildercd brain. He Uon- rd out a pour creature.—rrai:'.c nad done ti'.e mischief. A'ldiersii.g tie rdl-oiicr, lic i “ \rw j.ave bec!. tried arc',.idii.g !■ 'av is atiii cvi.'eiice, and nut ii} ine a.,s, ;uu or.-'eai ol cnsiir.g into thi' water. Von i,;tve been found guilty of ihe niust a’>M. cions witcberalt. V on have hTokcii the banils that iiiut‘,’d j.arcnts ai.d - ,iil- dren, and jilaced the det.tructive Uv.;;, pons in tiie hands of a son, and imp'die’i him to take the life of an afiectiuuatc' father. You have prostrated mai y of vour nei'j;hbours in the niire of ini; .streets, and one of them was, inroMjirli vour means, thrown into tne fire an?! iiui-iitto death.—Olivers have been slow* Iv, yet n.ortally poisoned by yuur prc- lendcd nicdicir.es, w'hile } on jjrc.; jsbcri to be one of their w armci^t friends. \ ou io-ht -^nd d'.V. ' He put on a ihousauo i have bewitched .some into a slate d j,ar- iiiiaiiuMs ami Icll ii.to k. tial llitj ,.,vc ,d;pnlni! t.i ai'lices—became iniil.'d up committed Hie basest ci in.e^.. i ..u i.uvn were disposed a few ine^tionaijI\ ered as the most eligible. “ Hyio rt'f/d'i an i'hncricfin Jlnok.” This insulting word has again and a- and receivj.s-homag*. merely asatiibute; Igain been practically replied to, in a so that, v.hile jiraise is received w ith-1 manner rather galling, probably, to the out t;'raiitiide, it is withheld at tiie risk Muitc'ied the bread from the .iiciuil!? of innocent K'.ii:;diin, and, by n.iigu; jiow- ei‘, changed it into iinuit' fin* lo couvjunie the vitals ol ilieir jiarents. \ ou i.ave tiiiown some ol your neighbe^urs into j pflSOI. lum;r up others on the lilv.iVS, e tiiat •-jr/icl a hcaii/'ful !^h'I."'\hc\i)ur\s:\n'‘n\ drowned m.my in the lak •(M.t'en.en nseil to :rav when they passed | burnelh with Hre and brunslone. Thr. !,oe Seymour's window, and got a sentence ot ti.e court is, that you be i-. i.mccat her fine facoand pretty figure. I» was no wonder that tiiey calliMi her in'aatiful, for i^he was so. 1)iit j'crsuadi tiul l.di hioir-. sweep an. ! stajrgi ling hcup- of mortal hate. Sell-lovc id tfiis dan-1 gerous eh.nacter is (losely allied with , envy, and i-lohespierre was one of tlie most cfiviiJiis and viniiictive men that over lived. H(i never was known to paidon any opposition, aflront, or even rivalry ; and to he marked in histaldefs on such an account, vvas a sure, though perhaps not an immediate sentence of death. iJanton was a hero, compareii wil.li this cold, calculating, creeping mis creant; for liis passions, though exag gerated, liad at least some touch of hu- manily, and his brutal ferocity was sup ported i)y brutal courage. Kobesjdcrre was a coward, who signed death-war- lants with a iiaiul that shook, tbougli his heart uas relentless. He posses.sed IK) passions on wliich to (diarge his I crimes ; they were pei’petrated in cold blood, aiul upon mature deliltcration, “M:,ra\ ti.e third of this infernrd tri umvirate, had attiacted the attention of the h wer oi ders. by the violence of his scr’in.euts ii: ib«' iournal, which he con- r i uj'on sc.eli |)i ineijile.s tiial it d in to; wardi'ig iV succes- Hlj. political o:;hoil:'.- '»ul('d like tlif' lio\'.’l id a young lady that she is very hea'itiful —and slio must be a girl ol exlraordina- ry good sense if she don’t let the thing i nn in her head to the exclusion ol n.oi e prof;ta!)!o thoughts. -laiiC oncvt culti vated licr mind, was industrious anu in- c;enius with lier needle—bid f.dr lo be Come an excrllent luniscd;eepi:r heen a rare rri/e it meiliatcly taken to sumo coMvet.ieiil place of execution and hanged !*y the neck until yo'J are ilead, dead, d'. ad, and may you die to live- no more for t \, er. lam inf'urnved that ti'.e name of ;ii( criminal \vas hilcivpcmnr''. 1 reniniti \ ours, wilh much respect. * * ‘ ^ 5L*avi£ty, Mixing togt lher prolit and delight. .TnUN l.NOX. The pure, heart-searching docirine^ !ic ' w liich were preached by the Scotch A- left to I po.'t'e, tvere tlien as th.ey are now% oi- I'ul 11\ nsive to *!'■; carnal heart; and he she soor. beijan to coiicluile that sl.e was ! coinmandcd h\ the \ oluplucu;> court i.i !)eaulifu!--that beauty ce>mj;cr,saled for! Mary lo desist. Knox, who knew no everything else. Tliose of the beau.x j master, and obeyed no niandate, tiiat who were worth'lavin^, tbouglUililler- was in oj)positiou lo h;s (lod anu h;s t.nt!v—the otheis she would not accept, Bible, paid no attention to the command impudent querist. Numerous books, written by Americans, have gone thro’ extensive* editions here—have been would have ^cen a rare pri/c translated into several of the iMiropean ll'C guidance m '-^‘^alj.u.gmenl languages, and ever}' where lauded “to the. very echo.” Such facts arc as.su- redly the be.st and most triurn))hant an swer to the sneerii'gf|uery above. Another .'h/icrirf/n hoedv has Just, . i .-.t i ii • 4- .■ been issued from th.e press in thi.s oilv. misnnder.^tanding lost I'.er a of the palace. Hearing liom tne enc Messr.^. G. & C. Carvill have published | husband No sensible man ever ihought mies oi the cross, who were the favor> a volume of poems from t!ie p-n ofi'i bc:auti!ul wife worth as much as one ; ites and friends ot ti.e palace, that ik ' llalleck. Itisn.hered into the litera- that could make a good puddmg— I orders were ilisobeyed ; the baughly ry world under the plain and modest lh‘ all knew this, fori ieel , .Mary summoned the Scottish ref. title of ‘‘Alnwick ('astle, with other j ^ their vvelioic. Poems-'—strictly in accordance, howe-( more fools and cox ver, wilh the adage, “good wiii2 needs j f’omb 1 1 n L~- ' r 1, .1 _.... ' ^ no V ji rncr into iier jiresencc. \V’lien Knox arri ved, he was ushered into a room itt than censure ever made’mi.san-j which were the C^ueen and her atleud* con- answered I,:ive nevuili.-lcire.mt oil.-cvu.—Ill all, ,|mukiiii'iii lo |,u,vu ...v.... hut .,f llien, w,i r.iHl !l,c >amn iioi've, v. il an.i | liH-i'O. When ,ni.n|,iilie.l. Ibo l.rsl lUnv, , ti iilli, and llial lie dare,I not prcacl, ik-. ■iwcflii.'ss llial have aluavs diarai'.U:!-' K>-iifraiiy Irom, liiMUT Iccliiisr llian the i “ l.nt. (niis-.vcrcil mic ol llic- L',rd>; „ii;- 1 ll.is fjil'ol •.vi;I'’i'h'!-i.kIiicI!i.ii-:., ri'iciids ^iiciuld ilo . comniaiids nuivt lie olievcd i.n pain o' T.', will, ll.o adage, «iroHl wine needs I ronilis liian cens.irc ever iraile niisan- wmcn «eie nu v^ueen ana net a i ,0 Inish.” Some or t!« pnems had pi-o-1 lino.,lie...—They .li e hotli good Ihin-s | .ilit Lords, On beiiis (pieslioned /wslvhecn miMished: several otheis 1 in paces-but it re.juircs » j cerning his eontiiniacy, he ans« ,ave never heioro.net oiir eve.-In all, (.'•'■■■'t deal ol'Judgment to place them ! plainly th.at he preached nothin- K’e\ (''i;ri(;n to(ik the !>• sive cliaui-,;!.?. tioiis ln.j;r):i and a blood-houi.'d for i: tirder con a VvujI i have wriltcn a ijur;iai, the gaunt ani! fami'-l'.ed wretch cuuld not have ra veled iimre eaiierly lor slaugiiler. It was Idood wdiicii was Marat’s constant , demand, not in drops from the breast j;rom u pvtliminary view oftl-.e frencli Itevolu- itulividual, not in imny stieaiiis lion, prell.\cd to the TdV ofNajioleon lluona- j f, y,ji -.laughter of l’an»ilics, hut blood parte—r.y the Author of \\ averly. |,^ profusion ol an ocean. His USUal •‘Thiee men of tenor, whose names | oah-ulation of the beads which he de- wiU h,; remain, w e trust, unmatched j manded, amounted to two hundred and in h: torv hv tho.'-e cf any simdar mis- tireai ts, iiad ih;w tl.e unrivaUed leading and wero callc.i the tri- ot thejacr. Ufiivirr.te. “!)ai;tf>n deserves In be named first, as u ;i ;va!ie'' and. auf’uciiy. i.ic si/e, and !'V his colleagues in talent He was a iiian of gigan- isessed a voice of liiun- tlcr. li eoii'detiance was th.'.t of an Oif’o o!’. t!.c '.henUiers of a Ileicules. llf was as fond of the jde.Tsuros of vice ,*is i f the practice I'f cr.iehy ; and it \vas said there- times wlien he became hu- * sixty thousand; and though he sonu:- times raised it as high as three hundred thousand, it never fell beneath the small er number. It may be hoped, and for th.e honor of human nature we are in clined to believe, there w’as a touch of insanitv in his unnatural strain of fero city ; and t!ie wild and squalid features of the w'relcii ap’pear to have intimated a degree of alienation of mind. Marat was-like Hobesplerre, a coward. l*e- P'latedly denounced in the Assembly, lie skulked instead of defending himself. i-t deiiaufdiei v, huia,i.( d I ;md hu' (’'>ncealed in some obscure gai' an'it at t'le terro’’ vvh.ieii I'.is 'urioiis deidama- lloi’s ( xciled, ;uul iiiij;!d he a])|:roaiJ'.ed ■wi h s;ii\ tv, lik'' t; e aid-drom at tlie 1ur e ')f tide. 11 i - j h h. mv n was iuduhr- eil to an extent lens i o his p'opular:- U', fiT till' poj u'ace are i.^alous oi' hivi'.l; (,‘\{ciiditu!'..', as raising thoir i,i\eiii ite> 1i:o much above tli ir own dei;t' e ; ''iul i;;e charge of j e' lihdi'jn linds al\' i;. s j rcjdy credit with them, when bri.ugld j .ac'di't ruh.’’^' men. 1 ISed The extract froni “Connec ticut, an un- publi.shcd peen'',*' i’^i the meit.-nio oi rjyron\s Don ouan, i' a i\Mnirk;'.bly beauiiiul eiTort, eoiDliieinir, in a iinjtj)y manner, I lie t);i'iiet ii: and tiie luoicrtr.is. We t w i t. ncer ,a.e ih'-' mifigled style, passing from grave to gay. another an injury. These axioms are indispaJably correct—and ought to he alwa\ s borne in mind. Ol.IVKR OAiCWOOB. ileatli—silence or the gallows is ihc ternative.” 'I’he spirit of Knox w.i?; roused by the dastardly insinuation tiia*: any human jjunishment could make iiim desert :iic banner of his Saviour; aiirl JicJIccfio7h9 (ni ihc stale \f JA/?’-Mvith that fearless, indescribable courage, from i riage. In/ a Muri'icd lie lead- j w hich disdains the pomp of language o- iivelv lo severe, Mo he that ill which ! in the chai aoters of a good ' of action, he iirndy rcj)!ied—“My Mr. il. !)jcuhar[v excels. The follow-1'vumanaremiiilness,comj»laisancy,equa-j Lords, you arc mistaken if you think ins stan/a-froni’a tah^ of the “ Green I nimity of temper. '1'he man, if he be a: you can intimidate me to do by threats Mountaineer, theStarkoflJennin^jton”-I provident and worthy husband, is em-j what conscience and (lod tell me 1 no- i>-j ler.se and epigrammatic. It is endowed | mersed in a thousand cares. His mind ^ ver shall do; for be it known unto yo’J* is agitateil, his memory loaded, and his; that it is a matter of no importance to with tlie ess^;nce of wit—its soul, bre vity: “When on that fiehl liir. band the Hessians fougl.t, Hriefly In; sp( kc before the fight bejfan— “Soldier:/thoH (iirnian-geiillenien art bought I .... ,, ,. I I, - i plf! sr.ould make him api)ear perfidious I or lour pounds eight anu SI ven pence pr mill. : ‘ _ l i i .. . Ity England’s king—a bargain, as is.t..ought i)o(iy fatigued. He retires from the bustle of the world, chagrined jierhajis, j i)y dis.'ipiiointnicnt, angry at indolent or Ipt^rfidious pcojjie, and terrified lest his tinavoiuable connexions Avith such pco- himsell'. Js this the time for tlie wife ot his bosom, his liearest and most inti mate friend, to add to his vexations, to increase the fe\ er of an overburthen- etl n.ind by a contentious tongue or a di.scontented brow? ret or cellar among tlu^ cut-lIi*oats, ur- til stoi'in a] ])e:ir( (l, wlieii, like a bird of i!i omen, his dealh.-sci'et ch \v;.s aa;:iin braid. Such was the si range and fah.i triumvirate, in wiiicii tiie same degree I of c;mnih:!l ci ui liy existed umler dif-j fei eiit :'spev t«. l/:tnlon murdeied to j i's 1.'!’'': !vo!)fsni('rre, lo aven;(‘i .\re we worth move.? Lut’s jirove it, now’ we can ; J’or we must ficat them, boys, ere set of sun, ‘ Or J/i/ry Sl(ir/;'.i a Jl'id'ttr /' It was done.” We earnestly hojie and trust that tlu' ])ublication of the remainder of this poem will nut long be delayed. A”. V. Cu-c!lv. An oivl l.idy proverbi.d for lu'r pride d’('hrisii.Miily, one afternoon d.iscover-1 o;„(.s to rest.' 'i’hereis not in nature so Jasciii.iting an object as a failhful, teiiiier and afiectionate wife. me, when I have finished my work, whether my bones shall bleach in tho winds of heaven, or rot in the bosom of the earth.” Knox having retired, one of the lords said to the queen, “ W« may let that man alone, fur we cannot punish him.” Well, therefore, miti;lit it bo said b}- a nobleman at the grav^ of John Knox, “ Here lies cue who ncvci* feared the face of man.” When I look upon the tombs of the jjusinessji n its most prosperous state, gi’oat, every emotion of envy dies iit is full of anxiety, labor and turmoil. 0 how dear to tlie memory ol a man is the \'. ife wlio clothes her fa’e in smiles, who uses ^('11110 expri’ssicns, and who me ; w hen I read the epitaphs of dio beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of pn- rents upon a tombstone, inv iieart mcii.'^ ed wi! he midst of her work, the n t erend sh.epiierd of the ilock of which ^!'e \’. as a n.( ir.!>er, within a ft » w' [,,".ces (d’ the lioMse, and making straight lo tl'.e door. Wishing lo hetliougbt well em ployed slie tlirew’ her spienmg aside and sei/iri'.:; her speetaeles and biblc, though she I'ouh! not read a word, sat down and was euga^-ed so deeijly at the time the {oiifsuK'rre, to aven!(‘i . ' , ‘ ^ . , , .... ‘ .• , I gooo man enl' ied, as pi t li observe his iPptred vanity, ov to ;emov(;a MV;d| dut I. [(ol’C-pM •lie pos^essfd this advaidnge tl.al liC (iid not seem eitlii r for hoar i.VLl D.tutoi u loi’ WI e> | eiidieii', Lu1 lived in stri.'t :.nd eco- i;()niii d i.,tiiL:ii('d, to ju.stify I'le namr of the iiieoi i ui.tdde. with wliich lie w as who.n he envietl: Marat, fri->m llu'same! inslini'tlve !o\ i,’ of blond, w hi( h indnci s | a W' !i to coiiiiiiue h;s r;!\a>.;e d thi v.iigi’.fier his hilliL!;er 1-. .ij>pi ased.i her on llu' iiock-; “ I) lU’r.n (, cow aidice: .•i.',:;s a’id.'ii itt ii’ar iititil he oenliv , loulder, w ith' “la! maiia’m, do von read j people on t!i. i wit!, your bible upside down ?*’ “ Oh I IVrhnps then ! dear i'. it .Ml'. said siie. “vos, I al- espi.'cd Kohesjiiene for his 'puMTi' i.'arc (d I f.intoi'i; and \ hate—aiid to h.il I.'k lei'O- h him was — llolu ty I.') !.onoiod I. V h.s pariisans. He atipcars 1 w hen the In ur ai i ived—to dedroy.-- io lu’.ve |!(;."'e-sf ,j IiUle talent, saving r. [Tiiex dillered in *1k ii' ide;is also id’ the (ieop fund id’i. vproei isy, eori.sid( ra!j!e i’ ,o(w''of eI’oising t In. ir terrihie s\stem powcis of s 'j riisfi v, aiul a cold eyiig-j of g.ivei'uineut. Danlon Inii ollen in geial'-'d stiaiii of td Jtoi'V, i.s loi f ige i ('is mouth tho si'Utence ol /lacl iav el, 10 goo(| ia>-tf, as ill''mo;t>u>'es he 1 ecuii,- it; it w hen it hrcomes nerts-ary to shi d ineiided were to ordinary immuiity. l! j idood asinirh; gre:.t mas >;u're l;;is ;• moi r seemed wnutli i fui, thi.i e\ eu tl.e " ( th- j dreadl'ul ellect tlian a series td' successi\'t ing atid iioiliiiii" ol t!’.'‘ rt volutioi.ary ; ( xecutions, lio'j.'v’pifi re. on th(“ com- cnuld.'on sliould have se.it up from thei'r.:try, preferred the h'itter imoees-'as ihi hot'', nt, an i he:'.’: ■•'.ippnrti.d on l! e sur'- * !le.^t way ol sti'iain.!'.': t!ie ndgn f I'acr, a thir ' s ' -'•r;ddy \ oie o, ( l.iims [ i o;. c apjj^tr.i’ oi'Maiat eoul i i ol to ways lead vo ; I'm left handeti.” I'ro.ii i!.i 'I ri nton I’mporieai. Ph’ Vls!’. A.M) rr.N;V. Ul'- 'riie WOI hi, siM'ne peojde say, is ern- ‘^niious—and it i, to aoeitain extenj. true:—l>ut ihe world ^Duielimi's cou*- is ever ready to releive and husii hisj'vilh comjiassion : w hen I set; tiie toiiib?' of the parems themselves, 1 considc: the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow ; wdien I see kings lying by those who dejioaed them; w hen 1 coiisiVier r.va! \\ its j.iaced suif by side : or tlie holy men that divide ’ llu; w\irld with their contests and putes, I leHecf wilh sorrow and asinn ishmc t on ihe litth; competitions, t-i' tions and debates of mankind. WliCf I read tie' several dates of the to:n!)-. of some liiat died yeslerdnv, and six hmuhed years ago, I lumsider tlir." great day w hen we shall all of us he I tenij'orai ies and make our a])pca‘i'niiff' I'rom :':o;i’s Herald. TT;tAI, rou wn ( IKMiAl'T. -1//'. rii/Jlvr. — I am no iVit rid to su- prrstilion, yet I cannot h.el]> roverin'i; some of the good old steady hai.dts of our ancestors—.Much has Ixhmi said a- gainst the ancient New ] li'.ghin.'.ers f,u- cli.-'i'u:'; ' f ^’’i!eIl- (‘I e !iiiii'i;s eondiK't ; hni !i;ifl li C!;d!. i’erhaj') wronfi: in their ..I ‘d by the sar.'e ].rliir>iplc“s p’-oi’eedmgs at a :dt, where 1 was jp!inie:ls v( ry higldy—and I liav'i* a I ''troeg iiudinaiion to s:i\-, lliat its pr;4is(>^ jihtUM ie tiii^tluel than ils eeiisui'es—1 I ( I'lisi’.re wlien it is applied wdiere it j :s iuei-iird, olfeii has a s.dutarv ellect. 1 \V hen hi stov.I ed uh.tf. •i it [ji'cdi I V' h'Tf; it is ^ot-+!eser^•- un iioer',' on a well teif- 'I'iie ei.g ;uid pi \ :til- been i which go\-erned th lati* trial fer \’.itch‘ present, ] Ise.ow not th'it mu.’’.! eou'd lie saiii au";ntist them. In tlds ciise th:^ prisoner, (who was a eorpuhnt, red- 'vo!n:m.' Tih'tld ' '.\e!I a'->!,-.ti,u !iy able counsel ^v!lo proilered llndr ser vices gratuitously. Why t))rv did ,?o, 1 kniwv not ; unless il because she had biwilch'Ml them. Aiier he'arini:: the evidence, th.o piry hi'iuiitit in a veidict of 'iiuilty. ! ho pit Siding iiidir.e, vvhcv-nauio vvi.s i’,;-''j r., immcdiatelv laced, smilino: ^ori ,f a “not guilty.” Siie .e ui;i)l;c iiisl.::',t;o;ij but Uob^picr- j oe saliatud - tt (;y cu..iL'ining belh UiUik-s | u.g lasposiHon aiiieng peep! j lu thmk ' ncai aiJ rccJi’LC'/l prr-CT.l lo !;)W ]>ass si'!,i*.‘iiee accordii'ii' ' give \-oii his word'j as ■ cir:. to'>'other. Ini,M-atiiur;e ti'wer so thoroiig-hly liic; CCS ihe human breast when il j)roi from those iti whose hehalf \vc huve bei.:i ^ruiltv of 'tuiiscrctions. Avoid ilie eye tliai discovers "’ith r pidity the !)ad, and is slow to see ti> ;;on(h If your wife be a scns'ddc woman, nuke her \our iirivate secretary. ( boost u wile as vou choose sii look well at her temper. Marryin: a man you dislike, in Iinri'‘' of lovitipf him afterwds, is liki; god':; -‘I’a iti a storm, in hopes fd'fair weaili'';'. ‘•lie wiio is not handsumc a' twoiii'- nor siropj^- nt UTirty, nor rich at fori.'« iHi‘-«-ise at fifiv, will never be haiidsUtii • iror'j, ricr rich, nor

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